New Old Zelda

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just chokes falls out of the sky another bird that couldn't make the cut maybe i should just buy an iphone to send these messages you better not keep me waiting zelda what's this do oh oh first person view what the heck you guys are behind the times you're all missing out i'm just gonna go ahead and see you guys on the other side baby i'm playing breath of the wild wait no that's not the right gift you know how much this thing cost like i think eighty dollars i'm gonna get my use out of it it gets like the motion control section i'm just like uh uh down thrust gotcha why are you this way hey hey what's that oh hello good morning to you failure and good morning to you too jesus oh my god he's massive legend of zelda really is a fantasy game for the first time in my life i can finally experience what it's like to be short wow what a mystical experience this is in the mythical land of five foot two everyone in chat under six foot are just like all right i guess i'm all right that's how we're doing this hello little kitty why did they put him next to it cliff how many times have you been tossed how many times have you been thrown over the last 10 years a decade of being chucked like a football i'm so sorry i paid 60 for the game so it's not going to stop now oh you fly back is this all you were were you just programmed to die no now it's your turn have your vengeance it laughed at me hold joycon upwards oh hello go long nice work you brought her back safe and sound too bad my skull has seven fractures he's facing the wrong way just like thank you link why do you look like a fence oh hey look her bird's flying again that's nice hello zelda one two three huh my baby don't mess around because she loves me so and this i know for sure good morning failure is what it's all about people wife simp for zelda what poor taste no no no no our attention has a better uh use for today a failure you're here too outstanding oh christ man's got a stare on him his eyes are built like lifesavers oh my god has this ever is this man ever blinked in his life here we are go now jump off the ledge oh we're just doing this huh oh yeah you can't sense your bird out there oh i get you're trying to weasel out of heaven practice all right like the bird is not the bird he's gone now whoa sorry cutscene cut scene something's wrong she was still smiling she was still smiling she's smiling all the way she's smiling now wait till he gets close enough to the ground i didn't sleep him at the last second i wanted to peril this is why i want to get out of this relationship here chad you're like why are you saying ooh when you saw zelda you look gonna kill me it's not the kind of high stress life i want to live oh yeah oh there it is oh zelda who uh zelda who all i know is the group that's me on the left by the way that's actually me on the left god seeing their faces up front in hd [Music] it's like it's like going to a museum and witnessing modern art in person like it's just something that you can't see in any other photo or png you gotta see it in motion they actually look like me's they just hopped out of me topia and we're like all right time for some action like my god what shade is your lipstick [Music] cheeto [Music] look at this man jeff they're like why is he going crazy over gross do you know how few people in the united states have hair like a mario kart trick ramp come to think of it outcome i don't see your burr where's that scruffy pile of red feathers i'm nice here i mean i already i already complimented it oh don't be upset i look at it really it's a trick ramp isn't it donkey kong gonna go over [Music] there he is there he is the human uvula doesn't he look like my twitter profile picture you're telling me this isn't my brother remove the bags under his eyes and staple some glasses on his head and it's one to one and who might you be sorry get this guy off the screen please and who just might you be talking about gross no you try it gruce you're picky on failure again aren't you hey step away step away zelda what do you got on him your eyes look like they're looking in two different directions right now at least look them in the eyes i'm sorry what's happening they beat up well that was a cutscene lotto unpacked with that one all right let's go find my bird really do i lean over when i look down i definitely do look at the shadow his link just hunched over what's down here i will sniff out my bird wherever he go the bird won't hide for long i wonder why he doesn't show up for me when i jump off of a cliff what's in here sparring hall can i learn to kill oh hello it's failure i thought we blacklisted you forever coming in here after the incident you pulled two weeks ago grandma peterson will never be able to see again thanks to your antics oh no no no please stay away from the bathroom oh jesus christ he's in the sword storage hello make god help 911 all press zl oh how does it work oh don't look at me like that hey hey hey don't look at me like that oh look at anyone ever like that again i probably can't go around actual skyloft like this so i feel like i should get out all my sword shenanigans while i'm still in the sword area i remember how i drew the sword oh my god i actually can't use it oh i can just use it out in the open hey everybody don't tell why you're looking at me like that and by the power vested in me i dub thee sir corpse if i rotate it does it oh it does wow check it out look how cool this thing is whoa hey where's horwell that's something cool to show him no he's right he's gone he left after he heard the news the cat's gone too half the town evacuated once i picked up the sword you know i'm gonna take a guess i think this is where the bird is being held captive i'm going to take another guess i think this is where the bird is being held captive waterfall cave no no no no no no no no no no no no no stop it get away from me that's right run into the light hey hey huh who's that who's calling for me oh what the heck i wish i caught this when i was live but i love how it looks like she's looking at me confused who i am like who is that lin can you not see this weird unshaved nerd in the corner i can hear him talking to us i'm so i'm so sad i only caught that in editing look there he is ah you could pick you there he could fit through that you can fit through there come on how are you fooling ah there we go there we go okay now you're free stop screaming you you can you can make this job fine i'll put in more work do everything huh making me do everything oh silly bird [Music] look at him i will leave you two to be alone you know i guess it would make sense that you're an amazing wingman just leave off the edge and press down don't worry about falling your bird will catch you for sure this time uh-huh all right let's fly there we go sorry hurry hurry all right sorry sorry i was beating it there we go whoa whoa hold on my nose what's happening how do i bird how do i burn it's drifting the joy-con drift it's affecting the bird too look look zelda i know how this works i have beaten the ender dragon before zelda i'll have you know i've unlocked the elytra i know what i'm dealing with the wing ceremony will now begin okay let's go oh my god whoa whoa man's making up for every single blink he missed in the last 86 years of his life he's never blinked once before in his life he tried it and was like oh my god this is incredible whoa this feels this feels great has has anyone has anyone ever done this before you should try this whoever catches the bird and claims the statuette will be this year's champion i might command the competition we'll begin i'm ready go yeah let's get him he's stepping his way check out my bird i'm gonna take out your ankles didn't expect that hey what the heck all right well you know it's my day to get all the glory gonna eat me hey you're throwing your children at me forget about that not being legal that's just a moral my god all these stupid yoshi mains that was a good throw i gotta give him credit did you see how much i was moving did you see how how fast i was going he act no i'm giving this thing to him man's head is shaped like an egg he's just one of them and he's throwing his family at me failure let's go we're just doing this huh don't worry i'm fine i'm just insane i just dropped her dropper we had the warm-ups with the cat now it's time for the real deal call me when you want call me when you need call me in the morning i'll be on the way oh thank you supposed to fly on this or like i've been working hard to finish making this sail cloth in time to give it to today's champion i mean with bruce's weight in mind i mean yeah your way you do know what happens at the end right let's go oh okay again just so adamant about this don't use the cloth okay whoa whoa oh sorry sorry about that looks like you messed up your lady wow looks like you broke your spine damn guess i better give it to gross now here you go cruise don't don't mind the blood on it it's lipstick don't worry really coagulated lipstick and it's post off zelda zelda zelda help me i swear i press r i swear i s the button the button was pressed i didn't expect to hit the rock so fast though long live the king cell class i'm trying zr cr okay so you messed up y'all i landed what do you mean land on the round design sorry following here we go [Laughter] rhyme design nail lit look you said the center of the circle where did i land where did i land hit the middle of that round design in the courtyard check check check what are you talking about zelda don't move we need to talk for a second is my joy-con like misaligned or something don't i'm not even gonna move i'm not even gonna move hold did i do it that count you're making me climb up and down the statue over and over again you do it i tilted backwards i tilted forwards i use the joystick land better i know i'm trying middle of a circle i get it i get it holding it down down why am i going to the left how do i get that just take it look just give it to chris i like look man we did like clearly i'm not working with clearly this wasn't meant for me final boss fight in the first moments [Laughter] i had to recenter i just had to recenter it let's go let's let's go [Music] let's go you're a that was perfect you're amazing was it yeah if you just got here that's my first try by the way simple tutorials you know failure see all those amazing jumps you made really well you're so attractive what's up you think you want to go on a fly on the cloud yeah of course what but best let's play or worst let's play you've ever seen in this game i gotta know oh kirby sorry [Music] there's something i've been meaning to talk to you about i okay look i've never played this game before but there's no way they say there's been something i mean to talk to you about and the music cuts out and there's an ellipse that's like the bermuda triangle of something's about to happen all right okay oh that's filthy i don't want to fall into that it's like sewage haircuts link [Music] but did you say banana the time has come for you to awaken oh my goodness how much moisturizer she put on she she caked that moisturizer on put it on her eyes too i don't like that that's creepy you're insufferable hey that's me whoa hello how are you doing i i don't think i slept well enough yep she's still there i need some coffee okay i'm sliding over i'm galloping like ahoy begone spirit begone evil foul creature where's the little kitty oh i don't like the tone i have a sword now are we playing the chill music right now i'm being bald what the [ __ ] i want to die to it hold on hold on these things are getting too much [Music] you're dead now sucker we've upgraded from a sword to a mace get him get him step up step up have a giggle have a laugh that's right that's right that's right i'm a machine who needs tool assisted let's plays when you have the safety strap yo what's up link gonna beat your head in with the sword that is not how you use the safety strap what do you mean why why else would they give it this like flail-like build for otherwise i'm gonna bust open this wall either with my sword or with the joy-con ramming into my monitor oh that's a sword i know what those are grab the sword and we will kill things together thank you pyra from xenoblade chronicles 2. don't worry trust me with the sword i promise i'll treat it well don't worry don't worry fee whoa that's a big shot oh that's a sword that's a sword right there i think that's a sword that's a big sword if he's like please stop ah i'm tangled raise the skyward baby all right we'll get we'll get it we'll go and we'll get okay we'll get we'll get [Music] i hope you hit your head [Music] yeah sorry i had to edge the sword yeah failure oh god oh no you're the last person i wanted in this room oh no that's the first thing you must do is hit the crest sitting in the room with a skywars strike i'm trying to hold it up i'm holding link [Music] i wasn't even messing around that time i was just holding it upwards let's break open the pinata why why did it have to be you i put the sword back now i'm done with it well one second oh you're not going to talk about the lady that just entered my hilt we're not we're not going to discuss that at all okay got you i know what's going on yeah give that pan up give me that pan up yeah let me oh man that makes me smile may the goddess watch over and guide you both all right cool so i'm gonna leave zelda to die and uninstall the game now i'm gonna play some mario odyssey you still didn't finish the log training okay okay fine let's do this let's kill all these stupid logs one down the middle that's down the side look at me look at me [Music] i'm done this game
Channel: Failboat
Views: 135,635
Rating: 4.9808865 out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Zelda, Skyward sword, hd, skyward, sword, skyward sword hd, link, but some funny stuff happens, experience, Groose
Id: oT9AoueRgHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 31sec (1051 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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