THE CAKE IS A LIE | Portal - Part 1

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whatever her to in that intro welcome to portal I said I was gonna play this again after I finished half-life Alex because I've been in a real like valve mood I really want to play all of their games again and I've only played this portal once I laid it on I got the orange box on my ps3 years and years ago when that came out so I didn't play it originally and I didn't play it on PC so I'm really excited to see what it's like here I did write portal 2 on PC I got that the day it came out because I was a huge fan of the series then but I've only ever done this once I actually wanted to play this before half-life Alex came out I've been wanting to play this again for like a year just because it's a short little game it's amazing and I think that it's just I want to have it as a let's play on the channel that's the only reason so we're gonna do it we want to get in and start chest test chamber 1 I barely remember anything other than all the memes from this game oh man so old by now GLaDOS where are ya what do we have to do today hmm yes get tested get tested some more and that's it ooh coffee yes give me the beans [Music] [Music] awesome okay sorry I made a bit of a mess so I had to clean it up you have subtitles on though Hey look at me it's Joe or show would you actually pronounce her name I don't know even looking at that the first time I remember seeing this I'm being blown away I was like wait what it took ages for my brain to figure it out even just a simple one basically there's gonna be a fun series thank you for the block thank you for the pancake Thanks note the incandescent particle field across the exit yeah I'm gonna get a companion one later I don't know how many of you have actually played portal and finished portal and know what's going on part of me doesn't want to spoil too much just in case in case people actually haven't seen this game and you just know about it it's amazing go play it everybody should have played portal by now in a case not here I am test chamber the first what have you got are someone piss on the floor fifteen hundred megawatt Aperture Science heavy-duty super a lighting super bottom oh man I missed this game okay send me back oh god I'm trapped alright hold on come on let me through Jesus there we go thank you don't worry to mop up the piss wait no I no no damn it I'm trying to but I was too slow I got weird feet on me there we go nice ain't got no legs remember correctly as well this games already like six hours long isn't it it's even material emancipation life Invisalign now Gladys so you can't get rid of anything in my mouth oh I need this yes look at it I want it can I take it already oh yeah do not even partially most importantly under no circumstances should so this this concept was absolutely genius just again it it still kind of breaks my brain just how this works wait how do we how do we shoot the second portal I don't think I can do that yet boy trying to get your head around it at the time I was like wait so I put it over there and then it's it's here now it's now it's all common stuff that everyone's doing a bunch of different games everyone has emulated this and porcelains old by now so everyone knows how it works back then it was like you can put it anywhere and then just go how does that work at least for me or maybe I'm just a dumbass and like these moments where you could see yourself was really trippy cuz this this is a mod originally right like people modded some stuff and made porting the Aperture Science bring-your-daughter-to-work day is the time to have her tested I'm sure it is didn't BB mud make this as a mod and then file for like we like that we want to we want to buy that we want to make that here you go come on steam the dream okay number four so you guys eat four and there's nineteen of them so it's not that long I don't even know if it is a four-hour game it might even be just a or a six hour game it might just be a four hour game can you could you like fall into that so I don't have to pull get you thanks oh god I'm breaking it career on the bottom really thank you will be entirely on your own good luck I've been on my own anyway GLaDOS in big brain and figure it all out way oh I don't need you mmm-hmm not really I finished it once I can do it again it might just take me a sec I don't think port ones actually that hard famous last words alright so you I just need both okay got it Thanks can I come on alright grab you weight and put you down and then Hoyt see smarty brainy oh damn I nailed that as well see there Cardozo can do it on my own as part of a required test protocol a previous statement suggesting that we would not monitor fabrication good job as part of a required test protocol we will stop enhancing the truth in three I'm so fun geez there's so much good comedy and good humor in this game at the time of playing this this was the funniest game I had ever heard I think maybe portal 2 is the funniest I know I was gonna say there's a lot of games that try and have my comedic elements and little comedy bits here and there but this is consistently funny important too is even funnier 5 have some really damn good writers on their team it's very impressive and especially for a game like this that's just it's just test chambers how do you make a story and lore and comedy however long flashing hazard lights have been found to agitate a high-energy pellet and have therefore disabled order safety there we go is not lava it's not gonna kill me I thought I was dead as soon as they went through I do like this though the little bit of storytelling that goes on again if you don't know the story of portal we've seen as we go along I don't want to spoil too much right now but I do like that you you go along to the test chambers and you're like wait what the hell is going on obviously I'm being tested but why and then you see these and it just all starts to tie together and you really start getting some more information towards the end of the game about what's actually going on and then portal to expounds upon it which is even cooler and the the story gets really really deep and then connects it back to the half-wave series which i think is just what i love that [ __ ] that's that's my jam give me more of that give me that jam or my toast yes unsatisfactory mark on your official followed by death all right that's gonna come out here [ __ ] [ __ ] Oh God now I've made a never-ending loop Oh God that's fine just shoot it over there baby ha ha can I come across now I gotta wait see how does that work I've just ruined the wiring on the wall oh that's trippy that's so trippy I you can never look at your front only your back at least you got a sweet ass gel nice and easy does it we don't want to rush through it don't stick your dick in that that hurt oh who are you looking at big brother huh please note that any appearance of danger is merely a device to enhance your testing experience ok if any of you have ever watched Pacific Rim you'll have heard her voice as well it's the same character because guillermo del toro really likes portal can't blame him when I get my companion okay oh I have to go through there but I can't do that right now doo doo doo doo doo doo I did it I'm smart resolute and resourceful thank you hey smiley good in the brain hole idiom [Music] gotcha so momentum is key one might say even that speed is key now we're starting to really get fun now we're starting to [ __ ] play what portals bruh wait did you oh you made one down there okay dumbass terms you go in you come out you go in one speed you come out the same speed or maybe a little slower because air friction you know she's a fraction of a second slower whatever it's science I wouldn't trust you guys to get it anyway maybe bring-bring smart [ __ ] to always provide useful advice for instance I I don't want it oh you said try to avoid it okay got you okay so I'm trying to go I haven't sneeze oh no I need you don't need to be there what am i doing huh Jesus Christ oh this is what I wanted to do Oh God jeepers where's that cornice that go into the right place no now it is now it is dammit that's not the right place all guards coming back is that gonna come back and eat me there we go through the whole noise I need to get through and get that have you stopped okay good I need to get this this is my second work if I do that then I can portal all I want forever come on you slow piece of shite hey go thank you give me give me give me a portal in my gun too impatient gimme nice nice they don't even know my name I can't remember what her name came out and people actually knew who she was maybe it was a data mining thing can I make it I did it I'm a genius with e tampering portals through sorry for this test I'm going to turn on my glasses put them on my face and make sure that I can see the enrichment center 1202 nineteen not too bad flying through I don't I don't think those are all the levels I'm feeling we're up there okay got it nice and then flame is it is it there I can do that excellent and then they throw some more [ __ ] angles at you and you're like okay okay it's so simple yet so effective huh nice and then you just do it again oh dang it GLaDOS you need someone to take you out of the town you need a good night hope you know well have a few drinks both bites me big smart big smart coming through excuse me does anyone want some big squirt okay I think I'm okay though wait for it Oh nailed it oh can I just no fine I'll do it the poopy way where was the other button up there okay nail it I didn't have a previously mentioned required test protocol we can no longer lie to you when the testing is over you will be missed I don't like how you said that there was some sort of condescension in your voice there Gladys Gladys is like a secret robot Karen Titus inflate through your tests give me something honest you're saying a lot of stuff okay a lot of stuff - not really listening - it's just the kind of person that I am I'm sorry but that's the way it is I've never looked up a speedrun of this game it must be crazy fast what's up there though can I go there but oh I have to go back that goes back there not really because I put it in the wrong place don't get killed by it oh wait no I could just oh I knew that was gonna happen I knew I could sense it I could feel it in my brain 20 I had one [Laughter] have a fire an orange one up there huh nailed it nailed it told me I nailed it tell me I'm the best did I fire the wrong portal no I didn't baby thank you Thanks notice I appreciate it you're my friend you're my best friend iris I'm sorry that I called you a Karen that was very insensitive of me but respect the drip [ __ ] okay thank you if I seem too smart if your [ __ ] okay you know in the future of videogames big brains have kicked in and everyone's smart now [ __ ] never mind I didn't mean it I swear there we go this old brain of mine kicking it since the chimpanzee days lift me up so I can stand on mountains alright but to kick your ass GLaDOS I hope you're I hope you're ready [ __ ] what okay not yet not yet GLaDOS okay in a second I said I would do it not right now that was stupid what do I do now I remember you do this and then you do this and yes they going baby keep that momentum flame keep and keep it going pass on the positivity keep that train flowing you go there Boeing boy and you come back ok that's a boingy boy what do you want me to do about it can't do anything down here I can actually I'm a liar sorry that Whoopi's wait that know that hey stop I supposed to do this I think I don't think that's right either actually yeah what's through this thing I so smart got us Clavis my brain bank getting bigger by the second gladdie that's not right either ooh you're supposed to go in there and then oh tight that was a no TP for my bunghole it wasn't even that difficult I'm just a silly ignoramus what the what did you think was gonna happen there Sean I don't know me shut up that was the wrong one I'm scared [Music] there we go I did a wushi okay can i nice whoo that pain train was rolling there baby Jason about menace to myself where do you need to go where do we need the power Johnny well if I go Oh Lord let's maybe not do that for a second until we figure out what we're supposed to be doing huh go go you beautiful baby that's pretty good that's the scheme that I want to get in on I may be part of that that oz she never listens to me when I want to talk what it's my feelings she never wants to listen to me I have feelings to gladdie due to mandatory scheduled maintenance the appropriate chamber for this testing sequence is currently unavailable oh you saw the future oh yay turrets by deploying are you still there uh-huh he's dead Oh dad my [ __ ] bones and organs hi target plus these guys are my favorite they're such fun what the highs uh here we go here we go here's some fun stuff so in here it says help on the ground right who wrote that everybody date and a handprint and then you go in there's crazy shedding the wall says the cake is a lie GLaDOS is promising me cake if I finish it and I know what you're saying 2014 Jack would have loved cake it's all he could talk about cuz it was a quirky fun thing to say well I love cake but I can't remember what the guy his name is he was a test subject before me so this this is what blew my mind playing the game I mean I've said that everything kind of blew my mind but it kept this is the moment where I was like oh there's something more to this there's story here I'm trying to figure out what that was was really cool like you can see someone actually lived here those water there was food the drawings and seeing everything behind the facility was really awesome god Jama ass stop that look at you awesome folks [ __ ] now what am I supposed to do will this help can't hit me can't hit me lalala listen can hit me hard Tomas how hit me anyway what are they saying ouch war I'm the one with blood to lose and bones to break you just gonna keep shading our blocks his handprint is here as well you gotta go that way alright right above their heads watch well that one had an X that's kind of unfair that's a lot of blocks that I just put through wait one of these ones go oh that's not a floor you can do that home got him oh wow oh I forgot you can still hit me ow I want one of these in my house I want like a full-size one of these just sitting somewhere in my office that actually shoots people when they come in shoot someone's legs off but that's my blood it's me your dad ow owie now he it hurt he so fun wait and I can't do it to you and I am still here are you still there Android the enrichment center once again reminds you that Android hell is a real place where you will be sent at the first sign of defiance there's an Android bad place and I just sent them all there well she said thank you Android that's not my name my beautiful love there they are like kisses in the night oh it's so beautiful my beautiful friend I will I will I'll have you and hold you and love you forever you're my friend oh Jesus oh God well this is scary testing our superstition this is a bad idea to link those two I'm just gonna get murdered by multiple balls never I didn't think that that's the way I'd go down multiple ball murder alright you got to bring your cube friend with you alright you stay down there love you ha Oh action yes yes yes one of you should fly through immediately what have you set up at a ball somewhere there we go thank you oh and the ball stays moving ok nice that actually comes in very handy because I'm gonna need another one Oh can I use my companion cube to bounce you around clear what are we gonna call you Clive Clive the companion where's the last one go hello tiny septic man here ok gotcha oh-ho-ho wait is that ball still bouncing around it's not is it that's the one I sit on Clive you silly you go up here you're much you're much more suited for that I don't think a ball is gonna come damn it that that's not how those were linked it's okay guys when you have a brain the size of mine anything is possible hop Jesus I thought the ball would sit around and I was like wait I just heard and explode and then my life flashed before my eyes before my ass flashed before my face holy God just go through this like this that was much faster adain Oh yep you do that I gotta stand here though wait it's not gonna kill me is it how about this time we went into the ball passes much easier much easier much healthier much nicer how do I get out to you like that wait I'm the greatest except for all the deaths disregard those those are those are stinky yeah companion cube I need you God I almost forgot you I'm the worst and I've climbed behind five come on buddy I can't break my ankles cuz I got special Healy's on you know how some Healy's I just skate down the park these Healy's let you run away from your dad New York Life thank you it cannot accompany you for the rest of the test [Music] comparing you to the Aperture Science emergency intelligence incinerator five-five was like a brother like a brother and a lover not at the same time that's weird but I had a close connection with Clive I'm isn't forever and always it I don't think there'll be cake I'm starting to have doubts about everything that's going on ah I'm okay so freaked it out you're freaking me out but you freaking out I just okay that's much easier let's do that in the future again huh and huh nice fit nice and simple and easy way huh I didn't go through the secret little portal area where the guy he was talking about cake again it was the same stuff again Wow Wow what's going on and getting alright kill them kill that guy that that didn't kill him come on oh I should just do it there that all here we go here we go here we go watch here we go I'm so excited come on oh wow oh god it just gave you an open window all my bones and organs okay let's do this nice like I needs to go that guy needs to die a death thank you thank you okay and hope and hope is that good well that get you I know it feels a little low [ __ ] get him get him got him oh you guys didn't even do anything wrong I feel bad for killing you well I mean I feel bad and for like five seconds and then I don't I don't know what that did oh it opened you okay oh there's another one I didn't even see you right we need you there and then as soon as that goes through nailed it nailed it nailed it brain so smartly oh I'm sorry Boyd you deserved better oh you're so life now he's gonna be falling for all eternity not really though Paul [ __ ] yeah attaboy wait sorry I have a plane to catch can I even get through here we bunk okay I have to use you as a launching pad right okay I know what to do I know what to do let's wait for it to reset I know what to do it's simple really you do this come on go through and then you do this yeah buddy my friend taught me that wait where do you go where is the exit I've just started to realize huh where am I trying to go I have to go back in there that's the way for this stupid slow smelly I'm here all day Oh God grab the Cuban go grab the Cuban go you're very slow she'll nailed it how do I get out of here easily just do this oh that's so cool what oh oh oh that was the floor I'm a puke what's going on in here oh this does our big room oh yeah this one's cool Shh I know woof and then you got to get it aligned wait which one am i shooting blue oh and then you come out you go higher and I'm shooting orange and I shoot blue I should orange attend an enrichment center electrical safety seminar no I don't think I will man that one was fun that was so cool it makes me feel all big lease merit 19 of 19 [Music] regulations require both hands to be empty before any cake okay I did that which does this no come back pot it's almost all over there folks okay now you just wait for that to go through nice night wait the game doesn't just end here does it there's no way I can't really remember I don't like this there you go and then just put it behind you [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] ow God all right the ball is taken care of we never have to look at the ball ever ever again now where is this going you might ask well for the others hey did that lad if you know what I'm saying how [ __ ] mind-melting is that wait this is the end of the game I thought the game was like four hours long and I was like that's even short wait it's only an hour long well if you're smartly badass GLaDOS me don't want no Bernie okay okay oh you gotta you gotta move fast you got to move fast huh did it well what are you doing [Music] you prick spins are you I'm not even there no no they won't your life virus your stinky [ __ ] I don't want to do any of that I forget where to go after this can i oh I can actually just open doors nice this is what was really cool to see everything behind the scenes see where they're actually getting made this equipment starts and stops automatically to to see the behind the scenes of all of aperture and to take the portal gun completely outside of the test chamber scenario it was mind-boggling I'm hidden stinky you can't find me blinky come on open open says me where do i dilly-dally over there up here let's see if i can actually land on that hook sure can lee dollars and cents competing with black mesa for DoD and government-wide acquisition contracts that was what linked it to half-life black mesa was the place that gordon freeman worked at in half-life one and everything went to [ __ ] so they they're like a competing fraction Aperture Science and black mesa are competing for like scientific knowledge and endeavors and whatever Wow and here we are looking at a test chamber stinky [ __ ] they were looking at me all along wait now I'm just here I don't want to be here I want to be somewhere else cooler faster sexier yeah make through this or not forget where I'm supposed to go get off in the pipes get open the pipes in the walls yes shall break the rules [ __ ] the system I think I can stick over there Oh or can I just follow the pipe and I just [ __ ] I just follow the pipe I can't jump I just wanna follow the bytes there's a fly in my head get out of here fly you blinky [Music] [Music] there you go use everything you've learned Russia whoosh your way through I'm leaving mom say am shut up the cake was a lie Oh God this is like she kind of fun wasn't god I thought it's not like oh thank god clothes don't tell you again where am I huh too heavy nah it was a fun I'm coming for you I asked GLaDOS I'm coming for that big honking booty you have bad friends GLaDOS that's why bad stinky friends don't do that oh where am I going off on another adventure Chell I actually forget a lot of this game there we go stick her in there that's a weird one because now technically I'm on top and on the bottom of that I'm a top and a bottom ah alright alright no problem just do this break reality and the laws of physics it's all Gucci ok I try to figure out which way your face and half the time is the [ __ ] problem OOP nice such simple little puzzles alright well I'm gonna leave this first episode here because there actually is more to this game than I remembered I knew it there's like there's at least two or three hours in the game it wasn't just that one single hour I remember thinking that it ended at the cake but that's that's the the lie the cake is always a lie there's plenty more of the game to go through in the back of Aperture Science we're gonna have to wait until next time to be able to see you but the game is not that long but I always just wanted to play it and have it up on the channel so here we go a portal adventure all together don't forget to stick your hand through a blue portal and have a come out on an orange portal over the like button so you hit it and then in your hand comes back through and then you hit your orange portal somewhere else and it comes out on the subscribe button huh I'm a professional ha ha ha [Music] [Applause] [Music] man I really won't take no
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 3,407,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye, portal, portal game, portal series, portal gameplay, portal jacksepticeye, portals, portal walkthrough, portal playthrough, portal part 1, portal walkthrough part 1, portal full series, portal long play, portal full game, glados, funny, funny moments, funny game, portal full walkthrough, portal 1, half life
Id: IGFwmkwG5EU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 53sec (2993 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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