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relics the legend of zelda relics of the past is a mod for breath of the wild that changes the game entirely adding more guardians oh my god this sucks man more enemies what the hell is that and nearly impossible challenges turning breath of the wild master mode from a 10 to insane those range arrows sorry sorry oh my god beams a while back i made a video on my humble beginnings in this game and needless to say it tested my patience ever since then i've been playing through the entire game in live streams on twitch i've collected tons of weapons and gear and completed all the divine beasts now it's time to finally take on ganon's castle but the relics mod has many surprises ahead for me please don't be it's i'm so hyped yeah the version you can see version number in the bottom corner uh is jank version.jank so that is obviously a good omen for things to come okay zero deaths right now let's see if we can maintain that before we head to hyrule castle we need to prepare as i knew this would not be as simple as just walking in and fighting calamity ganon so i stocked up on mighty bananas for strength up dishes and for health dishes i'd have to find some hearty durians can you use octo balloons on these well i guess you could i don't know why i didn't think about that that's bats oh well it was bats the problem kind of took care of itself five mighty bananas gives you triple strength up which is necessary to beat anything in this mod and the durians can give me full health plus plenty of bonus hearts so three pages of food should be enough my last stop before pursuing the castle was robbie's lab this mod is famous for its excessive amount of guardians oh oh no so ancient arrows and weapons are essential while i was there the mod developers told me this custom ancient spear was extremely good but if i wanted it i would need a piece of nature's horn which i did not have so in order to get that you climb a mountain meet the dragon and he's all sick with purple crust all over him and he's breathing black hole breath so you shoot his balls until he's blue again and then you get your reward is it the wrong thing but that's okay because we could just camp here until he comes around again and then shoot him and now get our reward i really hope this beer is worth it i think it's time to go i think it's time i mean i'm all suited up man i've got all the gear that i need i've got all the bows that i will ever need i've got plenty of shield i got my man bun which is going to give me incredible strength that i mean we should be good dude we should just go let's do it while approaching the castle it didn't take me long to realize i was in for a ride you have done well to make it this far in your quest but only gets more difficult from here in order to even get close to calamity gaining you will need to defeat both of the gatehouses guarding the sanctum i knew this wasn't gonna be as simple as just running up there first you will need a map of the castle which you can find in my study oh i don't even get the map i have to find it new trial awaits only a true hero would even dare attempt that's me i'm a i like to think i'm a true hero however okay now the now the monks are getting all caps locked on me i don't appreciate that the reward for this challenge 50 gifted subs an ancient relic long forgot by time you could say it was a relic of the past after playing some long distance tennis with guardian turrets we finally made it inside the castle walls and it only gets worse from there two at a time uh oh it broke uh oh that's not good oh my god this sucks man there's too much there's too much use the ancient bow have it for a reason okay no not fair go okay okay okay that's what swords are for right at the end of the day if all else fails just swing your damn sword and swing my damn sword i did dammit the ancient weapons are overpowered with this mod if you got a guardian bugging you you could just wave your sword around and kill him before it even has time to say oh hell no in order to get to calamity gannon we need to be two gate houses but before we can even enter those we need a map i forgot these guys constantly shoot oh well there goes my amifa's grace don't dive what are you doing there's guardians everywhere and i mean everywhere so climbing the tower to zelda's study is a challenge in itself please okay we're fine you kind of have to shimmy between these two walls while climbing or else you'll get absolutely obliterated but if you see me just right you can get up there easily get in get in get in oh i did it zelda study first off ancient short sword thank you very much ancient screwed thank you ah linked item is a component for the chica slate that can hold more mat oh that's right the thing that screw is a part for the chica slate oh there we go okay so now we have a map oh thank goodness the two spots on the map are where we need to head next the gate houses oh lord am i ready for this am i ready for what awaits i you know i honestly don't know here we go ow i think i said wow i saved oh lord okay oh this is a real this is real this is some real isn't it this is this is ridiculous dude i have an idea i'm thinking through this the smart way okay guess i'm down here again there's a way to do this right it's not just like there were only three and then they're done yeah okay that's one death i i honestly didn't even want to waste my food so i'm okay with one death the best way to get through this is to absolutely abuse your bow ancient bows and arrows can wipe out the guardians but then there's the lionel there you go ow oh lord this is something oh he's attacking see for some reason i can't hit these guys and you're attacking the wrong thing target him i'm doing no damage to him whatsoever ah am i making the wrong decisions right now nope got it okay uh i could have done that so much better it was so sloppy but there's no time for celebrating because we still have one more gatehouse to beat please don't be it's maybe we're cool maybe we're cool as you can see i've called all of you guys here for a roommate meeting one of y'all has not paid rent in two months so who's gonna make the first move uh-oh oh my god ah these freaking guys are in here wasting my yeah okay i was on a i was doing okay for some time of that and it just became just constant slashing that's all it was there's a way to do this i've handled two of them i can handle another one if this looks like to you congratulations because it is but that's why we have the good old-fashioned abuse your bow strat once you've only got one lionel left it's easy pickings from there that's a dead lynel oh come on where did you even come from it's fine it's fine i can handle fighting one lionel this is not this is not a difficult fight okay he's dead oh oh boy oh man this mod does not play around man now with nothing standing in my way except that guardian that's right there he's kind of in my way there where he is but with him gone it's finally time for calamity ganon okay here we go would you like to replay uh reef fight blights right okay oh i love pushing that button and making that happen [Music] okay he's got ancient arrows he's got five of them i don't even have to get in there i could just keep spamming these hundreds of bomb arrows that i have and just wait until i win i love this well that saved me a lot of effort didn't it oh it's going in stages whoa did you see that yep there's more oh i dropped my ancient bow oh shoot why did i go from the fire into the flame oh i gotta redo everything oh man i don't want to re-fight this whoops i didn't know that was going to get destroyed when it did there we go one down i want to be around that when it's happening how do i even approach them so that is his move that i can fleury rush okay i see what's going on here we go whoa oh my god he's like building up a superpower what's happening i can spin around too dude you think you're cool because you could do that oh that's rough oh hi hi hi hi okay well i wasn't expecting this but all right give him a hug um nah i don't really wanna i'm just why am i doing this fight just go away please okay we're getting through the stages of good lord what are you i don't want to know i'm just going to attack it's a malice lynel that's what i'm that's what i'm seeing okay okay do i have to start from the beginning is that what's gonna happen i'm gonna start from the start yes you have to start all over again shoot the guardians blow up the moblins kill the ego hold on hold on hold on okay that oh that all went terribly wrong shoot the guardians blow up the moblins kill the yiga forget that you have ancient arrows while fighting the guardian and now this guy be patient and i'll figure you out those range arrows sorry sorry oh my god beams you can't just throw that in there just go [Music] oh my god okay gotta cancel all of those attacks at all costs he broke the highland shield in one swing didn't even think about it he broke the highland shield with one swing of his sword no point in worrying about healing because he's gonna kill you in the way shoot the thing blow it up die to the ego this could be a problem i'm gonna get frozen that's such shoot the guardian blow up the moblins kill the ego please ancient arrow to the guardian malice lionel oh chad give me strength i have to stay close to him if i stay close to me won't do his attack why does that one hit every time it seems oh my god oh my god what even hit me the beam's all the way over there don't go back and forth pick one direction and go that way okay okay okay he's beatable dude he's totally beatable i can totally do it i swear to god okay i was gonna if i died there i'm done playing got to be very patient when fighting him he's just he's beatable oh maybe i shouldn't be using a freaking claymore dude now pick a side and go don't get that doesn't help okay so just you have to fully sprint to avoid it i see okay it's raining dot now how would i have avoided that one oh okay giant collision it happens here it comes yep yes sir just keep dodging he's healing more than i'm damaging him this is the most i've gotten him down though there you go don't let him heal don't let him heal as long as he's not healing i'm dealing great damage oh dodge okay okay i wouldn't be surprised if my uh controller short-circuited from all the sweat going into the going into it i mean holy hell dude okay run just run and don't hit the okay that's fine heal that's what the heels are for i didn't pay attention to what he was doing oh my god okay ggs i got him oh my god he's down he's down anybody else anybody else throw your best at me dude oh you're done oh that's all what the hell is that i killed you in the divine beast i did the divine piece so i wouldn't have to do this i did that for a reason no saves oh okay okay the blade fights are essentially the same except this time they have ten thousand hp like literally ten thousand i spent about ten minutes on each blight slowly taking down their health using various methods it wasn't necessarily challenging but if i got hit by these guys even once it would have been game over fortunately though i had the spear that's right the spear it does huge damage to these guys practically deletes them oh he's over there now well guess i'll just hit him with this [Music] okay without that spear i don't think i would have even gotten past this part but sure enough eventually i did i got it i'm done i did it oh my god this was insane no more phases it's time for ganon ganon is harder oh why did i agree to do this months ago when i started it didn't realize it was going to be like this oh no do i at least get a save i don't get a save anywhere bro calamity ganon here he is this is it there's no way it's going to be any harder than what i'm doing right this just looks like normal cannon it's just cannon yeah you get that ancient blade saw oh that's so dope i look so sick i'm so scared i don't even know what i'm dealing with dude that did nothing now i know what you're thinking this is where he quits right wrong the mod developers stepped in and told me if you get a molduga fin from the dining hall which itself is a challenge and place it in this very specific corner you can cut straight to the gannon fight oh wait a minute ah-ha there it is that's how you do it ah that's how you do it baby oh yeah yeah let's go what's up marth welcome back i got distracted being happy for my friend getting his twitch account back and i got destroyed by the mod that that's that said friend created life is beautiful isn't it now is the time for the spear get the spear out this thing is great but i need to hit it there's pillars in the way that's cheating oh come on oh oh i hate that move he looks like a baby when he's such a baby stupid baby raging baby ganon baby anyways the hell was that says he's fully he's healed at max health now what's even the point of playing this game i'm gonna break something i'm starting to okay i'm figuring out his patterns so i'm getting it he swings then after that it'll probably do the thing where he does the ground pound and you you block it and then life is happy again for a couple seconds until he does another swing okay i got him half i got him half oh boy what could possibly be oh he's got that he's got a shield attack up food oh i need attack if that's why it's not doing as much okay we have to it's gonna be the same we just gotta take advantage of the flurry rushes and then we'll be fine okay i didn't think i was actually gonna get that that was really good hit him nice shield oh the rook's protection is back amethyst grace is ready oh my god i didn't even know i had these things there you go here you go here you go [Music] it's a waste of dirt yeah i got him oh i got him he's done he's done that's it bro that's it that's it it's done and over with except for the next part which i have to do next but i it's done yeah he was you'll suffer but you won't game over that's great i love purgatory love that for me that part right there where it's like and the horse does that oh ah she makes me oh my god what i where the hell what happened what happening what happening dude there's two i don't understand i don't understand wow stop stop doing is that a skeleton horse like what the hell's happening oh i've got 500 fairies so i can game over it's just unlikely okay he's dead bow of light surprisingly really good against uh both goblins who would have guessed that horus is gonna is super dead he just decides he doesn't want to get me now the lionel's now i got their attention get out of the malice it's gonna kill you what are you doing my horse is in gannon's foot and it won't get out let's go the lynels know where i am now great now the lionels are chasing me down look at them doing their synchronized bow attack got him okay i got him oh glowing area hit it watch that was up there for two seconds though don't put a little put your back into it girl come on now help me out here am i moving your foot a little bit so i can shoot your shoulder blade thank you got him got him oh hey guys you guys just live under there what a not pleasant place to be wow sorry i said anything okay that sucks did you guys program him to have better aim the eagle clan member just spawn as i was about to deliver the final blow this mod never sleeps but i'm gonna sleep very good tonight because i just beat canon i just beat relics the past and with that it is done after months of painful trials i finally beat relics of the past do you really remember me no i don't think i got a single lost momento uh or a recovered memory i don't think i got a single one of them because i forgot to talk to impa at the beginning of the game so quite frankly i have no idea who you are blonde lady who was inside a giant pig monster this without a doubt has been one of my favorite mod experiences for zelda if not any game the developers are brilliant minds who can take a game we all know and love and bring to life some of the things we could only imagine a huge thank you to everyone who joined me on twitch and watched the live streams on this journey and thank you again all the people who worked on this mod and gave me the opportunity to experience this with my viewers believe it or not they are still creating insane things to add to this game so if you want to check it out for yourself the link will be in the description yeah i knew it i was like there's a reason it's so slow probably because the only people in the credits are the mod developers and there's like four of them there's a lot more to explore in the weird world of modding so make sure you subscribe so you don't miss out and thank you for watching [Music] you
Channel: JayMoji
Views: 156,685
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: breath of the wild, legend of zelda, zelda switch, the legend of zelda: breath of the wild, botw, breath of the wild switch, relics of the past, breath of the wild relics, playthrough, hyrule castle, finale, hacking, modding, nintendo switch, gameplay, funny, commentary, glitches, hacks, video game modding, ANDI, jaymoji, jaymoji legend of zelda, ganon, calamity ganon, link, zelda, hyrule
Id: Q5vPA6LsiMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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