Mario but endless pain

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this video is sponsored by squarespace one day a man named rubber ross beat a mario level without dying and decided no one should be able to do that ever again and nine months later like a screaming infant a mario maker adventure was birthed into the world a terrifying daunting gauntlet that only the best mario players could complete so the two worst mario players in the world decided to race to see you could be the first to beat it oh ross says good luck let's go three two one go oh classic i really am on edge okay and here's the first edge okay we're i'm so bad i'm still bad dude i can't even play normal mario oh my god oh my god oh my god what it's starting like do the thing do the thing what i must have some they've got to have something hello hello um excuse me ross the world is broken i see ah okay i'm following that oh when you jump to make the cannon off i do that i see it now he keeps going i don't know i don't know i don't know oh go on your superstar come on your super show hurry [Music] this is insane dude good this is good good good luck oh no no no no no no no no no good luck you're going don't trip me up here i need hey don't trip me up i'm so scared i know please be the black people let's go first level goes to failboat all right i'm gonna catch up with you just watch all right see i'm going places back to the start that's what i like i hate it i hate it i hate it at least you got that block an extra coin is definitely going to go a long way here yeah my cup runneth over dan how how how blessed are we on this lovely evening what's our current life count by the way i'm 62. i'm 54. oh god oh man lads they're just screaming what oh i'm i am yet very confused wait what is this a factory the factory of what are we making heads to some degree this is so weird come on little jeff okay okay no no i sent him i sent him on his wayward journey oh my god jeff you mad man god how have you made it through all of this yes okay first try jeff with the wings of god just soared through those pillars please please please please please oh oh my god i didn't even want him to go but like a good son to a bad parent he flew he flew before his parents were ready what oh no you can't control your kids forever jay sometimes they just gotta go and sometimes i guess your kid just died i'm sorry you're a terrible parent oh i am i am more aren't i i got bing and bong over here you could take one of them fine no bong no bug okay okay it's okay it's okay it's okay i got a lot of them look how rich they are one left that's all you needed one made it through the world record is 52 seconds like six minutes all right boo house let's do it okay oh my oh my god oh this is the one where you have a little spiral jump yeah oh oh okay don't do that that's what you're not supposed to do don't jump on i don't okay of course yep nope [Music] um okay this is cruel stay back you wacky little ghost what what what wait you wacky little ghost you the gimmick i think is that there's only three and the one that we jumped on that disappeared was the fourth and it's not supposed to be there interesting like there's one and then oh i see it oh my god that's cruel it doesn't help that i can't like don't don't don't please no it's fine it's fine it's so good dude [Music] how would i have known we both have to get through this in order to compete in the next level yeah really i can't believe that i guess i can't complete the level looks like the tournament ends at 2-1 here this sucks major nuts major nuts yeah one of the most fearsome military generals of our time major nuts and private parts wow you brought that home they go balls to the wall well i heard the little dewey wait wait wait no i heard the noise how far is that oh my god i'm so oh my god i knew i knew it was fake i knew it was fake but my brain was like yo i see solid blocks trust it [Music] who is it frustration if the agony isn't here in 30 minutes then it's free oh my god it's so simple to not walk off the platform and yet i find a way to j stop progressing in the level i gotta check a point no suck my nuts do this you have to say screw you boo i don't want it what the hell what's that about no daniel daniel daniel daniel daniel daniel talking to myself right now don't worry you're not involved in this conversation is it a conversation if it's just you yeah yeah absolutely um i don't know i don't know what's happening what's happening please oh my [Laughter] no oh my god hold on i'm sitting up in my chair there's only a certain amount of dumb i can be surely [Music] sir sir hello i am a sir theoretically good job thanks no oh my god daniel i would die in the wild i am the animal that doesn't learn that the berries are poisonous and brings them back and kills the entire clan i am the animal that dies first in natural selection okay okay i'm gonna have to get it like tattooed to the inside of my eyelids to not jump on the first platform big jump big jump oh big jump yes the checkpoint they still make these yes yes okay okay what okay hey how how much are you you're stupid you stupid you small you small idiot hey hey hey hey uncalled for emoji through every death we get smarter theoretically [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] oh no you're gonna beat me dude why why why would you drop why would you drop what would allow you to drop gravity gravity yeah i think i see what needs to be done what the hell are you supposed to do do you [Music] i do i do indeed i do indeed j emoji i'm gonna get really confident because i just got the last checkpoint oh my god really uh-huh oh a one-up printer how helpful oh it's a boss fight oh we need like we needed that no no i have no idea yikes [Music] wait how many lives you have nine oh no jay i will say if you can get to this point lately oh no no not working out for you no it's not dan it's not actually it's not okay bird you just fly nicely i guess you're not a bird i'm sorry that's a little what's that oh and you're also dead you're dead sucky a dead sucker don't just don't don't do what i think it's gonna do yes let's go you got it no i died three oh baby i don't hear it not me dude you know what because i'm not really doing much right now this is a great time to read some donations [Music] chad says jack's films beat this yeah i don't think i could give any less than i do right now you're taking a long time on this level the time you've been doing this level i could have made an entire squarespace website squarespace you hate mario i get it you're a freak how could you hate this guy but you want to share your niche hatred of him in website form done that fast squarespace lets you make a website on anything you want quick and easy just pick a template change up the info and pictures add sections videos and even your twitter page in case you want everyone to see your disgusting anime opinions and cloutless hot takes squarespace can prove to be a very useful and powerful tool from anything from casual to professional uses and if you don't want to take my word for it take my word for it while i was making the website they just had this image on stock [Laughter] listen now what to his destiny why is there just an image of mario's cap lying on pavement if this was a website with an actual coherent purpose this would be so quick to make squarespace good head to for a free trial and when you're ready to launch go to failboat save 10 off your first purchase of your next website or domain swamps dude it's them it's them they're the they're what's wrong with them don't just don't die to anything now okay okay just don't die to anything now let's go oh my god oh my god dude if i fell down i know right 18 minutes it took me to beat that three two one go whoops he says oh this is actually my favorite yeah 3d world is awesome what do you want me to do oh obviously drop it oh boy oh boy that's a classic internet reference i am lost i'm just gonna assume i'm doing oh i have to die and start over or get a new ball oh you shouldn't be too hard yeah i think i've dated with the boomerang that part i i've sucked out okay i get it i get it we have to take the take the dog for a walk yeah that's one way to put it for sure oh your mother right how you how you handling this buddy quite well it's not well well stop my boomerang would not come back give me dawg come back to me hate my life check this dude check this i'm so good i'm better than you i'm better than you oh no i'm literally better than you by like a billion times no no that'd be the end of the level hey ground pound on that block uh that was definitely the wrong thing to do i think i needed to hit this yes what did i just do don't say yes in the winter victorious yes say yes in the way that sounds like failboat's winning yes yes i love him he's a good friend i use winning well that's a shame because jmoji is winning [Music] at the whole level no it was the whole level no wow only six minutes longer than the world record [Laughter] jay takes the dub i'll take that dub thank you very much so glad this level isn't taking lives you're doing good yeah thank you that'd be wholesome makes you feel like a prick feel like well a long time ago a long time um there was a chicken nugget factory yep yeah not just one the factory of them um i'm gonna start the story over a man walks into a mcdonald's okay taylor taylor was immediately activated as i said chicken nuggets taylor halo walks into a mcdonald's i don't know which type of uh chicken dog gets you like more taylor maybe burger king maybe popeyes if they have chicken nuggets taylor goes into uh a mcdonald's and orders some chicken nuggets dan what are you planning on doing here stepping on it keeping it down i see hilo halo walks into a mcdonald's and orders about 56 chicken nuggets the lady the lady behind the counter says lobster these are a lot of chicken nuggets why do you need this many chicken nuggets taylor says shut up you don't own me right i'm dealing with however many chicken nuggets as i want halo's a bit on edge you don't come between a man and his chicken nuggies you know what i'm saying he went home and he shared them with his friend jmoji who also loves chicken nuggets and honestly it was just an all around times two dudes eating some chicken playing some mario maker laughing at failboat because meanwhile billboard was playing mario maker and he would he didn't get any chicken nuggets because he couldn't seem to beat level 1-3 and that's okay that's honestly okay because he's not faster but mario grabbed the stupid streak go ahead tell me more about the story yeah yeah you got it man let's play an improv game maybe that'll help you get through this one word improv let's do it tailbone suffering okay um go ahead that's that's two words dan yep yup yup following you got it suffering from ball is really funny not sad oh no one next prompt okay christmas honestly is uh raising a lot of awareness about the christening [Music] [Laughter] smiley face okay i got a good one for you that'll motivate you um fire me up fire me up um throw yourself into me please god help the environment harms us [Laughter] please throw yourself into me god the environment harms us oh my god i died of time can i go up here i don't know what i'm supposed to do i don't know what i'm supposed to do is that the end that was the end there you go i hate you ross you were tickling the balls of the finale and you finally got it are we in the castle now i think so dude what do you think it's gonna be i think it's gonna be the next 30 minutes of our lives that's what it's gonna be here we go oh no wait oh okay this reminds me a little bit of his uh companion spring level oh come on i flinched i actually flinched that ball jake you please do me thank you commentate over what's happening to you with a sports commentator analysis well the first thing going on as you can see luigi has made the dumb amateur mistake of stepping on the spike ball which is not a typical move here in the right corner we have uh the left corner we have bail boat who is constantly avoiding a bunch of bone creatures not too sure what the move is going to be here i'm interested to see what his maneuvers are going to be closely to the lava here on jay's corner he's back at it again getting smacked by balls constantly it's overwatch all over again hey so is this lava no the ball the ball why would you will he make the same mistake find out next time on phil find out now jay whenever you get quiet i worry that you're doing something good thank god it's never been the case thank god that's not happening buns and buns and ass hey ball no don't go into the lava the love door the ball i'm having a great time on this level wow i'm dancing around this ball like cinderella it's not fun oh boy oh boy oh boy that's a door that is a door it's a checkpoint oh yeah you're still back at that area i'm going to kill you oh man so hey hey uh what was your name lemmy let me legal linguine could you get off that top platform buddy anytime you're ready oh they think oh it's a wall what is this what's happening i i i i i i i no no stay over there oh no you also made it you mounted him yeah this is how i'm gonna handle this this monster hunter oh my god why i didn't even go near him okay what do i do here what's a guy to do get the hit and then okay that's not what you do it's like a wall but his head is still visible his noggin is still smashable that's so cute i'm ready for this 4-1 lead oh where are you right now don't go in the door what the heck oh my god well i figured out the strategy oh oh yeah oh i'll take notes i've already been inventing the medal on that strategy i'm sorry to say um yeah i just discovered something yes a death no not that not that not that oh come on hey buddy hey buddy the ball the ball the ball was gonna round into him and i'll tell you what it doesn't feel good i bet it stings like like a b like a b a big old b on you the problem ball the solution i don't know yes where am i where am i it could be anywhere else [Music] oh is that a key is that a key that leads to a door that leaves the solution of the level with an axe in the end oh i believe it is i knew you were going to get it before me god here we go careful it's okay it's okay because guess who's got it under control me but thank you for you know allowing me to bring that back up oh no problem no problemo god i love water yeah it's good i hear oh my god this is the the run it's like fighting a belmont on quick play go ahead shoot me i dare you i dare you i shouldn't have asked him to oh my god called threading the needle bro you've never seen anything like that before okay okay all right the ball the ball is not a problem oh apparently you can spin jump on those what you don't that could have happened the whole time oh right he could have just rolled off the edge and died off himself well the whole time you know what jay i didn't even lose a life that was a deathless run of course it was a deathless run you gotta you gotta have one up every time you die all right what's that id guy yeah it's uh 405. like three-way uh yes uh j-a-y oh literally j yeah that's me dude uh and then b-a-d b-j-bad you're so full
Channel: Failboat
Views: 614,944
Rating: 4.9630895 out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Mario Maker, Mario, Rubber Ross, Rubber ninja, Jaymoji, Super RubberRoss World, Mario Maker 2, Switch, mario maker 2 hardest level, challenge
Id: G6psVSA6_VY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 31sec (1291 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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