New Mario Maker 2

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super mario should not exist it's nonsensical i do not know why people are not talking about it are overalls even real name one person you've met in real life over the last 13 months that's worn overalls you can't you can't i win shake my hand shake my hand you remember this whole thing you remember you remember this little thing i actually didn't i i haven't checked it if he works yet does he have batteries still oh oh are you calling me hot okay so you hear him go whoop me lego makes more mario products other than mario and an undisclosed third-party friend of mine has gone out of his way to purchase some random ones from i would i guess a toy store i've been told to not look inside the minecraft chest that i got seven years ago at a convention you guys aren't allowed to look at it too there's there's things in here that don't feel like mario things ah oh come on all right what do we got here mario the cat does it say cat anywhere it doesn't actually call it a cat you're left to assume that by your own experience of what a cat is mario chat so is this one also just gonna like insult me constantly berate me from it for my mental insecurities sick all right cool let's crack this baby open now coming to stars you like cats you like mario oh but i'm sure you do you little freak how about a cat mario on a stick take a bite say good night i i guess that's technically open like how much does something need to be open for it to be classified as opened oh wait oh you just use your thumb to to open it why does the thumb thing not work come on man nintendo design one functional product after you get your thumb into the box you just gotta and now we're cooking oh oh we got a couple other things did the knife pierce anything no that's too bad also don't do anything that i ever do at home except breathe and talk although i do too much of both of those things do you want to be awake for this [Music] don't don't break eye contact with me now buddy see you later that's never not horrified that's never not horrifying that is never not i forget that the legs come off with him a nice finished product oh god he's already barking and meowing a few times in my life that i really remember how much of an idiot that i am i think i think seven of those time eight of those times have been on this video is he a kitty now there we go make mario climb walls [Music] well that just didn't work hey there buddy did you break no did that dent my wall no dude the wall is mario proof that's incredible actually i expected to like make a call to my landlord tomorrow that that fine by me is a stan steadfast apartment that that's the kitty cat six plus huh you have to be six years old saying the prohibitions they put on cardboard these days all right well anyway there's a there's like an instruction manual like i can apparently do specific things but see here's the thing this video wasn't sponsored by lego so i whoopsie we're just gonna stick things on other things i was gonna do like this and i'm just gonna [Music] careful there mario you can see your reflection but you cannot see the sins that you've committed in it but you know what you can see in that knife bam the subscriber numbers ev do you know every time you subscribe the subscriber number goes up by one you shut up i'm doing a read this is important to me this is important to me i try to hit 1 million subscribers before my 10 year anniversary on september 22nd 2021 and you're you're sleeping over there well hey if you enjoy seeing this kind of style of video consider subscribing i'll see when they come in and i'll know what kind of video you're interested in seeing the future okay back to the video what do we got here oh my god ew are these alive i i mean they're probably not alive i mean like are they real i am never letting my friend buy things for me ever again 60 days satisfaction guarantee what about one day what about what what about date what about right after i open it and i'm like i'm not satisfied do you think i could i could get this refunded with the excuse of i'm not a cat do you think they would be cool with that yeah [Music] this feels more box like which i am frankly just amazed to hear right now there we go mario things uh that don't cause my stomach to curl super mario time i just got a teaser or something else should i pull that out i'm gonna pull that out now what what is this what what store did you go to this is all this is pre-opened what the heck someone cracked into this box early and got all the good tattoos ahead of time here we go finally some content this goddamn video i've never done a fake tattoo before i'm not i'm not a hard enough dude for that tattoos are for like three people one someone with something to prove and someone to represent uh two people who will kill people and three 13 year old girls [Music] sorry it's not safe unless i tuck in my thumb question for the chat at home do you think sailboat has ever used a knife on actual food before is it a yes b no see huh do i how long does it stay on for i didn't consult my doctor before doing this like is this is this gonna like scar it says 10 seconds but what if it's wrong have i been loved love did it work oh yeah there it [Music] love is always out of reach no matter what i do it's like it's like the joker tattoo that like goes up from like the side want to know how i got this love i make variety nintendo content if you like what you see here today let's do mario things now yeah [Music] it feels like it's feels like i'm gonna lose all the love anyway hey dude why don't more people use kitchen knives to open things that's so much more faster than scissors or fingers oh we can build it let's build a swamp that's really satisfying that was really satisfying i feel like i feel like an archaeologist whenever i do these videos what is this oh this is a rare thwampa this like predates new zealand or like sony this predates like pikachu this is incredible how i have the face and that's cool but how do i make the body of the swamp do i just like make it tall enough no no no no sauce it out sauce it out sauce it out i'm a goddamn genius i'm gonna guess that they didn't plan for kids to get this far and that he doesn't come with a back um is there anything oh i love him i love him this is what we're making screw nintendo we're making swamp pants how do i stitch that together i can feel my kid coming out like this isn't even this is no longer for the video i'm actually just too entertained i kind of have to force parts on i don't it's falling apart it's the swamp pants remember all those good times we had together we were playing on the slide and i pushed you down the hill and we said we'd be together forever did i do it did i oh i made the wall pants if you go into google and turn to the page that has perfection written on it guess what you're gonna see there swamp pants with his five foot dump truck rear and absolutely nothing going on between his ears man why did nintendo give me so many spare parts with this box where is that part i found the part i found something i found something in here it's really squishy it's always use protection when playing with mario figures everybody it's a me number two this is jarring rock paper scissors shoot he's too good i really don't know what this video is anymore the minecraft box sorry i guess i didn't need to apologize but you know he's definitely that's definitely a demon it's he's definitely a demon what is it this is pokemon cards shining fates do they still sell these energy luxio grookie look at this score bunny so cute this looks beautiful what the heck what did i just get is this actually good by the way i just saw the pretty colors and the little hamster in my brain started running a mile a minute probably worth like 5 thousand dollars don't be mean to snob show snug on a bench you look good smell on a bench let me just let me you know i'm gonna spoil myself for a second okay i see two more mario things and no other [Music] we'll get to that later in the meantime mario item let me try and open this with my hands and i have the knife oh and now i have the open box could a knife company sponsor me think about how many fun ad reads i could do if i was sponsored by a knight though it would be so fun i thought this was in the packing i thought it was like legs i thought i got like naked barbie legs or something at the bottom of this box i was like huh nintendo stop putting suspicious body parts in my mario pieces please oh we could build piranha plants oh i definitely messed up oh this looks really wrong who needs to be smart when you could have a youtube channel not gonna look great it's not gonna look right at all gonna look worse now my hands are not nimble my hands are not quick god only knows they were built really thick this is coming along just about as well as the bp oil spill by that i mean it's coming along very well but it's a massive problem it's like amazing how how there can be someone as dumb as i and also the really troubling thing because i doubt i i am truly the like the least intelligent person in the world like statistically there's gotta be someone dumber than me and i just feel bad for them does he stand oh he stands oh my god have i do i have a gift for you guys wait i can make him better from the newest cutting edge lego technology the best money that might the best legos that money could stay in focus this is connecticut form-fitting elegant a little bit of it look a little bit of an underbite connecticut how did i arrive at the name connecticut i just thought of a place and it it ended up being connecticut if you're from connecticut and you take offense to that number one why why would you take offense to the perfect creation being named after you and number two if you still don't like it your fault for being born there featuring a wonderful beautiful unmatched in thickness eye line actually those are called eyebrows but eyebrows glowing lustful beautiful very sharp pupil having eyeballs a jawline oh my god this jawline this jawline could divide a country and then the legs oh my god if you've ever seen a mess be prepared to see the opposite of a mess it all balances on one big foot sorry that's a little bit too kinky let me put him back down the weak piranha plant the inferior piranha plant connecticut why doesn't youtube pay me more well i'm feeling um finished not a single part was wasted we used every part of the animal here on this failboat youtube channel of mine this one stay with me there's one last uh news every part every part of the animal on this channel surrender the booty ghost pepper i i quiver it the thought of like sushi sushi i i have a little bit of sushi on my tongue and i'm like i need some milk i need some milk for that my feeble brain can't even begin to comprehend what a ghost pepper is see it says here on the back it's it like downplays it producing a plant that uses peanuts green nuts and soy products vinegar carrots salt xanthan gum garlic and spices i i don't believe the last part but like this just sounds like such a friendly product i don't think i i know how scared i should be right now i'm only gonna have a little drop because i'm terrified i'm like a toddler like hahaha i'm chasing after a butterfly and the butterflies in the middle of a war zone in the middle of a highway and all the cars have knives on them is there no safety you think that this thing would have the safety seal not the two dollar mcdonald's milk i'm scared by just the smell dude might as well get a little finger full of that oop oop the bomb has dropped really get that on the finger there we go well let's give it a sample shall we oh wow it's not bad it's not bad it's not bad it i can stand it i can stand it it's really it's it's [Music] i can stand that that's not bad have it a little bit more it's like the littlest puddle you've ever seen [Music] i have a little bit more i can see this super mario he's alive and well and frankly i'm not sure if that's okay i think mario is a fine fun guy and i love i love him [Music] that puts a worse taste in my mouth than nintendo's online practices oh no no oh oh no oh it's hitting like a second wave ah i don't even think like the love is on my cheek anymore i think it's just oh i think it's just up because my all feels like an oven right now oh my god this is painful oh you can have like a one that wasn't bad can i have two [Music] and then i was like i get three three three or four it's funny oh my god this is really bad well i might not like it but what is what does cat mario think of the hot spicy magma lava that's burning my tongue have a bite buddy have a bite buddy what do you think of the funny sauce oh it could take i can take it just fine it's fine it's good if you like lego if you like mario if you like being able to function and talk but only by one of the many products you've seen here today being the lego mario this isn't sponsored he's sponsored his parents aren't sponsored now it's just sponsored now it's unsponsored it's unspot it feels like it's ripping i feel like my tongue is like ripping up from the flesh his tongues have flesh i don't know [Music] pokemon cards yeah lego mario things cat food and pain what's your cell stoves how is it still going you know it didn't taste that bad
Channel: Failboat
Views: 476,417
Rating: 4.9391589 out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Mario, LEGO Mario, LEGO, Mario Maker, New, but some funny stuff happens, Cat, Mario Maker 2
Id: Q__XNoxpR88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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