George's Cancer Update

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[Music] this is your first song isn't it yeah you've never never ever sang with what the hell's before have you oh maybe you should try tonight what do you guys think all right think you can do it no christian no patience all right let's see let's see see if you can pick up on this okay it goes a little something like this cries sometimes when i watch what the hell's when george is in the hospital it never fails to make me cry like a baby just when i think that i've seen it all i turn on youtube and i start to fall and i'll do you think you scream what the hell is going on i said hey hey [Music] i said hey what the hell is going on come on you guys try you guys try ready i said hey hey hey hey hey hey i said hey what the hell is going on a little bit louder a little bit louder okay ready i said hey hey i said hey what the hell is going on you know you know what you know what guys i tried did you guys know that cause i've tried oh my god do i try [Music] every single day here for revolution cause i said hey hey hey hey hey hey hey i said hey what the hell is going on [Music] i said hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey i said hey hey what the hell is going on i said hey the hell is going on we're live you guys are on your first live show ever and mick draper just sent 4.99 and you know what she said christian she said i can't hear christian thank you so much mick thank you so much all right so uh do you guys want to introduce yourself before we get started what just like say our names well yeah who the hell are you my name is patience and i'm christian and the biggest question viewers have and there is 2 201 viewers right now they all think you are my children would you like to go ahead and confirm this no no no wait i mean deny it this is not my dad okay i thought you're not my dad i'm actually my dad i'm am i darker than your dad no really no my dad's no i've seen pictures i thought i was darker okay uh barbara just sent 4.99 with a chicken thank you so much barbara really appreciate it fist pulp okay so why the hell are you guys here tonight because george is sick you're just sick george is actually here we'll be doing a full update giving you all the updates that you you've been wanting tonight and we'll work our way into that uh and i'll give you a little teaser beforehand it was a horrible day it was a horrible horrible day and i'll let you know about that in just a little bit but patience and christian have jumped on board to help tonight so officially you guys you guys are full time with what the hell's now right yes we are when did when did that happen and how the hells did it happen i don't even know like three or four weeks ago yeah when i came back from the beach yeah and you were on vacation yeah i was on vacation yep and then all of a sudden you guys you guys are now full-time yep yep so you're full-time so uh frank perry just spent five dollars god bless love and prayers thank you so much frank i want to do it too yeah you want a fist pump here you're in charge of fist pumps yes whenever they whenever i call out see this is what's called a super chat actually i should share that with them now jim davis just sent ten dollars that's the super chat so go ahead just pump them all right so jim just said for you fist pump rosa all right and then and then catherine p just sent uh 14.99 buy some flowers for george love you both go ahead get get her as well oh my goodness here we go super chat reigning uh bc global dev just sent five dollars prayers and hugs for george now i can't even see it anymore let me find it back up there fist pump for her as well uh that was prayer and hugs for you george in the whole hales family and then robert kirk rogers set three dollars with a super sticker chicken so we got to fist pump him as well yes you're you're getting this you're getting the hang of this yeah it's the hog fist yeah that's how you get my dad up with these this isn't family counseling tonight how's christian doing are you beating christian up with those two or not oh no sometimes or all the times oh okay kristen williams just said 4.99 love you guys this pool love you too all right hopefully we don't we don't miss anybody storage legend just sent 2.99 he said four sparta uh paula lens just sent 499 as well so one a fist pump for paula thank you so much paula we appreciate it absolutely appreciate it again we'll be giving a full update a very very very detailed update on george tonight and mick draper sent another 499 just kept showing up just go ahead fist pump again that's just saying that about you guys you guys just kept showing up you never stopped you're just like well really we've got things to talk about tonight but really the way that you guys started working how was how did that process go if you were to tell the viewers how did you even start working well we just we were tenants of yours and you offered to have us move stuff around to pay off our rent a little bit yeah and we did that for a couple months and then now we're actually hired now you're full-time yeah so you're not just working rent off now you're full-time brewer 95 just sent a dollar as well go ahead fist pump for brewer yes thank you so much brewer 95. uh debbie deever just had 14.99 hi wishing george fast healing christian uh are you singing via ventriloquism patience i love you i love your laugh jeremy you're associated with george at the hospital fist pump right there for debbie thank you so much we surely appreciate it so uh these guys actually started by working their rent off during coven have you guys ever paid me rent one your first month right first yeah okay so they paid rent the first month ever jeffrey ball just sent five dollars prayers to you and george from georgia thank you so much jeffrey oh come on you can do better than that get a little fist pump back oh that was like boxing oh there you go tim davis just sent uh five dollars as well from the varsity channel go ahead fist pump for tim thank you so much tim there you go you're getting this now so you guys paid one month of rent yeah after that you've never paid rent again no you've always worked off rent and now not only do you not pay rent you actually get paid paid but even when you were paying off rent i was actually paying you every month anyway because you were working more than your rent right right yeah and now you just they just stuck around so draper was right they just kept showing up uh maria garcia just sent five dollars praying for george stay up thank you so much maria fist pump just pull nice job there you're getting that you're getting that and then we got vicky marla just sent five dollars as well super sticker with a chicken we absolutely love chickens you want to do it i was hanging out with the chickens this morning uh melissa w said patience is gonna fist pump all night all right yeah let's get into some announcements okay keep keep an eye on the fist pumps okay so when you guys keep an eye on it if i miss it okay okay for all of you oh deal hold just sent 399 canadian go ahead fist pump christian oh christine prosely just sent 499 fist pump for christine uh first and foremost before we get into all the announcements and all the updates i i truly want to say from the bottom of my heart and speaking on behalf of george as well that we we truly truly appreciate all of the prayers we truly appreciate all of the love and all of the care sent as well miss angie just sent five dollars many prayers for the both of you fist bumps for mrs angie thank you so much miss angie truly appreciate it okay there's a roar that was a pretty good war there yeah all right announcements first thing if you want full updates everything that's going on make sure you hit the subscribe button now there's a subscribe button right there in every single video make sure you're subscribed but beyond that you can also get updates oh wait wait wait we got dragon lion dragon lion 14 just sent 5 49 uk for george because you went through the devil's pinch yes she did she's a beast in the nicest way yes thank you so much we appreciate it so not only can you get updates on the channel by being subscribed and youtube will let you know every time we go live every time we upload a video but we also put updates on youtube stories and that's a tab that you can find in your actual youtube app typically on your phone but the other thing that we do is we'll also put updates because many many people throughout this past few week has been asking for updates on george and whoa we got a 20 super chat rain just sent 20 what the hell's jeremy is a package for george arriving monday at the p.o box thank you so much rain we truly appreciate it there are there's a ton of mail to go through tonight guys fun of it a lot of mail and richard richard just sent uh i lost it it's going so fast richard said 9.99 super chat as well fist pump thank you so much richard stamets we really truly appreciate it and then northern iraq treasurer stacy she said canadian five dollars we'd love for money how excited do i get when we find more money i love it hi all praying healing for george in a speedy recovery from canada thank you so much all three thousand one hundred of you on there right now bill just sent another 699 prayers from our family thank you we appreciate it so if you're subscribed to the channel you'll get normal updates youtube will actually let you know when we upload a video and we will be doing updates in regards to that i'll kind of briefly touch on that even this evening but also facebook we have a page what the hails we put updates there and so many have been asking for updates in the comments on the videos but there are updates on facebook as well if you go well i don't have facebook we've been doing little updates on instagram and updates on youtube stories youtube stories is just a 15 second clip and you can actually get updates there as well so there's new material on those platforms all three of them every single day in regards to updates even if there's not a video so for example tomorrow there's probably not going to be a video there's there could be but there probably is not going to be one but that's the best way to keep up to speed is to be subscribed and then checking facebook instagram and everything else as well uh jason legrand just sent thirty five dollars praying for all the time for you both please hit the like button for george this book for jason thirty five dollar fist pump graham wait he's not growling hawk is smashing cameras they're not their cameras oh you gotta you gotta hit his shoulder that's true you do have to get like little t-rex arms do you wanna show them your freaklessly small hands what's wrong with my hands you're the one that told me they were freakishly yeah i can't hold a ping-pong ball they don't touch my fingers don't touch he has freakishly small hands that's the weirdest thing in the world all right storage smashers of florida sent five dollars praying for george this pump there all right uh if if well so many people have already figured out the super chat uh if you want to get our attention tonight the best way to do that is with a super chat with youtube what happens with the super chat is it flashes right up on the screen so with 3258 of you in here right now uh there's no way i can read everything but i promise you george will be reading everything later she will read every single comment later okay and so anything you put in here she will read and we appreciate all of the comments the prayers and the love and the support so super chat's the best way to get our attention because it flashes right up on the screen if we miss any super chats we do apologize ahead of time just a few announcements you guys were just working on a sign for out front of the warehouse what was the sign that you were working on that was for the auction yeah wait wait there's a what there's an auction see christian does talk there is an auction what day's the auction christian do you remember august 15th okay yes at 10 a.m 10 a.m we'll start registration so if you want to come to the what the hell's warehouse auction oh steve kelly just sent two dollars the the fist gives me ptsd from boxing match for steve thank you so much steve you just you're messing with his head right now all right so we do have a live auction coming up at the warehouse it will be on site on location and a lot of people are oh jane wright just said buck 99 fist pump for jane wright yes and then dill hole just sent another 699 canadian i worry about you guys every day i watch everything you do so feel like part of my family another one thanks so much still hope we appreciate it we've gotten so many messages that uh like we've getting we've gotten messages from little ladies that say hey i feel like you guys are my grandkids i've told you guys so many times these people want to watch you and have you created your channel yet no they still haven't created their channel all right uh we just got another super chat alice c canadian 20 prayer for george thank you so much alice i truly do appreciate it really really do appreciate it george is here in the house but she's not here in the studio she is asleep right now she's recovering uh so ca nas usa five dollars hello from portugal hope george gets better soon jeremy you are very funny thank you so much we appreciate it super chat fist pump uh it was a rough day for george and again i am going to get into detail about that amber crumb just sent ten dollars purse for george jeremy i love you i love you one cup i think she's talking about your cup one cup oh like your cup fill up my cup it's a pretty nice one tina emery five dollars yes tina barbara tucker buck 99 yes barbara thank you so much guys okay so warehouse warehouse auction that is snack saturday can you guys believe it it's next saturday no i cannot believe it it is it's next saturday second sense rob from second sense so another one of your favorite youtubers is actually gonna be the auctioneer he's got great cadence he's got great rhythm he's got great humor we're going to have a ton of fun with second sense at the warehouse so all everybody is going well how are we going to get in the warehouse we're going to legally break in the same way you guys do every single day right yes i actually wait for them to break in before i get into the warehouse because i'm so sick and tired of it yeah i'm tired of the two i bet it's so annoying still just sent another 549 give it to them jill hole said give it to them to start their channel i think though yep so dylan just sent 549 for canadian for you guys to start your channel so thanks man thank you so much free to block five dollars keep it up jane lord two dollars our christian impatience a couple love you all christian and patience would you like to answer that question yeah we're a couple definitely they they're a couple they are a couple marsha just sent 4.99 thank you so much marcia fist pump for marcia you have marshall i like that name so chris christian and patience are a couple and let's see did i miss anybody i might have missed somebody i don't want to miss anybody don't pickle sounds so good did we get barbara tucker at buck 99. okay perfect all right we got barbara all right uh and we got marsha as well right yep okay so that auction is coming up august 15th 10 a.m we'll start registration the actual auction will start at 10 30. we're going to be liquidating items in the warehouse we do this every spring every fall and it helps us actually move what we call household goods there are collectibles in there as well and then we can actually buy more items oh andrea hey just at 4.99 it gets easier from here just keep going oh andrea we pray that it gets easier george she did not have an easy day today uh actually i'll give you a quote per quote per george as she was crying she's like i should have not had this surgery but i'll get into that in just a little bit james bowton just sent five dollars as well yeah james thank you so much james cynthia palmer just said five dollars thank you so much we appreciate that okay uh there will be oh colin reynolds just sent five dollars who's the craziest small branded person uh that'd be george i'm guessing who do you guys think's the craziest small person the craziest whoppers and probably george yeah probably george yeah that'd be my guess what are you thinking me yeah actually put you two together and watch out world watch out become friends uh northwest rc club just sent two dollars much love quick recovery george thank you so much we appreciate it and then diane nelson speedy recovery for george thank you diane we truly appreciate it again george will be reading all of these robin uh just sent from new zealand five dollars as well that is awesome i love new zealand robin i've always i've always wanted to go we're going to go and film we're going up to akron tomorrow to film dill hole just sent out new zealand 6.99 and he says this is for jeremy mcdonald french fries okay we will you love those wendy's baked potatoes there's nothing better uh james hill just sent wait wait steve kelly said two dollars two and a half pound bacon wrapped cheeseburger yes please yes please fist pump for for him james hill you're my thoughts and prayers thank you so much james truly appreciate it really do so the auction is coming up august 15th uh again i am going to give you a full update on george here tonight and there will be we are going to attempt to actually run a auction on the second segment tonight of the live i was this close this close to shutting it all down texting you guys saying don't come over and uh once we got on the phone with george's doctor then i was a little bit relieved and so we're still moving forward and again i'll get more into that richard just sent 4.99 and i think patience is having a little too much fun with the fists we definitely enjoy our energy there you go another yeah richard just wants to see you with the fists now yeah all right it's not the better so uh we will we will be doing a second segment uncle bosnos says prayers your way and you two just start your youtube channel i've given these guys have i or have i not taught you guys youtube as you work with me yeah and you're still not doing it well no tonight hopefully is enough actual push for them to do it steve two dollars i'll send you the recipe upload a video thanks so much steve appreciate it okay and tonight during the action auction anybody and everybody if you answer a trivia question correct about this week's videos you will be able to win a free item okay you can win a free item no you can't win a free item you can't doesn't how many of the videos did you watch this week zero well you're not gonna exactly win then all right yeah you i suppose there's potential amanda smith just sent a buck 99 thank you so much amanda really appreciate it thank you thank you thank you thank you okay uh let's get into the mail because there's been an outpouring of love uh in the mail there is so much mail before we get in the mail i do want i want to highlight one thing in the coin pusher videos this week george and i have no idea how scratchers work have you guys ever done these yeah you have them how have you not fair points okay all right so kev's w just said five dollars yeah pubs hey young heads rock on jerome and miss george thank you so much so we actually we we got these in uh in one of the coin butchers you guys aren't there for that but uh when we go down south we we hit one of the coin pushers and these were in them and the viewers said hey the one was a winner well we had no idea we thought we thought you had to match like here here different squares and not have a match in the same square but there there there there there she is there she is so it is a winner it was a winner and it's a done deal we're all set there all right we got we got mail we got a lot of mail we got a lot a lot of mail okay uh wait doug we just sent canadian twenty dollars best wishes george safe strong little forty corn butchers adventures and lucky bag and i think lucky bag is better than jeremy's lucky sock that hurts why the lucky bag is better than my lucky sock that actually kind of hurts all right we've got all kinds of i'm just gonna start i'm gonna start sending stuff to you guys okay because we've got so much stuff here oh wait we just missed the super chat from alaska uh in alaska diss track dangle five dollars much love from alaska for marie thank you so much all right here we go here's a little bit more so what we're gonna do we've got so much mail tonight we're going to do mail then we're going to get into we are going to get into the update on george for sure uh you guys probably don't know this but there's a male song oh dr philip if thirst mccabe just set ten dollars for george's recovery yes so we got hope for speedy recovery and hope all's well much love for you all thank you so much dr flip it's from okay and then we we just had another one we had another one we don't want to miss them joseph five dollars for them to buy their own storage unit there you go i got one that we're going to work on this week i'll sell you i got it for free i'll tell you later you guys don't know yet just sent five dollars give george hugs get patience and christian get their own youtube started so we can subscribe what the hell thank you jeremy you're amazing thank you so much we appreciate it fist pump for her as well all right you guys ready for the mail song yeah we're ready hey it goes a little something like this [Music] all right let me back up let's get these super chats because we want to make sure all right uh we've got uh brenda just sent 9.99 for me and for dennis little as well thank you so much from brenda fist pump for brenda did you get her yeah brenda pebb's five dollars i knew it was watch cash cody everything you need to know about scratch-offs yeah we are we're oblivious we are oblivious but we will we will be cashing it in uh we'll be cashing it in as soon as we can get back down there all right karen jay five dollars my friend evie and i had hers out 1991 still doing great that's good to hear that's encouraging and then we've got oh i lost it i lost it i lost it um i lost it where'd i go where'd i go where'd i go uh there karen j my best friend okay we got karen david schultz 4.99 get well soon george thank you david and nikki wright sydney australia love from sydney australia speed recovery thank you so much how can they win the question they don't know free unit oh yeah well there you go you guys are gonna find out we got a free unit to work on this week but i'll tell you all about that later okay so let's get into some of the mail okay you guys can actually help me okay so we'll all take for example we'll i'll take well i'll take one we're gonna read it try not to show try not to show the camera the actual address of people uh joseph hopkins actually you should fist pump the entire time you've got packages i've got mail and all right so you got packages christian i got the letters and you got fist pumps so yeah so we've got i don't know if we're actually going to get to an actual auction tonight okay we've got a lot to cover tonight joseph hopkins five dollars if you don't play that song again i'll send more money let's do a mail song one more time just for fun if you don't play that song again hey i ain't worried about money you know [Music] that [Music] [Music] that's my jam you got me that is my jam i wrote that can you guys believe that yeah you're amazing writer all right mick draper just got 4.99 hooray the whole 6.99 just ate two pounds of caesar's house steak garlic bread burped out my face mask don't do that nice okay let's get into the mail all right we've got a letter here from peggy smith jeremy and george even small steps will get you where you're going so peggy thank you so much the mailbox is overflowing i'll share this with you guys recovery takes time just so you know you're not on the journey alone take care love peggy peggy wrote us a letter as well der george and jeremy it'll be in my thoughts and prayers always it's hard going through all of this but i believe god will be there for you he'll lift you up and we appreciate it peggy we absolutely absolutely appreciate it thank you for your thoughts and prayers you got out you got a package over there christian thank you okay we do oh we have a package we don't know who this is actually from but go ahead and share all right see mad libs 50 mad libs so it came from amazon but there was no note is there note in anywhere i didn't see a note in there i tried to prep it for you but i didn't see a note anywhere 50 of the best mad libs which we love this is right up george's a nice humor and then what else is in there uh they gave you some pens never have enough pens actually these are nice pens george asked for pens for her birthday really no joke no joke did she ask for matte lips um she didn't but she probably is gonna love them all right she's going to love them and then what else you got they also have these happy notes what does one of them say [Music] pgif oh nice all right let's get into another another letter here and we can't figure out who that's from right because i didn't see it so if you sent this please let us know so we can give you an appropriate thank you yeah wait thanks i'm gonna send that with you over there both of you all right to you're all you're in charge of all the and all of the if you see uh if you see a super chat you read it out okay if you miss one i forgive you ricky this is from mr ricky mcintosh sending happy thoughts your way from ricky and says george and jeremy i love to watch you guys so much and love and uh sometimes i mess up words i i have some health problems i can't do some things like wow yeah debbie i fall pretty good i love to hear you all's laugh and and uh basically he's saying keep fighting keep fighting and he said if you can't talk for a while george don't worry jeremy and the kids can talk for you i think he's referring to you guys oh ricky thank you so much ricky i appreciate it and i know george will as well marilyn thank you george will see all of these she'll see all of these are we got another package sorry guys my last domino thanks pebbs it's a george lucky bag oh it's a lucky bag for george it looks like two lucky bags oh jeremy gets a lucky bag look at this look at is that from eva who's it wait let's see who's that from is that from no it's from dai dream it's from dreama gomez oh thank you so much it's from dreama gomez thank you dream these are awesome these are awesome uh you guys know about the coin pushers that we go to yeah yeah these are the coinbase these are bags that they make for us oh really maybe someday maybe maybe someday you'll get your own bags as well you guys have asked a couple times to go yeah all right on us i am holding i've take christian was this you won't take me what christian's the official filmer yeah but i can fit in the suitcase what good are you gonna do in a suitcase i just want to go to a casino if he could if he could wear hoodie cam and get away with it my buddy would look so huge on him okay um we've got from alice alice sent us a letter here as well oh oscar just thanks oscar you're kevin alex says dear kids i can call you kids because i'll soon be 78 i love you too so much i feel like you are my kids you've brought so much joy and laughter in my life please excuse my reading my my writing i had a heart attack last fall this is what i was left with back to you too i started out with you on the abandoned storage units watched every episode every time even if it was over and over i love the way you two tease each other it's so much fun jeremy is so witty and full of does that say crap i think so yeah i think he's full of fun he says i can't help it but love him jeremy you're a sweetheart i really enjoy your humor and joy's george is a jewel uh to be able to put up with all of that she's so beautiful hang on to her i sit in my living room and i laugh i talk to you like you're right there with me sometimes i feel like you are with me and to the to the point where i get up and next door and i talk to you all right thank you so much alice we truly appreciate it uh and honestly alice i'm gonna talk about it tonight alice but because of this is some of the reasons why george actually chose to share uh her surgery video and so i'll talk about that a little bit tonight once we get to that point but we still got mail what else we got over there we have a package christine it looks like oh it's dollar origami what is who's it from christine it looks like it or kristen kristen from kristin dollar look at this georgia's gonna go crazy dollar origami no way no way look at this look at this you can pull crazy look at that what how are you so scorpion oh there's a butterfly you're an arch nemesis there's a butter butterfly right there your arch nemesis that is super super cool look it gives you one 100 no one dollar bills the defaults thank you so much kristin that is that's actually pretty epic that is pretty amazing this letter is from rosie hope your recovery is quick and complete let's see what rosie has to say rosie says george and in no time at all you'll be back on your feet and god's love rosie hugs let's see what rosie has to say here rosie says dear george and jeremy i just want to drop you a little get well card not mailed you anything before but wanted to show my support god has got this and you're not alone thank you for all the happiness and the smiles you both provide on your youtube videos you're both blessings to me and others as well christ shines through both of you i really appreciate seeing that that is why you have so many followers thank you for enjoying life and it throws at you in a positive way we're brothers and sisters in christ i'll be praying for a speedy recovery positive outcome in the warehouse situation george you have a wonderful strong man by your side lead on him when you need to jeremy stay strong and know when you need to lean on god may god bless you both and in the future love rosie thank you so much rosie truly appreciate it thank you you've got a you got another package oh wait this is a package here i'll i'll talk about this one really quick this is a super cool package and anthony from pittsburgh actually sent this so what the hell's class of 2020 and then he also sent a keychain a what the hell's keychain so we we haven't talked about this at all but one of the things that um one of the things i did is i reached out to some to some up and coming resell channels that i felt had the same heartbeat as ours and they didn't they didn't have a natural tendency or drawn to drama they actually they wanted to work they want to teach people they want to invest in people and so i i asked if they would like to be part of what i called noobs tube and you guys get to be a part of this every single day and so we we created the very first graduating class of noobs tube where we took up and coming channels and and really taught them everything that we knew about youtube so that they could be a growing and successful not that they needed us they didn't need us it was just part of mentoring and growing and so anthony uh made this awesome license plate with the what the hell's class of 2020 from use tubes and the super cool keychain appreciate it anthony from pittsburgh what a awesome awesome thing really do appreciate it look how cute this guy is he's a deep sea cow oh you should probably show that i already know who that's from this is this from mick draper that is that is from mick draper on the back it says thank you for all the love you spread thank you mick uh one of the things i'll share with you guys and we shared this in an episode not not too long ago so mick reached out to us and we met mick when we were in florida and instantly fell in love with mick and her family uh george and i have what would you would you call us weird you you weird yes okay would you call george weird no wait that says read debbie von super chat she sent that package you didn't know debbie vaughn sent it yeah all right fist pump for debbie vaughn thank you so much debbie vaughn and i'm sorry i'm not catching everything tonight but we will go back and read everything i promise uh so mick actually reached out to us and she let us know that mr draper is she's so funny so she calls her husband mr draper i'm going to have you guys start calling me mr hales so anyway she calls her husband she calls her husband mr draper is so funny and uh and george and i just think it's the most hilarious thing ever and so our our weird sense of humor just latches on to that and goes that's amazing and she reached out to us and she shared with us that miss mr draper was diagnosed with cancer and mick was the actually the very first person we shared with that george was diagnosed with cancer again before anybody not even our family we shared with mick first and told mick that we would be praying for mr draper and asked mick to be praying for george as well and so mick has been a blessing in our life as you continue to pray for george i ask you to continue to pray for mr draper as well and there are so many others so many others that need our prayers package package there's a lot of stamps on this one there are a lot of you should show how many stamps oh look at how many stamps that is awesome for for people who love to find stamps that's pretty epic who sent that package oh i don't know okay maybe it's oh we found it there's another here you show that and then i'll show this here there's a note right inside there what is this all right prayers for your good health dear george this blanket is a is it of prayers is a gift for you from lowe's of linda prayer chain oh thank you so much at the request of mick draper oh wow look at that mikas got her hands on something else so this is a prayer blanket she she had the prayer blanket sent to to george and continue to pray for your healing return to health on your road to rough keeping god's care thank you so much wow nick wow mick all right can you guys show the whole blanket oh we yeah we did did you already yeah we did wow it smells like apples and cinnamon that's from mix prayer group so she just sent she just sent another super chat from her prayer group all right i'm gonna you guys open the next one i'm gonna go put this i'm gonna go put this on george over where she's sleeping i'll be right back wait what are we doing oh wait this is for oh it's for me this one this one is from albert hassinger right yep albert i'm sorry if i just butchered your last name oh what is this i don't know i don't know what this is okay let's go here read this okay wait my fist is rolling off says dear coin pusher here you go george now you have the biggest bag i bet you can't fill this one up i like your videos keep them coming thanks albert oh that's a huge lucky bag it's a ziploc bag wow that's a giant ziploc yes i think you fit two pizzas in there uh i just went and put the blanket on george yeah melinda she's not sleeping she's watching she's actually she's in the chat i don't think she's commenting in the chat but we love watching the chat that is a giant bag all right uh georgie of what the hails from diane bolter let's see what we have here georgie georgie my georgie warm get well wishes especially for you it's hard to enjoy life when you're not feeling your best healing takes time but you'll get through this by the way guys i had papa john's garlic butter tonight so sorry i'm so hungry she actually she was out she was out of it she was so bad she was out of there's some down in the fridge if you wanted and then she she goes i ordered dream of gomez she's like you need to go pick me up that's awesome hello sweet george sweetheart you're truly my idol i care about you deeply i watch every and i do mean every quarter pushing game that you you and jeremy has ever made i live in des moines washington as my address states i'm 64 years old i deeply apologize for my handwriting i shake so i have good days oops sorry i have a bad day if you would like to have my email address i'll put it down below thank you jeremy for being georgie's rock through to all this before and after i too love this lady take excellent care of her i know you will thank you my friends and thank you for sharing georgie with us from diane boulder thank you so much diane thank you all right we got we have one more package one more pack okay we got one more package one more letter and then we're gonna get into the full george update oh there's actually note in there there's actually a note in there it tells us who it's from from liz from liz hampton liz hampton from liz hampton is the same thing on the note i think it does i don't know i think it does it says hi what the hell's enjoy gift from liz hampton maybe this lucky bag could help we got more lucky bags than we know what to do with right now actually might have to take you guys yes just to fill all the lucky bags how do you guys feel a trip going to another state that'd be pretty sick on the clock yeah hopefully yeah yeah exactly so that's from liz check that out thank you so much liz look at that that's a serious bag right there i like it all right okay i'm gonna hand that off to you and then we've got one more letter and then we're gonna get into the update what time is 9 43 wow oh look at this oh there's stamps there's some stamps right there some elvis stamps these are from these are from ash adams okay dear what the hells you guys are awesome seen these and thought of you all you hope you enjoy and have tons of luck on your coin pushers i enjoy all of your videos especially the storage auction videos it's neat seeing all the cool stuff you find in the units you buy keep awesome from ash thank you so much ash storage auctions i actually believe it or not i actually bought two units what day is it sunday i bought two units yesterday saturday and one unit i bought and i paid 825 for plus a 10 premium to restore the love and you'll get to see the video later i bought a second unit and then found out it was actually belong to the same person as the first unit that i bought to restore the love so i spent fifteen hundred dollars just under fifteen hundred dollars on saturday and guess what christian and i will be doing tomorrow i guess we're doing that we're going to be restorating the love it's the it's the most expensive restorage the love that what the hails has ever done and that'll be taking place tomorrow so we'll be doing that no you could use your left hand okay we are we are we're through the mail we're through the mail yeah you start sweating in there don't you all right just just a few more announcements and we're going to get into the george update number one we we announced this week that i will be hosting a caving trip through the devil's pinch if anybody if anybody wants to join in on that experience and we did a full video of it this this week if anybody wants to join in on that experience make sure you stay tuned we are going back to west virginia mid-october and we are going to go caving again and never ever uh encourage anybody to go into a cave without a guide i will be your official guide in the cave and we will do a meet-up it will be a caving trip and i will be your guide in the trip you'll get to go through the devil's pinch if you want to it'll be challenged by choice so you'll get to choose whether you want to challenge yourself to do that but more information will follow as we'll actually guide a trip through the devil's pinch and then george and i solo are going to do another cave for her own experience so keep watching for that as i will actually be a guide for you in that cave you'll get to see what george got to see and experience if you want to be a part of that mid-october in west virginia with all the leaves and the colors are changing it's absolutely incredible also this friday i was supposed to actually record and pull the winner for the free lasik because george's surgery went longer than i anticipated then i was not able to schedule that i will be doing that this friday with clear choice and then a video will be coming out announcing the winner later you will if you are the winner of the 5 000 clear choice lasik package you will have to be the winner watching the video and actually following the instructions on that video all right are we ready for george update yes yeah let's do it chug i'm already bloated from the pizza i don't want to i don't want to go too much further in regards to that okay all right so we're going to transition to sirius okay and so much on this channel is humor and it's because george and i have such a sense of humor as a matter of fact as i share some of these things with you uh i will and you can still you can still super chat if you see a super chat you can still fist pump but i do want to give them a full update i'm going to move the microphone over here a little bit okay so in regards to george and her current situation as i shared earlier uh i think i think the easiest thing to say is everybody's body responds to things differently and that doesn't whatever it is in life everybody's body responds differently i have three children jason my youngest child his skin would pick up anything and everything his immune system would pick up anything and everything compared to my other two children and so everybody's body responds to things differently and the one thing that we're we're continuing to learn is that georgia's body responds very differently to the aspect of cancer cells and so while round one of cancer has been knocked out currently uh to our knowledge and round two of cancer has been knocked out currently to our knowledge there is there is already a threat of round three that that we are aware of and and i'll i'll just share that with you in the aspect that the next area of checking is skin cancer and um so it is it's it's going to be a i think it's going to be a constant battle in all reality i think we both think it's going to be a constant battle in our life and it's something that we are we are going to have to continue to keep a watch on non-stop and and i know a lot of people who actually watch the video have a lot of a lot of different questions of number one even why the video and things along those lines and i'll get into some of that as we went live last sunday george actually finally decided she did want to share that she did have cancer again and originally that was not that was not the the heartbeat of of where she wanted to go with things and to be completely transparent to be very very frank one of the things that happens when you open your life up on a on a social platform that also opens your life up to continuous attacks and so so often and sadly in life people will build you up just so they can tear you down and and we have gone through those struggles with there's always going to be trolls there's always going to be haters and the thing that i always share with everybody i've shared it with you guys i'll share it with everybody 95 of people are going to love you and put all of your put all your emphasis in the 95 of people who love you 5 are going to hate you and they're always going to hate you and the i think the thing that has hurt the most during our youtube journey is we didn't know any other youtubers going into this process and and through that we've met them and through that we've also decided that that there is so much hate so much backbiting so much drama uh so much negativity we want nothing to do with it and and i think our experience through that was a lot of pain and pain that we don't want to go through again we don't want to see thing people saying silly things um we don't listen you just straight up tell you you want to kill you guys remember this you want to kill a youtube channel initiate drama with other people and enter relationships that'll kill your channel immediately you're dead don't ever do that all right you guys will hear me say that all the time don't ever do that don't ever generate drama and so for us especially george being so weary number one from the physical battle but then weary secondary from the emotional battle of of dramatic people negative people and things along those lines for me it's easier to just toss it aside for george it doesn't come that easy to actually toss it aside so she had pulled back and part of the process of actually bringing you guys on full time part of your contract is you guys are in videos and there's a reason and a rationale for that because george pulling back and then you guys pulling forward in the videos so you guys part of your contract is you're in videos right now that being said you haven't been in a video in a while it's been a while we've been a little bit busy so it has been a while since you guys have actually been in videos and yet it's still part of your contract with us knowing behind the scenes that georgia is going to pull back with their health and other issues and then you guys were going to push forward and with the videos as well and yet at the same time as george was pulling away and going you know i really don't feel comfortable sharing i don't want to invite that drama i don't want to invite that negativity uh and as we've pulled away from or from i mean honestly so many youtube channels that we just we don't want association with anymore because it's negative it's drama all they do is back bite they talk about other people we don't want anything to do with that and frankly we don't we don't you just don't want to give him any more ammunition to say silly things such as you know she's faking or she's doing it for views or things like that and we've already seen that even this time around which is such a silly silly ridiculous and uh frankly cowardly statement to make in regards to that but uh george kind of went full circle in the aspect where we shared last sunday that was a process that was honestly that was quite a process to actually get george to want to be able to share because originally we were not sharing we were not sharing with anybody the channel is just going to keep going on and we were going to deal with things in the background and then she finally honestly i think a lot of it has to do with mick and mr draper with with mick being open with mr draper story and things along those lines to know that there are people who love you so passionately and lift you up in prayer so ver fervently to be able to say okay maybe this journey that i'm going on actually can encourage others and help others i do want to share with you that today was a very very rough day for her she is she is extremely weak she is extremely sore her entire body is numb her entire body is tingling and her incision on her neck is extremely swollen and extremely bruised her whole chest is bruised and for those of you who know about removal of the thyroid with all of her body being numb and tingling it means her body isn't soaking up or saturating the calcium and so we spent the afternoon on the phone with the with the hospital and and her her doctor and so we are we did not go back to the hospital today there was a point where we absolutely thought we were going back to the hospital live stream was going to be cut everything that you know life was going to alter itself and we were just going to focus on the most important thing we were going to go back to the hospital but her doctor her doctor did say gave us gave us enough instruction as far as to move forward and then wait before we headed back to the hospital that doesn't mean that she won't be back in the hospital but we pray that she won't be back in the hospital right now the issue is her body is not absorbing the calcium currently the way that it should be from everything that we can that we can figure out with the removal of her thyroid so she she had a very very difficult day and and uh to the point where it's even difficult for her to even open their eyes uh just laying down and sleeping and and her whole body is numb and her whole body is tingling but that that takes me back to the point of even to the point of her being okay with sharing this after last sunday and the live stream last sunday the the outpouring of prayer and love and support was just overwhelming i mean just overwhelming so overwhelming and george through the process has been able and i've encouraged her the entire time i was like you have to you have to read these comments you have to read it has been to the point where we can't keep up with the social media we can't keep up with all the messages not saying stop the messages we just can't keep up with it that's how much love and support that you guys are pouring out and george has gone through this process there was there was no way a week ago that she would have been okay with sharing the surgery on um on youtube and and there have already been people there have been negative people that have already they've made attacks already how dare you you did this for views and this and guys don't do that number one don't do that to a channel you don't know somebody's motive and their heart first of all so to be so foolish to try and insert your own your own foolishness upon that um it just gets you blocked and deleted from a channel like ours we will not we will not tolerate we have no tolerance whatsoever for negativity drama whatever you will be blocked and so the outpouring of love really i think put george in a position to where one of the things she kept saying all week she's like she's like i can't believe i can't believe the messages i can't believe the stories i can't she goes this is so relatable for people cancer is so relatable even tim martin one of my good buddies up in stryker he's a pastor up in striker tim martin messaged me this week and he told me that connie his good friend and my good friend as well connie has cancer ovarian cancer she found herself in the hospital connie is the healthiest person i know in the world she eats everything healthy and if connie can get cancer with her lifestyle you just sit there and go this is so relatable to people and where they're at and george kept saying that over and over again she's like just so relatable so relatable so relatable a week ago georgia didn't want to to share her experience and her journey and because of your outpouring your love your prayer your support it just somehow snapped in her to go i have to now she never said it in those words to me she just kept saying this is so relatable to people people people need to hear this this is so relatable this can give people strength when i recorded her experience for surgery frankly our experience and a lot of people said this is the most intimate thing you've ever shared with us and and it probably in the aspect i mean there's obviously you have youtube and what we're going to show on youtube and and aspects of our life that will show on youtube you compartmentalize you guys see a whole lot more of our lives than people on youtube see agree i mean you see you see a whole lot and then there's other things that nobody will ever see but george and i so when when georgia said this from the very beginning when we first met i filmed everything i felt every day george's biggest fear is losing her memory and so when i filmed her surgery and her experience it wasn't to share on youtube it was to share with george so in the aspect of potential of her losing her memory and not only that and i told her i said this is so important for joey to see joey is her 21 year old son it's like this is so important for joey to see you're allowed to have one person with you and it's it and the person that was with her was me as our caretaker and this is so important that joey joey should be you know joey should know the journey and what you went through and what you walked through and and so when i was filming that day it wasn't for youtube it was for george and her fear of losing her memory and i've always recorded every part of our lives i just i don't know why i just have and and i was doing it in the aspect for joey as as well so for her memory and then also for her family's memory and i really believe it's after it was after reading your messages and and you've sent so many messages through yahoo and through youtube and through facebook and it's just been overwhelming the stories the uh if i can just the heart wrenching heart breaking stories of cancer and how relatable it is into people's lives we've had people message us and say because you shared this i've been scared to get checked i'm going to get checked i know i have issues i'm going to have surgery and and that has been that has been absolutely amazing to hear that outpour of love uh for for george particularly and frankly for our our relationship and it was in the hospital all right so there's times there's times obviously i would lose it emotionally but never in front of george and i'm i might need i might need to snot on that but i'll just use my sleeve but there was times i lost it emotionally but never in front of george in the hospital but when i went back to her room okay so they take her they take her and then and then i was supposed to see her at one o'clock i did not see her one o'clock i see her 2 30 which obviously when you don't see somebody for an hour and a half later and you're like all right what's going on but uh she she was coming out of it and obviously i was recording the experience but it was her it was not me that went all right this is for youtube we're gonna put this on youtube george a week ago would have never allowed i mean pure and simple she would have never allowed number one for me to record her with no makeup let alone a slit in her throat let alone in such a vulnerable uh position of of in the hospital and and all of that and it was literally it was george who said are you going to put this on youtube i was like well i mean it was her it was her inviting me to put it on youtube and i never even thought that was an aspect and she was the one going all right well people people need this people need this for strength for encouragement for their journey for their walk as all of you guys have been been reaching out and uh the the messages and the encouragement oh my goodness that's been huge to the point where you guys actually encouraged her to share the story as a matter of fact you guys may think this is so crazy somebody somebody left such a nasty nasty comment in regards to the thumbnail george is the one that created the thumbnail right there in the hospital george uploaded the thumbnail from the hospital george does all the thumbnails george did tonight's thumbnail george did that thumbnail and so uh somehow some way you guys convinced her to actually share her story her journey as she's on that path and and encouraged her to use it to encourage others as well so that's been that's been huge now some of the issues all right i might i might have to go to the bathroom and but some of the issues through the through the surgery and we did give some updates uh and other platforms but she had two tumors on her thyroid and those tumors were both between six and seven centimeters apart or excuse me between the width of six and seven centimeters that's a peach so the size of a peach so she had basically two peaches on a thyroid in her neck and uh obviously with technology it's absolutely amazing the way medical advancements have been so her her incision on her neck is about from here to here and for them to pull that all out is absolutely incredible the way that they did it and then for us to actually be able to get her home the next day for care as well is absolutely incredible now we're not out of the neck of the woods yet in regards to her journey with cancer we don't think they think it's going to keep honestly between the youtube family i think it's going to be a constant fight in her life it's going to be another check let's see what's next all right where is it where's it creeping up now let's take care of it another check let's see where it's at next let's take care of it and we think it's going to be a constant a constant thing um after a full thyroidectomy she was not supposed to be able to talk doesn't mean she can't talk it means once you have that surgery it's so close to your vocal cords most people cannot physically speak so a lot of people are concerned jeremy why were you asking her questions why is she talking if she can speak she can speak that's not an issue if she wants to speak she can speak and obviously with george and i being so close uh george and i our relationship is we we met each other we've been inseparable even if we've been separable if that makes any sense whatsoever so she and i our personalities get each other so much that we love each other to death even if we drive each other crazy and so there's no way probably that she and i couldn't not talk during that process and there's probably no way she couldn't crack jokes because as much as i crack jokes which i crack jokes all the time right uh she cracks them ten times more than me she actually has the bigger personality not on camera but in real life she has the bigger personality she has the bigger humor the whole deal so just because just because the doctors told her you may not be able to talk for four or five days and we shared that in the video she was able that was a big blessing she was actually able and while while it might hurt her throat and she did share that her teeth hurt her mouth hurt her neck hurt right now her whole body hurts but she was able to talk after surgery and that was pretty incredible and i did stay at the hospital with her originally they told me they said you'll be able to see her a few minutes after you'll be able to see her a few minutes after uh she gets out of surgery and then we'll we'll let you know when to leave i got in there at 2 30 i had to leave at 8 o'clock and so i was with her from 2 30 to 8 o'clock i was actually amazed at the amount of time they actually let me stay in there especially because she had a roommate as well and with kovet i was shocked they let me stay it was it was actually it was great and through that process uh at one point at one point it was seven o'clock and i told her i was like it's like it's a it's an hour drive back to my place i said i think i'm gonna go at seven and she's like oh okay and i go do you want me to stay at eight till eight is if they said i could stay to eight she's like yeah so i stayed till eight and the funny part is is even though i stayed till eight she and i were text all night neither one of us slept so we were we were texting all night joking i mean normal normal jeremy and george stuff that you never well you kind of see aspects of it on screen but you're never going to see the full force of it off-screen so texting joking uh not only not only is uh well anyways let me move on i still might have to go to the bathroom um the next day so not only i not only is she she's not only just my george she's also uh what i would consider my best friend as well and that's that's a difficult thing to walk through with that so again as much as she drives me crazy uh there's nobody who i've laughed with so much in my life uh there's nobody who i would want to experience you know things i mean everyday things like that in my life and uh so i i don't she and i just and i think so many of you guys you've even said it already in in the videos it's like you guys just you guys get each other and we do crazily enough we get on each other's nerves we get on each other's last nerve and and and uh we love each other to death as well so i told her i told her when i was when i was videoing uh she's like what are you videoing for i was like i need proof in case you die that they don't think i did it so which she thought was funny at the time so that may not be funny to you guys but for us we thought it was hilarious and so many of the jokes in our videos when george and i are together so many of the jokes in our videos they are they are jokes for us they're jokes for me and heard that mean something to us and it's and it's hilarious to us that so many viewers are always so offended by our personal jokes that we find so funny but our jokes are for us that's what makes it fun for us the i mean the videos are really they're for us we're documenting our life and and we invite you to be a part of it and we're we're shocked that you invite us to be a part of your home and your life and your family as well so the next day george was in for surgery on friday uh the video was all her idea to actually share i never thought i never thought in a million years i honestly never ever ever thought and she actually the crazy part is she's like all right take pictures of me for the thumbnail she was posing for the thumbnail and she's like all right now get up on my scar she's like i'll blow it up but i'm in the hospital going this is not the george of a week ago who did not want anybody to know and it just resonates with so many people the cancer story resonates with so many people that i think it had such a huge impact you guys had such a huge impact on her deciding that the journey needed to be shared and it needed to be it needed to be a comfort it needed to be even a sidekick for people to go hey you know i have journey i have cancer too you know what's the process look like things along those lines so the next day originally we were fighting for me to be able to spend the night and there's no way the hospital would let me spend the night not even sitting in the chair buyer so i just told her i would get i would get a hotel room nearby because the next day they were going to call and and have me pick her up but they don't tell you what time and she she she finally decided she goes well there's an auction tomorrow and there's six storage units and i went yeah and she goes well why don't you go there and i'll have joey i'll have my son pick me up and then he'll take me to my parents and then you can come pick me up on my parents i'm like are you are you sure she's like yeah just go to the auction everybody at the auction actually they were shocked to see me there too i was shocked to even be there but the auction was at 10 a.m and i actually i bought there were six units i have not seen a good unit in a month and i bought i bought the fifth unit to go up for auction i bought for eight hundred and twenty-five dollars plus a ten percent buyer's premium and i bought it to restore the love the auctioneer got up and said the lady the lady wants to know if she can have all her family photos back and you'll see it in the video eventually i whisper in there and i go i'm going to give her back everything i'm going to buy this unit no matter what it costs i'll give it back everything and then i bought the sixth unit that looked good as well and i bought that one to actually resell and i paid four hundred and ten dollars for that plus ten percent buyers premium and later the storage unit manager told me that was her unit as well and so um she's getting both back so i was on the phone with her today christian and i are gonna go meet with her tomorrow so her son joey's joey actually picked george up took george over to see her parents so she got to see her son and her parents and a couple of her nephews um the the following morning as well i got to buy two units that we're going to get to restore the love with which was was honestly we have not been able to restore the love in so long it was a blessing and i'm looking forward to making that video tomorrow and then i went over uh to pick george up from her parents house and asked her you know she's always hangry so i asked her what she wanted to eat wasn't a baked potato but she didn't want to eat anything i asked her she wanted chick-fil-a because every time we drive to her parents and we go past a chick-fil-a in fairlawn and we have to stop that's like we have to stop it's like you guys going to wendy's for baked potato yeah we have to go to chick-fil-a and she wasn't even up for chick-fil-a but what we did is i brought her back to my place to actually take care of her here and instead of her at her place and uh so i've been taking care of her here at my house and she's been watching the umbrella academy so if you haven't watched the umbrella academy on netflix you can catch up with george and talk george about the umbrella academy and and today was was a very difficult day for her we we've started her her throat her she's been talking there's no as a matter of fact she she was even yelling earlier but so we've been talking but we've uh we've started this ridiculous if you're if you're in a relationship with your best friend you kind of get this stuff i mean you guys have crazy things between you two right that only you get so george george and i started this ridiculous sign language thing that means nothing and i know as soon as i share this people are gonna go how dare you make fun of people in sign language and for us it's hilarious so we've just started looking into each other and and she'll be like and then i'll respond back with you know and so we have no idea what the other one is saying but we've started we started an absolutely ridiculous sign language thing with one another which is hilarious to us then we both both stop laughing and um someday maybe i'll actually record that too but for us it's funny so even you know finding the humor in the small little things that i think that's the thing with she and i is our humor is so aligned that she she thinks i'm hilarious and i think she's hilarious and we don't care if anybody else thinks either of us are hilarious because we find each other so funny and i think that's what makes us so irresistible to the other person that we can't stand being without the other person is the humor and the laughter and so um we've started this whole thing which you may see in future videos we're not making fun of other people we're making fun of each other it's our thing and we find it humorous and frankly that's what we need we need humor we need to laugh and i think that's healing in regards to that so we have started that i'm caring for her here the day today about um i was out i was out trying to find calcium obviously you know your thyroid calcium and absorption of calcium and and all that so i was out trying to find better better calcium supplements than tums or the actual the actual supplement pill that she's on and so i went to go find chocolates and i found some gummies and things like that and all sudden i got a text and she goes something is definitely not right and i was at walmart and i was like all right well i called her and she answered and i said you don't even have to talk i just want you on the phone i want you on the phone until i get back to the house so i just need to know that you're on the phone everything's okay because i don't know everything that's going to go on i don't know if she's going to go into some kind of a coma i don't know you know this is my first round with this kind of thing with with a thyroid and all of that and and i don't know exactly what can happen but all she's telling me is something absolutely is not right so i hurry back i bring all the supplements and i mean she's just she's a mess she scared me um she scared me to where you know i i went through all of her paperwork uh she couldn't open her eyes she's laying she's she's not moving she's not opening her eyes she's saying her entire body is numb her entire body is tingling and i'm on the phone on the sunday afternoon i've got all of her paperwork i got her doctor's office but nobody nobody's in the doctor's office on a sunday and i'm going oh my goodness what do i do because she everything was done an hour north of me and here she is she's with me and i can take her to my local hospital and thankfully my my next-door neighbor she's a doctor so a lot i can text her at any time with anything and she'll she has no problem you know helping helping us out she even i think she did a lot to actually convince george to move forward with the surgery as well but i didn't text my neighbor i tried like crazy to get a hold of the the department the cancer department and figure out what in the world is going on and finally i did get through they did get back and we got we got uh george's doctor on the phone and she walked us through you know some some solutions of things that are going on and then some solutions to actually correct the things that are going on and so george right now is not doing any better than she was this afternoon but she did eat papa john's pizza with garlic butter which is an absolute you gotta have right i mean that's that's an absolute you gotta have it you gotta have it so she she did she she wouldn't get up uh she's covered with so many blankets it's 90 degrees in ohio she's covered with so many blankets and hoodies and she's freezing and she couldn't get up and she wasn't opening her eyes and all of this stuff and i'm i'm trying to get her to even talk to her doctor and she's not she's not making sense her doctor is getting frustrated with her let alone me getting frustrated being like the doctor wouldn't talk to me the doctor would only talk to george so she did eat she's got papa john's and garlic butter in her and i did take the prayer blanket over to her i've got three other bedrooms over that way down the hall and she's in a room over there that that she stays in and so the player blanket is on her she was on her phone and i'm pretty sure she's watching the live stream i didn't ask but i'm sure she's watching the live stream and all of your guys's comments so that's where things are at right now and hopefully um hopefully things get better for but today was a rough date yesterday yesterday was going well yesterday was going well but today just kind of went kind of self-imploded in regards to whether whether it be i mean the reality is the lack of a thyroid that's what it that's what it comes down to it's a lack of a thyroid and and her body adjusting to that and everything else that her body is going through as well so uh that is the full update in regards to george and if if george is watching so any questions any questions you guys have in regards to george before we you think we should do an auction tonight or should we just i don't know it's kind of you it's kind of awkward having an auction after giving an update on her i was tearing up she she actually she prepped everything for an auction any questions in regards to george if if there's anything that we can i know i rambled and it was hard to land the plane there but so julie says george's body's trying to adjust angie says looking forward to your guys's channel if you guys get to that point yeah angie yeah everybody everybody's saying no auction you know i'm gonna even though i've i told you guys to come over here for the auction and i told you guys to carve out hours i'll still pay you for your full week even though you're not gonna work the whole time but we're gonna we're gonna cancel the auction and i'll still pay you all right your payments down below i'll give it to you before we go okay so we'll do an auction next week but we have to we have to end with a song because we always open with a song and we always end with a song and uh before we do i'm going to encourage i'm going to continue to encourage you that you guys continue to pray for george and there are so many people that need prayer and and i think this has just opened our eyes sharing our story and really it's george's story i just get to go through the journey with her but it has opened our eyes completely and totally to how many people this relates with and how many people are struggling with cancer one of the things that george did this week before surgery she's been wanting a new car she went and she bought a new car and she asked me she said do you think i can donate my old car and i said yeah you can donate it and you can use it uh donate wherever you want so she is donating that to an organization with cancer research and then she went to her son her son got an uh another car and she told joey she's like i'm donating your old car too because it's in my name so obviously it's impactful and it's near and dear to george's heart but obviously so many other people's hearts as well as close friends such as connie resacker i encourage you to be praying for connie and for for she's going through chemo right now i encourage you to pray for mr draper and there are so many others that are leaving comments on facebook on instagram on the youtube channel if you see their story i encourage you to pray for them so with that being said uh we should probably sing a little song about praying what do you think about we can do do you think we can transition into that [Music] the most awkward transition ever after that was an emotional roller coaster for patients have fun with that one you should have been at the hospital with me i was a mess not in front of her though all right [Music] i'm not sure how to land this plane if you're praying for george type what the hells over in the chat right there in the chat right there yeah go for it if you're praying for georgetown what the hell yeah yeah if you're praying for george is there anything wrong with george of the jungle like a iron forge if you're praying for george type what the hell's you're praying for george type what the heck is you're praying for georgetown what the hell if you're praying for george like a big old iron forge that means you're you're a strong tower praying for george if you're praying for george type what the hell we did have an auction scheduled tonight we'll try and pick that up next week too awkward to transition into the into the auction tonight thank you so much for being with us thank you for all of your prayers all of your support all of your love it truly means a bunch to us from our family the what the hell's family to your family say good night guys good night good night
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 170,415
Rating: 4.9406528 out of 5
Id: 0ghm-sCqEY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 42sec (5082 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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