Birch World & Machines - Purifying Speedrun! | Modded Stellaris | Gigastructures

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greetings sir ansarette and welcome back to stellaris with mia lathrix and of course welcome back to the gigastructural engineering mod where today we're going to be doing a shorter video just showcasing potentially one of the most insane origins i've ever seen because this is one of those mods where there is so much complexity there is so much content i think it would be better if i did a series of short videos just looking at certain things at least things which i personally think are fun and this is one of them the birch world you are a remnant of a long forgotten civilization living in the echoing expanse of a birch world at the galactic core built by our ancestors essentially in the last video we managed to find the core of the galaxy as a pulsar this time it's just a gigantic black hole and you're on a super world around it not only a super world a super world which has unique jobs a insane amount of pop growth especially for machine empires it seems and is just all around insane so because of that we're going to be determined exterminators the idea being we're in the core of the galaxy we're in the festering heart of the galaxy eventually the other empires will find us we will break free and destroy everything we are the crisis as soon as i break through i am going to go to war with absolutely everyone again not a full play through but we're going to see just how effective we are at that potentially i will destroy empires we will see just how strong we actually are and then i'll be doing some other features in the future including one of the things which i completely misunderstood the thing which uses the quasi-dark matter i didn't realize actually generated its own resource and just completely ignored it apparently there's loads to that so i'm waffling this is my empire we have these lovely robots with their extra science and everything else we've mass produced they are determined exterminators nice and basic let's destroy some things so here we are with the birch world we do not know what happened to our ancestors enemies plague civil war i'm assuming we destroyed them they exist now as myths and legends their knowledge and power lost they somehow built this vast world around the black hole at the center of our galaxy now we live in the vast echoing expanse designed to house a million times more people than a left as all but the last sections have fallen into disrepair and uselessness our people have been filled their new sense of purpose we must unite and take our place against against in the stars again in the stars or we will be lost forever to history so grab that we can actually research the hyperline straight away but i'm going to let the others find us unless they take way too long so in the last playthrough i did it was 50 years so i guess i'll wait that long i am going to be turning off the cat mid-game empire because i want to explore that more fairly in the future and actually see how strong they are with a more normal start with a more normal empire everything else we're going to be keeping as the default and this is the thing i need to check out later the event horizon offset facility apparently there's lots to that and i just did not find it okay so we have our starter world uh we have loads of insane jobs here thankfully i did check this out a little bit earlier so i now understand how to do this we have huge negatives in our energy and everything else so let's remove all of the coordinators since we don't need any of those yet we don't need dark matter at the moment unity i like this is producing loads of amenities we're going to lower that until i'm only getting the plus 20 stability so there we are we'll have two to begin with we'll add more later and then the rare resources i'll also stop for the time being i will have to have those back later but for now i want to get loads and loads of energy in the form of the penrose process drones which produce 90 energy each it's a little bit insane i thought i'd have more robots to begin with you know what i'm gonna turn off all the fabricators except for the bare minimum to keep the empire going we don't want those we want those instead so that's going to be a ridiculous amount of energy just let's just let the month tick over there we are so we have plus 445 now we need that because on our world we have this the lost communities the lost communities will give us an insane amount of population growth right now we're only on 5.5 but we'll see how that increases later also this is how the world looks and it is bloody gorgeous oh it has a tiny little moon i didn't realize that a tiny little moon the edge of eternity oh very cool okay i did not see it last time so the very first of the find lost communities is now being activated removed activated i don't even know how to say that since what it's finding that's not actually removing this tile because it will update in a second there we go so now we have found communities giving us plus four to our pop assembly that's not four percent or anything just a base of four which is kind of crazy because it is affected by everything else now with the organic pops it looks like it does just give you a percentage bonus which is still really good but the machine seemed to be a bit insane now i think about it maybe a cyborg empire better the driven assimilators don't really know now we don't need many science ships because this is all the systems we have no that one that one and that one as well and to get a system it costs 1 000 influence it's all meant to be slowing you down obviously so we're going to be stuck here for a while we're just we're festering at the very core of the galaxy you can save up energy and then grab that one again this will add even more pop growth and then after that i'll start putting down research stations we do get access to more districts lighter i believe it's every time you get 100 pops though i could be wrong about that i did only just do a very quick test earlier to make sure this all works there we are we're now on 22 monthly pop assembly and we haven't got any other bonuses from our tech yet as you can imagine that is already just insane that is several worlds worth just on this ultra world and it's only been two years into the game now i'm gonna start producing lots of research labs probably won't end up building all these but i just have resources to spend at this point in fact we could lower our energy now and start going more into some of these i mean extra unity is always good dark matter for later coordinators we'll need in a second but yeah it's there's a lot of stuff we can do it's all about managing this one world because that's all you have yeah this is the one i completely misunderstood definitely something i'll be covering fairly soon so it seems like there's always a primitive civilization over here this time less population last time i found it but still things to devour if i wanted to spend the 1000 influenced i should get that system 22 years in we are capped on energy and minerals again i'm actually producing alloys we're about to hit 1k tech and we are producing 25 assembly every month it is kind of crazy how fast looking populations now and yeah i think one thing which would be really good on the birch world is probably budding with the fungus or plantoid species but i still can't see it beating just this insane start from the machines now i think when i get to 100 populations i will unlock another district i don't know if i can just double up on the districts we already have i kind of hope we can because i'd like just this one again but um we do have this one which is all about lovely lovely alloys and we do this so much all about cyan so they do require a lot of rare resource so i don't know if we can actually manage that at the moment i'm just building more research complexes because it's the easy thing to do and i want more tech should also start spending these alloys to be perfectly honest uh i meant to say minerals and energy but still on alloys we already kind of have a fleet ready but we're over navy cap horribly see at this point normally you'd probably want to burst out of this horrible core and start devouring everything also i have no idea how i saw this oh master conduit that's my actual starter system that is but if we get the experimental subspace navigation can we go over there i don't think i can do it with the construction vessels can i know but my science vessels could get over there fleet enhanced new course scales or at least find out what's actually out there hey cruises that's what i wanted yeah our first scout vessel has just reached this location so that's actually instantaneous i thought it was more of a gap so i can't just go anywhere that can i know it has to be specifically over there and construction vessels can't do that that is a shame at least now we're here we can start checking out what's actually in the galaxy at large so there's a wrecked behemoth planet craft here that is really cool but yeah since i can't get my construction vessels over there it's not really all that much good to us i think even with the jump drive i won't be able to get to the unknown systems but of course we could get our science craft over there but i don't know if we're actually close enough though okay get there as fast as possible please i'd like to see if we can so try and go for jump drives as fast as we possibly can really now again i do want to repeat i understand i could just research this myself but i kind of want the other empires to do that because it feels like then i'll be a true mid-game crisis slash endgame crisis really should grab the crisis ascension perk as well once i grab it that'd be cool so 100 pop i did get access to these two as though sadly i can't double up it seems like at the moment it says you can only support one of each of these district types i don't know what happens once you have one of each okay i'm getting way too bored we are going to open up the hyperlines ourself because this is how you would actually do this so sure thing okay i got bored i'm going to open up the hyperlines myself we've set the mid-game crisis really early okay new technology discovered we don't have much protection here in the galactic corps but of course we don't have fleets athletes will protect us from the other two hyperlinks you have a bastion here and apparently we are connected directly to this we want to reclaim our homeworld which is over here the original unmaster conduit research project concluded as one we will destroy you we go to war on ignorance the rancid core is open for business every other empire we see except for fallen empires obviously every empire we see normal empires there is we will be attacking on site peace is not an option oh and look once you open up the gateways sorry the uh hyperlines you can finally start just taking systems that's lovely nice and cheaply oh wow you were slightly stronger than i expected actually abnormally detected wow why strong are expected that is all your forces and i do have a second space i have unlocked writing but just because writing is so much fun we do have the much stronger version already which is armageddon but i like having them all in one place all the populations we're going to be grabbing so you may as well do that instead steal all the pops and then land our ground forces which are plenty strong already but we will get some upgrades to them later i just need more of them and we have loads of resources to do so honestly the only reason we weren't stronger than we already are is just because i didn't spend much time building a fleet because i thought i was going to have it for 20 years then decided to just burst out anyways hello homeworld i guess it'd be faster to begin with armageddon and then swap over to the whole stealing thing i have two shipyards now already and our alloy production is about to go way higher because now i can afford to put more of my pops into fabricator jobs once i can upgrade the alloy foundries then things are going to go really crazy well i just remembered something rather annoying so when it comes to stealing populations that's not really gonna work for us because everyone thinks class is undesirable we steal a pop they'll instantly die rather than being sent back to the birch world i've both had a normal pop and a robot pop and they've both had the same effect so we're just gonna go purely with armageddon bombardment which will turn worlds into tomb worlds and i think that fits as well so sure just go to world everything their capital has been removed and replaced with such a beautiful tomb world new technology become the crisis so yeah that's what we're doing now we're heading towards the next empire to start a war we've already started war over here we're sending a fleet we're going to devour everything we see and this time are more powerful this first attack wasn't quite as tremendous as i thought just because i rushed attacking them of course that's going to change you're now also getting more worlds and we're going to get lots of them as we go so yeah that's about it really at this point we're going to just explode of power glorious power new technology discovered and missiles and strike craft the two most beautiful things hostile fleets within range the home system is already being bombarded about to bombard this home system as well and we found the cat people so if we attack this will that moon activate whoa and that is a serious amount of uh cat forces our corvette fleets are now here wow that really shows the size of that planet doesn't it pretty big anyway yeah we now have medicine core corvettes and we're gonna be deploying them everywhere because they're nice and quick over here we're still just focusing on destroying this home world with another fleet just knocking out other stations as it goes it can be difficult when you're focusing on so many wars at once but we are winning every one of them one more home world has been removed they will kneel price is now level three menacing destroyers ship build speed is increased orbital bombardment damage is increased which is a really good one for us and the corvettes are even better at abiding capturing some worlds like the lesser ones and making sure that some of them are being tomb welded now you do get points for actually turning something into a tomb world uh destroy me baseball blah conquer worlds where is the one i'm actually after there we are destroy worlds it gives you an extra i think it's 100 per time yeah i know 400 per time sorry we've got 800 so far from that concrete gives you oh congress gives you more oh i thought destroy gave you the same or okay well either way it's all well and good purge or simulate pops oh does that not count from exploding them with orbital bombardment okay then yeah we should definitely try and capture them annoyingly we're attacked from over here of course that's because we aren't with every empire we just met you and let's put you into war as well and we are back at war with the originals but this time i'm being smarter and going after the star systems with the star bases first rather just going straight after one world and focusing on us it's been a little bit annoying over here because this constant fleet's coming from everywhere and i can't really spare enough to completely surround each of the enemies so this big group here is just bouncing back and forth killing things over here we are about to bombard that world we have some ground forces which we're going to take with us in a bit the other direction and you are going over here that's all well and good these have just crumpled because well we took their capital last time and these only have one world left then we can see what we have to do about these apparently currently the imperium is taking over the entire world which is interesting obviously out in the world shiny things i like shiny things and also the cats i sure provide a good power source as for corona over here i don't really know um they're basically immune to orbital bombardment damage because of their psychic nature arcane palaces and everything else and then have a insane amount of garrison 18 000. i still want to try and conquer them though that's going to be fun the corvettes are made so insanely quick because all bonuses we get oh okay they've become a republic instead they're much more peaceful i guess that happened because of uh because we aren't allowing the cats to actually spawn in well i'm still gonna try and invite them anyway obviously they are organic life and we just don't like that as we are now reaching the end of our crisis we are now generating these lovely things star eaters several 63k fleets there i am preparing to attack the fallen empire i am still going to war with every single empire i find but now i'm no longer sending out more fleets from the core we are amassing for one lovely attack against these fellows it's gonna be just corvette swarms everywhere pretty much but still you get the point now i'm pretty much dealt with these i can start putting forces over here i did split one of my fleets that's why i'm being able to do this how do i miss that system that'd be very annoying finally sending out some construction vessels as well to deal with all the gaps in space i'm now leaving behind but yeah you can probably tell that this origin is insane and i'm only paying half attention to some of the stuff because again not a full playthrough i just want to see how powerful it was oh my god it is we have seized the enemy world the kitty cats woke up but this time they're not that they're just elves it's your moonstone thing you're actually plenty strong funnily enough i was just about to attack you as well see the final egalitarian just normal on both well you're probably going to declare war on us eventually oh but i wanted all this attack force to be against the fallen empire fine all fleets get ready for an attack from the what was meant to be cat people belizeans and over here you know what i like corvettes i'm really only paying partial attention to a lot of stuff at the moment and we are just dominating completely and it's purely because the birch world every time we get 100 pops we get one additional mineral bore subprocessor and one penrose process sub processor which if we take a look over here if i'm fine there we go that's what's giving us the really powerful jobs along with a chunk of research and yeah look at the amount of energy and minerals it's producing and every time we get another 100 we get more of these jobs our pop growth on this world is at 32 and there's even an edict uh down here which can pretty much move all of my people over time back to the birch world and every world i'm getting i'm trying to make sure i have an upgraded machine assembly plant so that we're getting as many as possible yeah it's kind of insane now we could build this at this point as soon as we get a few more minerals i think i'm lacking yes i just put all those um corvettes everywhere and once we have that that's loads of extra tech we get although i think i would want another one of these just for more rare resources they want to see the energy we're getting if i destroy the star base and stop being so over my navy capacity we're gonna be just fine for that as well is this the most powerful origin i want to test out some of the others as well in the future but right now i can't see how this isn't the most powerful within gigastructures again though i could be wrong i'm really interested to test out some of the others more in depth as well okay fleets get ready i think we have enough already to begin this attack corvettes corvettes everywhere did they split up ooh what attack was that from the moon can the moon not move it's like a defensive platform essentially well either way just gonna swarm it there the moon is down now ground forces are definitely strong enough to deal with this although i would like a leader that'd be nice is that leader called corona why do i have a loner next to the world of corona i don't know why this keeps happening and eventually we will conquer corona with corona i don't say about that really just yep on land force oh wow there's a 7k garrison there when did that upgrade um [Music] how about we oh no because i conquered it they're mine okay never mind shouldn't this war be over then really i mean we took the world [Music] then i don't get why that's not over also why i can't attack their ground forces apparently for some reason except for a few corvettes okay a bit confused by that new technology discovered i guess we'd just stay as quo we should gain it right is there a reason why we can't do i have to actually destroy this i'm hoping not so i'd like this world now we stay at squad and we now have the world so you're all going to be devoured i'm afraid no wait how are you not undesirable now you are okay because i think that's update there we go that was truly bizarre where are all the people being devoured you know what that was just really weird okay everyone please get your butts over to here except for the ground forces who are still slowly amassing to attack the skeletor world of corona we will obliterate their ignorance it's time to cleanse the fallen empire oh yeah i forgot that i had an attacker moon oh they're gonna be really strong then i think this would be the earliest i ever attacked for an empire honestly i probably could have attacked earlier but uh yeah i wanted to wait until i had just corvettes everywhere to be perfectly honest i think i have some backup fleets as well yeah i have fleets being built everywhere constantly and yeah i still can't um spend all the minerals what i need to do is start building some of the menacing cruisers and such but i just love the swarm since i never go for swarm i always go for battleships i wish the ai ships would just focus on one thing at once it's kind of like watching strike craft in their dirty ai honestly okay yeah their normal ships got absolutely mobbed there now it's just the attack moon which is just about holding because we're better versus shields and hull and down it goes goodbye to the moon goodbye to the citadel hello the core and the boundary probably shouldn't just bombard you honestly we should tank you but i just love bombarding things it's like cleaning with explosives you know it's just it's satisfying and all the right ways all the wrong ways all at once our initial athletes have been quite slow over here but we have slowly moved up and we're just finishing off these two empires then moving on to next as usual i am going to war every time i find a new empire so currently i'm more with basically the galaxy slowly cleansing everything i think it's just these empires and this one that's it unless there is an emperor i know there is an empire over here right no this isn't actually empty oh katzenland there you are see yeah i do need to send some science ships over there and i know the border gore is vile but i'm just speeding along let's see if i can just kill every empire before they end the video you class that as a full playthrough actually now think about it because it'll give me the victory screen and we're not spawning in the big scary end game crisis so like it would ever have a chance at this point i still have 30 a full 80 years well almost 90 anyway like 75. [Music] the core has been taken boundary has been reduced into a beautiful slag heap just to remind us of the galaxy that nothing is sacred everything is disposable and we are rather mean and i am very tired and bored horrible combo okay so did i let you guys heal well that was done not that it matters i mean i already should let you upgrade as well maybe i should make a mega shipyard but i don't need it the only reason the whiting is because i just put down another ridiculous amount of um corvettes you know what you guys just uh go there we're about to attack the other fallen empire once both of those have gone then well there's the main forces in the galaxy dealt with the next fellito build is going to go up here and attack this that's what's um stopping us from just outright attacking this empire over here so take away the ravages and then we can storm the kingdom over here is already dead the sovereignty will be after we take out the league oh i know it's the league then the hegemony then the sovereignty okay obliterate their ignorance i mean they were already angry with us may as well make it more uh justified that's really annoying because it means they're going for somewhere else oh nope that big fleet just turned around system surfing oh don't you can't run from us forever we are so ridiculously quick yeah we now the dark matter thrusters so the medicine corvettes are already insanely fast and with that now they're just they're basically teleporting just constantly there's several fleets getting past i want to chase them all down or do i just begin bombardments leave a token force behind to bombard and make sure they can't come back and then the rest give chase you will catch up with them yeah that's what i'll do whilst all my flutes are busy with all the other empires i've just jumped these here and we're going to simply devour stars by doing this we also destroy the worlds new technology discarded let's just watch this one shall we haven't seen this for a while it's very hard to see though with this type of star new technology discovered there we go no who dare stop me good didn't actually strike me system chartered beautiful i should have just gone with the star rating idea that's this is much faster they charge very quickly they're strong enough to deal with most enemies this early in the game by themselves and then it just doesn't take long at all to fire the weapon still not satisfying as a bombardment but you know it gets the job done faster okay all these fleets are now 100k right now uh just about to hit the ravagers then just going to destroy all these like before i'm going to take all the systems first before attacking the planets cubes are dangerous it's kind of like a weird dance isn't it it's almost graceful dance well and carry big lasers okay so just activated the birch world a great migration and it lagged out the game horrendously i don't actually think that many even moved we're at 346 just still a lot but i don't think there's that many i think it's like every year more move now uh immediately recently all unemployed servant livestock and owned pops to the birch world one pop from each planet per three months their act thereafter will move okay so go all these worlds all of them have have basically just the construct more robots on it and nothing really else so i'm moving them all over and every hundred remember we get all these extra jobs including these lovely ones and i'm now building the science districts which are insanely good i'm now also realizing that the the determined exterminator probably isn't the best oh jimmy's do that probably isn't the best out of all the different empires to do this uh the cyborg one probably significantly better the driven assimilator because it can get all the cyborgs back here and each world of tanks instantly has all of its population usable the exterminators are either destroying the planets or when they do take them over they then destroy the populations oh i can see why this system is lagging so these are all my ground forces many of them are just quite weak but a lot of them are now also the mega war forms at least some of them are we're going to land on corona if it will let me [Music] it is an absurd amount of forces i've been building up for like what 30 years how strong they are the mad knight bone legions well because now we're fighting off skeletor a lot of final worlds are currently being bombarded this area is being taken over i actually changed my mind just going for the worlds instead because once the world has gone the empire's gone i no longer care about territory there's two worlds left here which had a really weirdly high population our our soul eaters our star readers are going about their business just collecting everything the fallen empire is about to fall completely and i'm slowly building up for another attempt on corona hopefully i can do this before we kill everyone slowly building the mega wall forms oh and the bird troll is now at 519 hence why i've got a ludicrous amount of every single type of resource ended the commonality somewhere bombarded ended up somewhere else ended the end of somewhere else so where's your final world then oh you're part of this uh okay so i know i need to do send you over same with you just make a jump to make it easier on ourselves and to three of your worlds already being bombarded so that shouldn't be too long over here i think these are the last three worlds which are all being bombarded as well i really might not be able to take out corona with corona this time i'm rather upset about that the trade association is now gone the one which is here so there's only two empires left but i am determined to take out this first now although it says 100 of the orbital bombardment damage is stopped there is a little bit getting through it's not much but a little bit of damage is being done so i'm waiting would that mean i could also just abduct their populations i probably could kill them that way that's not the way i want to win this and since this is all focused around the birch world here is the birchwood now of 727 pops we are siphoning pups from all the other worlds which are all producing as many pops as possible for themselves and yeah um every hundred we get loads more energy loads more minerals everything else i'm going purely into the science now that's that's what's actually draining our energy but every time we go back to the next hundred it then levels out again technology and we have so much stuff to sell it's really not an issue so something i've now realized is that even if we don't win this one it's not so bad because as long as the bombardment counts as anything these won't heal up afterwards last time i let them heal up and hopefully this time when the mega war forms get there which they're not yet we'll take down one or two that's all we need just take down a couple then we can do it again and again and again and then eventually they won't be able to field a full front line in fact no they already aren't yeah last time there's a full front line so we might be able to win next time i think i don't think we're gonna win this time though they are literally being one shot at poor little units so i think they were maybe i should hold off some of these bombardments for a while uh yeah i'll make sure at least one world isn't being bombarded and i'll position mr gorge here above it oh yeah i was making more of them just for fun now of course we could have won a long time ago just doing the actual endgame crisis event because we you know are the crisis but i figured this is more fun space only the bone legions remained oh they are affected by morale i didn't think they were i guess they normally die before that happens this time being forced we have seized so there we are we now have the esoteric world of corona of current yep well now then i suppose it's just a matter of finishing off the final worlds this one's about to go anyway and then we will obliterate this one i'd like to watch this final one so i'm gonna start the outro now because we're basically done i think i've showcased that the birch world is insane any end game crisis now is doomed upon entering this galaxy i have 50 years to prepare we're already plenty strong enough and i haven't been focusing on building fleets i've let all of my resources just pool goodbye and my research is now skyrocketing because the birch world is now doing what it's meant to do and absorbing all the populations from all of these worlds so it's i think it's one population every three months from each of the worlds if i'm correct in one pot per planet per three months and yeah every time it gets another 100 we get more of the penrose process drones the boar drones everything else so all the resources needed and we get an extra new 20 tech drones or more out more alloy production because sadly you can't get a menacing battleship which i've always thought was a real show i was gonna say maybe just capture this world but no i think it's only fitting that the last world gets completely bombarded there we go and we are victorious technically a full playthrough don't think i'll label it as such because it was absurd and of course i stopped the cats from being able to spawn they are apparently a very difficult mid-game crisis um although it did set the mid-game prices early but i think i've proven my point that this is a ridiculous origin i may test out the others in this kind of video if you want to see it but the next video will definitely be testing out that mega structure i completely ignored the event horizon oh i forgot exactly what it's called but apparently it's got a whole storyline attached to it and i'll be focused just on that ignoring the empire essentially i'll have built up an empire to that point before the video starts i'm rambling i'm tired hope you've enjoyed this video if you have then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that stellaris is a series you wish to see continuously perfect actually you know what i'm gonna allow this to get to a thousand pops first 1111 with an interesting stability percentage there we go it is done and we are producing 21 000 energy from the penrose processed drones 4 000 from just normal tech drones 17 000 minerals we're producing almost all of our research is coming from here honestly and we are about to increase that this is where it ends hopefully there's enough footage to make this an interesting run because honestly a lot of it was just spam corvettes slowly sweep them throughout the galaxy because they were the fastest at doing that so i just kept on spamming them over and over again i actually ended up not using the afterburners because i was noticing they were glitching out a little bit they kept causing lag spikes when they were like this maybe that was too fast and then i had it like that yeah that was the build for a short while but i don't know what was wrong with them they seem to really glitch out on very small systems maybe there's just a problem with the mud or something i don't really know but either way thank you for watching have a lovely time to take care i'm gonna get some sleep this is all day and it was a glorious way to spend the day
Channel: Lathland
Views: 164,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 56sec (2336 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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