Dreams & Mysteries - The Mystery of Times and Seasons

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[music playing] It's a big deal to be able to tell what time it is. I was playing in a band in Austin, Texas, and over against the wall was a sign that read this. It said "Time is God's way of keeping everything from happening at once." Now, I drove back home to Fort Worth that night, and it started a journey that I had to walk out, and a mystery that I had to discover. You know, the psalmist declared in Psalms 31, he said, "My times are in Your hands." Now, I've done a lot of thinking about time, and today I want to share with you some mysteries that I have discovered. Did you know that there's a big difference between times and a big difference between seasons? Did you know that both of them are prophetic? Did you know that the ability to be able to discern the times and the seasons of your life also comes with a great prophetic gift. And that's what the Bible describes as something tribal, which means it's imparted from people that you live with. Did you know that the wisest man who ever lived, Solomon, actually tracked down a rotating prophetic timeline in Ecclesiastes, chapter 3, and it's the key to understanding where you are and how to number your days. And it's been there for all the world to see, all of these years. Now, if you can discern where you are within the timeline, you can predict, and you can prepare the next prophetic season that is coming your way. It's a biblical, prophetic, dramatic, and progressively awesome revelation that begins with a time to be born and it ends 28 seasons later with a great time of peace. I know it's a lot to think about, but this is going to be so much fun. I'm Troy Brewer, and today we're going to be looking at the Ecclesiastes, chapter 3, rotational prophetic timeline of times and seasons. We're going to learn how to partner with God and trust the Holy Spirit through no matter the time, no matter the season. Welcome to the big picture view of how God speaks in seasons from a prophet that lived over 3,000 years ago. It's the mystery of times and seasons right now on Dreams and Mysteries. [music playing] NARRATOR: This is Dreams and Mysteries. You know, the book of Ecclesiastes is a strange and mysterious book written almost 3,000 years ago. Do you know that there were less than 100 million people on the entire planet at the time that this book was written? Yet from this tiny, ancient, Middle Eastern country, comes something supernaturally amazing. Let's talk a little bit about the book itself. Now, the name Ecclesiastes is derived from a Greek word, which means the assembling. Or you could also say one who addresses an assembly. And then in Hebrew, it actually means one who convenes an assembly. Basically, it means: "Everybody has to listen to me and pay attention to what it is that I'm telling you." Ecclesiastes is generally credited to Solomon, and it would have been written within his old age. And that's important to understand, because see, he wrote the book Song of Solomon whenever he was young and full of passion. And then he wrote the book Proverbs in his wisdom as a middle aged man, and even as the anointed king. But it could be said that by the time that Solomon wrote Ecclesiastes, he was a rude dude in a crude mood. And like a lot of people, Solomon didn't finish well. He was generally unhappy about a lot of things within his life. But this book is not all pessimistic. Even though he was not a happy camper, he was still a powerful prophet. Now in the third chapter of this ancient book, there's a rotational prophetic timeline. And it's mostly been dismissed just as poetry. And it is in fact poetic, but that's because it's actually prophetic. You see, many times prophetic phrases and utterances are creative and they're poetic. Solomon got that from his daddy, King David. Now in the Book of Ecclesiastes, chapter 3, he starts off this prophetic calendar by saying this-- "To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heavens." You know, there are four ideas that we're actually mapping out here. One is times and seasons, and the next part of that is timing and purpose. Did you know it's a really big curse to be out of timing? In Deuteronomy, chapter 28, Moses describes the out-of timing curse like this. He says, "And your life shall hang in doubt before you, and you shall fear day and night, and have no assurance of life. And in the morning, Ye shall say, oh I wish it was evening. And in the evening you shall say, oh I wish it was morning." You know, he's saying you're always out of sync and your timing is off whenever you're not letting God be God. And when your timing is off, you're at the wrong place at the wrong time. And then, all the wrong things tend to happen. You know, when you're out of sync, you're always fighting the wrong battles, and you're always standing up on the wrong battlegrounds. We substitute religion for relationship within those places, and then anytime that we embrace religion, it always has us fight for things that no longer matter. The kingdom's answer to the curse of bad timing is to partner with God through something that he calls times and seasons. So let's unpack this a little bit. I believe that we have a tremendous responsibility to understand the times and the seasons that we're in, and to ask God to prophetically reveal his plans and his commands for the day that we're actually living in. And we need to understand that times are different from seasons. Now, both of them speak of prophetic time frames and they also speak of how we are supposed to lean in to the time or the season that we're actually living in. Times, well, those are epic prophetic moments that define things. Times always bring definition. There are moments, events, that stop old things and they begin new things. When we enter into a time, we have to release the old thing, and then we have to be willing to embrace the new. There's a big difference-- and catch this-- between the new thing and the next thing. A time is always a new thing, and a season is always the next thing. And if you don't know the difference, your timing is always going to be off. And that's not for you. You may not always see a prophetic time coming, because something will happen. Many times, we don't predict the thing that happens. So how in the world are we supposed to prepare for a prophetic time? How do we deal with the marker of change? How you prepare for prophetic times is determined by your willingness to be teachable and to change. My friend, Graham Cooke, says, the greatest threat to a new move of God is exactly what we think about the last move of God. I remember the first time I heard him say that, and it totally blew my mind. Because many times we miss the next thing because of what we think about the last thing. And God-- we begin to think this is how God moves, or this is exactly what God does. And then when God does a new thing, we tend to not recognize it. In Isaiah, chapter 43, verse 19, the Bible says, "Behold, I will do a new thing. Now it shall come forth, shall you not know it. I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers, in the desert." See? You do certain things at certain times. And there are actually only a few things that we do all the time. A few examples, Biblical examples, one would be Psalms chapter 34 that says, "I will bless the Lord at all times." Man, I like that. And then Psalms 62 verse 8 says that we should do righteousness at all times. But I want you to mark-- it doesn't give the method of those things. Because the methods have to change and the actions have to change with the seasons and the times. See, here's how it works prophetically. We tend to know the when before we know the what. So that's what times are all about. And again, it speaks of epic, defining events that happen and serve as prophetic markers. Times always speak of actions. A time as a new thing and the season is the next thing. Now, seasons speak of predictable prophetic appointments. Prophetic appointments have to do with where you meet God and what the theme of your meaning is all about. There's a theme, there's a narrative, there's a subject, there's a topic, maybe a burden. Within different seasons of my life, God has given me different burdens, maybe a new message. My friends, this year is a year of unprecedented victory for you, and you're not going to live your life out of sync this year. And you're going to prepare for what God Almighty has for you. You're going to set your mind and your heart to not be distracted from the word of the Lord for your life during this specific season. So here's what we have to do. We have to learn the confessions, we have to learn proclamations, we have to learn the declarations that go with this prophetic season within our own lives. You know what? Whenever we come back, we will actually look at the 28 times and seasons, as Solomon mapped out for us, and it's important that we understand in our journey for life, we have to have something that's called alignment for assignment. That's when we come back to Dreams and Mysteries. NARRATOR: Dreams and Mysteries relies on the gifts of our friends and partners. We want to extend a heartfelt thank you to those that help us provide this quality program. Would you consider partnering with us? Visit streamsministries.com/partner or dreamsandmysteries.com to learn more. NARRATOR: The spiritual realm is real, whether we realize it or not. It affects things in our lives every day. This spiritual realm collection equips you to not only be aware, but active in the spiritual activity surrounding us. In Introducing Holy Spirit, an audio CD, John E. Thomas teaches who Holy Spirit is, in all his wonder, glory, and joy. In Naturally Supernatural, John Paul Jackson shares about many strange events, and one of them happens as he teaches. In the DVD interaction between heaven and earth, John Paul helps you be more aware of what is going on in the spiritual realm. In The Mystery of Movement, you will hear about how the reality of heaven should affect our worship. Also included, types of heavenly beings study card. For your gift of $65 or more, you can begin exploring these realities. Call 1-800-538-5285 or visit dreamsandmysteries.com. Welcome back. I'm Troy Brewer, and today we're looking at the mystery of times and seasons. Now, we've discovered the number one, to be out of timing with God is a curse, and none of us wants that. Number two, the answer of the out of timing curse is to partner with God in what the Bible calls times and seasons. Now, we've discovered that times define action and purpose. And seasons define prophetic appointments, and the themes of how God Almighty is dealing with us at certain times, or actually, at certain seasons. Now, let's look at the actual prophetic timeline that brother Solomon wrote out for all of us, it has been there all this time, is Ecclesiastes, chapter 3, beginning at verse 1. "To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die. A time to plant, a time to pluck up that which is planted. A time to kill and a time to heal. A time to break down and a time to build up. A time to weep and a time to laugh. A time to mourn and a time to dance. A time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones. A time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing. A time to gain and a time to lose. A time to keep and a time to throw away. A time to tear and a time to sew. A time to keep silence and a time to speak. A time to love and a time to hate. A time of war and a time of peace." Now, what we just read is Solomon's prophetic interpretation of the sequence of times and seasons that come within all of our lives. This is a biblical example of a rotating prophetic timeline. It starts, it progresses, it ends, and then it starts over again. Think about these terms, rotating circuits, progressive revelations, supernatural seasons, they're all in perfect continuum. It's just like the prophetic story that's written within all of the heavens. The Bible says in Psalms, chapter 19, verse 6, that says it's rising is from one end of heaven, and it's circuit is to the other end. Well, Samuel, the prophet, and the very last judge of Israel, whenever he did his prophetic thing, you know what? He did that within a rotating circuit. Don't miss the circle. 1st Samuel, chapter 7, verse 16 says, "And he went from year to year on a circuit to Bethel, Gilgal and Mizpah, and he judged Israel in all of those places." Bethel is a point of entry into the house of God, and Gilgal, well, that's the point of entry into the promised land. And Mizpah means the watchtower, and it's that point of entry into the highly revelational and prophetic visionary side of God. It literally means the house of God and how we relate to other Christians. Now, let's catch all of this. New encounter with God? Bethel. The new assignment with God? Gilgal. Whole new group of people that God hooks you up with? Mizpah. OK, that's an example of a rotating prophetic timeline that we know as a season. Here's another example. The spirit of God is always symbolized as the wind. Ecclesiastes, chapter 1, verse 6, that says, the wind goes towards the south and turns around again to the north. The wind whirls about continually and comes again on its circuit. OK, I believe that you starting to see it now. When it's prophetic, it's circular. Now, while times are linear, and they have beginning and they have end, the prophetic seasons come in circuits. And if you know what season you're in, you can see the next season that is coming. If it's fall, you know that winter is coming. If it's winter, you know that summer's coming. Did you know that Jesus Christ, our Messiah, the greatest prophet that ever lived and was ever born, did you know that he did all of his prophetic work in a progressive rotation? I want you to look at this, Mark, chapter 6, verse 6. And he marveled because of their unbelief, and then he went about the villages in a circuit teaching. Wow, there's King Jesus working in a circular pattern that is prophetic. Now, Solomon gives us 28 times and seasons. And 28 is the number that represents times and seasons, and we're going to visit that strong a little bit later. But there are actually 14 in total that work as a paradox of opposite things. Opposite things happening at the same exact time for the purpose of heaven invading earth. That's 14 pairs of opposite events that God has a sovereign design for us to partner with him in. Now it starts off this way, with God birthing brand new vision within your life, and you laying down your life, or selling out for the joy of the treasure that is hidden within the field, right? OK, how does he say that? A time to be born and a time to die. But then here's the next season. It progresses into a relationship with the Lord of the harvest. A time to plant and a time to pluck up that which is planted. Then God begins to move us into the power of redemption. And it's from the blood of the cross that we tap into the resurrection power the Lord Jesus Christ. And that's what it says, a time to kill and then a time to heal. You know, we could continue to go through this, because it's patterned and its in perfect sequence. So again, if it's fall time, we know that winter is coming. If it's winter, we know that spring is coming. And if it's spring, we know that summer is coming because seasons are always predictable. You can actually look at Ecclesiastes, chapter 3, and if you can determine the season you're in now, you will know the next one that is coming up. [music playing] DREAMER: In my dream, I was parking my car. I thought I had parked it correctly, but my dad came out and told me that wasn't how to park a car properly. He then got into my car and showed me how to park in such a way that it left enough room for people to get around it. In dreams, cars often talk about ministry or work; what someone is doing to get them to their destination. In other words, destiny. I was being shown how to change the way I present my ministry so that people could come around it. The way I had been operating made it harder for other people to help me get to where I'm going. So, God is showing me how to operate in such a way that it makes room for others to help me accomplish what I'm supposed to do. NARRATOR: God has concealed messages in the dreams we dream. And as we search them out, we learn more about his ways. Decades of study and thousands of dream interpretations gave John Paul Jackson a unique perspective on understanding dreams. With a beginner's dream kit, you'll be taught to recognize the 20 most common dreams and what they are saying. This kid includes the Top 20 Dreams book, John Paul's two CD set, teaching the basics of dreams and visions, the Moments with God dream journal, and two dream cards to help you understand your dreams. For your gift of $60 or more, we will send you these important tools designed to start your journey towards a greater understanding of the dreams you dream. Order your beginner's dream kit today. Visit dreamsandmysteries.com, or call 1 800-538-5285. So now let's look at what I think is the most amazing thing about this rotating prophetic timeline, and this is it. It's in perfect sequence. The sequence is actually laid out there for us. So it begins with a time to be born, and then eight versus later, well, it says a time to love and a time to hate. OK, what's that all about? Well, this is the fear of the Lord. The fear of the Lord means that you love what God loves and you hate what God hates. And then from there, you upgrade into a time of war and a time of peace. And guys, catch that, because the end of the timeline is peace. Peace is always the end. Psalms 37:37 says mark the perfect man and behold the upright. For the end of that man shall be peace. Peace is always the finish line. Do you know that your end is going to be peace? This is the promise for all kingdom people and I love that. So we can conclude that if the first one is right in the order of sequence, and if the last one is right in the order of sequence, then you can bank big that those in between are in the right order sequence. See, my friends? God doesn't hide the order of seasons. When it's winter, you know that spring is coming. When spring is coming, then you know that summer is coming. When summer's coming, you know that fall is coming, and it's like that. And you always know what the next season is once you're able to identify the season that you're in right now. In the kingdom, it's exactly like that. And I'm telling you my friends, that if you look at Ecclesiastes, chapter 3, and if you can find out what season you're in right now, you can see what the next season is that follows. For example, we find this strange season. I love this. This is a prophetic speech that says a time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones. Well, what's that all about? Well, casting away stones is when you move to a new ground, and you're about to plow a new ground, so you remove all the stones. Why? Because the ground is about to be broken. And then you take those stones, and you build walls of defensive positions around your new territory. A time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones is all about God giving you new territory. You say, "Yes, I will take responsibility for this." Now after that, Solomon says that you upgrade into the next prophetic appointment. Let's look at what it is. Boom, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing. What's that all about? That is the upgrade into a brand new walk in selective intimacy. Where you get to know God in a way that you've never known, where you get to see a part of God that you've never seen. Where secret things happen between you and God, and that only happens following a season of taking over new territory. It's amazing, and it makes you want to read Ecclesiastes, chapter 3, doesn't it? You see? Knowing the times and the seasons is a prophetic gift. Now, let's look at this. The Bible describes this prophetic gift of understanding the times and the seasons actually something that is tribal. OK, 1 Chronicles, chapter 12, verse 32 says the men of the tribe of Issachar had understanding of the times to know what Israel ought to do, and I liked that. There was actually a tribe that was called Issachar. And part of the anointing of the tribe was the discernment of times and seasons. So prophetically speaking, when we tend to know the when before we tend to know the what. And that was what the tribe of Issachar was able to do. Now, tribal anointings have to come with the people that you live your life with. Hey, do you know your tribe? Are you walking with the right tribe for the right season that you're in right now? It's super important that you understand that. There's no such thing as a biblical giant slayer that's not connected to the tribe of David, they're all close friends of David. If you want to be somebody that slays giant-- listen, you have to learn how to join the tribe of people who are already slaying giants. It's important that you know your tribe. You know what? Knowing what to do flows out of a full understanding of what season that you're in. That's why Paul says in Ephesians, chapter 5, verse 15, he says see them that you walk circumspectively. Not as fools, but as wise. Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore, do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is. Hey, let's unpack this just a little bit. Ephesians, chapter 5, verse 15 starts off by saying see then that you walk circumspectively, not as fools. Did you get the circumspectively part? It's a circuit, it's a circle. It means that we advance from season, to season, to season. And that we have faith, not as unwise, but as wise. Not as fools, but as wise. The Bible says that the fool has said in his heart that there is no God. So it has to do with your willingness to have faith towards times and seasons. Man, I love this. And it's important that you and I embrace this together. I love this, and whenever we come back, I'm going to show you one more mind blowing biblical truth that comes from Ecclesiastes, chapter 3. NARRATOR: Every believer can hear from God. So why does it seem that some hear better than others? The Art of Hearing God course is the culmination of the lessons John Paul Jackson learned from 30 years of study and walking with God. Join John E. Thomas and Paul Cheatham in Dallas, Texas, July 13th through 15th as they teach this life changing course. It is also available to live stream right to your home. Visit streamsministries.com/aohgtx to learn more. NARRATOR: Season four of Dreams and Mysteries is now available. This season includes special guest Shawn Bolz, RT. Kendall, Mickey Robinson, Troy Brewer, and Marc Dupont. For your gift of $25 or more to the ministry, you will receive your choice of either a DVD or Blu-ray set. To order, visit our website at dreamsandmysteries.com, or call 1 800 538 5285 today. NARRATOR: Troy Brewer is known for his relevant and authentic teachings. A servant, whose greatest desire is to bring the authenticity of Jesus, and the reality of the kingdom of heaven into the lives of people around the world. In the God Speaks package, you'll receive Troy's book, Looking Up, where he reveals the connection between the story and the stars, and the Biblical account of the fall of man, and redemption through Jesus. You'll also received the Looking Up reference guide, that will break down the signs in the heavens and the constellations within those signs. And with Numbers that Preach, a book by Troy Brewer, you'll learn about how biblical text show powerful meaning in the numbers around us. For your gift of $55 or more, you'll receive these three resources that will help you understand how God speaks to us through numbers, and even the stars. To order, visit us on dreamsandmysteries.com, or call 1 800 538 5285 to ask for your God Speaks package today. In my book, Numbers that Preach, I lay out the meaning of the number 28. The subject of times and seasons is a prophet symbol in the form of a number. It's the number associated with the beginning and the end of certain god given timelines. Ecclesiastes, chapter 3 lists 28 times and seasons for every purpose under heaven. 28 times the word weeks appears within the Bible. That of course, is a measure of time. The phrase day and night appears exactly 28 times throughout the scriptures, that's amazing to me. There's 28 days in a lunar month, and years normally follow a 28 year cycle. And how that works is this way. Since there are seven days in a week, a leap year occurs every four years. And then the calendar from 28 years ago is exactly the same as this year's, it's amazing to me. So 28 is definitely connected to the calendar. And in fact, 28 is the number of days in the shortest month of a Gregorian calendar, February. Except of course, in leap years, whenever there's 29. All 12 months of the Gregorian calendar have at least 28 days, regardless of the year. So 28 is all about times and seasons. Now, here's something amazing. The word cross shows up exactly 28 times in the Bible. What does that mean? It means that Jesus Christ is a cross for every season for you. Jesus Christ saw to it that he can personally guarantee your victory every time and every season within your life. Way to go, King Jesus. Another cool phrase, the end of the world shows up exactly 28 times throughout the scriptures. Why is that cool? I want to show you why. Because the end of the world doesn't just mean that the world is ending. One of the ways that you can loosely translate the term the end of the world is the end of your rope. The place where you don't know what else to do. To me, the promise of Jesus is that he'll be with us in every season, all 28 times, that he calls us to venture out off of our maps. When he calls us into what is unfamiliar, and into those scary places of uncharted territory. Something like saying lo, I'm with you always, even to the ends of your map. And then He says, look for Me there. That's what lo means. This verse is found in the 28th chapter of Matthew at the very end of the book. I love that. And lo, I am with you always, even into the end of the world. Amen. Matthew 28 verse 20. So may the Lord bless you with overcoming victory in every time, in every season of your life. May it be said of you that you are a person that could walk with King Jesus in every season, no matter the season. Well, I'm Troy Brewer, and I encourage you to join us again next time as we discover his kingdom come in some new and fascinating way on Dreams and Mysteries.
Channel: Dreams & Mysteries
Views: 49,958
Rating: 4.9040766 out of 5
Keywords: Dreams and Mysteries, Streams Ministries, Troy Brewer, dream meaning, interpretation, Ecclesiastes, Solomon, Bible, Christian, Times, Seasons
Id: bFpmrXc6tas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2017
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