Nimbatus 1.0 | Ep 2 | Ice Worlds are ADORABLE!

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greetings sir and syrettes and welcome back to numbers with me on a 3x and of course welcome to the next galaxy where today we're gonna take a look at the new ice planet or at least new to me I think these have been around for a little while now but this is my first time seeing them so most likely I'm going to do as many of them as possible in this galaxy and straight away in the first system we can jump to we have four of them and apparently is also some kind of new enemy as well and this won't give us weapons so that's pretty good capture that thing ice mantas destroy the dens and destroy the dens so this here gives us a large battery which is definitely what we want this gives our shields which we definitely want and this gives us resources which we want this gives us weapons which we want I may end up doing all four of them honestly although saying that we are currently low on our hull so I might need to do is jump over to the garage over here ignore this system which is a shame because it's attached to a rare world similar to this but I think that might be the best here garage world with more ice planets to test out whatever this is or whatever this is and then to the next Galaxy I think that's the way we're going to go the first one I'd like to do then is just this because I really really really want that large battery any events today nope anything else really needs to out due to our drone I don't think so maybe what we should do is replace the flamers with the blasters the reason is already have a fire based weapons having two sets of fire weapons might not be good if we need to use something else any point we do also have the grenade launcher is an ice weapon with three upgrade slots now I'm not a fan of the grenade launcher to be perfectly honest but I do feel like it is a weapon which responds very very well to upgrades what would it be like with the minigun that gets insane pretty quickly there's a load of things of use like sticky bullets for instance now make it a lot more useful in my opinion as well there's a lots and lots of things we can do with it but right now obviously we can't afford any upgrades so I'm not going to be using it all so we're about to enter an ice world and I doubt an ice world is particularly good with ice weapons ok so to move those and let's add our kinetic blasters these will just be the default weapons since they're nice and cheap we have the energy upgrade on them to make them cheaper there are ok range ok damage then of course we have the sniper which will be online in a burst weapon and the weapon I'll go to for pretty much everything diffent really else we can do nope ok then let's get going hello ice world so we need to do is destroy the dens oh the bit right on YouTube is gonna be awful for this is it these things or these the mantas or what what are they oh go away you little things ok so they charge it and make sense with its Hali look Oh bad bad bad bad I have learned my lesson well they are very annoying what are you and thinking you are what we're after and you explode upon death well ice worlds are horrible good sinner good to know this is melt things a distance shall we oh there comes okay I thought they only moved in a straight line once they attacked but apparently they don't that is horrendous oh I'm glad this little drones not the slowest in the world or galaxy okay so it's definitely not those didn't think it was but had to make sure let's find the dens and get out of here this is horrible I had there it is that's what we're after come on little toys get it because ice melt at range really really need more energy on these things so it's definitely these yeah okay good so we'll deal with those then we'll try and have some resource let's see if we can find another one week a snipe oh no no no I hate you so much nope why did you evolve this way oh but okay you detonate upon getting close to me as well wow yeah they just cannot be set alight it makes sense the made of ice but maybe it does extra damage you'd think plasma do something to them thankfully you can still set alight their homes that's always good you can set a light to the native habitat of these things actually why am i why am i attacking this this is the native habitat maybe the corporation of the good guys here is that resource that the tiniest ill bit of red there I was just like snow okay that digs really easily now I kind of wish I had my fly mer this would just melt away I mean it's no but you get your point so the last one yet I'll do but I'll get back and pop down the red resource we just got the unobtanium and for those wondering why I do always call it red resource and yellow and such because at one point it was just nameless it was just red and it's kind of stuck and it's nice and easy to understand I'm talking about a Spurs really that's it Wow wait what I collected looms that stuff how do I get only a few that's weird I'm gonna go digging for a while sorry I just couldn't be bothered to dig around there it's not very efficient but who's taking way too long I'll definitely add the flame as next time that won't be a problem so the really good thing with the large battery is that it only counts as one part the same as the medium batteries now it's not more efficient for the size user it's basically but exactly double and pretty much every single way but it costs half in terms of items when you add them both ups so for now I am going to keep all of them since I really really need some more energy moves back here for a second let's pop that there oh that's huge maybe I do need to change this around a little bit that's gonna look really weird isn't it yeah it is but we have now doubled our energy regen which is fantastic reattach these yeah pretty much unlimited fire now and we can even just spam use the snipers that's good and because you have some excess energy it doesn't seem to be draining it at all it means once we have the shield which will go here most likely maybe here and here actually the shields we should be able to fire mostly unrestrained and keep the shields up ok so we're ready for the next world ok the next one is really simple they're all just around here so let's see oh yeah the flamer is why are you better than the blasters of this tiny little bit of red resource there can I please grab that thank you guess all this dig down and saves any more resource in the middle of the planet this is incredibly satisfying thank you sir no worlds hey yellow you ain't red but you're better than out flamers also seem to be very good at removing that as well interesting I swear the flame as well that was really weird did everyone else see that then it look like the flames not working from one angle then were everywhere else also this world is a lot better than last world they don't seem to have the little Ansari one's just gonna melt these things away stocking harvest the rest of the world so you can sit those allies apparently when you do it actually you removes their spikes that's better look at that lovely chanko resource Oh and we are fought okay look once again how was that not working oh it seems like a Point Blank it doesn't work okay they have to do more tests on that later this planet is far more resource rich than the last one also flamers oddly good at burning things who would have thought again look oh is it the ice which was originally attached to the resource cuz that should be being destroyed right there we go now it is there's no resource there I'm not huh I can't harvest anything that's just really weird at home trying to give that is very difficult there we go tiny annoying bit left well that's good annoying everyone especially since I just accidentally destroyed it and one more planet is done and we get ash shields so let's equip those right now we could move these forward have the shields there no that'd be silly wouldn't cover everything all how about we do this connected the correct thing thank you this won't quite cover the back but I'll cover pretty much everything that's important except for the resource mmm not the best but I do quite like it plus I like the wings being bit more extended like that I quite like how it looks it really doesn't look like a bug very angry laser II bug now on the world to capture the Iceman ters so let's see if we can find them also we have heavy gravity here so trying to move is gonna be really annoying that's already weird combo low air resistance and heavy gravity nothing yet hello nope you are nasty things now it's size that the Iceman does a docile so it's definitely up these fellas these fellas far too quickly go to the stabby stabby ooh bad about the batter did I hit him fame is dead excellent again the high gravity it's so weird when you're used to the lower gravity world's I'll just keep on letting go of controls expecting to be floating where I let go okay there we are just set on fire a pigeon just flew into my window just a weird aside from the real world aha oh hello oh I was wondering how I was gonna get you back you just gonna follow me I don't get a cool you Larry come on Larry what is that pigeon doing how do I get you in here like this yeah you counted okay this is an adorable mission and I love it I'm assuming we're not hiding those things if I do but if we do I quit I mean if I do then well I'm going to destroy the NIMH battery saying that most of our missions are all about destroying everything else oh that's weird the blue stuff there oh we just carve through it Oh doing it to melt it perhaps it's specifically different saying that the rock itself can't be destroyed oh look at stuff in there okay well that's something for a lighter note to self I'm just gonna destroy these it takes a while but you know I want it to be safe on the way back when we're shepherding the adorable things ah not that you're not adorable heavy gravity so annoying heavy gravity high gravity now again that makes two now I did see one a moment ago but it was being out out it was being defective well I'm glad I made a little snow angel where it was being defended by the spikey boys so that's not gonna be all that fun because I need to destroy the spikey boys about hurting this adorable thing and I'm using fire weapons fire spreads that was two of you come on follow me about the big boys okay one shot will hurt them without saying fire to them oh come on come on come on yes there we go you're faster than the others not very much yep just do this again it is still adorable so I'm absolutely fine at how slow pace this is come on Larry three okay fantastic now let's go and do some harvesting on the mission is definitely complete this were these scary things work out yes yes it was having a reverse on this thing would be nice see if I can hit them without them hitting me too much first oh don't hit the resource please oh oh you can't destroy the ice interesting I wonder if the ice is weaker against fire weapons but I mean plasma bad what go away how well I'm slowly burned up myself now they are so annoying in such an entrapped space enclosed as well as before there can I just get somewhere often just chill on fire yeah and leaves I got a nest first dad that's it to sit next to the burning thing well don't that ha why do I just melt through the snow and attack them like that oh you're not much easier force them out so we're not in the enclosed environment that would have been a way smarter maybe not when they're attacking though you know I do a smart things are gonna instantly offset it with being a dumb cuz I am Adam I'm proud of my done take skill and a certain level of dedication to be this level of done anything else super scary in here they fall through not for now just focus on grabbing all this lovely did I mention I hate high gravity world's cuz I do they even worse than high air resistance in my opinion sure you can move faster sideways but it's so much more difficult to keep you drone where you wanted to be melty melty melty melty Oh babban good let's grab the good let's ignore the bad sounds like some kind of life philosophy shoot the bad with fire weapons no angel hive oh this is such a resource-rich planet still a little bit of red lift in the core but not much like maybe two or three pieces worth Al Snow and that is it Michigan please hmm cryogenic rocket launchers I like rocket launchers but only when you can upgrade them a bit I don't like the default weapon Liuzza's on the other hand love them so very happy with that even the short lasers okay so we are technically done here but at the same time I am tempted to do this mission just destroy the dens again this will you as 50 unobtainium 50 of the yellow resource as well - really nice don't go over here so Jung over here well we have this one a rare weapon to upgrade we have this more batteries which is nice ooh all logic parts obviously we need to do that random basic weapons and obtain ium and then oh that's a weapon Casino you're the Oh that's not good weapons are good whole point repair is better I've gone the wrong way though that's gonna take us longer to get there but it will enable us to go to the rare world if we so desire ooh that one there is really good it unlocks the homing rockets and tech so that's instantly done these whole thrusters TNT which is always fun long with small batteries okay yeah I think I'm gonna be in this galaxy for longer than I originally intended so let's finish off this at least I'll pray finish the video there cuz these are taking so long their next video will get over logic part so we can start making our stuff a bit more complex also beehives kind of nervous about this Oh pirates again rgo armed pirates chrisfite you you know what this is worth in the long run we'll take looks damaged annoying but sure ooh actually decreased oh so yeah it's definitely worth them not only does it not cause this twink to increase it caused us to have some decrease ok turns I'm a dumb-dumb so because I'm Dyslexic I do occasionally just skim read things or just assume things are saying the same over and over again that was a completely different event it was even better than I thought I thought it was the one which said if you don't bribe us we're gonna make it worse for you instead they didn't like the cooperation so we just paid to get that reduced so that was definitely worth it do you want to add the lasers I do want to stick with the flamers and stuff I think for these missions the fly amaz I do love the snipers but we need some proper DPS weapons ooh these are great if you want to play it safe but if things are going wrong they're not the best yeah in the next video I feel like we're going to get some serious upgrades we already have the shields which is nice but shields don't defend against melee attacks hence why I haven't been using them so far they're basically there for fighting off the corporation stuff which is gonna be in the next video so when they've been bringing them with me oh because now we're fighting against the tore toys you know what I want to see if the shields defend against their attacks so I'm gonna purposefully allow one to shoot at me ooh what are you I can hit you oh they're generating a client oh I can see the aura ok major I just generate cold over a really long range and they spawn the same things as what the rats fight do so let's do that again and purposely get hit no I've learned the shield's do not defending us there is lose weapon I'll notice frozen in place yep I have a little bit cold one thing I've learned is that when these things are on fire they no longer freeze the surrounding area makes a lot of sense really when you think about it haha got it in the end also flamers are so good versus these things it's ridiculous you please warm up my butt thank you I'm half frozen at the moment still there we go that's the mission done not many resources on the surface I've got some yellow currently in storage but that's it so it's just a matter now going to the core and hopefully there's nothing here scary so far there's been is the little shell boys and the frost lumps not quite as scary as the spiky lads really some fire for you Wow some fire for you and now we get to mining and we are done every bit of resource has been collected and we get 50 of each just great and then we move on over here because yet that was the weapon could see you know and I am the dumb-dumb I actually forgot how the weapon Casino works but right now I really want to get my whole back and I would like to do the missions over here since there are some really good things saying that that has the all logic parts doesn't it yeah I don't know where to go here all logic parts is very very tempting I think you've got one of each oh wow these worlds are really good as well yeah uncommon weapons which we still need at the moment more shields more uncommon weapons to rare weapons I'll come on game why are you doing this to me I think I might end up doing both if I'm here Clyde teleport straight over here I think you'll just be loads of extra threat you know maybe that's what I have to do we'll do this area then we'll go over there so let's go to the weapon casino first then let's see what it's gone oh yeah that was it so so it works two weapons will equal a new one is it the same quality let's find out so we have to oh we don't actually have qualities do they Oh in that case two of the basic blasters no upgrade slots new weapon is a kinetic sniper actually that's pretty good with an upgrade slot as well okay don't like the shotguns also I'm happy to do that plasma blasters 1 upgrades look that's fine how about if we do two shotguns with an upgrade slot H do we get one with more than one upgrades nut or is it two completely random to upgrade slots okay I see how it works yeah I'm not gonna use these oh no a bio long lays that bio weapons are not so unlike that's going back in you know that short laser as much as I do like it I am tempted to sell it right now same with the regular kinetic blaster okay so two ones should make it to grenade launcher not happy with that that's fine so that's a one that's a one as you probably tell I'm trying to get some threes or kinetic flying oh that's actually pretty nice next time I'll do is don't worry I'll skip ahead right now and stuff and figure out how it works completely what happens if I put one or two I feel like it's gonna be random between giving me a one or two I'm gonna risk it this might end up kind of ruining it a bit a three okay let's do that again then so one and a-two a-three again okay I guess just keep on doing that until we get exactly what I want don't want you don't defecate you yeah not really okay I like that one just we asked three upgrade slots but at the same time I feel like it's doing better it's added these two threes we could try three and a one that's right okay they're pretty rubbish very sadly and after very specific things which I think's the problem don't care about you don't care about you and we've been very unlucky here in terms of game things actually want actually you know what the three upgrade slots kinetic blaster that's pretty good hate this though but yeah I do actually like the kinetic blaster satisfying keeping that on definitely keeping the kinetic sniper so what I was actually after was a decent flamer with three slots really a decent blaster so it's good and decent sniper I've got the sniper at least kind of and I little bit on the blasters could have been better there would have also settle for a rocket with three and wouldn't really want bio at all well then I'm afraid though I am all out of time for today's episode so what we're going to do next episode is we're going to go ahead and I'll probably just skip ahead these missions which I've done before so things like capture of the Iceman ters and destroy the tortoise dens I'll just skip ahead completely things like destroy the Corp transmitter I will of course stay here with now the thing is we're probably going to jump back over here anyway we're definitely doing at least one to at least two of the missions that will actually let us escape that anyway so I'll probably just do the missions which give us the rewards we really want so that'll be the logic engines and the rare weapons and I'll jump back over here and do all the B stuff so with that thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favourite shares comments all that good stuff helps out many helps out the channel and most importantly shows that in battles as a series you wish to see continued in the future I feel like I just did that whole weapon casino thing pretty darn badly but at least we got two weapons dragged she wanted thank you so much for watching and good bye
Channel: Lathland
Views: 52,296
Rating: 4.9681277 out of 5
Id: BgRPLElvN7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 6sec (1746 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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