Nimbatus 1.0 | Ep 3 | Pirates & Hell Worlds - THE WORST.

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greetings sir and syrettes and welcome back to nin batter's with me laugh 3x and of course welcome back to the second galaxy where today we're gonna be taking a very weird ruse to get to the end of it so we're going to be completing off the ice missions over here in the current system I mean then jumping all the way down here so that we can go to the garage and heal about whole points most likely we will be taking another whole point of damage before we get there and then we can see if it's worth going to some of these rare planets at the moment the problem is I don't really have all the stuff I really want to get the most out of this but it might still be worth it we can get a load of yellow resource and if we're lucky a fair bit of red as well so let's just get on with it so over here there are a few things I really want most importantly this two more rare weapons so yeah two more rare weapons both of two upgrades I read that really weirdly then so let's go there and destroy the cooperation transmitter should be a pretty easy one honestly well depends if I'm dumb it'll be very difficult so it's gonna be very difficult once again so glad you have the flyer now after we get the rare weapons I will be equipping of a sniper we got in the previous video so we have a grand total of five snipers four of them being fire and one of them being kinetic ika pure damage don't know why I grabbed that first really normally I prefer to finish the mission first then grab the resources but there we go if you could kindly go away that would be lovely lots and lots of you around here yep snipers out ranging everything doesn't make these missions easier and finally we have some use for the shields I could stay even further away and make sure I can never take damage but this is a bit easier I say what's missing the easiest thing to hit skill really to be that derpy and goodbye there we are the transmitter is down and so let's get some resources well turns out there wasn't all that much resource on this planet at all there's a little bit of red in the core and a little bit more yellow to collect and I've got everything I can see I'll do one more sweep after this and then we can see what weapons we go oh I love flamers ow my heart is cold not bad two kinetic blasters since we got a pretty decent case it blasted before as well from the casino so now we have three good committee blasters to to upgrade slots one with three four now they're all I'm gonna do is just add a sniper to the front go to the weapon workshop and what do we give this well the others just gave the energy upgrade so I guess really could just give it the same we could give it less recoil no I think less energy just cuz how energy hungry these are there we go just connect most of the rest I'll swap over to blasters once we have enough of them right now though let's stick with the snipers upgrades don't even really want to purchase we have a lot of unobtainium now particle angle upgrade don't care about that a lifetime upgrade would be amazing currently we're using - energy and extra elemental damage if we increase the range of this thing though rather than its energy usage yeah let's do that so particle lifetime particle lifetime give it the highest level of that we could double up on that yeah that's gonna give it three hundred percent that is really really good so for keep it like that and just quickly go over to test of light yeah that's insane look at the range on that we're definitely sticking with that also I don't like a say of the upgrade no I didn't okay there we go let's move on to the next mission then destroy the dens with some red resource that's great but there we go the logic and that's just again destroyed the transmitter retriever freezer is interesting something different but I don't particular small batteries aren't the larger variants but it would be nice to have them don't know we could you see I'm still tempted just to go straight to miss galaxy would save us some damage we'll see how this goes for now though let's get the new resources and see how weapons do fine we'll investigate is it shop yeah it's a shop ooh frost weapons I'm somewhat tempted just cuz we don't have any frost weapons but I'm also tempted by the batteries loads and medium batteries wouldn't need energy ever again no upgrades upgrades you know what I'm actually gonna buy these because we do want a frost weapon for the fire world's gonna grab all three of those and grab two of those so now we have absolutely no unobtainium left so we better hope this some here well I was just thinking we're a bit low on yellow resource so yeah I'm happy with that that was a perfect throw long range fire oh I like that there's a lot more yellow as well okay let's see then if we can find this transmitter and melt everything we've almost got the perfect flamer in my opinion the perfect flamer for combat is two of the extra lifetime upgrades and one for extra speed or of course you could go with lifetime and speed in an extra damage or something but yeah I like the idea of is flaming everything guess who can't aim down it's you oh wow yeah the extra damage from having that one proper sniper is lovely okay let's grab all of the bits of debris then we'll go mining scrap and scrap and scrap scrap it's crap so with that mission don't we now have access to all of the logic part sadly none of the sensors or anything like that but these are really really nice now for the time being I don't really have much use for them but I will as we continue to get more stuff so it is really important that we have all of this sadly that planet did have like no red resource which is a bit of a problem so yeah let's do this one originally I was going to go with the freezer just to check it out and get the batteries but I need to make sure I have some unobtainium so when we go over here we can definitely repair at least one hole but we could just go up here instead ignoring that going up here and then go into the galaxy but it might be better still to go here and we do get the option of getting the VTOL thrusters unlocking one of the items which is really good one of the researchers rather and getting the jump thrusters which I really really like not sure for now we'll do this and we'll see how much unobtainium we get if I get enough we're definitely going to the garage because we can buy an upgrade and heal ourselves or heal ourselves twice if we take damage we really should have gone there first thing on around but I just really wanted to see the weapon cocina well the flamer was already deadly for them before and now it's far worse I am however tempted to remove or one of the durations and increase its elemental damage because it is a bit extreme at the moment since when do you try and headbutt me when you're on fire I mean it's a bit of strategy but still oh the recall of this thing is so annoying in high gravity in fact it's gonna be bad in low gravity as well yeah might want to lower the recoil I almost never use the upgrade but for these snipers I've only got five of them and already it's a nuisance though I suppose as we increase our turn in case bill doesn't everything will be less of a problem it could even go over self-stabilizing drone though that'll be a bit less agile and mission done now it's hope there's some red a resource on this planet there we go it's a little bit there and lots of enemies these will take a while now jumping over to here we are definitely taking damage along the way though it will reset after it greatly and as long as we get some red resource we can double repair our hole though I am tend to just go over here this one mission here will unlock the next galaxy and it is giving us bonus attack speed and some small batteries it will definitely allow us to take damage again but we will be entering the next galaxy on a very very low threat since it'll be almost reset by the attack and then the galaxy will help to reset it as well you know as much as I've said everything I think this is the best way to go I really should have gone like this honestly but yeah I really wanted to see the weapon because you know this isn't bad honestly we're gonna be going onto one hole but again really low threat so I don't think it's a huge problem let's go with that don't be hit here fine gonna risk it yes oh good oh good hundred percent threat well we're definitely being here who's gonna be hit anyway to be fair let's go and call the swarm oh yeah we have plasma weapons currently attached let's replace the fly Murs then who actually no let's replace all the fronts with the ice snipers and then we'll replace ah we only have two blasters okay yes so for now we just completely remove the fire snipers and put in the blasters instead loads less recoil and less battery use and then for the ice ones if we increase the elemental damage that also increased how fast it freezes the target I actually don't know and I don't have a point of reference how fast these threes things let's go the extra damage anyway this one using three of them soon feeds just damage it doesn't matter too much so left mouse right mouse okay and let's give you the drone skins absolutely no recoil so fair the Recon these are normally very minimal anyway but yeah that's almost none and then we also have the ice blast now we have shields okay good to go so it is hit by a cooperation scalp that's good didn't see the threat go down though that's a new thing I wasn't aware of but here's wishing that kept the frost flamer oh my god there's so many of you because these things are tiny and they're really difficult to hit and these blasters have really bad accuracy yeah it's gonna take a while now it did say that the corporation lost track of me after that drone attack so I'm hoping is I did actually lose them a little bit even if it didn't say so yeah this looks like a while this is pretty easy it's just bit monotonous now one thing I've been doing is this wait if you aim close to yourself you can fire kind of spread shot and there's so many of them I was almost always hitting at least something okay well let's see what else there's also these weapons a useless there we go a lot of bits of the brain I've also seen a drone flying around so I'm a little bit nervous oh good and there's also these oh and there's lava of course there is but you can't there's lava or magma because it is kind of in the world and it kind of isn't it still a bit of both that's a yellow resource but I really really love some unobtainium ahem wasting my shields there honestly no need to have them on there well there's a new enemy here it's a type of turret which heats itself up their fires so I can't keep it frozen as you can see it's constantly heating up and he has a nasty air of effect as well but looks of things but I can start ranging evil turrets good to know having these blasters on the side of the craft aren't helping either since even like there is the minimum range where the weapons actually firing where I'm aiming at again I think it's need some sleep stopping a load of fun but being derpy in the process I appear to be on fire I don't care about you'll enemy can you please go away evil drone just need to get back home I just got yellow resource thankfully but still no it's so close the first time we're doing this is cause actual problems out sort of just inconvenience oh oh good well now I'm on fire wait haha you thought you'd beat me thankfully I have scoured pretty much the entire planet and I have collected all the red resource already so I'm just you know where I mean more caffeine or something yep you're all suffering with me through this I've made a point of editing a lot more during this series because a lot of time like hours potentially per video it's just scouring the planet doing the same thing over and over I try to skip most but no we're gonna waste time with this there we go well extra attack speeds really nice for the blasters let's go okay good the threat was lowered now I guess the next galaxy which will of course reduce that threat once again okay so we get oh yes I pick weapon with three upgrades and it is a flamey boy I should drone part health that's great all level 3 level 3 stealth excuse me trumpets he would have come back oh no that's really good as well but stealth means less threat per jump that's insanely good and it's expensive but these two can't even get from the Sharps so really I should go with one of those drone parts he'll burn out of combat that's insane combine these two no I need the extra stealth is really good ok so my instinct is saying stealth is saying stealth rather castel this' amazing but these two again you can't buy at the shops and they are really good just extra health and healing is just amazing but the stealth oh it means we can do so much more we can check out more planets we can get more resource which means more healing I have to go with the stealth even though we could get later right now I would love the stealth it's just all people gonna kill me for this but it is so good I'm sorry we have to go stealth it just means we can do so much more per system lovely absolutely lovely so now we definitely need to find a garage as soon as possible there we go is one right there so what I'll do is do some of these missions there we go grab some red resource and then we'll go to the garage then we'll move on there's a nice world there sorry nice system and a fire system there's a shop here which is good as anything really once here thankfully not okay so there's a digging upgrade so unlocking the digging upgrade for free oh wow rank two as well that's really good od couplers yes please old lovely couplers that means we start using TNT beautiful we've already got all logic parts Burt would love the other tank oh I hate this one nope not doing that because I just really really hate that mission but you need to get four points so eliminate the shoal they give us the motorised hinge which is actually pretty nice the couplers are even more decoupler so extra thrusters extra batteries and then for common weapons and extra digging upgrade then we'll go to the garage hopefully we'll have enough to fully heal a hole then we can choose between snowy and fiery freeze the lava fountains do we have any freezes that only do I know you have heaters you only of the heaters so after you just use the frost weapons already got which is a lot of snipers wait how do I have so many snipers did I think I only had three when I actually had five I'm looking back at the footage yeah I've looked back at the footage I can't figure out where these have came from I really shouldn't be complaining but I'm gonna kind of complain here where do I get the snipers from with the same map everything else loved the for regular plasmas we have the new plasma with the three upgrade slots we have the kinetic we definitely had three I saw myself use all three in the footage and that went down to zero and now suddenly I have two more where'd I get an extra suit from yeah I looked one more time we had three of them we used all three we went into that last mission which I ended up being just a stick in the end and our reward was unlocking one of the upgrades here the extra fire rate upgrade which is somewhere there it is the level two one add now we have five of these rather than three so I just stumble into some kind of duplication bug I feel like I should use them because I've been given them at the same time I feel a bit cheaty doing that well for now I'm going to use the new super blaster we got and I'm also going to upgrade our normal blasters with extra attack speed there we go storwatts do a view and our fire sniper will just give it if then we actually have for it we don't need their attack speed since I never fire it at max speed anyway so there's less recoil energy and extra elemental damage I guess for now I'll use the cryogenic snipers in case I've missed how I get them if there's a problem with that tell me in the comments what do you think I should do actually use these and you know use them for trade-ins and just using them in general or should I just avoid the two extra snipers which appeared out of nowhere for now I will use them I might end up not ok there we go so Wow much faster firing that's lovely sadly you can't give the particle life time to these weapons otherwise I would since their range is a bit met you've gone can you know you can't the whole thing's great out makes sense makes sense ok then so let's go and let's freeze that planet freeze lava fountains destroy the bomber caves for the digging upgrade and then cold the swarm actually let's destroy the caves first because you might get a frost weapon out of this even if it'll be a very basic one with the extra attack speed the blasters are actually way more fun to use well so far just lots of heati things as you might imagine on these worlds lovingly lower gravity bar oh no bad oh no it's just nothing why these that's all there is here oh yes so much more damage loving that hi there we go so fun no resources although yeah yeah blasters are in my opinion the best weapon in the game because it is so versatile I'm not saying the most fun that's the flamer my opinion fly azure fully upgraded rocket launchers but the blasters are just good which makes sense in my opinion they are the generic basic starter weapon and if your grade them fully they can do pretty much anything there's the enemy's oh dear thankfully they detonate fairly easily good to know why does so much of the native inhabitants of these worlds detonate ah we've been here got a dive a bit deeper enemies yeah the blasters are good hello ooh bad bad bad bad bad although the blasters are much better in that now they can shoot faster and the word blaster is now something weird final one not a single bit of resource and its entire broken up planet really out I'll do one more check but yeah I don't think there is anything nope sadly nothing oh that is nice for kinetic snipers even if they are just the other graded version the burst damage we can do now if we install those will be insane now do I somehow get even more frost lopers no good see I keep imagining this as a chance I just completely missed something but I've looked back the footage I don't know where I've got the extra two from we bought the free the three from the shop we went to the mission I don't know okay they'll do the fries Lee lava fountains I really hate that one the overheating Croce tank it's a lot easier if you have the cooler I might do this one eliminate the hammerhead shot shall shall swarm Legion they would like some more of those even with this I would like the hinge with the hinge we can actually have some kind of grabbing apparatus for some of the debris in everything we find problems using the magnets should I find far less fun okay let's do this one no event good good hopefully this time they'll be some kind of resource here for us same weapons we could go with the snipers actually we do want the frost weapons because that way you can freeze the hammerheads but if we use the kinetic snipers we could one shot them at distance rather than using the blasters which means us get way too close now we hunt the hammerheads oh that really calls her Indus Wow we start off really high up big planet okay firing all of them once works really well it freezes them and it's love damage definitely had a few of them hit but I'm gonna froze it I thought I had to destroy two shells just two of them well that was really easy turns out sniper spam is really powerful oh do let's do some laughs you still turn your head the recoil is really horrendous like I must be spin and there we go now how do I get out of it home yeah we are that was a really difficult amount of resource to get let's just take the home in case I end up destroying myself and hopefully can find some more if we get to at least a hundred unobtainium it means we can go all the way back up to three whole points sadly that was that for the planet but now we do have the hinges as well as long with some sore blades last time we'll do then is freeze the lava fountains and then we are done yeah I'm not gonna tried that without the coolers and I'm going to try and do that mission it's real irritating even with the coolers please please just give me four just give me four unobtainium that's all I ask for so if we look our upgrades yeah we're all the way at level three stealth now what's the only one before us that gave me two upgrades or so too I mean either way I still would have picked it hello pirates oh this the one where they'll increase our threat unless we pay it's not worth it because that 20 might be the difference between me repairing another full hole points so unless they give me 100% threat saying that if they do increase it by more than I think they might end up killing us darn it just darn it I really don't like pirates they're mean this and the fun planet oh good Yello okay one they're stopping aboard going underneath one there never go back fast enough we might just hit this one done nice okay let's see how much resource on the surface and then we'll risk the core here we are a nice cheap drone so essentially it's just got the basics it's got a bit less energy so can't really have sustained fights Oh which is bad considering this but it's much faster it's faster and a lot cheaper let's see if I'm around some of these up come on follow me walk into the blaster swarm so much better than snipers so we found the new enemy certainly really wishing I didn't bring this drone so for a full explanation what this drone is it doesn't have the two side batteries it doesn't have any of the snipers obviously and generally speaking it is just far worse in sustained combat but far quicker I just can't have the shields on all the time and this new enemy type seems to be vulnerable from behind or the same that's got loads of help even there as I'll just blast through a shield on a slowly a lot easier let's do this almost there you're just a bundle of health aren't you health and anger it seems that look down it's bad for your health ah okay back to destroy your fireflies so many fireflies must die I'm sorry door guys we have orders and the orders give us rewards that's all follow me when they follow is actually pretty darn quick anymore here oh yes there is and one of the big enemies as well that's it keep on following laughs there we go okay let's Eve's any resources on this world I'm doubting it and honestly I'm gonna terrify - look you already took damage because just how many turrets there are everywhere I kept on getting caught off-guard please go away yeah these worlds are basically hell I'm being punished for something I'm sure of it is it my dumbness because you think I'll be punished for that ages ago well now we have some more cryo snipers the swarm is defeated I do want that at the same time I am sick of these planets now what I could do is jump over here back to normal worlds for a while then go here with one more normal world then go here and hopefully we'll have the hundred and obtain him to repair ourselves Oh big explosion collect the toxic bio barrels destroy the snakes destroy the snakes destroy the lodge beehives oh that is all terrifying doubling our logic parts would be good there so it could do bio barrels toxic bio barrels then leave but I would like to see the Beehive world yeah I really want the big explosion so we're definitely going with that so there there we could go to the real world or we could go there okay let's go so can I views our magnets or we could make a sort of grappling thing the bio barrels do tend to explode so I might just go to the magnet just for ease of use here now let's see if we can make a quick grabber hello bio barrels okay let's just stick with kinetic shots here just good on a set on fire hmm oh you might be noises now so I assume you actually the bees just moving your way sort of end up shooting the barrels by mistake this many shots we can do a pretty good spread shot oh yeah look at that that's pretty cool okay I'm on the last one one two and the fire deals of you there we go okay one at a time if I had more blocks I'll be using a sort of grabber right now which I think would be a lot easier but okay taking two of you instead that's that's fine don't drop you or shoot you oh the one didn't go in a 10 B you should not have lasers having a critical mass of snipers is lovely that once again the fire deals in them yeah Mike dealing with these so easy oh dear okay let's grab one of these and finish the mission before I end up blowing them all up that would be good well I managed to get a little bit of read resource near the end okay I got some short lasers and the big explosion upgrade which is nice so next up then don't particularly want to do another click the toxic bio barrels but the thing is I do want to reach the end as fast as possible now I know that getting upgrades costs more and more and more and buy upgrades meant to say basic repairs so a bit of a change what we're going to do is change our flamer so they have bonus digging and they have the extra lifetime upgrade that way they're a bit general-purpose and we're only going to bring the kinetic snipers this time so I do really want to find the next the next whole repair just to see if it does increase every single time we heal even different places and even if we're at the same whole amount really hoping it doesn't although we are of course in hard mode the enemy have more health the enemy do more damage and a threat increases faster perhaps this is just a side effect of that I don't know lots of changes lots of changes oh that's so awkwardly placed there we go also yet flames with bonus digging is amazing a drone is shaping up it's just not upgrading as fast as I would like yeah man come with me that's that's fine bye over these worlds have been almost completely barren which is getting to be a bit of a problem now since we are almost completely out of red a resource sadly that rare system is just one of those okay that's not your plan it's just a garage which is good we're about to get to one anyway oh so glad yep red resource from that and that's pretty easy and just give us a jump thruster flash you know and I've seen the one destroy pirate mines but he's only a rank one so it should be quite easy and then initial quite easy there as well if we're lucky I'll get some red from either of them well this is definitely giving us some but hope you'll find more nice and simple as well locate the black boxes just destroyed debris intially finders I can't right now I just can't risk it and of course lots of debris here yes some red resource fantastic be a lots of debris which means we can get loads of yellow at very minimum oh god I forgot you do that when you're on fire okay maybe don't use a flame or all that much here because we might end up being bombarded by fiery bees fire bees I'm turning them into fire bees what am i doing okay mission done dig on down to there grab that sorry oh dear the debris is on fire turns up using fire for everything can occasionally set things on fire I know insane right what happens if we put this in here oh it gives you a tiny bit of unobtainium well good to know anytime I do this mission in the future if we get the black box event we need to put it into the new batis because it'll give us a tiny bit of unobtainium still that did bring us to 100 which is a pretty big deal both these oh yeah this is gonna be yeah this'll be easy this is fine and there we are we now have the large magnet which is far better and we have some more unobtainium which already got given to us and we are about to be attacked regardless what we do I really do want to go with the pirate mines but I really can't be bothered at the same time so we're gonna do is go straight over to the garage to get healed since we'll take damage on the way then we'll do some of these missions eliminate your shoulders nice and easy spring would be interesting when we were free hinge at coolers retrieve the heat capacitor I hate that as well so most like I'll do those too is there any reason wild go here instead yellow yellow some more shields is nice all reflective bullets and we do we get to do the relic mission which happens on in a very long time level for stealth although so risky because we're gonna be hurt and we're going to at least we'll go to the next galaxy with basically 0% threat yeah reflective bullets and maxing out our stealth we have to so we should do this one first as well since I think travel even counts in the same system well incoming us being attacked hello enemy how you doing bird good to sit hi so same again like all the barrels in this world are in the middle of the world how'd that even happen only one left so it's been nice and easy and we've even got some unobtainium so far which is very very nice indeed okay definitely land those shots I heard it so there we go fire we'll deal with the damaged one and then we can just destroy you shields will hold there's an enemy inside that barrel so I'm not gonna try for that well oh that's not a fun weapon or some kind of tractor beam I want to remember you from just when I stopped playing last and I was doing the miner campaign oh you are horrible aren't you yes yes you are and the shield seems to not really help make sure to destroy the things shooting the explosives house first your sturdy but fire wins in the end - fine one more barrel and the last barrel and now check to see if the world has any more unobtainium so farts been pretty good so I'm somewhat hopeful first we'll scowl at the outside then we'll go back inside there's so many cooperation enemies but the fact we can out range them with both of our weapons means they're not too much of a threat they're just annoying I also kind of think they should buff the plasma damage again it used to be really overpowered fire would basically spread infinitely and it would just destroy anything so bad that bad if the enemy was ever caught alight he'll just win but now it feels unsatisfying though I do still love it there because fire is fun and that is beautiful and we are done level for stealth we can get one more level of that so in at least four to exit this area the reflective bullets already very very tempting some more common weapons isn't actually terrible and I haven't done this mission before to show the pirate mines it is also a world type I quite like because it does seem to be it seems to be reliably okay for resource but yeah gang reflective bullets would be good even though I'm not a huge fan of reflective bullets one of the upgrades I very rarely use and every time I use I always seem to be underwhelmed but at the same time it would mean of unlock things behind it so where is reflective bullets I am oh it's right at the end oh you see if it was kind of in the way of something else it's good because it means I can get past it like for instance if I want the projectile count upgrades over here it's really good I have this attack speed up greg's it means I have to buy that and then I go straight through same with the big explosion meaning I can grab cluster explosion little bit easier in fact I can grab it right now because that's connected I don't even know you could do that then more you know hasn't really affected us so far but yeah it means I can grab this most eighty percent energy if I want to very interesting indeed so yeah I'm actually not going to go after a reflective bullets because I don't like them so instead just gonna go with the guaranteed cheapo resource and three common weapons who's really just called planet zero so destroyed the mines I've never seen these so it see what happens I'm assuming that to you no that's not mine I'm assuming it's the thing next to you oh so these are pirates these aren't corporation oh that makes complete sense I mean look at the style of them of course they're pirates ooh explosion and then we simply repair the land pretty easy mission honestly don't I have my shield on then just a habit of telling the shield on all the time I don't know why let's not destroy the mine which will get in the way the fungal spore I think the cold is that sitting on some unobtainium it was that's annoying it looks like it despawn some of it okay let's move out this way first I think like they destroyed the fungal spore let whoops-a-daisy remember I said this is easy well it turns out pirates are very very annoying I think I just saw one of the larger enemies as well yep apparently I was a hit it was on fire at some points police say that fire can spread from the main bit to its body and vice versa it doesn't seem like it can and burn already please pretty please with sprinkles oh come on I said 'we've sprinkles there we go now burn other b-word there's the last mine okay not satellite okay well we're done and I've pretty much checked the entire planets so let's go back got a little bit of red from that but not much kinetic flying us okay that's decent if you add in any upgrade slots it's a team set threat to get there but I'm only on one hole I go through this nine percent threat and then I'm gonna be bad position on I yes I am however it can lead to an attack so if I go through there I can repair my hole I'll be attacked on the way and I'll be at very low threat if I go there now I'm still a pretty decent threat plus 9 percent that it's reduced by a certain amount but if I don't get a garage almost straight away I'm doomed either way and in a pretty bad position so I think was tough to risk and go through the wormhole I might need to actually start again soon which is interesting I'm actually glad to see that my mistakes mean I haven't actually died yet once but my mistakes based on just going down the wrong route just being silly with my path thing they've think has really punished me I'm actually happy to see that as much as well it's punishing me okay hello wormhole okay a nice lie sir I'll restore is holding temperature by one point but a hundred oh I need to take it I can't I can't I just can't take that that's more fun and less actually gonna save us this oh that's we have to thank you game now we are extremely low threat okay so as I garage there so we can actually get that to fall fairly quickly oh I don't want to go through another fire area though I'm sick of them Oh ah what a rubbish event but yeah oh that one gives coolers so do that on for the cooler grab that one then for the bullet count no we're free to go no not we have to do a little bit more still what's over here more logic parts that's nice but not necessary attack speed three and sixty unobtainium but then getting to this would be really annoying lest we go like this that's gonna be so much threat destroy the mines nice and easy I say easy just we understand what we're doing oh that is a unique world no that's a shop we could just go like this just take the hit go to next galaxy oh that's potentially the end it's certainly something anyway well for now though I'm afraid I am all out of time for today's episode so if you have enjoyed then of course likes favourite shares comments all that good stuff helps up me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that in batis as as soon as you wish to see continued in the future in the next video we are likely that still go down this route so that we can go and get our repairs before going towards what could possibly be the end but I am also tempted to go this way so that we can get some more upgrades because again I don't really know what that is and if that's the end I want to get more upgrades for our weapons so thank you so so much for watching and good bye
Channel: Lathland
Views: 48,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CjnjE2rL-Rw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 26sec (3086 seconds)
Published: Tue May 19 2020
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