Nimbatus | Miner Campaign | Ep1 | Drills, Bugs & Misplays!

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greetings sir and syrettes and welcome back to Ninh Bassett's with me Oh after X and of course welcome back to version zero point nine point two with the early access version with all of the new updates we have the new end goal of getting back to earth we have the upgradable Nimbus itself there is loads to explore and even a weird serpent temple with a serpent boss there is loads of things I really really want to see so today we are starting a brand new campaign in order to see everything before the next major update now there are loads of different leaders we can choose from the heavy ways we have the new autonomous or tumblr thumb the tumblr the bit automaton is that how you say you know what normally I'd cut that but we're leaving that in because that's just the mindset I'm currently in for the very first episode I can't say things that's the new leader and I'm going to be doing a one-off playing at that leader in the future but this time around we're going to be doing one of the leaders I promised I would do a long time ago and then simply never played with we are going to be going with the minor which means we should be able to get resources a lot easier at the cost of almost everything else we're gonna see how good it is in comparison to the researcher our last full playthrough in which honestly that was a really fantastic experience being able to customize our weapons how much does it hurt not having that ability ok we're going to be going in hard mode as usual minor and let's get going if anyone would like to read these feel free to I'm just going to skip them though so you may need to pause the screen ok so we have the pilot and the miner 100% mining speed and we have an improved drill so this drill is better in some we're not sure what way is actually better it has the improved drill bonus there but I don't actually know what that means is it cheaper does it do more damage I don't really know by the way this is what we're going to be sticking with so let's see how that goes of course there we are the programmer it's not even cooled I thought it was well that was worth trying to say the 9 a million times we'll be doing a one-off with that in the future because this seems really complicated and I'm a little bit rusty with an embosser so I want to get back into the game to begin with so then let's get going once again feel free to pause okay here we are in the galaxy so then what planets do we have you have a planet here which will give us a level two oh wow that's amazing so that upgrade there is for an in batis and it will increase our storage increases the amount of drone parts that can be deployed for free that is really really fantastic that means we can have larger drones with less costs so that's fantastic and also comes with heaters less fantastic this one is giving us small batteries and a larger magnet and we're going to need to do both anyway so then what why are we going after that they still rare over here so I do want to take a look at but the same Tom's go this way I believe there are two shops so I think we're going to go this way and then to the end of the galaxy butts weekend with let's do this one we need to destroy the corporation's transmitter now think about it we really should have done the other one first I just thought oh look we get the cheap thing first then do the one but we've essentially sacrificed resource and increased how much threat we've got no actually we've lowered how much resource we're going to spend so we've got resource but increase that threat doing it this way around which really wasn't worth it I wasn't really thinking properly there so it's make our first little mining dro then this should be very very simple to have drills on the front make sure we have lots of turning capability that's going to be one of the major things and of course we need our resource tanks now the journals themselves I believe can harvest resource am I correct is that the improved drill element I believe so because we don't actually have the ability to gather resource otherwise which would be very very silly much better than the standard weapon anyway for harvesting which is just so annoying now we could build something like this but honestly I really hate building like that building like this just makes everything so much nice or at least for now okay that should be able to give us turning lovely and then we can move forward and we can activate the drill once we add some energy I'm do have medium batteries which is good rather than having the smaller variety there we are now it's actually equal that's pretty nice okay and all we need then is a resource tank and a couple of resource tanks might be better but for now let's just stick with this I think that will allow us to go all the way through just fine dragging stuck just need a couple of weapons to make sure we have some long-range capabilities I'm just thinking maybe we just use the two blasters rather than going with the lasers as well because this will make at drone a lot cheaper since these cuz five each now as we have gone over the free parts this will make our drones super cheap and I think you'll still get the job done I think maybe potentially correct perhaps put them on the front instead that way they've got a bit more range what I put them there probably safe there but I don't like them jutting out so much got the laser just make things easier for us we have long-range weapons which are sadly at the back I think that should be ok is the fuel ok well pretty won out over time but as long as it can last long enough nope that's absolute fine I did try this one fuel tank and sadly that's not enough because right now it's being recharged from both of the fuel tanks remember they do recharge your overall fuel but only once they have at least some of the fuel removed with only one this happens longer down the second and then there we go one of the clusters are standoff because there's not a fuel to feel both ok so then let's get going in fact I could put another Weiser here this why we can cut all the train around us nice and easily that's bit silly you know what that's all going with ok ok let's go let's destroy us a transmitter Wow the extra mining speed is insane however our drone is a little bit too long that's something to note lovely couple that red resource that's a lot of damage so I'm thinking is we get all the resources from the planet first then we go over to the transmitter and we just go straight through it from the world itself back into the depths we go oh that's so satisfying can I get some more drills nice thing a bit more actually you know what we could police put out these drills a bit further here's hoping the explosion did initiative damage hello resource I love this drone but how did you fire through the ground that's cheating a little bit left over that's fine let's go back excuse me thank you once again hoping that it's actually hurting us yeah we need to make this way more compact turning is a nightmare of these things at the back I think though that might be all the resource on the planet just burning ourselves of it there you know just casually this is so satisfying we need to make a spinner with these drills we just have to I underestimated their power this time we'll go with the safer option aim I'm just so used to having shields that just took me by surprise yet this is gonna take some getting used to no shields and very weak regular weapons okay let's recharge your energy then we'll finish off we definitely need more guns on this thing if we're going to use it for all missions now we are now make our drone nice and cheap of course we still gain threat when we land and that's why dying just then was so bad yeah a lot very stupid things very quickly there honestly so where you really do need more power for this thing gonna remove the lasers oh do we even have to do though because how many parts can we have now for free at 15 it still zero okay so anything over 15 starts costing us well in that case I'm gonna do is pop this here I'm tempted to put these somewhere like that to make this a bit more stumpy maybe you'll stick with it as it is for now let's put these one further apart and see if there helps I think this will still not be a problem and even if it is we'll find out now and we can still shoot with the kinetic blasters so if we do have little bit stuck we should be okay the next mission is nice and easy anyway locate the black box okay yeah we're fine and because the cave we're now creating is a little bit wider too easy to turn still too long but why a less of a problem now that's the sharpest we can turn which is actually fine that saves any resources on the planet first shall we oh I think I may have saw some red tying this little bit and potentially you or after nope little angry bee fantastic now we can juggle these back to the in batters and get a little bit of yellow resource which might be worth at the moment this early on but the same time this drone is actually cost any yellow resource to use so maybe we'll maybe alert first of all though let's find ourselves some more regular resource and hopefully some red thank you and this will be the last one for now if he was read resource I would spend the time grabbing them all but we're likely to get loads of the yellow from the future worlds we visit especially as the miner lovely today proper magnet as well but on the small version so destroy the transmitter get a large fuel tank and a medium that's really good so rather than having two mediums just have one large that comes to one item bill give us the tree double everything and they saw his locate the black box and we get some uncommon weapons and some batteries and we only have to do one of the two ah temper the weapons we could do both of course nothing stopping us there but will cost us more threat and I've already wasted some threat by being a dumb-dumb Oh a VTOL thruster I have never got a chance to use those oh I'm so tempted by that a super capacitor not big fan of there's no chance we can destroy the corporation lab with a have current tech I couldn't drone rather wrong game their resource collector we don't care about you know I don't think we're ready for that I'd rather get the shops anyway so yeah we're gonna go here we're just going to grab the weapons and then we're going to go to these two shops see what I have to offer and then go to the new galaxy our pirates that's really annoying we can't handle any more threat at a moment I love the fact that this cost us no yellow resource ooh resource i'll nest they can break out drill so easily did we just die let's just not go all the way through let's keep on trimming it like that shall we there we are not really in the mood to fire I'm afraid we're not fighters we're harvesters we're greedy but not malicious maybe lovely malicious but we're also cowards nest there right are two nests they are quite easy to kill but we are so freyal our drills can't take any damage before they just break so for now it's gonna be as careful as I can and hopefully we can find the wreckage nice and soon go why so that if we do die we don't lose the mission okay won't be among you we need one of the pieces of wreckage with the yellow dust let out in prisons oh my god that is so much resource excellent ok girls let's do cab and get straight through I'll keep on doing that over and over again Oh bad ok we cannot run them just kite them keep on firing we need to destroy those hives don't mind me just destroying your home your birthplace and probably the home of all of your loved ones nothing major excuse me this is what I should have been doing in the previous video more the previous video the previous world using the fact that I can go through the ground so easily more to my advantage especially since we don't have particularly good weapons we don't have shields on they're quite frail once all these are gone they're that big bit of red resource is completely safe to mine there we are am i right I'm right fantastic I'll take all of you I was considering adding a second resource tank to at the moment this seems more than enough then we go home to make sure that if we do die we don't lose the resource already Gus just keep playing it safe grabbing one node as I'm taking it back and hopefully we'll get a bit more read resource I know there's a big chunk of yellow nearby at least well when I get a chance to use the drills the drills to lots of damage the problem is they are very very vulnerable they haven't was no health and if one breaks then my mining capability is basically gone as you can well imagine excuse me you're not meant to be able to go through the ground can I'm fairly certain this will give me a load of red so we need this yeah let's try and grab that and let's go don't drop it whatever I do slowly - there we go - stay like that that's as far as I feel safe we need to slowly come back to the planet lovely now think that's pretty much all the resource I'm willing to get there's a little bit more yellow but it's being heavily guarded but I suppose if I do get destroyed NAB's only matter too much okay let's be silly let's see can I destroy all these using the drills probably not let's try it nope hope Joe's gone like I said they are incredibly fry up so now I can't harvest so let's go back ooh flamethrower by the looks of things it's got the extra particle speed now there I really do like let's have a look sick yep hundred cent particle speed that's gonna make this a really deadly weapon that is nice about the same range as the blasters as well if you put it at the front like this I'm going to keep both it means we're no longer free now cost us ten but that's not exactly a huge amount sure drastically increasing our damage okay so we have the garage and we have the shop only two to gets the next one destroy the hives more thrusters that'll be lovely we have this two common weapons and two heaters don't care about that at all three weapons we need to destroy the transmitter we could potentially do all of them but I think shop first we have enough red resource and probably buy everything we want no maybe we should do that last yes dude let's just simply do the destroy hives first see where we are then we'll decide on if I want to do this or not for some more weapons let's go please no more pirates thank you okay so I just died then the recording software was long so I was testing something because his hives right underneath me and I just ran right into them Wow like it's on fire so easily then it's kind of go mad explode huh fires good go away fear me I'm the bringer of flame oh I love this flamethrower particle thrower Oh still love it go remember they will set us alight if they touch us seems I just keep on going forwards no they do seem to go in a random direction maybe it's a wife nope the little one seems to go for us the big one seemed to go away from us it's really good also so dangerous chaos I just need to destroy these hives then I can go into ground and be a lot more smart about this but right now is a little safe way to enter the ground earthen constantly attacked okay oh I'm scared Oh shiny well this is dumb this is really dumb yeah maybe I should stick with the blaster method when it comes to stuff like this yeah that was not good or let's finish the mission before start harvesting and I'd lost the drill so without that one drill getting through the ground was just an absolute nightmare so I decided to just call it quits there I am going to destroy the transmitter because we can heal at the garage I think so I think it's definitely worth it purely because that's there I really do want more weapons hopefully this time we don't lose a trail you know the main thing we have from the drone we really need shields and I need to be more careful I just I'm so used to having shields for having all the lighter game weapons now I'm just not careful that's the problem so because of that if you're doing research to padang thinking old turn the shield on which I don't have please have no more hives here though Oh shiny now this is a proper world laughs Lee now despite the fact we had to leave the other world a bit early it doesn't really matter too much because we didn't die before we completed the mission so no extra threat at least which is the very real concern almost um yeah I'll just harvest all of this then won't go for the transmitter I think I saw even more red over here yes I did not that much but still every little bit helps remember the red resource is what you need to spend in shops and shops and give you all sorts of stuff and I'm holding a shield or five Mining with the drills is so much more fun than the harvester greed is good one thing to remind myself though is unlike the harvester the drill will continue to destroy resource even if I am full with the harvester if you try and harvest when your resources are all full up you simply don't grab anything and damage isn't done with the drill you will destroy everything little bit of yellow there don't really care is any more red it's plenty more yellow but for now let's go for the red ink okay it's be careful so there's the transmitter and I think after this that should be all of the red on the planet harvested really should start using their proper names but red and yellow not simple like me simple so a few things I misread the cost of stealth so I've ended up grabbing sensors anyway since that is still really nice and we should have definitely lost the hole there now at one point back in the past and muster change to get him on the updates you would hit 100% threat then you would take a damage but during that scene just then I saw our hold go down to two then it bounced back to three at least it went down to two in the main screen bit on the top it's back to three now so that's really really weird okay this phone will investigate okay that's nice and now we go to the next system annex galaxy and we have to choose one of these oh we need the extra drone part health the extra thrust is fantastic but that will make everything so much easier for us yes I believe that applies to every single part including our drills our weapons everything else but I didn't lose whole and I'm a little bit worried about that it definitely worked in our last test playthrough as in we lost hull so here's I'm going to say if that happens again I will start keeping track on our whole points if it is I confirm bug which it certainly looks like it I could be wrong as it looks like it and once we've been hit enough times to kill us then I will count that as a loss so really we should be on 2 now unless we heal when we go through the worm all which I think we might do so I just looked back at the last videos footage and actually the hole didn't go down there either what I thought had happened was that I lost the hull because it shown up on the main screen then we went through the galaxy the wormhole it's of a new galaxy and then we got our hole back that's what I thought happened because I assumed I had actually taken the damage in fact the hole didn't drop so we need to make up a system so that we can tell if we lose now it can't just be as simple as you get hit three times and then you're done for you're gone because normally you can heal the shops that's the point you will take damage over time but if you can heal fast enough you can just keep on going so I guess if we get to a shop we can say we've lost unobtainium and make a little check mark saying how much we've got left how much we've lost and try and have an honor system like that so we just have let's say 50 unobtainium has been used so we can't use that 50 in our inventory and then we heal again use another 50 that's 100 and try and keep track of the holes ourselves or I don't really know I'm gonna have a quick look-see to see if there's any way around this I've just jumped to our last save the brawler to see if we can take damage the next time the corporation finds us hey corporation nope we're still on three welfare we can sell unobtainium now of course we do still get yellow back but obviously the red is way more valuable so I guess that's one way of healing and then getting rid of the red resource the unobtanium yep tried to take damage now I think seven times and each time it just happens like that so I think the only way we can really do this yeah is just to keep track ourselves and either sell the resources or lock off some resources which we can't use because that way we are essentially playing the game fair it's just we're gonna have to do a bit of mental math which is always horrible for me because it's numbers and numbers aren't my friends okay so in normal mode the bug doesn't occur it's only and hard so this is in a regular difficulty mode and I just went from three to sue my final test then is if we play on harder mode but don't go all the way up to three can we get knocked down to one this is the game it's a bug hunting episode okay we're back in a hard mode game we haven't healed up to three now we'll be attacked well we go down to one or will we stay at two we stay at no we do Hotel - what so it seems like the bug only occurs if you're in hard mode and you go to maximum now of course I haven't tested out normal mode if you go to maximum but well at least now we know what's occurring so really we have a few options ahead of us no like you tell me what you would like to see in the comments below cuz it is going to affect the whole playthrough quite severely well then in the comments please tell me how you feel about these options or should I go ahead and continue with the playthrough we're already going through because I've already invested some time in it we've got weapons and just jot down what our whole point should be which will be a little bit annoying but not too difficult should I start again on normal mode that way we can just continue and perhaps I'll just in the background finish off the first galaxy so we start off on the second galaxy anyway or should I start a new hard mode game and never go to three whole points making it incredibly difficult on myself but avoiding the bug but once again making it really insane on myself I don't know which option is best on a sly so with that thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favourite shares comments all that good stuff helps up me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that Nimbus is a series you wish to see continued in the future even with the bug occurring I really did enjoy today's episode it was really fun to record even if I did play a little bit badly hopefully I'll be a little bit less rusty as I continue to play through and please please tell me how you think I should continue with this bug in place so far I can't find any record of other people getting this bug I I'll be mentioning it to the devs and hopefully it will be fixed very soon but I do want to continue recording I might be patience and wait for it to be fixed they are pretty fast if updates we will see very soon thank you so so much for watching and good bye and we'll be down there commenting feel free to give me a like that always helps thank you have a lovely day happy holidays
Channel: Lathland
Views: 90,840
Rating: 4.9509768 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 50sec (1910 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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