Nimbatus 1.0 | Ep 4 [END] | Corp Destroyin' And EXPLOSIVE SNIPERS!

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greetings sir ants rats and welcome back to nin batter's with me Oh a 3x and of course welcome to the galaxy that could very well be the end galaxy we have some kind of boss or some kind of events which is at the very end of it so hopefully that's gonna be some kind of boss battle now after looking at this system for a while I've decided I am going to go along the top of the galaxy although this is a little bit more risky because it does mean we're not necessarily going to hit the garage and thus we're not necessarily going to get repairs but the thing is I love these type of worlds the snow worlds with the caverns inside so far have been very good for resources and we also have this one here not only does it give us the attack speed three upgrade which is insanely good for us it also gives us sixty unobtainium by default which is really nice this also unlocks the rare worlds of here one of them being a special world one of the being who knows so yet this is definitely the route I'm going to take if we do really need repairs we could of course go back on ourselves to grab this though that will increase our threat though we do already have a high level of stealth so it's not quite as bad as usual we are also in hard mode which makes it worse than usual now when it comes to our ships one thing I really want to get which lots of people in the speaking about is this no not big explosion that that is very tempting as well this over here the extra bullet counts now with the sniper this is going to be insane and yeah it should be insane it increases how many shots you shoot every time you fire and with the sniper that essentially means you are doubling the damage etc but with the extra accuracy you're not going to have the deviation of shot of the shots are going to absolutely everywhere and so you're essentially just doubling the damage whereas with the other weapons it's more of a long lines of you're more guaranteeing a hit unless you're closer and then you're doubling the damage this is just gonna be really insane with the sniper so definitely something I really really want if I'm tempted to grab it right now but I think I'm going to do this system first now one other thing I really want to do is change a pattern we've been seeing this drone for way too long now and I wanted to look a little bit different so I think I'm going to do a couple of missions get a little bit of resource under our belt and then we're going to change things up so I think I'm gonna do this mission as we are just the kinetic snipers and then the two flame throwers keeping everything else it's early a need for the magnets yeah we'll leave the magnet that we farm okay so very first mission then we'll go for the red resource if we get enough red it means we can instantly upgrade our snipers so here's hoping it's a valuable planet high gravity Oh that's annoying but at least it's a nice easy mission just go and be friends with the mantas friendship yay that was a really uneventful world so it was skipped ahead and we now have our unobtainium the threat didn't increase since we only took one attempt to do it but now I need to decide what I'm gonna grab next so we do actually already have the big explosion which I think would be really cool with the plasma Wow look at that so I'm tempted to use that later on but for now I'm just looking at the kinetic blasters and the kinetic snipers both of them I'm thinking about what I want for those I think grabbing the extra projectiles what you really need to grab right now anyway and that will also work with the blasters imagine having something like this with the blasters wow that's one blaster by the way in that little preview yeah we're definitely going with the extra shot in fact I'm going to risk it and gonna grab it twice so there we are we now have the plus 200 cent billet count that makes that blaster absolutely deadly shame we can't give it the extra lifetime for the projectiles this I don't think we can can we know cuz we only have the particle version if it gave it the extra shoot force that make it longer range we're just increasing the speed the shots but for now let's stick with this so we could goon double double bullet counts no I think extra attack speed and then the extra bullet counter then for the snipers they'll go with extra bullet counts although I could go of explosives especially on the ice ones and they plasma ones that'll be pretty cool for the one a super plasma we have we're going to go with extra projectile count large explosion and then extra elemental damage that's the ultimate fire weapon look at that maybe I'll bring that with me yeah I'll bring that with me those and the flamer I really want to try out these blasters now especially this one we could make a drone something like this and be very cheap and because these weapons are so good we don't need more than that because there's look at how many shots were getting out of this for very little energy and then we just use a few logic gates so that these can act Bofors forward and turn currently these two only turning but we could use them as both okay I think it should work of gun and gates and a not gate just to see if I'm trying to turn on art and yet the work just fine so it goes forwards unless I'm trying to turn then it deactivates and of course I can still turn even if I'm not pressing forwards Wow might have some of the thrusters not set to turn still so when I turn on movie I I have a little bit of more momentum but saying that seemed just fine here enemies enemies enemies no shields and fink just yet and just a a basic drone skin.nothing looks ok actually let's go the bird enemies right those drones can take some serious getting used to but the firepower is lovely that's just we have blasters we got way more weapons if you want we have no secondary weapon right now add some flamers or just some snipers or something we can make this way more deadly their first fire we're talking about turning around towards the my guns can fire through me I keep on forgetting just looks right to fire like this Plus how fast this thing turns is lovely ok a little bit all workers need it still getting close just testing out the single plasma sniper so it's multi shot and explosive whoa so instantly set things on fire I just quote the damage as well because it is actually three shots in one the hat is lovely I think just a few of those stuck together oh don't keep on turning towards the target I don't need to look I can fire through myself I like this drone I don't a lot already I'm annoying excuse me Oh several of you already on fire excellent again I don't need to turn towards them but it just feels so right to do so it's not right okay I'm having way too much fun here let's let's try and figure out our final design already this world is horrible pirates everywhere which is to be expected considering the event but then loads or loads of spiky boys are ahead there's mine also high gravity which makes it really difficult to get used to this drone and its high sensitivity I'll come on hit that bloody target there we go two more left the mines are in very weird places are gonna be honest who are they hoping to hit with these there we go one more left I'm finished honest or no hit there is a lots of other scary things and done so overall not too keen on the weapons I'm currently using the flamer is still great it is like the ultimate digging weapon especially in the snow world but I would real hello enemies I think just the basic kinetic weapon seems to do a lot better even with the extra shots the plasmons just don't do enough upfront damage the funny thing is most of the damage I took them was me ramming into that stone I keep forgetting our fastest drone is in comparison to the old one and goodbye now to hope that there's some red resource I haven't found yet this is a very barren world except for yellow resource which is absolutely everywhere sadly no no more unobtainium but there we go just need to do one more mission and then we can move on I thought it's already pretty highest as a good chance we'll have to go over to here and I've been very unlucky with the red resource I think I'm an overestimate how much is in these types of planets certainly seems that so we have destroyed the mines again for some yellow jump too big and an afterburner which is kind of cool capture the Iceman ters which is a bit easier or retrieve the freezer you know what let's go with the easier option I don't care too much about the yellow resource and it would be nice to have you for more logic parts for when we get things like the factory then things in get way more complex okay still using the fire snipers here but as you can see they do a lot more damage the reason is I kind of forgot to add the really strong one with the plus hundred and plus two and razón using the plus two hundred percents that's why it fell between yeah that's much better okay sticking with those then we could swap these over to the kinetic but I don't think that would be worth again three shots versus one even if it is weaker overall that still better okay let's redo the skin oh that's so much better with slightly lower gravity oh hello also much better with the explosive sniper error effect animal damage because it's a better sniper anyway much more satisfying yeah whiny this is a set of the same type of sniper all with at least two upgrade slots one for explosive then one for the multi shot or very least two of the multi shots yeah rice Mantis ice Mentors so far I can really see snow snow and ruins yeah we are hey buds and in more of your oh sure let's go back I just go back suddenly I don't want to have explosive weapons don't want to hit that little ice mentor man that recoil is deadly and Lola fella noop start using the backwards thrusters as brakes more often it can stop me very quickly even if I'm going very very fast or very least and minimize how much crash damage I say hello friend oh hello on the friend queue bugger off for a second thank you Oh gonna skedaddle so it may have drastically overestimated the amount of unobtainium normally found by these planets so whoops-a-daisy there so the special planet here is this disrupt the corporation fracking operation it's an interesting one and it gives us it gives us two rare weapons of two shields but it means that to go there then go back and the increased threat would be horrendous whereas here oh there we go two rare weapons with two upgrades destroy the lab and then destroy the jump fish oh is that like old jump fish okay let's do that first so you're going this way then here I know that the red world's at the hell worlds I've been called them are meant to be the most rich in resource so do this do that we'll see how much resource we have if we have enough we can go over to the garage and repair a hole then go to the galaxy let's do that no vent please darling pirates unless you're the good one you know that's definitely worth it because how much it costs to repair a hole having -22 our threat yeah that's actually really nice thank you pirates you're the best so far I haven't seen a single jump fish nest just loads and loads of these such a satisfying weapon to use good bye to you well one on one you are particularly difficult by assume you're attacking a swarm oh there we go more jump fish nice to have a name for them now oh hello John fish in space that's where the last nest is that is very very hidden imagine if I had less recoil there we go there's a little bit of red resource in the very core so I've got that with me that's about it at least we should have enough in case another pirate of arrives but yeah massively overestimate how much resource are in these frost worlds now mistake all do again at least maybe and the rare weapons are two plasma long lasers well that is interesting that could be a replacement for the flamers as much as I do love fly Murs for digging tool Isis might be better the question is what upgrades can we give them just pop them both here for now should than this before copying them but sure so we have none of these extra range more beams and then the one which gets more powerful over time penetrating laser pushing laser split laser reflective laser attracting laser but we can give it additional elemental damage and additional digging strength in the range is pretty good go to Planet for a second you know enemies thank you that's not bad the range is not as good to some advertised though dude love lasers though but yeah that range is a bit rubbish here's longer range then yes so if we ever do get the extra range on them I might use them rather than the flamers but for now the flamer stay because the flavors are awesome and I like fire next up destroy the lab that's EU gum Oh what are you oh you have rockets which optically converse on my shields explosive snipers beat Rockets oh no no no no no I hate these things well this is a bit of a nightmare situation just melt this a bit give it a fire that's you gum take it that transmits all that kind of things would've gone this is why I have reverse thrusters damico I might need to just bite the bullet and by - recoil I might not be good at using this drone but it's definitely better than the old one I just like those things immensely how do they keep on building these things like this Oh still one more and also underground but looks things just check there's any enemies on this side first yep there is oh hello red oh my explosions so it seems like the cute little drones are just the regular corporation drones but on a nice world they are definitely adorable and fun to explode and down it goes and I've already picked up pretty much all the resource so let's go we get a hundred more of the yellow resource and a heater which yeah lastly two heaters eliminate the pirate holdouts once again just a bundle of yellow I haven't actually done this one before which makes it a lot more tempting but the same time next to threat would be a nightmare six percent net well six point five nine percent to get there and then of course enough to get back as well oh three rare weapons there that is lovely to say my least favorite world type though retrieve the heat faster hate that mission there's the shop which is nice eliminate the shell again on a decent weapon a decent weapon on a decent world type so should get quite a resource especially from these I believe could be wrong there I'm sorry I am going to ignore the pirate holdout once again though don't worry we will be continuing after this even if this is the final bus cuz it does allow you to continue then we're gonna focus on doing missions like that right now I just want to at least win the game once rare weapons would be lovely so needs six that own it six to get through so doing to the threes will be better but I hate that one especially about the cooler so most likely we're going to do these three more batteries is always good more weapons obviously fantastic more logic parts for later once again quite good let's go this on first and eliminate the hammerhead shot okay removed from much everything weapon we have now we're gonna replace it with all of our lovely ice snipers I'm probably a stick of explosive since there's a chance that air of effect is gonna hit the body behind the hammerheads hammer section whatever you'd call the head piece the RAM problem is digging with these would be a nightmare so might attach the laser for ones although is also plasma we're not going to be using some fighting only for digging so on five of just having these this time so we have that that's Oh apparently I still value red snow for some went in real us oh yeah the edges huh yet this is a pretty good weapon for this Ballu iterated i'm felassan a sawn down here there he is yet that explosion definitely goes through the front piece i've got a few shots is getting through anyway okay let's grab that yellow since i want to search on this planet too much afterwards digging this planet is a little bit on the difficult side admittedly there we go lovely oh I think I just saw another one hello explosive snipers it is wonderful though after seeing how much damage these do I am starting to think the perhaps with the plasma ones does the damage truly triple if you're shooting a three shots instead of one I know in theory it should it just didn't seem like it even I had it the better weapons not too sure I have to do some proper tip oh hello I love this world this is the best world Thank You world yeah explosive I prefer explosive I like exploding things backwards thrusters oh yeah I just removed two of them for extra weapons the ones I'm actually need them properly on a good world for it don't shields counter this yeah it does cool Belton itself have to go back there in a second to get the rest of the resource and search the rest the planet we're doing pretty good for red resource now we could potentially buy an upgrade I like this planet well got absolutely loads of unobtainium from that so the question is what weapons will get and that was the bio flamethrowers which are just never going to see any youths which is such a shame really is okay next up we have eliminated the show and destroy the Hammerhead at the core let's do this on first since I want to see what this world is like in terms of resource no event fantastic most likely we are going to go to the garage because we can repair to at this point we're almost definitely going out on the thread to repair all the way back up to full so even if we do take an extra hit we can then repair twice overall would be better because I don't know how the boss fight works do you lose whole points or what I really don't know if it's a bus fight again I know nothing also what I'm gonna do is this so next time I add different weapons I don't have to keep on replacing them just have several drones with different loadouts yeah be easier wouldn't it yeah I should have been doing more fire worlds clearly oh hello hello the reason why I avoid fire worlds the Burnie stuff it's so beautiful collect as much as we can before the core tries to kill us again there we go I remember it's be scared of these things they're an explosive I snipers I thought to myself there's got to be a better way seems like a multi shot also increases recoil because this is why easier to handle there's a huge chunk of red resource right there okay so something to do gonna fall down like this on what are you ready to go grab it and then just go back out right now though I do have some yellow a little bit of red oh they're already deposit the Ella never mind no tiny bit of red then okay grab this fast as I can the problem is of course to the harvest is on the front of this graft my fault is there really bad I know it's hard to tell think I'm full nope bad angle not coming back for that just in case I want to do there we are just destroy it so don't risk myself then we'll see what's down the other vine oh wow yeah did I mention we should have just been sticking to these world schoolers should have also you actually think I'd prefer the ice snipers just visually I love fire but pretty blue down there I'll just wait oh is this meant to be a volcano isn't it I say oh you know what we Wow yeah I would have never risk coming down here anyway no there's nothing I'm a little bit warm how did that not kill me okay there well that's us done so just to show that hammer head at the core and then we go to the end or we go first of all to the garage probably to a garage first we'll say ah no does the guess it's gonna hurt us we're doing too well not worth the risk oh you're friendly unless I hurt you aren't you hey there fireman doesn't please don't get too much in the way because I'm gonna be shooting things I don't want to hurt you not only because you're adorable but also when you're angry you're actually quite powerful is that the bat go away is that the hammer head there oh no that's a wall please stop Magda's you're too cute nope I cut I literally can't move and Zelo is lost forever surrounded by adorable get away from me I don't want to hurt you I don't want you to hurt me sorry sorry oh I feel so bad well the explosions even destroyed their attack their attack is to file is little fireflies at us oh no I don't destroy anymore by needs check was anything red around here except for their blood excuse me excuse me it's so many oh hello well that's not exactly what I wanted but I'll grab it since this drone quite costs quite a lot and I haven't upgraded the batter's to make it cheaper we could just use a smaller drone on a slave that is probably the best way no seems like it's pretty devoid of resources I'm so sorry I had to destroy some of you there we go not enough air resistance well faster they're harder to control so I'm hoping is yeah that old trigger of the attack right yeah so almost certainly will be attacked going there too means we can repair back to full and we also check just to make sure air heat seekers make good just to make sure that the cost of repairing does always increase so for future runs we know that's a fact we could just go attack that reward allows you to return to Earth yep this is the finished thing okay let's go to the garage first there's our bestest friend ever hi well that's expensive don't care about that that's nice making things cheaper that's very best for us why she has to be nice if you grade this fuller you can essentially see where all the resources are in a world hmm decreases deploy cost per drone part that's better for larger drones its paraphernalia smaller drones don't think we need any of this because I don't know what's gonna happen after this event I think for now we'll leave it as it is yeah because I also want to buy upgrades for my weapons so let's have a quick look see it upgrades weapons then we'll go and fight this thing okay then here we go okay your system suddenly detects a familiar signal your warp drive it looks like it's being kept on a nearby planet so that it's being used as a corporation base maybe I will need to dig then well saying that we always blast a shots I'm sure that'd be fine for digging prepare for heavy combat I am a little bit scared about this we kind of looked back to front right now but either way here we go but it's a reference this is my second attempt on the first attempt the game crashed and I think it may have made me spend the resource twice not that really matters honestly thankfully it's my own fault like in a crash because I actually rendered a video in the background so yeah what is that oh it's like a thing just holding the asteroid together I don't really know what's going on there what happens if I break this oh I was actually hoping this would break or something but now just gonna be really overly cautious by everything here so far nothing at the ordinary there's one of these shield generators I assume we have to destroy all of those now those mines and the third ground certainly looks like it now I'm wishing Adam more digging capability grounds pretty solid right that's my fire weapon when Decker destroyed I've lost my flame oh how I flowing my own fire sniper well I'm confused I don't recall being here to clear I wasn't paying attention I'm not sure you look at the footage oh I saw it break when I turned around like that I think I must have urban placed it wrong perhaps is intersecting with something else because it took damage from just the movement of our craft yeah well doesn't matter too much overall that was terrifying oh hello we can shoot through that what yeah I'm gonna just destroy all the well everything on the surface first because I'm sure we have to do something that up here first saying that if we took out that mine now we would have took out everything then frozen don't know if I have to destroy everything on top but I am hello and you're frozen and so all of you yeah kind of rushed the design of this craft at the end there kind of hate it kinda haze it haven't seen any more generators yeah oh what's that up there though oh not a generator you know those look like they could be inhabited how many lives are currently being lost oh hello okay so that's what we're after then we're trying to knock out that some kind of hatch I think oh no I could have start it yeah so I probably cleared his mind my way down anyway well you live in land like this guy I am to go to live so ain't we gonna learn oh I am nervous first of all NC mines I'm gonna set those off now Robin lighter and there we go I was kind of expecting them all to go up but apparently not well a bit further out now so feel a bit safer being here slowly does it don't know there's less it's gone same review why must everyone hide things on the ground by sewing up there so down there as well please stop holding down the shield boom I'm sure the last time that could have detonated everything don't like you don't like you don't like you not the biggest fan of you and you I just despise it's taking a very long time but I'm slowly reaching it I don't know simply going in the aura of those bombs explode them but I'm not gonna risk it all so I snipers yeah they're amazing oh no there is a shield yeah I think I will need to destroy all the shields on the surface seven look no I can't see further down but first I may as well fight my way there and I'm almost there anyway oh don't like them at all I can see myself accidentally definitely so I'm gonna blow them up now least those two foes gonna roll out them yeah that's definitely one detonate this one as well then we'll go back to the surface and find the last of the transmitters it's definitely one almost directly above us right now Basheer damage the blasters are amazing a pill land and they also make things roll the line oh it's like Undead I just realize I could've just gave this thing tank controls yeah wouldn't need any logic gates or at least far fewer actually also figured out a way to do this with only half the gates but you know it's a bit late for that and I couldn't really be bothered to redo it it works well that's all it's important so there's nothing now in boom many weapons have been to fire us Oh actually have to bring it back to the Olympic I have not got anything to move this with okay if excuse me we have to bounce this all the way back the bloody surface now trying to get this back to the surface was so annoying I just reset the mission so I could do it again with the magnet I'm not even kidding it just took that long it was hectic this drove this has a really horrible shape for it I can't catch it it anyway I had to try and just keep on head-butting it but because of how the drone setup ended up this king is stuck in every single little gap so there we go finally and so again ending cinematic apparently hoping no one is actually living there is awfully fully automated if I can talk about stammer it's still nice to think of the older flash animations I used to watch which I loved well it exploded survival mode completed congratulations you retrieved your missing warp drive than the batis is fully equipped once again and you can continue to explore the galaxy and report your findings back to earth on top of that of the corpus suffered a heavy setback a well-deserved revenge but the journey doesn't end here as much more the universe has to offer continue we've already kind ever done max difficulty I will be trying to something with different captain I do think this is a bit too short I've got to be honest I would like it to maybe have at least another galaxy before the end event but yeah there's loads more to do in this game isn't just about the survival mode because you can make some seriously complex drones using all the gates and everything I have seen some things I have no idea how to possibly build before on the Nevadas Twitter either way continue playing or to see if we get the factory like we used to yes we do we get the factory part we can get more drone health we can be repaired or we can grab some some unobtainium this time we go and fix a drone health that'll make us why or why hard skill though so far we haven't really needed that to be perfectly honest would be nice though love the fact we're getting the factory part how do we stop threat do we do it well we might have a setback wouldn't actually destroy them I suppose and so a new galaxy whoa that is a much bigger galaxy so it's the fastest way to the end one two three four and one two three four yes four is the bare minimum before we reach the galaxy whoo excellent and it's a garage right away though we don't have any red resource but this is lots and lots of fire worlds which would give us lots of resource there but optically good ones in not very good rewards extra weapons always good yeah that's pretty meh and there's a shop then more firewalls would go there fire world there there there don't really know might continue with this one might not either way I will be labelling this video as end purely because that was the end result I'm not sure if I will be continuing this run or starting a new run or doing creative there's lots to do so I would like to hear some feedback in the comments but with that thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out make helps out the channel and most importantly shows that in batters as a series you wish to see continued in the future and a lot with fun with a lot of fun be fats my guides of sleep and we have learned the power of the ice snipers yeah cryo weapons affirm sleep is needed oh my god it's half 3:00 in the morning well yeah need some sleep thank you for watching and good bye
Channel: Lathland
Views: 44,888
Rating: 4.9795747 out of 5
Id: H73HT8xOC9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 31sec (2731 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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