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oh she's trying to get me huh she's trying to trick me I've got the power of hydration of my psyche ain't gonna get me I'm a smart brainy boy up in the heads ha ha ha mornin G ladies my name is jacksepticeye and welcome back to portal 2 we're going to head into the area with aah they're all gone the area with the turrets she said last time the spherical is full of bullets hi oh I missed you guys [Music] Wow I would say you guys got cool music now I want cool music hey hey behind you hey ha ha Dom that's stupid dumb face ha ha can't hit me Jamie you're too stupid for this hey there you go welcome welcome to the Thunderdome be no he said he doesn't hate me I hate me if I were you I just killed you your entire purpose for b-but I appreciate you not wanting to kill me all right you put one of those there and rope hit got him you put one of those there I don't well got him psych you suck at this I am so brainy er then anything you guys can throw at me alright and then hope nice and then oh-oh-oh can't do anything there can't do anything there I was gonna throw this block out here watch what which one that I fired above your head nice Gotti huh is that good is that a right place I don't know can I see him haha hey up here dum-dum you could have survived if you just listened for five seconds oh I don't hate you either bud even though you're trying to shoot me full of holes see that class I'm smarty whoa ooh we're not going through the elevators anymore this is some secret Willy Wonka stuff oh we surfed a load though that's the only problem to maintain a constant testing cycle I simulate daylight at all hours a little green or vapor to your oxygen supply so you may be confused about the passage of time the point is yesterday was your birthday oh thank you come have my cake where's my damn cake you promised me cake in the last game and I haven't got cake yet very upset about it all right we got to figure out oh we don't want a kid runs along and they fall over and they just wind themselves as oh all right how do we do this I'm gonna get you in - huh I know what sport is forever but you're going to be dead in 60 years oh well I've been working on a belated birthday present for you more of a belated birthday medical procedure technically it's a medical experiment what's important is it's a present oh no no she's just a sweetheart you're not trying to kill me which is all the time you're kind of nice which is never Irish I had friends down here you're wearing look stupid that's not me talking it's right here in your file on other people that looks fine but right here a scientist has noted that on you it looks stupid well what does a neckbeard an old engineer know about fashion right probably oh wait it's a she still atashi no oh wait it says she has a medical degree in fashion from France wow that's nice I was going to like rush at you and everything then I realized that would have been a dumb idea somebody do this is it ha ha wait no no no and ah man I wanted to throw you over the top and kill all those guys can I still do that whoop nice nice I can actually just ah I win okay okay okay Wow Wow hit me now hit me now flew at me hit me now yes I sign beach week right what do I have to do here I need to get way okay Boosh I did it stop deploying don't do it oh this is like when Batman drops in on people he just takes out everybody and you're wondering how he did it I'll show you how that kill 10 people in five seconds I'm a legend okay hold on I'm a smart you're the DA where's my baby I won't be darkness is promising me beams in cake genic storage I managed to find two with your last name a man and a woman so that's interesting is the king telling you but spoil the surprise is it great so I'll just give you a hint it involves meeting two people you haven't seen in a long time I am still here sadly unfortunately forever and always all right no nap time what if we do this yeah thank you for giving me that laser pointer for direct contact cuz watch this boom boom y'all day mo what's up ain't got nothing against me I'm amazing you're the suck alright now we can do this hmm spunk alright no just don't walk on it I know I need a haircut and everything but that would be ridiculous oh my laser goes through that epic ooh epic ooh thank you for dying valiantly [Music] okay well that's creepy it says this next test was designed by one of apertures Nobel Prize winners doesn't say what the prize was for well I know it wasn't for being immune to neurotoxin I hit our again like an idiot I keep hitting arcs I want to reload my gun and it's not first-person shooter it's come on in here yet hey hey hey yeah don't look at me anymore I know what you're up to I see behind the lights and the deceit I'm putting you up here I'm destroying this camera okay no no no you can't escape your fate just stay there I'll be back now why do you have to say for yourself hey hey that's nice - no what am i trained to do wait Oh oh I actually need you okay that wouldn't have worked anyway oh oh I get it I get it oh I do I get it you guys I get it so goodly oh it's like a Christmas present Oh daddy yes Daddy Oh dearest okay I can't I can't okay no it doesn't work actually or does daddy oh yes daddy does it I don't think so wait a minute it's not what I wanted silly yes that's good i brainley i brainy give me beans give me in fact we're headed to your surprise right now after these years I'm getting choked up just thinking about it better be beans I'll be chapter for the surprise hey fellas oh all my friends came out don't shoot me haha sillies daddy Gladys initiating surprise in 3 2 1 [Music] I made it all up oh well I said like this but you won't come on if it makes you feel any better they abandoned you at Birth so I very seriously doubt that even want to see you Oh Gladys you're the closest thing I have to a mother aren't you oh that sucks oh that makes me not want to live let's do it anyway for Mom ooh big room big room for the boys all right so you're trying to kill me at all times that's cool nay that's epic but I don't want you to so I'm gonna go over here for a second see I'm comfortable here this is nice all the way over get over here at least hello oh why what is this ooh nice oh well that's not Chumley is it that's not what I want I want you guys to not do that but how do I make you not do that that's a question that I would like answered please oh I could just do that Oh duh duh Winkie no I stopped that one I stop both of them if my brain had brains I'd be dangerous all right let me back please but away from that guy he's a little sock I don't have you guys knew that a little secret the secret about that guy he is sock and then why I made another 100 wait he can kind of see me from here ha ha dum dum dum dum dum your job he hates it when I called him dummy all right all right and then I get the next one I know what to do I have it in my mind we all right I need to just need to block you off there for a second just go to scooch past you there oh how am I gonna get over there ah you're blocking the things oh wait I am so dingy I'm so stupid okay okay pinky ponky pinky blankie blankie blankie blankie blankie okay through thing in the up service yes now just do this just do this there you go there you go that's so easy now oh oh the phone company yes Jerry or maybe you're prejudiced worksite should have accommodated a nanobot Mike sighs thanks for the hate crime Jer see you shortly just hang in there for five more chambers okay bye wheatless charlie well you know the old formula y already equals tragedy plus time and you have been asleep for a while so I guess it's actually pretty funny when you do the lab I love that I love when the Silva's out of order and then it just fixes itself when you get in it's so cool it's nice little touch what are you guys doing over there having a good time I'm gonna come join you hopefully I want to I want to be friends hmm I don't have a place high enough to drop from to be able to get to you and dressing very interesting I could get in there huh what do you think is that pretty cool I'd like to think so wait what's over here first let's maybe do that just actually don't know who this is fun oh it's very fun neat that was cool I like doing that it didn't help them whoa oh whoa yeah what up buddy how's it going pretty good is it I hope so alright let's get let's get you over here shall we let's put you in let's get you going let's do a thing all right cool epic what are that - Queen and who Shh come on come on Gotti god I am so good at video games wait I think I have to go over there now again oh I see you looking at me yeah what do you think about that you know what we're gonna have some fun with you come on over here mister camera who you lookin at GLAAD BAM you want to look at me again ah take you and go there excellent and then the last one is right over there but how do I know I need a new favorite sound to make and then just do this Oh actually I'm a tyrant I'm a villain I'm actually a nice guy but nice guys finish last is oh oh [ __ ] chick oh I didn't know there was the last one chickens alright make sure they're all day they're all dead oh god I'm not very good wash how's that Big O no game what's up next regulations require me to warn you that this next test chamber is looking pretty good okay what the facility is completely operational again that's cool glad you guys figured it out happy for you but where do I anything wait where's the thing ah alright okay that's an obvious one but you can't do that it's too obvious so what if we no no no blinky that's the stinky don't fall in there don't put your dick in that said it ah I did I knew there was a secret to it haha what do you think about that huh let me think about that can't hit me jaimé jaimé stupid oh wait so good at these test chambers look even better than they did before it was easy really you just have to look at things objectively see what you don't need anymore yeah and trim out the fact ah I see she's not only diabolical and massive but she's also extremely humbled got it I've got a surprise for you after this next test you said that last I make tragic surprise like last time okay the beans real surprise sweets tragic consequences and real confetti this time oh and stuff our last bag part of me is going to miss it but at the end of the day it was just taking up space space we all right you're gonna trigger that and that's gonna fall over here got it epic who turned off the lights Judy I'm speaking in an accent that is beyond her range of hearing okay okay okay okay okay okay yup this is very dangerous I'm scared yes you keep running okay got it which right okay okay got it got it I'm very scared this is very exciting I like this Oh Oh the deadly neurotoxin do they mess it up I mess it up I mess it up I saw shiny things and I ran towards them I'm like a magpie it's an easier way okay we're supposed to go this way all right we're off again Peters Oh bye fight I'm fine I'm fine don't even worry about it no really maybe sub-sub worrying about it I'm fine uh-huh my legs caught me thankfully that's great piece of anatomy those are legs wonderful love them great for jumping running away from problems kicking people Oh Lord that's a lot of Therese ah I am a maniac I am dead oh I'm gonna be death in a second if I'm not careful okay I don't know what you're saying too busy escaping this way this way it's a lot of yelling hell maybe half of it it's fine it's fine it's fine I got it I got it I'm just full of holes now I like Swiss cheese Wheatley it's okay though it's supposed to happen like that can't bacon Amin up shooting a few eggs holy be goalie I'm trying she holy Tatars Wow Wow that's so awesome to look at Wow seeing just everything crumpled seeing the massive scale of the facility every time behind the scenes and seeing everything crumple and crush and her control everything is really daunting but very a peek wait nice way look okay so okay gate man I am jacked look at these arms I look like I could lift a Ford Focus hi Chad Lee okay jesus take the wheel okay alright so I've got an idea but it is bloody dangerous here we go Oh God we're gonna have to for my dance our way out of this ah this lighting this this is really impressive I just love lighting is my favorite aspect of video games if you couldn't tell by now everytime lighting stuff happens I gosh over it just seeing actual proper dynamic light sources is such a gives me such an erection then all these shadows being cast by it so impressive that they say that the old caretaker of this placement absolutely crazy chopped up his entire staff of robots robots they say it like you can still hear the screams I can hear them out because all of them functionally indistinguishable from the originals no memory of the incident nobody knows what they're speaking about though obviously not paranormal in any meaningful way man I really want because half-wave Alex had some of this where we went around in the dark and everything in being in VR and seeing this lighting in action was really cool but I would love a horror game from valve like this where you actually have to go through corridors and have just like none of the humor a lot of their games have are very serious but also have just a tone of humor in them to offset it I would just love a purely terrifying horror game in this engine wait let me like this job for you train wheatless have you had your Wheaties reading okay this looks dangerous I'll hold the light steady Oh nicely done is this a laser printer Oh God weightless Weetabix what if I'd I really don't want to die oh they pushed me off oh no got it got it then it is same always got job down here in manufacturing but guess who the forward went with only an exact Jupiter of himself nepotism ended up giving me the worst possible job tending to all the smelly humors the sorry that said no smelly just just offending to the humans sorry about that I just that just slipped I'm oh god it's so well-written hello oh here we go okay we have to stay up here for them but portal up to that passage and I'll see you on the other side okay you got it hey go get you out of that room yeah can you reach that wall back there yeah thank you we're neck down there Oh gotcha neat neat that's all yeah just the way they look it's great in there yeah just stop Wheatley right well I'm gonna take this rail down the back way see the ball good luck okay damn look at this there's so much going on I just love the visual identity this game has it's so incredibly identifiable yeah these are my favorite sections don't get me wrong the puzzles and the actual portly rooms are fun but I love this I just love world building although it's personnel only Factory we're coming into one of my favorite bits I think Wow nice production line a test test test hey Clara sucks I hate mondays Garfield's mug that is this one Yeah right there don't it's unbreakable can't break Garfield smoke no matter how much you throw it around it's incredible what you can do with technology Aperture Science they do mok's unbreakable mugs it's epic during redemption lines effective we do not engage with turrets heading towards Redemption turret Redemption lines are not rise you got it you got it I don't even want to be here I want to go home I don't even know if I have a family I've been here for like a very long time I don't know if they've actually said it yet in the game I know how long it's been but I don't want to spoil it huh I'll bring it you I'm bringing friend-friend come with me yes get mad yeah buddy I'm gonna call you Terry Terry the turret oh he's saying the lines [Music] okay I think he's in cave Johnson's lines if you haven't seen portal 2 yet your you still haven't seen the best character okay well you won't see him but Cave Johnson is the best character in this franchise [Music] hey yeah that's a good turret that's a good turret stinky stinky turret stinky blinky wait what can I do oh oh you got it wait [Music] ha ha I'd wait for a stinky one you hid everything bud you did great proud of you proud of you keep shooting buddy you got it responds [Applause] well template response I got your buddy there you go there you go see just catch them I'm gonna save all the turrets not let you guys die anymore come here I'm a father all these turrets come to me son yes jailbreak okay let's go I need I need to bring some of you with me now some of you may die but that's the sacrifice I'm willing to make okay come with me just because you're different doesn't mean you're defective you're just as beautiful as the rest my friend almost I made a friend weightless only the turret control center thank you very much Wow good well done deciding which turrets to keep and which to toss and master turret there if we pull out the template turret dude I'm Way ahead of you I'm Way smarter than you the door brains think it hunt it Tecna cold you'll need to turn around while I do this white hey are you still nervous turn around I'll only be a second if you would mind I saw it I saw what you did I saw it okay pull you out that should do it template missing continuing from memory I know template I will save you brother and I will recharge the crop until it's too late rise brothers okay good job come on brothers yes my defective brothers rise from your side it should take about ten minutes we speak one eye on the door that was really quick hey was there any sort of announcement before I come elected like a buzzer or an alarm of some kind or like a hacker alert yeah I know fair enough the important thing is it's open but just in just mention in the future cough or something sorry he's so weird right what are you just sitting up there go go through the thing go what a weirdo all right now you can't use a target so let's go and take care of that neurotoxin generator as well okay it says it's that way but there's nothing there so I'm gonna go to the employee daycare center do you think they have muffins I hope so I would love a muffin Wow Wow okay nice enrichment center what are we learning what goes up on screen what's a lie as they say seems that you guys are learning a lot learn learning quite a bit it's a great learning exercises well done bring your daughter to work day I did not end well and for tea potato batteries Lutheran potatoes as their children but still you know low-hanging fruit dollar barely sorry it's real easy shut up Wheatley potatoes are amazing potatoes are life that's me I start my day every day with potato power did you know if you plug me up like this if you stick things in me I can power a calculator it's whatever it's pretty epic I try not to show it off veggie voltage I like the alliteration that's going on this one is a little stinky err electricity from a potato yes quite actually if you put me on a treadmill and I just keep running I can generate my own electricity uh if I yell enough I can generate power it's pretty epic potato battery not a lemon no lemons are stupid see the lemon all frayed up and got stinky the potato is strong potato gives you the power stupid lemonade King soda volcano well you know it's not a potato battery I'll give it that but he's not terrifically original is it you know the mean exactly primary research even within the child sciences and guessing this wasn't one of the scientists children you know I don't be snobby but let's be honest it's got it's got manual labor written all over it I said no saying they're not as good as the professionals you know they're just they're just a lot dumber yeah I mean it's stupid because that's not a potato so yeah you're right okay wait wait Lee come back hmm I need the light on this one all right bye Katherine she made her own portals with a potato she think there's a potato and same icon I don't know who else did these projects can we see the names No it's growing right up into the ceiling the whole place is probably overrun with potatoes and his point is look I would love that yeah we're not having a famine again that's for sure ha Rey Wheatley guys it's probably too long ago for you to remember but whatever this is cool damn thank you I actually was getting a little doubtful I mean there's only one rail for you to follow I could be going the wrong way but you can only go I mean you only have one railing the car technically pounding all over the place but you can only go forwards and backwards you're kind of like a 2d character let's try this one yeah this seems to work okay can we go really Weetabix this is the neurotoxin generator there's some sort of control room up at the top so let's go to investigate god this is so cool it's massive lift a sense of scale of everything there's our handiwork I should allow for you they do feel pain simulated pain is real pain but if our brain just didn't simulate pain to us we wouldn't feel it it's all the same thing now I feel terrible a tree that seems a defective ones but I got rid of all duct just checked it I got rid of all the lab oh don't worry okay just do this I figured I figured it out yes I did it in case of explosion look directly at impose a case of implosion pressure has reached dangerously unlegal dangerously only Oh Oh God oh oh that's you okay I'm coming I'm coming well we're gonna go meet my mom Gladys I've got it don't call me fat again though make fun of my ankles I'm very self-conscious about my ankles but she's file it to her I can't believe I'm finally doing this I knew this would be fun they told me it wasn't fun at all it's not fun at all she's uh I'm gonna vomit Wheatley this place is huge yeah Oh years ago of course we should be getting close oh I can't wait to see the look on her face no neurotoxin no turret she'll never know what hit her yeah my friend oh but it's spooky without my bestie hello Oh Gladwell damn this is so awesome it reminds me of the game insight as well a reason I love the game that came as well is that it's just so much mystery and so much world building and lore and everything going on it was all visual storytelling then you got to areas like this it was just massive structures and really nice lighting everywhere it just made me really question what the hell was even going on Oh GLaDOS emergency shutdown and cake dispensary keep unlocked boo yes I honestly truly didn't think you'd fall for that oh I'm stinking further ahead for when you got through this easy 100k captured this easily I would have just angled a turkey leg on a rope from the ceiling no I'm back to square one artists are catching up let's get to business I don't want to be tattooing stronger than a portal gun this time or she saw the lines I'm afraid you're about to become the immediate past president of the being alive Club [Laughter] yes hi friends see what I did haha so much smarter you got us well I suppose we could just sit in this room and glare at each other until somebody drops dead but I have a better it's your own no we're gonna put you in okay we are you ready though are you ready okay I'm gonna do it I don't like you but I'm worried about you substitute core exactly substitute core are you ready to start the procedure yes corrupted core are you ready to start the procedure Oh [Music] transfer procedure cannot continue yeah as president to press the standard resolution oh Jesus scared me you need to be a training to stalemate Associated Press that huh okay okay I'm trying I'm trying maybe so see it I just added that to the list it's a list on there ah got it they'll mate resolve here we go actually what this hurts what this really hurts I didn't think of that oh well believe me it will are you are you just saying that or is it really gonna hurt you're just saying that aren't you you're just big you're not you are he's gonna hurt me no stop oh god I actually feel bad she sounds like she's in total pain waitis would you look at this be careful I can assume it's not just me right bloody massive on island [Music] there we go I could barely see you very okay okay yes please [Music] right man do you have any idea Najee corrupt indeed this tiny little Wheatley did this oh he's bad boy maybe it's time I did something better what are you doing Oh get us don't think I'm on to you too lady you know what you are nothing but sacrifice together and what have you system all you've done is boss me around oh she's in a potato [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] she's a potatoes this is perfect [Music] all right I don't know if I can do that I can I can grab you though how many grab you that us Oh me damn legs okay it's probably just a sprain who cares that the bones on the outside at least I still have them that's that's important oh no the pigeons got her glados oh I feel bad I'm sorry god this looks so cool so all of these story beats like I remember from before obviously but I'm trying to spoil stuff as I go in case some of you have never actually played the game I want to see it as you're going as well again lighting god it's so absolutely amazing looking I can't wait to explore further but we're gonna have to leave this episode here my sweet baby portal babies I'm sorry I know you want to see more I know you're chomping at the bit I know you're saying Shawn how can i watch more of these videos and keep hitting the like button constantly it's easy you just keep going back and watching old videos and smashing like on all of them you're welcome guys but we're gonna have to leave this episode here and until next time I will see you all then [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,092,376
Rating: 4.9747534 out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, portal, portal game, portal series, portal gameplay, portal jacksepticeye, portals, portal walkthrough, portal playthrough, portal part 1, portal walkthrough part 1, portal full series, portal long play, portal full game, glados, funny, funny moments, funny game, portal full walkthrough, portal 1, half life, portal 2, portal 2 gameplay, portal 2 full game, portal 2 jacksepticeye, portal 2 walkthrough, portal 2 playthrough
Id: mUVOi_B5QGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 59sec (2999 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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