NOW WE'RE BOTH POTATOES | Portal 2 - Part 3

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oh back at it again are we back for more portal 2 i see how it is glad i was trying to test me again well she's a potato now so i guess she's not doing a whole lot top of the morning ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome back look beautiful gorgeous look at the size of this place and we fell for a very long time and we were still way below the surface this place goes down for miles and miles and miles it's crazy it's a massive place almost enough to fit my fat ass this is cool i like this a lot because okay let's talk about it again when the game came out and you were doing the test chambers i was like okay i get the test chambers and i get going behind them and sneaking around and shooting on walls inside the actual aperture science building but when you go down to this area and you realize the size of everything here and then you start throwing portals around in open spaces that's when stuff started to get real wild because then i started opening up all these possibilities that oh can i can i go further than i thought i could so some of the spaces that you get to throw portals around in later get real tasty like just some some real nasty stuff it's epic we just where are you messing me around he stuck me down in this hole and i don't forgive him um okay it's not that is it is it these oh i was trying to do epic stuff okay don't make fun of me damn this is so cool and this is like one of many there's so many of these areas around so many of these columns you know what i call them i know space science yeah space science that's what we gonna call it let me up oh keep out do not enter condemned i'm going in you're trying to keep me out i'm i'm danger boy i live for speed i love adrenaline come on condemned verification order 6 15 1961 that's a long time ago the enrichment shaft may contain unsafe quantities of cosmic rays spalation elements that's important you're gonna have to remember this the enrichment shaft i now have a new name for my penis hello what sodis can i get in have a bit of fun jump around i can't shoot a portal and anything in there though but can i shoot a portal up there this is what i'm talking about it's so cool oh man i really like the lighting in this game this this bluish tint the sort of gray it's hard to describe because it's just one light it's just one light looking like it's casting a shadow or casting a ray over everything and that's what real life does it just casts one baked light out over everything and that's why movies have to like make their own lighting and make everything look nice and stuff because it's not just a wait where am i going ah it's not just a stylistic choice it's also because natural lighting is garbage for making stuff look cool unless you're the director of the revenant and you're saying hey screw all that i'm just gonna do what i want but yeah lighting and sound i said lighting was my favorite element of video games and everyone was like jack what about sound you're right my apologies i'm sorry i also missed that shell was the one that made the giant potato uh thing in the last episode i mean i knew already from playing the game years ago i just forgot to talk about it in the episode so that giant potato we saw in the jar that was like growing up and over the building and i was like we're not gonna have a famine again i when i zoomed in you could see shell's name beside it but i forgot to say it because i was too busy making jokes you know you know how it is gamers you got a joke a gamer's got a joke oh it's so quiet oh yes there is fallout stuff right here you want to get out of the vault i do can i go up there oh we can yes don't mind if i yes uh and then we can put the other one over there because we're gonna be have we're gonna we're gonna okay i messed it up shoot the portal in here what am i doing there you go yes look how cool this is look at those shadows where is that light gonna be here oh my god it's so atmospheric it's massive i didn't even remember this that's so funny the gigantic manhole cover on it just to cover this one tiny door now that's funny now that's comedy this is like the truman show when he gets to the edge what's behind door number this one oh damn boy damn boy this place thick as [ __ ] do not lean on railing but i want to danger you will get eaten by water don't do it i've been eaten by water before it sucks okay wait what oh it's just stuff falling i thought there was something in the water good holy god look how good this is again i've played this game before but i've forgot how amazing this game looks what's what's cool about this stuff is that i'm i'm a sucker for scale especially tiny characters in front of large things that's kind of that's basically what this is you're just a tiny little person inside this massive structure and in art i think you would call that romanticism where it's like tiny character and then the great unknown the vast expanse massive scaled structures and stuff in front of them this spider-man ass music what's through here can i go in there all right that's actually where i'm supposed to go okay damn this is so awesome then your brain starts working over like well what does this mean what is this what is this giant sphere and this little thing up above well let's go find out shall we i love it i love environmental storytelling hello can i come in it's me shell i'm the one who made the big potato one another so cool [Music] maybe i should go over here yay we get to be cave i wasn't just yelling excitement because i'm in a cave i'm not that stupid i mean look how i'm just gonna keep gushing over it constantly because it's so cool all right i kind of forget where i'm supposed to go because there's a thing up there as well it's like easter eggs that i'm missing oh that's way too far jesus okay well calm down there a jiminy cricket will you i'm also trying to see if i can i go over there let's see oh god well that didn't work did it here we go oh nice i even get to go through the oh well the logo i mean the circle and it's really smart as well because they they get rid of this it falls out of it to be like hey draw your attention to this thing super cool i can't personally oversee every one of them so these pre-recorded messages will cover any questions you might have and respond to any incidents that may occur in the course of your science adventure your test assignment will vary depending on the manner in which you have event the world to your will those of you helping us test the repulsion gel today just follow the blue line on the floor those of you who volunteered to be injected with preying mantis i've got some good news and some bad news bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely good news is we've got a much better test for you fighting an army of mantis men pick up a rifle and follow the yellow line you'll know the test starts oh it's so clever uh first of all propulsion gel yes that's the bouncy blue one that we get to do now soon um it was a new addition to this game but okay lots of storytelling going on here now you're starting to realize that we're in this location where there's like like people would funnel in here they would take an elevator down get here arrive well on the other side actually because the low goes that way and then they would come in here and they would all line up and sign stuff and everyone was working here so you get a sense for we've always heard that there were other test subjects so we've always seen bits and pieces of like other domes and things like that but now actually being here and seeing the lineup for where people would be going so there's cave that's who's talking voiced by jk simmons one of the greatest voices ever he does um j jonah jameson in the sam raimi spider-man movies spirit of idaho national potato board for the promotion of potato science good old idaho idaho are the only place outside of ireland that i will allow be as into potatoes as we are and i'm the spokesperson for ireland so cave johnson is a shower curtain salesman 1943 we saw 1961 in the walls and then local entrepreneur by salt mine cave johnson to bring science industry to upper michigan the 1947 best new science company so a lot happened to him he took on some crazy science stuff uh from shower curtains from shower curtains to science i mean shower curtains are their own kind of science when you think about it please wait for a tenant to begin lift i don't need your attendant i live for danger wow so awesome man i live for this kind of stuff do not fall down elevator shaft i mean i'll do my best now we're right up against this thing do we actually get to go into it i can't remember um oh yeah see look at the expense now that we have to shoot our portals all the way over there and it's very subtle well they tell you to zoom but you can shoot the portal on any part of this wall but they have this bricked over door to be like hey look it's very smart good game design can i go through any of these no oh lord oh see damn that's clever can i actually yeah so they're like don't fall down the elevator shaft okay don't do it but you need to come over here to be able to see what you do oh man that's good then you know okay over there but they're like don't fall down the elevator shaft so you know you're gonna fall down the elevator shaft but you need to find a place to be able to do it like right here okay where am i what am i shooting blue oh man this is what i'm talking about this is where stuff got wild yes that's amazing because half-life has followed this stuff as well like you go to ravenholm um mark brown from the game makers toolkit is a channel that i really like on youtube and you should go watch a lot of their videos if you're into game design and how games are made and the inner workings and mechanics and everything of them which i really am and level design but he talks about how in half-life you walk in and you see a head crab zombie and there's a saw blade having chopped one in half on the wall and you can't get past it so you have to pull out a saw blade with the gravity going and as soon as you do that one walks by to be like hey shoot this at that so so much information gets processed to you immediately and it without ever having to be like a screen pop up and be like hey tutorial this is how you do it this is why valve are really good at this stuff know your chemical hazards do not inhale fumes no matter how good they smell oh i can't help that oh did i just turn on this place still works jeepers jill flow should i follow the gel flow because there's an arrow pointing that way again very clever they say great science is built on the shoulders of giants not here at aperture we do all our science from scratch no hand holding good for you cave whoa whoa okay let's get started this first test involves something the lab boys call repulsion gel you're not part of the control group by the way you get the gel last poor son of a gun got blue paint all joking aside that did happen broke every ball in his legs tragic uninformative so good so is this a i'm i'm trying to remember the lore of this is this an older section of aperture like some of the first areas because this is all old and the newer sections that we get in portal one and the start of this game it was like the the backlit screens would show up and be like test chamber five out of eleven whereas now it's just like no you just have a board telling you where you are and what you're doing remember this test is unsolvable without an aperture science portal quantum tunneling device if you have not received one please find a test associate before participating in any shaft 09 enrichment negative voice acted in this game it's easy oh so repulsion gel was aperture's first attempt to create a diabetic dietetic pudding substitute it's true the gel is a sweeter slightly less non-toxic form of fiberglass insulation that causes subsubsequently ingested food items to bounce off the lining of a dieter's disintended stomach or distended stomach and out his or her mouth for various reasons this product was pulled from shells yeah maybe it's the fiberglass part of it it's a killing properties can just call it flubber though basically what it is all right [Music] what did you do oh you opened up the thing oh yeah and all the super old doors as well okay but i need a block oh the block is over there can i just ah yeah keeps your momentum as well come on down blocky simple pimple on a nipple the lambo has just informed me that i should not have mentioned the control group they're telling me i ought to stop making these pre-recorded messages that gave me an idea make more pre-recorded messages i pay the bills here i can talk about the control group all damn day good view cave yeah break some rules stick it to the man you technically are the man here but um i trust in you i'm surprised your recordings actually still work after all these years it's been quite a while for this next test we put nanoparticles in the gel in layman's terms that's a billion little gizmos that are going to travel into your bloodstream and pump experimental genes and rna molecules and so forth into your tumors now maybe you don't have any tumors well don't worry if you're uh holding chair in the lobby and weren't wearing lead underpants we took care of that too okay no my portal no stinky [Music] i never noticed that listen to the music when your bounces are like a little oh crap i miss it listen that's awesome why did i never notice that before maybe my entire brain capacity was taken up trying to do puzzles all the time i was very dumb back then but now i'm a genius i'm sure am i gone ah epic that's pretty cool that wait what one did what did you open oh okay um i need to get over there so let's do this oh that doesn't really help oh lord actually it did it helped a lot what's down here though hello god don't fall in there you will die and hurt your feelings nice let's go through [Music] oh awesome it'd be cool if the music thrilled um [Music] louder and crescendoed more the bigger the bounce you got but what do i know i'm just a gamer [Laughter] but i'll tell you this it's a lively one and it does not like the human skeleton all these science fears are made of asbestos by the way keeps out the rats let us know if you feel a shortness of breath a persistent dry cough or your heart stopping because that's not part of the test that's asbestos good news is the lab boys say the symptoms of asbestos poisoning show a median latency of forty four point six years so if you're great or you're laughing worst case scenario you miss out on a few rounds of canasta plus you forwarded the cause of science by three centuries centuries [Music] [Laughter] well his best monologue is coming which everyone i feel like has heard at this point but also asbestos kind of sounding a lot like what we have going around now and that's not a great one um where am i even going with this where is oh up there no surely you just whoa okay never mind okay no i i was right you're an idiot nope i'm a genius i like your style you make up your own rules just like me bean counter said i couldn't fire a man just for being in a wheelchair get it anyway ramps are expensive see another great piece of video game design so the liquid is really nice looking because you come through those portals anyway and then it's already lined up and your first instinct is to just press the button before putting any more portals and it's like oh that's where it go do i need it anywhere else here yeah i probably need it everywhere actually yeah put some there why not put some here i could do with it uh you know what why not put some here just put it everywhere really be like an eight-year-old at a birthday party you just want to put liquids all over the place this one's got this wave i'm supposed to come out bounce off this i can't put it up there yet there we go there we go uh no that was i didn't mean to do that go back in the hole there we go that's what i meant to do um can i put it there close pretty close but not what i want i want that works anyway excellent excellent excellent excellent put that there and you there oh we're all going to have a happy christmas look at that beautiful absolutely beautiful and then if i do this [Music] yes fluorescent calcium in it so we can track the neuronal activity in your brain what there's a slight chance the calcium could harden and vitrify your front alone anyway don't stress yourself thinking about it i'm serious visualizing the scenario while under stress actually triggers the reaction great also i should have gone back to the other area where i was down here it might have been fun to bounce around down there i don't know i don't know if i actually would have done anything oh no i'm taking my hands off the wheel jesus take it cave do you regret that your parents named you after a cavernous space now if you're part of control group we implanted a tiny microchip about the size of a postcard into your skull most likely you've forgotten it's even there but if it starts vibrating and beeping during this next test let us know because that means it's about to hit 500 degrees so we're gonna need to go ahead and get that out of here pretty fast okay you're funny cave i like you uh i don't really know where i'm oh god that scared the absolute life out of me i don't really know where i'm supposed to put this stuff yet but i'm just putting it everywhere because that's fun um oh so close oh not today h2o hey sue oh my god i haven't even tried that all right this next test may involve trace amounts of time travel so word of advice if you meet yourself on the testing track don't make eye contact lab boys tell me that'll wipe out time entirely forward and backward so do both of yourselves a favor and just let that handsome devil go about his business okay i love time travel though cave it's pretty epic it's one of my favorite devices and narratives could we do that okay oh lord i didn't know what direction i was facing up down left right did it even matter i don't know what's the matter baby ooh can i can i put more bouncy stuff everywhere you oh wait accidents hurt you will be hurt co-workers don't endanger others the company replacements are costly and science investigations impede progress safety first that's a good message from our fellow cave johnson oh yes i can okay so just put that there because why not oh well maybe not then put it all over that just put it everywhere that it's needed which for me is just literally everywhere all over everything love it yeah you can probably do it some over there yeah for sure for sure you're gonna need blue everywhere let's just spice up the room add a splashy color oh guys i don't know about this this seems spooky definitely spooky definitely spooky but also equal parts epic that was awesome cave where are we going next bruh i actually don't know where we need to go oh look up dingbat hey don't call me [Music] that sounds like projections [Music] oh the ball is getting the black is the block is getting okay well stop stop stop stop i need to wash my cube you can't have your cube being blue you got to wash your cube there you go cube washed so what do you do mr cube for work you get there cool got it now how do i utilize that to the best of my abilities huh hmm let's put some of this here yeah yeah and now i'm up here actually let's just put it there and now now i'm up there wait why are you putting stuff all over the place when i don't actually really need it confused [Music] [Music] it's awkward it's like when your parents fight at the dinner table and you don't really know what to do except just like cave if i'm doing good congratulations the simple fact that you're standing here listening to me means you've made a glorious contribution to science as founder and ceo of aperture science i thank you for your participation and hope we can count on you for another round of tests we're not going to release this stuff into the wild until it's good and damn ready so as long as you keep yourself in top physical form there will always be a limo waiting for she's super fun oh wait i thought that was a an electronic door i don't think i go that way i think that i go over here you see wow amazing so there's a very there's an in-game reason as to why you're only able to shoot portals on these surfaces and not anything like this first of all of course game mechanics are a thing and you need to actually keep things stable and limit the player otherwise you can literally do anything in portal anywhere and then the game puzzles kind of fall apart but there is a very specific reason for it do i go through there in this universe uh-huh and there's a hint at your next one orange gel oh oh i can just oh no i can't hold on coming back why can't i get that how can i make it oh wait that was just leading back to that one yeah of course i wouldn't be able to do that i could just get up there easily anyway ah i see i see all right let's not do that yet we have to do we have to do the basic one first shoot that there ah that's why that's there okay now we're shooting orange over there [Music] nice one give yourself a pat in the back round of applause smooch on the lips not me yourself i can't go that way i'll release the gels what happens if you mix them the orange one is to go speedy gel the super fast go speedy now time what happens if you mix the do you just go really fast and bounce really far at the same time that's scary whoa that was amazing when you come out into these open areas god look at that it's just a cracked wall but i'm amazed by it who knew that i would love it hi johnson ceo of aperture science as a vital participant in the 1968 senate hearings on missing astronauts and you've most likely used one of the many products we invented but that other people have somehow managed to steal from us black mesa can eat my bankruptcy the testing right now you might be asking yourself cave just how difficult are these tents what was in that phone book of a contract i signed am i in danger let me answer those questions with a question who wants to make 60 dollars cash you can also feel free to relax for up to 20 minutes in the waiting room which is a damn sight more comfortable than the park benches most of you were sleeping on when we found you so welcome you're here because we want the best and you're it nope couldn't keep a straight face anyway don't smudge up the glass down there in fact why don't you just go ahead and not touch anything unless it's test related damn i didn't do it i was supposed to shoot there did you guys see what's in there pigeon glados we need to go save her i'm coming glady don't even worry about bruh uh let's go over there yes nice i found you doesn't know what he's doing so what do you say you carry me up to him and put me back into my body and i stop us from blowing up and let you go yes you got it glados luckily you were sitting on the elevator control [Music] okay don't tucker yourself out there glados just save your energy for the bad man [Music] she's so cute when she's angry all right now i think we can do this one nice one me epic we got glados back little potato glados the amount of times i wanted to spoil that in the first game and leading up to this one getting to that point of having her as a potato i love the fact that we get to have her with us now and we get to bring her around and she's a companion and we're in chapter 7 reunion the testing area is just up ahead the quicker you get through the quicker you'll get your 60 bucks the plot thickens like a fine soup i don't know glados why did why did you react to that what's going on oh super speedy gel okay well we gotta put it here wait no go again oh wait i took the blue one off whoops there you go there you go nice nice okay all right we got it we can do this um anywhere else we can put it i think we can just run right oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god yes we can just run indeedly i'd only i well i need more for here now stink all right i need to put oh god hit my phone and i can knock the portal out we got to put a blue here go no the goop is everywhere boys let's go nice super speed man go okay i don't have to do it again come on no come with me block oh weird i can do my own hair now at least i'd cut my own hair wrong one go through nice and then you go through here and then you go here and now we have a super ramp the ramp gets higher so so do we yeah that's so cool uh i need to put you there all right so what i need to do is now go the opposite direction oh god too fast look at this texture it's so cool it makes me what's it taste like what happens if you drink that one what was this one designed to be give you diarrhea nice oh remember do not leave your belongings here loiter for more than 20 minutes touch the glass there is no glass do wear a shirt and shoes at all time i'm not wearing shoes i'm indoors move quickly through your test track i did not forget to not touch the glass okay you got it no glass touching 1.6 volts now we know that we just need to relax we're still going to find out what the hell is going on here but calmly okay i mean if you say so um where do i want to put this stuff there oh i know what i have to do you have to put this one first i think yeah and then some of this one because i need i need speed and then i need a jump at the end oh wait wait wait wait wait i can just do this i didn't see that one yeah yeah nice what happens if you put the blue there as well oh wait you can't um wait what oh okay okay do i need to come out there what no i can't do that how am i supposed to come out through there that's madness okay wait hold on we do this come out here oh yeah oh yeah oh it's about to go [Music] down hey listen up down there that thing's called an elevator not a bathroom oh is that what i smell i know him oh you do glados you just answered him earlier is no one gonna talk okay good because we're gonna leave that episode here oh god we're getting a lot of story stuff now this is probably the most exposition heavy dump in the game just getting to this area realizing glados in the potato cave johnson caroline all of that stuff there's so much going on this is where the the zenith of all of the the new mechanics and all of the new characters and everything kind of coalesce the most i think after this it's kind of just exp exposition on everything that's been going down but this was these are the moments where i was like oh man there's so much more to this world than i thought there was when i initially started all of this but we're starting to get some real good stuff now we're starting to get into the real tasty puzzles the ones that are actually going to take me a little bit to figure out so those are always the funnest ones the ones that are really quick it's like it doesn't make your brain tingle it doesn't make it like light up it doesn't spark it's not like licking a battery don't do that but thank you guys for watching don't forget the the do's and don'ts of this episode do hit the like button a lot every single person who watches this video has to hit it do also subscribe if you're new here and you want to see more portal 2. don't touch the glass and don't not push the like button you know you don't want to be stinky
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 1,796,425
Rating: 4.9776893 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, portal, portal game, portal series, portal gameplay, portal jacksepticeye, portals, portal walkthrough, portal playthrough, portal part 1, portal walkthrough part 1, portal full series, portal long play, portal full game, glados, funny, funny moments, funny game, portal full walkthrough, portal 1, half life, portal 2, portal 2 gameplay, portal 2 full game, portal 2 jacksepticeye, portal 2 walkthrough, portal 2 playthrough
Id: prUofaeZ8fM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 56sec (2456 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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