STILL ALIVE | Portal - Part 2 (END)

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good morning to you laddies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome back to portal i have severely misjudged my estimates for the length of this game i kept going back and forth on that last time being like it's three hours long no it's six hours long no it's an hour long and now I just can't remember how long the game is at all at all so we're just gonna try our best to finish it and see what's going on ah I messed it up alright I'll just wait wait my teeth which there's a real reflection so you can see shells face just massive on the side of this thing lovely lovely lovely I'm really glad you guys enjoyed the first episode I am having a ton of fun playing this game oh wait I should be doing that huh yep otherwise I could have been squish kebabbed over there I don't want to die I also have a feeling now that this episode might be like 20 minutes long [Laughter] you know what GLaDOS I am but I'm just not talking to you okay where can we come on right here I'd let us she may be a murderous robot intent on killing me and all that stuff but you have a great sense of comedy and I can't deny that you know you and me would be great friends okay I need to figure this out let's get up there somehow old so we wait for the big thing to come across come on baby come on daddy come on boy and then we're gonna just go yes how did that help me oh I can't go through that oh well I'm going over here now um I shouldn't be here I don't want to be here I messed it up oh I should be a dear hmm I can still do it I can still save this alright you're a me buckaroo nice good jump me thanks me you're the best quarantine has not gotten to me yet okay I'm in full control of all of my brains I don't care what's safe I care a lot about what safe says you now I'm over here over here okay stick her up there and then we'll see what's going on all right all right uh-huh uh-huh all right all right uh-huh so then if I if I do one of these lads then go over here hola hola hola hola all right all right I picked it all up ha ha ha ha ha I have figured it out Gladys chick who's on you wait Oh God ha ha I'm a genius no really a lot of people wouldn't agree with that but I don't care about what other people think I just care about em II my enjoyment all right where we going now Oh should I have done that Gladys yes I am so is it [Laughter] I'd laugh I laugh I laugh okay glass I'm gonna go back here and do a thing okay is that okay with you we make that inside a horrible day [ __ ] it's a horrible death you didn't tell me that I didn't really wait for your response I kind of just went with it but that's just how I do baby huh yes yes I whatever but you're laughing gladdie I am leaving and I'm taking the kids I'm not coming back I am gonna load the game though that so I was also wrong about how this game came about somebody in the comments said that a guy had been making a game in like a hellscape got to do with portals and stuff and then valve took notice of it more like we really liked that idea and then made this I think I think that's the way it goes I thought that the guy that people had made portal already and then vouchers kind of like bought it and published it and I can I took over from there but I'm not sure hello I helped but I can't help you now what am I supposed to do what was this guy's name again I forget these that was his name his name is beans these are not the kind of beans that I like I like I like good dirty beans that have coffee flavor you know get a coat you got a cup of that dirty bean juice I love that he goes through each other the physics were a lie that damn it all break it ruin it [ __ ] society now that we're past that let's continue on don't break don't break don't break don't break don't break don't break don't break don't break ah what do I tell you I told you not to do that dinky dinky stinky what have we got Oh God it's fine it's just my bones and organs yeah screw you screw you yes Jesus you sure you got a buddy on you're like a [ __ ] battle tank I can't go any further I can't go any further oh I can't I can't I'm a lawyer I'm a lawyer just like the cake well I think that went very well come on let's everybody into the pile I want to make a fire out of you oh god that's my blood I don't like seeing my blood recently when I went to the doctor and they got a blood sample like needles kind of scare me the needle going in it's like one thing and I have to look at it when it goes in otherwise I freaked out and I don't like it and I punch a kid but when they put it in I was like yeah yeah it's not so bad and then suddenly I was like oh I feel very lightheaded I didn't faint you know cuz I'm awesome but I almost did I know it's like a psychological thing I just don't like seeing my own blood leave my body it's supposed to be in there it's called internal bleeding not external bleeding all right everybody in the pile I'm gonna sacrifice you to glados these types of things is what I love you see all the other ones there's no thing coming down out of them so it's just kind of like an abyss like wait how am I supposed to get out of here but then this one is hanging down and there's handprints it's very subtle but then you can kind of a over there and get out yeah yes where did you get really loud all of a sudden oh I can't put a tariff Sega's hack haha chiku's oh god don't shoot me don't shoot me what time is it time to suck a dick I want to go up there uh-huh uh-huh yeah I do find a gap I need to go there actually hope yes huh I'm a legend the legend of shell will go very very far no I thought it was in the exact same place again go through shell I know you have big feet hun yeah but come on I'm not putting you down I might use you as a sacrifice and ransom against all the other robots if these are shooting at me you can shoot back okay friendship coalescence synergy you like that you want to do that okay just fall over then good if you're shutting down that means you're shutting up all right what we got here the cake is a lie again hello can you or can I help you ah is that Gladys he been in here for a while tasty cake big Rob ah Hal mm I'm sorry Dave I'm afraid I can't do that yeah she's watching you I know she's watching me she's also talking to me and I hate her beans haha I barely even saw what I was doing but I still did it that's what she said is it is that a funny joke well you yeah I mean it's right before halfway three on this you got halfway free in any of these huh where is it give me the answers all right I'm leaving but only because I want to now who's being tested not I Oh God oh hi Jesus God okay okay okay you wanna shoot me again haha fool idiot I'm at wait hold on I make you shoot yourself can they do that um excuse me how are you immune to that god damn it I was thought I was being a big smarty clever you're the stank all right I'm leaving danger I'd make this to authorized personnel only that's me I'm a gamer danger contaminated area I have one of those ooh spooky spooky over here you got it buckaroo but how do I do I dreaming of a white Christmas ah God the door is trying to kill me everything in this place sucks I know why I can't kill you because I'm still in need of your services over here over here over here can't hit me can't hit me haha stinky nice thank you that worked out really well hello sir any way I can get over there hey hmm I have an idea I have an idea I'm just going to stack things you know what the game wants me to play it a certain way but I'm just gonna use a chair I'm not even I'm not gonna call this game portal anymore I'm gonna call it chair the chair and she'll show you over there I don't want to listen to you all right we need the chair in a certain orientation though close enough close enough hope less close oh look I'm so close to this is there even a way that I can okay oh you always had it shel oh that would have been amazing alright just keep throwing it around until you get it you put the chair down jump on it yes yes yes oh yes I'm a legend was actually supposed to do that so I thought I was like break in the system and being all cool if I go through there I'm gonna die I found an opening that's what she said there we go nailed it finally who has stuff on guys that was really bothering me all day yep it's up GLaDOS I have bested your system yet big robot freak sorry I'm sure you're lovely on the weekends but here in a work week you're a real Karen nice nice man who needs doors I have portals to solve my problems do it do it today hello tonight oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no nice one less nuisance in the world whoa I'm the robot terminator but wait the Terminator was a robot I mean I'm the Terminator of robots and I am also a robot it's a hard story to follow this is beautiful like clockwork oh Jesus my perfectly sculpted ass one left to left actually hook we know this one left oh look at you look at you look at you trying to be a sneaky I am the sneaky surprise attack okay so we need that and then we need to oh yes this is going to be très intéressant okay wait do this what I'm here now see you that yes here we go you're coming with me that didn't work just keep shooting them ah I messed it up okay here we go what yes and whoop con she'll get your head in the game get your head in the game yes dammit I didn't really work okay I messed it up I don't know where I'm supposed to come out after that oh oh oh that toy was supposed to do it oh I should have known that I Rea from the get-go whoa whoa Oh too slow beanie babies no never shoot him shoot him and I'll make it worth your while shoot him and I'll give you the answers to sent in life shoot each other for my amusement ha ha I never had the answer to sentient life I'm barely able to think straight for myself I'm gonna put a hole here and then I want to jump off now when I come out the other side you better tell me her to go drama knows it's ok it's right there ok thank you appreciate it I I was completely lost otherwise don't do it again though because you'd probably die and dying is the big bad cool now over here I'm leaving got us and I'm taking my orange tang with me authorized personnel only check this equipment starts and stops automatically check high voltage hmm I love high voltage it's so much better than low voltage well so big we're so far underground as well right where are your respirator oh I don't have one of those there she is GLaDOS found me congratulations Shirley because despite your violent behavior the only thing you've managed to break so far is my heart I guess we both know that isn't going to happen you chose this earth now I have a surprise for you deploying surprising five-floor not for a second that wasn't supposed to happen what is that it's not the surprise [Laughter] it's a mystery oscillator by myself because you'll be dead I am I don't know I'm going to bring it back up the furnace or do you want it back here have it back I don't I don't want it it's gross now I want to destroy it and then you sorry think I'm trying to trick you with reverse psychology I mean seriously now no I think you're just a big evil ding-dang huh basketball back into me no but stinky no just put it in a corner that's going to go later I put it in the hall he didn't we're kidding me did you just send that Aperture Science saying we don't know what it does into an aperture science emergency intelligence incineration or yeah I'm kind of fun like that good news I think you'd have a good thing you just incinerated was a morality core they installed after I flooded the enrichment center with a deadly neurotoxin to make me stop flooding the enrichment center with a deadly neurotoxin responsibilities I can't shut off the terror of Defense's oh well if you want my advice you should just lie down there you go there you go gotcha gotcha okay I want this gimme gimme I know go over there there we go all right I don't care about the deadly neurotoxin what about this one is this one bud got him to pursue his wine you don't even know anymore you're stupid you're a stinky like me now I don't know math either Oh God I got it la-la-la-la-lee sings Oh Purdy that would have been epic here have a ball gotcha gotcha what no okay that's not okay I'm gonna just do this properly hey me hey me I'm right here come on hit me whoa that's weird that's weird you went the opposite way that's so weird you're a freakazoid Oh got it I'm so awesome shut up Gladys shut up I'm doing important stuff and things but instead of three minutes left to go [ __ ] I think that's so fast it helps when you know what to do okay okay tap down there got us so cool Oh oh this is bad this is so bad am I supposed to do this or was I supposed to stop that Jesus I think we were supposed to do that hey bright side the trees on the right have no end or they they just cut off there you have it folks portal oh god oh god I motion sick huh you all careful there bud the cake it wasn't a lie fun oh so cool and then we get the best song ever I'm making a note here huge success it's hard to overstate my satisfaction Aperture Science it's so cute we do what we must because we can that's as far as I remember man what a good ass game it's so short that was only an hour and a half I remember the first time getting to the end of this I was like what what happened what was going on that's so cool still alive that ending is so cool when you get outside the base for the first time back when I did play it for the first time even that outside area looks so realistic and I would say does look great anymore but I just love another fire it goes because it could have just gone into the area of or we see a little bit behind the scenes or we just get all the test chambers and that's it but I love they go behind the curtain Wizard of Oz style you go behind the veil you see what's going on you see how massive this establishment is and you start getting more of the world around what's actually going on in the test chambers like that last area before you get to her like core total whatever you want to call it when you see that base like you can kind of see out the window and you can see how massive it is and then realize like oh wait where are we and then you realize you were underground all that time right at the end of it it's amazing thank you for participating in this enrichment center activity and then you get the full song so cool now I still love this game it is really really short but it's one of those things that back when this was like a new concept right now after playing portal 2 this one seems a little ridiculous in a way because there's so much more to portal 2 than there isn't this one but when this did come out it was it was almost perfect I'd I'd reckon it's still basically a flawless game because it has its elements it has a story none of the elements of it when you were playing it for the first time overstayed their welcome and it just it had a vision in mind it executed it it got out of the way and then it just moved on it didn't waste your time and I didn't bloated with too much of the same thing some of portal 2 does end up loading some of it towards the middle where you kind of repeating some of the same sorts of things but it is varied enough that it still doesn't really feel like that and it's still a it's still very impressive oh god what's happening oh my companion cube I didn't know this happened that's cool oh but yeah still a phenomenal game such a cool ass concept and something that's like it goes from concept and elevates it so far beyond that with the story elements because one of my favorite things is like mystery and lore and kind of the hidden sort of elements to stories where stuff isn't just given to you and some of the stuff is still kind of left a little vague and this had that in spades when you get those little elements of behind the curtain of oh this guy like went behind the walls and he's talking about everything being a lie and you get a sense of like oh there's somebody else here and then you get a feeling like oh this has been going on for a long time and I'm just one in many subjects and then you start seeing more of the base and some of the stuff GLaDOS is talking about some of the stuff you see behind the scenes adds to this whole world than an aperture science as a lab starts to get really interesting and then she mentions Black Mesa which ties it back to half-life so all of this world building suffers what I really really love about this and of course the sci-fi portal II aspect to it in the robots and everything is just phenomenal as well but it added so much more to it and then portal 2 takes that and does it a million times more there's so much more story in portal 2 so if you guys want to see me play the entirety of portal 2 please let me know in the comments leave a like on the video because that I mean I can read comments all day but everyone's just gonna say yes anyway but if you really want to see it please leave a like in the video so I really just know how interested people are in that and I will do a full portal to series as well portal 2 is also an amazing game it's a lot longer than this I think oh wait how long is portal 2 let's check support 1 says it's 3 hours to finish we did it in an hour and a half so half that time because if you play it once you kind of know how everything works and you don't have to spend time messing around portal 2 then is eight and a half hours thirteen and a half with extras so we will see let me know down in the comments but thank you for watching portal in general one of my favorite games ever and I'm glad we got to do it on Channel [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] don't nobody didn't eat some cake
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 1,499,096
Rating: 4.9852829 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, portal, portal game, portal series, portal gameplay, portal jacksepticeye, portals, portal walkthrough, portal playthrough, portal part 1, portal walkthrough part 2, portal full series, portal long play, portal full game, glados, funny, funny moments, funny game, portal full walkthrough, portal 1, half life, portal 1 part 2, portal end, portal ending, portal 1 ending, glados boss fight, still alive, still alive song, still alive portal
Id: JzaVlw6RKbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 44sec (1784 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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