Neighbor UPDATE Live Plus Bulk Auction

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[Music] it's that time again sunday and 9 p.m eastern standard where we go live to hang out with you guys for quite some time [Music] usually be far alive jeremy likes to kick off with a song never ever like to kick a song [Music] okay he doesn't like to kick a song but he will sing a song where's my earplugs roughly about the time when i became a man excuse me what take them out now i can't hear you oh you will you will roughly about the times when i became a man i saw my first auctioneer [Music] loud voice can you hear me with my loud voice [Music] got [Music] very long sigh storage unit life is for real 100 100 100 got my first unit do you remember when i got my first unit all of a sudden i can hear now i can hear got my first [Music] cover your eyes did we find some of those this week i believe we did you put on a pair [Music] [Music] [Music] that's a given for real for reals i'm gonna be buying george no matter how bad your back is that's already been cut no matter how far i've gotta drive george because the storage unit life is for real it does not end it really doesn't he said he's going once and now he's going files but how could i resist it at that price got it for a deal [Music] maybe someday [Music] before but now all of a sudden now all of a sudden um now you're taking them out and i'm back with my ears my ears are unplugged we're ready to roll what a crazy week um it feels like we just went live with you guys wait should we let them know about oh yeah look at look at the bridge of jeremy's nose no there is a video coming you will find out exactly what happened but i think most of you probably already figured it out yeah so we've got so much to go through and to cover so we do very first thing everybody wants an update on what the hails is going on in otter creek not o t t e r but o d d e r creek because things just get odder and odder and honor by the day so we absolutely absolutely are going to share some of that information with you uh you guys want an update on the neighbors you know what i used to there was a day when we found gold and silver and jewelry in storage units and people would just they would love those videos yeah and now from us now they'd rather they want otter crew now they want the super light for life gold and silver has been around forever let's let's focus on the neighbors and the towns otter creek was never on the map before and i think their proudest the thing they're proudest most of is trying to hide to not be on that map um by all means they are now they are now there is no doubt about that you used to go where people would go hey where are you from and you would go otter creek they would go where and now they go what the hell you too you're from there too so uh we absolutely will be digging into otter creek tonight we've got so much mail so much mail right now we've got to get in the mail when i start to bring it over you're not gonna see you're not even gonna believe how much mail there is you guys you guys are amazing the super fans the subscribers you guys are absolutely amazing and i think the folks that send us fan mail they have just as much fun watching us open it as much as we have fun opening it i've been watching our reactions i think they're having fun with super chats right now you got a bc uh bc eagle dev sent five dollars says hi jeremy george what did that explicit what did that beep have to say when she saw the property line we will be giving you a full update yes we will be giving you a full update we'll be letting you guys all know and there's so much more to come so much more robert brunswick sent five dollars says hello jared and george and jeremy my honorary dungery dogs appreciate it robert thank you so much robert so oh we got more more super jay sent 20 bucks said good evening george and jeremy love you guys god bless you too appreciate it right back to you service chihuahua five dollars says hello george and jeremy and any lots tonight for video games etc that's a good question because there were a lot of things in that storage there was i wish i could auctioned it all off right there from the storage unit you wanted to auction it right there from the storage unit yeah that's what she would have no tonight i wanted to auction off everything that we found in the storage unit but there's no way we would ever there's no way and you already worked me non-stop around the clock and i'm not allowed to even sleep so so the cut off the cutoff time is midnight we try not to go past midnight with the auctions we already don't get 12. i don't get sleep well you don't get sleep by choice because you choose to do the workload that you do so i don't want to hear you complaining that you don't get sleep because you choose the workload that you put on yourself linda hiller sent five dollars says lunch is on me next time you're in kissimmee would love to meet you both appreciate it linda i think i'm saying that right kissimmee no it's kissing me no i think it's kissimmee no i'm pretty sure it's kissing me tomato tomato no i'm pretty sure it's just kissing me vicky sent a five dollar super sticker appreciate it vicky just a reminder to all of our viewers on youtube and facebook uh tonight for the auction you always want to be on youtube but uh we started this whole adventure on youtube and we continued to broadcast on youtube and facebook and then uh tonight in regards to the auction you want to be on youtube we encourage you if you're on facebook swing over to youtube make sure you subscribe youtube has been scrubbing the platform youtube does this all the time you hear saying this for years they do it almost quarterly sure that you are subscribed and make sure you hit all bell notification now the subscribe button every single what the hell's video has a subscribe button right about the red one now in real life i can't see anything but hopefully you see something right now appreciate the five dollars jones but you may not see that until after the live yeah you know what you may not actually see that button until after the live processes well in order to subscribe you do need a login you need a username password but it's free it's awesome email addresses that's all it is uh elvis presley jr sent five dollars says everyone needs to support the hills do donate now appreciate it elvis we appreciate it carol um says hi from utah keep up the good work appreciate it carol so we've got we've got store wait first of all this week started do you remember i mean it's so craziness the week started off with with trespassers on the property yes and a lot of people thought that they were two-legged trespassers when in reality they were four-legged trespassers and there was four of them so that makes how many legs delicious four times four that sounds like eight wendy appreciates the four maybe i'm thinking about eight bacon 18 so so that was a lot of fun being able to get the rest of the siblings which the one of the first one that we transported from the trap to the pen ended up squishing its little body and just slithering its way we got to name these piglets tonight as well so we gotta do that support make and now mick mick has messaged us already she's given us permission to share this with you all of our prayer warriors out there mick has been diagnosed with brain tumors again and so this is in her first round and so she has let us know that uh she is she's okay with us sharing that with everybody we encourage you guys to pray for mick draper if you recall before you were praying for mr draper and so mr draper is doing great now and now we encourage you to keep making your prayers as well mick is hail's hilarious dude is that the best way i've been a super fan for quite some time now yeah and we got to meet her last yeah mr draper said oh you're going to go meet your fake friends he didn't think you didn't think we were real he didn't think we were real here we are and then here we are yep we got to meet him in person too edwin powell sent five dollars says jeremy you have relatives in kissimmee on the hardy side of the family oh really is that right uncle eddie news to him yeah i didn't even know i had no idea how cool is that very cool silver wheels sent 10 says towards the fence we do need a bigger pen so we could use money for more fencing appreciated silver wheels yeah but she's talking about the fence with the border with the neighbor so we are absolutely going to get into the neighbor uh and if you're wondering appreciate it beverly if you're wondering what's going on right here there there will be full video uh the bridge of my nose did getting a little scrap appreciate the ten dollars robert so we will get to that so we gotta name the pigs tonight we gotta get we gotta name the pigs we gotta get the mail we wanna make sure everybody is subscribed uh we want to make sure that everybody's got the all bell notifications because you don't want to miss one bit of otter creek having that all notification just notifies you every time we release a new video and when we go live and do you think otter creek is now a vacation destination i mean we already know the state of florida is but do you think otter creek is like a vacation destination well i know that otter creek you definitely have to drive through otter creek to get to cedar key which is a vacation destination but all of our fans keep sending us pictures of our gate of michael's house of the cameras of kenny's house um hundreds and hundreds of messages and pictures every day realizing oh my goodness otter creek actually exists this is this is what we see on youtube this is real this is some of the comments we've been getting on the videos they're like you know that fake reality tv show could never they're like you guys need your own netflix series just for otter creek and let's face it we're just skimming the surface of otter creek that involves us we've only been here for how long uh since december we drove down in december so on the property in january but we drove down in december rosie sent five dollars says the first pig should be named lunch hair lunch here lunchy lunchy appreciate it rosie laurie sent five bucks says my sister fell and fractured her hip she's in therapy rehab can you both say hi to her love you hi lori's sister hi lori's sister praying for you that you can uh get a full speedy recovery do you think do you think we should should we get to the pigs first then the mail and then the update or should we get to the mail than the pigs well you know the other thing okay the other thing is we had the flash drive and those are the memory cards from the storage unit yeah and here's what we're going to do with these we said in the videos we were going to share the information with you here tonight on the sunday night live but we're not even done going through everything so what we're gonna do we still have not finished going through everything in that unit it's actually in the poll barn so what we're gonna do we're gonna go through this on the next video the final video with that unit where we found all the gold and silver and the jewelry and and at that that unit there was like no garbage it was immaculate zero we're talking zero garbage thousands of dollars in coach purse is brand new i mean it's just incredible so we will go through this on that follow-up video we're also going to show you some other things that we found once we did a better sort i think you're going to be pretty shocked and we're going to get a closer look at the gold and the silver in that unboxing video so we're going to unbox and then we'll get a closer look and we're going to show you some other things that i set that all aside john harmon sent five dollars says can you say hi to my daughter lillian she enjoys the show a lot hi lillian fist pump to you and your dad john appreciate the five dollars wendy you appreciate the super sticker nancy you're an auctioneer say lillian lillian what do you think raptor adventures is in the chat sent a 10 super sticker they've been it was we got to hang out with them like three times and in whatever way today yeah wasn't it i can't even keep it trapped yes yesterday was saturday cannot keep things trapped and then they went to their first storage auction with us which they had a blast yes so they so that's when people say to us oh it's not real storage auctions they were there the entire time they saw us bid appreciate the suggestion kathy they saw everything come out not only that they saw a lot of stuff at the house afterwards because we got the whole thing we have the whole bedroom suite set up in front of us in the kitchen yep yep in the kitchen yeah so do you think we should get down to naaman pigs or uh mick draper looks like mick is getting down to naming pigs thank you rosie she said lunch should be the meat the mean piggy actually they've all calmed down a lot oh my goodness i was able to get all of them to eat straight from my hands like within 24 hours right after they've calmed down and they and their their siblings saw that they were coming up to me and eating and everything was and that they were okay and no they don't they don't have the same thank you tracy wait that the others oh they're so much thinner like they're they're skin and bone and so we mama will flatten so the crazy thing on the video even on the videos where i go hey look this is one we've had for a month this is one we just got and you put the computer you notice a huge difference you can you can tell the difference on the video but when you're right there and you can see every angle and you're like oh my goodness that baby pig you can see the ribs the bones and then the pig that we've had for a month you're like that's all bacon you're like that's a healthy look that's a healthy looking pig right there you really can tell the difference oh this scent five dollars says two of the pigs need to be named elvis and elvis junior appreciate it and then mac mc uh mick leland sent 10 dollars says hello from tacoma great rapping job george mack bought a a lot from us i take pride in the way i package things and wrap ups and says great job you don't do what he meant was packaging and shipping appreciate the twenty-five dollars carla all right what are you thinking name and pig time yeah all right so i took pictures you gotta get the pig number one i try to take pictures like they're they they move a lot so i try and take as the best pictures as i could here's a um a picture of all of them like ariel from above so you see all six of them that's all six babies there's the black and then you two this the two spotted ones the two brown ones and then the white and brown one and then here's the male so that that is the male he's the one that is spotted your arms are a little bit longer than mine and you know how we can tell he's a male because of his pork chops we checked we checked under the pork chops so all right lori says her sister's name is patty hey patty thank you corey okay so that's the mail so he's more he's more like a off-white and with black spots and then the little is that who you originally were like you're like i want to call him oreo oreo yeah and so here's the three that we captured i was able to get all three of them next to each other so you see the two spotted ones and then one of the brown ones the brown one was the aggressive one that would take that would launch at us she would charge she would charge and that's a female so which reminds me of another brown female so here here she is by herself reminds me of another she's got a couple spots like on like around her thigh and like her her booty area oh so she got a stamp is what you're saying she's got like spots she got a stamp already she broke out of the cage after hours after curfew came back milk draining down okay one last picture here's the two spotted ones side by side the female is more of like a like a goldish i would say blonde brownie yeah like uh almost like a strawberry blonde but very very gold very very in person very so you see the female is on the right and then the male's on the left so you guys helped us come up with names and there were so many good ones it was way too hard to decide way way way too hard to decide in the video i said that forgetting that we were gonna let you guys help us come up with the names because i wanted the the mail to be oreo because it was black and white yeah like a double stuffed oreo and then like us and then and then in the video you also said that the aggressive one should be i mean every characteristic is the same see my point exactly my point exactly so so there were so many good ones there was like there was houdini for the one that took off okay so everybody said number seven who took off has to be houdini if we can ever catch houdini again and have we given them an update that we did see her and she's not alone yeah that's in the that's in the video you're the one george's memory is horrible so you you already have a lot going on so you already know me if i don't remember everything you remember you don't remember literally talking about it in the video so it's okay for you to forget but i enjoyed that clip of seeing houdini but there's our lives are so crazy how do you expect me to remember every single detail we are we are 100 on board with all of you guys on number seven who has escaped twice that is absolutely houdini yes without a doubt that and that that could be a unisex name so whether it's any sleep artist like that houdini it is appreciate the five dollars sherry so houdini that one's easy you guys are geniuses escape artist houdini yes yes okay okay so that brings us back to who so then a lot of people um agreed with oreo a lot of people agreed with george jr or just calling and calling it junior so you think so you think george should be actually junior for just junior yeah so you guys all agree are you guys are you guys on board with me um aggressive tan female hangry all the time likes to sniff things but i don't make pig sounds so you got one thing that's different all right so i think oh they're saying hamlet hamlet we're getting yeses no trudy yes yeah oreo all right i think we're on board with junior we can go with junior junior for the brown one so brown one with the stamp that's junior because she was the feisty one man she has so many stinking things in in common in common with you yeah ain't that the truth ain't that the truth okay so we got houdini we got junior remember we're still getting to the neighbor update but we gotta name these pigs and we gotta get the mail so we got we got goldilocks uh goldie spots yeah and then we've got oreo spots so which one's next we've got okay so the female the spotted female one a lot of people said pepper because she's like salt and pepper which i liked pepper and then there was also um patches because she's spotty she's patchy what did you like what did you like i don't know it's a hard one that's why we need their help okay so it's like billy bob for the boy says hey zeus we got appreciated luis says hambone adam just sent uh milkshake two dollars old man said milkshake because you're always coming up in my yard adam is sending some uh dog treats they do they love it and it's actually easier to feed them because if you're if you're feeding them cheese-ish cheez-its dog treats it's too close to your hands even if you lay it flat they'll they'll confuse the cheez-its for your finger so with dog treats you're at least giving yourself space from your finger and they love it and it's different flavors it's an assortment of different flavors so they do they do love it they absolutely do love it so what are you thinking milkshake i don't know you just said milkshake you were like milkshake [Laughter] i said i said i liked salt and pepper pepper for salt and pepper earlier today you told me kevin well not for a female you said crispy and then you said kevin so for the mail oh those are the options for that was for them yeah so the female what were the options for the female there were so many for the for the spotted male there was kevin bacon crisp the letter p and then bacon but everyone knows kevin bacon so that'd be a good one all right so what about goldie spots goldie's spots would be actually pretty appropriate because she does have like a golden did anybody come up with that or did i just come up with that on the fly i think you may have come up with that on the fly and you're okay with that yeah what do you guys think goldie goldie spots she her her hair shines it does it golden shines very shimmers thank you mtq it literally shimmer she's probably the runt of the group well she's as of right now she's the most hesitant but even then i've been i've been petting and you know what i'm feeding just rubbing down and petting scratching and the whole deal so robert sent five dollars he says either hamrietta [Laughter] bacon bits we already have a bacon bits and then pork pie we are we already have bacon yeah we do becky says barbecue who could be bubble queue do you want to that almost is that's actually would be very appropriate all right barbecue it is all right goldie goldie spots is now barbecue that's what that's perfect that's barbecue why didn't we think of that because we needed their help to help us think i can think of goldie spots but i can't think of barbecue i'm not disappointed in myself actually paul sent 10 dollars who says hey you too god bless thank you appreciate it all right so now just saying it says honey glaze there's just too many good ones not just but grandma jay says goldie hawks that's so appropriate that's pretty good that's so good it's too hard to decide all right so for the boy you wanted it between chris p bacon and kevin bacon what are you guys thinking that's what you said right yeah she wants it between chris p bacon [Laughter] so for the boy we gotta we gotta get this down because because they gotta have names for when we call them the pigs are so smart pigs are like the equivalent of i don't know five or six year old or me almost like the other almost like a dog that just follows you around and and does listens to commands and rosie says you're not reading mine she just read that one rosie what do you think kevin or chris p i think kevin you think kevin yeah so let it be a lot of people are saying crispy i think it's mix it's a mix of crispy bacon kevin bacon so you're either gonna say kevin or chris it's mostly chris it's mostly chris chris so you're thinking chris p yeah all right so let it be written so let it be done houdini george jr oh phil says just use the other names for the ducks barbecue that's actually really good thank you and chris p bacon you know what time it is time for mail time for the mail wait till you guys see all of all of them so much better five dollars says sweet baby rain sweet baby right right that would be good and we are we absolutely are getting into the neighbor update are you going to get yeah so much mail you guys are i don't know if you guys are amazing or just amazingly crazy with all the mail you said we love it paul says crispy bacon appreciate it paul so much mail tonight you're gonna be able to handle it all [Music] the u the u-haul auction run the one you called you george where where we got the unit from kissimmee and um two of our fans were up there charlie and michelle and he gave he handed this over to me but jeremy didn't see what was in it so i'm going to give that over to you okay that was a gift to you he did tell us charlie did tell us where he got all of these things he found them all in storage units here look at this it's a tub of duddles assorted turtles because he knows that jeremy loves turtles i love turtles so where are we gonna put all these turtles um well look at this they're shelling turtles so we'll definitely put the ones with the shell turtles have to go by the shell um we've got halloween turtles need to go to october uh other the turtles like this that can that can go up on the shelf for display okay and some of these other turtles i'm gonna put in the bathtub to scare you the bathtub yeah yeah we have a bathtub uh wall shower camper shopper thank you so much these are cool thank you are you gonna do one then i do one and you we uh yeah let's see because this is a lot there's a lot there's so much we got a lot to tell you guys about what's going on with the property all right this one looks like it was shipped directly from it doesn't say where but directly is there a note there's maybe i don't see a note look at this okay no no no no no no no no somebody awesome sent these awesome gators it looks like it came originally from bellevue michigan so cool so thank you to whoever whoever sent them amazing okay i got another one here this is from this is from kentucky but i think they ordered this on amazon and it was shipped right to us so let's see what we got here there is a note there is a note here are some piggy patches to go with the pig oh my goodness there's some piggy patches to go with the gator patches look at this oh my gosh how cute i've earned this one already robbie haven't i earned this one this one can go on my gator scout don't you think because i've already caught i've caught six well i've also lost four and now five well i get one piggy pass five times i've lost i've lost a pig but there are six pigs that have been caught so i should at least be able to get one one patch on the on the vest yeah all right thank you so much the next one here i'll read the note but go ahead and pull those out so the first note says for jeremy's best from a fan oh oh there we go got a gator patch and the next one is for a robbie would get swamped this one is a fan yeah this one's for robbie yes i just opened it because it looks so stinking amazing robbie i don't know if robbie is on right now okay so uh if roberto if roberto swamp is on right if you're on right now look at this look at that snake patch that is pretty awesome no way that is pretty awesome all right so this is for robbie i guess one yeah thank you roxanne cool darlene ed super chat shawna oh uh shauna says the gator patches came from me thank you so much shawna we appreciate it okay i set that one aside for robbie that is cool that is very cool you want to open up the next one or you want me to uh who did the last one uh me all right i got one right here okay all right this one looks like it came from amazon and oh my goodness one for mr robbie at get swamped and one for jeremy uh from a fan did not tell us what fan george look at this two turtle patches oh my goodness i love turtles you did help rescue some turtles look at that robbie we got turtle patches okay so here's what i'm going to do this is so cool they didn't tell us who it's from these are awesome i'm going to say gosh you guys are amazing i'm going to set the turtle patch aside for me and i'll put the turtle patch in here with this oh jamie says those are for her so cool so those two are for robbie right there you guys they love patches i mean patches are in i i'm gonna have to sew a trench on my gator scout vest just to get with all the pads so the next box is from uh george mitchell from yuma arizona that's for you oh my this is from george look at this for the house those are so cool look at that all of the plates you guys have sent so far have been incredible but these are so unique okay we've got a gator on it so you guys see that right there check that out okay so we need to do a clip this week showing them all the yeah we'll give you an update of how many places so this week check the videos out this week and we'll let you know exactly how many plates we'll show you where all the plates have been going okay so the next one doesn't have a name i don't see a note but it's definitely for you so i'm gonna hand that over to how do you know this is for me because i saw what was inside okay no no no nothing is that a decal or a sticker it's a decal that's so cool or sticker well decal and sticker are the same thing aren't they yeah that's awesome thank you so much we don't know who sent it but it's awesome it's pretty awesome thank you all right i got one i got one i got one i think we got here what do we have okay i got one this one what the duck what the duck let's see what we got here uh jeremy another year older happy birthday i have a good one conky and noreen look they said they sent gator plushies now conkey is the one that took me to the secret location to find gator plushies and look at all the gators look at those gators and turtles and reptiles so cool thank you noreen sure do appreciate it that is cool that is really cool okay thank you for the super chat jean i got another one right here okay i got another one um you see oh something fell off and let's see okay we're good okay we're good okay i got it i got it all out there uh we've got stuff has fallen everywhere okay this is that is definitely a handmade card dear jeremy and george you always make me laugh and cry thank you uh for making my lockdown bearable i hope you like the t-shirt i made for you made us t-shirts i had fun making these the beads on the wall hanging are from the beats i bought from you a few weeks ago at the storage or at the auction that we do sunday night and she bought the party so this is from cheryl how cool thank you ann and phil for the super chat butterflies okay very cool stuff there and then this looks like check this out check this there's a tractor i see a pig i see a cross i see i love it how cool is that ducks turtles are they matching shirts yeah they're matching just like you and the pig how cool check that out and then which one's mine which one's yours let me see this is an xl which one do you want well what size is the red one they're both xl oh okay um eeny meeny miny red nope that's mine okay all right so blue it is she sent us both they're both made with love so i don't care which one look at this she made this with the beads from the auction that's so good wow very cool it says flea market restorage the love very cool that is awesome i'm just gonna unemployed auction storage or thrift store coin pusher very good that is awesome love it now you get a daily or a weekly reminder of it when we go live all right i've got another package here okay and it is from it's from kathy boy cathy boyd in colorado and he's is it colorado or colorado oh here's a here's a card okay now kathy said these are from oh check that out colorado as or jeremy would say colorado colorado another colorado she said these are for the porch okay and check this out is that a handmade car this has to be a hint you know what the back of us has made especially for you by kathy oh kathy see actually look there's the swing in our tree out front um let's see jeremy george the place for your florida porch i want to thank you both for all the hard work you put into entertaining so many lives that you touched last month or so ah the last month or so i'm finding you on youtube i've laughed and smiled more than i can remember the mom and me now please says make sure you get fed not food don't burn out hugs kathy and p.s i was going to make him send some oatmeal chocolate chip cookies pretty sure my grandkids have been sneaking all the chocolate chips to snack on next time love it that's what he does like i'll buy those yeah i do i'll buy the butterscotch morsels or like the the chocolate morsels and he'll just eat it as a snack and i'm like uh i bought those for cookies so the next package is from dottie cruz all the way from um loganville georgia says hey george and jeremy as you can see i get a little obsessive when putting on a put on the task mission oh mission here we go i think there's enough to share y'all be careful love you dodie cruz okay beware just beware no trespassing or tired of hiding the bodies how funny is that we just got this george george oh my goodness look at all those cats making it rain with alligator patches look at this remember when there's another 20. here's another i don't even know look oh my goodness look at this holy cow look at all the patches look at all of these patches for days look at she wasn't kidding when she said she was a little obsessive she was not kidding look at all this one matches check this out this one's got a knife or a fork and a knife check this out do you remember when my first hoodie we auctioned it off on ebay and it sold for over fourteen thousand dollars what do you think someday the gator scout vest is gonna 1 million dollars is that what you think wow thank you so much so many super cool patches we might have more patches than there are gators in the state of florida right now and i'm not i'm not i'm i'm not gonna complain that's pretty awesome that is pretty awesome how cool is that look at that i gotta hang these signs up tomorrow the next the next package is from joy joy cut from greer south carolina joy has sent us stuff before she sent us all the space masks remember oh yeah i do says you're uh your channels bring me so much laughter and now robbie makes me laugh even harder y'all better watch out for z still waters runs deep and one day he will surprise you the rookie comment was priceless yes the last jokes and knowledge coming was priceless no doubt about that no doubt about that whoa what's this from joy i think i lost my marbles so here's a sign that says don't go bake in my heart don't go big in my heart look at this there's little pigs is this like teak wood this might be pigs made out of teak wood check that out that's awesome check that out thank you so much joy how cool thank you joy that is really cool yes that's really cool all right i got a box over here this is from judith carlson illinois holy all right george just started like an entire care package um i'm pretty sure she did okay let's start look at this it's just an otter day otter creek you want to read the notes jeremy and george you're such a blessing for all of your fans i moved from arizona back to illinois to be close to my family into senior housing as i'm 78 i think you guys and myself have the same sense of humor that's dangerous awesome but dangerous oh remember when we found a bag of these in the side oh i bet you that's why she put them in there it says pigs so we'll give it oh nice she says i bring kermie d frog puppet with me everywhere he's good help in starting conversations we met wonderful people dogs that way by the way cats don't like him once chewed on his eyes i have many photos on facebook page thank you thank you and keep up the good work thank you so much it says george my kids won't take these these are handcrafted by judy look at all this jewelry wow wow wow wow thank you so much this box just keeps going there's a candle holder like an abstract candle holder very cool sock monkey so many cool things we need to find him a new home stat how about on my feet yeah my feet would work well my future oh these must go with uh all i know is the most important thing bam right there toilet paper yeah how can you go wrong with that how could you ever go wrong oh look at that and well i'm getting in sense all the way jeremy used for model detecting oh it's a magnet yep magnet okay i gotcha here's a bunch of shells oh the shelling tree tree here we come along with some pins more oh [Music] check that out wow yeah i think just this yeah it goes like this like that yep that's cool how cool is that yeah there's the tea lights so there you go right there you're all good and ready to go um probably all kinds of fun things yep shells more jewelry more shells more shells more jewelry judy so thoughtful judy just went she put a whole box together she did there and then she was like she was like you know what i bet they need some stuff for the bathroom i'm going to make sure they get plenty that was thinking judy thank you so much and then there's some brochures that was good thinking judy judy does not mess around you guys are missing every sunday is like christmas for us because of all the love that you guys share and send every day is like christmas okay here's more plates did you see these plates arizona i'm going to hang them in route 66. i'm going to get these all hung up tomorrow you guys are sending so many cool cool plates i'm going to get them all on the front of the house want a whole wall of the front of the house by the porch area to be all license plates be so awesome okay so the next one is directly from amazon i don't see a note but they're gardening gloves gloves nice it could be one of our subscribers but we also get businesses sending us stuff all the time we do but i think wait hold on i think one of our viewers told us they were sending gloves but i can't remember who we get thousands and thousands and thousands of messages it's hard every day um i can't remember who said they were sending gloves but i'm almost pretty sure somebody was sending us gloves well thank you i definitely put these to use i think these are for you that's what i think for me well yeah look at that your arms are that short look at this give you protection all the way up to your eyes is this for when we catch the next pigs no that's for that's for catching snakes or is this to plant all the plants that we got from um that would work too from colleen's house yeah other garden gloves all right we'll definitely put them to you so those are cool i got another box right here let's see what we got this is from oh look at this we've got seasoning we got bug buggins insect repellent repellent buggins insect repellent and then we've got here show the charms yes there's a bunch of gator charms we can always use bug repellent george and jeremy george and jeremy i've been watching you for a while i really enjoy your videos well most of them anyways just kidding anyways anyways anyways i wanted to send you a few things that i thought you might enjoy if not my bad two for george two bottles of buggins this is so effective here in wisconsin that it sells out faster than toilet paper oh my gosh i can't wait to use that hope it works for you i've been drinking everything crock pins for your best maybe easier to sew or depend on your vest for these patches just an idea i love it i absolutely love it and lastly for both of you bottled my all-time favorite seasoning this company is pronounced poor tessie it's a local family three generations very very cool this is from patty ann mitch thank you patty thank you so much thank you can i see the bugs repellent i want to smell it it's for you she sent two i'm a smeller i'm a sniffer she sniffs my armpits nonstop it's kind of weird i'm just gonna excuse me nothing nothing at all it's kind of normal apparently it's normal it's normal okay and then the last box is from it's from yvonne right here yvonne chapel from kentucky dawson springs kentucky you're bound from kentucky oh my goodness what is it i think i know what it is i think i know what it is too okay here's a card and now 7 000 more people watching right now are going to find out as well and this is going to blow your mind because first let me say i love you too love watching everything you put out there good luck in florida wish you many happy moments my mom made elvis he is one of a kind she made it about 40 years ago a big elvis presley alligators for jeremy p.s i am on facebook very cool uh bonnie chapel i heard alligator for jared look at that you show them the alligator look at that and then here comes elvis oh my gosh wait till you guys see this thing wait till you guys see this thing that's handmade look at that that is handmade look at all the bling on his jumpsuit microphone with the with the cord and everything but i can't heal by falling for gators and that's so cool can you do a 360 and show everyone his outfit look at all that bling on the back and on the side ryan's stoning it oh that is awesome awesome thank you very much oh thank you elvis has left the building all right did we actually get through all the mail yeah did you just say that's it that was that's it okay that was like a lot of mail that was a lot of mail i think we got it all all right 7 000 20 people right now on live with us time to get to the update with the neighbors yes thank you so much uh thank you so much for all of the mail that you guys send and for your love uh it's absolutely very much appreciated it's amazing to only catch one gator so far but to have 1 000 gator patches i mean i feel like you have a lot of trapping to do yeah i feel like robbie can't keep can't keep up with the patches that come in don't let them keep up keep going okay so if we missed your super chats we're so sorry why don't you see if you can get something while we get into while doing the uh judy sent 10 dollars says uh george and jeremy i was on vacay last weekend on our way to kentucky tennessee we stopped in ohio my six-year-old said i want to see jeremy but he's in florida nice nice thank you judy all right so i'm gonna try and give you an update george is gonna talk about super chats in between so she'll hit my pauses i'll hit her pauses so uh neighbor survey property lines the whole deal obviously you guys know we came to otter creek and we purchased 70 acres in otter creek you got another one no really let me go all the way back oh it won't let you yeah so when we purchase so a lot of people have commented well why in the why in the hails would you ever purchase a piece of property without a survey in the first place all right first of all back up you only know what you what you know what we share with you in videos so first and foremost if you go back through the videos one of the things we tried to negotiate which anybody would have negotiated in the purchasing of property we wanted the purchase of the property the sellers had to provide a survey the sellers denied everything everything we attempted was denied period and we were already told there would be no exceptions there was nothing they were not going to agree to anything you're selling to six kids ain't gonna happen and so whether it's one person controlling it all or whether it's six kids you get them all agree it just was not gonna happen so we purchased the property knowing that we were going to have 70 acres that we were going to have to purchase a personal survey ahead of time after we owned the property but i'm i'm not going to spend 5 000 plus dollars on a survey on a piece of property that i don't own that was already late getting into our hands we already looked at the other boundaries we knew the boundary up front was going to be a major issue we did not know exactly how big of an issue but we were going to find out with the survey so we booked the survey survey obviously came out surveyed the whole property for them to come out remember we had the property in january it's taken this long into april to get the survey team to come out yes so we're we're we learned quickly that things move very fast florida time in florida now and here's the other thing everybody goes you're in florida calm down relax enjoy life we didn't come to florida to slow down we came to florida to do more than we've ever done so keep that in mind we did not come here for vacation we came here to build business so all that being said we already knew that was already going to be a part of it even the even the the negotiations to buy the property we overpaid per acre for the property we know that we wanted the property and then we did not get a survey on the property because that was denied and we had to get the survey afterwards so now you add that expense on as well plus you have the issue of the boundary uh there with the boundary line so some people could go especially after the surveyor said to us later he said oh well neighbor across the street was yelling it's been like that for 40 years doesn't that mean anything yeah it means you have been illegally trespassing and it means you've been illegally dumping for 40 years now some of you are gonna go well maybe they didn't know let's not play the dumb card okay just just wipe that whole dumb card out of your mind because i've already walked through that process with these people remember in the very first videos if you haven't seen them yet you can go back it's there's an entire playlist on the channel if you go to what the hails on youtube and you go to now it's called otter odd er creek there's an entire playlist you can get all the abandoned storage units you can get all the coin pushers you can get all otter creek you can get all fun traveling you can get all kinds of different playlists we categorize our videos in different every safe we've ever bought whether it had something in it or if it didn't have anything in it uh so you get a playlist a lot of viewers don't understand how that works but it's all there you can go back and if you go back you're gonna hear them say well you have i don't know where the property line is you have to prove it to me all right back up mr clark had the property surveyed in the 90s mr clark put a fence on every single property line now this is what i'm going to clearly tell you and i want you to understand this don't think for even one second that anybody did not know what was going on the fence post are still there in the ground you are going to see that in the video they knew exactly what they were doing the entire time those who did it nobody can play dumb nobody can play stupid i mean you could try playing dumb and play stupid the reality is this mr clark died they took the fence down and they illegally trespassed they illegally dumped and when i say they that doesn't mean it was an individual who you're thinking in your mind right now because some of you may be thinking oh man it must have been michael because that's who you had all the problems with doesn't mean it was michael it means they who did it okay now the house the addition of the house that is on the property was absolutely 100 built without a permit that's that's what it was so the issue now that some of you are thinking is like well now you've got you've got the building code and you've got you know it's got to be so far from the property line i want to be very very clear i don't care what any of my neighbors do on their property as long as number one it's legal number two it doesn't affect my property i don't care just like they shouldn't care what i do on my property as long as number one is legal number two it doesn't affect the property so any issues as far as the house is too close to the boundary line or anything along those lines that's up to them and building code that's up to them in the county i don't care i have nothing to do with that all i care is that it's off my property period so a lot of you right now are going well you know you got a lot of different options you can you can take them to court yeah the reality is yes i could take this whole issue to court and i can bankrupt anybody who goes to court a lot of times that's the goal of court you take them to court not to win not to lose you take them to bankrupt them and for me it's a business expense for them it would bankrupt them and it would affect their life negatively that's not something i ever want to do intentionally so that is not an option currently the option is everything is to be removed from the property it was knowingly trespassed it was knowingly encroached it was knowingly illegally dumped on it was knowingly illegally built on the fence post are still there you will see that in an upcoming episode it's all there there is no way anybody could ever claim stupidity no way anybody could ever claim i had no knowledge they literally had to rip the fence down and do what they did illegally trespass illegally dumped and the list could go on and on and on illegally built illegally encroached so there with all of that being said in otter creek with all almost 8 000 of you watching right now uh with all of that being said here in otter creek there will be a solution now many of you go man go bankrupt them in court and that's not that's not a solution that we're looking at currently but there is and will be a solution i want i want to be very clear on this number one it is very clear and and it has been communicated verbally with the other party involved that yes the home was built the addition of the home was built illegally or without a permit and yes they knew the fence post and the fence line i mean they're all there they're right there in the ground and so so that part of that has not been has not been admitted by the actual party who has i want to be careful on how i say this has not been omitted by the actual party who is guilty of it if that makes sense to you but there are other family members coming up and going okay i will bear the weight of the responsibility of the actions of somebody else so let's say let's say jeremy does something stupid he speeds and he and he gets uh he gets arrested and he goes to jail and george comes and goes you know what i didn't do the speeding i didn't i didn't do anything but put me in jail instead i'll i'll take care of this for them so i'm the one that's guilty but then george steps up and says i'm gonna i'm gonna make this right so i wanna be clear that there have been some there have been some amazing individuals who have said listen this isn't right i'm not responsible i didn't do it but i will bear the responsibility of making this right and so with that being said really you'll be able to see those things in the following days weeks months and probably years in all reality because as far as outer creek goes we're not going anywhere if anything and some of some of you have so silly you know in my mind sillily is silly a word it is now silly have said sell the place get out of there okay number one i'm not selling i overpaid for the property as it is so i'm not gonna take a loss i'm going to build a business thank you terry we're not looking to sell we are looking to buy more i want to make that very clear to the fan base we are not looking to sell we are not looking to leave we are looking to expand and buy more this is the perfect place this is an amazing place and i just can't get enough of it i absolutely love it so that's your update uh there will be much much more to come and you will find out exactly why all that has happened as well uh in the altercations do you think that you'll get a black eye yeah i think this is gonna i think this is gonna black up this is gonna black up for sure after that altercation today so um so we did have meetings and appointments today and we had all kinds of fun going on we had an amazing week we got to hang out with some incredible people we got to go to gatorland we got to meet marshall and marshall unfortunately turned us in to security but we did survive we got to buy an amazing storage unit we scored which i think we scored extremely well oh yeah thrilled with that and uh you'll get to see a lot of that at auction this evening and we've been having fun with the neighbors how can it get any better than that literally how can it get better than that so that is everything that's going on remember we're going to share with you what's on the thumb drive and incorporate that in the video this will be in the fourth video from the storage unit that had all the cool stuff in it from christmas had that much stuff left to show we do i we didn't we had to get it out of there in time so it's in the it's in the pole barn all right well i'm looking forward to opening those boxes up i bet you are after all that gold and silver and is ready for the auction now we're gonna go into our next segment where we do a live bulk auction with you guys where we auction off stuff to you that we find um in the storage units if this is your first live or if this is your first option i'll go through the amy swirly's back you want to give amy a fist pump this i'll go through the terms schwartz sniper good to see you back amy first things first make sure that you guys are i don't know what happened to that right there first things first for the auction if you are watching on facebook right now and you actually want a bid we can only take bids on the youtube platform tell them how to do it yes so if you're watching from facebook make your way over to youtube and put your bids in the live chat on the youtube platform um make sure that you are on live chat and not in top chat this is super important that way everyone at home along with us sees the chat as it appears in real time okay all of the lots that i show tonight start at a 25 minimum bid that includes free shipping if you live here in the us if you live outside of the us you're more than welcome to bid just know that you'll be responsible for additional shipping charges and those charges are all based on where you live in the world the dimensions of the package along with the weight also know your your country's uh custom laws and if there's any import fees okay uh one side note everybody who has messaged that said hey i will come to your property i will bring my dozer i will push the house over i will come to your property i'm a former sniper i will come to your property i will camp out i will shoot the trespassers i will come everybody who has said that we appreciate your love we appreciate your support we pro we appreciate your protection we'll let you know george and i were actually talking we said you know if this if this becomes a major issue a major major issue and we can't we can't come to an agreement upon what's going to happen not we're not going to do a metal detecting meet and greet we're gonna do a clean up the what the hell's property meet and greet with about five thousand people i'm pretty sure otter creek can't handle that no you don't wanna see that stay tuned for the biggest what the hell's ever we will be cleaning up i don't think anyone the property line had that type of meeting i don't think anybody's had that type of meeting meeting ever jensen sent 20 says minute to win it yes our net our auction style is minute to win it so as soon as jeremy says go a one minute timer will show he'll show you that on the screen you have one minute to put your bids into the live chat and then once our awesome moderator flipping adventures types and sold in the chat whoever the highest bidder right before she types and sold is the winner of that lot any bids that come before jeremy says go and bids that come after flipping adventure says sold unfortunately does not count okay um highest bidder we will ask you to send us your contact information immediately our moderators along with jeremy will remind you throughout the the auction on where to send it to and what to send just a reminder if we missed any of your super chats we apologize we're so sorry so many jumping up on the screen right now i just opened another screen and we missed so many during me i saw one come through from uh from myrika smith sent five dollars says get the piggies some animal crackers they do love it they love them they love these cheez-its animal crackers dog biscuits much love it all um if you're the runner-up and you want to be considered the backup bidder please email us your contact information as well immediately after every lot we ask for your youtube profile name your real name your mailing address your high bid amount and the lot that you won okay um and then we'll all and then tomorrow morning i'll send paypal invoices if you don't have a paypal account you can sign as a guest a one-time guest um you could pay with either a paypal balance go ahead we missed one annoying lizard sent 50 greetings from indiana sally here love all of your videos thank you so much sally we truly appreciate it appreciate you thank you so much all right um with paypal invoices you could pay with either a debit card a credit card um and then most cash apps i believe and then um keep in mind that everything is sold as is there's no guarantees there's no returns like i said earlier we auction things up to you as we find them in the storage unit okay we will do a practice lot if this is your first live and you're unsure how this works uh don't forget you have a chance to win a free lot this evening at the end of the auction based on a trivia question that jeremy will ask from the least viewed video of the week i forgot to ask you before we went live you good with the trivia question your memory failed you yet again please do not bid if you have no intentions of paying i don't want to do this but i will ban you if you do so okay you will um and then just a good a best practice refresh your screen in between every lot and then um youtube will automatically default you in top chat just switch it back to live chat pnb said what the hells what about the campground yep there's the campground right around the corner yeah the campground was just temporarily until we can get on to the property yeah um and then we'll remind you throughout the the um the auction as well to feel free to network with one each with one another i know a lot of you can't afford to buy things like in a bulk and maybe you you see one item that you want to buy from whoever the highest bidder is feel free to network with one inch lori sanders on facebook says but i don't have a youtube account laurie all you have to do you have a facebook account the same way that you created your facebook account you go in there with your email you go this is my email and create a password and boom you have a youtube account that's it that's all you have to do it takes you 30 seconds if even that here's you ready for the practice [Music] apparently and how's that do we have sound now you missed the best part there was a great dad joke there that you couldn't hear all right i think you should be able to hear now [Music] yep everybody can hear now okay okay so we're going to do a practice remember this is just a practice only a practice and then we're going to get into the real lots tonight as far as bidding all right so it's 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states additional shipping outside of the united states if you'd like to bid we encourage you make sure you do bid it'll be a ton of fun for you uh also everything is as is no guarantees and no returns you get it as we found it and that's how that's how we ship it just as it is some things we check some we don't we'll try and represent it the best way that we possibly can make sure you know your bidding threshold and the most important thing is you got a bit fast you got a bit furious because you literally only have one minute to win it all right here we go this is a practice we're practicing on elvis practicing on elvis right now we got cassidy enough 25 we got 25 high dollars 25 bid right now we got turtles lots of turtles this is a practice this is a practice just remember this is a practice we gotta hunker hunk of burn and love ten thousand but now we got a hundred hundred turtles one million one million something seventy seven billion piggies that is a lot of bacon and i am aching for some bacon a 1943 penny you guys know us way too well two billion something a hundred gators a hunka hunk of burning love oh man i don't think george needs another hunk of hunger burning love she doesn't even take care of the one that she has now how she gonna deal with another one all right we've got 14 piggies we're gonna need more than 14 piggies something something something one trillion billion pigs bacon packages mail clams no thank you on the clams and lots of hearts janet sent a ton of hearts one elvis a 300 peanut butter something we got peeps somebody's throwing peeps in there triple eggs actually turtle legs would be cool five miles of fencing now we're waiting for flipping adventures to say sold it is going to say boom it'll say here it comes here it's sold once it says sold any bid after that is not accepted highest bid five miles of fencing yes please that was the biggest thing for us coming to florida every piece of property out here is fenced everything no matter how big it is there's fences all around it what does that say about the area poachers are gonna poach you just sit there and you shake your head and you go why can't people just be respectful not do dumb things just all get along why can't you just be respectful respect other people's property and not do dumb things you're not gonna see me on other people's property without permission not gonna see me dumping on people's property without permission um you know it's it's kind of crazy though you gotta fence everything all right all right george is getting the first lot we're gonna do all the men's shoes that we found in the unit all right we're doing men's shoes and that includes vans jordans asics you know what i'm just going to give george i'm going to give her a full screen so this is from the unit in kissammy these are a pair of adidas these look like they've barely been worn and then these are a size these are a size 10 and a half ux so you get a pair of black adhesive adidas remember this is from the kissimmee unit and then these are a pair of red bands you're getting them exactly how we found them we didn't do any cleanup we just set them aside and went all right uh reno wants to know can anyone bed reena i'm pretty sure most people can bed i know i can bed i'm not i can't speak for others but i'm pretty good at bedding you know she meant babe what these are ten and a half jordans all right so bidding anybody can bid if you don't pay what happens is oh my goodness we got a sound issue again one second wait no i think we're good i think people just lagging like crazy all right here's another pair of jewelry no they're saying all right i think it's just the laggers yeah make sure yeah it's the laggers there's about a million leggers in here all right so it's a million laggers saying no sound yeah make sure you guys refresh anybody who was saying no sound and now 10 minutes later you're you're hearing uh me say you need to refresh you need to refresh you are 10 minutes behind here's a pair of jordans jordans that are also nice well that's because jordans aren't likes they're made by nike you get the nike swoosh on it and then there's a pair of the black jordan sandals elvis presley said he gave two 500 super chats thank you so much did we miss those two 500 or five dollars i saw a couple sorry if we missed anybody's super chats we apologize we apologize we are only human and then you get these slippers we do try we do try all gently used all right that's it that's it that's the shoe lot this is the mens all right men's shoe lot from the storage unit in kissimmee florida that we just purchased you got to see the three episodes this week there is one more episode coming out this week i don't know what day because frankly we haven't filmed it yet still waiting for us to unbox it but that being said we've got how many pairs of shoes and sandals all together there's one two three four five six all right one two three four five six seven we got a total of seven total pair of seven that's the shoes sneakers high tops and the sandals all together so total of seven there and uh 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states you got a bid fast you got a bit furious remember everything is as is no guarantees and no returns because you only have one minute to win it let's go here we go here we go all right we're on the shoes we got 50 more seconds to go on the shoes here we got bear kitty in that 66 60 this is high better right now we got a couple of we got we got a hundred uh lori hayes is that a hundred we got 156 with kim from morgan 156 kim for morgan and man there are bids going like crazy as uncle bone knows at 125 and i don't even have the screen in the in the camera right now we got done at a hundred i don't even know everybody is everywhere night right now phil's one vlog was about 150 i think 150 is high bid right see right now terry spitz is at 200 200 as i did right now perry is in that 200. i see 200 as i bid right now with about 20 seconds to go 200 high bid right now terry fits his eye better right now and that's with free shipping here in the united states 200 as i bid right now you want to bid you got to get above terry we got phil's fun vlogs in that 210 210's high bid right now phil's fun vlogs is a high bidder with seven six five four three two two ten is still the high bid two ten juan came in at 205 but still goes from the bottom at 2 10. zory came in at 210 but phil smith vlogs is still attitude wait ticker cook just came in at 255 255's i made it right now 255 going once going to my soul 255 255 to tinkerclunk tinkerclunk here's what you're going to do take a look you're going to send us your youtube name your real name your shipping address your bid amount of 255 and you're going to tell us it's the men's shoe lot right there what the hell is that tickerclock once we get your email tomorrow george is going to send you an invoice once you pay that invoice you click on it you can pay through your cash apps you can pay through your credit card your bank account doesn't matter it gives you a million different options you click you pay and then george she'll get your payment she'll actually package usually the same day and then you will also get a a delivery uh number as far as confirmation as well for your package once it's shipped and you'll be all set and ready to go so uh tinker's club go ahead and send your information right now if you would please right there know what the hails and backup bidder i believe i think it was phil's fun vlogs tinkerclunk255 go ahead and email and then i believe is phil's one fun vlog i can never say that whole thing it's a tongue twister it is such a tongue twister i think he did it on purpose as a tongue twister i believe it was wait junk man wait terry spritz all right hold a second tinker clunk was at 255 terry spitz was at 2 20. there were so many bids on that i can't even keep up first one of the night i can't even keep up already 220 was it phil was phil at 2 225 what was it terry spitz at 220. i think it was terry spitz at 220. terry your backup bidder if i screwed it up i apologize moderators if you don't mind just helping and correcting me remember if i did screw it up and you know hey i was more than that just send an email to george right there what the hell's at terry spitz you can send the same thing you want to send us your youtube name your real name your shipping address your bid amount 220 and men's shoe lot and say hey i was back up better george for some reason the original bidder doesn't pay george will message and say hey it's yours for the backup bid if you want it and we're ready to go on the second law there are star wars disney um items so you get this this star wars pin of the mickey and it has the back on it that's cool and then there's donald he's getting funky fresh there so these are these are new so this is when they were all in the star wars yep you can get that little guy who's he's spicy he's the feisty one and then you get that guy and then you get a star wars magic band this is a limited release what does it do it's magic it's one of those park bands oh i'm sure that's collectible too and then you get a disney um cloth face mask and i believe it's supposed to be yoda it's probably baby yoda looks like baby yoda yoda yoda yoda yodiya yoda i met him in a park down in daegu but i wear it bubbles all the time like a carbonated soda y-o-d yoda 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states you're outside of the united states feel free to bid it's just going to have the additional shipping fees everything is as is no guarantees no returns you got a bid fast you got a bit furious this is the star wars disney lot you only have one minute to win it let's go here we go here we go star wars disneyland we got michelle we got michelle whitten in that 25 i believe michelle whitney is at 25 janice now at 85 85 as i did right now jenna goes i better 85 85. uh ella right now man you guys love your tongue twisters with your names alabella is now 100. nope michael smith meyer kiss smith is out of 12525 bid right now 125 that i did right now going yeah we got about 30 seconds left to go 120 525 second scott zach came in 125 as well but this is just not going to beat it tonight phil's fun vlog is in at 150 feels just might want me to try and save time twister again 150 is ibid right now with hillsborough vlogs i'm spitting all over myself when i say that all right now we got emery t is now 160 169 bid right now emergency is 160. 160 is high bid lori hayes came in at 150 151. jennica came in 160 lauriers came in on 161. 161. hybrid hundred sixty-one elbows now 160. gloria hayes is a hundred sixty-one hundred sixty-one still fun bombs are not one sixty-four hundred sixty-four jennica just came in at one seventy-five 175 right now with jannika jennifer givens that 175 glory just came in at 175 yannick is still in there is somebody going to snipe it if somebody can snipe it go at once go twice it stole jannika jannika killing it man wow all right jannika i know you already know what to do jennica kidney 175 jannika you're going to send us your real name your youtube name even if they're the same shipping address your bid them out for 175 and you're going to say it's the star wars yoda send all that info right now if you would please what the hell's that backupbidder i believe was phil's fun vlogs easy for me to choke on my tongue oh actually laura duke bid 175 as well so laura you would be backup bitter at 175 if you want to go ahead and send a message as well and say hey george i was back up bitter at 175 and jennica doesn't pay which janet always does babe so if jennica doesn't pay you go hey i'm i'm interested uh there it is go ahead and send an email there as well okay and here comes george all right the next one are assorted disney frames this is some pretty cool stuff now not only disney there are a couple sea worlds in there too so mostly assorted disney frames so this is from seaworld as well kraken release the cracking this is also seaworld journey to atlantis there's some really cool really really cool power of terror that's like the favorite ride ever for people going is it they love it splash mountain we live in florida and you've never been to disney not yet we were supposed to go and then all of a sudden we ended up at universal somehow yeah we were supposed to go to disney storage legends was like you want to go to disney we were like yeah okay we're headed to universal edward jensen just sent 14.99 put the pictures of your children in there and remind them of vacations you've never been on everest that is genius remember that time we went to disney no shut up kids it's right here it's on the side of the fireplace mantle that's also that has the disney tag on the back that's cool maybe it's an aerosmith ride you see the disney right there and then take us to disney cause we already went look at all these rides we were on there's stitch riding up in the universe there's no doubt we're going to find a ton of super cool disney stuff living in florida so there will be and then this one is the twilight zone tower of terror there will be some really cool stuff and we bought this unit in orlando too we were probably five to ten minutes away from from disney all right that's it so assorted disney and sea world frames all right george says that's it it's the assorted frames it's disney disney disney with a little little sprinkle of sea world in there we'll say a little splash a little orca splash of sea world in there so it is 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states if you're outside the united states you're more than welcome to bid there will be additional shipping fees for you everything is as is no guarantees and no returns now uh these picture frames these picture frames i can promise you there is no money hidden in them i checked so that's as far as it went with us actually doing anything with the picture frames so everything is as is no guarantees and no returns you got a bit fast you got a bit furious you got one minute to win it let's go assorted disney picture frame lot here we go jennifer says daphne face is so funny daphne's face is so funny all right fred tv san diego's at a hundred dollars hundred dollars right now is high bid we got rich in at 100 as well fred is a high bidder right now 100 we got another 100 as well we got 750s and 75s and 75 and 40 4475. there's a lot in here renee's now 125 120 pounds i bid right now 125's i bid right now we got lori coming in at 110 but 110 is high bid right now phil's getting in on it as well fills in at 110 125 no pretty wicked one it's not 150. 150 is ibid right now pretty wicked one we got a hundred video on her video on her video on her video i just like saying 150. 150 150 150 under 50 with about 17 seconds to go 150 is the high bid right now we got all kinds of bids coming in laurie hayes is now at 151 151 on the picture frames right now lori hayes is in 151 151 if i bid with two with one let's see what's going to happen here we got 158 151 right now warrior hayes is high better right now 151 laurie hayes and i better go once going twice and so laurie hayes nice job laurie laurie you're a high bidder at 151 laura you're going to send us your youtube name your real name your shipping address your bid amount 151 and oh pretty wicked one just missed the snipe so that's this is this is you got to be careful with that snipe you got to get it in laurie hayes you got it you're going to send all that info 151 and you're going to say the disney picture frame lot you're going to send all that info right there to george what tales just a reminder george will send out invoices tomorrow once you get the invoice you got 48 hours to pay and if you pay right away she'll get your package out to you right away and you'll get your confirmation tracking number as well lori was the high bidder and let's see lori was high bidder at 151 who's that 150 somebody was who was at 150 it was 150 was pretty wicked one so pretty wicked one you are back up bitter if you want to go ahead and send a message with all that information as well you can send that right there to what the hell's that yeah robert wants to know what's a snake robert wants to know what's a snipe a sniper is somebody with a gun who shoots you when you don't see it coming out of nowhere boom and the same thing goes with the auction so there are those individuals who wait to the very end like right at the very end and they try and snipe in their bid amy swartly is the best at that she taught she taught the what the hell's family how to snipe that's why we call her sniping swartly we're shortly sniping the next slot is the pandora lot so i've included the pandora purse that we found it does need a little bit of cleaning and then the pandora box that we found that had all of the um bracelets in it and then remember the secret compartment that had the secret compartment and there was the extra links to the watch i included the watch um in it as well so there's the extra links for the watch so that was in the little velvet bag that was hidden in that compartment and then there is the watch it's a fossil watch that those links went to and then these um these bracelets right here these other bangle bracelets i didn't see any markings i don't believe that they're pandora but this one is definitely pandora so if you know anything about pandora they're 925 which is sterling silver and then there's several charms on here stop moving and make a focus flat background i know you guys can't see the charms we'll get there one way or another so on the charm is a there's a heart charm i can't see myself so i'm sorry if i'm not still there's a it looks like a little girl there's a mickey mouse charm this one's also like a little girl there's a bible and then there is a green gemmed charm and then another silver one that just says pandora and then you have your three at the end where it clasps so there you have it all right you got the pandora a lot we got rosie's random treasures just sent five dollars you know my snipe game is on point mister i'm going to tell george on you rosie rosie has learned her snipe she knows how to snipe as well let's find out she's going to snipe on the pandora a lot all right so you've got the pandora a lot here tonight 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states additional shipping charges if you are bidding outside of the united states everything is as is no guarantees and no returns none of this has been authenticated you are you are bidding and we are representing the best we can terry holliday just sent five dollars hi george captain drops a lot wish you both great outcomes in ohio in may thank you so much so just a reminder everything is as is no guarantees no returns you got a bid fast you got a bit furious you literally only have one minute to win it let's go um that was the the link and a very very weird meme that george sent me i'm sorry you had to see that very weird meme that george sent me that no that is what you sent me all right we got all kinds of bits everywhere we got 100 no no no no no no got hundreds 150s i see a melbourne 150 150 in melbourne right now 151 one of their kathleen buckner kathleen buckner is at 151-111 151-111 is i bid right now with 151.11. it's go go go go go go high bid right now is 165. michelle whitney is at 106 565 high bid that's for free shipping here in the united states amy schwart leads back on 225. amy swartly is in the game again 225 with free shipping here in the united states josh came in at 226 226 as i bid right now pandora a lot robert carl came in at 230 with about 15 seconds left to go 230s i bid 230 as i bid don't wait the bid you don't want to miss this one amy smartly is now 266 266 as i bid with five four michelle came in at 255 am for at least high better right now with 266. 266 is my bid right now and 266 james portland 265 with robert cole no it's not going to beat amy's worth at 266. what's going to happen what's going to happen i'll tell you what's going to happen amy swartly gets it that's what's going to happen nice look at all these snipes that all missed this is why you don't wait to snipe we got all these snipes amy amy got it nice job amy what a comeback for amy all right amy amy got it i don't even remember what you got for 266. amy smartly you know what to do send your real name your youtube name your your shipping address i was so excited i can't even remember you bit him out 260 sex oops excuse me got a little way too excited there 266 and let's say it's the pandora lot go ahead and send that right there right there what the hell is that backupbidder you know what you guys bid so much i don't even know who the backup bidder is i could not keep track with that if you know you're the backup bidder send a message looks like you're getting the pink lot here here we go the next slot is assorted victoria's secret bags so this was also from the unit so this is a pink bag there's the back and then it has this path with the zipper along with the inside of that and then here's another victorious secret bag this is mostly white with a pink with pink handles and then inside is black there's the back and then there was a gold sequence victoria bag everybody wanted that everybody everybody commented everybody message i want the gold victoria secret so that one is black on the inside and then there was this victoria's secret bag this one looked new it still had the the plastic on the handle and it still had the tag the victoria secret tag the price was 58 u.s so this one is black on the inside and then the back is just plain black and then here's another victoria secret this is a travel case where you can put toiletries pretty much whatever you want in there nail polish makeup whatever snacks and then you get this victoria's secret pouch that's clear when it has clear on the back and then you get another one that looks identical victoria's secret pouch [Music] matt p said buck 99 can i get a shout out nope and then the last thing is joking i think you just got one the waterproof dust proof case for your cell phone that's pink do you think chris p is related to matt p [Music] is his last name bacon no i don't think his last name is bacon all right beth or just sent 10 can't the mobs tell us in the chat who won and who the backup bidder is would cut down on a lot of confusion yeah they can if they want to but really it's common sense you guys can see all the same things we see so really there shouldn't be any confusion why would the mods need to tell you they got i just like you so you're good and ready to go all right this is the victoria secret lot you're all set ready to go victoria's secret lot this is from the storage unit that we got in kissammy doesn't mean we're not to find more we still got more this week to explore so 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states and everything is as is no guarantees no returns you got a bid fast you got a bit furious don't let sniping [Music] let you lose this one like so many on the last one you only have one minute to win it let's go victoria's secret lot here we go victoria's secret live and we've got all kinds of bits coming in already we're going to take janna cut a hundred dollars down because right now i better have a hundred dollars hundred dollars we got a hundred hundred an hour we got fifty five forty forty seven five twenty five i see all kinds jennifer's not a hundred fifty hundred fifty transit came in at 150 as well jennifer i had 150 first jennica is at 150 150 you got lazy coming in 150 but jennica is still having uh your jam process now 200. cam brock is now 200 200 200 is high bid right now janet brock is at 200 200 high bid right now with about 25 seconds left to go 200 high bid right now on the victoria's secret lot 200 is high bid right now the dory's secret laptop for free shipping here in the united states 200 is a bid to beat we got about 19 18. all right 200 is the bid to be 221 matthew just came in at 221. 221 is high bid right now 221 with the minute to win it free shipping here in the united states matt p on his game glory came in at 205 not enough dory came in at 210 not enough but lacey came in at 225. lacy's side better right now lacey's high better at 225 feels low involved right now 225 go once going once going twice going twice and feels full boxes came into 226 226 it feels fun vlogs oh my that's how you snipe you get the snipe in before tracy just missed it at 250. sorry tracy that snipe missed it you got a snipe like phil just did all right phil you know what to do phil's one vlogs you know what to do all right and i forget what the bid even was it was 226. till someone vlogs you're going to send your youtube name your real name and your shipping address and your bid amount 226 and say hey it was a victoria's secret lot boom right there what the hell's at and then back up bitter backup bidder was wait hold a second back up bitter what oh lacey lacy was back up bitter lacey guys are at 225 your backup bidder lacy you can send all that same information youtube real name shipping address bit amount 225 and say it's victoria's secret right there what the hell is that and we'll be all set ready to go just a reminder once george actually gets your payment she'll send the invoices out tomorrow once you get your payment then those items will go in the mail oh my goodness she's getting the coach purses which you guys have all been waiting for and then those items go out in the mail and you get a tracking number you know what i'm just gonna get out of the way and let the coach thing happen so here you go all right so if you guys watched the video it came with uh the coach protective bag and then okay disclaimer before we even get into this we have not authenticated anything so you are bidding accordingly with no authentication do we believe they're real absolutely we have not authenticated anything so georgia's going to have to open she's going to have to try and show you the patches it's you're not going to be able to see them because she's not going to be able to focus with the camera bid accordingly do we believe the real yes do we know because we authenticated them no we did not have time to authenticate anything so you're bidding as is no guarantees no returns now i'm giving it back to george okay so there's two coach purses in this lot the first one is the the quilted snake skin coach bag so there's the front jk says i can honestly say i haven't been waiting for the person i don't believe him to be honest i don't believe him and then the other coach purse was just the black leather phil's one vlog said email is sent thank you oopalumpa said yeah coach i'm gonna have to bid on this one you get this compartment this this part right here turns and then it lifts up and then it zips open you're gonna have to flip them all inside out and show the patch on each one blizzambuki said we are we are all levy county see if she can get that to focus in look at that actually hopefully it holds lori says sent the email for the disney frame lot thank you so much laurie i appreciate it uh texas trinity says yep they're real i used to collect coach but now i collect lv and prada all legit thank you texas we appreciate you saying that but we still are saying we have not authenticated so you have to bid accordingly because we did not have time to authenticate and then we'll include the leather moisturizer that was found in the unit as well there was two but captain fulminates here dropped one i broke one i dropped it broke it got it everywhere okay [Music] all right the two coach purses so many people were interested in these two coach purses um do we believe them to be 100 real yes we have not authenticated them bid accordingly you can't stress that enough okay bid accordingly so it's 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states additional shipping outside of the united states everything is as is no guarantees no returns and most importantly you got a bid fast you got a bit furious you literally are only gonna have one minute to win it on these coach purses and there's like 4 000 women in here wanting them right now so go here we go coach purses come on flip it on me there we go coach purses here we go we got beer we got bird beer in a 68 68 side bid right now and texas green says that leather is gorgeous we got sarah lopez in 155 200 right now with pam pam's in the 200. trisha's in a 300 300 high bid right now 300 is high bid right now 300 is high bid right now and trisha was in at 300 300 as i did that i've seen so far there's lots of bids lots of bids 300 is the highest bid that i've seen so far 300 bids i've seen so far i've seen 250s i see 200 i see 225 300 is high bid that i've seen so far if you want in adam perkins is that 240 335 pam carter's now 335 dollars 335 dollars douglas came in at 30306 335's high bids i see so far 335 i see us 325 and 335 is a high bid lori hayes is now at 340. gloria hayes isn't at 3 40. pam's now at 3 45. 345 and you guys can't even see the clock i can't even i'm screwing this all up tonight kathy buckler's at 353 11. 353.11 as i bid right now kathy kathy is i've been right now 353 and 11 353 and 11 353 no adam perkins is now 355 325 jonathan's now 356 356 what the heck is going on 375 jennifer i think it's jannika is it jannika jennica brown jennica 375 jannika you are the leader that's what i said janice i said that i said it i got a little excited i stuttered i said janice janice brown you're a high bidder 375 janice we need your youtube name your real name your shipping number dress and we need uh your bid amount 375. and then also the coach purses janice i think you just got hails of a deal nice very very very nice very very nice very everything in this storage unit was very very nice very very nice all right uh janice janice kidney's like what i'm paying for what another janice another janice okay um backup bidder was okay so janice brown was at 375. joseph was at 350 but lacey was at 351. jonathan villar was at 356. i think was jonathan at 356. it is it's jonathan jonathan miller you are backupbidder at 356. jonathan if you want to send us all your same information you can send it right there what the hell's at we'll be all set ready to go all right next slide is the superhero lot superhero i have a feeling there's going to be a lot of funko pops in here so you got this marble this is captain america that is captain america and when you press his head you get happy captain america you get mad captain america look look this is george this is george when she wakes up this is george after coffee this is george when i crack a dad joke oh george again and then this one does the same thing where he has multiple faces different moves see even toys have different moods i wouldn't call that multiple faces i call it multiple personalities multiple personalities all right i'm giving george the big screen adam perkins just sent five dollars i will back up same price as one amount if they don't pay adam we appreciate that just let send george send george an email and adam you'd be you'd be a fool not to take it at that price so that's uh just send george an email you you work with george well enough so is he a superhero that dobby the elf yeah bobby dobby is kind of a superhero in his own superhero wait yes dumbledore dumbledore would be a superhero to many dumbledore would be and this wizard uh professor snipe no superhero he would be he was on the bad team and so here's a harry potter lanyard professor snipe was on the bat he was with the bad guys but now he's a spy you know it's up for debate whether snipe is good or bad and then you get a art here's a despicable me lanyard not really super heroish but lacey geiser says what's the email lacey the email is right up in your screen we are all up in your grill here's a captain america lanyard from universal studios and then there's the hall they're all saying it's snape not sniped yeah but we're at an auction so it's sniped tonight professor snipe bad jokes man i love them dad jokes can't get enough of them oh it's dad jokes with jeremy here's the avengers [Music] and then you get the wonder woman's pillow wonder woman wonder woman you also get michelle says i love you jeremy you're so silly george do you think that's true am i silly you have your moments justice league i just have moments huh he's not always silly just moments huh jeremy has moods as well i only have one mood that would be a flavor superman that's a flavor i only have one mood you know who that is who this is a um large okay didn't ask the size i said do you know who that is you said uh-huh i said who and you said this is uh large all right apparently a superhero large size large so who is it she don't know she don't know this is also a large these are all under armours marvel he's that marvel character you know really no i don't or i wouldn't be asking you i see you looking over at the chat trying to cheat i'm not looking at the chat i'm looking at the camera to make sure i'm in the center in the frame david of the junkyard is eating papa john's with garlic butter sauce i do miss some papa john's with garlic butter don't you we don't have a papa john's around us we have a hungry howard howie's and their pizza is pretty good with the butter garlic butter here's a super mario from the gap actually liz said she called her mom today and they were watching what the hell she could hear me in the background that's funny all right that's it that's kind of crazy you call that would be weird that'd be weird if i called somebody and i was in the background like did you shut that off so if we called my mom if my mom facetimed me and said what the hell's playing in the background you thought you would think that was weird yeah because i have to live it every day i think it's it's weird i think it's weird all right this is the superhero lot superhero lot all right uh lots of cool stuff here in this lot you got everything from harry potter to wonder woman to justice league uh i even saw punisher otherwise known as superhero large 25 starting bid here uh free shipping here in the united states everything is as is no guarantees no returns you got to bid fast you got a bit furious because you literally only have one minute to win it let's go this is all from the lot from the storage unit videos that you saw this week here in kissimmee florida all from kissimmee florida we got uh perd beer the 75 75 side right now fred tv san diego was at 100 303 so i bet i saw someone at 150 but silver wheels is now at 200 200 is high bid right now melville came in at 200 as well super came in at 200. we got a 200 bid 200 because i bid right now 200 hot rybid right now rob cooper you need to confirm your bid at 410. rob cooper confirm your bid at 410 before i accept it we need to make sure that you didn't hit a keyboard on accident you got 175 we got 140 120 175 we got rob the variety gamer 200 we got all kinds of people 200 matt p is now 205 205 one came in at 200 susan again at 205. they are all rob did hit it on accident got to rob i knew you probably did all right we got 210. melvin's now at 210 but lori hayes is at 2 15. gloria's at 2 15. laurie oh juan is now 300. ron juan is putting the gauntlet down at 300. getting his bidding getting his bidding before he misses the snipe 300 monster net 300 going once one's at 300 one another one came in at 250. one is that 300 sold the one sold the one now we have one we've got juan the winner and one the backup all right so we got juan juan gordilla i probably said that right yeah probably one you bid three hundred dollars nice job you wait hold a second i screw up juan gordiola at wait no but silver wheels is at 305 silver wheels got it i screwed up go figure silver wheels 305 you're the winner you are the winner nice job i completely and totally screwed up nothing new silver wheels you're the high bidder at 305 dollars you're going to send us your youtube name your real name your shipping address your bid amount of 305 and you're going to say hey that was the superhero rock lot you're going to send it right there to what tales back up bitter was juan juan garcia all right i'm just going to let george do it so i don't screw everything up again at 300 juan you can send us an email as well right there what the hell's at one and just a reminder once we get your email george will send you on an invoice tomorrow morning and then once you get that invoice you can click on the button you can pay a million different ways and then once you get space you'll get that package out to the post office you'll even get a tracking number nice all right next is the guest person yes anybody want to guess what kind of purses are next anybody at all the guest purses that were also in saran wrap with the coach bag the cool thing about this unit was everything was literally saran wrap everything was saran wrapped you get two of the compartments that have the magnetic closure and then in the middle has the zipper so when you're out when you're out buying storage units so if you were to ask if you're to ask and say jeremy why did you want that storage unit the reason was everything was clean everything was neat it was saran wrapped you could see so much cool stuff saran wrap so the the we call it it's not gambling we call it calculated risk so when i'm bidding on storage units it's not a gamble it's a calculated risk you're taking the calculations and you're going it's neat it's clean it's organized it's saran wrap therefore they they they valued their stuff enough to take care of it therefore it must have enough value to actually take care of it there's got to be something in there and we hid it big it was awesome it was a great unit we're not even done going through the unit yet that's the best part we're not even done yet uh from everything that we've shown so far in the videos uh if you were to if you were to retail value everything way way over five grand okay all right two guest purses again we have not authenticated these i don't think guest purses need to be authenticated as much as like as much as a coach purse but as george just said we have not authenticated these we have not had time we literally spend our time creating a video for you editing a video for you the sorting takes a tremendous amount of time george is sorting after the initial short and then george goes all right there we've got a lot of now i'm editing and then if we're lucky we get sleep we remember we have no employees in florida so all of our other employees are up in ohio we have no employees on payroll here in florida and so the the authentication of things it just can't happen right now it just can't there's no time all right two guest purses you are bidding on them anybody want to guess how much it's going to go for 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states everything is as is no guarantees and no returns just reminder these have not been authenticated lucy hall just sent five dollars thank you so much appreciate it thank you so much and you got a bit fast you got a bit furious you only have one minute to win it let's go one minute to win it on the guest person here we go all right looks like tammy smith is in a hundred times smith's in a hundred jennica's now at 125. 125 side bid right now chris wiley's in that 220 200 wins hyping 20's high bid right now 220 with chris wiley chris wiley's in that 220 220 we got all kinds of other bits coming in we got 150 100 500 but we got 50 75 75 65 200 whatever well trisha's not 250 churches at 255 or excuse me 250. trish rice is at 250 250 250 250 with about half the minute left to go michael walton's just came in at 250 as well jennica is now 251. jennica is now 251. these guest purses must be worth something we need to look at them up edwin stone is now 275. 275. juan is going to need to confirm the bid at 507 we're not going to accept that bid unless that's confirmed edwin stone is still high bitter at 275. 275 tonight bid right now 275 with edwin stone edwin stone side bidder right now everyone 275 free shipping here in the united states roberts just came in at 300 robert burns against the junior you just came in at 300 300 high bid 300's high bid 300 and jennica just came into 2708 roberts robert is robert is robert roberts robert bronski robert brunswick jr nice job robert you are the high bidder you are the high bidder okay robert you're the high bidder you're going to send your youtube name your real name your shipping address and your bid amount which i believe was 300 and you're going to say for the guest purses you're going to send it right there to whatever and then backup bidder was let's take a look at the backup bidder take a look at the backup bidder we had michelle was at 280 hold a second i gotta get this to stop moving jennica kidney was at 276. okay so was robert at 300 janniko was that 276. i believe it was jannika yeah it was jannika all right jannika kidney you are backup bitter if you want to send all your info as well bam right there what the hell is that great thank you so much all right next slot are the adidas clothes that we there's some really really nice clothing i mean like everything in this unit was is incredible it really is gently everything everything was clean so here's an adidas jacket zip up jacket clothing like this does really well on ebay poshmark and normally we would we would just donate everything to a thrift store but uh we decided we were going to hold on to some of it a lot it for you guys this is a size large us most of this is either large or ex-large lucy hall just sent five dollars thank you for being you so real down to earth people karen you make my day thank you lucy and then george legends just said melons patch a melons patch hopefully they're gonna start selling melons now uh hopefully storage legends saw the story that we posted today uh dukeshin 320 just sent 4.99 hey y'all how's it going we're having a hails of a good auction tonight barbara missed the coaches yeah barbara just said oh no coaches are gone soccer talk the the sean goodman says adidas stands for all day i dream about sean yes there were some people there were some people watching the videos where they got to see you they're like is that sean single is he single they're like hey baby here's some adidas jogging pants they're with pockets they're gray with the black stripes this is an ex-large adidas t-shirt i'm just curious uh the sean goodman did you happen to meet up with any of your admirers on the what the hell's videos well the question is is shawn single i can't i mean i can't i can't i can't answer that for sean i can't get married right i cannot answer that for sean sean is the only one that can answer that but storage legends just just sent sean a ton of melons and the sean goodman just sent a ton of smiley faces after the melons here's a red adidas t-shirt this is a size xlus chris wiley said melons melons melons here's a white adidas t-shirt niche lady said he could tell you then he'd have to kill you [Laughter] ex-large joan was paying attention she said sean said he was single on the video that's what i thought yes he did i thought i asked him i said is anybody at home making making these casseroles for you is their size large these are adidas i don't know what you what you would even call these they're not shorts but they're also yeah they're shorts but they they become tight like around the knees how about the bee's knee shorts the bee's knee shorts it is here's another soccer shirt this one looks like it could be for women's a large and women's you think it would fit on me no this would this looks like it would fit me jennica said they're football shorts and kelly said those are knickers knickers is a good word yes and storage legend says cocky picks his nose and needs his boogers oh my god remember he said that about you you said that about me too writing rumors about con now i spread them rumors about cocky that's so weird that's so weird because he said that about me too i just huh i just shake your head and laugh i'm just i'm just curious how he found out about me did you tell him no because you told people you're telling me we made a whole video where i told people i'd pick my nose and eat my boogers yes sometimes sometimes sometimes you just gotta let it all out here's a pair of um adidas joggers conkey said the same thing but how does he know size large uh somebody says rumor has it that jeremy likes his thongs but then then i lost it and then here's another pair of adidas sweatpants if you want to call them sweatpants or joggers these are also a size large us service chihuahua sent five dollars i thought my man was the only one that picks his nose and eats it he's got competition now between conkey and me all right that's it so that was the assorted adidas adidas lot lori hayes is saying if anybody was interested in buying any of the disney photo frames make sure to contact her so she's willing to sell we always encourage you guys to network with one another we can't promise that the winning bidder is willing to sell any of the items from their lot but we encourage you guys if you want to ask you never know if you don't ask your kitty says [Laughter] don't flick it at me you just literally told me pick it that's i was reading what beer kitty wrote in the chat now lick it get out of here all right we've got the uh i guess this is the adidas lot there was so much good stuff in this unit there really was no doesn't george feed you so you don't eat your boogers no no she does not all right so uh twenty-five dollars when she pins their nose you see what you got the chat started hey it's late it's late they're opening up we got a good crowd here they're ready for the humor and apparently they're boogers 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states everything says jeremy likes his boogers with ketchup [Laughter] there's no time for ketchup he just licks it all up before the chicken eat it all right i don't even know where we're at anymore might as well just call it a night because i have no clue what's going on right now 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states everything is as is no guarantees and no returns you got a bit fast you got a bit furious because you literally only have one minute to win it let's go this is the adidas lot this is the adidas lot said he found something you would eat without ketchup i doubt it all right here we and yeah lori hayes is in that 75 we got phil swimming vlogs in that hundred hunters high bid right now karen peacock came in at 200 200 high bid right now 200 is high bid right now the sean gomez coming to 155 200 high bid right now we've got about 39 seconds left to go 200 hybrid right now in the video slot there is all kinds of great clothing here everything in this unit was so immaculate and good bob the builders and the 150 with 200 still live it right now this little vlog is now 201 dory steven's giving it to 10. 210. 210 is high bidder right now 210's high bidvest for free shipping here in the united states with about 200 all right excuse me 20 seconds left to go 212. this one blogs is now 212. 212 as i did that's for free shipping and lynn is giving us all kinds of melons tonight dory is now at 230 but this holding office came out to 231 231 is high bid right now with three and two and one the sean coming came in that 200 211 but it's still still phone box with 231 phil swanson vlogs at 231 with going once with going twice with laurie kaden's gaming two eight wait what's going on too in there's everyone it still fails fun vlogs nice got it got it got it got it wow he's killing i actually thought they were gonna snipe there here comes the snipes here comes the snipes phil nice job phil's flim vlogs nice job all right so phil's fun vlogs nice job uh you know what to do already you know what to do already your high bid is 231 you're gonna send us your youtube name your real name your shipping address and your bid amount 231 you're going to say it's the adidas slot you're going to set it right there what the hell's bag of bitter this lady says it was dory stevens at 230 dory stevens you can send all that same information as well bam right there all set ready to go this unit was really really good really good michael jordan are actually talking about headed back to kissimmee this week there are there's there's a quite a few auction runs this week now are we are we going to run into shot of the sean goodwin sean goodman should be there if we can make it so we are trying to plan to make it i told him you would look at our schedule yeah i haven't looked at the schedule yet all right so the next lot is nothing but jordan clothes so there's jordan okay everything jordan as you guys are all talking about boogers and all that does anybody remember there was an amazing it was my favorite game on the sega genesis it was called boogerman it was so stinking funny but then again i'm a guy and i think that's hilarious burger man for a sega genesis was absolutely incredible i don't know if they made that for the other platforms but that was a good that was a really good game if i could download that onto my laptop sugar man consists of i mean what he would flip boogers he would flip burgers at the enemies and you would fart and you would burp on them and then you would get you had to get so gassy to fart and burp and then you would flick boogers and that's how you'd save the world huh interesting oh it was awesome it was an awesome awesome game it was so funny but then again i love that kind of humor i'm a guy uh liz just said did you ever play flicky i don't even know what flicky is do you know what flicky is i didn't even know they made games about flicking boogers and farting uh niche lady says this is so intellectual niche ladies sometimes you get business jeremy sometimes you get party jeremy i'm like a mullet a [Laughter] tonight i'm all party in the back side's large this is a long sleeve shirt number 23. it says jordan on the sides jordan and then air on the other arm this is also a size large wow that whole arm is labeled wow and you can tell all this clothes was like freshly washed like they they all smell really good freshly washed freshly packed 23. saran wrapped air climate controlled i mean this this was a good unit for us this was a really good unit size large tracy wants to know is this all men's yes excel flippin adventures just said there's a boogerman game for the android very cool really i'll look at it don't give him any ideas well that's it's gonna be the same it's gonna be the same game it's just gonna be for android you can download it and play it on your phone it was awesome and then this is a t-shirt size large all right that's it this is everything in the men's jordan clothing lot all right the sean goodman just uh messaged and said he would be on the auction run so anybody who wants to get involved in the auction dating scene autograph if you want his autograph if you want to get involved in the auction dating scene uh sean the sean goodman will be there if you want to check out your local auction run all right so this is the air jordan lot here 25 starting bed free shipping here in the united states and everything is as is no guarantees no returns you check all the clothing to have for holes or anything like that or they're all gently worn she's saying everything's just gently worn it was freshly washed as it was stored the whole deal all right you got a bit fast you got a bit furious you got one minute to win it let's go here we go michael jordan michael jordan sometimes i dream he is me he gotta see that's how i dream to be like mike if i could wear clothes like my tricia rice is in a 159 159 is live it right now 159 now we got bob's little right 170 1750 just came in at 250. 250 is high bidder right now cecilia is in the house haven't seen her at all tonight but there she is cecile is in the house with 20 seconds left to go cecilia's i've been right now 250 250 that i did right now michael jordan scott coming in 200 oh ian's number one mom just came in at 255. 255's i've been right now 255 with uh 10 seconds left to go 255 millions number one mom cecilia was in that 250 and so number one count of 255. [Music] chris is now on at 260 260. holy cow chris marie just got it for 260. nice job nice job all right chris here's the deal you got to send your youtube name your real name your shipping address your bid amount for 260 and you're gonna go bam it's the jordan lot you said that right there what the hell is that nice and backup bidder then is gonna be ian's number one mom at 255 ian's number one mom you know what to do right there there it all is there it all is this unit was better than we anticipated i mean i got more clothes it was it was so good and the crazy part is we still have a whole nother video because when you go to a storage unit you have so much time you have okay so you got to go to the auction you bid you get yelled at by the manager you got to get out of there in time you want to get your we're two hours away we were over two hours away and we got to get out of there in time so we just we couldn't get it all we got three videos and we couldn't get it all we brought the wrestle back and then we were making more videos so we're gonna get it this week potentially tomorrow potentially later in the week but we will get to the rest of the unit i was just excited when we found when we found the actual uh the jewelry which again we are we are going to get a closer look at that jewelry in the next video and we're going to show you exactly what was gold and what was silver and what the carrot is chris wiley five dollars said guapo [Laughter] so the next slide are assorted sporty like sports menswear like the the first one i just showed was the mats it's a hoodie this is a gray hoodie for baseball in ussa silver wheels says i can hardly wait for the jewelry challenge several wheels you have no idea what's coming this week you have no idea what you're going to be hit with this week's silver wheels because we did something crazy today that's a size medium there's two of these tv size medium and then on the back it says fox sports and sun service chihuahuas have five dollars any lots of video games tonight oh that's a good question i can't see i don't know what she has together she puts all the lost there's an entire back room with lots and she goes grabs it and when we're out of when we're out of time we're out of time not tonight i'm working on it i don't have enough video games yet to lock up but i'm working on it lucy hall says what's the five dollars go to anybody who wants to help support the channel it goes to help support the channel it helps us create content for you to upgrade equipment to make better videos to take better videos it is beyond well beyond a full-time job in all reality what we do every day is probably what a normal person would do in three full-time jobs just to bring you a video every day it is not an easy thing to do by any stretch of the imagination it's extremely time consuming we do not watch tv that's not a part of our lives it can't be a part of our lives we don't do what normal people do and sit on the couch at the end of the day and go let's just veg out because there is no time to do that so it is a huge huge commitment also goes to restoraging the love we love buying storage units and then giving them back to the original owners to be a blessing in their life oh niche lady says i'm sitting here editing videos in between lots see she understands she understands she understands the youtube life uh but it's fun we do enjoy it and uh it's it's it we've been able to build such a uh amazing community with you guys that you guys feel like family and and it's not just feels like family we consider you the family so we went to florida going well we don't know anybody in florida but you got thousands and thousands of family members who are following with you that's uh well you just found out tonight that you have family here i guess i got physical family on my mom's side my mom was a hearty and where does uncle eddie live he's up in up in uh wellington or wellington or it might be vermilion i forget um so lowell just sent twenty dollars for the love share keep restoraging thank you so much lol appreciate it so um so so so so you guys understand looks like pamela lynn's listing on ebay between lots and draft and that's good that's very very good side hustle side hustle is um is always good ebay listing on ebay absolutely good absolutely good my encouragement to anybody who's ever watching is to to if if you're watching tv if you're watching youtube always try and do ebay or list as well like pamela is doing sea hunter 20 loving the florida homestead i feel on the channel we love it too it is just incredible here we drove today there was there was big thunderstorms in florida and some of you sent messages hope you're okay we were fine completely and totally fine but after all the thunderstorms and we took care of all the animals and everything um the dogs had fun oh my goodness the ducks had so much fun they were playing in the puddles and drinking the water coming out of the water they're going right under the gutters you know like that marshall was when what was that what was the scene from it's dirty dancing with the water on them the ducks are under there like so they were dirty dancing under the gutters but uh we went out in the gator back to the creek i was like let's go check the creek after all the water and we went back there and i went to georgia i was like you see that palm tree she was like yeah i was like never in a million years would i thought there'd be a palm tree in my bag in my backyard it's just baseball plans it's just crazy it's crazy to think about it still i mean it's crazy to think about youtube like we hit a hundred million views when we first started on youtube we're over that now the reseller you know the old resellers the ones that have been on youtube forever they were creating they were creating videos making fun of us and going they'll never make it they'll never they're still where they were and and we were able to actually create a thriving channel and so for us it was like all right well let's show them how it's actually done we learned it and we did it and now they make fun of us because they wish they were us that's don't hate us because you ain't us uh but really i mean that's typically where where issues come in anyway with jealousy and then people say negative things because of jealousy my our encouragement is always stay away from that stuff stick around with positive people all right it's much better that way we assorted sports clothing all right and i just clicked off of me so now i gotta click back all right assorted sports clothing a lot of this is would you call this um like drive dry fit material um well i guess that after that absolutely is dry fit that doesn't mean everything is is actual dry fit but dry fit material is a lot of this a lot of it okay 25 starting bid free shipping in the united states whole second i just got a notification of the camera on the property one second okay we're good uh random straight cap 25 starting bid free shipping here in the united states and additional shipping charges outside the united states everything is as is no guarantees silverworlds thank you so much for the five dollars your personal unit has a lot to do with your popularity thank you so much we appreciate that and everything is asses no guarantees and no returns you get a bit fast you gotta be furious because you literally only have one minute to win it let's go one minute to win it this is the sports clothing lot lucy just sent 10 thank you so much lucy we appreciate it we truly do all right we got paul in the thirty dollars falls into thirty dollars per kid he's now ninety nine we got melvin's in a hundred seven hundred twenty's i bet right now [Music] going twice wait we still got 30 seconds why would we be going once and twice we're going 30 we got pretty wicked winners now at 210. yeah just came in at 100. 220 is pretty wicked one 220 is hybid right now with about 15 seconds left to go got all kinds of bits coming in we got about 10 seconds left to go we got high beta 200 220 pretty wicked right now 220 jk says 220 still high bid right now to go 220 220. don't want juan came in at 151 but he could have beat the 220 going twice 220 is high bid and ticker talk just got oh my goodness did you see that snipe did you see tinkerclunk snipe that at 226. like literally it was like boom oh my goodness lori hayes just missed the snipe all right tinkerclunk you're a high bidder at 226. wow on your sniping skill there tinker luck we need your youtube name your real name your shipping address your bid amount for 226 and you got to tell us it is the what did you call that assorted sports clothing bam right there tinker clunk you were a hot bitter and then oh cecilia missed it as well might be lagging just a little bit and then back up bitter was yeah snipes were coming in like crazy backup bidder was pretty wicked one pretty wicked one you were back up better at 220. 220. last slot before the free lodge i think this is the lot that george has had the most fun putting together how do you know because you were going she doesn't so the next slide so the next the next lot is something that i've thought about doing for a very long time and i finally done did it so you know how i like to bulk things similar items in bulk well the next slot is 12 i waited before we went live it's 12.6 pounds of just random stuff so this is like a mystery lot so i'm not going to show you what's in it but i put wait you're literally you're not going to show no it's a mystery package and a lot of our viewers have suggested this we should do a mystery mystery like don't even give you solo layout because you're not even gonna show you're just gonna show a package it's 12.6 pounds of just random stuff that i put together in here all right no telling could be a picket and flick it for all i know no this is all good stuff if they've come to our auctions they know that we auction off good stuff i have no idea apparently this is a mystery box yeah so uh you do not get to see what's inside you are actually bidding on the mystery can is it safe to say that things that are in there were in episodes of what the hails yes okay so it is safe to say now that doesn't mean that it wasn't a picket and flick it like there's pick and flick it tonight there you go episode i have no idea some of them made it in the episodes there's others that they didn't get to see in episodes like i said it's it's we've it's been a popular request that we put a mystery box together and before we went live i waited it's 12.6 pounds that's before me wrapping all the fragile stuff 12 and a half pounds before it even gets packaged mystery no idea no clue actually i do because i'm peeping though but you have no clue no idea she keeps taking my stuff and auctioning it off it's a mystery box 12 and a half pound mystery box there could be anything in there some of the stuff has been in in actual videos some of the stuff we find after when we do a sorts more detailed sorts afterwards yeah it's it can either stuffs in here could either go towards someone's personal collection you could absolutely resell this stuff you can gift it some of the stuff in here could be a gift if you're what the hell stalker you can you can you know use this in your shrine [Music] from i i don't know i don't know what to tell you because jeremy's hair could be in there no i promise you none of our hairs or pubes are in this box yeah right your hair is everywhere okay here's the deal after it's one nicole no i will not show you whoever gets it it'll be a mystery box okay so she is not gonna show it before no she will not show it after it is a real mystery box now if the winning bidder wants to make a video and go i bought a mystery box from what the hails and if you put i i will give you guys a little bit of a tip if you put what the hell's in the title when people search what the hills because because it's somewhat of a popular uh channel to watch on youtube i've heard of them um the guy is hilarious a little chunky but hilarious the girl little feisty but funny two other moments uh but if you put what the hell's in the title you actually will get fairly decent views all right flipping adventures got five dollars appreciate it my max bid for the mystery box is at 150. we didn't even start yet yeah but she is the sold mod so oh so she's the sold mod okay all right so so she's putting it in because of that because she's the sole mod so we know already max bid 150 with flippin adventures i have no idea what's in here all right 25 starting bid free shipping free shipping in the united states and um if you're crazy enough to buy this mystery box of whatever is in here all right let's let's just go let's just go everything is as is no guarantees no returns if you over bid for this no returns i have i did uh i did peak but um but you only saw the stuff on top you didn't i saw nothing on the bottom let's just do this you got one minute to win it here we go all right one minute to win it here we go with the mystery box i'm only gonna start taking bids now get swamps wants to know yeah but what's the psi janiko's in that 215 215 hybrid right now 215 oh my goodness it fits everywhere i don't even know where to start holy cow silver wheels is that 250 250 is five good right now 250's i did 250 250 is my bid right now 250 as i did 250 is live bid right now with the valve i'm not even into the camera 250 is high bid now one is in at 251 251 276 276 from valerie 251 with douglas 276 i've been 276 is high business i see right now 276 ibid now initially he's at 305. i know what the mitch lady is planning this lady's had 305. 305 is the niche lady 305 is high bidder right now 305 is high better right now three o'clock 305 05 and 12 and a half pounds 305 12 and a half pounds 305 with the mystery box this ladies in at 305. with three two one niche ladies highest bidder right now misleading five minutes 305 going once jennica just came in at 306 valerie came in at 3010 this way he came in 356 356 going once 356 going twice 366 going sold to [Applause] [Music] what are you guys thinking what are you thinking it is heavy all right niche lady you're the high bidder niche lady i'm going to tell you this right now so listen to me okay you absolutely want to make a mystery unboxing video and then she will and when you put in your title you'll go however you're going to do your title you're going to go mystery unboxing from what the hails and what that does is when people search for what the hills in the youtube bar in the search bar it'll bring your video up for what the hails which will help you get more views so make sure you put what the hell's in your title when you do that you already know what to do as far as sending the information and we want to see do we all agree do we all agree we want to see what george put in this box we want us i don't even know what's in there it's so much fun i don't even know what's in there this is gonna be so much fun did you just take your socks off because i smell fritos yeah i did i smell fritos i took my socks off and why i had the camera on you i took some other things off down below here all i smell is feet okay so they all want to see what's in this mystery box this is gonna be so much fun and the niche lady if you haven't checked out her channel she does a lot of fun uh videos as well with thrifting and reselling and she has a fun personality so i know she's gonna make this mystery box unboxing video all right so that's what you're going to want to do you want to go over to the niche lady you're going to want to make sure that you're all set and ready to go when she does the unboxing video so you're going to have to give her a little bit she's going to have to pay the invoice george is going to have to ship it and then she'll have to be able to film it edit it that does take time but if you're subscribed and you hit the all bell notification you'll be all set to figure out what the hell's george put in there and i honestly don't know i just looked at the top i'm sure she took some of my personal stuff and put it in there so maybe i did maybe i did probably my socks jeremy probably my socks more of my dvds she's like what else does jeremy not want oh here's his wallet credit cards let's just see what else oh social security okay all right so um oh pam carter says i watch her every day i love her so she'll be all set ready to go that's so funny that should be a very interesting video now we're on to the free live we have two lucky winners tonight you didn't put my lucky drawers in that box did you like i said maybe i did maybe i didn't i cannot believe you put my lucky drawers in that box so anyways jeremy came up with the free prizes this evening because he thought that uh these would be free cool giveaways you wanna i think they're iconic to the videos this week so if they watch the videos this week how can you not how can you do that remember this rubber band animal because when i found it i found it like this and i was like what is this and i thought this was like this was like nose going out like this because i thought this was the face i was like what is going on but then i was like oh it goes like this yeah and i told george i was like instead of instead of something new that people would use make it an iconic thing from the video and this was one of the iconic things that we found and i was like she wanted to put this in another lot and i was like no give that away this was this was a cool thing in the storage unit that uh that we find that's pretty iconic yeah when jeremy said that these all these rubber bands i can use for when i get braces i really do want to look into getting braces but yeah i think it's a giraffe there's the eyeballs there's like the little here's the ears and the face and and then he wanted to add this as the free giveaway as well because you remember she said i needed this because i make so many mistakes and what was your response i don't make any mistakes no i said everything about me is big that's what i said all right so those are those so those are the three giveaways that were featured in this week's videos and then if you're the first person to answer the trivia question correctly you get dibs on which one you want i don't even know what they're both really cool this one's probably the coolest one because it's made out of rubber bands and then inside is cotton i don't even know what the raptor adventurous guy threw it at them so that they can hold it and they're like oh my gosh that's so cool it is i've never seen anything like it so it's unique it's definitely unique that's a that's an art and a skill right there let me see uh i need one second one second oh no momento he says all you guys have fun have fun with them george all right let me see if i um missed any uh super chats i think we got these all already yes this is a huge eraser for big mistakes so as jeremy uh comes up with the trivia question he usually doesn't tell me what the trivia question is so if i accidentally um vomit the answer maybe he should share the question with me so that i don't do that he's still coming up with a question for the trivia if this was your first auction hopefully you guys had fun hanging out with us and you can join us for future um auctions ladies i remember having one of those is it non-stop you enjoy talking non-stop jeremy just asked how does it feel talking nonstop and but jeremy's the type of person that loves to talk he loves to talk which is why he decided to come up with a youtube channel because he loves to talk not only does he love to talk but he loves to fart hence the reason why he's wearing the shirt that he's wearing wait hold a second first of all you found this shirt in the storage unit gave it to me and i didn't start a youtube channel to talk yeah you did no he likes to hear himself talk i didn't i don't say one word to you after this is all [Music] he'll be in the camper and i'll be in here and he'll call me she'll call me and i'll just sit on the other end and not say anything i'm like i just had to carry a three-hour conversation with with the camera i'm not talking [Laughter] all right tori jones just sent five dollars you guys make the orders you guys make organization so much easier thanks for being great thank you all right here's the inventory super cool storage unit this week we forgot to give oreo a hulk fist pump in kissami just an incredible week all together uh with catching the new pigs i think it's pronounced kissimmee snow still kissing me uh and then hanging out at gatorland and then headed over to kissimmee and getting a great unit in that unit in that unit there were some really cool things uh everything in that unit was great those are fun fun units there's no garbage and a lot of times you know 50 of a unit sometimes if you get a bad unit 50 if we buy a bad unit we don't try and buy bad units at all we always want good units but sometimes 50 of it can be garbage you have to get rid of it somehow there's no garbage it was great so there was some really great stuff oh my gosh look at all these our viewers just coming out sharing all this tmi service raw sent five bucks she says i fart and burp a lot due to gi issues laugh and laugh yeah what about we're only human my gi issues are right here george initiated burps all right so um there were some specific things that we found in that unit and and particularly oh i see the meme that i sent you know you won't they all solve it too and they now they know exactly they really know how they send each do you want me to show them what you sent me so in the third video the third video installment of the storage unit where we found the gold and silver we found the gold and silver i particularly found something for george and i said this is exactly what you need george what was it what was it there was multiples of them what was it what was it that i found and i said this is for george she needed it this is for george she needed it it's this is a tough one this is a tough one this was the third one and i'm gonna have to slow the chat down because i don't even know if you guys are gonna get this this is a tough one all right go ahead and hold it why check i've told george this one's from five seconds left continue to put your answers in the live chat said this one's for you we found a lot in that video but particularly there was something for her swords time is up the time is up all right i don't know all right i'm gonna check again engagement ring oatmeal jade big eraser ladder nail polish neck step stool knife rubber band jade rubber bands rubber bands animal jewelry rubber bands erasers step stool no no no no no no umbrella i mean the step stool did say i don't remember what i said but i'm looking for a very specific answer yeah ring chimes earplugs [Music] all very good answers okay i'm not seeing the answer and if i missed if i missed it uh being being the owner of the channel i'm going all answers are now wiped clean even if you got it right because i didn't see it all answers are wiped clean right now okay i'm gonna ask this question a different way i'm gonna ask this question in a very different way so previous question does not count it's gone though so if you go oh i got it and you send a nasty email and you're like i can't believe you did you will be blocked deleted don't don't even message us it's all wiped away it's fresh late all right everybody pause i'm gonna ask this another way we're in this storage unit i found multiples of the same type of item and there was one of these that i said this one will be for george and i'm going to tell you what kind of item it was but you're going to have to tell me the specifics on the item because i found multiple camping chairs which one what kind of camping chair which kind of camping chair was it going to be for george rosie says five dollars i said chair which kind i appreciate it rosie but it's a whole new whole new question though which kind of chair and which kind of chair and you've got 30 seconds left to go 30 seconds left 35 seconds left to go so we found four was it five four camping chairs what specific kind of camping chair was it for george that she would need so if i'm what specific kind of camping chair was it going to be for george with 10 seconds left to go they're saying grass hat hats hay glasses bowl instant replay for the answer i'm gonna have to see all right let's see if i can find out who got it right this time all right okay let's see we got socks no luggage no ask a different question just did bowls blankets the sean cool perfume heather blackwell heather blackwell got the first answer insulated chair that's what i was looking for insulated chair now liz said heated chair i won't accept that uh because it's the insulated chair umbrella no heated chair by itself no insulated chair by michelle davidson insulated chair no no no what are you saying no no no oh i'm sorry wendy felikan wendy felician not to be wendy not to be confused with the pelican wendy felikan you probably never heard that before have you you are the second person with the right answer on the second question remember the first question we've wiped the slate clean because i didn't i didn't ask the question well enough even if anybody got it right we wiped it clean for the second question if you were one of the two individuals that got the question correct then please message us phil there you go see i confused everybody i confused absolutely everybody that's why i needed to clarify and the other thing is we just can't see with all of those questions believe it or not youtube doesn't let us go back and see everything yeah we have we have um it it limits us to go back to look at comments so actually i have to stop it so it picking an actual person becomes a major problem because it's 11 49 p.m here in florida they finished before the midnight market thank goodness i was gonna do a salt and pepper shaker line but then i was like you know what i'm gonna save it till next week lots of fun lots of fun lots tonight and we'll have even more next week we do go live and we have auctions every sunday at 9 00 pm eastern standard time don't forget that we're released monday through saturday at 5 30 pm eastern standard time make sure you guys are subscribed and you click the bell notification so you get notified every time remember all that rain we had today it rained in thunder it sounded like explosions you are my sunshine my only sunshine make me happy when florida skies rain you'll never know youtubers how much we love you please don't take our sunshine away the other night george as i lay editing i saw you making fun of me in a clip appreciated money [Music] you know what i have no idea where i'm going with this but you are my son they're gonna know what happened to your nose and if your eyes are gonna black you make me happy when skies are great thank you everyone for joining us [Music] we love you you guys are amazing another special thank you to all of our [Music] please don't viewers our sunshine we'll see you guys next sunday same time good night
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 72,099
Rating: 4.9021773 out of 5
Id: o3yqMW9SEWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 171min 37sec (10297 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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