Revival Night 2 With Troy Brewer

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everybody raise your hands on its prey now love see tonight the name of Jesus I believe me to do what no man can do cheese's name perform a successful operation on these eyes stop doing it a feeling right now [Applause] I'm in first power in the name of Jesus lady in the name of Jesus I command Brian died see but I take my hand off of your eyes you're gonna see everything right yes how many believe it shot him in get ready everybody in Jesus name I command blind eyes [Applause] the way oh yes Tiana yes I do see eye to eye you look fine you good come here do you see the pastor yes I do see look [Applause] guys let's give a lord of great big praise in the house hello my friends welcome blesses a piece on you that was amazing triple a threat of a a Alen having a multi-racial church service back in the day when you didn't do that in the spirit of the Living God moving and reigning and blind eyes being open in one year a allen saw over 5,000 blind people healed in one year in one year I know a lot of people people who have spoken into my life directly who actually worked for him and did a lot of cool things with him and I just I praise God for him and praise God for his legacy amen so how is everybody tonight man I welcome you I welcome you here tonight guys welcome welcome welcome to night number two of our revival and I'm just going to jump right off into this father God sir come to your Lord and I love you and I praise you and I thank you King Jesus sir for your magnificent presence we love you Lord Holy Spirit move here tonight open up blind eyes here tonight open up deaf ears heal the sick let the dead get up and walk around Lord God I pray father God in the name of Jesus God that we would see amazing things even in this room tonight Lord God I pray God that we would clearly hear you speak father God sir we lean in towards you Lord God and I pray father in the name of Jesus knowing God that this is an open window of heaven I praise you in Jesus name well while ago I was inside of my office and I've been in I've been I've been trying today so hard I've been I've been fasting and praying today and I've been like I want today to be different I am going to just seek God in a really radical way today I did some really crazy prayer walks today I had my cowboy hat on and I had my Jewish stuff all over me and I mean I look like a crazy man I had a sword in one hand I had a walking stick and another I'm walking around losing my mind neighbors never come to the fence never I listen I have been living in Glen Rose since since December I have never had the neighbors come to my fence one time and I have three neighbors this guy's has 40 acres and that guy's 40 acres this guy's 40 acres all three of them were at the fence today while I was out walking around act like crazy man that's like come on God really there is no telling I thought I moved away from my neighbors thinking I'm a crazy man I want to tell you guys I was in my room while ago and I nearly fell over my I did all up all on the big screen in there you're in praise and worship and I was crying out and praying in the spirit and talking to the Lord about tonight and Lisa Vanderbilt who's an elder in our church she got up and she gave the word and guys are one just tell you she has no idea she does now because I called her out of the prayer tent while ago and said you need to come in here I've got to tell you this I just got back from Israel you guys know that right well I was there there was a brother me and brother Steve and you guys can see Steve back there Steve would you just raise your hand right on so Steve and I have there's there Steve right there we love you Steve and you know what Steve and I we were in Israel together and there is an amazing prophetic man of God I mean I'm brother brother Nina asked her who's way way away next level prophetic and just being around him I begin to prophesy crazy cool things and and it was a really neat thing but he just carries the way he carries the presence of the Lord prophetically is amazing and they called we're let me just kind of set up this environment we go into this room and guys I'm not kidding you okay there are every nation in the world it looks like is in there there are Africans in there there are Americans in there there are Europeans that are in there there are French people that are in there and and there's people from these islands these Pacific Islands that are there and it was it was a little room it was literally probably I don't know it may be ten percent of the size of this room and everybody was crammed in there and everybody was worshiping and dude they were they were doing Israeli really cool Hebrew worship and then as soon as you walk in they just kind of size you up and they give you an earpiece and you dial into whatever language is going on in the room because all these people are standing at the back of the room and they're just interpreting and this is wrong Cantor's church this is where this brother goes to church at and I was like oh my gosh and run just watch this and he didn't he didn't tell us anything we just walked in went whoa so I put an earpiece in and I can hear this girl at the back of the room you know she's just translating for whatever's going on they called Steve and I up there me and Steve get up there man and we're praying and all of these people from the nations the nations and nations are praying for us and then and then he says I see a star on you and I see a five-pointed star and then he says it's a new mantle of authority that's on you and he said it's like what do they call it in America what do they call it they couldn't think of the word and we knew what it was we're like a new sheriffs in town he like yeah a new sheriffs in town a new level of authority and so when she got up and gave that word while ago guess guys did y'all catch it that she also said I somehow tie that into Israel somehow right and did y'all catch she doesn't have a clue that that word was just spoken on to us in Israel amen so we say thank you Jesus we love you Lord amen amen amen gossip you would please open up your Bibles to the fifth book of the New Testaments called the book of Acts while you're turning there I want to just say it's a great privilege to be here tonight I know that the pastor Jim Maxwell is in the house here there he is and there's his beautiful bride hello mama how are you love y'all call you guys blessed I love y'all so much it's Pastor Jean here tonight see that brother that brother runs on Mexican time and he'll be here about three hours late that's what he does but Gina as Agera is going to be here tonight sometimes you know man it's all about the spirit okay all right anyway if you say 7:00 the Gina's Agera that means ish to him amen him and Leanna Brewer on the same exact clock I promise you so so anyway it's it's a great honor to be here Steven Gina Maddox are here from from dreams and mysteries and man we love you guys we call you guys blessed and we're about to be able to say you know Steven Gina Maddox with Troy Brewer ministries is here amen so man we love you guys we call you guys bless we're so glad y'all are here amen man so you found the book of Acts you go to the fifth book of the New Testament and that's already a sermon in it the power of God the grace of God the number five the title of the book of Acts is very interesting to me because it could have been titled a bunch of different things y'all know that y'all know that the book of Acts is the second part of the Book of Luke so when Luke wrote Luke what you and I know it's Luke he wrote it in two different letters and I've done a whole lot of research on this I'm like what is that all about because because it starts off Luke is all about Jesus right and then and then it goes over to after the resurrection of Jesus and it goes into the church and it ends up talking about Paul and it's talking about he's talking to this he's talking to a Roman authority and if you look at the beginning of the book of look and if you look at the beginning of the book of Acts he's talking to you know Theophilus and he's talking to this big-time Roman authority now a lot of people a lot smarter than me have done a lot of research and why would why would Luke be writing a Roman official and telling him about how real Jesus is and how real the Ministry of Paul and the Apostles was and it's because that guy was in charge over the Providence that had the prison that Paul was in so a big major theory is that the reason why the book of Luke and the reason why the book of Acts was written was because brother Luke who was a Greek was writing the Romans saying hey he's not crazy this is real amen so the title of the book of Acts is the Acts of the Apostles and again there's a big sermon in that because it's not the doctrines of the Apostles it's not the of the Apostles is not the sermons of the Apostles is not the opinions of the Apostles it's the Acts of the Apostles and what turn the world upside down is they didn't just sit around and graph about everything they actually got up and did something how to loo you but maybe even a better title to the book of Acts might be the Acts of the Holy Ghost through the Apostles the acts of the Holy Ghost through the Apostles man I like that something else is really interesting about the book of Acts is that doesn't have an ending and you know why that is because the Holy Ghost is still moving today that's why the Holy Ghost didn't stop indeed didn't it didn't stop moving 2,000 years ago Jesus Christ is alive and well and the Holy Spirit is upon the earth right now and he's doing incredible miracles well miracles played a very important part of the establishment of the early church and it still plays a very important part of the establishment of the church today in every culture up on the earth where there are no miracles the church dies and instead of being a living testimony and full demonstration of the spirit and power we become we become holy museums of how God used to move and how God will someday move again you know why it is for 2,000 years all the Jews could do throughout the world for 2,000 years to say I believe someday we're gonna go back to Israel I believe someday the power of God is going to be activated I believe that someday and they would always say next year in Jerusalem right meanwhile the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ has had the same resurrection power that raised Jesus from the dead but many of us are guilty of sin next year Jerusalem when right now we can walk in the promises of God right now we can walk in full demonstration of the Spirit and a power guys if you would please open up your Bibles to Acts chapter 3 Acts chapter 3 now Peter and John went up together to the temple at the hour of prayer and then it defines it as the ninth hour now that doesn't mean it was nine o'clock in the morning that actually means it was about three o'clock in the afternoon because according to the Jews reckoning the first hour is around 6 a.m. and it's interesting to me all the things that happen on the ninth hour if you do a study and there's apparently is an open window of heaven at the ninth hour Jesus Christ Himself actually gave up the ghost at the ninth hour and guys one of the reasons that that is is because it was during the ninth hour according to Luke chapter 1 verse 8 through 10 and according to Revelation chapter 8 verse 3 and 4 that that's the time of the evening sacrifices and the offering of incense at 3 o'clock in the afternoon because we need to figure out how dr.pepper time works in the kingdom and we need to figure out whatever MOA deems that there are where God Almighty says if you will meet me at this time I will amen if you can fill in the brain whatever that is meet me at a certain place at a certain time for a certain move of God and that is so Kingdom guys because this until the person next year don't be out of timing amen so these guys were in perfect timing in the first miracle that I want to point out here is that they actually prayed oh my god that's a miracle right there because man if you can get the people of God to pray I'm telling you things will happen verse 2 and a certain man who was lame from his mother's womb was carried whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called beautiful to ask alms from those who entered the temple who seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple they asked for arms and fixing his eyes on him with John Peter said look at us there comes a place and I walk with King Jesus that the way that we carry the presence of God does not need to be ignored and it does not need to be denied there are tons of people that were going into the temple that day there was all kinds of crazy stuff going on and in the midst of all that in the midst of all the chaos of every kind of people skinny people fat people every kind of color you can imagine everybody wearing all kinds of different clothes everybody walking in this place is a stop and focus on us that's a big deal it's a really really big deal it's interesting to me too that it says it says I love this is just something that's just interesting to me it says it says and seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple he asked for arms and fixing his eyes on him with John Peter said look at us I don't know if you know this or not but John is this clingy person who in in his youth he really doesn't do anything except for parrot somebody who always has a stronger personality than him and now the reason why it's not James and John is because James is in big-time trouble and if he's not already dead he's fixing to be dead but Peter at this time has already picked up the mantle and it always says and James and James and John said this and James and John did that and James and John did this and John doesn't really ever do anything unless somebody tells him to do something and he's the weakest of all the Apostles he's the youngest of all the Apostles he's the one everybody's like well you know why he didn't leave Jesus you know why because he hung out with the girls that's why I'm serious he was hanging out with the women and the women were faithful and the dudes it all ran off right and he's there and Jesus is on the cross and he looks down and he tells John behold your mother he said look at that woman I'm calling her your mama now which means you have a responsibility to take care of my mama this indicating of course that Joseph was already gone and Mary had to be taken care of it's very interesting to me that 70 years later 70 years after this he would be on the Isle that's called Patmos and he would have this vision and god almighty would literally pick him up out of a space time continuum move him and drop him back into time because time is a created thing and we say you need to look at this several thousand years in the future and then pulled him out and then he put him another thousand years after that showed him the great white throne judgment and then picked him up and then dropped him back at the place where God Almighty had originally picked him up and he had outlived all the other disciples and he was way more awesome than all the other disciples and he lived longer than all the others supples because the fifth commandment is one with promise that says honor your father and mother that your days be long up on the earth he took care of jesus's mama it turned out pretty good for John to be a mama's boy it sure did so he gave them his attention and expecting to receive something from them if you're somebody who marks in your Bible you need to Underland you need to underline this part because now he's set up and he's expecting to receive something from them then Peter said silver and gold have on have I none I do not have but what I do have I give to you now and then he says in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk there's a whole bunch of things in this right here that I just want to unpack but one of these things is this he he actually found himself in a place where he's expecting to receive something my friend I want to tell you expectancy is the currency of prophetic people expectancy has to do with trusting the character of God expectancy has to do with I don't know how this works but I know the heart of my King Jesus expectancy comes from a lifetime of walking with God in such a way that you have such this history where you're like you know what I just I don't know what's going to happen but I'm expecting something good amen man your carnal nature is is always geared to expect something Bad's going to happen so you're always in survival mode and survival mode is the kryptonite - walking a powerful life within the Holy Spirit if your main goal is to survive you will live a life as a dead man I'm just telling you this you you can't be your main objective cannot be survival you know it's one of the things I think about in leading this church is my main objective survival because if it is that ain't the kingdom and you give and give and give past the point that's actually responsible man you put yourself out there you know I can't tell you how many times that we have been in leprosy colonies and you look around and I mean you guys know that leprosy is contagious right and listen I'm a weirdo because I'm a bad slob but I'm also kind of a germ freak I don't know if y'all know this about me and if you just look man you know we got germ stuff all over this building because that's how I'm like well you don't have any faith oh quit it you walk around filthy hands if you want to I ain't going to so anyway man I'm weird I'm just weird and I can't tell you how many times I've been up here playing my guitar and jamming and all of a sudden my you know sometimes you just number one I'm 50 I'm fix me 51 and you just feel things you never felt before stuff hurts that ain't never hurt before stuff goes out that have never gone out before you're like what the heck man and I can't tell you how many times I have thought to myself I wonder if that's leprosy now be up here I prayer in the name of Jesus no leprosy no leprosy Psalm 91 no leprosy in the name of Jesus and everybody's like what an awesome men of God look at how he worships the king it's because I'm scared to death I'm feared I'm fearful I got leprosy man did you get it you can't up just your your survival cannot mean cannot be your main priority man you just can't and one of the reasons why the church is so dead in the United States is because everybody does everything so stinking responsible quit being so dadgum responsible please and go after God in a way that makes other people mad go after God in a way that everybody says you're crazy amen so gave his attention expecting to receive something from them then Peter said several and go do not have but such as I have I give unto you I want to just I'm going to come back to this but I want to just go ahead and just just say it right now and say this you're not going to give away anything that you do not already have and we're about to get into that because man you got to have some crazy encounters with with King Jesus but then he says this in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk he did not say in the name of Jesus of Galilee he didn't say in the name of Jesus the Son of God he didn't say in the name of Jesus whatever because man we could put we could put so many other words to that what he said was in the name of Jesus of Nazareth Nazareth was where Jesus lived life Nazareth is where Jesus you know lived like a normal human being and so this is what he said in the name of Jesus who I live life with not according to somebody else's theory not so in another corner somebody else's interpretation of the Bible but in the name of Jesus that I know from living everyday life I'm telling you get up right now man I like that and he took him by the right hand and he lifted him up because apparently the dude he didn't get up quick enough he's like no that's what I'm talking about and gets him up and lifted him up and immediately everybody say immediately immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength now guys think about this because the brother has never walked in his life and there's a huge process that you have to go through to gain strength within your within your legs within your ankles within your feet man it takes a long time to learn how to walk right okay no this happened immediately and not only immediately did he know how to do it but immediately he had the ability the physical ability to do it what is it that is supernatural accelerated timeframes that is supernaturally accelerated timeframes man that comes from a word from God from somebody who says well I don't know nothing about that money stuff but I know about this boom how do you know about that Peter because I lived with him in Nazareth I have a history with him and while I know he was God God God I also know he was a hundred percent man he wasn't a hundred percent man pretending to be God and he wasn't 100 percent God pretending to be a man he was both man and God at the same time and I know I'm just a dude but I know this he was anointed by the Lord and according to that getup get up he took him up by the right hand and the brother lost his mind it says he gets up and he's leaping why because he's never got to jump in his whole life never don't you know every little boy wants to jump he's never got to jumping off square man God ever gives me legs first thing I'm gonna do is take off running and jump up and down and he did it I don't tell you something lot of times it ain't pretty when people jump up them down one time Lena and I was in Uganda and we were getting ready to baptize people and I didn't know that people got completely naked when they got baptized now I'm not talking about a little bit naked I'm talking about is naked is naked can ever be in the history of naked and man here we've done this crusade and there's you know six hundred people going to get baptized and we all go down the river and the first thing that I'm amazed at is they break out these baseball bats and these people get in the water and they're just you know they're just speaking in tongues they get in the water like this I'm gonna do buddy right they don't get they're just freaking out and they start banging on the water gay and gay again I thought wow that's cool man some cool African ritual no they're trying to run off alligators and win it with it funny I was like man that's awesome and I'm like oh oh no as today I'm a Methodist bring me a bucket [Applause] I kidding you is only time my life I've ever sprinkled anybody find like I am not getting down that water you get running that mess if you want to I am NOT uh know so well I'm like I'm getting all this I'm like backing up going okay okay okay now know that that ain't cool our turn around look at Leanna in Leanna has this look on her face like oh my because oh 600 people in line have stripped off their clothes because it's the only set of clothes that they have and they don't want to get them wet and they have stripped off their clothes and guys there was a move of God and they were all dancing Jesus Jesus and it was so wrong on so many levels I hate I totally of this the last thing I ever see I will not make it into heaven I was like Oh King Jesus and Leah that was just like oh jesus oh jesus oh jesus oh Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus well I don't imagine it was very pretty when this brother got up and he started jumping down acting a fool and a very reverent environment and people saw him walking and praising God then they knew it was he who set beggin arms at the beautiful gate at the temple and they were filled with Wonder and amazement at what had just happened to him you guys I want to show you listen man whenever these things happen when these kinds of miracles happen look we somehow we put stained-glass on that and we we read it as Scripture and but you just need to understand it wrecked the environment and it didn't go along with what everybody else was doing and it didn't make everybody else happy it offended everybody there and a lot of times guys how the Spirit of God moves in the people that the Spirit of God will move upon are just going to just mess everything up I brought a video of a modern-day brother who is for his for the past 28 years he's had a terrible back he's back was crushed 28 years ago there's some brand-new Christians in Austria these Christians have only been they've only been saved for eight months they haven't been in church long enough to learn how to not believe Jesus yet so they're out there praying for people right they're out there praying for people and just going hey dude can I pray for you can't pray for you so they stopped this guy and this guy has his daughter with him and he's like yeah you can pray for me man but my back's been messed up for 28 years and he prays for him and then he's like are you healed and the guys like no and he says I'm gonna go to the park if I get healed I'll let you know they're like okay he starts to walk off and then he did just exactly like our brother did last night which was so powerful hey you know why if you didn't get your healing let's just pregnant there were so many breakthroughs in the house after that second prayer amen God's y'all know that Leah shoulder got healed last night amen when there's so many shoulders that got healed in here last night so many show I was like wow how to Lou you man I thought you know if God's gonna heal everybody at joints I thought marijuana was leaving the whole dadgum County so so so they could go to this guy and they're praying for this guy and I want to tell you his response is a whole bunch of cuss words I had to I had to find I had to find a version of this where they actually bleep out how bad this brothers cussing but you know the brother isn't saved yet he's healed but he's not saved yet and he doesn't know how to express himself in any way other than saying bad words okay it's not pretty it's offensive but I found the version of it where a bunch of it's cut out and I want to show it to you man you guys are gonna love this let's watch this now Jesus time right thank you for marking these beautiful family that you're gonna pull so much love and you know it's gonna be healing I believe there's gonna be healing and deliverance in the name of Jesus Saint I'll be at the power okay thank you very much mark walked away weave paint still in his back but instead of creating theologies as to why he wasn't healed John and Pat simply believed this we just believed it we've got that faith to go out and pray for everyone and just because we love him so much because Jesus thought so much loved us he gave us his son so we so much love him that we give ourselves for him and instead of being discouraged as mark walked off these were John's words I can feel something this button or spraying then the extraordinary happened as he was walking off he just came back and started screaming it does yeah you're lucid hallelujah oh no jesus loves you brother I just made for you we got faith it's Jesus it's all his glory we just pray going right down go right down you can do that did you feel sucker will pray he loves you bro he's gonna do that before say isn't that amazing yeah he's bending that pain for years it's Jesus man it's Jesus something it's that's heaven man well not Jesus is the magic where's the magic where's the magic my favorite part of that is I can go back to the disco listen I promise you that brother does look near as good as he think he does at the disco man listen if you continue to watch the rest of that as he continues to as the healing begins to manifest more and more and more and more and more he just starts crying and go I don't understand this and they lead him to Jesus right there on the spot it's the love of God amen it's the goodness of God that brings men to repentance it's not the control of the church I don't know if y'all a lot to quote me on that because I don't get you some hate mail amen really and certainly man the issue is not will God save a knucklehead that cusses every other word the issue is will the church put up with him long enough for God to save the knucklehead who Cussler's every other way that's that's the issue the problem is not God the problem is not the world the problem is the church so let's just get listen let's just repent of that amen let's just repeat of that let's just get with the program so here's what I thought I'd do I you know you guys know that I'm the teaching pastor here and I'm the guy that does all kinds of teaching and believe me I want to do a lot of teaching tonight but I just feel like I'm just supposed to release some things into the house tonight the Bible says that it's the testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ that the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy amen listen the book of Revelation the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy and like well what does that mean it means this man when you start when you start when you start testifying of how the Heart of Jesus has changed you how the person of Jesus has changed you a prophetic spirit moves in the room a spirit of prophecy not the gift of prophecy not the Office of prophecy but the spirit of prophecy amen I when I'm around really Fedak people i tend to get really prophetic because i know oh hey man i'm jumping in on this man I am I'm jumping on this but I also wanted to say this that that well I'm a favorite thing to do is teach when I'm outside of the country I don't tend to do a whole lot of teaching I tend to just do a whole bunch of demonstrating and praying over people and calling people out I was hoping that Pastor Jean would be here but once again I would like to just let everybody know that he is late and I want that on record yes for the record Pastor Gina Segura is late okay I mean he only had 500 miles to drive I don't know why he would be late I mean he literally had 500 miles to drive so he he's probably a water Berger right now anyway one of the things that God does with me is he he does the kinds of miracles if I was going to tell you Tory what are the greatest miracles that you've seen in the past 30 years of being a ministry what are what are those miracles and if I was going to share with you some of the greatest miracles that I've seen or what about the greatest encounters we had or the greatest visions I want to just I'm going to tell you about some encounters I'm going to tell you about some visions but I want to just talk to you about the greatest miracle let's just put that up there whenever we whenever I talk about miracles what I always the thing that always blows my mind it's kind of like a book I always always read a book I'm not according to how well it's written but I always rate a book according to the impact it makes on my life you know I can read a certain book at a certain time and boom man it just changes my life I'm like yes and then but you know and it might not it might not do that with you and so miracles are very much like that for me and I've seen some mind-blowing things but there been some things that have just made such a tremendous impact upon my life I want to tell you that there is a lady that is probably watching right now and her name is Reena Quan and Reena Quan lives in Portland Oregon and her and her husband are very good friends of ours her son is a big part of our church he moved all the way from Portland to come out here and I just love Ethan Quan he's a really good boy and I want to tell you that Arena is well both of them are actually medical professionals and they have been with us all over the world especially to Uganda and been a big part of our medical outreaches and the stuff that we do over there it's a big part of what we do by the way if you are a medical professional man you should come go with us you really should you shouldn't go with us to Uganda or to India or to Nepal or to police or New Mexico or to the Amazon jungle you should do that well when you're she comes and there was how we do it is this we go out into the village we line everybody up we do a medical assessment we invite everybody to the medical clinic and then we do a whole day where we just do an assessment and I say we I'm not the guy that does that you know but I mean the professionals are so they talk to every single person what is it that algea and then they talk to the next person and talks to the next person then they come to me and then me and Lisa main tend to go to the pharmacy and we buy several thousand dollars worth of dope and it's like I'm a mule for the Colombian drug cartel when I leave there we have our whole cars just filled full of dope just filled full of dope and then we take it all back to the clinic and then we tell all those people come back the next day and then they actually treat all those people and it's an all-day event because there's no such thing as an emergency in Uganda and when you get up there there's a lot of this that happens okay I need to buy this this this and this is this what happens mmm hello hey man I need to buy this I had a meeting you well can we buy this now while I'm still young because I got to buy a whole bunch of other stuff but they're like okay and they break out this sheet of paper and they start writing down everything on this thing and I'm telling you it is just like I can't stand it okay so I so I have to gear up for that not the prayer in the Holy Ghost and I have to gear up for what's going to happen there because it's just not good for me to be in that kind of an environment so the next date would come back and this is what's happened is there's this mama and she has several kids and she's got this little girl and this little girl is she is obviously Down Syndrome child and she's beautiful she's wonderful and the mom is like you know there's just something going on I don't know what's going on you know because this mama she's a late teenager this is her third kid she's never left the village in her life she's never been in contact with anybody that you know fights this and she doesn't know what's going on she's like it's just something I don't know just something is just different and so we get with her and we just say you know and I can just remember it just Reena bring this heartbreaking over this mama because this mama was a really good mama and she's raising her kids really good and she's like you know hey will you you know do you have some medicine and Reena really didn't know how to walk her through the whole thing and so she just got on her and she put her she put her arms around this mom and said listen you know what man your baby's perfect she has something that's common throughout the world and you know what she's just not gonna be she's not gonna grow at the same rate that the other kids do and you're gonna have special challenges but it's gonna be okay and so the mom is like we'll just pray for and so Reena is like okay okay I'll pray for her and so she just politely prayed for well whenever we got home that child as whenever you go on a missions trip many time there will be certain children that will come in that you will come across that they just you can't get them out of your head and I have a bunch of those kids and I mean you just you just can't get them out of your head you just like and then she just thought about that mama and thought about that kid well one of the things that you do when you know that you're gonna go back is you'll be in the store and you'll be like that's perfect for that kid I'm only and then you end up taking all this junk to your special kids that you got to sneak off over here come here I got you this too this is awesome all right that's just kind of what you do Atlanta has the worst in a world about that so we go back the next year and this is after a whole year of of praying and and her thinking about this family and her praying for that family every day and we go back and this year later and it's the same routine we all get together everybody lines up and she's looking in the midst of you know going through all of these people and trying to assess exactly what the problems are and if it's something we can treat or something we can't treat she's looking for this mama and sure enough man she sees the mama and Reena has had this picture of her and this child all year long and so she sees the mama and she's like oh good she goes hey there's like hey Melissa man Ugandan Czar just there a special kind of people East Africans are just special they're just they're just amazing and she comes out it's like wow you know that's Detroit birth stuff right there right so man they're hugging each other and they're loving each other and she's like here's my boys and she's like look at how much bigger they are she's like oh they're beautiful they're like where's it where's the little girl and she said oh she's right there and she said no no the little girl last year she goes no that's her guys I want to tell you as God is my witness that child was healed and I I want to just tell you it thunder struck me because it's never occurred to me to ever pray for a healing for that I'm like God healed that child on a genetic level well why couldn't God heal a child on a genetic level and and I've never heard of that happening now I have since then because I've looked it up and I was just like oh my gosh and and Reena was blown away Reena went to her church and it so offended her church that they had to leave because you're crazy God wouldn't do that Wow because I'm telling you that that miracle rocked my world and one of the things one of the ways that it rocked my world is this I told everybody when I got on the bus I was crying I said I don't have that kind of faith I'm like I don't need to know what that kind of faith is I don't even know what that is I'm like that that just changed things for me because I've never seen that before and I you know you know we're around Down syndrome children all the time and they're just beautiful they're just incredible and and you know what they they bring healing to families in such a cool way and I mean they're just in many ways they're just a special gift and I never occurred to me that the faith of the mama here we are all these you know all these people who know the Bible frontwards and backwards and the Mamas just like we'll just pray for like okay and boom the little girl gets healed because of a Mama's faith who hasn't been protected from Jesus from the offensive nature of the goodness of God Wow I've seen some I've seen some cool things I've seen some some some cool miracles of perfect timing where one time in and I was I was in a prison in East Texas and I talked to a guy in it just to make a very long story short the guy was the guide number one he was just strikingly ugly and I don't know if you notice when somebody is like man that is that's a whole different kind of ugly right there well I tend to notice that and I was just like oh man this guy's it's like dude I'd be just a weird kind of ugly was on him and we were talking and he was telling me this huge story and he was telling me that he'd just got saved and I said well man I how did that happen he gives me this great story of how his whole family was awesome and he was the one bad egg in his whole family and man his family was just really good people he had a good mom and he had a good daddy but he was bad from the time that he was a little bitty he didn't know why he was bad but he was and he's always getting the fights and then he got into trouble and then the trouble turned into bigger trouble and bigger trouble or the bigger trouble until finally he killed somebody and that brother went to prison and his brother his whole family disowned him but his one brother was faithful to him and would come to prison all the time and talk to him and pray for him and tell him brother listen Jesus is your sir Jesus is your answer and he said the last time that his brother came to him and talked to him and said if you say that word to me one more time I'm gonna reach in your mouth and I'm gonna pull your tongue out and this brother went okay and he started crying and he turned around and he left and he thought well my brother be back next week he's a chump he always comes back but he didn't come back the next week he didn't come back the next week and then at Christmas time he thought surely my brother will show up and his brother did not show up but then a package came in the mail and you know man if you're in prison man Mel is a really really really big deal he's like yes yes yes and he opens it up because he haven't talked to his brother in months and he opens it up and there's a Bible of all things his brother could have seen him was a Bible and he opened it up hoping that there would be a big letter of explanation of why he hadn't seen him in several months and all it said was my brother read the red letters so it said and he got mad and he threw a big while I'd fit and he's like the audacity of my brother to send me a Bible as he was leaving the mail room going back to his cell he was attacked by a couple of guys and he fended him off and he was a scrapper and he's a fighter and he fought pretty well but he ended up being in in solitary confinement while he was in there he didn't have anything to do but read that Bible and he read through the read page that he just read the red letter he started at the book of John and he just read the words of Jesus and there's some way guys that the spear the Lord showed up in that cell and broke his heart and he repented and it gave his heart to Jesus he got filled with the Holy Spirit God started doing amazing things in his life and was all so he's telling me this and I said well do but your brother must be so happy about that he said oh he doesn't know and I'm like why doesn't he know why not he goes I did I I have lied to my family so many times and I've told so many lies to them I just I don't even want to tell them I'm saved I don't even I don't I don't even know how they're not gonna believe me they're they're not gonna believe what I'm telling them and I said I said well what would it take for your family to believe you and he said it would take a miracle and I said okay they started calling me on stage and I'm about to have to go up there and preach and I grabbed this brother this brothers ugly hand and you ever seen a little bitty guys that have giant hands about this big like a sasquatch he had just hairy hands and I was like Lord I was like Lord Jesus blessed this brother and help him I pray God that you do a miracle and let his family know that he's saved in Jesus name Amen a hug him I ran up on the stage strawberries are good to see everybody give me AJ AJ give me eat it was awesome and I never saw that brother again I never saw him one time after that well I got home super late that night got out of there about ten o'clock he was about a five-hour drive home I got home really late next morning my phone rings it's my good buddy Maurice Gilmore the drummer and a band called destiny I used to play him and he said hey man you want to go the ballgame with me today and it was just a kind of an odd thing out of the blue I'm like yeah it was the brand-new ball stadium then and I was like yeah I have been to that Stadium yeah man let's go up there and let's go do that he said okay so I go and I picked the brother up we get in the car and we drive over to the the parking lot and I don't know if you know everybody in here has probably been up there but you tend to have to park like ten miles away from the right and I was just amazed like man that's a long haul man like okay so I go around I'm trying to find a place now guys one of the ways that I'm weird is I don't like people who are not supposed to be directing traffic to direct traffic and tell me if I should go or if I shouldn't go now I don't know if any are like that but it's one of those weird deal like if I'm at a stop sign and you say go and if it's your turn I'll turn it off Liyana am I telling the truth it makes Leanna crazy like no you need to learn how to drive and you do not tell me where to go I know I'm weird so I'm like pulling up and there's this wino out in the parking lot and what he's doing is he's directing traffic and then he wants you to give him money he's like you're gonna Park over here and all right now I want to park over here look honey it's my place you need to park over here and I went to drive around him and he hit me so I throw it in part like this this is a long time ago okay I was young and I got out of the car and we got in a fight in the parking lot I was like you devil from hell I rebuke you in the name of Jesus and we got the big fight so the law comes and they you know they separate us and they haul him off right they haul him off and this this was like a 45 minute ordeal okay well by now the ballgame has started and I can hear the ball gown I can hear the national anthem going on Mike come on man can we please go like yeah you can go today we run run run run run run run run we get right up to the front door and man there's a line there and they got the window there and I'm about four or five people back in line and then it closes and it says so doubt and I was like ah what I thought that's stupid why no I can't believe this this is ridiculous so I go walking back a man I'm upset man and I was all you know I was all upset I was walking along and then this big guy way bigger than me comes walking up to me very fast and I was like wow and he comes walking right up to me and I mean he's he's literally at least eight inches taller than I am and he's like what do you want now it's like I don't want anything I mean nothing and I honestly thought he knew that I had gotten a fight with this anyone like a big huge monster fight it was you know it didn't one much to it but he I thought this must be this guy's friend or something and he just walked right to me and he goes and he just said this really booming voice what do you want I like I'm I don't want anything it's like yeah you do and I'm like no I don't want anything he goes don't you want to go the ballgame and I said yes and he also don't well don't you want tickets and I said yes and then he just sits there looking at me in this awkward way and I'm like can can I have some tickets please that's exactly how it went down and he goes yeah I got I got two tickets right here behind behind third base I'm like how much you want from him he said thirty bucks oh wow yeah let me have those so I'm gonna go running back up there I'm back in the game I'm back at the game a bit of game we go in there going there we find our seat now guys twenty years ago I was about 140 150 pounds heavier than I am right now and I was close to a 400 pound dude and those seats are real small and then when you when you're a fat guy and you have to sit next to people there's a lot of anxiety that goes with fat people that goes to this I marry me I find knew I was gonna get on an airplane I'm thinking okay okay okay this how I'm gonna do this I'm gonna wait till I see my seat hopefully I'll get up when he gets up I'll go there and sit down and make him kind of shimmy down next to me so I don't have to shimmy down next to him right and I'm looking at how tiny these seats are and I'm like this these things ain't made for Texas it's like for France or something so we get up there to get up get up to the seat and I chimi down next to ya till this guy I'm sorry sorry literally had to put on armor on this guy I'm like I'm sorry sorry it's total stranger he's like it's okay it's okay he's like trying to turn his back to me and it's just awkward and you know so man we're sitting there and I don't know fifth or sixth in G in G inning there's a guy by the name of Benji Gill Benji Gill could pop and off it goes and man I stood up hello and it went out and I was like praise God praise whatever Jesus would be Maurice we're giving it to the high five shimmy back down next to this guy and the guy goes so are you like a preacher and dude immediately I'm like no no no no I don't know I hope I don't have to talk to this guy I guess since my arm is around him I'm like yeah I do I do some preaching sometimes and he's like so where do you preach at my day off and I said dude I preach all over the place and last nigh preached in prison he goes oh really I said yeah he goes well I have a brother in prison and I said you do he said yeah I said what prison is he in he said he's in the michael unit I'm like well that's the prison I was in last night and the guy turns his watched his honey this guy was free in the michael unit last night she's like oh hi Mike hello thinking that's the end of the conversation please let it be the other conversation and he's like so uh my brother he's been in the michael unit for a real long time I'm like well maybe maybe I know your brother because I know a whole bunch of guys there does does he go to church he said oh no my brother does not go to church facts the last time I try to tell him about Jesus he told me he's going to reach in my mouth and pull out my tongue I am looking at this guy and the guy just you know just because of the anointing of the Lord the Spirit of God falls on him and he starts telling this exact story that his brother had told me then they're not before we had such good parents he was just bad he was always bad I always loved him I thought I could reach evil I couldn't reach even I mean the guy's just you know crying and I'm like it's okay dude so I asked him I said brother is your is your brother about this tall he has giant gorilla hands and he's extraordinary ugly and he goes yes I said I got good news for you man said that eyes talked to that brother in church and he's a drop dead so doubt Jesus Freak and he wants you to know he read the red letters that is a true story and then it was I mean we lost the game we lost our minds we got on everybody's nerves around us we started prophesying to each other and praying for each other I mean and I just thought what I'm sorry praying you don't think it kid I hope that wino wasn't an angel [Applause] yeah hope it Brad Jesus name cuz I know I know the seven-foot-tall brother was I know he was I think God I hope I didn't beat up an angel I hope that that's all I could think of the whole time I was praying here's what I wouldn't release on you right now I want to release in the mighty name of Jesus Supernatural timing for you perfect timing for you that you're in the right place at the right time for the right miracle to happen I declare in the name of Jesus Christ that such as I have I give unto you in Jesus name I want you to say I receive that receive your perfect timing in Jesus name hallelujah Leanna told me oh you got to be sure and tell them about the little boy that was healed of blindness in India pastor Jim was there and it's one of Leanna's favorite stories in the whole world because it was one of these kids that we've been praying for for years I got the one just tell you man sometimes man you're just gonna have to just press through you just got to just press through this little boy's name is Joshua and I have an affinity with people named Joshua I run into Joshua people all over the world I'm from Joshua Amen and I just knew he's going to get healed the first time we saw him because his name is Joshua I know that sounds weird but it's just one of those like one-one-one things for me okay so I just like wow and we prayed for him guys this village is hard to describe but it's fun to describe when I say it's a hillbilly village it's it's way out there isn't it I'll talk about it's out there guys I mean it takes forever to get there and hitting around anything else it's a jungle village and these these are hillbilly people that live out a middle of nowhere in India Dan our sound guy has been with us out there it's an extraordinary place in there brother and listen when we were out there the electricity we had we had one light bulb and the electricity went off and you know when the electricity goes off out there man it's some serious dark it's some India dark and so this little boy was blind and every year that we would go back to this village they'd bring us this little boy and we'd pray for him and he's just a fun kid he's he's probably what a little bunchy I would call bad kids and I'm I'm very attracted to bad kids bad kids are like a magnet to me you know they just had they just climb all over me right and so Joshua was very much like that it just so happened that Pastor Gene that Pastor Gina's Agera was with us who's late have I told y'all he's late and also pastor Jim faster Jim Maxwell was with us and that brothers on time amen hallelujah and we were all in this place and we prayed for her buddy it was just an extraordinary move of God it's one of those moves of God that she just is kind of hard to explain we were worse being we're an incredible environment the Spirit of the Lord is moving in a very special way in Liana was like Oh where's Joshua a lot of times guys when we have a favorite child and then we go to the village and we can't find that child it's like bad and we've had that happen to us over and over again where that child had died and we're just like oh and Liana was afraid to ask at first he's like where's where's Joshua and many times when you ask that to be like we'll come here and I'll show you a grave and you're just like oh man it's just devastated well they were like oh you know we put Josh go to bed early tonight he was especially bad tonight and we put the brother to bed and then it's like well can you go get him so that we can pray for him praise God for Leanna's faith amen praise God for Leanna pressing through that sometimes guys you got to mess up some things amen there's an order that he'll will set up that you're gonna have to tear down amen so so Liana insisted and they went got this guy and it's a long walk and they so finally he comes man and you know at first he's not really awake and he doesn't know what's going on but when he sees it you know he didn't see anything but once he finds out that it's us he's really excited and he's you know running around being bad like he does so we all prayed for it come on Jesus heal this brother nothing happened I mean we pray for him here come on Jesus heal this brother nothing happened so pastor Jim was like I am going to pray for this kid and I want to see his healing so I'm going to take a picture of him I would imagine that's what you were doing right pastor Jim you do have that picture with you yes so you have that you're showing everybody hey would you pass around your phone so ever now don't do that now you can't trust these people tell so you have to see what they do to my phone when they find it okay so anyway anyway let me have it now hold it up and you watch dildo zoom in on it hey pastor Jim I want you to look at that camera right there and hold that and hold that picture up so so ever whenever pastor Jim he gets his kid and he takes this picture hey good job guys wow that's hard to do man good job he takes this picture of this little boy and when he does the flash goes off now I want to just tell you this you can see and I don't know if you can see even in his eyes right there I want you to go back to the other picture because that's after he got healed of blindness this is before he got hill to blindness you can see in his eyes the brother is blind okay and he's got like these dark things over his eyes okay pastor Jim would you forward it to after this little boy got got healed listen man jesus healed that kid right there in front of us he healed that kid right there from his I'm not making that up so pastor Jim he fled he took a picture in a flash and the kid went whoa and he saw the flash and Jim said my god that kid just saw that flash and so pastor Jim started taking pictures over and over and over and as the flash every time his eyes look different and God was healing that kiddin he actually has the pictures of the progression of the healing taking place right there and if you thought that kid was bad when he was blind that kid ran around it touched everything there was to touch and ran amuck it was amazing I've had some among I'm gonna tell one more story I was I didn't even get to ten million things but another incredible miracle that took place and see you might not know us like this because let me in on Sunday morning when I come in here and I preach them it it's all about building okay but I want to just tell you what God does with us outside of the four walls of this church is absolutely incredible and I I thank God for what he does with us inside this church because we have an amazing church we really do I mean we have an incredible church but what God does outside of these walls with this church is really something else about 15 years ago Liana and I we had all these kids that we needed to buy Christmas stuff for the word had got out that our church was a church that helps people and and I love that reputation amen we want that reputation but you know man when people would come to us and say hey we need this and we need this and we need this and we need this man we'd be looking at each other and guys I'm I'm I'm not kidding you Liana and I didn't know how in the world we're gonna have Christmas for our own kids much less have Christmas for all these other kids that all these families who are coming to us to say well you help us and we're like yeah we'll help you we didn't know how we were going to help them we just said we will see that's that's how expectancy works if you wait until you got everything figured out you're not ever gonna walk with Jesus you're just not going to and so I'm just like yeah I I don't know the hand of God all the time but I always know the heart of God and and and God's gonna help us do this you watch I don't know how he's gonna do it but he's going to and of course I have an amazing wife that's in agreement with me on that everybody say praise God for her amen man yeah tell you what and women mess with me today I'll tell you what you wouldn't lasted five minutes with me I'm just gonna tell you this right now any woman never want to mess with me you wouldn't lasted five minutes with me the way that Leanna has lasted with me for past 30 years and Leanne has made a heck of an investment in my life too amen now look I don't blame women for messing with me hello I'm just kidding that cannot be on the radio or anywhere else can we please [Laughter] so anyway so anyway bad we didn't know what we were gonna do and somehow or someway and Leanna would have to tell this story I don't remember how we got the toys but we got a whole bunch of toys and a lot of the toys that we got to give away was actually they were these what were they called their American something dolls okay so okay cool all right so they're American Girl dolls well American Girl dolls are there all they all have different looks and they all have names right well this family came and there was this beautiful mama and she had this beautiful little girl and there was something obviously not right with her little girl and she just said well you know I need help and we said hey we're gonna be happy to help you so we decided to help him so we put together all this cool stuff and one of the cool stuff that we got was this American Girl doll and whenever we wrapped it all up and gave it to him she took it home and then on Christmas the little girl opens up her packages what I'm gonna tell you is that several years before this her sister this little girl's sister her older sister had died and I think that she died in a car wreck is that correct Leanna so she died in a car wreck and it so traumatized this little girl that she'd been non verbal nonverbal since the moment she found out that her sister had died she'd been in all kinds of therapy and the they'd been several years she hadn't spoke one single word and spoke one more just quit talking and hadn't said a single word when she opened up the presence that the Lord had given us to give to her the first thing that blew her mind was this doll looked just like her sister to her and then they're named and it was the name of her sister now look we didn't have a clue about any of this we didn't know about any of this and whenever she saw the name she read it out loud and she spoke and that mess was broken off of that little girl through a gift through a gift and that little girl started speaking again well of course you know the mama come running up there to tell us all that you you just don't know you don't want I I just released such as I have I give unto you in the name of Jesus the kinds of miracles that we've seen in the stuff that we've walked in in the faith of God that I walk in and the way that God uses stupid things that I do to do amazing things such as I have I give unto you in the name of Jesus receive that I'm gonna I'm gonna close by telling you prophetic words a couple of prophetic words and again I you know what I haven't been doing a lot of teaching tonight I'm just doing a lot of demonstrating tonight I want to just tell you that one of my favorite when I was a little boy my hero who still really is a big hero to me was David Crockett and a lot of people just don't understand that they're like what what's your deal with Davy Crockett Troy whatever if you don't know you just don't know okay and I just leave it at that but I love I love me some David Crockett when I was a little boy of course I love the Alamo and I love Texas history and and I'm a huge student of Texas history and I just David Crockett was a rock star before there were rock stars and he's a special person and he was just a normal guy he was lit he was mines whenever he died he was he was 50 years old whenever he died at the Alamo and hadn't been to a war since he was little since he was very very very young man but this reputation grew about him because there was a guy an actor an American actor by the name of Nimrod wildfire and he dressed up like David Crockett and he had this huge speech in the speech was I'm a screamer I can jump the Mississippi and I could dive deeper and come out drier than anybody else I'm a screamer and just for an hour he would say all these outrageous stuff that maybe you could attribute to I don't know Paul Bunyan or Pecos Bill or somebody like that just an extraordinary character except for David Crockett was alive and back in those days man people didn't have radio they didn't have TV and people would sit around tell stories and they remembered the words of the dramatist Nimrod wildfire acting like he was Davy Crockett and people would quote that and they they he believed that he could do extraordinary things and he had done some extraordinary things but they weren't supernatural things they weren't any of those things and so he literally brought the frontier to Washington DC and he was a part of something that's called the Whig Party him it didn't work out and he ended up getting out voted by a brother that only had one leg and that's where he gave his famous speech you know I said y'all can go to hell and I'll go to Texas so he came to Texas well I when I was a little boy I gave that whole I learned that speech and mostly because I thought my dad would be impressed with it and he was my dad is a huge Texas history guy and I learned that speech and I and I never forgot it and I actually said that there's a poem that goes with it and I said the poem in UIL poetry reading and I went all the way to state I'll say all that to say this I say all that to say this and this is it in 2011 I went through a bad time and I had some personal failure that I just nearly didn't recover from something I've been trying to make happen for a long time finally came to a head and it was obvious it was never going to happen and it involved relationships it involved people that I loved and I respected and it bled over and every single part of my life it bled over and every single part of leiana's life we had a church split it was just it was it was a mess I don't want to go off into all of it but the bottom line is man I was literally attacked by a group of people that wanted to to destroy us in every way that we could be destroyed and they were good at it and I really thought I could win them over because I'm the kind of guy that's I'm always convinced I can win people over always and there was no winning these people over and finally that the only choice I had was just to burden the whole field and guys when I get up and preach and tell you sometimes you have to burn the field but I do not recommend it I know I'm talking about because in 2011 I had to burn some fields and those fields I I'm not going to say anything other than they're burnt and it has been a painful painful painful part of my life if you heard brother Paul get up and prophesy last night a big part of his prophecy was you've experienced some big-time rejection and you know he don't know me and so you've experienced some some some next-level rejection and God's gonna bring you into a place of double honor well I received that amen I do man I I received that well in 2011 Liana and I found ourselves fighting an impossible fight and I want to tell you I just felt defeated in every single way I could feel defeated I wasn't healthy I was way way way way overweight and I just honestly meant my chest was always hurting I always had a headache I mean this thing was literally about to physically kill me and one day man I just decided I wonder if the Lord would speak to me if I went to another church and asked God to speak to me and I went up to convergent search so we went up to Pastor Steve fish's church and Steve and Marcie are good friends of mine and went up there and on Friday night they have their really cool weirdo meeting you know they just do praise and worship everybody just goes around prophesize to each other and you know it's just kind of Katie bar the door you know it's not an evangelical million meeting it's just the kind of meeting that man you just express the Holy Spirit and you go after it and I just want to just was just sitting in there and I was a cinema chair with my eyes closed wondering how I was gonna live my life and the greatest prophetic word I've ever received and I won't tell you guys I've received some incredible prophetic words but the greatest prophetic word that I have ever received came through a student that was part of their school of ministry and she came walking up and she was shy she was just a stick she's just a little bitty tiny thing like a hobbit and she says sir I was back there and God gave me a word to give you and I kind of opened up one eye and said okay and she sitting out now I'm going to this school and I'm not very good at this so it might not be God I'm like okay okay it'd be alright if you mess it up it'll be okay it'll be alright don't don't worry she's like well I I got a phrase and it's a three word phrase and and and I don't know what it means and it doesn't really sound like God to me but they tell me I was supposed to come tell you this like it's okay you can tell me and she's like with it if this embarrasses you I don't want to embarrass you and I I'm kind of embarrassed coming over and I said honey give me the word what he got and she said it's just a phrase and I don't know what it means I like I got that what do you got she said this God told me to tell you you're a screamer man [Applause] that wouldn't mean anything to anybody on the planet Earth like what it means to Troy Brewer and it was like God was literally speaking into my childhood and and I just it stunned me in a way that I cannot tell you and it again that that wasn't mean if I walked up to you said your screamer you'd be like you're an idiot you know I don't mean anything so but I know what that means he's like no you're not defeated you're a warrior you've got this you're not just gonna survive this you're gonna overcome this and I just got this and I just felt the strength of the Lord all over me and I felt the strength of the Lord inside of me and I couldn't wait to call the in and I got the phone out and the phone took off and went underneath the Pew and I was crawling around underneath the Pew trying to find it I got a call in about a screamer I was having like this big estrogen fit and Leon's like what who to call I guess okay just calm down calm down I'm coming I'm on my way no no listen listen God spoke a word to be and the prophetic word for this little girl was you are a screamer and Leon it's like what like Davy Crockett you know Davy Crockett's come on she's like oh okay yeah you're a screamer yeah so hung out the phone went home and resigned from the church spent eight hours typing up a letter saying I quit I'm done with y'all I'm done I divorced from this church in 2011 so I'm done done I'm done no more y'all and the elders of the church came here and said no no no youyou don't need to do that we're gonna help you we're gonna fight these people for you and I'm like okay yeah you see how that works out I've been fighting them for six months you see how that works out for y'all and they're like no no we will fight them and here's the deal if they're gone and if we have the control of the church back again you have to stay okay that sounds great and then they're like here's a wad of cash there's $5,000 cash and here's two tickets to Los Angeles and here's four nights at the dolphino hotel go oh my okay they all got together and gave me that I mean they L ders the church got together now their own pockets paid that for me they're like we wants you to go away color me gone and I'm like when do I leave and they're like you know right now you need to go and I'm like let's go man immediately Anna left we didn't pack versus let's go I can't get out of Texas quick enough let's go man we went to the f/w Airport I was sick all the way there I was just sick because my guts were just so tore up and I was so upset we get to the dolphino hotel and we get there we go up to our room it's a super nice room super super super nice room you get Liana's just like she's got a headache she's just like I just want to go straight to bed and I was like that's fine we got in the hotel a tucked her in bed I went outside I go downstairs into the lobby and I'm down there and there so now I'm in LA not at this time in my life I had never been to LA before I've been billion times since then but at that time I didn't bid anywhere I'm like I'm gonna walk through there tomorrow walk right out to Manhattan Beach and then I'm going when I'm walk down the road don't - Redondo Beach and that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna hang out with John Wayne used to live but he did he lived right there so I'm like okay as I'm going through the lobby I look to my left and I hear there's a group of people cackling and laughing and the guy that I was going to show you on the TV who is it what's his name Billy Bob Thornton is sitting in the bar right there and I stopped I went my god Davey Crockett is right here like you got to be kidding me I'm like hey Billy Bob hey man I loved you in Alamo man and he's like he's like you must be from Texas because nobody outside of Texas like the Alamo and I said nobody from Texas matters and he said you're definitely from Texas and I said well I just want you to know man I think that your portrayal David Crockett and the death scene particularly was absolutely incredible a man and just made my day thank you so much and he said he said you're welcome what's your name and I said I'm Troy Brewer and I shook his hand he said well thanks for stopping and saying hi I'm like well thank you sir thank you and I was getting ready to walk off and he opened up his mouth and he said you're a screamer I'm not making this up this is true story I was like and right there I'm trying to be cool to Billy Bob Thornton and I have this estrogen fit he's telling me I'm tough and I'm gonna I just started bawling and smiling I went upstairs and well completely in thinks I'm delirious Liana thinks I'm out of my chair like a nightcap I just ran into Davy Crockett and you totally I'm a screamer I think it's like what happened I was a wreck guys I'd say I was I was not cool I was dude it was the most profound I had that event both of those events happen within about a 48-hour period it's the greatest prophetic word that has ever been spoken into my life and is so simple and it's so personal doesn't want to ask everybody to stand up if you wouldn't ask guys in a band to come up here
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 10,015
Rating: 4.9509201 out of 5
Id: Pi1qacqlZAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 13sec (4933 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2017
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