Luigi's Mansion 3 but some funny stuff happens .

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good film it's just an escort mission look at this look at this beautiful beautiful hotel there's two things I've ever been scared of before giant centipedes running up my leg at 3 a.m. and Miss Robin my third-grade teacher in middle school as long as none of these ghost assigns me homework through the next day you should be watching a let's player with the fortitude of a rock zigzaggy road ahead careful sharp left turn you start spooling at the belt design good why does he sound easy sounds like a chair creaking that's weird chair but is this Luigi's Mansion in fact this isn't even a mansion it's a hotel when do the lies stop Nintendo oh he oh he's feel him you can tell he's vibing the pelvic thrust is all I need to see all right okay close your eyes everybody at home let me describe to you your perfect man he's tall a charming face perfect posture dedicated to his craft and the cherry on top is their undivided stare that you can gaze into it anytime you might need reassurance in your life all plus with a voice like a radiator with a coal I mean how could I not swoon you you'll want a lozenge steward you okay buddy I don't we let you take many sick days do that oh I'm sorry sorry oh I meant Oh first of all he's got that face he's got that stance but he's got that prance oh my gosh Luigi's hips like look I'm just saying when a games got good design I'll point it out someone had to animate that and whoever animated that needs to be put under control I think we're about ready to check in enough walking let's do some talking the last resort only can be checked either once all of their hotels have been checked into why your hair look like a Swiffer like I can honestly clean this entire mansion with your hair you all must be very tired come allow me to show you to your rooms no nobody need to worry about your luggage our exceptional staff will take care of it for you oh okay it's even with the first jump-scare like that stop does she appear in the mirror ah she doesn't that's such a cool touch huh you heard of a bidet but how about a good day whenever you give a thumbs up to a toilet it just flushes what about this he's like a ten year old that's actually 10 year old me trying to get out on the counter so I can get the straws from the top cabinet what are you doing buddy have you no shame crushing flowers flipping a chair walking into the light so we're talk I love how bright it is in this one room they have to fit the entire game's bloom budget into this one intro we'll never see a room this bright again the next like 16 hours of gameplay you've heard of Link's Awakening but how about Luigi's slumber oh hello so you're gonna flush who put you in devil put you in the toilet hey uh can we call a broom service I think the bidet is malfunctioning it's supposed to spray water instead it's only blood comes out I don't know why I also feel something sharp down there and not into that oh look out ghosts I'm like a beyblade except I got anxiety and a desire to kill dude this game is sick like what the heck of it I'm actually stunned with how cool this game is this is already like a ten out of ten game is your room living up to your expectations doesn't it scream good taste it there's the scream that's what I was looking for I mean I see what she likes at him he's a man with a good good size to him all I'm saying he's got the perfect male proportions he's just a ball I'm trapping you and everyone in your little vacation body in frames ah there there Luigi you know I'll be over soon it's time for a family reunion booyah I don't know I'm a fan of art personally I don't mind it which is dead game over we nice time time time well at least we were frame perfect good night good night oh my god oh my god oh wow he is he is mad oh my god how many you gotta be to lick a dish to death don't get this game for some anger management classes it's not healthy for him Go Go extra jump extra jump breathes in breathe out think of the Fed early easy well there he goes am i dead one thing thing of all laundry huh you just threw down some dirty seats well man he got some soiled pants we'd use a terrifying fellow of you looking at him straight in the eyes dude his little minor face features wow that's a bouncy spider web man this games so unrealistic no attention to detail is there a button that makes you say Mario wait a minute your fool if you think I won't literally call all grip this controller just to say Mario every other frame oh don't be GTA ourselves out of here huh an old friend goodbye dog I'm sorry you had to be like this no but he was a Ghost Dog oh so he was fine Yelling's er sorry sorry sorry dogs teaching me to do tricks when he definitely doesn't wear the pants in the household does he oh now it gets good oh yeah I'll come back you're at come back here oh you're coming with me a chat how's it going you cannot hold on there is these giant that rat is flying right now actually animal abuse I'm sorry everybody hey cheese oh he didn't just say cheese oh no he said oh this is so satisfying oh my god we're robbing this whole place you took my friends of taking your towels fair trade fair trade it's Hotel towels they're naturally very nice no hollow like that Luigi I got a whole weird don't kill and life die you're dead come here buddy it's a flashing first don't I have to be like wow yeah and then I can start the ah come here buddy hop on it oh I'm gonna have to claw grip for this game aren't I oh oh my own do percent about the claw grip this game you get them all the dogs getting involved too well you don't like that sending the lion Luigi can't mess with living flesh and here he is weighing in at a modest 325 pounds the green missile with a signature move boss sucking slam actually hate that I don't like that name oh there we go those action just banjo grabbing a jiggy hey toad trick or treat buddy good Tim tops pull honey good I know your flesh and blood are no longer flowing and functioning well I got some money to grab we do where'd you put that gem Louie do what oh I can tell her that phase exactly where he put it and we keep on walking you know I think Poulter pup is a bit too long of a name for our dog Oh friend which we call him live chat can we call him flop I actually love flop I don't know why but flop is such a good name I like floating pup call him flop well flop exists now Oh as grand people are saying thank you Graham what's the pup I was a flop come on sup flop dude this is I can tell right now this is the name set in stone what the heck what a strange attachment taste the rainbow shoots the rainbow prophet I mean that's how the template goes Mike I got literally like hundreds of dollars right now so I don't care maybe god I'm busy smashing piggy banks Luigi's striking it rich here he's gonna have ten grand before they take a single breath go fluff go flop what the heck the flop was within us all along bring them out he dies on impact that's the guy right there oh I love him now isn't the time to catch up what matters is you know you'll do nicely come on Luigi get me out of it do I get the suction his head and shoot his head like a melon the hotel is filled to the brim with ghosts let's make a run for it it's just an escort mission big oh no you say I'm a handful huh huh well I'll just let him do his thing let him get it out of his system he's look a lot a lot goes to your brain when you're trapped inside of a painting for that long can I help you okay you know what you don't interrupt a man on a mission look if he's doing his own thing I'm clearly not gonna stop it yeah a little bit winded are you oh yeah we not done going back for round number three you can't stop a man with passion is all I'm saying who needs a ring for adventure when you have ring I'm gonna I'm gonna let him up with some sympathy here and actually try and leave the room on every ghost he's making his way over whoa he built up speed for 12 hours is Boop no EEG why please don't this is a masterpiece so far okay no need to like screaming follow me buddy understand me five feet away in the hotel like I know there's some clingy people out there but come on man oh gosh oh okay you guys coming from you that's rich buddy parish that's why I thought Oh back off buddy Oh looks like you're getting lost where'd he go Oh long live the king buddy what done it's also incredibly intimidating oh he's coming losing want a mess buddy nothing there we go there we go mess them up yeah clog wish for dead but you will never truly get it what the heck yeah ha ha you found me but there are only two maybe they're other ghosts out there with the rest of the buttons let's go to my car something very interesting I want to show you okay you oh it's green Oh what the heck it's a lab don't call it a frisbee dungeon chat this is the frisbee dad welcome to my lab Luigi you're our only hope against all odds without any hesitation at any cost yet my ghost collection back it speak of ghosts collections why don't you give me all of the money you've captured so far yeah I'm not actually joking though I'm very poor to help you out I'll give you one of my greatest invention yet of course it doesn't go it again cop rate obviously just wait till they finish the marketing materials on this and we'll fly off the shelves hmm that's a really cute reference I like that first plus a look at the VB LLL display your current objective for you hop on it hello hello oh my God he's popping off oh Gordon nice and tight apparently it's elevator of elevator buttons just smooth don't they those buttons will let you reach new floors right for exploration oh you might find your friends there one more thing you before you go Luigi we need you to go do a quick test of the V beeps communication system open the rebuild plus it's like the egad hotline don't click any of the other High Line's on Luigi those are for my personal use alone Luigi I'm counting on you Luigi sure thing my god so you're able to take the elevator to up the fire floor right now right for floor 5 if you're not an illiterate idiot I was actually staying in a room on that fella there's a briefcase in my room would you fetch it for me Luigi there's artifacts in there I don't want getting it's the wrong hands Luigi do you understand how easy it relates to the other hotline I'll do my room numbers ha blast was it what was it yeah you got the map you'll figure it out good luck Luigi try to come back alive yeah also mine so it's it's drifting Oh No oh the most horrifying thing to encounter realizing your proton is drifting No before guys for a bite oh oh oh we're gonna call yellow yellow no it's red Luigi you stupid creature I've told you this I just remember something important I think likely to mention you're an idiot a failure on a dis race verloc Luigi yeah please please I really don't want that suitcase falling into the wrong hands especially Twitter please don't hang up Luigi I'm very lonely
Channel: Failboat
Views: 1,872,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Luigi's mansion, Luigi's Mansion 3, Mario, nintendo switch, Switch, but some funny stuff happens, help me, experience, Luigi, gameplay, funny moments, lets play, episode 1, ep 1, luigis mansion 3
Id: -4eb809g6Ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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