From The Depths | Ep 19 [END] | Adventure Mode | THE MEGALODON!! Massive Battle & More!

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greetings sir anseratz and welcome back to from the depths with me lathrix and of course welcome back to adventure mode where today we have one very simple goal and that is to fight the strongest enemies the adventure mode will provide which means we're going to be destroying a lot of titans but i am now going to dedicate a fair few hours into just trying to find the strongest enemies and either destroying them or being destroyed by them this may be the last episode of the season perhaps or more we'll see what ends up happening now off camera i've been a little bit busy over the last couple of days since i wasn't really feeling up to recording i am mostly better now but the tiredness is still really sticking with me and it is making a bit difficult to just talk and stuff so i've changed up the color scheme of the ship done some internal work so now we have wireless materials to repair which is quite a problem and i've even added a detection system this ship can now see the enemy which is certainly something interesting so the detection system is over here on the back something subtle you know something simple and that's able to communicate with the rest of the craft yeah i think that'll work so what we have here is a titan which has gone through some physical and mental conditioning you know to make sure it knows who are the good guys and who it should shoot with lasers now this was originally designed or at least originally converted i should say a long time ago in a prior campaign it is the bloodhound now the bloodhound here is interesting to say the least i actually had to spend over 12 hours to make sure this thing would work in the current mode everything was broken the only thing of the original titan which still remains is the outside armor and the engines that is it everything else has been altered except for a few of the turning blocks these missiles weren't in the original the eliza system has been completely rehauled and it no longer has defensive lasers only offensive lasers because hitting things is fun we have large missiles here on a new shoulder piece this is an advanced cabin as you probably tell it's a rail gun which is basically a copy of this just a fair bit smaller so don't expect it to be quite as strong and then we have something really weird so this is actually two rail guns originally it was a particle cannon before that it was something else on the old old titan design and it's two minimum gauge 1000 rpm cannons with one meter length shells essentially it fires thousands of shells per minute and they all have tracers because it looks fun essentially i'm using a railgun like a laser because i wanted to use a railgun like a laser and it's actually not the worst thing in the world it's not meta it's not that effective but it actually does some damage and it's fun to watch but yet loads of missiles loads of armor a good uh slather of something good guy-ish and it is once again ready to go and as i mentioned it is transmitting to the minecraft which means it is essentially its eyes because sometimes you fight so many titans you need to show at least one of them the error of their ways and i'm sure it's happier for it it's a kindness really kind of rocks around a little bit though it's interesting by the way we're now going to go ahead and try to find our enemies and as i mentioned the minecraft now has a true ai which means i don't have to manually fire so i can focus on movement or just chilling you know one of the two you know i'm starting to think i may have gone a bit overboard with all the mannequins but you know they are quite subtle they don't really do all that much they're not too in the way oh hey larry oh larry you know i can't read oh hello who are we fighting ooh red lasers nope they're not red lasers they're shots from the bloodhound don't know what you are but you're going down first okay give me a second i'll actually see what's going on so this is what we're fighting seems like it's melee based okay now we're actually hitting the thing earlier we're kind of missing all our first shots seems like someone miley craft well the closer it gets the more accurate our weapons oh there goes its melee thing at the bottom so you are the hunter and dead like i say the weapons on the bloodhound aren't the strongest thing but they are fun to watch just loads of little explosives all timed fuses for fun even though the ride just only looked three meters and so we wait for our next target i noticed a lot of the shells going underneath i think they're trying to aim at something specific like a block underneath i have set the aim point selection to be very slow to change blocks and maybe i do need to mess around with the detection system a bit more i'm a bit rusty okay that's what's saying larry i can't read go back to work you're needed um elsewhere and i'm in your head just putting out there i'm currently in your head the enemy is a titan and so i'm not really pretty much interested in this okay you can keep on doing that and i'm going to keep on doing what oh there you go i did and i'm going to keep on doing i was originally doing adding some secondary weapons so that we can fire at smaller targets i see missiles i'm already in a good position to fire a weapon so i'll just stay there looks like another great allen craft the hob goblin oh i remember you you got a face down there aren't you so the problem with the really rapid fire minimum gauge uh rails is that there's so many small explosives not all of them render and you can't see the explosives from the new shells i've installed that's a pro i mean even that one didn't explode properly i saw blocks fly off but that missile didn't have an explosion also as you can see the laser is pretty weak just because i didn't want it to use up too much power it's mostly set to destroy small targets it's set on a secondary ai than all the other weapons and will target small enemies first it's more of a point defense than anything else but against craft rather than missiles and such another enemy hello what are you also in bad positions let's pause our back gun isn't firing at all like cram shells okay just weird to see that from what looks like oh i think i've seen you before have i a cashmere pronounced that wrong i just looked at it quickly and well i am dyslexic slowly turning missiles which are originally destined for the other enemy now hitting it there's two large missiles oh this thing has a lot of armor doesn't it yeah that's all heavy armor at the front well we know it's top off so the reason why i think the shells are doing so poorly is they're reacting to small movements very very badly it's mostly designed to take out things like the crossbones i'll just sit still see as soon as it sits still the accuracy is actually pretty on point it just doesn't react to small changes very quickly so i might need to alter the the detection a bit or maybe i've been spoiled just because manual aim is pretty much perfect it's essentially using the non-detection settings when you're in sandbox mode if you have them off still that's two enemies how's everyone doing lasers just don't seem that powerful anymore i've gotta be honest maybe i'm wrong again i could be very much wrong but we lost so little health there more titans so the distance of these fights is still utterly insane i need to keep on reminding myself that when i think about the accuracy it fires the shell then it takes up to five seconds to reach the target even moving it over a thousand meters per second so any small movement or deviation in their speed and the shells goes off still i'm not sure if they're healing anymore just a weird thing i've noticed i haven't really seen the bases healing the top of the titans i didn't notice the game update is there an update here or just is everything insane it could just be pure insanity one titan goes down and of course another one is spawning instantly exploding the cathode well it looks amazing i may have been messing around with the small shells again it's colorful if nothing else essentially right now they're purely armor-piercing so they do full damage even heavy armor they're doing about 700 damage each and they're still being fired in the thousands hence all the little blocks being knocked off fairly consistently when it actually hits wow yeah when it really hits that's doing quite a lot actually surprised the problem is though it doesn't get into the internals fast enough because it just doesn't have enough kinetic damage per shell so although it's doing full damage to most things as you can see once again this thing's falling off it's just really scratching the armor it's just um taking off armor where it's hitting of course the main shells are doing a lot more but not being more not being quite as visually obvious uh even the shells which detonate inside don't really showcase themselves all that well still all the little hits very quickly disable enemies i'm just really messing around honestly is this a good thing to do no is it fun yeah is that a kobold now that's something i've not seen in a while yep it is make sure yet we are facing the correct way and it does have a missile defense system just dragging flare things behind it it seems we're struggling to hit us and missiles have been not only useless honestly we're missing quite a few of our shells as well just because the distance and the slight movements the detection system should be mostly ignoring the slight movements but yeah it's still making a lot of them miss also pretty decent shielding on this thing very slowly wearing away at the block of armor on the front yeah this is taking a while both sides aren't really landing that many shots well some of the shields have gone down not all of them we are over one million damage now just in the regular kinetic shells this thing is so much sturdier than it used to be i i remember the kobold having a few problems staying in the air once it started taking damage oh one of the detection things has gone into the enemy which is interesting and by detection i'm inside destruction where are our emp shells oh we're at a bad angle so it's not firing well that makes sense well that could have been a much faster fight but yeah i wasn't turning off the enemy shields at all there maybe i should remove the minimum gauge advanced cannons there we go now we're doing emp damage which means as they go through the shields they are essentially turning them off so we're gonna see wireless in the way of shells being deflected by the shields now spin and now it goes a judgment something we have seen now a few times in this run oh looks like we are causing it to become a sub and there are torpedoes there's no chance we can outrun them or to get out the way well that didn't take too long really everything's missing now since it's underwater and i can't really detect it properly i really should add some uh detection underneath or of course i could just use manual control i can override the ii by the way and of course i can just turn it off if i desire there we are stop wasting shells it's already dead two million kinetic damage there i think the main problem i have with the kinetic shells is they're just so not visually appealing it's sometimes difficult to see the damage you're really doing especially when they're going inside and exploding like this one so yeah not the most fun also i've been keeping track i've now killed 14 titans already yeah it's gonna be out of hand really i've added some sonars to the minecraft so now we can detect things in the water a bit better and yeah it's making a huge difference we can actually mostly hit things in the water now which is pretty good i don't know why but the torso the bloodhound always seems to fire a little bit high i'm not 100 sure why still again most hit that was 2 million damage done in space about 40 seconds and the titan is now dead just yet another one to add to the list okay so i fixed the issue with the shells always firing over the enemy the two main reasons why i it turns out there's actually a bit of recoil on the blue weapon i didn't notice i hadn't quite got enough recoil suppressions i kept the firing simply high up when it recoiled but also the detection system was a bit too finicky it was reacting far too much to small movements so every time the enemy would bob slightly the shells would think oh it's going to go way up into the air and it would start firing way too high so now the accuracy is far far better also i've gone back to explosive rounds because i don't know i like explosions i guess now you might be wondering lavrex aren't explosive weapons normally better with larger shells generally yes once again this ain't meta this is stupid because it's fun and if this is going to be the final video of the adventure which i am really thinking it's going to be i just want to just mess around and make something stupid also that is now the 20th titan i've killed well at least 20. i think i've lost count at some point been here now for several hours i just want one big strong enemy to fight at the end i know there are several designs which will kill us i know they exist but i keep on seeing things like the titan eventually eventually though i do think it should end here because although i am still having fun it is now becoming a bit monotonous a little bit tedious but i don't want to start disliking it so we'll end it here we'll probably come back to adventure mode again in the future perhaps with some rules for instance i need to increase the difficulty a lot faster miley only perhaps laser only some specific rules to make it a bit more interesting at least after the first zone because that's the fun bit in my opinion getting to this point this point is just kind of being there i'm just rambling again at the moment i just ramble about everything don't think you're meant to be at that angle there bud so it's a carrier and it's carrying a lot of course our lasers will be focusing on those along with the small weapons so that they will be dealt with over time everything else will be going after the carrier which really wants to fly which is interesting to say the least and there we are there goes one last enough focus on the next the small weapons are now firing them as well so yeah they will be taken out eventually plus those very small missiles even if they are stacked will not get through our armor most likely trying to hit that thing is a bit annoying and my mind weapons going after the small oh that's why the damage is so low i was wondering about that for some reason the large railguns are also going after these fellows well that's something i need to alter they will be hitting once they get closer but yeah they fragment yeah they're fragment missiles just a few scratches there on the metal oh now that the rapid fire railguns are after them they are going down very quickly since essentially right now they are basically anti-aircraft weapons um throw your hands up in the air lad those things very good at dodging but they are still taking a little bit of damage from those explosives okay that's now firing at that and goodbye that'll go down fairly quickly as we get blinded by the light as it does cartwheels well i can't we also say loops something please hit that that would be lovely thank you and held back to you and this will make 27 titans killed i've lost track again either way the shells are now inertial fuse fragments and solid warheads so essentially they're doing a fair bit of kinetic damage on impact and they do have fragments which also do a fair bit of damage they're actually okay but again it's not all that strong this is fun to see so many shells hit something wow i've carved all the way through it not bad though already at one million damage the range of this thing it's like a laser the singularity has spawned in oh it seems like we've done some damage to it i just moved as soon as i saw it was something which wasn't a titan i think it's removed our back turret and we've done something to its internals yeah it's not jumping i think we've caused an internal explosion like we've taken out maybe it's engines yeah we've done something horrible to it but before we could do anything yeah as he instantly took out our back turret well at least the turret cap looks at things i didn't get any footage of that i was literally changing up some armor when i saw we were under attack and i was so certain it was just a tight and i didn't focus at all still take a beating though those tiny shells are so rubbish fun to watch that and it's good to know that the armor penetration with high explosive is valuable like i say clearly did something instantly oh hello yeah it's going down now really should move so we can fire all of our weapons but i'm having fun as watching the frag slowly sheer off armor leveled a lot today after so many times well a bit of a disappointing fight i do apologize again but i have been recording now for about five hours it's just been tight enough to tighten after tighten after tighten so i got a bit complacent now the singularity has actually been downgraded it just cost a fortune i think it's like yeah 1.8 million which actually makes it more expensive than us by the way and that includes the uh the blood hound turret but apparently it's been downgraded and the reason i've heard is because if you get a shell inside it does have a lot of potential for this chain reactions at least again that's what i've been told i could be wrong there and that's clearly what happened early on probably one of these shells which are a 500 millimeter eight meter length shell which is um just designed for that must have got through and just took out something well done there's so much scrap for us to collect as a lot of people pointed out what i could do is make a little drone ship which could just go out and grab everything but should have done that earlier i'll probably do that the next time we do the adventure mode i've got a lot of plans for the next adventure mode oh my god these things are adorable so this is the peacekeeper well i've never seen this one before doesn't really look like much of a threat but it is very very cute look at these little things nope but a certain explosion once again really far away the laser is doing almost no damage at this range the laser isn't actually that weak it's just that far away it's not the strongest what weaponry does this thing actually have it seems like it's more for the drones well there we go it's down at this point you'd think that titans would just be extinct oh hello there the megalodon has spawned just as the titan was destroyed it still has a bit of its corpse floating in the air 2.2 million resources of a beautiful ship okay then what we need to do is very very very very quickly try and turn ourselves around that's gonna reverse slightly into this it was ever time to actually hit the target that time is now though it doesn't seem to firing back at this range oh no no it certainly is and good as rail guns oh yep it's definitely hitting as well ow okay unleashing all weapons now there we go so it has munition defense and it has a distractor that's very annoying for our missiles at this range though yeah i'm firing it isn't oh why is so much lag i feel like i just lost something no all guns are still just about functioning oh no i may have dropped no i didn't for a second there i thought i'd drop the uh the blood out it is actually firing by the way it's hard to tell sometimes but yeah it's definitely firing i just saw the rail effect go off what is it could have been wrong there okay it's getting very close now before it starts to broadside does it actually broadside assuming a lot of things here yeah missiles are being utterly worthless done over a million damage to it if it had shields they're turned off by the emp oh yep i just saw a trigger so he's firing is just very very hard to tell sometimes what's going on with the back weapon i've always noticed it's not even firing at all oh it looks like we've got inside we've done some damage to it perhaps turned it off where's the local weapon controller it's so difficult to tell but it's not your design trying to find specific things can be such a nightmare can't see any damage here so don't know why that's not trying to aim at me honestly okay now it is just fired so that this is focusing a lot on our back section which oh god that just tears things apart it's just not focusing on anywhere important that back section has very very little in there of value oh and now change target i think it just heard me just don't go for the weapons please i could manually fire here but i'm just going to allow the ai to do its thing we are carving through there oh very soon yet we are about to start damage we are damaging the inside of that turret now through enough armor that frag does eventually get the job done those two guns seem stuck forwards oh no there's another enemy please be targeting me yeah of course you're up what on earth are you the sovereign okay then no idea what you are but you seem terrifying maybe we should stop focusing on that pause please actually work half done that does nothing thank you well getting like zero hits that's great lost sorry and those two turrets seem to be glitched out let's just manually realign them there we go that wasn't helping we had two of our main turrets just not even firing oh one of them just hit that was the explosive one what i need to do is hit that sorry okay i'm gonna actually manual fire here i want a difficult battle here it is the sovereign and the megalodon seems like we was going to beat the megalodon oh good we've hit the turret i think i don't know why it's firing but it's carving us apart i'm assuming iphi please keep firing it the bloodhound oh we are sinking you've taken out some of that ai it's okay we can keep on firing even if we sink i've hit the turret a few times but how did that bounce it's bobbing is really annoying you know what let's go back for center of mass damn that thing is terrifying are we completely submerged oh jeez so they just ignore us we're just uh a sub now perhaps if we force it one on one would have had some kind of chance but yeah oh it can't seem to see us oh it's turret's broke we have taken out his weapon though there we go okay so we have offlined it that that seems to be its only weapon no it has a slight weapon there a small laser but we have taken out the main weapon we've done some kind of internal damage there it's not even trying to lock onto either of the targets i'd be happy to call that a draw honestly no i'll give the victory to it let's be fair but we did better than i thought is that laser not firing at the missiles i thought it was anti-missile system but yeah the fact that the weapon isn't even trying to lock on to the megalodon which it was able to fire at clearly shows that uh it's a bit on the broke side and it is still able to aim us because the other weapons still looking around so it is capable i'm just gonna double check to see if there has been some internal damage to it oh yeah we have carved through all the heavy armor we finally got to the important stuff oh yeah we have just hollowed it out this is meant to be filled you can tell there's still bits left yeah so we have completely offline the main weapon of that there's a titan spawned in as well where are we currently obviously underwater but still uh i mean we are repairing slowly eventually we will get back on our feet in fact the only thing keeping us down right now is just the fact that it's clearly knocked out our pid for keeping altitude and then made enough holes in us that we're not buoyant without it so i could do is just put down a temporary version to force ourselves back up and then we can finish off the fight so it turns out not only do we lose all that pid and everything else we also lost pretty much all of our internal rotors there was a direct hit and it just caused a serious problem in the very core of the craft okay we are now increasing altitude again uh you know what sure go ahead keep on firing right your detection is going to be really messed up we have sonar but that's about it am i even firing once again at the megalodon how about you don't and you try and take this thing out the sky now oh here comes the bloodhound rising from the ashes rising from the depths i've got to say it doesn't seem to have any uh missile protection on this thing which is good unless that laser is missile protection it's hard to tell i've also lost a lot of addiction systems so you think i was having problems before we're half blind now damn this thing is just a block of armor isn't it looks amazing though the less damaged side there for the looks can you just get like one shot through there especially one of the large gauge weapons are saying i've lost the main weapon haven't we the megalodon seems to be pretty much dead in the water as well oh lots of lag degraded mode could be the two extra titans which are currently fighting us oh no it's a third there's a third titan is there a reason why you're not firing you're looking at it angrily but yeah nothing is firing why oh wait that didn't actually control the weapons yeah oh i am firing it's just we're in super degraded mode now so you can't see the shells well i'm realizing now our shells are just not good enough saying that we did take out the weapon fairly quickly it's just without much heavy armor i clearly need to work on what shell is best not that i was really going for the meta stuff anyway okay well that's pretty much out it's not really fighting ghosts so now i guess we should focus on the titans which are thankfully aiming at the megalodon the missiles will likely keep on targeting that anyway since they are just going with radar what a weird little brawl i miss my main weapons say good night to the sovereignty now my guns keep on getting caught that's so annoying and that's because the firing restrictions aren't um set properly so occasionally it's stuck on the arm behind them if they try and aim too far it's nice when something's so close you can actually hit it with every shot wow yeah those tiny shells are just rubbish they really are oh by the looks of them when you look at the raw numbers it seems like they're going to be okay but then you get them in practice and it's just a no what was that oh the other titan so many titans go away oh that's the sovereign they're dying so we definitely took out the sovereign how easy it was to sink us well it wouldn't have been that easy if it didn't take out that one specific section i'm actually amazed it got there because that is i'd say the best protected area on the entire ship it's got the ii for our depth and it has some of our material storage it has at least six layers of heavy armor i have no idea how it got there so quickly and i'm not sure if it was the megalodon or the sovereign which did it honestly it could be neither it would be silly to try and capture the megalodon wouldn't it naturally that's what we're going to try and do then that'll at least keep us in a bit of a hold likely want me to really drag it all that much with this but still can the winches go anywhere on this no has to be attached to that itself doesn't it well there we are the max for that and yoink well that'll stop you from firing at me anymore where is your ai little friend oh look it's still trying to look at us it's suffering we're under attack from something else but i think i found the main frame i was just going to keep on using emp oh all the weapons stopped okay is in fact ai dead let's get there quickly please i was going to use emp but the problem is there's so much heavy armor i feel like i would end up destroying it there we go we've managed to somehow capture that turn on everything from you because there's an aircraft attacking us it doesn't look particularly big so not too scared there oh them is making nukes oh it's one of you okay yeah that's not too scary especially since it looks to things already took out its weapons shame we don't really have the resources to heal the megalodon i am to go in the sandbox mode just to see this in our full colors what a wine to end the series oh there is a nuke why is no one talking to the nuke thank you oh yeah and missiles are currently emp place plans for lack of damage they're doing could you please just go away two damaged and we are done okay there's another enemy this is the titan but this is where i'm going to call it the adventure series is officially over we have captured a megalodon we have destroyed a sovereign from the uh scarlet dawn although apparently there are a lot of other designs which would have been very scary if not more so than these there have been so many names thrown at me i do apologize if i've not seen every design which would have been really threatening but with so many titan spawning and how long it's taking i think now is where i'm gonna end it before i start to hate the series it has got to that point now where it's at the tipping point from me absolutely adoring it and having some fantastic moments to me actively disliking it the campaign will be out soon as well but before we go let's have a look at the megalodon in the sandbox mode in our colors well done ship we made it to the end bit more pinkish than i originally thought it'd be but there we are the megalodon in the colors of the lathrixian legion this thing must just burn through material wow it really is look at that one thousand gone another thousand gone yeah it's got so many steam boilers so its strength is definitely its munition defense this thing is ridiculously strong but the thing is almost all of my shells were pretty much counter munition defense there's nothing they really could have done cool looking bridge really cool looking bridge i love how this bridge has been done actually so with that thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed today's video and enjoyed the season itself then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out and they helps out the channel and most importantly shows that from the depths is a series you wish to see continued in the future the campaign will be arriving soon as soon as the tactical ai is fully implemented in the stable branch and a new adventure series will likely be in the future as well i really really love this series i think it's one of my all-time favorite series on the channel i just think it's a good time to let it end especially with the titan problem the next time i play hopefully that will be resolved apparently it's already known and being worked on so we'll see a lot more in terms of designs and a lot more variety and everything and i'll definitely have to set some rules for myself because i stayed in the lower difficulty way too long i'm fully aware of this it was a mistake on my part and it made it too easy to collect resources we need to really challenge ourselves and make it far more dangerous still great ending thank you for watching have a lovely day do take care goodbye for now
Channel: Lathland
Views: 101,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mH4SmxLRrIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 5sec (2885 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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