Zelda Pro plays Skyward Sword for the FIRST TIME

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this is a tale that you humans have passed through down uncounted generations it tells of a war of unmatched scale and ferocity the likes of which would never be seen again one dark fateful day the earth cracked wide in malevolent forces rushed forth from the fissure they mounted a brutal assault upon the surface people driving the land into deep despair they burnt forests to ash choked the lands sweet springs and murdered without hesitation oh wow they're really burning wow they did all this in their lust to take the ultimate power protected by her grace the goddess the power she guarded was without equal handed down by gods of old this power gave its holder the means to make any desire a reality such was the might of the ultimate power that the old ones placed it in the care of the goddess to prevent this great power from falling to the hands of evil swarming the lands the goddess gathered the surviving humans on an outcropping of earth she sent its skyward sword beyond the reach of demonic hordes beyond even the clouds with the humans safe the goddess joined forces with the land dwellers and fought the evil forces sealing them away at last peace was restored to the surface oh my god the soundtrack is so good i actually have like i have actual chills right now this is a tale that you humans have told for many ages generation to generation but there are other legends long hidden away from memory that are intertwined with his tail now a new legend bound to this great story stands ready to be revealed a legend that will be forged by your own hand i have the stupidest grin i love this series legend of zelda skyward sword hd well hey we're gonna get into it it's my first time ever playing skyward sword hd if you're watching this on youtube feel free to subscribe we've done playthroughs of twilight princess wind waker uh recently actually just hollow knight uh and breath of the wild's dlc so go check those out if you haven't already and let's get into it wow dude this game looks so good like already it's i know it's the first cup scene you know this is an old one but it just looks so good already i can't wait to see what else it this game is is upscaled i'm so excited the legend of zelda skyward sword oh my god it looks oh wow wow that looks great that's like actually fantastic oh my god oh i'm so excited for this and it's zelda hey zelda why zelda this is probably one of my favorite versions of zelda like iterations i mean i like breath of the wild zelda but skyward sword is like a special place in my heart rise link the time has come for you to awaken you are fated to have a hand in a great destiny and it will soon find you the time has come for you to awaken link [Music] that's just like full anime like if i ever watched anime that's how i would start you know a cuts you know that's how i would do it i don't watch anime though i've never ever but that's so like it's like the style it's so funny hey sleepyhead i know how much you like to sleep in so i'm guessing this letter will be your alarm clock this morning did i guess right rise and shine link today's the wing ceremony you promised to meet me before it starts remember you better not keep me waiting zelda oh he gets a little so expressive okay so how does this play now i mean it plays like you know like a 3ds all the game you know it's a little bit a little bit of a difference but honestly like it looks gorgeous we're rich boys i don't think we need to do anything else in life we got five rupees what else do you need uh look around us hold l until r to move the camera can you not just oh that's weird oh that's yeah i don't know i don't know if i like that it makes sense later okay use motion controls um the way i hold the controller we'll just be doing this basically the entire time it's so weird i hold the controller like this you know because of my wrist right now so we'll just be playing literally like that the entire time so maybe maybe um maybe not i apologize so we'll just be doing full-on like ocarina of time you know like okay guys let's just continue to look hey link uh the day of the wing ceremony is finally about uh among us it's time to put what you've learned in your use all those practical skills i taught you in the academic prowess instructor horrible taught you well we're at it do you remember how to look around using the d-pad okay it's so sassy did he say among us did he i i hate it here hey it's the toilet chat look i found you i didn't know you guys were in this game that's so cool no way like we can sit wait wait it's at sit right [Music] this is the best game ever this is this is it this is pink gaming what other andean flushes what other game has working plumbing name another zelda game i'm waiting wow so pretty skyla hey link up here good morning to you link today's finally the day of the long awaited wing ceremony are you feeling ready just remember there's something i'd like to ask you about target meme we can have a quick chat excellent always remember you can target someone to talk to them easily it's a little silly carry on conversation resistance while you come up here so what are you up to russian get some last minute bird writing practice in this morning link ah zelda's waiting for you isn't she i wish i had to zelda perfect timing then you see zelda's father headmaster gapora uh has a pet named mia and well she's scampered off again the samurai is about to start and i just put a fret set of clothes and while you see you're lazy as poor well uh and you're having us do the dirty work fantastic so you'll do it i know you're in a hurry so i really appreciate you taking the time to help hello do i just pick up oh my god look it's so cute wait link you still don't get it i tried nice work you've brought her back to safe and sound so pretty the music the music i mean i wouldn't just the music the music's really pretty hey good morning link i'm glad to see my loft wing got you out of bed i was pretty sure you'd sleep in and forget me to meet me this morning she kind of looks a little different uh but look at this instrument and look at this outfit they're mine to use today in the ceremony since we'll be playing the role of the goddess aren't they beautiful especially this instrument tell me it's just like the one the goddess was said to have in the legends it sounds gorgeous too i asked father about it and he says it's called a heart more like a liar but yeah it's not really a heart a harps like full-on you know like but that's more of a liar and so look at these clothes i made this uh wrap myself and get to use it in today's ceremony between the harp and his outfit i'm going to make a great goddess today i got you up early this morning because i want you to be the first to see me like this link oh why do i look uh be nice really you know maybe it does look a little weird oh now i feel bad oh hello father uh link you're here too outstanding if you win today's ceremonial race you'll get to participate in the post-race ritual with zelda ah the post-race ritual oh is that what they're calling it these days yes about that father i don't know if he can do it hey well i i assure you i assure you we can okay like you know recently link hasn't been practicing much at all for the ceremony yeah okay you know sometimes you just don't like you know you don't need to practice okay you just you know like calm down my dear it'll be fine honestly it's almost as though you become a completely different person when you worry about link oh let's hope link doesn't get performance anxiety during the race here we are go on now jump off the edge and call your loft wing it's almost time for the ceremony to try to practice seriously for once oh yeah you can't sense your bird out there oh i get it you're trying to weasel off having practice nice try but you're not fooling me off you go all right uh that was a good game guys that was pretty good so i guess we could play some like hollow knight now or something you know do the pantheons this bird sure is taking a long time to get here something's wrong [Music] oh that's oh look at this cutscene so pretty also she basically zelda just killed us hang in there link i've got you are you two all right i'm sorry friend i ain't mean to push you so hard you didn't sprain your wing did you it's very odd like what could possibly happen to your loft wink it's quite a problem especially considering the wing ceremony is about to start i need to tend to my own loftwing so i'll catch up with you later you better go on ahead and see if you can find where your bird has gone something wrong what's the big hurry the left wing is missing i just saw him grocer's bird was chasing off after your feathered fella now where's gru's and their head down the wing ceremony in the plaza you know bruce that sure was a pain with all that scratching and pecking is he giving him a massage of course it was you thought a big crimson loft wing like that was going to go down without a fight but we got him i don't care how tough those birds are supposed to be he's not getting out of the pen anytime soon boys [Music] whoa link so uh yeah just how long you've been saving that how come i don't see your bird where's that scruffy pile of feathers well i got a bird for you right here i can't imagine what could have happened to him do you think his tiny brain got confused by the clouds and got lost bring it on dude sure the only thing is i don't know how you're going to do with how you're going to do that with no bird you're going to grow wings and just who might you be talking about bruce that's right zelda get him get him stick him oh zelda hey nah it's uh don't even try it cruce you're gonna be picking on link again aren't you why do you insist on bullying him around so much yeah i suppose you suppose suppose what i suppose you [Music] touch grass touch grass screws yeah bruce is uh is like a kirkland brand gaston you're right that's pretty that's a pretty accurate one hello hey it's link you still want to get in the sword prize even though today's the wing ceremony i'm impressed where's in the back room don't get it you got a practice sword let's go oh flick oh whoa that's how they did motion controls yeah i don't like using joy cons that's why i'm not using the motion controls that's why i'm just kind of like doing it with like my my uh joystick i think we found our loft wing um i still know how i feel about the non-motion controls but you want should i try motion controls i can get my joy cons real quick okay okay not bad actually wow i think i might prefer the um pro controller though i'll be honest hey link i was hoping he'd find you here i heard you'd gone searching for your bird around the waterfall so i thought i'd fly around and help you look how's your shirts going any sign of your loft wing well it's not lose hope yet there's a place up ahead that gruesome gang are always hanging around maybe we'll find something there oh i wonder where the loft wing is i wonder if it's literally right around the corner look there he is wow oh my god no way no doubt about it that's your left wing link oh and this is like a little tutorial on slashes because yeah you need slasher right yeah [Music] we should hurry link now that you're locked and was free should fly to the ceremony what we'll reach the surface soon enough guys look it's breath of the wild too no way oh my god where are we dropping boys so how's this going to work like let's run your bird through the basics just to make sure he's not hurt and fly your burden in any direction when it's headed upward it'll slowly lose speed you want to speed up direct your bird upward to gain altitude then drop into a fast dive this is not bad then you're a natural oh i'm too good at this what can i say my father and the others are probably worried about your bird so let's give them the good news the wing ceremony will now begin looks like it's race time good luck link all right gentlemen line up on my command the competition will begin go i'll give them a head start you see i'm a gamer okay and as gamers do uh i uh oh i thought it would just okay i didn't know that like if you led grab i thought you would still fall down okay epic gamer moment there we go i'm gonna give him a head start because i think we can still win all right so we just head up oh wait wait i'm ahead i was too fast wait i need to slow down i need to slow down chad you got the bird statue let's go okay that was pretty easy i'm so sick great flying link congratulations now we better get on with the ceremony link hand me that bird saturate you grabbed in the race i must offer it to the goddess great goddess guiding light and protector of our people grant us your blessing and mercy as i act in your stead during the ceremony the blessings of the goddess drift down from the heavens aloft to sail which i now pass on to you you got the sail cloth make sure you take good care of it okay thanks for making up here to do this with me today like you promised link now we really should finish up this ritual you do know what happened at the end right no i i we gotta wait for marriage you know and just what are you thinking don't be silly this is your big moment link did nintendo really baiting with this you have to jump off the statue the phrase is ceremony you need to drop right down to the center of it [Music] that was perfect you're amazing link you think maybe you like to you know go fly around the clouds together link hey link today was amazing watching you win the race and performing the ritual together i'll always remember this there's something i've been meaning to talk to you about what is that link [Music] i'm waiting for you the time has come for you to awaken you are vital to a mission of great importance [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah you're awake when your loft wing carried you back you were limp and unconscious i feared the worst you appear to not have any serious injuries that much we can be grateful but link where's zelda she was with you was she not what's happened to my daughter a black tornado you sang that was no ordinary storm rest now link zelda's gonna be fine she's out there alive i know it [Music] hey you know lady come on i can't work out all day a lot of work for my little legs god i love this i love this game already you know a skyward sword is a game like in general is like pretty nice but the music is phenomenal the visuals so far they've done this so well i'm very happy about it oh so cute he's a little cow [Music] we solved that problem [Music] the chosen one by my creator i've been waiting for you you will play a role in a great destiny according to your social customs i should provide you with my personal designation phi is the name i was given i was created for a single purpose long before the recorded memory of your people i must age you in fulfilling the great destiny that is your burden to carry in the name of my creator draw the sword and raise it skyward oh raise it skyward [Laughter] you got the goddess sword this mysterious sword is bathed in the divine light recognition complete master link i've had my suspicions but until now i wasn't sure yet here we are in the chamber of the sword the very place was foretold the youth of legend would one day appear master you must embark on a great journey beneath the clouds to the vast realm of the surface is only through this journey that you can fulfill the mission set before you by my creator the goddess it's also the only method available for you to reunite with the spear maiden honorable zelda yeah isn't gaebora isn't like that the saint that's the same name as the uh the owl does that mean because there's like you know like you think you know story-wise it's like reincarnation and stuff like that you think he got reincarnated as an owl got the short end of the stick and that's what happened in like ocarina of time and in majora's mask yeah same eyebrows and everything the world below is a forsaken place and to reach you must pierce the cloud barrier below [Music] this tablet will illuminate a path through the clouds to the land below take it and place it within the altar behind me hey we got the emerald tablet let's go oh that's cool [Music] ah dude i love i love the the skyward sword link so much it's it's one of the best ones all right here we go let's go to the surface wait i didn't press it though wait wait wait i didn't press the r master please make sure to use your sail cloth when descending from high elevations mainly do so as high probability of resulting in injury the liberty of deploying the sail cloth for you this time but in future you can manually engage it this is the fabled surface that has long been a part of skyloft legend by my calculations you are currently positioned in a location known as the sealed ground whoa [Music] please proceed with caution master whoa there's a sheikah symbol in the back that's why they called the sealed grounds that extend oh jeez oh that thing is large yeah monkey w okay so we can either go over there young one child of destiny descended from the sky raise the sword of the goddess skyward take aim at the evil aura and unleash its power um i don't know if i should i'll be real here we won we beat it let's go master link i'm sensing a change in the area that was triggered by your skyward strike i've also detected an aura that correlates closely with your sailboat i surmise this aura belongs to zelda i can lead you in the direction of the spora through a process known as dowsing uh it's like zelda's your thousand target the point in direction you wish to search it's a woman locator that's what it is right so i do up and then women okay zelda what happened to zelda zelda looking a little funky the traveler descended from the clouds above i welcome you child of fate tell me what is your name link ah link good very good i sense you have already gained control over the sacred power that fills your sword when pointed skyward the skyward strike is yours to command it is proof that you are fit to bear the blade you carry the goddess sword i've sat here for many years waiting for you to arrive all so i could fulfill my promise as your guide you stand under the roof of the sealed temple a place built by the goddess and eternity ago your rival here was predestined many many years ago spirit made in you seek arrived here shortly before you descending into this land in the shower of light there's no doubting it the gears of fate have begun to turn yet all is not as it should be the spirit maiden was not meant to reach this land in the manner she did i feel an evil power working in the shadows it moves to warp the destiny of which you two are apart you are concerned for the spirit maiden and seek her whereabouts yes that is understandable but for now you must focus on moving forward that girl has her own purpose she must pursue as do you go now you must head into farron woods and chase after the spirit maiden the one you called zelda you're ready leave through the door before you and head into the woods i wish you a safe travel oh what's over here a giant amber all right to the dungeon first oh whoa that yeah that's the that's a temple that's a temple all right [Music] door is sealed shut oh this is such a stupid i found out what it is it's really easy so watch this oh god where where oh where oh where do we shoot it's almost as if it's right up there oh but we oh i'm dumb i'm dumb i'm actually dumb though i'm actually dumb okay we're good then we're blind we're just going to continue or i'm fine you got the beetle this unexplained power contained within this insect shaped item allows you to control it as it flies through the air point the cursor where you want to go and press the r to send it soaring [Music] oh my god yes i can pilot like oh okay that's that's a little bit more now we can press this on the outside let's go okay um boss coming up hey cerberus what's going on i know how to do this boss i know how to do this boss immediately it's so obvious so you wait till the yeah you have to slash all three of them at the same time oh hello stop let me like actually slash this properly got it okay oh he's so cool oh i like this i like who i i like this guy who is it oh sorry look who it is i thought that tornado i stirred up would have tossed and torn you apart yet here you are not in pieces so he's the guy that brought us down to the surface not that like your life or death has any consequence it's just the girl that matters now and i can sense her here just beyond this door yes we plucked her majesty from her perch in the clouds and now she's ours oh but listen to me i'm being positively uncivil allow me to introduce myself i am the demon lord who presides over this land you look upon this world you call the surface you may call me girahim irrahim you're a human in truth i very much prefer to be indulged with my full title lord girohim but i'm not fussy did you really just draw your sword foolish boy by all rights the girls should have fallen into our hands already she was nearly hours when that loathsome servant of the goddess snatched her away do you have any idea how that made me feel inside serious outrage sick with anger this turn of events has left me with a strong appetite for bloodshed still it hardly seems fair being of my position to take all my anger out on you which is why i promise up front not to murder you no i'll just beat you within an inch of your life okay okay i am uncomfy uh okay oh hello oh easy easiest boss ever okay not quite the swords you have here but so long as you telegraph your attacks like the novice you are you'll never land a blow okay [Music] hey is his own sword cool hello oh do i have to hit these oh maybe i hit him back like with my shield here oh hello can i do this oh no he blocked this that was good that was big you spin me right around baby right round now i guess it is it seems like this would be harder without much noodles it seems like it is harder without controls oh my shield broke okay never mind the anime well you put it more of a fight than i would have thought possible i have such a soft boy but don't clap yourself for yourself quite yet that sword of yours is the only reason you still live i fear i spent far too long teasing and toying with you that girl's presence has all but faded from this place which means there's no reason to linger here goodbye skychild run and play this time get in my way again though and you're dead gg that's so cool we did it let's go hell yeah you got a heart container your life has increased by one and now fully replenished let's go dude i'll take that any day of the week ah we know what to do here [Music] master i'm a message written in the language of the gods of old allow me to translate it for you from the edge of time i guide you the one chosen to carry out the goddess's mission the spirit maiden who descended from the clouds has traveled to two sacred places to purify her body you stand in one of those places sky view spring the other is known as the earth spring the second spring is hidden away deep within the scorched earth of elden the spirit maiden ever mindful of the heavy task entrusted to her has set out for the second sacred place got the ruby tablet the weathered surface of this heavy stone tablet feels very old master as i had just translated it would appear that zelda purified herself in the waters of the spring zelda bathwater oh don't don't stop my analysis suggests you should take the tablet to the altar in skyloft doing so will likely open a new column of light in the surface a bird statue that transports you back to the sky should be in the forest you previously passed through see the sky we go oh you're new big bell oh i can shoot what is this thing that's so cool think donk this is beetle this is why just by the oh you've come all this way it's so rare to have a customer here beetles air shop has everything you could ever want please take a look around if you actually buy something that would be even better oh extra wallet okay you can carry an extra 300 rupees in your wallet uh this could be useful yeah yeah yeah we get the wall so we can now hold 600 rupees okay and then i'll get the bug net here oh uh you catch bugs and other small things remember to approach quietly and straight quick another key item interesting you buy it thank you all righty let's go to the let's go to eldon now i didn't use the sail cloth i did it it opened for me trash game let link face plant for once please all right this is eldon volcano pretty any special requests money oh rupees is that really what you're after hey i don't exactly have any rupees on me fine but i got something better the digging mitts use these sharp claws to dig through patches of soft earth it's not like i'm using things you know they're like they're way better than rupees hey i just want rupees okay i i don't i'm a lack of a job i'm like a 19 year old kid in this game and and my my girlfriend just got lost a man's got to make a living somehow okay hey you the goddess's chosen hero oh you're dressed in black zelda is ahead hurry we're you should like gear hims like alter ego that'd be kind of cool actually i'd be kind of down with that that looks pretty cool i wonder what's inside besides fire obviously the earth temple i do i like this theme it's kind of slaps uh how do i beat you what slingshot oh but what if i or if i use the slingshot for this what's going to happen it's a ball that is conveniently rolled to the very edge over here okay oh cool mechanic you know what i'm okay with that i like that mechanic that's kind of neat uh where are we go i guess we go over this way can i beat you like this we literally rolled him blast i might have dropped it earlier what you're well like your convenient bomb bag or something like that we get oh god i dropped the key item of this this this dungeon it's probably not that easy though it's showing up here means we're connected somehow you know like fate or something anyways do me a favor and get my bomb bag okay okay okay lead okay we'll go get your bomb back i was behind that rock looking for treasure when these cubes showed up my pan getting hit the road but it looks like i dropped it let me guess and then at the end you're like hey you know i don't even need the bomb bag anymore you can keep it the bag for king around bomb flowers can't imagine not having one okay and then there's gonna be like some sort of boss at the end that you can only deal damage with bombs or something i'm just calling it dude i am calling it this is the only way i can see to go across there we go okay so we can do that oh oh you know what we do here yeah yeah so we take this bomb and then we roll it across yeah right two las alpos here and they're the right hand left hand interesting [Laughter] let me add them let me add them so we gotta i feel like we like the thing the thing to do here with this fight is to focus on one because then the other one's just gonna be really easy comparison yeah because he because one of them blocks me and then the other one doesn't yeah nice we got one of them all right next another one it'll be it'll be easier uh now that i have another one left yeah gassed me up that was pretty good we'll take those and then that's the bomb bag ah there it is there it is so we're gonna tell him hey you know we got your bomb bag back and then he's gonna be like oh no i don't need the bomb bag anymore uh you can keep it because you're just so cool and handsome and just a great adventurer hey you found my bomb bag sorry to put you through that i guess i owe you one now so let me have it what's this now you want to borrow it so you can go deep into the volcano all right you're looking for your friend i'm sure you have to put yourself out there getting this far reminds me how's my pal he's just gone he's dead dude seriously can't depend on anybody these days let me take that back looks like your friend can count on you though right you've risked your life and let me get here i'm not letting you borrow my bag though nope i'm giving it to you whoa crazy just don't blow yourself up and we got a bomb bag leader was kind enough to give to you so make sure you take good care of it what a what an unexpected gift oh do i have to go through here okay i think i have to go through here and do the other side of the gate oh i do oh i love when i'm right [Music] nice boss time yeah i mean yeah we're walking through the boss door that would make sense oh look it's the end of the dungeon can we just like hey if there is a boss here can we just like talk it through hey what's up gary him oh it's you yeah what's going on dude let me see no that's not it this is so very embarrassing i seem to have lost for your name not like it matters really to tell you the truth i'm feeling a bit frustrated and right now i need just someone to vent to oh we're just so close friends you can you can you can uh tell me anything that goddess serving dog escaped with the girl i must have the spirit mating in order to resurrect my master i must have her all right he's a master so this is the underling interesting i got a little carried away there didn't i i don't deal well with uh complications to the plans i've laid out so carefully a character flaw of mine you know there's something special i'd like you to meet oh don't be shy i need to vent all this unhealthy anger and your agony is such a great stress reliever it won't take more than a few moments with my friend before you're charred to a satisfying crisp let me tell you i'll put a spring in my step it's a boulder oh no okay it is it is a boulder oh [Music] pyroclastic fiend scaldera okay so it literally is a boulder okay i wasn't wrong oh what am i doing wait i have i have bombs here i have bombs on it okay and then you're going to do that oh and then you have an eye oh you stab it okay you stop it that's how you do it and then we can do this again okay i wonder oh that's it oh okay so i actually didn't okay i need to get there just stab it i'm just cabin stabbing it works don't mess with the formula stabbing works nice okay not bad good fight good fight good fight not bad like literally i don't think i've taken a single hit damage i didn't take any damage from him if we beat him let's go yeah it kind of looks like uh sully yeah oh sorry mike wazowski from monsters egg yeah didn't take a single hit of damage for that fight not bad and we got a heart container all right let's go up uh let's see zelda hopefully there's zelda with uh whoever that is with women in black although it's more like a dark blue link you cannot go to him you grace remember what we discussed restrain yourself focus the task at hand what you can't do that that's illegal i i have to go i'm sorry link my zelda took you far too long to get here looking at you i fear the goddess is mistaken in her choice of agents if this failure is any indication you have no hope of defending her grace from those who seek to a sailor do my words anger you boy yeah that's mean do my words sting let them if i had not come when i did your zelda would have already fallen into the hands of the enemy the truth of it is that you relate you relate and you fail to protect her i sent zelda ahead to learn more of the fate in which she is destined to play it apart listen well chosen one if you wish to be of help to her grace must summon a shred of courage and face the trials laid out before you only when you've conquered the trials will you be of use to zelda no sooner am i understood okay i guess let's see let's see where we need to go from here hey we got some jammies at least [Music] master i have a message written in the language of the gods of old from the edge of time i guide you the one destined to carry out the goddess's mission the spirit maiden who descended from the clouds has passed through the earth spring and made her way to a faded place the parched desert of la neru that is where the chosen will pass through the gate of time oh we got time travel in this game and that's oh my god wait there's only three tablets okay i thought there were four you got the amber tablet the weathered surface of this heavy stone tablet feels very old so it's just like one large one okay interesting uh i guess let's go back to the surface and uh put the tablet where it's supposed to be inside the statue of the goddess here we go third tablet [Music] all right i've confirmed the location of a third opening in the cloud barrier allowing me to reach a new area which is the lenairu desert i think it was let's let's go to it honestly we just head over there all right let's head to la neru third area of the game oh whoa that's a huge triforce what is that yeah that zelda's passed through here as previously stated this area is highly dangerous oh my god is that where the temple is wow oh my god this area is huge what is this it's like a she it's the sheikah symbol on there [Music] it's green so it's like a revitalizer or something hey what happened what just happened where did you come from we're here collecting time shift stones and transporting them to la neru mining facility oh so we just literally went back in time that time shift has occurred within the space yeah reading shows that this area is in a past time state what that's such a cool car dude this is so cool pushing okay fire oh there it is that's the power generator and now what what oh whoa that's so cool dude that's so neat okay so we'll okay next we're not going to talk about that okay anyways let's continue up [Music] third dungeon it is the name reminding facility uh what's in here whoa you got the gust bellows an ancient and mystical device capable of blowing an endless gust of wind blow [Music] sorry um that's such a cool item this is pretty neat i wonder what you can do with it okay so it's literally a vacuum cleaner but it blows instead of sucks okay that's a weird one oh do i have to go like that that is awkward what um i'm a little confused here the block doesn't fit what [Music] i can't push this into the wall [Music] all right chat all right what is it what happened i'm soft locked it's a glitch really like are we sure about that is it actually bugged it is dude of course that would happen of course that would happen to me like out of anybody like i feel like this is like on brand that's so funny okay so i'm not i'm not an idiot okay i'm not an idiot it just broke good to know so it literally broke okay so it wasn't like oh point guard you need to push the box i quite literally could not push the box because the game was glitched that's so funny dude i'm finding glitches casually every day ah there we go oh it's the outfit toy i know how this goes i just can't get into the way i need i want to like i can i see the solution here the controls are weird and i'm that's not copium that's that's true that's realistic i'm right there it is it's not copio all right whatever let's go to the boss that's cool i like that effect right there that's so sick [Laughter] what an intro [Music] oh i can see what the directionality how you're supposed to get this guy thousand-year arachnid mole dark so um you can either go so it doesn't matter either either one you just have to hit it in like the but yeah like that and the side that it goes i want to break free beautiful singing by the way we're pretty good at this did bosnia by the way oh we got one okay so we got one of his claws we have three hearts left okay [Music] no claws left and then we stab him right a lot there it is yeah let's go dude easy boss oh my god dude i'll take that any day all right another piece of heart oh it rained out all the sand oh and this is the tunnel to the the aid of time hey we got a heart container nice all right let's try it out here we are what is that though yeah what is that of course of course [Music] oh yo that's what your grace quickly to the gate link link here you'll need this where you're going so that's so out of place link go you have my thanks i will leave them to you run that's so cool link you must go now return to the old woman at the sealed grounds tell her what happened here she'll know where you must go that is so cool is that the gate of time and no that we will definitely i'll definitely see you again this isn't goodbye link i promise now you've done it link i blame myself i should have reprimanded you the last time we met but instead i was soft but next time i'll do more than just beat you senseless i'll make the affair so excruciating you'll different yourself with the shrill sound of your own screams oh my god what now
Channel: PointCrow
Views: 538,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pointcrow, point crow, breath of the wild, botw, skyward sword, ss, skyward, sword, skyward sword hd, sshd, the legend of zelda, the legend of zelda skyward sword, the legend of zelda skyward sword hd, hd, gameplay, gaming, nintendo, switch, nintendo switch, breath of the wild prequel, breath of the wild sequel, botw 2, lets play, skyward sword playthrough, playthrough, first playthrough, walkthrough, zelda, link, fi, girahim, speedrun, speedrunning, speedrunner plays, zelda pro, wr, world record
Id: ET_dnLIXkeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 36sec (2916 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2021
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