Village Bombardment & Early Aggression! | Ep.1 Neter 2020 | From The Depths

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greetings answer s and welcome back to from the depths with me laugh 3x and of course welcome at long last to the new campaign series in today's video and in the campaign itself my main goal is to be a little bit more aggressive than usual a little bit less defensive and to have specialized vehicles normally all of my vehicles are quite general purpose but this time I want things to fill a specific niche and to have a true what fleet together so rather than one monstrous ship we have multiple all fulfilling their roles together we already have our drone ships and a couple of planes ready to go and of course we'll be adding a lot more as the game progresses so with that let's launch of the quest fun meter and of course we're gonna go on very hard unless we can do custom settings ok yes so one thing I really don't like is this the damage difficulty this I am going to go to regular so how this works is that it increases enemy damage and decreases your damage I don't like this because it makes weapons feel really weird to use it makes some weapons seem really good some really bad it's just in my opinion it throws the balance of the game off completely so that's the one thing I never change because I just don't like it everything else combat supremely challenging when set to load the eye I will build vehicles you can handle quite easily at high values the eyelet we'll try to build vehicles that will really challenge you so it will try to counter you as you continue on enemy growth factor is set to 200% so the enemy will get loads more fleets a lot faster and everything else is being kept as it is so let's launch hopefully lots of strong designs and just lots of them it's a pirate's life for me feel free to pause the video and read that now we can declare war instantly and I think that's exactly what we're going to do we are going to be the aggressors like I said before so I definitely wanted to clear war now this is f1 I can't quite see how I meant it declare war here there we go deepwater guard declare war as you can see we're already getting a load of resource straightaway in the right hand side of all of our stats so we can almost instantly build some planes and that's exactly what I'm gonna do it pause the game for a second let's take a look at the map currently we can't really see anything so we do need to build a basic satellite just so we can see what's going on but ultimately just want to build loads and loads of planes and let's scrap that little boat I'll probably end up cannibalizing the banks as well we're not going to use this all that much originally I had planned to use this as a proper base to defend it but since I want to be the aggressor I honestly just don't want to be able to see this ever again after we've built our first vehicles building three of the darts straight away then we'll build two of the Bombers and we'll send them off to attack the enemy I am considering building a torpedo variants of these vehicles rather than using the cran bombers because I do think there'll be a lot of fun plus a lot of people really want to see that I was surprised lovely to make sure the eye is off though before we do anything with them oh wait that's the Air Force's eye I leave that on make sure the darts don't start wasting fuel and ammo that's the other thing why would they spalling with ammo they should do right oh we're gonna need to feed them either way put them on the same thing and I want all of you to try and have as much ammo as possible and as much fuel there we go this makes more fuels okay so we do already have a basic refinery here laughs but we're probably gonna need more also more ammunition production so the current value of these is just over 7,000 resources that's because of the ammunition of fuel in them when they have the empty barrels never think they're about 5,000 also any similar that but okay there we are we could send these through a bit of a scouting mission just for the fun of it you know what I think that's exactly I'm going to do I'll pop you all into the same group as well a little Scout wing there as our planes make their way over here what we're gonna do is build ourselves a little satellites so what we're gonna do is just put down the antenna put down the dish pieces and then using a truly high-tech building method we're gonna add balloons to it and through that we're gonna be able to see what's going on so air and we have the switch there and then the hot-air balloons and that should be enough eventually I will make a proper satellite which goes into space but for now I think this will do don't need more dish pieces I honestly can't remember it's been so long since I've built one of these but sure let's just throw these down anyway just in case and off it goes lovely and with that we can see what's going on okay so we have the new capturing system so we're gonna just grab that right away now the enemy Harvester I believe should be somewhere here yes someone looked there and we do want to attack that as soon as possible how am I going to attack it purely with the darts you know I might do since we are going to be saving up for our bombers the penguin bombers do cost just over ten thousand each so we are gonna have to be around for a while before we can get that well not that long with the new resource system but still it's gonna be a while then we can start attacking their proper reinforcements oh well that's that's fine it still works it still works absolutely fine well turns out I was very wrong so the resource officer is actually right here and we are gonna go right for it now there's a good chance the darts will win this although they're not made this type of ice the sinner's outpost if I recall is very fryer it has its I I just in a room on the outside of the craft it's very easy to take out I think it might have some defenses in terms of AI so we'll see how other darts can hold up now there is one problem there is this over here the airship gantry now the airship gantry I'm certain has a functional atlas the Atlas is worth 10 times more than the darts are and will kill them it has anti-aircraft weaponry and it will just annihilate the darts one on one or one the three in this guy's so if we're lucky we won't activate that and everything will be fine now of course it would be fantastic if we could capture this dissenters outpost so let's begin the battle first so my rules for capturing are the same as they were in the previous season I will be capturing vehicles but only once we have disabled them first in the fight since I don't want every single fight to devolve to me jumping off a vehicle swimming over to a craft and then spending the entire fight trance captured if we manage to disable it then I will capture it so if all of its weapons are offline or its I always dead anyway I will make an attempt to capture it otherwise I will be leaving it to the fighter as weird okay well it's cram weaponry is gonna be pretty much useless vs us so that's good oh it has flak it has flak did notice that flak though I thought we'd have some anti-aircraft weaponry for some reason I didn't think flak I thought just kinetic shells or something a bit more generic but nope oh we are losing little bits here and there but thankfully the flak seems to be quite weak I think we are gonna win this one quite handily yea the flux doing nothing to us well as it hits ad Jets can one take up the gun I know I said it's doing nothing but I am seeing bits being chipped off that's mostly our tails being knocked off very low gauge because you're the cram gun okay what I'm gonna do now is because we are close to potentially disabling the enemy we hello always laughing offline looks like it's okay everyone you may stop yep all the cram guns are offline that's a simply firing and the eye is in splish one of the rooms there it is and instantly packets with water okay I'm used to something being there but it's assuming there's something there it feels weird having just one line here just use the minigun to leave blast through this or slow link 1 2 all of my points currently are in brawler so I don't end up dying all the time maybe I put some points in stormtrooper instead there we go and took a while but there we got a battle finished we now have access to the sinners outpost it's very cool just gave it some material storage so that we can get back to work with this thing so we are now once again harvesting do we have enough engine power yet we're all good now one thing I've noticed is I'm actually stuck in a prefab mode and I can't seem to undo it's a constant to place things Oh block placement repair and undo redo I'm not allowed on hostile board sections oh okay so that's because we don't currently own this because it'll set about adjacent friendly tiles oh that's cool so you have to capture things to allow repair and everything else okay I quite like that actually now turns out there is a way around this and yeah if you really want to place things like material storage like I just did because I needed material storage to get things running again if you hold down shift to replace a block rather than displace it you can do that so yeah we have got this running a bit faster than I should have I didn't really realize that was how the mechanic works I won't do that again but I've already done that so I'm not I'm doing it because I don't think I've actually removed them anyway or can I now I kind of move them that's for the future so now we have two outposts both working away let's move our satellite a bit forward shall we so over here I have 10,000 material over here I have already maxed out 1,500 so yeah we are going to need some proper resource carriers the drone ship will act a bit like that but we need more than that so it's definitely something to build in the very not so distant future right now I can just use the sinners outpost to build more darts and everything else use the original to build heavier vehicles growth is 32 per second is 22 yeah makes sense so this one here for light graphics of heavier craft that we just merge them later on okay now if captured the tile next to this we can now repair and build normally on these sinners outpost and we are harvesting faster than this thing can regenerate so that's perfectly fine now capturing this then we'll attack the airship gantry so what we're gonna need is some of our bombers as soon as possible so let's build them over here let's say two of them yeah two of the Bombers and two of the so three of the darts should be enough hopefully the same that if there's an Atlas that's gonna be a real pain we shall see or it could build one of my drone ships the anti-air one no let's spill to the Bombers for now really with the drone ships they do need to be it to be accompanied by a larger vehicle since they can't really sustain themselves this seems kind of cruel I'm using the sinners outpost to build a brand new Dart the things which broke its mind well it's now gonna create them over and over again it's fun being the parasite we've captured the territory being replenished via the sinners outpost the bombs are almost ready to go so I've decided I'm gonna be building new satellites straightaway the reason is the other one can't get high enough and honestly it's not the most subtle of things seeing all those balloons everywhere it's just going to tip off the enemy so go something a little bit more subtle able to go about 500 meters into the air yeah I think that's something as you can see it's far more effective the Penguins are now joining up with the darts and are starting fortress is now harvesting as fast as it can before it was allowing the regeneration of the resource zone to be faster than it was harvesting but now it's at full speed so we are getting loads and loads of resources all of that craft currently very cheap and in fact combining all of our aircraft still isn't the same price as a single a regular Atlas but I still think we're gonna be fine so let's get them all ready moving your ammo right yes they do that's all we should do is make it so the sinner's outpost and hold any ammo there we go all the view into one fleet and then we attack the neighbors well I just messed up quite badly also the land doesn't appear to be here which is interesting but yeah I messed up because what I'd accidentally done is I'd started to fight without placing them correctly it's all kind of clumped up but I think we're gonna be okay there's the land okay it's still a bit under water there but okay so we have a cramp no it's advanced cannons potentially whirring very worrying we have the Atlas the houses obsolete don't do anything so everyone including the Bombers now please focus on the Atlas soon as possible I will try and jump on the Atlas so if we do disable it I can capture it because that would be amazing now the Atlas is quite vulnerable to lots of little hits if we get one on the advanced canons we're in good shape Oh the bomber is just about missing it down how about a second shot two misses there but the Atlas at least is no longer airborne oh that is whirring that's cool that's pretty perfect hello atlas all please stop focusing on the Bombers are the more expensive ones yes no the weapons don't line as you can see even we've stacked wooden armor the darts have a lot of trouble getting through though does seem like the guns are offline is this true okay I would say we allowed to capture this now but we should be focusing on the other gun and the bomb goes off destroying most of the top there just keep focusing on everything else so here's the funny thing I'm actually glad it was focusing on the Bombers and I'm thinking about it because now the Jets are right even to the craft itself before they're at the back but now using their smaller jets it's actually quite well protected so all that we're really hitting is just a little bit of stacked armor you didn't drop your bomb then which is interesting why not unless you've lost your weapon potentially that one's been a defanged declawed no weapons focus on this take it down yeah what's happened to our bombers they are not you know dropping the bombs there you go that one is yeah the one must have just been knocked out I mean it was taking a lot of flak damage it could have easily lost the weapon on the bottom okay I would say at this point we are able to capture everything that's no longer know is still healing in that case Oh lovely placement there that TAC and that is now dead so everyone stop let's capture what's here I mean there's no point in not we have completely disabled it it's a bit dangerous that's letting all of our planes fall from the sky isn't it so I just took a look at what had happened and yeah it turns out on the one bomber I had lost the gun I've lost some of the internal cram and I've lost the detection systems on the front so the flak did actually quite a lot to it we just overwhelm them though so everything went pretty well this takes so long even with all those points in stormtrooper yeah did we just Ram one of the of the Atlas getting a random bit of revenge there by ramming our craft it's still worth it if we capture the Atlas it's worth a fortune of resources though I think this is the smaller cheaper version yep I think the i-i-isn't here though I can't see because it was blocking the way the Atlas is ours so the Atlas managed to successfully destroy a das and a penguin by ramming it without its ally fully functioning that is so annoying now the problem is because I can't just leave the planes flying around in the air while I'm doing this because they're gonna be wasting fuel but ultimately I've lost resource because they got destroyed hello there defence store it now if I recall correctly with you the eye is like right here okay that's not actually I though it's just the connection pieces so where is the main IR oh no it is underneath like down there okay like underneath that or oh it's at the very bottom of the stack okay that makes more sense okay these two hours notice for the buildings I was trying to shoot my way out where I could open the door because it's under my control yep is that mug a steam chamber yeah I think it's a steam chamber then they've used piping that is a really good use of mimics I know it's silly into small look at my little hammock over here is really nice what a cool building oh is that the actual mainframe does have more than one BAPS well nothing easy to figure out what they were so these are worth two thousand each not really much we may as well just grab them since quite easy to grab them nothing up booze yes so where is the i-ight now these have been changed drastically since their old versions okay so it's not on top like the other one at least not in the same positions I can't recall it all whether used to bit up well I just found it by mistake it's in the bedroom cause the hours in the bedroom designers of these houses I'm loving it seriously great job nope have at least one more probably in all the corners isn't it there we go there we go second house is ours again just 3,000 resource but into the moment what's left is it just these two note there's one more gonna stuff the Atlas full of cargo and then take it back to these sinners outpost shun doughnuts I got there that's fine okay Atlas over there please and at very least we're gonna destroy the houses they're really cool-looking so yeah credit to whoever designed these they look amazing living all the little details so the Atlas has decent amount now let's go back yet 44,000 materialist thing has that's gonna be all the repairs and more we could start saving up some of the stuff actually if we scrap the Atlas with that material as well we can pretty much make the drone leader our advanced cannon craft which is very deadly oh this is quite strong aircraft so much so I'm thinking about to send more darts in if we attack this we can really send in a proper dart swarm okay so it's outpost I think you need more repair stuff no it doesn't it's just a matter having no resource left okay because there's no fuel left I thought you're making your own fuel oh you probably was but that's been destroyed hasn't it oh damn yeah it's over here okay once the Atlas comes back what we can do is put this down again so that we can start making fuel so I didn't realize how much we're definitely gonna need a cargo hauler so that's something I'm probably gonna make off-camera maybe I'll make it on camera it's gonna be quite a simple design just to go with us and whole resources I do want it to be in fights though I don't like the idea of having a resource carrier which just follows a lot on the map but we never see it so we make it all this effort into it and we never see it again I want it in fights it's gonna have lots of armor very light weaponry that was the original idea for the current drone controller our advanced cannon craft our light advanced camera craft well heavily armored lights anyway but this time I actually mean it so like maybe one or two small flat guns maybe some assistance weapons like flares but that's it everything else is just cargo okay we could make some more bombers and stuff now okay let's hear all that resource can now be used camp oh not let's stop feeling that us no no no stop prepares not sure if I want to fully repair this so I kind of do you know what we may as well be only scrap it lights are sure repair the Atlas as well there we are way more repaired tentacles now on the sinners outpost but we do need some more fuel though so let's pop that back as it was just literally copying however it had it set up before and there we go now mapping fuel and that'll be spread to all our other craft we have two bombers four darts and an atlas to our name and we're saving up resources at the original base we can almost make our first drone ship but most likely we'll save up for a larger craft and just continue to build things over here so I think that's a good time to call it although it's been quite a short time we've done quite a lot very quickly we've taken a resource zone we have captured an atlas we've captured love other resources there's 700 resources in the sea over there which I'll grab in a second and we have a small fleet to defend ourselves what we should do though is continue to expand grabbing all this territory so we can see what's happening and we need to make a proper satellite and cargo hauler so with that thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that from the depths as a series you wish to see continued in the future really happy to see a craft doing their job correctly although I do think the penguin bombers doing some changes the darts themselves did fantastically so with that I'm afraid I am all out of time for today's video so if you have enjoyed then of course likes favourite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that from the depths as a series you wish to see continued in the future in the next video we're going to be just as aggressive in this video taking as much territory as possible since I want to take out all of the deepwater guards harvesters and take all of their resource owns we are going to spread and take everything we can see now I have to say the darts themselves have really proved themselves today but the Penguins a little bit less so I'm hoping in the future against more suitable targets they will do a little bit better but considering how cheap they are I think they did okay but well then to the darts why exceeding my expectations thank you again for watching have a lovely day doot take care and good bye from the good guys
Channel: Lathland
Views: 174,996
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: from the depths, gameplay, part 1, episode 1, game, lets play, from the depths ep 1, ep1, ep 1
Id: 2xZuWrXppmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 13sec (1693 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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