New Fake Pokemon :)

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hey there everybody you doing good don't worry that's gonna change soon what are you doing dude is that its nose that is its nose it's now a visor so we're just gonna [Music] i can just use gooey there we go oh no why does it look oh my god it does you gotta cut one of them in half and have like the bones sticking out well it looks great thanks dude chad give us a pokemon is something else that you don't want to see as a pokemon someone said groudon ramsay i'll take groudon ramsay okay i'm probably gonna take snom is john wick i'm kind of digging whooper squidward nagitsa kamida and evie sure uh three two one oh go start oh no what i might have just destroyed gordon ramsay he's gonna cover that up oh my god this looks what have i done i missed photo j how's yours going it's uh it's it is oh timer all right mine's a real simple cut and done we got some gordon ramsay we got some grout on preparing sauteed flambein i love the ground on ramsey this ground is dry i got kamida and evie i fused him to create the ultimate oh my god cutest boy oh look at him i'm going to cry so i had hooper and squidward here's wootward um and he has the yeah he has a hat oh mine is john wick and snob oh my god oh he's protecting lilly pop adorable wait who whose artist what art is that there's a signature at the bottom right it's in like doctor texas fire i think you have the cleanest one of them i think so i think so too someone said do a sonic pokemon i think i'm gonna take that one okay i skew plus iphone i think that could make for something good maybe jonesy for tonight and right you hold up a second edson marty from madagascar 3. he said me and marty from madagascar three they did no hold on i got mine i'm gonna do farron and tom nook all right here we go three two one begin okay then hello there oh his face sorry oh man do i gotta cut off his um what are you doing that's we're not going to find out no you'll see all right tom look first thing to go is your head [Music] no in relation to what this poor creature oh this is lazy but i think it will be quite nice that's what i say when every time i finish a video chat why are you saying they'll know what do you what's wrong with this okay i'm gonna remove this human ear because he doesn't require that now that he's a raichu noodle that you're telling me this isn't perfect let me have a look what the heck i'm actually have you guys ever seen that thomas the tanking gear i send a lot this one hold on oh oh oh oh i was i ah that's the vibes i get from what you're doing chat don't ask why i have disembodied hands available it has a separate tab my chest is just like give it ears it's supposed to have ears all right chat fine as you desire this isn't going to work guys this is a monstrosity the friendship or the photoshop photoshop that's i appreciate you as well jay you're on the line i tolerate you jay for as long as i'm recording what me probably it doesn't even have an eye i've i've ruined this creature why is sonic so come on man i don't like sonic somebody doesn't like you not when you not when you do this doesn't like you i am all said and done on my end i am nearly done i actually ruined everything i'm gonna just make the eye travel up into this forehead i don't even good lord what are you making again definitely sonic and a pokemon and it is like it is something okay what that was jay i made some cpr for a second here what the hell are you okay you like suffocating i'm good bro i'm super happy is that your happiness sound yeah yeah it's weird right i know we all have differences man it's okay yeah yeah some of us are better than others and that's fine this is the gif responding to what you just said why don't you go first and since you've been ready for 15 minutes excellent mine doesn't have too much presentation despite this video production but uh here's uh frook so you know he's complete fully formed i bend down give you a kiss yeah my child up here we have nooks cranny come on in any time why does he look like he's screaming in agony the more you strike oh i wonder why oh that's just the black hole that they keep outside so that's my creation i'm just gonna leave him rising in pain are you guys ready i am ready we got a number one victory royale yeah fortnight we about to get down get down 10 kills on the board right now now took out to mayo town tomato town my friend just got down i revived him now we're heading southbound what a my hero there it is oh that was perfect all right oh the two people in the call okay go ahead okay okay only person left in the call by process of elimination this is ice cube yeah which i think is like that ice cube weird name right weird thing i believe i had to combine it with an iphone so i made ice cubes wait this is excellent huge step up from the previous model we have a brand new 10 inch display a bar code for constant surfacing replaceable batteries it can't overheat otherwise it'll self-destruct so don't keep it in a warm environment and yeah no camera we decided that cameras are oh and also it doesn't do phone calls um yeah we've made a lot of a lot of issues but his signature move is uh lock nice thick it comes in all different colors such as white and black and that's what you get all right i'm going to show you mine which is terrible hit us with it unless it's like a blunt object what's this like a blunt in which case whoa let's take it easy okay he's here you go don't worry about his arm leg you're gonna laugh at his arm like when i see him oh he has one really long arm that he needs oh it is oh my god it still has a fingernail on the right side you know what it's the clip of a fingernail and i couldn't chop it off so i forget it his arm is one arm ian made a 3d model of mine all right do we have enough time for for another for another round ah understood bye bye everybody all right chad give us some pokemon lego mario charizard what a specific house wow do that i want to try that one out okay i've got mine i've got mine i'm gonna tell you what it is oh yeah oh that's right i already revealed my own three two one go dwight sand schrute [Music] is frozen and i'm really hoping that nothing happens oh it's good [Music] chad i have 14 gun images which one you want here's oh my god happy now i'm all good if you guys want to drop your images i chose to combine sailboat and charmander and i get char dander [Laughter] do you like the background is that a photo you took or something yes i took a photo of the tiny fan and you're old oh my god you're right so i used it as the backdrop in my old apartment that was just my ceiling fan it's like it's like a baby evolution of an actual functional fan new plush new plus dropping soon you guys ready for this heat so i i took uh lego mario and gave it a little spin of a friendly whooper and then gave it a gun i'm pretty happy with how this little guy came out though small little woodland animal uh does not work well with the fact that he runs completely and solely on you know double a batteries interchangeable parts you could take off the tail you could put on like a little thwomp back there customize them as you will also he has an off button too when you hit that his eyes power off and he does not come back from that he runs on double a batteries and nine millimeter bullets all right bye close this off here yeah i'm gonna need your participation with this okay oh boy i'm gonna participate i'm going in chat i mean i mean red sauce yup red sauce red sauce i said it red sauce come on chat red sauce bread sauce red sauce red [Music] that's actually incredible it's a mangas and a mungus of course dude why did no one that's brilliant you couldn't work for that one dude that's really good they have aerodynamic burgers [Laughter] all right chat we're gonna do one last photoshop jigglypuff steve i got you yeah take it back what's in here me when i hear you have diamonds do you have diamonds on your phone this isn't even pokemon at this point do you have diamonds on your phone that's it chat we have made funny you know what i'm going to drop this in the general section of my server there we go general is a mess isn't it ah what was i even doing here i was making jigglypuff that's right oh there we go there we go round it out a little bit make it a little bit more round in the front all right the before and after is always a little jarring jacob if you don't know has a big old swirl for her hair so i figured it would only be apt if we you know put one foot two little arm little arm yes we are putting the ears below his arms do you think i care no this is like jigglypuff yeah perfect i say cautiously glue's good also has like the perspective oh yeah i think we're done i think this one sort of prints itself and on the tip of the tongue i'm going to put screamingcat.png for no reason other than it looks funny
Channel: Failboat
Views: 217,019
Rating: 4.977612 out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, pokemon, photoshop, pokemon snap, edit, fake, new
Id: 1rPWlZqSqdM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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