Glitching Smash bros Ultimate 2

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you're just looking at like a video example of what natural selection looks like eventually just some find ways to make it over those are the ones that will reproduce and we'll go on living the rest will just die unable to evolve unable to reproduce they will perish along the wayside you know what you know that first level in Mario where you first encounter like the hammer bros you know what I'm talking about what is on them and they're on like two strips of bricks this is what my ten-year-old brains perceive that as will never be hit oh man you know what the repeated bludgeoning of 127 Amber's in three seconds directly into my forehead has got to be the worse way for me personally ever to find out that I still hit tab jump on let me back in let me in let me in hole are they coming oh hey coming I don't want you and this one it's no longer try we're well beyond the point of trying you're plenty of chic and Meili be like I don't want to try you anymore I think I've gotten the full experience Thank You Kristal trying to fight sorties and smash all can be like trying to try to find it ain't on Chrome and neutral be like I love the description of this a lot fires a volley of five bottle rockets v q5 they say something tells me that's not gonna be very true at all something jumps so tells me we're going a little bit over the intended amount of missiles stop stop let her beat how far do these things track me these things ever better passing than the Google Maps AI what are you saying it's my what is my what please speak up I can't hear you over you who will handle this which one of you I think there's multiple of you Oh No huh I see from the question has been resolved you're all handling this thank you I've already had a good taste of it by now we're well beyond a taste at this point we're now on to full-on consumption we're going down the path of obesity on your blades please stop oh my god you hear the things if I know there's a lot of sound effects going off but you hear things if it's adorable you know amongst all the screaming but if you can make it out it sounds pretty cute there were no dawn of the final day not enough dawn of the final day was yesterday Skull Kid has gone past its expiration date and much like the inspires tomatoes my fridge I want nothing to do with him what if likes some some mother unaware of my content or video gaming watch this they just looked over their son's shoulder and just heard me being like everyone spam filled with a live bad everyone spam fail both every channel never say any other and subscribe to Finland don't need to kill me that's pretty good I can do anything except feel substantial damage to the enemy actually duck I barely do anything in that regard so almost anything I'm gonna be real with you gamer something tells me the developers did not did not plan for this kind of execution also we just got like quadi ated creates a cursed zone of darkness yeah yeah no that definitely defines the stream this stream if it wasn't cursed before we're certainly about to cross a bridge [Music] don't approach me though come over your other Isabel do with you you want to go over here I'll show you the true sequel to the world of lights welcome everybody to the world of light I didn't get fast with did that just slide this is a sister of peas wave - turns out ironically waluigi and Nintendogs said the best wave - out of the entire smash Aultman roster there they are there they are I was wondering where they were oh god they're everywhere they're everywhere they've been easily grabbed this entire time got come on no wait wait I've learned I've learned from all my years of waiting for the for the screensaver to hit the corner it never will the screensaver never hits the corner I've been training my life for this fight the way she just looked at her the way she looked at her like it's mine now you see this some eyes cuz of this right here mine gone you'll never get it again okay nevermind yes you just reset the universe wait a minute do they not fire oh my god only the first one fires alright hold me the first one fires they don't even do any physical damage I thought this one was gonna be the worst it's actually just completely okay slowly they come over intros of the yeehaw got it what it's already been patched it's over guys the hot fakes happen midstream oh god oh yeah Oh what what what what it killed the source what's happening what's happening oh my god what is happening the camera started tearing they're fighting each other for control which is the dominant devil you know definitely caught off guard to learn smash up in a secret battle royale mode featuring the actual devil but uh not as shocked as you might think okay you know I don't think you need to war I think I understand you're threatening presence without you having to do anything quite frankly I love that ones the ones that like fly away up top like okay let's leave our keys just mapped on here seems the boys got this one covered in fact I think one 1/4 speed and 1.5 speed ironically go to the same speed that is the only time you will see that happen see I love this about snack fruits they're always so loyal to the source games and boy if you've ever played Xenoblade Chronicles 2 I can tell you one for one this is exactly what every single battle scene sounds like to a tee
Channel: Failboat
Views: 2,771,638
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Smash Bros Ultimate, Smash Ultimate, Failboat, Glitch, Assist Trophy, new, Switch, Funny stuff happens, Isabelle
Id: fWc3uHRVDcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 16sec (436 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 26 2018
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