Crusader Kings 3 IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS - Making Money By Raiding!! #AD

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hello there ladies and gentlemen i'm the spiffing brit and today we're playing crusader kings 3 that's right it's the incredible medieval game where you can basically be anyone and do anything want to convert the catholic faith into being a religion all about being naked well sure this game allows you to do it you can change history live adventures and do just about whatever you want last time we played crusader kings 3 we turned the game into a divorce simulator where basically we had a character continuously marry and divorce men over and over again to create massive quantities of money today however we're trying something completely different and we'll be turning the game into a viking simulator and this is all thanks to ckfree's brand new dlc which is a content pack that paradox have just added it is the northern lords expansion and guess what they've even paid me today to play the game which is fantastic because i was gonna do it anyway for free but no now i get paid to exploit their game now we're going to be following a very simple and easy to understand acronym for the entirety of this video you see as a pirate we need to follow the pirate code the pirate code of course being prick pillage ransack invade children and kill we're going to be pillaging ransacking and invading large quantities of the world having as many children as possible so we can give away all of our land and most importantly killing just about everyone who doesn't follow our religion and also quite a few people who do follow our religion and by using all of this we're going to be able to ascend to an ethereal plane where we're going to be able to teleport around the map and effectively become a god and it's all thanks to creative uses of game mechanics in ck3 now we're going to be starting in the 867 start date now everyone playing this game will probably pick some of the famous people from this time like the leader of jorvik or ivar the boneless and absolutely incredible warrior we however are going to be taking over the isle of man the isle of man is a tiny absolute garbage province which floats off the coast of england it's pretty much useless and has no value however thanks to some creative uses of game mechanics the isle of man is actually completely and utterly insane of course we're not going to be playing as the actual chieftain of the isle of man we're going to be creating our own character now we're not going to settle for a standard character name because you see we're going to be turning ck3 into a pirate simulator because i absolutely love pirates i was a big fan of sid meier's pirates which is one of the greatest games of all time and today we're going to be reliving that pirate lifestyle in the medieval periods you see we're going to be playing as none other than the legendary captain jock sparrow this is it i've made our beautiful character look at him isn't he just amazing who doesn't love captain jock sparrow he's beautiful absolutely beautiful joke sparrow do you think you're beautiful yes i do i think i am really beautiful but also please kill me oh i'm afraid jock i accidentally gave you so many traits that you're probably going to live until you're in your 80s now we are going massively above the customization points limit but that is just so that we can have a huge amount of fun in today's episode because we're going to be doing some crazy things and also showing off some really silly exploits that this game has so we're going to finalize our glorious creation here because my goodness is he not beautiful and we're going to start our life as the legendary 16 year old captain jock sparrow of the isle of mon he is of course part of the pirate dynasty we simply start out with one single little bit of land the odom of the mon and that is genuinely it we actually swear loyalty to ivar the boneless one of the greatest vikings in history and we're probably not going to be able to gain independence until this man dies but it's okay because actually not having independence is an insanely powerful thing in this game so let's simply start so we made joke sparrow a absolutely perfect pirate he's really good at marshall pretty bad at diplomacy pretty bad at actually managing land he's okay at intrigue his intelligence is actually surprisingly high but more importantly he has excellent prowess he's a brilliant strategist who can raid it at exceedingly fast speed has additional supply and can move ridiculously fast he's also intelligent a giant herculean a legendary blade master he's an august he's an adventurer now this one's very important he's also a viking but most importantly he has one leg and one eye just as all pirates should actually have now one of the most powerful traits here that we have is the trait of adventurer this is actually not a very expensive trait to have but it lowers the cost of any minute arms you have by 50 this is insane but anyway we need to actually set up our character we're going to of course go for a martial lifestyle and focus massively on chivalry we also need to find ourselves a lovely wife there we go we found pora here she's a fellow viking lady and she has a huge amount of marshall so we're going to get married to her fantastic and hopefully she'll give us a player heir she's wrathful ambitious and deceitful but that 21 marshall is absolutely perfect now as i mentioned we start out with literally just one holding and 337 soldiers but don't worry we're not going to be limited by that for much longer we also want to change the name of our land not going to be the aldum of mon we're going to be the elder of man and also man there we go and our holding will not be called holmatune instead our capital city is going to be called pirate haven one there we go lovely stuff right now it's time for us to do what all pirates do best immediately we need to do a couple of very important things we need to determine our personal god this is of course something that every single viking should do as we're going to be devoting ourselves to ul the god of war and honor he's going to allow us to have additional martial stats now viking life is pretty unique because unlike most of the civilized kingdoms down here in england we don't rule over actual estates we rule over tribal holdings these tribal holdings generally don't create that much tax and don't have that much loot but they do provide excellent sources of prestige and we need prestige because unlike most civilized factions we don't pay for our incredible men at arms using money no we use prestige basically these men are serving us off of hype and not pay making them very very valuable now you will notice that most of these units here are actually insanely cheap and that's because our incredible character here is an adventurer meaning mended arms are fifty percent cheaper we can actually stack this even further and further to basically make our men at arms free now logically we'd want to spend some prestige to get some really high quality expensive men at arm so that we have a really strong fighting force but we don't actually need the fighting force at all we just need the cheapest men we can find and so for that we're getting light footman and the reasoning is simple there's currently a really really nice exploit in this game relating to raiding where basically if you are a vassal under someone your raiding forces cannot be attacked now normally if you're attacking someone and raiding them they're going to be able to fight back we for example wouldn't want to go and raid england right now because they have 1 800 men heck take a look at france they have 4500 men if we were to drop a force of men on paris we'd be immediately murdered or would we now we almost have 500 men and as soon as we get up to a nice quantity of men we're actually going to stage our first invasion we're going to be taking as many men as we can and going on a magical money-making adventure now the exciting thing about being norse is that we have access to some incredible technological innovations we have long ships which have increased naval speed and decreased embarkation costs this effectively allows us to teleport around the map at an insane speed which is naturally exactly what we're going to do right we now also have almost all of our military ready to go so we're going to raise everyone up as a raider of course put myself in charge of this lovely army now this is normally going to be a scary thing because we might risk my life but luckily no i know how this game works and i know how to exploit it and my life is not in danger at all as we're about to load up onto our incredible speed boats and take a trip down to paris now you see there's a very interesting mechanic currently going on in the background which is that there's a cheeky little exploit currently existing in ck3 whereby we can raid and pillage as much as we like with zero retaliation this is because our legendary pirate here is a vassal meaning he's able to pillage lands without the owners becoming hostile to him as you can see he simply rocks up into a province the enemies raise up their armies and then they realize hang on a second we don't want to fight you that's because he's just so damn handsome and ravishingly beautiful i mean look into the man's eyes if this man was burning down your homes and villages would you want to fight him no you'd want to sit him down for a nice warm cup of tea and work out away so that he could pillage your lands even faster because you don't want to inconvenience this man otherwise he'll destroy you now as we've sacked paris completely and utterly we're able to steal money from it as fun as it would be to steal some of the local population and dump it off in our capital i think instead we're just going to go for a bountiful plunder and get some golden prestige because we really need to increase our prestige level now because we're not raiding with that many men we can't actually raid for that long until we've captured all of the gold that we're actually able to even fit in our pockets so for the time being we're just going to wander around the french countryside sacking a whole bunch of temples and towns now we've managed to capture the daughter of the king of france meaning we can ransom her back for 50 gold this is one of the great benefits of being a pirate viking is that when you start raiding places you're going to be filling up your prisons with a whole bunch of random people who it turns out you can sell back for a profit right there we go we return with all of our loot we get 60 gold and 60 prestige for our glorious work and you know what i think it's time that we go on a feast so i'm quickly going to disband my army and hold myself a very quick feast otherwise this happens i'm going to raise my army's raiders i don't really need to worry about them and how well they'll perform because at the end of the day they can't be attacked and so consequently we're going to take this stack over 100 raiders and sail them down to the incredible city of jerusalem jerusalem has 75 goldsworth of loot meaning it is a infinite treasure trove of money and the best thing is they can't fight back we can also start increasing the size of some of our men at arms regiments which is very important because we're going to need more men at arms regiments in order to start actually making more money from pirating we're also going to swap ourselves onto the top of this boat and make our way down to jerusalem come on waltz on in there we go right then we pillage it down we get our gold fantastic oh we get a whole bunch of gold now as well 51 golden 75 prestige and immediately that fills up our coffers entirely and we just sail on home but remember we're using viking speed boats meaning it only takes us six months to actually sail back but that's not even our peak speed you see with organized march we can increase our movement speed by another 15 percent and with engineered for destruction we can add plus 25 naval speed meaning eventually we're going to be able to jet back and forth to jerusalem in just three months a process that in the medieval period took multiple years oh goodness anyway we're going to pick up stalwart leader just to give ourselves more prowess and also make it less likely for us to actually die in the field of battle because we are exceedingly powerful and we're going to be leading every single army and there we go we've returned home and we can disband our army fantastic stuff right now i personally think it's time for us to go to war and as always the easiest places for us to war are these lovely provinces in ireland now we're going to go to war with these factions very soon but seeing as we're going to war with them we might as well actually raid them before we fight them this way they're actually weaker by the time we actually end up dropping our armies on their shore we also need more prestige before we can declare a war and start our proper invasion of ireland it would go fantastic we sack ulster and i'm pretty sure we stole one of their many characters who can we ransom them back for 10 gold yes we can alternatively we can just execute them and because they're a catholic we gain 11 dread and 50 piety and nobody minds because he's simply being sacrificed to the pagan gods there we go there we go bring me more bountiless plunder and with that we've actually gone up a level of fame we're now distinguished which is perfect oh and we can ransom someone oh you want me to ransom your wife back to you okay the 50 gold i'll take that anyway we quickly disband our army and it's time for us to declare our war and you know what even before we go to war we're going to be able to increase the size of our men at arms regiments and i'm even going to recruit ourselves a group of huskers who are insanely powerful warriors now the enemy has called in their allies to assist them so they do have 1126 men in total we don't have much more than them however we are literal gods when it comes to combat right it's time for us to raise all of our armies 1415 men versus their men it's going to be a decisive victory and the reasoning is simple jock sparrow is a literal god of combat immediately we enter combat with a 26 advantage oh goodness so on the first day of combat they lose 68 men we lose 18 oh it's just perfectly balanced absolutely perfectly balanced and we've captured a random general from the enemy army who we could rent some for 10 gold but 10 gold honestly isn't that much when instead we can just execute them for 50 piety lovely and now i'm a faithful servant of the pagan gods oh it's perfect in an incredible high iq move the enemy decided to spend all of their gold uh hiring 740 mercenaries which is actually fantastic for us because those very same mercenaries are going to feed us prestige and piety oh goodness and with that we have 100 war score although we are just going to chase the armies around a little bit so that we can gain a little bit more prestige because at the end of the day we want to be a famous fighter here we go perfect look at this macho army single file into me so that i can gain as much prestige as possible right and let us finish this incredible war we gain some fame and we take control of this territory perfect we actually currently have the king of ulster in our prison which is a bit awkward because i was about to invade his lands so i guess i have to ransom him from prison for 25 gold and then we're probably going to have to just invade him immediately yep he only has 98 men so we're going to conquer this land absolutely no problems oh and fantastico now the sun oh he's hail that's brilliant right and most importantly we need to give him a lovely name he will of course be mega chad one my glorious son he's going to be incredible now i realized i never actually explained why we're playing as the isle of man it's very simple if we manage to gain ourselves independence we can pick this incredible decision here and elevate ourselves to the kingdom of man and the isles it gives us 2500 a renown as well as a whole bunch of bonuses like 7 500 men that just appear out of thin air now whilst our entire government changes to feudal meaning we can no longer raid we actually do gain the bonus of the legacy of piracy this allows us to raid regardless of government type and allows us to raid overseas provinces and sail in major rivers it also increases our raid speed by 50 which is insane because our rate speed is already 100 faster because we're a reaver if we can snack on even more modifiers we can get up to a 200 raid speed and you can probably see where we're going with this exploits oh and we actually captured the enemy king in a battle okay that makes this war a whole bunch faster right fantastic that's more land for us to enjoy we're just going to keep our train rolling and immediately declare war on brefini here just so that we can take control of their capital and just gain control of more land so some time has now passed and we've made a decent bit of money now we've just arrived back from an incredible raid on jerusalem and have a huge amount of prestige and money that we now get to spend we're also going to disband our army and of course hire ourselves a few more incredibly expensive huskers and then we're going to be taking these bad boys on maybe a few wars right now we are trying to kill our liege uh y'all either boneless he is about 60 years old meaning he shouldn't actually be too difficult to try murder but we just want to try and get rid of him so that we can destabilize the realm a bit and we can start moving towards our own independence right now it's time for us to try and kill your liver here he does kind of like us but basically we have a 95 chance to murder the guy this is important because as soon as he dies his kingdom which is shown here which we're a part of should absolutely split and fragment among all of his children and so can we murder him and fantastic we've killed him y'all ivar the boneless is dead and consequently his realm is split into an absolute mess and this means i actually gain a new king this here is jal sigfrop of mon he's basically the man who rules over me and he owns the title of the yardum of man which uh of course he doesn't actually control any territory here so we're going to actually murder him for my title we're going to do a lovely independence war he does have 5 000 allies you know i'm going to start an independence faction and be the only member and because of my military power being 990 stronger than he is i should actually be able to press my demands and try and gain complete independence from him even though i am the only member of my own independence faction so we're going to press demands and see what he says oh great looks like we have to go to war fantastic he is of course going to call in all of his allies this is fine because what we're going to do is we're going to summon a few mercenaries we're going to recruit an anglo-saxon mercenary company of 2000 men raising our army total up to almost six thousand all under the control of captain jock sparrow now all we need to do is basically siege down their capital and we should be able to gain complete control of course it's an easy fight we hardly lose any men and the sieging has now begun i have a brand new son i mean my wife died creating this child but it's fine because look he's robust and quick this is an incredible child he's going to be called speed child and he's going to be powerful trust me right now it's only going to take us four months to siege down this province and as soon as we have it sieged down there's a good chance we're going to be able to capture our liege oh so i need to get myself married again don't i all right let's just find the person with the highest stewardship skill anna here you'll do fantastic marry you into the family and we can have you assisting with my domain perfect now instead of actually sieging down my main provinces the enemy armies have instead decided to wander into ireland meaning i can just simply waltz on over at a leisurely pace and absolutely smash them in the field of battle we're about to witness some unperfectly balanced combat here ladies and gentlemen oh and i think that's actually 100 war score because we managed to capture the primary heir of the person we're fighting however we're going to keep fighting for a little bit simply because it's going to let us gain a whole bunch of prestige look at that 543 fame we're almost exalted among men let's chase down that enemy army oh my goodness we're actually fighting so well the enemy armies aren't even retreating there were only six survivors in the slaughter at auriel we lost 99 men they lost almost 2 000 oh my goodness we are insane we are just a terrifying monster and consequently we've become exalted among men just from the fame of us fighting right let's uh finish this war and gain my lovely independence perfect we're now independent and because we're now independent we only need to do two more things before we can gain the strongest nation in the world we need to seize the title of man which we'll do right now it costs us 250 gold we usurped and we're banned we're now a mighty y'all and you know what we're going to do something absolutely insane we're going to invade the kingdom we're going to invade the kingdom of west francia yeah we're going to go to france it is going to cost us a lot of prestige but i think we can do it he has an army of over 5000 men at the moment which will very quickly become even larger than that we however have an incredibly large mega army you know what we're going to do we're just going to sail ourselves right on down to paris and plonk ourselves on top of it oh we've got a brand new sun oh my goodness you're insane you're herculean and intelligent oh my goodness this is a wonder child right your wander child congratulations wonder boy now the great thing about having more sons is as soon as we actually invade the kingdom of west francia we can basically give our one-year-old children who have giant ears as much of the land as possible oh and we've landed in paris this is the battle of paris ladies and gentlemen where six thousand french peasants stood against a whole bunch of vikings and would you look at that it was a glorious victory of course for us 802 fame we gained for that one including 400 piety good lord oh my goodness anyway the siege of paris is continuing siege of paris is going well it's only going to take us seven months and if we manage to actually capture the french king then that's absolutely fantastic because he's currently hiding behind the walls of his capitol building because whilst he's an incredibly intelligent man he is absolutely terrible at fighting the man can't even pick up a sword and this siege of paris is about to be over ladies and gentlemen woo bam fantastic oh no this is fantastic i think we've baited in an enemy army by splitting up our forces yes we have perfect so we just moved to sit back in on top of it and yep the enemy is going to march single file into our mend lovely oh look at this advantage glorious defenders advantage here sure they outnumber us two to one but it's fine we're vikings we can wrote well over eight thousand frenchmen easy peasy oh my goodness now that is what i call a fight all right so what i'm going to do is quickly sail my army right the way back to my home and then in doing so we're going to simply raise them up again but this time we've slightly more supply and better quality and we're also going to recruit ourselves some additional mercenaries and also got an additional perks that we can increase our skirmisher damage oh my goodness we're going to become terrifying here oh this is gonna be just absolutely incredible and the army sat on paris is actually in low supply as well meaning it would just be an absolute breeze to fight there we go oh i mean the french king is actually even leading the battle here the french king himself oh this is perfect there's a good chance we can capture him here and there we go we've captured him oh it was that easy all you have to do is find where the enemy king is fighting just beat him in battle and well because we're a viking we're going to capture him so with that we're going to be able to enforce our demands and take control of the entire kingdom of west francia it really is that easy look at how big one is oh we need to change the name welcome to the yeldom of mega man ladies and gentlemen oh this is incredible oh and an adventurer with 8 000 men is actually attacking me this random woman here who controls uh some random bit of land has 8 000 special soldiers okay right let's rally the troops and we'll defend against that we're going to win this fight decisively it should be an absolute massacre and then this invasion will be completely and utterly over there we go 8 400 enemy soldiers died we lost 258 this gave us 2175 faves and we captured them this makes us a living legend this is it this is absolutely it oh my goodness can we ransom their release for 93 gold yes we can give me the money oh my goodness and in force demands this is over right let us disband all of our military return it home but more importantly we can hold a grand block ladies and gentlemen we can elevate the kingdom of man and the isles we can found a new kingdom if we wanted to we could do whatever we like oh this is perfect well i think ladies and gentlemen this is the end game now so let us fire off these incredible decisions firstly we're going to hold ourselves a grand blot also known as a mass sacrifice so that all the residents of mega man come together and sacrifice people to the gods we're going to invite just about everyone in the lands we're going to spend 100 gold every lord and commoner shall be invited and trust me they're all going to want to join right and after holding our incredible grand blot i think it's naturally time for us to elevate the kingdom of man and the isles this is going to form us into a pirate kingdom effectively and give us 7500 men so to infamy and immortality ladies and gentlemen here goes 2000 prestige a kingdom of pirates for years i've piled the waterways of the world reeving and raiding and raising i've stolen more gold than most kings will ever see and my name is cursed from the irish sea to cafe oh my goodness i am without scourge the most infamous man alive scourge of the season have poured my luton reputation and heavy settling into the fortifications of the isle of man this is it i am the lord of blood and gold oh my goodness i gained the name the great and the terrible now this is fantastic because it gives us also the renown necessary to level up our dynasty right because we've now become an incredible kingdom the kingdom of man and isles we've gained a few incredible bonuses most importantly we're now actually a proper king who has castles instead of random plots of land we have a much larger army now almost 12 000 men we can still recruit the incredible viking warriors however we now have to pay them with gold instead of prestige but that's fine because they're still insanely cheap because we're an adventurer i mean look at that my wigman here costs 0.009 gold per month that is absolutely fine and our capital here pirate haven one has now become a literal god location we can build every single building because it's such a special location and the buildings are cheaper and they build faster it's only going to take us two months to build most of these buildings which is just absolute insanity but we now have access to an incredible military force say hello to the pirate hordes a group of 7 500 soldiers that are just able to pillage anything we want and so using this incredible force we're going to go make ourselves some money you know what speaking of scotland that's probably a very fun time to mention that of course a few videos ago we exploited a website to gain a whole bunch of land in scotland to mess about with lordship titles and i said that if that video managed 50 000 likes i would go and buy myself a duke title from sealand lo and behold you guys put a lot of likes on that video and now i'm a duke of seedling i spent 500 pounds on it so um thank you very much for one of the greatest weights of monies that i've ever invested in but hey maybe i can find a couple of exploits of this bad boy but as always thank you for liking the videos you allowed this craziness to happen anyway onwards with smashing the scots well and also i guess most of the entire world right we're doing a little bit of shenanigans right now with our incredible captain jock sparrow in his gigantic mega nose of power because we decided to do a bit of pillaging we managed to pillage the papacy here in rome and in doing so we captured the bloody pope he's 76 years old but this man's whole of body and trust me he's also worth a pretty penny so before we actually release him into the wild and ransom him we're actually going to just torture him because why not it might make him insane it's a five percent chance the pope becomes a lunatic actually you know what considering he's in our dungeon i'm gonna steal his hat because he has a pretty good hat there we go look at that we've borrowed the pope's hat you know we'll quickly ransom this guy off without his hat there we go 300 gold and 300 prestige a very nice pickup to have and we'll just be finishing off our raid in the local countryside here now remember it only takes us about five days to rate each of these provinces normally raiding in ck3 takes actual months and the process of raiding entire counties for money is a system that is meant to take quite a long time for good reason you're not meant to be able to make this much money over such a short period of time in the game because at the end of the day via pillaging we're able to make well over 400 gold in a month which is more than we should ever have access to you see now normally when it comes to raiding a province in the game it takes several months like non-viking raiders it can take them upwards of three months to just raid one province we can do it almost instantaneously it's almost like we have a loudspeaker broadcasting right we're going to this province this province in this province we send a little letter ahead of time and the people of jerusalem come on out with buckets of all of their gold pile it up and we just walked on in and collect it that way there's no hassle no fuss and we can just all get this raiding business solved nice and easily we are simply the greatest pirate the world has ever seen and i think it's time for us to return home and start doing a couple of these wars oh yes my son prince speed man he's grown up and he's an oh my goodness a mastermind philosopher look at this incredible being so smart and we return home and deposit all of our goodies and that should actually bring up our wealth to yes 1888 oh it's just insane it absolutely is all right time for us to go and actually reform our faith well ladies and gentlemen disaster has just struck we have a brand new son there's only one issue prince torf here probably isn't my actual child because guess what i confronted my wife because i believe she might have someone else and who is the someone else why it's my son prince speed child is sleeping with my wife oh goodness he's such an intellectual and so smart and handsome and beautiful no wonder my wife fell for him very well i will forgive both of them this time mostly just because he's such a massive chad anyway we're currently invading the entirety of italy to just give it to um some random guy the reason we're invading italy is because i'm trying to farm prestige via battles and lo and behold that's a surprisingly easy thing for me to do so far we took the defending army which started off at about 10 000 including mercenaries and we've brought it down to just one thousand oh my goodness and my son speed chad used a hook that they had on me to lower their levy contributions speed chad i know what you're up to he's just upset that i've decided not to give him the throne and instead i'm giving it to wanderchild or i might as well rename him to earboy with an incredible face like that but he has created lancelin my grandson here who is absolutely insane an intelligent robust little child who will be in a position of great power i'm sure anyway we now control all of the necessary holy sites to actually reform the faith at this point we're simply waiting until we have enough piety to create the religion of my dreams honestly i think my son sleeping with my wife is just a case of one-upmanship which is happening in the family i went up the pope by stealing his hat my son one-ups me by stealing my wife tis the cycle of life right there we go the war is over we've managed to defeat the italians we are now giving count herbert one of my random vassals here who controls two bits of land we're giving him the entirety of italy just for fun here we go he now controls italy and he's a good friend of ours we did it ladies and gentlemen we've decided to personally reform the as the true faith and um we've created quite a special faith we haven't just made a new religion we've made a new religion with us at the head of it but this is a new religion with money making prioritized we got rid of the concept of doing a great blot and instead we've created communion communion is fantastic because it effectively means that people will go to the head of the faith and pay gold in exchange for basically having all of their sins wiped off the map and the best news is i'm the head of the faith that's right so what are we going to do with our brand new religion well we're going to go to the king of aquitaine here and we're just going to do a holy war for his entire kingdom because why not oh actually we need a little bit of piety before we do that can i burn prisoners for party anymore i can oh no that's just fantastic that's going to speed up this process massively right this is it ladies and gentlemen it's time for the pirates to really show the world what they're made of we're going to war in a single lifetime we started as a puny vassal on a tiny island with no wealth and just over the span of 30 years we've managed to conquer a huge quantity of land including constantinople and most of northern france we've also reformed an entire religion and turned the isle of man into a pirate haven that is mass producing gold at a terrifying rate now what are we going to do well we're going to launch an invasion on aquitaine we're going to take the entire kingdom in one holy war they only have 1 600 troops we're going to deploy a heavily trained army of 6500 men and watch as they solo the entire war right we're simply going to sail up the river straight to the enemy's capital and then we're going to seize control of it right so we're going to jump on top of the enemy of my enemy uh simply so that they can't actually properly siege them down our siege speed is incredible considering this is the early medieval ages where catapults and trebuchets weren't really readily available we're able to just walk up to forts that should take years to siege and do it in one single month just because we have a whole bunch of angry screaming vikings oh what's that is that the enemy mustering an army behind me they mustered zero men and then dispensed oh the enemy is so pathetic but hey we keep capturing rival dukes and kings oh and it would seem that my enemy has formed an alliance with scotland so they might be calling in scotland to help them out with this war although i think it's a little bit too late no matter how many scottish men run down from the north we're still going to absolutely smash them yep and there we go the scots have joined the war but this is going to change very very little oh my goodness i think we found the army of aquitaine yes it's 2 000 men perfect we're going to chase them down if it's being led by their king with an incredible chance here yes it's being led by the king who only has one leg and is scarred oh yes well capture him his 2 000 men stood no chance and there we go it really is that easy okay let's enforce our demands and take control of the entire kingdom of aquitaine ah it just works it really does just work i think we should probably usurp the title of the kingdom of aquitaine right now i have just gained a very large quantity of land which i can't actually use because it's it's so much oh my goodness it's huge oh this is insane but i think this is it ladies and gentlemen we've managed to take over a huge quantity of the world but i'm not going to end today's video here instead i'm actually going to switch into a separate character probably over the other side of the world and just afk for about 50 years to see what happens to our lovely empire obviously we should be followed up by the incredible prince wonder child whose job it will be to lead this entire incredible world that we've just shaped of a brand new reformed religion and see if he can lead the legacy of the pirates in an incredible fashion and glorious success so it's time for me to change character and say goodbye to captain jock sparrow the greatest pirate i've ever seen and this is it ladies and gentlemen in 932 a.d the legendary captain jock sparrow drank himself to death at age 81. what an incredible man he lived to the age of 81 he achieved many things he was an absolute giant intelligent monster of murder machines over his lifetime he murdered 63 characters and formed the empire of francia after starting out as just a lowly count on the kingdom of man he leaves behind him a legacy of many many incredible children like speed child here whose job it is is to try and maintain total control of the empire and invade more and more places to expand the dynasty even further the pirate dynasty is a long one and it's an incredible one well ladies and gentlemen this is it the year is 1066 and this is the full spread of the pirate dynasty as you can see the empire of francia which they decided to remain as uh has done some unique things it's basically invaded its way into most of germany and also the northern tips of spain as well as expanding its foothold into northern africa and a large quantity of the byzantine empire currently the greatest event happening inside the empire is the emperor nigel here is currently at war with his uh i guess distant cousin of an offshoot of the same pirate dynasty called the house of say this offshoot is led by the 57 year old king roland who has a learning score of 38 which is just utterly insane but how did the actual dynasty fare well the pirate dynasty has basically fully maxed out just about everything it's a now significant house and it will very soon be famous it currently has 655 living members there are 50 free houses in total which are offshoots of our original dynasty which started with just one person the man the myth the legend the great great great grandfather of the current emperor captain joke sparrow the great and terrible what a absolute being and so brings an end to our incredible legend of captain jock sparrow the man who started with nothing and was physically incredible and managed to create an entire empire and a dynasty that would now go on to last for hundreds and thousands of years with hundreds and thousands of members what an incredible being truly this is a moment where i internally press f in the comment section for the legendary story of the captain jock sparrow anyway that's all we actually have in store for today folks if you want to check out this dlc then by all means do so this video is of course sponsored by paradox so hey thanks for all of the free money which i'm going to go immediately spend on a whole bunch of tea so thank you very much and if you enjoyed this video then make sure to give it a like and heck if you want to see more like this then you can even consider subscribing my goodness wouldn't that be fantastic anyway we've got a couple more exploit videos coming up soon they're going to be pretty incredible so make sure you keep your eyes out for them and trust me you don't want to miss them anyways always a massive thank you to each and every one of our majestic patrons and as always i'll see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely fantastic day and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 678,425
Rating: 4.9497452 out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, the, crusader kings III, crusader kings 3, ck3, ck3 gameplay, gameplay, crusader kings, CK2, spiffing brit, PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME, making money, crusader kings 3 making money, crusader kings funny, funny moments, exploit, video game, grand strategy, funny, crusader kings is perfectly balanced, gameplay footage, gold exploit, video game exploit, overpowered, funny montage, ck3 funny, crusader, crusader kings 3 gameplay, Making Money By Raiding, pirate, ck3 exploit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 2sec (2102 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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