Calendars Part 1 - Once Upon A Time

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Church will you join me in welcoming everybody all over the planet earth to the open door experience right here in Burleson Texas boom hello all my friends all over the world everybody system pin phone radio network everybody's watchin on the worldwide waste of time at open door experience comm and people that are watching on television right now man and there's a few people here in the house today amen as I'm blessed to have you guys here I'm excited about this new year to come and let's just jump right off into this father God sir I come to your Lord and I love you and I praise you and I thank you God for the incredible privilege of your magnificent presence today I love you Lord Father I pray God that you would move in such a great way God that you cannot be ignored and you cannot be denied in Jesus name everybody here say together friends I wanna talk to you about some really cool conclusions that we need to come to when it comes to our calendars I'm starting a brand-new sermon series today that's called calendars and it's all about timelines and how time works and how do we partner with God from season to season from time to time right so we're gonna get off into that but I want to just first of all tell you that I'm gonna start off talking to you about some real famine some very fancy words for Johnson County Texas and the first one is prerequisites premises and lines of logic everybody go oh my man he's gonna act like he's all smart now that's the way he's gonna start doing well actually you know what this is this is just the understanding that in order to come to certain conclusions as a kingdom thinker you have to have some foundational understandings to get to follow a certain line of logic to get to a certain conclusion and it's very very very important that you and I teach our children the the importance of fundamental principles it's why right now you know I have a I have I have six grandbabies I'm about to have number seven hallelujah and our little bitty bitty tiny guys that we have and they're all six and under you pastor a rooster brother Barrett he just had his sixth birthday over the weekend and so they're all barely six or all way down below that but it's like baby Paula okay I give I give that little girl by and this is what I do okay look I mean she's only one okay we love the Bible we love the Bible and this what she does with that yeah that's all she can do okay but that's a foundational principle because if she learns to love the Bible then soon enough she'll learn how to love the Word of God within the Bible and then she will learn to love the author of the Bible in the heart of King Jesus amen so if I want her to come to that conclusion I got to do everything I can do to build her up to that place right well that's what prerequisites and premises and certain lines of logic are all about and the importance of getting things right at the beginning we got to get things right at the beginning amen now the way that Jesus puts it is he puts it this way he says okay you've heard it said now I say unto you okay so what he's saying is okay now look you get this right and you're like right okay well then now you need to get this now there's actually a word in the Bible that we use to say now that you get this you need to move from that understanding into maturity of this understanding and that word is called a therefore from there we move forward okay a therefore guys you know that there are a Titanic 1220 there force throughout the entire Bible 1220 times it says this you can't get this unless you get that and if you understand this now you can possibly understand that in fact they're actually 76 they're force just on the book of John and it's mostly King Jesus himself saying okay well just like you know John chapter 8 verse 36 if the son therefore shall make you free then you shall be free indeed in other words if you get it that it's Jesus that that sets you free then you can get it what it means to be really and truly free free indeed all right so it's like okay but first you got to get it that is Jesus assess you freed it's not a sexual experience it's not money in the bank it's not a bigger house it's not you all those things that the world says if you're famous you know you'll be set free that's baloney you have to understand that it's Jesus who sets you free and that it is the agenda of Jesus to set you free and then if you get that then you can get it dude I can really and truly be free indeed which means really and surely free amen John chapter 8 verse 47 he that is of God hears God's Word but you you knuckleheads no that's not what it says but it's the attitude that Jesus was talking in but you therefore hear them not because you are not of God he says this if you would understand that you have to be of God in order to hear the words of God then you would understand why you cannot hear God because you do not have a heart that it has an agenda for the things of the kingdom you do not love Jesus you do not love God you don't care what's real therefore you're not going to hear what's real from there you move forward so this is why we need foundations to be based upon the Word of God this is why we need the counsel of God this is why we need to be consistently interjecting the culture of the kingdom in every single part of our lives in every single part of our family structure it doesn't need to be taboo among us to say you know I just I'm so grateful that God this it doesn't need to be taboo to say man I'm expecting God to do this man I was reading the word and that or man I was seeking the Lord and I heard God say this friends we need to be people that we're not here just to do some kind of a church job we're here to actually live a kingdom life amen amen amen so I'm gonna bring you to the conclusion throughout the next month or so that you and I can have victory in every single calendar of our life that we don't have to be a certain age in order to be victorious that rather were young whether we're middle-aged or whether we're old that we can walk in kingdom dominion amen but in order to come to that conclusion there are certain prerequisites that I'm gonna have to lead you on and I want y'all just to hang with me okay now if you were with me this time two years ago I was preaching on this and I spent several months on these basic premises that I'm about to give you right now and I want to remind you that all of my notes are on my Facebook page right all of my notes with this video you can download my notes it's absolutely free I'm trusting you to just go after God amen so I make it as much available as I possibly can so you guys ready to do this okay here's foundational truth number one that you've got to know and you've got to be able to wrap your head around if you're going to come to the conclusion that you can have victory in every single timeframe it's this God Almighty created time and he is not subject or shackled by in any way whatsoever God created water therefore Jesus can walk on water God Almighty created air therefore Jesus can ascend God Almighty created time therefore he can step in and out of time he could interact with time any way that he wants to time is a created thing and time was also created for a purpose and that that's going to bring us to the second thing I want to want to remind you time in its very essence is not eternal it is time okay let that sink in it is not eternal which means it's a part of the same substance as trees it's a part of the same substance as whatever you can think of the 118 elements right there's an element that it's called time it's its elemental and it is something that God Almighty created now secondly you have to understand why God would create time and we're gonna we're gonna get into that just a little bit more here today but God created time for the purposes of works of redemption time is the only place that you can that you can do this Redemption enters in which changes you and transforms you and that was then this is now and I have a better future that can only happen in time it does not happen in eternity when you take your last breath of Texas air and you take your very first breath of heavens air the state that your soul and your spirit is in is the state that god almighty that god almighty declares it's always been if you enter into eternity as holy and righteous because of the blood of the Lamb as far as God Almighty is concerned you are holy and righteous before the foundations of the earth amen like well how in the world can that be it's because you're not going to be subject to time then because you're in the presence of the Lord and god almighty is not subject to time there isn't a past in eternity come on it's great okay so this is what so god almighty created time for the purposes of redemption so that we could say well that was them but this is now because you don't do that in eternity now we also need to understand and this is premise number three that redemption changes absolutely everything and friends as Christians we need to be Redemption fanatics I'm telling you oh man we need to be the kind of people we love transformation we love hope we love Redemption the Bible says let the redeemed of the Lord say so which literally means says if you're redeemed you need to let people know dude I'm redeemed and since I'm redeemed I have brought Redemption with me and redemption means where there is death now there can be life where there was darkness now there can be light where there was something hateful now there could be something joyful where there was shame now there could be honor amen that's what Redemption does and our relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ as our Holy Redeemer says I want to be about his father's business which is now my father's business amen bring in redemption into every single time frame because friends Redemption does not enhance us radition transforms us we're not looking for enhancement we're not looking to try and be tweaked a little bit we're not trying to look to be a little bit better we're looking for something different amen for far too long the body of Christ throughout the world and throughout the centuries has had a much higher value for control than they have for redemption we cannot be like that we can listen no another thing if you're not a Redemption fanatic you will have a much higher value for punishment than you do for restoration everybody repeat after me to say this you guys ready King Jesus always places don't think I'm gonna say that King Jesus always places a higher value for restoration / punishment yeah true true so therefore we should have a higher value now if you have a big value for control you're going to love punishment but if you have no value for control and if you have a huge value for freedom you're gonna love restoration and redemption amen so it's very important for us to understand the difference between the two all right and then number four guys number four is all about being able to understand the difference you know noting the hidden manifest and omnipresence of God throughout your timelines literally means this it means it means being able to notice the difference between when I can see God and when I cannot see God because if you if you do not have the basic foundational principle of I am with you always I will never leave you I will never forsake you if you don't have that premise then whenever you can't see God you're gonna think that God Almighty has left you and see here's what's real is no matter where you're at in your calendar no matter what you're experiencing if you can be real and if you if you're not gonna be religious and if you're actually gonna be real amen how many guys have a huge value for for what's real I do man I have the gift of real I promise you it if it ain't real I do not want to mess with it okay now if if I'm going to walk in the power of God and if I'm gonna see the goodness of God in the land of the living I have to be real enough to admit man when I look at my timeline there are times I can see that God was so big and so huge in my life there's other times I just wonder where in the world were you what happened even in my own life right now I have so many different fronts and there's so many different ways that I'm partnering with the Holy Spirit I got a lot of irons in the fire amen man I mean I've got so many relational things going on I got so many ministry things going on I got all this stuff going on and in some of them I can see the hand the lord my god strong and in other places I'm like hello hello well here's what I know okay I know that Jesus has not left me so I have to come to a different conclusion and the different conclusion then I must come to is this God is just as present when I cannot see him as when I can see him amen so I have to come I have to be able to follow this line of logic that tells me okay there's a work that God is doing when he is manifest and it's all about him and it's all about how awesome he is and then there's a work that God is doing when I cannot see him and it's all about things that need to be done within me it's not an external thing now it's an internal thing and there's this Evan flow there's this inhaling and exhaling thing that has to happen where we can't see God and we can't see God but the whole time we are in fellowship with God amen okay and then the last one is this we are stewards and not owners of our lives and as priests we apply the blood and as Kings we bring kingdom dominion into every single time frame that you and I are stewards so so you don't own your you don't own your life any more than your little girl owns her bedroom it's absolutely true so this is how this this how it worked in my house is a honey you have your own room this is your room I want my kids to have a special place right but since this is in my house hey listen I want that room clean and when you get up in the morning I want you to make your bed and and and here's the deal too I want to just tell you this your room is not off-limits to me okay daddy you're not gonna read my journal are you all right like why because I love you with all of my heart it's why if there's gonna come a day that you're gonna have your own house but that's not this day somebody say amen to that I'm sorry that that sounds radical to people now that's ridiculous that that's radical but this is how it is in your life okay you do not own your life you are the steward of your life and you are held responsible for how you steward your life you do not also own your own time you don't own your time your job is to steward your time and you will be held responsible with how you have stewarded your time okay guys if you would please open up your Bibles to Exodus chapter 33 I want to encourage you to to decide right now I'm going to take time to learn how time works how God interacts with time and how I can partner with God from time to time in all of my calendars Steve Jobs said my favorite things in life don't cost any money it's really clear to me that the most precious resource that we have of always time we see things like the nick of time time flies time marches on time of my hands a stitch in time time out time in right we got all these cool things that we say about time I don't really like the term once upon a time it's a poetic term for a certain time frame the title what this message is actually called once upon a time you know I mean I just I I think a lot about time because I really as much as I believe in eternity also believe in time and one of the things you know I study a lot of American history I study a lot of world history I study a lot of Texas history and there's there's a famous there's a famous Comanche Indian here in Texas that said I never killed a white man that I found that he wasn't surprised I was killing him it's like they all act like they're surprised every time I Scout them they all act like I are surprised they're crazy people and just exactly like that I think that there are very few human beings that have ever died that wasn't surprised that death actually came to them like well I'm not gonna die I want you to say this you're either coming you're either gonna come go to my funeral or I'm gonna come go to yours they're like well I don't I don't want to talk about that you know why you're gonna be okay you're gonna be just fine Jesus Christ has made a way for you and he's made he's made away from me and when you take your first breath of heaven air you're gonna feel more at home than any place you've ever been in your entire life because heaven is not the place you go to after you leave home heaven is the home you go to after you leave this place amen I'm not fascinated with death I've tried promise you I'm not I'm not fast I'm not impressed with death I don't like death amen Jesus Christ rose from the grave and slapped death in the face for all of us amen but I am fascinated with time and with the timeframes that we have now you don't know how long your timeframe is therefore you might be a lot older than you think if you're like well I need to know what time is I need to know how time works I need to know I didn't know what that is well I don't tell you how it's supposed to work that's what you're supposed to look like whenever whenever you're 80 years old pastor Gloria right there that's how it's supposed to work good great I just I love how she has walked with God through all of her timeframes and glorify the Lord just love that just it's very very very impressive now this is if you're gonna ask me Troy what is your world view of time and how does time work I mean what do you think time is all about this is this is my world view of time time is a gift from God it's something that God has given you because there's certain things that you can do in time as I've already explained that you cannot do an eternity back in the late 1980s I played lead guitar and sang in a Christian rock band and we played all over the place and we did really cool things all over the place and one of the places that we got to play a lot at was 6th Street in Austin and Austin of course has a huge music culture and we actually played at a bar that was called the Liberty lunch and we were there on Sunday nights on 6th Street in Austin and we would come and this is what we would do there were several other bands and we would all go down there together we would start at 5 o'clock in the afternoon would not end until 2 o'clock in the morning and we'd all drive back like maniacs to try and be at work on time on Monday morning there's a time when you're young you can do that yeah that's not my calendar anymore I promise you well this is what we were doing look we were all drop dead so doubt Jesus freaks you know we were music evangelists and that's what we had a secular set but all of our sets were Kingdom themed in the first three hours we would do you know we do like the Doobie Brothers you know without love where would you be now right oh yeah fun fun stuff and then man the last and we would do you know people who play for a living you know they have to do for our sets and so so we came out of the last set the last hour we would just bust out straight up praise and worship music and that's what we would do and I want to tell people didn't care because we still played leaves we still played music and people who love music club music amen and then we would tell them at the end of the night listen man if you need prayer we're gonna meet you right over here at this bar and listen we want to pray for you and we want to believe God for listen we're gonna believe God for anything meet us right over there and the whole the whole work of redemption of turning a bar into an altar is incredible to me amen I've taken something that is a curse and turning it into a blessing and a place where people meet Jesus is an incredible thing and so we meet over there and I will never forget there was this big oh man I don't know how big he was but he was big and I was a big into back then and I was hugging him and my arms were kind of round him like this right and I was looking across the bar and there at the Liberty lunch on 6th Street in Austin was a big sign behind the bar said this time is God's Way of keeping everything from happening at once and I can remember man I'm hugging his brother going why why wouldn't God want everything to happen at once I love you too brother hallelujah why wouldn't God want everything to happen at once I remember getting in the car and Lyanna snoring all the way back right we were in our 20s man I'm driving man driving down i-35 northbound blowing on just like a God I need a revelation about that what is time and I've acted been studying how to interact with God in certain time frames since my early 20s because of that sign behind that bar now that is actually a statement that Einstein said okay now the hillbillies in Austin did not give Einstein credit for that I'm sure they thought they'd come up with that amen but whenever somebody asked on Stein would his time he said well it's God's Way of keeping everything from happening at once because just think about what if God said okay this is all this Kapoor folk' there it is boom and you and I would have been born in heaven others would have been born in hell and what kind of judgment is that there's a whole bunch of things a whole bunch of things well in Exodus chapter 33 whenever whenever Moses came before God he said God he said I want I want to see your glory I want you to show me your glory and God's glory might be described as the way T or the tangible presence of God it's when you can actually see God touch God feel God hear God smell God when you can taste God when you can personally experience God in an incredible way I like to call it God's visible awesomeness all right the glory of God okay if the glory of God shows up it's when dude God is so awesome okay that's kind of what the glory of God is all about and how he manifests is different right well whenever he asked him he said Lord he said I I want you to show me your glory in verse 18 and then God said in verse 19 I will make my goodness pass before you if you ask God to show you if you ask God to show up and show you him he's going to show up as goodness I want to just say this if we as a church are presenting God but if we're not presenting God as goodness we are not presenting God so he says okay you want to see what I look like I'm gonna show you something different than Pharaoh I will cause all my goodness to pass before you it's a big deal man says I will make all my goodness pass before you and I proclaim the name of the Lord before you and I'll proclaim to whom I will be gracious and then verse 20 he says you cannot see my face for no man shall see me and live and the Lord said but there's a place by me and you should stand up on the rock and so it shall be that while my glory passes that I'll put you in a cleft of the rock and will cover you with my hand while I passed by and I'll take away my hand and you shall see my back but my face you shall not see so this is how it is so Moses comes up there he's in the glory cloudy and God's always right in his face but he's in he's in a glory cloud he's in a Chicana glory cloud right who's like are you there and they're like knows who knows he's guys like yeah I'm right here he's like it's cool but I want to see he's like all right be still all right he clears away all the smoke he says are you ready he says yes are you sure you're ready Moses like yes get ready get ready get ready look look look look look look look and then runs off and Moses was like good googly moogly because in that glimpse what he saw was the goodness of God from there to time passed and he sit down and he wrote the book called Genesis he saw the backside of God's goodness he saw God's goodness from there all the way back to the beginning of time and he wrote the book of Genesis okay now this is really important you understand this by the way guys the day came whenever Moses was 120 years old and God said come up to this mountain cuz you're gonna die and Moses couldn't wait to get up there why because it means he's going to take away his hand I go Ted uh that's he'd always been asking show me your glory he finally saw his glory and then he blew up but you know what it means I mean if God kills you dead let me tell you how God kills you are you ready yeah that's Rory are you really ready yes sir I promise here we go okay I can't wait Ted oh that's beautiful it's incredible now the reason why whenever Moses saw God he saw him in past present tense or the backside of God's goodness as far as a time frame goes you guys track it with me on that he didn't see him in future present tense he saw him in back present tense he even sit down a row in the beginning God created the heavens in the earth because he caught a glimpse of his backside right okay the reason why he saw him in past present tense is because of this when it comes to the law the law is always only going to deal with you in present past tense what that means is it's okay I got this law okay god I'm coming before you but I want you to know I did something really bad last night okay God I'm here before you but I want you to know sir that I have lied God I'm here before you but I have committed murder I'm here before you see if you're going to come to God according to the law you have to come to according to him exactly the way that Moses the giver of the law saw God which was in present past tense but when it comes to grace when Jesus Christ offers you grace you do not come before God in present past tense the grace of God causes you to come before God in present future tense so what does that mean it means this it means that when Jesus calls you the righteousness of God in Christ he's not mistaken you for somebody else it means that when Jesus Christ calls you wholly on your worst day he knows exactly who he's calling holy because he's not dealing you with you now according to your past he's dealing with you now according to your future it's awesome you know Moses showed up first miracle he did was he turned the water in the blood Jesus showed up in first miracle he did as he turned the water into wine hallelujah Moses showed up and said the party's over Jesus showed up said the party is on amen I'm gonna go all the way down to this and I want to just tell you that there is a blessing and being in sync with God and there's a curse and not being in sync with God and I want to enchance you to right now to decide I'm gonna give God every single timeframe that I have every timeframe that I have Deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 67 it says in the morning you shall say oh I wish it was evening and in an evening you shall say oh I wish it was morning and guys that's a curse definition of a curse is a fifty year old woman that still acts like she's 14 definition of a curse is a fifty year old man that still acts like he's 14 you know dad can you please stop playing video games and please get a job and please take me out and play ball with me no man no man I got all about Halo quit it you live in a different season now you live in a different time now and you need to be in sync with the time and with the season that you actually live in no this is a year for you to walk in the power of logistical miracles or you are at the right place at the right time for the right miracle to happen amen where you're not in the wrong place at the wrong time but that you're in the right place at the right time for the right miracle to happen and you know what that comes from that comes from you walking with God every single day of your life and saying no matter what is on my calendar today I'm giving it to King Jesus I'm walking with God I want to invite you to give God your timeframes all of it and say I'm giving God every single second of my life and I'm making him the king of kings and the Lord of lords he is not subject to time he's not subject to my past he does not consult my history to give me a destiny he's good and he brings with him in his manifest presence he brings his goodness for me to see and while I was a glorious thing for most assists for Moses to see him and to see his goodness in past present tense King Jesus has invited you and I to see him in future present tense let's give the Lord a great big praise amen hallelujah that's why I ask you guys to stand up if you would
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 5,255
Rating: 4.9423075 out of 5
Keywords: Troy Brewer, Prophecy, sermons, teachings, Opendoor Church, Burleson TX, Jesus, God, church, ministry, fort worth church, texas church, holy spirit teachings, holy spirit filled church, Calendars
Id: ZcETMs00ghE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 28sec (1828 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 07 2019
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