Rimworld: Ideology - Cult of Beyond Meat - Pt 1

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hey we are playing more rim world because yesterday the ideology expansion for rimworld dropped and it looks so very exciting i'm really really really really hyped to be playing this and i couldn't wait i was either gonna start a youtube series or we're gonna stream it today and um we haven't streamed before the last you know the 1.3 beta i haven't really streamed that much from world before and it turns out it's really fun you know super fun super interactive it's a game i think that really lends itself well to like instant reactions to things um and if nothing else it would be nice to go and um and set up this new story uh together you know maybe it keeps being as a stream maybe it goes on as a youtube series you know going forward who knows we'll see but we're going to start it here and i think it's going to be amazing um yeah and then we'll figure out what to do with the victoria 2 game somewhere in there because it would be nice to do a little bit more over there um tree hugging cannibals could be a thing a lot of people are thinking about um uh oh the discord notifications okay we'll check it take it out look at it uh a lot of people were thinking underground are for dwarves i was wanting i had a particular thought that might be fun because i was looking at the different ideologies and different combinations of things um and i'm still kind of into the idea of like the animal ranching stuff i was wondering about this ideology that was based on the idea of there being a certain hierarchy in the world right there's plants then there's things that eat plants then there's things that eat flesh and then there's things that sort of transcend that flesh right um as a sort of a natural hierarchy so i was thinking about if we had the um i can't remember what it's called but the the trait where they want to like replace their body with bionics and rancher we're growing a lot of animals we're feeding on you know the animals oh flesh only flesh only because we're trying to move our way up this perceived hierarchy and then eventually remove our own flesh and become beyond flesh from there um yeah the transhumanists um and then uh yeah i mean cannibalism i mean i don't think we're going to particularly necessarily worship cannibalism but it should just be acceptable just meat right so i think something like that could be a vibe you're gonna make a transhumanist cannibal colony first so yeah that's the only thing i don't i don't know if i'm gonna be well we could actually i supposed to lean super heavy into it um and throw cannibalism in there as a trait as well that's entirely possible i didn't know if i was gonna necessarily go that far we'll see we're going to start poking around now let's talk about the mods i do have a few installed i did not install to the best of my knowledge any mods that um add any special jobs or furniture or anything like that or change the gameplay in any meaningful way because i i when we see stuff in there i want to be like oh that's new with ideology not oh that right that comes from this mod or that mod or whatever so it's almost entirely just user interface kind of quality of life stuff um the well i might turn off death rattle i haven't decided if i'm gonna leave this on or not um death rattle does change the gameplay a little bit in that it stops you from dying instantly from losing a vital organ you might have a little bit of time to get any replacement which i thought might make sense with our transhumanism thing because you know we can just replace a body part with an artificial body part and keep on going uh the other thing that changes the gameplay is tech advancing this idea where you can advance to a new area of tech and the reason i thought is maybe maybe we start as tribals right um which have very low tech but with this goal of advancing through you know multiple different levels of things i thought that might be fun start as tribals who want to become transhumanists i'm a little bit worried that they can have a bunch of mood debuffs but maybe they start like replacing themselves as just like wooden hands and like peg legs and things right um before they can go any further a little like civilization yeah it might just start in a sad start we'll see yeah the mood debuffs might be tough so i don't know but but maybe i mean it's even with a conventional start you don't have access to a lot of body place replace body part replacement for a while even in a standard start you're gonna be limited to things like peg legs and stuff until you get you know higher tech um prosthetics tribal's too slow could be i mean one nice things though if we do go um transhumanist we will get a researcher profession which does get a big boost to research speed a bunch of peg-like transhumanist tribal sounds hilarious blind dwarves eating mushrooms i mean there's so many different options into here install organs and injured yeah and everything we'll probably we're going to allow our organ harvesting as well i don't know if that counts for the uh the transhumanist stuff i don't think it does the trade caravan with the empire going get pretty quick that's true bone hands yeah oh yeah we could boost our research speed with the precept as well which might not be a bad idea if we're starting out tribal um so yeah so that's it uh basically the only two things that change the gameplay and it's very minor as the death rattle um which lets them live i and i haven't really experienced it too much but the idea is you can live a little bit before dying right you get your kidneys shot out and it's like okay well we have to deal with that soon but you know not right away and then tech advancing that lets us change our but it's that'll be very subtle kind of thing um so if we go new colony so yeah we could go start with lost tribe i mean which is going to be challenging af but could be fun or crash landed will travels have such fancy clothes go try challenge for all the rewards all right uh we'll play on the the middle east difficulty here over here strive to survive uh reload any time mode it's gonna be fine cassandra con classic is the way i want to go tribe and randy i don't think i'm gonna go randy i think we're gonna go like regular storyteller over here um i'm tempted to get rid of the insect gene line again just because i hate dealing with insect infestations i just find them like critically unfun personally so i don't know um for our seed uh what's what you know we can just randomize but do we want to use a fun word for our seed here hit infestation so much yeah it's all bad callers had seed okay done um so theoretically if you use the same settings as me you'll get the same map use hashtag name hey no fuji thank you very much uh glad to catch a stream for once a little contribution to whiskey chuckle fun since i'm enjoying a glass of writer's tears thanks for recommendation i just love the name of that one it's an irish whiskey and i think it's got a fantastic name writer's tears i think that's gonna be really good all right so we got our planet over here one thing i like is that i think originally when they added the map you do the 30 like everything was just a black line here just like well we'll just leave it ocean or you know unknown is going to be fine um i think i'm going to go for somewhere that's not too mountainous i like mountainous areas especially here's the thing we turned off the infest insect infestation which means like cave dwelling would be fine and safe right and yeah the minor specialist is really nice but i'm i'm wondering about actually going in a not very mountainous area i still want the insect infestations turned off so because like there's a tiny little clump of earth and then you like mine into it and they're like ah we got you like screw you bugs right um but i don't think i want to live in caves the whole vibe i want to go for is this this move towards more kind of a futuristic advanced kind of vibe so like you know fancy houses eventually obviously we'll start with wooden houses but then build our way up a little bit just go large hills good balance yeah yeah yeah yeah maybe something like that um is this a bike big old swamp tropical rainforest i mean maybe we don't go rainforesty swamps um is this all just oh my god yeah this is all just rain forest okay but here we go temperate forest maybe kind of vibe um hey plane coast hills hooray more room world stag not a bribe um i was wondering about maybe going somewhere that did have um growing period year round just so that we don't have to deal with like um like we can just let our animals graze because we're gonna be having that take the island and build atlantis i guess we'd have no visitors no traders probably over here right near purple faction in the empire would be nice um which i guess would be here right because this is an empire place and then purple faction is presumably just some some decent yeah they're just neutral one of these guys oh these guys would be hostile but i guess it doesn't matter too much but yeah what about uh like right over here well that's i mean that's totally flat there's a swamp over there large hills so we could do here we're near a road oh oh hold on are those people over here oh never mind i think that i didn't realize there was someone there from when i was way zoomed in um who dat nachos was soon ocean i laughed a little at that name did you yeah minus 100 those guys would be pretty cranky maybe just move over here there you go just a little off-road still not too far um temperate forests large hills year round growth that does make it pretty easy admittedly on the roadwater cross there really wouldn't be a lot of land to work with there but it could be pick me as a starting location you want plain coast hills i mean yeah they'd already be pretty low that's true i guess it doesn't stop you from from settling here didn't even know you they already hate you i guess it's something about verification we could go right here it'll be small hills which is fine it's whiskey no mad maybe oh my gosh what's going on here uh hey jayseem thank you very much ambi peaks ambi peaks oh you just to settle over here well i mean it's about the same yeah like rivers for early power generation potential starting to say jungle plays the red wizards conquer the pink dudes they're flash colored so what are you doing is everyone's excited for ideology yeah world map only expects your ability to move not ai factions so coastal tiles are actually coastal and you can fish in the ocean i mean i don't like that it's deserty although we could come around down here well that's rainforest again which i was going to try to avoid because of diseases i don't think i want to go full tree worship you know what i think we'll go here so obviously these guys are going to be big butt faces but you know we'll deal with that when we get there the island is cool the island is really cool but i don't think there'd be yeah i didn't think they'd add fishing in the base game yet all right so there are like religions currently in there although you can tune those and you can grab any of these uh in there looks like there are going to be some other loyalists but yeah i was thinking of making our own um i don't know if we go ideological or arc i mean here it doesn't really matter too much right yeah it's only effects symbols does not affect gameplay architects are the true gods they know the moral structure of the universe so presumably these are like this is like the you know we we've known we've seen runes of old technology and things like that and we think that like they were really they really knew what was going on so i to a certain extent this might be the vibe that we're going for over here right with the arcs maybe they were yeah they're super ais maybe that's what we sort of see ourselves at like maybe transcending our body completely is our final goal so i think we go archist so yeah cause what i was thinking is tran humanist ranchers for that sort of that that vibe of plant to flesh to beyond flesh kind of uh transition um probably wasn't gonna explicitly put in cannibals although honestly we're basically going to do we're going to at least enable it so there's going to be some stuff that's going to be pretty similar i don't think i'm going to hit the cannibal tag but i think we're going to enable cannibalism ranch humans that's a whole other thing yeah the thing with the cannibal is they prefer human meat we must consume human meat if we haven't for a while we get displeased and i don't know if that's the vibe i want so i think we're gonna go like something like this right so meat anything is seriously required all meals must have meat we're gonna do ranching then we have like yeah body modification approval we actually get a debuff if we have no artificial parts whatsoever um which again early on is going to be limited to things like peg legs uh age reversal yeah so anyone who starts getting old is going to get cranky about it um and want to spend time in the age reversal thing which we are not going to get there for a while so that there is going to be some serious debuffs uh although whenever we get the biosculptor it's going to go faster um and yeah mood want neural supercharger minus six if you don't have it like it's gonna be rough it's going to be real rough quill went from whiskey and chocolate to whiskey and human flesh cold cuts [Laughter] it's going to cost an armament like i'll join the colony nice all right the rest of these precepts over here um execution horrible if innocent or respected if guilty i think this is fine like so the idea is if we've got say if we've had a prisoner for a while and they're the point where they no longer get are considered guilty if we execute them then that's i mean that's the normal rimworld thing right everyone gets kind of cranky um or we could just say like we don't care we can execute people whenever we want i don't know if we want that i don't think we want to kill people i don't think that's what we're looking for i don't think slavery is the way we're gonna go i don't think we're gonna mess with the default clothing things but yeah for both of the genders you can go all the way from fully nude to totally covered uh so i think we'll leave it on on the normal which is pants for men and pants and shirts for women i know you know what maybe men want to cover their chest too my nipples um yeah those are only requirements right like pants is not just pants only it's if they didn't have pants on they would get cranky here they'll want pants and shirts maybe pants shirts and hats maybe just keep everyone headed we like hats should we just make it so that people are unhappy if they don't have hats or are we making the game hard enough as is it's not like they get happier from having hats um so organ use yes we are totally okay with harvesting organs um we see no reason why that should be an issue in any way whatsoever we're all gonna say that cannibalism is acceptable it's not going to say preferred but you know meat is meat hats only i don't was hats only an option no hats only is not an option that would be funny if you could customize the clothing requirements like that yeah killing prisoners is a wasteful you keep them alive you can harvest organs uh when they're needed rather than having to keep them in the freezer there you go um so yeah cannibalism is fine um blindness horrible yeah sure corpses i think we can't remove any exchange from other things yeah i mean we still don't want dead corpses around because that's that's not very hygienic um fungus despised if you go tunneler then you can accept cave-grown fungus um we could so diversity of thought we could be bigots but i don't i don't know if there's like a reason like i don't i don't think we're like bigoted against other schools of thought they're just are being dumb about it like yeah yeah okay worship whatever god you want doesn't matter we know that true enlightenment comes from from this or that or whatever maybe we'll just keep it neutral i don't know um insect meat despised is i'm you loved i think with loved it doesn't matter because we're banning the insects anyway yeah no i don't i don't think there's any reason for them to like the insect meat anymore honestly if there was a neutral option i'd take it so physical love we do like free love and everything like that or you know something one thing that might be fun is like make it so that men and women two spouses each or something like that um or or three spouses each because the is it doctor flocks from enterprise on his planet all men have three wives every wife has three husbands and they get these like really interesting sort of family chains that happen it's kind of kind of a little bit entertaining i don't know if it makes much sense i think we should like free love baby it's only flesh right where did that go it like reorders as these things get assigned there it is everyone can blink whoever um do we want to give ourselves a slight research boost just because we are going to be starting so freaking backwards we're highly motivated for it right obviously it's going to make our game easier i'm just going to put a little bit faster not not not all the way very fast not allowed you can go you can ban research which is crazy well there's just a tiny little scooch of extra research that's going to be fine um yeah they don't mind eating nutrient paste although i don't know how that'll interact with the meat eating seriously required kind of thing i guess this probably just means you don't get a debuff from the nutrient paste itself but i guess can you put meat in nutrient space dispenser maybe that would be okay but i don't think we'll end up using that um marriage name you know what everyone should just keep their own name names past research equals reading manual ancestors left yeah maybe yeah i'm wondering about the scarification you know we could ritually scar ourselves does it make much sense with our vibe you can use me just remove the debuff yeah like everyone reads the manuals um some minor scarification i don't know one neat thing so first of all venerated animals obviously we are venerating cats now for the tattoos i don't know if anything we want to mess with over there hair and beard i mean we're kind of okay with like maybe you know because we do like some of the modern looks not just the tribal ones so we can have a bit of a mix of things something like that i know just get a little more variety okay no mustache i think the mustaches are on oh they're not here we'll uh lost some mustaches i think it just randomly generates things you're just required um do we want a preferred apparel everyone wants to wear a cowboy hat it's not see here's the thing so it's not required they're not gonna have unhappy nudity but if they're wearing a cowboy hat they're gonna be happy oh that means wearing not wearing helmets though so yeah we don't want to despise ultratech weapons that doesn't make any sense i don't know if like we despise the neolithic ones though because first of all all we're gonna have access to early on is the neolithic and that might be a little hard i don't know if we have like weapon preferences for our setup here make everyone wear capes cause that's that's what they think everyone in the future looks like you know what i kind of like that idea hold on everyone wants a cape cape isn't here isn't it maybe not here it's definitely in for the rolls i don't see it because i know for these um these rolls over here you can have people want to wear capes but i guess capes are more noble apparel so it's not available in this list over here but yeah maybe the map if they can wear a mask and a helmet that might work i don't know why they'd want to wear a mask specifically though maybe everyone wants to go around on robes i think the tortured crown gives us a pain but one of the um the memes that you can go with is with like pain is good hiding their fleshy faces bales are fancy well blindfolds does you know make it a little harder to see yeah wear masks to hide their ugly human faces all right so either the visage max or the veils oh maybe we'll wear the masks okay so we'll have to get to work on constructing those i mean they won't have a negative mood buff if they don't have it oh they will they will arrive wearing a visage mask excellent so they're going to start with ones that are going to be good okay let's scroll back up i think i'm happy with what we've got set up over here i think i think we'll we'll keep it simple with like marriages and stuff although we'll do the the you know free physical love um do we want to name change the name of like our leaders and things like that so we're gonna have the leader the colony um we're gonna have the oh we can let's rename this so what are we are we like like the cult of the fresh or like the burden of the flash or the cult of flesh surpassed or something like that you know what i mean cult of ascendant flesh rise above flesh beyond belgium the flesh is weak the ascenders beyond meat oh my god that's funny [Laughter] the sprouts of the new flesh be on the flesh ascendant cult of flesh ascendant well yeah it sounds like you're the flesh is being ascended as opposed to we want to we really want to like surpass it or transcend it beyond me is pretty funny what are we gonna be beyond us what's our ritual room called is it the it's like the butcher's table it's um uh meet us instead of beyondest meat bags hello meatbag meat grinder butcher's room upgrade chamber i like that the meat locker the mutants chamber of elevation very stellaris i like upgrade chamber metorium the meeting place ah ah oh remember now it could be beyonder like i'm a beyonder and these are beyond us beliefs yeah maybe something like that um icon icon icon it could be like it could be like a hand like this or maybe like this i mean it could be the animal things as well i don't think a skull like the idea of like the hand representing flesh there's not kind of a pure red maybe this one's better meat grinder for the ritual room there's specifically a hand that's blending into technology there's a scarred hand oh right here there it is thank you that's actually a good icon i like that metallic gray there's the color perhaps yeah okay i like that the cult of beyond meat oh and then they've got like i don't know if i want to write a description this doesn't actually matter now i do really wish you could um you could save this a lot of people have said it would be nice to be able to save these things the best we can do is like take some screenshots so that we can like reproduce it later um so yeah do we rename cadra tour is cool name for a research specialist i like that fur funk for our animal specialist and this is so this is our ranger basically the savings in the work cool and we'll check the relics as well let's go up and choose a thing oh yeah um totemic i mean i think maybe a tech is theme or i mean it could be animalists and yeah the other thing we can do is remove the the required clothing or change it uh the head wrap is kind of fun what i might do is i just i might just remove the required head outfit stuff first we can consider adding in fur funk is is silly i mean is this our chief like herder rustic oops as a title is that a reference to something ranch master master of the meat i like that like the he's the grill chief um well no that's the cook really moral guide this is this is the reader of manuals and our leader i mean just honestly chief is like potentially fine or whiskey and chocolate uh drakken writer thank you very much there is no truth in flesh only betrayal there's no strength in flesh only weakness there's no constancy in flesh or only decay there's no certainty in flesh but death is that from something or are you are you making that up as our ideology because that does sound incredibly badass the meat master for a chef here the big meatball master chef uh i mean again this is our this is going to be our leader chief processing unit are they the chief of meat or this you know is it something else i don't think the meat theme works for the leader that's what i'm saying i mean everyone's trying to make these meat puns which i guess is a way to go the head honcho the sysadmin i kind of like that idea the prime cut all right that a works and is also be a funny pun i hate that you can't tab in this titan's got to do something about that all right um they will get happiness if their apparel requirements are fulfilled now i don't know if this overrides like if everyone wants to wear a veil but i give him say a war mask instead i don't know what that does you know what i mean you must override it i mean i would hope so oh we just gave him a tribal headdress more mouse you can tell that's kind of neat idea and we'll give him the tribal headdress fancy bowler hat i mean we'll have to keep making these um i don't know if there's uh we can't do a cook roll like this is all the roles we can have right now need research for the bowler hats too yeah well we don't design um we don't have to assign these roles immediately that's one of the nice things too i don't want to give him anything because honestly i just want him to wear the cowboy hat so i think that's going to be okay our rituals so we've got funerals fair of enlightenment we can add other things too it's the ritual of the end of flesh and then this is just what a party anytime additional reward recharge site focus neat oh farm animals wander in if it's a beautiful unforgettable group of farm animals will be attracted and joined the colony huh random recruit discover ancient complex this is the the ritual of reading maps or something like that you know that's what this is it's the ritual of reading maps to discover these old ancient blacks the manual search drone sending ritual oh i like the wayfinder ritual that sounds really cool ritual of manual search anytime sounds too easy well i don't know if we get to initiate this ourselves and then there's a ritual quality thing we only get the bonus if it goes really well focus object lick campfire ritual spot spot must be unroofed with at least 25 under ourselves in the area we're pulling over and asking for direction okay let's just run those two so this building so these are so there's going to be unique buildings associated with whatever we're doing so knee pillow versus pew versus neil sheet uh and then a building a narcotic shrine medium altar okay i mean we can rename it whatever we want but i guess it's going to be part of developing our um higher real effigy needs an associated ritual is that for symbol burning [Music] the user interface it's more we can chop that here it's the user interface um i don't know if we i don't know if we burn i'm gonna go and cancel that we'll just go with this um and yeah these relics so these are things that will pop up in the quests to go and find these relics you know like uh a plasma sword maybe could be a relic for example the arc of silicon is good cyber speakers these are good names ritual burning the flesh i mean i guess that's what it is right it's it sort of makes sense maybe we'll just do it so um burning of flesh i could see it like you know maybe attracting some animals or something if there's like smells of things being released or people hungry people it's basically it's just a barbecue we're having a barbecue and hungry people are gonna come and want to join us because we're doing a barbecue so maybe on like the first of summer we're gonna have a barbecue that's gonna attract people i kind of dig it you know it's just our barbecue pit that's all it is so i don't think we're gonna do any weapon pair stuff i think the relics are good i think i'm pretty happy with this i'm gonna take a bunch of screenshots again in case i need to like redo it and savings not currently in i think i'm pleased will the barbecue involve people jumping on fire well if they want to get pregnant that's so well adjusted quills ideology i mean it kind of basically we're just a people a bunch of people who really love like barbecuing and um want like cybernetics you jump into the firing lever be free so what i think i'll do i think we're gonna lock in on this and i'm going to i'll update the what game in a sec been doing barbecues wrong all this time well they're part we're not talking about burning human flesh like literally any meat that's all we're doing i know it's we call it burning of flesh but we just animal meat is flesh we're not sacrificing people here don't don't get confused we're just having a barbecue we're gonna be raising farm animals that's all it is make a relic a dagger name it the steak knife okay i like it uh do they have dagger they just do sword there plasma sword it's the ultimate steak knife because it sears as it cuts right it's perfect the butcher's cleaver from diablo oh there was a knife yeah but i like i like the idea of the plasma sword i think that's funny all right i'm gonna go with it so um where's my moo bots name a guy steak knight that's funny oh i didn't realize uh since she was updating the what game all right well thank you very much yeah there's a lot going by essentia you know maybe you could tag my name so it highlights it or use your channel point so it highlights you know it helps i'm just saying all right um let's go wait do we like me or we hate me i'm a bit confused well we want to transcend flesh we don't want to be meat anymore that that's it but we our ideology is based on a hierarchy where we think that like you want to move up this chain where the lowest is being plants then it's eating plants then it's eating flesh then it's transcending your own flesh so we only eat meat you know we ranch we grow animals we only eat meat and we want to ourselves no longer be meat that's how we're looking that's how we're trying to to move up venus fly trapped in shambles in beautiful it's like it's at the top of the plant hierarchy in our little mental system yeah meat is for eating not being exactly exactly all right done so again we're doing tribal start so we're gonna we get to start with five people which is nice um ideally we don't want anyone with uh um any crippling health problems or incapable of too many things this person is incapable of violent which isn't too bad too smart is interesting it does tend to make them a lot crankier although being optimist will balance that out considerably you do learn skills faster and you have passion for intellectual i think this one works favorite color they have favorite colors now having more than 60 of his apparel in this color or the color of his ideal ideologies will make him slightly happier you can alter apparel colors at the styling station using tintoria die that's amazing okay okay these both these people have read as their first name um this person here old gunshot wound can't care melee planting ah maybe misogynist cannibal ascetic well you're a winner okay well we'll put a pin in this as maybe um they're eight 91 years old they're probably gonna die of a heart attack three seconds of the game you're starting off some malnutrition well that shouldn't be the end of the world chemical fascination annoying voice careful shooter um crafting artistic intellectual i guess well he this person becomes our best researcher which wouldn't be bad actually so he gets high and then he invents stuff and two reds are brothers cool um komodo well at some point we do need someone with some construction skill you know they're the chief miner over here industrious brawler you've got crafting as well you're not bad clearly you're going to want melee weapons sure another too smart okay so we have two people with mining 11 and double passion this person maybe we could reroll this person and see what else what else we have down here i can't remember how we like swap people i guess i do that parrot well they're actually a really good cook which we didn't have although you had some cooking and planting which is okay and you've got double passion for construction that's not bad you're a stew keeper smells great for melee true i'm wondering about re-rolling uh wolverine here i don't know it's not bad need animal handler and doc um oh right we don't have a medical now we have a little we've got passion for am maybe i'll reroll you and hope to get medical i have two incapable violence yeah that does become kind of difficult okay let me re-roll someone over here it'd be really nice to get an early doctor nudist wimp artery blockage no all right this person would have double passion medical plan i mean we are gonna we're planting hay but otherwise we're not terribly interested we do it would be nice to have someone with some real passion for animal handling maybe we keep wolverine i don't know body purist is unacceptable oh here we go um might just be effectively a full-time researcher occasional doctor over here which means the jogger traits not going to do much for this person um although they could also just be a big like hauler type person body modder psychopath sure i mean that's fine right 17 year old with an old gunshot yeah well things are rough this guy could be the chief yeah psychopath chief he does a good social skill do we drop wolverine i think maybe we drop wolverine how do we there we go like that so the only thing we don't have is um a shooting passion nor do we have anyone with passion for animal handling which is going to be annoying since we're going to be ranching it psychopathic good social skill what sounds like a typical politician is there anyone else we'd like to potentially well i guess i could just roll someone random here and see see okay here's someone with animal passion oh no alzheimer's and things maybe not so much planting melee body purist is unacceptable okay this person can't violent but that might not be so bad i don't know maybe we just go as is i don't i don't know if we like we won't be able to tame any animals that'll be the one downside all right you here air for shooter undergrounder and lazy is kind of annoying but shooting animal handling this could be our hunter rancher maybe this person is a hunter rancher for us but i don't know who we drop i think we drop this person do this all right we've got some passion for absolutely everything and animal handling is not shown down there but we do have an animal handler over here i think i like this the cook can't shoot that's all right brother's separated that's fine i think we're gonna go with these now where's my name giveaways we're going to draw five names here one two two three four and five so first up we've got the paradax next is voxelhound next is inferious oops it didn't take the copy here i wonder if it's because it's got a bad symbol in it it won't paste it's got an underscore i guess i'll just type it in oh in uh fairies there we go oh i'm overriding voxelhound okay so didn't take the click i didn't click the next one and then it still does weird things over here but okay all right paradax voxel hound out of order inferious i guess i'm just gonna write it here because otherwise i'm gonna screw myself up okay so you delete it and then you start typing and it puts the first name back in so as soon as the last letter goes away all right well look thar this paradox actually okay so that one went fine i don't know what i would have done differently there yeah a bit bit of a ui maybe bug in there i'm not sure let's capital the v um and uh i don't know we'll do something like that the paradax all right i think i'm fine with this i mean did maybe just a double click to select i was trying to control latest like maybe double click to select and then paste that might have been the way it worked fine the first time okay yeah it might be easier to rename in game all right we're gonna go hey once more if you're accepting bribes i would like to be the cat well we don't even know if we have a cat yet the gods were very angry the blood machines came at night they swept through a village cutting and burning your people with their blades and devil fire that's one of the reasons we want to send is because we've seen people with crazy tech take advantage of our tribe and we want to be the people who are like kick ass instead only a few of you escape now after a harrowing journey with no friends turn to you must build and you home the wilderness like your ancestors did oh we did start with a cat actually started with two cats so first i'm gonna do a save blam have two cats uh so yes once with the bribe for the cat stuff i will only accept bribes for the naming of pets and we're only for cats because animals are gonna get butchered all the time but cats they are special um they are our sacred animals so they don't get butchered so people will be renamed randomly from draws but i will accept i will accept bribes for the naming of the cat over here um i missed uh i missed uh vinnie pop earlier ago sorry about that vinnie pop um got distracted clearly at the time it came in uh then you pop thank you very much for that hey quill uh just a small thank you for keeping me sane while i provision several thousand chromebooks for the school district i work for yay for data management the flushes week praise the machine god also have a great day thank you very much vinnie pop uh and wow okay uh so fang did a bribe for the other cat and some andy guy uh thank you very much for a very generous contribution he just says all hail the architects i still don't know what the deal with the architects in the game are but uh we're gonna have we're gonna have to do something there uh some andy guy that is very generous name a cat do not eat name a cat dog [Laughter] name a cat dog all right fang we're gonna we're gonna use you over here for this cat because the order of bribe requests and we'll we'll see what we do going forward here okay let's um let's unforbid everything and see what we got what are these oh i think oh that's animals so i do have the camera plus mod which lets me zoom out further and changes everyone to colored dots which is actually really really very convenient um i like i like this stuff we've got old like junk that now exists on the map ancient car over here some of it can be deconstructed it doesn't look like uh the car can unless one of my mods is conflicting with something because i found i had found some like an old sink i could deconstruct and things got some statues ancient giant wheels see this can be deconstructed yeah it's got nothing exciting so we can flag it for that another ancient pod car ancient engine block so i guess these are too much i wonder what else we can do with these if anything is just a permanent thing on the map some can't be moved to deconstructed can't mine it it's just there we'll never be able to do anything with it [Music] shoot them for now all right so we got some existing construction maybe we want to reclaim some maybe we don't oh what do we have over here ancient pipeline section once train items are just blockers no there's no there's no ability to claim it at all um it looks like this might be a pretty good area to get started in right over here because we've got some natural terrain we can just sort of wall off and do a few things i'm not figuring out what to do with them yet might be some use later but i don't know okay ancient post box what i could do just to catch anything that can be deconstructed i could do a mass big deconstruction on the map like this i don't know if that actually hit because it didn't do the walls maybe oh there's a there's a maximum sort of box size for your selection of things like that so i remember uh very early on in rim world you know before the 1.0 release i had done something where i i tried to box select the entire map for something and the game crashed so i sent in a bug request a bug fix or a bug report and then that was the the response now obviously all these deconstruction jobs might be a little excessive i might want to cancel some oh [ __ ] ancient danger yeah hang on that would be pretty bad if we accidentally catch some i don't know where it is so oh it's probably right over there i wonder if the select similar because what i want to do is i want i want to deconstruct these things which is still on the job this is probably in danger that was canceled i don't know if we've got any other that might actually be the only one and i don't know if i want to deconstruct the stuff that's like here or or take advantage of it i know we cancelled that but that's all right too i'll cancel all orders on the map there we are there cool okay now we don't have to worry about that so do we want to deconstruct these walls or use them there's really not much we could try to finish the structures and kind of rebuild them but we don't have the right material right like steel walls in fact we kind of want to reclaim that i think we're just going to tear this all down you know i think we're just going to tear this all down but maybe not right away first thing we need to do right away is we are gonna need to chop some trees because we're gonna need some extra wood for construction although we spawned with quite a bit we've got some pemmican for food right now which is good we're gonna have to consider hunting fairly soon so let's figure out who's our best shot hey wolfhound lewis bribe for a cat named the bartender after my pet kitty the same name you have a cat named the bartender that's a good name okay so right over here luckthar has a shooting of four with a little bit of passion for it so i propose we give luckthar a bow and send them out hunting and we got a couple of twos careful shooter here you can get the other one and you're a brawler so you get the jade knife and [Music] oh you're incapable of violence right so you don't get anything uh i just get the spear the pila and then no one's gonna be using the club right now and that's gonna have to be all right i missed your bribes cave rat hey how about a tame pet rat bribe that's a good name cause i thought about doing this whole thing like we could have like rats be our sacred animal so we could do a whole like thing with shin but so normally i'd be like okay we got to get some crops in the ground right away but our people really don't want to eat crops so it really is going to be about hunting so basically we're um we're going to have to set up our butcher table asap and start doing some hunting now we do have passive coolers available as these tribals i don't know how cold they get yeah not efficient enough to refrigerate food so um i guess we can turn things into pemmican probably right away yeah the resurrection i mean we could have made a whole a whole ideology based on shin okay firefight patient i always like to do that that how's your doctrine okay four is not terrible early on we might even want to turn it on i don't know okay if we do have prisoners do that if we have animals it's a high priority that gets done otherwise we might be okay for now i'll leave it here we are going to want to assign people to special roles but the special role some of them have special outfits and change which jobs they do um i think it's under social yeah over here so the prime cut the moral guide the research specialist and then the master of meat which needs animal six which actually i don't think we have anyone with animal six right now i think we have a four oh we have another pet we have a guinea pig all right here some andy pig some andy pig right over there it's it's minsk it's a miniature giant space guinea pig is what it is um okay a little deconstruction and hopefully some tree chopping i mean there's no reason that everyone can't just cut trees but which is often what i do it's whiskey and chocolate boxes vox was our constructor and this okay i'm going to turn on plant cut for everyone everyone go and chop down trees it's going to be fine go for the eyes boo go for the eyes hey hills i need to time my bribes better hashtag definitely a pride this time also what do you get when you clone a cyborg a cyclone cyclone start with lots of critters that's cool i hadn't done that before hi drakenrider thank you very much again as a resident scaly i'm obligated to bribe you to name a lizard cat also i'm playing fallout 4 right now uh and it reminded me that your tips video way back in the day so thanks for that that was a shockingly successful video and i really should just make like list tip videos um except they're not not often interesting for me to make but that one was fun to make and then turn it to be very successful and haunted serenity thank you sharing some coins to celebrate a new job quill please keep up the awesome content i've enjoyed for years love it my stream library however is now resembling the great library of alexandria new to you yeah we all have a lot of games on steam hmm everything is only the reason i found you i don't even play fallout wow wow that wow that's cool can we start taming okay what what was our highest animal skill it is a five okay now i can't give you the thing but you might get your animal skill six soon but lochthar is our hunter but we could try to do some taming rather than some hunting and get that set up um tame some boar we contain muffalos i mean we can't melt the mufflers anymore but we can still tame them although they're all female so we can't get a breeding pair i don't know how hard they are to tame minimum taming skill is a 5. [Music] boars four interesting the boards are a little easier to do get some pigs we'll flag a couple [Music] what we'll do is we'll uh tag a gazelle to be hunted there's another big guinea pig for a breeding pair oh you're right hold on some andy pig what are you where's your oh mail [Music] let's get you a female guinea pig links is just another kitty name the links uh problem is that if you fail tame the links bad things happen so get some rooms up shortly again i don't want to i don't want to be underground because i think we will perceive that as being like remnants of being primitive and we're trying to get past that so we really want to set up some buildings i might just make start a row of houses right here in the middle maybe just one room right now so that we can sleep indoors yeah we'll start planting the thing is the only thing we're going to be planting is hay we do want to start planting it fairly soon but the only thing we're going to plant is hay oh very fertile land over here nice rich earth so maybe i'll get it started i mean we can survive on vegetation i got to remove some flooring here we can survive on vegetation but we don't want to right we'll we'll get a uh debuff from it so we'll plant a bunch of hay grass i'm gonna go to floors here and remove some flooring then we can square this off you need vegetables for pemmican wait really oh i've never made pemmican i don't think you make it at a kitchen or do you do it at a crafting spot it's whiskey and chocolate you must do it in the kitchen smash mechanoid i didn't realize you could just smash them kitchen or fire okay bar duke oh and haunted sen oh no i got haunted serenity a second ago yet pardook i'm supposed to be writing my phd dissertation on rna transcription but quill makes room world uh is much more important yeah i have heard the pemmican realize it's really disgusting as well i just thought it was like oh it's like jerky i like jerky apparently it's not like jerky do i want to have individual houses or do i want to start building a bit of a complex okay for the sake of argument let's say we started something like this um we might have to do large like a big room together to start off with like a big bedroom together you know something like this door over here door door or that's what i want let me try something else and the fact that some of these walls are here we could plan bedrooms so six by six is what they consider roomy but we might be a little shorter on size right our space right now so maybe we make them little five by five rooms to start off with we could have everyone have their own bedroom leading into sort of this long house like this you know i like it because this is a different type of construction than i've done in the past the rich fertiland is over here and it's we've got tons of fertilized on here i know there's a little bit of rich fertiland here but i don't really care we're gonna have plenty to work with [Music] we could even subdivide this room for like different purposes maybe it'll do [Music] well especially with like maybe throwing in a stockpile of some kind might want that isolated because some of it looks ugly hmm as long as it's symmetrical yeah i think i think we've got symmetry going on and what i like i don't know what how we're going to lay things out inside but the important part of this is i've never built anything in a previous rimworld game that's exactly like this and that makes it cool [Music] if you do the exclamation mark what game uh midnight kit you will get a list of our ideologies that's taken care of nicely by essentia yeah now these walls are going to be replaced anyway because of the mod yeah so yeah i like the replace mod it makes it very easy to upgrade your material later you don't have to manually deconstruct then construct you can just place things over and it'll just get handled automatically an ancient wheel that could be just constructed later for material as well this we can expand and square off this zone now and i oh yeah you are set to hit how come oh it's a separate growing zone here interesting i guess it had gotten broken by the floor there we go so start growing some hay and hopefully we can start um taming some animals soon make the middle of full-size stockpile oh i like that and then we have a little bit of production on one side and maybe the dining room on the other well i like that a lot sounds nice and just for now i'm sure we're not going to want it there later but i'll just have a dumping stockpile over here to organize other materials yeah originally i thought the middle was gonna be a common room too but actually really like this maybe we don't deconstruct the strict offices oh yeah we can't move the sarcophagus right i think we discovered that last time yeah we can't we can't move this oh and it's steel so no i totally want to deconstruct it 100 i guess i can't move these either but they look kind of cool we might leave the statues open but i think the sarcophagus we're going to deconstruct because we can't move it and as a bonus it's steel but i didn't realize that when i was making my argument i think these some of these are like steel walls and steel doors over here too but it's all going to get ripped apart for some easy metal steel sarcophagus to seem on brand for tech supervision yeah i mean we might have to build those for ourselves okay bring up the speed a little you're just going for a walk i think there's a bunch of that recreation was getting a little low oh there we go first hunt we don't have a butcher's table yet watch it just rot um oh yeah they have different funds they have a hoop stone ring and the game of er which everyone should know how to program their own in unity trains the intellectual skill as well that's very nice i know we won't have time to make beds right now and i mean they're probably not going to be indoors for the first night anyway but i'm going to go ahead and at least put down the sleeping spot so if any of the rooms do get enclosed they'll at least count as being uh something we must remove all signs of the dumb flesh ancient which to ascend that's i kind of dig that thinking i kind of dig that thinking actually so no one's idle well you're cloud watching which is sort of the same but a lot of constructing unloading consuming pemmican now the pemmican does decay but very slowly your it spoils very slowly it will also decay if it's you know in an unroofed area but it's going to be indoor what's the game ever it's a it's a really old board game um the royal game of er that's simple to play but it's actually quite fun and they did a a a programming tutorial on how to how to make a board game and i chose that one because is it the oldest board game it might be the oldest known board game oh we can keep these urns a lot of the other stuff here can be constructed right that panicking vacuum sealed as per an mre can last for over a century or if they're left behind as signs i don't know we've got our instruction manuals it seems good enough whoa barduk thank you very much for the gift subs let the rules of the game were lost from thinking another oh for er maybe i don't know it's pretty i don't know not sure maybe it's something else what you're saying rings a bell but it might be a different game and yes error was the city yep i don't think we've got enough wood to actually finish here our rules were recently rediscovered on a q a form tablet in the british museum ah maybe that's why i got a bit of a revival last few years on the internet because people were talking about it use the large statue rooms common rooms they can't be moved oh over here like keep the walls up or and build around it or still just rebuild the walls potentially with something else so yeah everyone's got their sleep spots no one's a night owl are they no i think so i'll do the thing i like to do which is this just force them to all go to bed at the same time but they don't have to sleep the full eight hours or however get much gets assigned if they're not that tired pemmican lasts for 70 remoral days which is over a year right i guess it did say like wait this is refrigerator right now because it's at night um i think it was saying just over a year because i think it's 15 days per season four seasons per year that's 60 days so yeah that's really long level five construction hooray this is the level up mod to let me know about these things i like it gives you it you know lets you know that things are actually progressing with your people plus sometimes there's things that can only be done with certain skill levels so it's sort of a reminder that something might have just become enabled yeah 60 years good tablet had rule alterations from which the basic rules were deduced or something oh okay for the royal game that is really cool oh we got some lovey-dovey fang and one for wunder is pregnant oh we're gonna have more kitties and here's the thing we are never allowed to butcher cats because they are our divine animal right or revered animals are we gonna get a cat explosion like dwarf fortress style i think we might get a cat explosion later on uh rhymes with bribes i don't see any hashtag cat goes moo well we'll soon have a baby cat could sell the cats oh that's true that's actually kind of cool actually i like the idea that we're like professional cat breeders sharing the gift of cats with the world i like that a lot here make the hoop stone ring so that people have access to some bun no oh you're not excellent to construction these are constructionists only voxelhound does anyone else currently decent at construction yeah i'm gonna turn it on for in nefarious so we have a second person doing a little bit of construction and helping this along and a pig i don't know the guinea pigs might get uh might get slaughtered i hope you're okay with that some any guy was it the kui is that what it's called is it peruvian rose guinea pig make a catavan leave them behind now we need alcohol alcohol plus cats i mean that that's peak dwarf fortress right there that is a hundred percent true and then we might end up with drunk cats that is also a possibility so we can do what torches i like these dark torches because i think it it gives people enough flight so they can see but there is a whole faction pick that like you don't like light i think dark torch gives you the the middle it may also be used to grow the mushrooms i'm not sure wow the torches torchlight has a big radius or this radius for something else because well i think the cat died for any reason including predators eating them i think it would lead to giant mood debuffs it is a meditation radius i guess you can meditate on the torch which makes sense actually i guess it's a good meditation target because that's what i was wondering was putting it down like it looks like the meditation radius of other things but the torch but i don't know i guess so meditate on fire sure why not okay i'm gonna put the uh the butcher thing inside of the stockpile zone over here it's whiskey and chocolate and then over here we're gonna have a fueled stove simple research bench we need to get that started pretty quickly as per our sort of religious tenants effectively it's like not literally but kind of whiskey and chocolate inside i was gonna say i don't think we have access to chairs so all we're gonna do is do some wooden stools here i don't think i need one for the butcher's table i don't know maybe and then for production i guess crafting spot now the butcher's spot i can't even see this one the butcher spot is the same as the butcher's table but probably slower so i'm not gonna use the butcher spot but i guess the crafting spot there might be some stuff we have to make here just to stool samples butch outdoors i mean it's a little it would be a little neater it's a little slower if the temperature doesn't fit i usually like to butcher inside the freezers because then you don't have to carry things afterwards but i'm not sure um cmc thank you very much what happens if we get a man hundred pack of cats then theoretically we just hide behind our walls until they go away because yeah killing them would be bad yeah let's meet at the spot okay so butcher's table's more efficient 70 efficiency yeah that would be really bad oh cat beds yeah so you're right that is really important let's get let's get one um animal sleeping box in each bedroom cats can pick and choose where they want to go and the guinea pig too maybe good to see that no one's idle nothing else there's some hauling to be done butcher's table go so butcher creature do forever okay good now are your sleep which is fair okay we should we'll be able to butcher that before it goes bad uh oh the field stove needs steel which we will get if we deconstruct a few things i mean we could also do some mining okay what i'm going to do is i'm going to box select everything but then i'm going to cancel there we go the vases or the urns because i want to keep them i'll sign a tiny little bit of mining over here too cats cat beds why bother steep in the box the cat bed came in um i don't need to make a butchering job cooking is the butchering job is it not i'm pretty sure cooking is and i i did put it in here i've got my bill for it if that's human which would be easy to miss uh yeah i did install the um the the research map mod because it's like you know what it is kind of handy that it's full screen um so we've got the yeah we've got the password cooling we've got the pemmican um now how can we tell what tech level these things are because we get we're going to get a penalty to research speed on anything that's not tribal although these two would be fine stone cutting might be nice furniture attack would be okay i wonder if yellow one is yellow green but what's red no i think that's just color coding based on the the type of like the theme well these two we already have but tribal is red [Music] oh yellow is probably a medieval or whatever right yeah so okay hold on um one thing i don't know is how the tech advance tool works yeah auto detect is fine if the player research all text of tech level x and below the tech variables to x plus one okay or if we research fifty percent of text of a new level it raises that okay so if we do all of the neolithic texts we'll level up to medieval or if we do half the medieval we'll also get the medieval that way okay cool that's actually fairly reasonable is what it feels like so it feels like what i should do is just hammer out all the red tribal texts we can raise to medieval as early as possible ruby's not on oh why do you think ruby is not on [Music] no don't make the zero one because this is it read this so if i research 50 of the text of tech level say y whereas let's say y is medieval i research half the mediables then my tech level rises to y which is medieval that's the idea so here is if i finish everything of of neolithic then i go to neolithic plus one here if i do 50 of medieval then i raise to medieval i think i think we're good i think i don't know with my program you end up with an off by one error enough that who knows right oh disturbing the sleep with this we'll have to get some bed soon keep people a little happier starvation voxelhound i know you're just going to eat some pemmican now so you're going to be fine are we out of pemmican have we eaten all our pemmican already how do we do uh where's the fire not under production i guess probably just temperature just make a campfire yeah we don't want to do berries or people will be miserable i mean push comes to shove we can survive by eating berries but we don't wanna feeding my pan we can take a lot of pemmicans like 20 per meal oh wow make the campfire okay butcher butcher a wrap one must say you just put the meat on there and you leave it for a while oh wow cooking this way is slow oh wow did i not assign a research project um yeah so i could do a medieval but i think the fastest way for us to go up in tech for this first one is we're going to research all of the tribal tech which i think is just these three is all we're missing and that theoretically will move up to the medieval at the cooking when we get the cooking table we can require we can force things to be meat based or that no i think that's refined meal i don't know if we can i guess what i have to do here is go into our simple meals and just turn off vegetarian but i might want to leave it on because out of desperation theoretically they'll eat the meat based ones first really we shouldn't just we just shouldn't end up with much in the way of plant stuff in theory okay we obviously have to do a crap 10 more hunting there we go okay so the fueled stove yeah so the simple meals just go as is without specification that's okay we're only just gonna we're just gonna do the simple meals right now i don't the the fine meals i don't think they're more nutrition efficient i'm gonna remove these bills i thought it might take longer to get things and i'm just gonna turn off the uh refueling oh begin leader speech begin wayfinder ritual where people release sky lanterns oh yeah and we could discover the location of a thing i guess we do that on fire there's probably other places we can do it but there you go this has been fueled did i turn on two people to hunt no but i think we might want to so paradox i'm going to turn on hunting for you as well yeah uh looked our a box of hounds not armed i guess we're fine okay may the hunt begin yeah tear this bit down that's going to be fine yeah we're gonna have some food problem again we can do a big giant berry harvest out of emergency but you know we really don't want to do that because that would mean lowering ourselves oh let's um clean this table and reinstall at over here that's nice ancient generator we can deconstruct that oh we've got these larger tables as well i don't know if we want those i'm gonna claim maybe uninstall these urns they'll get brought into our stockpile then we'll figure out what we want to do after here same thing here let's put an uninstall on all these irons we have a random visitor potentially with a few items to trade i think we'll probably just ignore you though all right so some hunting is definitely happening some cooking is happening that's good and yeah it's so much faster on this i'll just uh maybe i won't deconstruct it i'll leave it there and still do the rituals later oh right the claim does generate home zones thank you for the reminder go away home zones hunt the muffler for me now one of the things because we don't have a freezer we don't want to like over hunt major break risk already luxar hungry long outdoors being outside is much so much is wrong for me oh you're an undergrounder does being indoors here count or do you have to literally be underground i can tame the mufflers well i could attempt well they need skill six i think we're at five right now so we could tame it soon theoretically we're hoping to practice taming on these boars over here he's an animal guy and he's in the air grounder oh they needed a five okay which we do have we'll need some proper beds soon too which will help some of this mood but i don't know if we can prioritize that man i don't know how we're gonna live without uh more vegetation a gift bison will blindfold um thank you you could have gifted me the food that would have been nice oh taming consumes food you're right but we we need a pair to start off with well i don't know like if we want to have if we want to like have our own domesticated ones we do need a pair to get started with and it would be nice to get the skill all right well there's the ancient danger confirmed which we sort of expected d is for danger ancient chicken kitchen sink jet engine wheel we can deconstruct this is enough crap on the map that we're getting some basic resources pretty quickly without having to do any um any mining so far d for dig uh dis disagree added 33 additional ores to mine it's five tiles not 33 tiles what oh did it connect this i guess anywhere that was already flagged for for mining it it flagged all the connected oars that's interesting and unexpected hmm i guess we could work on beds right now all right we don't actually have real furniture never mind i guess we can keep sleeping on the ground we did bring a few more of these in so everyone's bedroom is going to get a little nicer they're still sleeping on the ground hey we've tamed the bar already making a note here huge success all right let's get the breeding pair um let's get our first pen going on maybe i'll just pin things back here i like it and we're gonna go with like you know fencing right away i'll make a fairly large pen so we don't have to worry about micromanaging too many things too much but like make a big old pen like this um and we'll have to remove the floor so that things can grow properly there and then put a pen marker inside fences do not block predators no noted yeah maybe we started too soon with the the taming need the construction but the construction should happen here okay a bunch of things happened right away this work which had been going around is hunting fang and we've got a mad gazelle okay well all of this is pretty bad we're gonna lose our first cat [Music] hashtag safe fang no we lost him and we probably could have left this work alone but no oh no oh my god venerated cat died was fang the pregnant one no uh wundt is the pregnant one i think um are you are you attacking looks like you were just standing around watching boxing call you don't have a weapon at all well you're incapable of violent are you why were you not shooting why are you being so shitty oh we're in [ __ ] hell the goddamn gazelle is here too where's lochthar oh man my hunters were a million miles away well rip colony my god so stupid so stupid okay we down the animals you're gonna go and do a rescue right away which is good oh that thing's not actually down yet finish off the ward there you go get yourself some medical attention yeah all the infections did we lose any body parts that'll have to be replaced later oh because that would be tragic scorpion are you why are you not in bed that patient thing is a number one there we go maybe because it wasn't a meta there's no medical beds careful not to butcher the cat um that's a good question do not put your cats all right no one lost any body parts yeah i agree the medical bed should be in the in a lit area here i'll probably do something like that oh there's infection in a foot do we just cut off the foot um who's our best doctor well scorpios hurts i guess it's luchtar let's see double infection double infection both okay we might just cut off our entire left leg immunities ahead of the infection maybe and we can upgrade the foot later exactly right peg leg peg leg peg leg can we just go for it right away remove the worthless flesh amputate left leg watch us like ruin this though um because there's gonna be no light in there i don't know if we can move you that's what i could do is prioritize the build of a torch in there that's probably the best bet so voxelhound install a torch in this room please um there you go you're going to go and remove the body part i always have a second try to remove the the correct leg i did flag left leg but that doesn't mean that's what they're going to do are you doing it yeah there you go hack hack hack chop chop chop remember what happened to the horse she tried to neuter i know we nearly cut its head off trying to neuter a horse like okay i think it succeeded no it didn't actually say maybe the oh there it is surgery failed i was looking at the top and i was looking at like the need medicine then i didn't see the uh the envelope there let's try it again yeah get some sleep then we'll try it again okay let's go you had a nap hack hack chop chop chop hack hack chop chop chop okay um cut off but bleeding okay we got we got it done okay we you know stabbed a few places i think if yeah it tasked failed successfully is what just happened i think it was an accident that it happened to cut off the left leg i think that was an accident oh yeah what are we calling our people our faction and our settlement very important question since i still surgery failed successfully [Music] and yeah fang needs a special resting place the legless followers are new flash i really like that i mean or we could just fo use the same name yeah bang might have been eaten by the warg metropolis for the settlement name name the settlement like town church of the elevator what was our actual um the cult of beyond meat let's just call ourselves the cult of beyond meat itch it's our ideology it's it's not necessarily a faction but really it's we're gonna we're gonna go with one of the same the cult of beyond me we're just gonna go with our ideology name for a faction oh you butchered fang before i set it to no cats okay i don't think we got a debuff for it i don't know if they can eat the cat meat or not or i don't know maybe it's like stranger in the strange land right the best thing we can do to someone after they die is like eat of their flesh which really our people are fine with cannibalism so we're actually okay with allowing like with butchering human corpses including our own dead people if we don't get a debuff for butchering cats then we're gonna do that like we don't hold meat to be sacred or like meat is just meat the cat's in the dumping stockpile oh yeah there it is but yeah no i'm fine with butchering it well we're gonna find out if we get a debuff from it maybe maybe we do hang on i'm gonna do this i'm gonna force it okay no he's gonna grab the cat let's find out we might just get a huge debuff for all of our people oh i thought i thought it was a pop-up because of something terrible we did but nope we're fine and we get a transport pod crash capture recruitment or slavery purposes uh whiskey and choco who's that hey what do you call a cow with two legs lean beef hey thanks for the bits uh coil twitch bot young so they would have to be converted they could also be converted into meat on your hand they're not bad i propose we rescue them and then see if they join us uh if i can find them again which one of these dots are them holy [ __ ] they were up here somewhere i thought there it is right here okay it's a red dot okay [Music] a flag is hostile gabriel's blades oh they are hostile to us 64 years old yeah man i don't know finish them off 64 equals food there you go meat delivery [Music] they don't eat human beef we're not cannibals we accept cannibalism we aren't cannibals so we we don't require eating human meat to maintain happiness so i don't know who goes to finish them off like what job that is we could accelerate things don't keep a little violence of course you are me the skill six required for finish off there you go nefarious who's in bed so we can't do the automatic finish off job we'd have to just go up there and attack [Music] them let me just practice our archery i guess i could have stripped them first for clothing oh well it wasn't going to be in great shape anyway so while boar is technically in the pen because it was highlighting the pen walls yeah it's not enclosed right now little medicine need defense major break risk everything is bad i don't think you can't harvest you can't harvest the leg you can harvest organs i don't think you can harvest limbs can you and attach them no the autocad is not a mod this is this is part of 1.3 we have we have fairly minimal mods running so what i want to do is i'm waiting until all these um the medical treatments we're off and then yeah we need to craft a peg leg i think the crafting spot oh do we need do we need tech even for just a peg leg [Music] oh it's just a piece of wood that's right it's just a log you don't i'm thinking um earlier prosthetic mods i was using you would craft the peg leg ahead of time like that's right you just you just use a stick yeah i guess same thing with the wooden hand because yeah definitely um the the old uh prosthetic mods i used to use you'd have to craft them ahead of time so i wasted a surgery i didn't have to cut off the leg i could have just installed the peg leg right away right i don't know more chance to practice just as much chance to fail probably and scorpio hopefully you'll be up soon yeah we learned something exactly who's on construction duty in ferris who's down and voxelhound who's busy cooking all right i'm gonna enable construction for everyone they can they might waste a little bit of material but i want to get this enclosed you did level up from taking the leg off so there's that x there you go lockdar totally worth it so there's gonna be some construction boxes here because they're not terribly good but failed surgery equals more meat um if anyone's watched uh young justice in particular young justice season two um you know when like the uh like black beetle and things they always talk about like meat bags there's always more meat this is what i'm thinking what we're talking about every time we talk about you know things just being made out of meat here it's got such a great voice too and i don't think the voice for black beetle is something like put on or modified i think that's just that person's a voice and if you haven't seen young justice what the hell are you doing with your life because it's obviously not the right thing all right the wild boar is finally properly enclosed in the pen there you go nutrition we're not using very much cargo pods give me meat no what is this oh wool all right well we'll allow it we don't need to haul urgently or anything like that but that'll be nice i think bender we talked about meatbag and there's our first rate now this should be a single person with a melee weapon um it does suck that a bunch of our people are down though i wonder if i can get scorpio up out of bed right now i might want to just to make sure yeah do the face masks provide armor it's a great question um the answer is yeah so it counts as headgear so we'd be wearing this instead of a helmet but it does give us some protection maybe not as much as a conventional helmet but yes gotta slow him down right away going for paradax um where's lochthar god damn the problem with all the hunting going on all right just just try to melee attack scorpion hopefully you won't shoot your buddy in the back there you go or in the face seriously lochtar you gotta get over here man paradox is gonna get downed he's getting stabbed like crazy we keep hitting lion yes there's gates in the pen they don't really show up but there's a gate here there's there's four gates what the oh that was level up or hole level one in melee here fail [Music] just a little too late prepare yourselves for more infections and we could capture but we're not going to do that it's going to be more meat [Music] oh i didn't want and remove this medical bed i guess i'll let this treatment finish because this is nicely lit over here and everything cancel the medical bed rescue paradox oh you're gonna put them in their bed at this point i guess that's fine at least there's no blood on the floor here someone make rim world bingo yeah that would be good we committed war crime um i guess i'd claim this yeah i guess we'll leave them there i don't know if the repair task on that's like critical or a good use of your time necessarily these beds oh see i copied the medical bed and the color looked pretty similar to me with the grass being in front of things so i thought this would uh because i copied a medical spot so i thought it would carry over the setting and it looked bluish to me but that's because i had nothing right next to it to compare to committing a war crime is the central square yeah maybe so we have some decent researchers but as often happens is sometimes we end up with researchers who are too good at too many things right probably at least we have other good crafters so probably what we do is we like turn off the crafting or at least turn it down all the crafting and stuff like that um and your plant cut the construct might have to be on the mine well we don't you're the only good miner and we might not have to rush duty mining so i'll just bring it down for now and yeah nefaris is pegle actually is nefarious moving around right now with one leg oh they got moved into the new bed there we go i'm still waiting for these to get um healed up before we start hacking and slashing again and i guess um i'm going to turn off the automatic refueling of this torch because we're just going to let it burn out yeah i'm not crafting anything yet anyway and that's true it's mostly gonna be a problem when we get like the stone cutting job up because that's like kind of an infinite job did i install the where's my weapon mod i thought i had so theoretically people will re-arm themselves but i might not have so paradax you need to have a ranged weapon equipped again so you can restart your hunting turn your passive into cleaner what do you mean passive you don't know what you mean so our researcher role i don't know quickest way to find that um so if we were to assign you cogitor i don't remember we i guess we we took away most of the custom outfits so if we were to make in a fairies who's really our prime researcher i think into a cognitor it would turn off most other jobs it doesn't turn off crafting so crafty would still be enabled but you'd research at 70 speed we don't we wouldn't i don't think she could mine anymore we wouldn't have anyone with mining passion that's not really a big deal oh it does say needs cape all right oh required apparel there it is cape so really we need to because they'll be unhappy if we don't have one so we're gonna need the ability to make a little bit of clothing so we can make a cape cause we don't have one oh you know what we need to do is we need to start growing freaking medicine plant i don't know if we have the skill for it [Music] and probably some cotton we probably do hops and stuff too yeah i know we need tech for clothing we need tech for everything healing is taking a while we don't proper well we don't have proper beds at all and we don't have proper medicine either don't need cotton you can skin animals true but for rugs later on i don't think we can make like carpets rather out of um leather we do have the bison wool that's one of the things if we um if we tame some mufflers as well we could just shear them for more woolen clothing we do have bed rolls that we could put down yeah i was kind of hoping to hold out for like actual furniture although i guess later we can use the bed rolls for when we're traveling right that's a good that's that's the point here so we have most leather we have is plain leather oh and we can use wool for it as well do these i don't know if we have oops enough for all of these but does it reset the rotation as well when you copy that's kind of annoying and yeah bedroom bed rolls are great for caravan so i wasn't building like oh it's a waste now if i just end up deconstructing it but no we keep it around for caravans later and then we can do some medical ones too but we'll just start with these only cats allowed inside well the guinea pig too currently again pigs are pet for now i wonder can you [Music] can you pen guinea pigs at some point are they unpenable i think guinea pigs are unpenable did we tame the other guinea pig oh we did successfully tame a guinea pig [Music] all right well we have a breeding pair of guinea pigs um let me look at my list here might be hilly bribe for a cat named the bartender we're going to save that a pet rat named bribe guinea pigs close to a rat bribe the guinea pig there it is [Music] okay so this is a huge pen for our one wild boar we're hoping to tame a second one credit's gonna be pretty miserable because he's in pain intense pain chemical starvation oh [ __ ] yeah you just want to get high can we get a smoke leaf uh thing planted the car's in the way but oh we could do some psychic too but you name the boar after me okay but keep in mind you're gonna be butchered at some point but yes playing coast pig i never planted the hay i mean we assigned it i think people are pretty busy so i don't know if they're getting to grow jobs very quickly the plants can hang the animal the thing is we tantrum it's going to destroy human leather time 75 oh all right let's get out of your system i'm not gonna arrest you hey here we go we got a second oh we got a second pig okay we'll rename this one as well we're not gonna name all of our bores cause they're gonna start you know getting things going on um we're gonna wait for the bartender for a kitten another lizard named cat well i don't know if we're gonna tame a lizard how about a boar named cat [Music] how's that a bit more named boar or we could go with boar like niels bohr but there you go we've got plain coast pig and cece nepal shah venison times two is right away okay that's not much main event that's unluckily yeah we have tons of people just injured right now that is just tanking our time boris johnson all pig puns sounds boring name it pig ginny ginny pig as opposed to guinea pig all right yeah that's pretty funny it's a little bit of rotting um i guess is our cook are we at our meal cap no i'm actually surprised that there's not more cooking happening foxhole what are you up to oh you're sewing grass oh oh this wasn't being refueled need material oh i guess everything has rotted away now so all right fine human meat is allowed i did go and enable meat oh oh i have human butchering turned on i think this turned on everything including insect which we may want but it probably doesn't matter yeah i turned on human butchering but i didn't turn on human cooking again there you go cecine upon shot is already pregnant whoa whoa plane goes big that did not take long lokthar is currently idle lochthar um is so there's no hauling for you to do you do hunt we don't have anything assigned for that we might need to do a little bit more we do have some meals but we need a constant supply not in the hall nothing to clean and you don't research on the other hand you can doctor okay you're almost completely healed in furious so it is time for us to install for you a peg leg on your left leg locthar you know what to do you're gonna stand on paradox's chest while operating on in nefarious i think we got a success yeah yeah i'm going to pronounce turtles in this game right yeah that's the issue with cannibalism and paradex yeah you're just recovering from numerous stab wounds it's you know understandable i'd like to start flooring if nothing else flooring the area around the cooking thing might help keep it a little neater so maybe i'll prioritize flooring that room wooden floor of course my favorites because they're pretty 28 stab ones it's like we're gonna we're gonna throw out mr burns as soon as we figure out the cure for 28 stab wounds in the back right you remember what episode of the simpsons that was is that when lisa sees her future oh 20 seven is that like a chicago reference yeah we might make the medical bed rolls probably probably kind of have to yeah when lisa was pregnant the president that's right she had to take over she was left with crystalline national debt after president trump which is a haha funny simpsons joke from like 15 years ago or something maybe lothar four as minor oh yeah as an idol job i mean really like a level four mining job for everyone when they're just otherwise idle is pretty good solitary duchess what is this a a single man hunting raccoon would give us honor the thing is i don't think i really i don't want to go the empire route i think we're just gonna ignore you i mean we might do some empire jobs when there's another reward but we might just ignore the ones that are just honor i was gonna say i want to mind that i didn't realize it i'd already flagged it as mining at some point i'm first helpful for stone buffs yeah but oh do we have a psychic tree somewhere because i would like to do because all of our tribals could do the psychic tree [ __ ] right is that it here i don't know if we've got another one [Music] that's right i can say i don't want honor quests so it won't generate quests when it generates a quest it won't do one that's just for honor i forgot about that yeah a little bit of mining happening which isn't terribly important but it is set to a four which means they've got nothing else going on in furious you are up and playing some games congratulations why do i ship a plan well that's true right i mean you all you're meditating at the plant i don't know that's an interesting point did you just make this your bed no this is a medical bed there you go go take a proper bed training with the empire is a great way to get bionics and need titles to trade all right we'll consider it on a case-by-case basis maybe we could get because all we need is like anyone with any level of title and it would be nice to get a freaking stun wouldn't it start a social fight of course you did why wouldn't you start a social fight treat each meter's main meta might be acceptable minimum night game to trade ah no i don't i don't want to play that we've done we've done the honor title game every other time we're just going to leave it off we'll steal bionics there'll be quests where we can like um like find bionx guarded by mechanoids or some [ __ ] like that yeah simple meals are rotting away which means i should probably put a couple of hunting jobs down not too many oh spacecraft chunks nice kill imperial traders steal the bionics um see now you guys are thinking it's a lot of mule rot yeah desperately needed air conditioning what is this thing oh parka oh it's tainted cool sending to tribe to advance tech is definitely building your own ship right um right would we figure out how to make pemmican was it over here it is here okay what we're going to do is we're going to bring down the simple meal count to 10 i don't know maybe 20. and then the rest set to make pemmican forever just because at least it won't rot i assume people will prioritize going for the simple meals or even we could do something like hey listen um fine meals there we go carnivorous ones okay more boars for faster breeding oh for crying out loud not fighting a grizzly bear [Music] i guess we should have prioritized getting freaking walls up holy crap that's why you keep cats indoors yeah in hindsight yeah we should have a zone maybe we'll keep the guinea pigs indoors well we'll do that when our cat when we get cats again if ever we get cats again holy crap things at some point the grizzly bear might attack us i think they will prefer to eat like random other animals but okay let's initiate plan build a wall make the bears pay for it that's gonna take a lot of construction it's actually gonna take an obscene amount of construction but i don't know i kind of want to build the wall that goes all over here of course well we don't we don't see trees as being sacred so you know we're fine with chopping down a bunch of trees totally fine with that him and baron name it cat i promise the grizzly bear might still be inside her wall we may just have to hunt it or attack it but i don't know it's going to be kind of scary can i make my own weapons yeah i can make more bows now recurve bow i'm going to assume is going to be a lot better than a short bow uh 14 damage i guess two because one of our people can't fight anyway i guess one's a brawler so we really only need to make one more bow maybe to replace the the throne spear you need to wall the pen well apparently like a lot of animals can cross this like carnivore type things can cross fences so yeah our pigs are not currently safe i mean it's a it's a valid pen over here but they're not actually secure from being hunted so at some point we'll want to do something about that well well we're gonna eventually hopefully not have any carnivores inside of our things yeah trap of the bear inside is not ideal can what we can do is we can leave we can force one of the doors open to make sure the bear can still go outside i'm going to bring the construction down to fours for the people who have absolutely no skill for it maybe they'll still do some maybe they won't thar still got beat up they'll catch the bear when he goes to sleep i mean they will bust out i think they'll go berserk and bust out maybe i could quickly build some traps next to it what's our thoughts leave the corpse out as bait throwing a tantrum you ate non-meat what did you eat i don't think we can pin it in here i think it'll break through the wall yeah i don't know what kind of vegetation i might have had that got included in the simple meal i mean i was leaving vegetation on as like an emergency valve in case something went terribly terribly wrong i had berries oh berries may have gotten auto um auto collected at some point because it was where we were doing something else oh now we're being encouraged to fill this role the reader of manuals okay so the reader of manuals is our moral guide they can convert council reassure so theoretically we want someone high social skill although maybe we want the highest social skill to be our leader [Music] i don't know maybe we just give it to the scorpio right now here's a psychopath i want to make him the leader because it's funny maybe we'll just use lochthar here unless it changes what jobs he can do no it just gives them the ability to convert council reassure those abilities are based on social skill okay well then i guess it's gonna be scorpio then congratulations you're the reader of manuals so you want a tribal headdress can we make that one here [Music] yes we can psychopath is a moral guide sounds fun i mean this is rim world kind of it kind of fits malnourished well hunt better [Music] hunt better hunt better no the bear didn't leave he's still here i was just checking maybe another bear was wandering in and out wouldn't surprise me if there was more than one just didn't unforbid in case there was something that was like dead maybe from being attacked somewhere else foxhole hounds gonna go hide in the room because of malnourished oh my god you know it would be a lot easier to do the meat oriented thing if you started with a regular group because i think the last time we started with the regular group i think it started us with a breeding pair of animals and they would have guns there we go i think having guns would help a lot all right locks will happen oh you're hiding in your room luxar you want to go rest now i can't let you rest you got a butcher and then you've got immediately i can drop the meat there we go oh does this have to be refueled before it can go no you have fuel why can't you why can't you cook a simple meal i can't stop you from eating the raw meat there you go prioritize cooking maybe because someone else had come and claimed that pile of raw meat for something that's probably what happened because because voxelhound was going to eat it and i couldn't override that's probably what happened and yeah apparently pemmican isn't pure meat but i guess it has to be a mix but i i wonder if what this counts as the pemmican we brought with us didn't give us a mood debuff is it possible that pemmican because that would be the worst because we if we're trying okay it it's possible this doesn't work with a tribal thing if we can't store meat because we have to keep hunting but not overhunt because then it rots a bunch of stuff which is what happened but not under hunt because then you fall behind too i mean i guess you overhunt a little bit and then you let a little bit of it rot just to make sure it works i'm thinking we turn off the pemmican job without ganging up on the bear would probably still do huge damage to us but maybe [Music] yeah rush electricity rush ace the problem is the tech costs would be so bad because where we are we might have to just uh butcher our guinea pigs in fact i think that's probably a good idea because these things are eating our meals you know what goodbye some andy pig goodbye bribe meals only need to be part meat okay so maybe the pemmican would be okay i know i'll put it back in and we'll see what happens rob is pregnant well tough it's a cruel world [Music] [Music] scorpio is throwing a tantrum yeah it's all the malnutrition stacking and the random deaths of the cats didn't help either it would be nice if i could stop them from eating the raw meat there you go oh i hate that this isn't on by default i need to rebuild this [ __ ] nowadays it's just going to be non non-stop uh tantrum just detected a hunting work site nearby controlled by the union raid the camp collect heavy loot it's just small infinite group you can attack without any rather diplomatic consequences yeah i think we got too much [ __ ] going on right now for that i think everything was cursed ever since we lost the cats which sounds about right at least so far no one's gotten a sick from eating the uh raw meat so at least there's that going for us this one top next to the trees over here oh yeah there okay and over here and over here okay at least the other should all get rebuilt okay we've got some meals again including some fine meals for whatever that might be worth and cat they need food i mean that's true so yeah i'm kind of okay with this because i don't think we could keep the house pets around someone's got to go and bring the pigs back in once it gets built uh caravan vault good trader that sounds very useful i don't know we have to trade with you so i guess it's scorpio we should have do the talking because we know you have some social skills the bear's still inside of her base while we'll find out in a second hmm what we could do is we could offer you various leathers in small and annoying stacks and this blindfold that we don't need in exchange for that we're going to purchase i think some meat from you by the cows we have we have the we have the bores as breeding pairs i don't want to get the point where we have like multiple different types of animals again and actually we don't have enough money to buy the cows saw the wool yes cows produce milk i just we could just get the female cow maybe we just get the female cow as a steady supply of milk that sounds like a pretty good idea could buy the pemmican i think it'd be better to buy the meat because i think we'll get more value out of the meat chemical last longer yeah but there's so little nutrition because this is one pemmican per they need to eat huge amounts okay you know what all right all right all right all right we'll just buy a little bit of meat to make a few more meals just just a tiny bit all right so we've pair of uh animals i guess this this whole area counts as a pen right now this is all enclosed as a mega pen the pen will shrink in a second but that's going to be okay oh and all these trees are flagged to be chopped because the auto cut and because the way the pen is broken currently well we do actually need to chop some trees because we don't have enough wood to close this right now anyway what are you shooting at oh this gazelle is in our base yeah where's that bear right there okay wow that's asleep although the paradox is one of our hunters trading spot over next to the bear i mean it might be too late for that to come um yeah actually the trading spot might be from a mod yeah hit the bear and bring it he's it's too far away the bear would catch him i'm gonna do is i'm gonna hold this door open okay and hope the bear wanders out oh pen is not enclosed now right box on starving well you should be okay i mean thank you for butchering but eat yourself a meal there buddy there you go yeah right i'm worried if bear just hits a trap and doesn't die if then it might go crazy on us uh someone threw a tempered hammer and broke a bunch of our fence it's very annoying okay the food is going to be a constant struggle to try to balance it's going to be really annoying and yeah the starvation's just paradox who's throwing a fit still psychotic wandering he's decided not to snap out of that so he's gonna starve to death instead which sure fine that's a reasonable response to stress cow back to the marker please okay we need chop down some goddamn trees everyone reset chop down some goddamn trees we stole all the wood which was pretty legit okay i'm gonna bring it back down here and now construction will begin so that we can get this pen enclosed here now if people could ever stop watching the construction i mean immediately we don't have a bunch of skill up okay now we're fine over here everything's groovy okay good now research i guess the idea is probably in furious although they're also a half decent constructor and not a cook is the bear gone there's three grizzly bears i don't know there it is there's three grizzly bears on the map i lost a pig oh no it's still there it's just not in the actual enclosed pen i don't know if i have if i can like force a thing there you go crack eyes roping this just make sure nothing weird happens get it inside the pen there you go two and two yeah i can make someone do only research the problem is like we we have so many jobs like i could turn everything off for inferioris other than research like i could do this which is basically it right so in furious we'll basically just research now when they're not sitting out here having some fun let me reset you but now you're gonna go to sleep um but i'm worried about then only having the one constructor but maybe that's correct we do need to get the research cracking so and then ultimately we need to get a cape and then we make inferiors our prime researcher don't turn it off but do research two construction warnings that's literally the same as what we had here because right now it would be construct and research they don't have to do research to construct one this is literally the order that things are going i mean i still want this stuff to be prioritized that doesn't count this whole block you can ignore it because they're just very occasional tasks or very emergency tasks so you can just ignore it but right now in furious constructs then research or i could do this which means she'll research and then if for some reason there's no way to research she will construct we only have one constructor right now with any real skill voxelhound the problem is he's also cooking all the time so i think if inferious isn't constructing i don't think there's any construction that will happen although right now we don't need any construction other than maybe some repairs which means a i could turn it off and not worry or b i could put it on because there's not much to do apparently there's no construction i'll do so they're going to start researching and beer brewing is up which isn't terribly important but the idea is i just want to quickly bang out all the um all the tribal research which will bring us the medieval those are wildlife tags okay so there's no hunting hunt the alpacas we may have to start hunting some of these smaller things turkey don't hunt tortoises it's way too slow yay beer brewing i mean i may as well plant some hops i guess hey no cb cass thanks the raid wait is it 4 30 oh my god i'm half an hour over the normal time i'm stepping on a kiss for luck stream little frustrating bit of drama in here for a bit so okay we've got scorpio has buttons convert reassure counsel preach health we could do some of that hey we got a baby boy bouncing baby boar aged 10 hours so i mean certainly what's gonna happen is we're gonna have some like auto slaughter things happening you know maybe one adult male boar we could put it two just so we've got the spare i don't know one's probably fine and then maybe five females [Music] and for the cow one by females the pen might not be big enough but we can make a separate pen one for pigs one for boars bacon seeds is that what our baby bores our and there's some milk nice and yeah at least at some point well we still ultimately need refrigeration for the animal situation to be better because right now it's not great and yeah it would be nice to have one of my mods that like will auto would auto flag animals to hunt as they came on the screen so right now yeah we don't have much raw meat we don't have that many meals i think we may have to hunt the raccoons not the boom rats okay prepare for a wild attack he's got an actual gun now there's an animal that can be hunted over there who's our pacifist is it voxelhound it is voxelhound and the ferris uh has a peg leg and doesn't move very quick we might not bring you out [Music] but i think i might now i know the spear has fairly short range i think the bows are decently ranged oh larian might be coming for us he's probably going to jump into the cover over here okay we got the first hit but the warg is attacking larian i think okay now the boar's probably going to try to eat this guy oh he's already missing a long shattered nose unless i just hunt the board right now which maybe actually nice instantly downed [Music] let them eat their meals we'll deal with this guy i think we're gonna strip him and then finish him off i'll just mail i don't know maybe we should shoot him for practice there we go on forbid do that paradox is one of our hunters i'm going to get you to equip the auto ah well that's a good question it's 60 and poor quality i'm actually not convinced that's better than our bow it might be better than the spear though i'm not gonna amputate his limbs oh um because uh i wanna butcher him for food much better he's a venom town wait what [Music] i wonder if i could have removed that while he was still alive i don't think you can in vanilla you can't you can't put your body parts off a dead person um go get medical treatment this is going to be a medical bed we'll remove that and harvest well we could harvest the organs for sale yes but right now it's mostly we want his body to be intact so we get maximum meat out of it you know assuming anyone ever starts the butchering best available travelers quite plotted starving them out of the village they want to stay four people staying for 20 days you know what'd be funny is if we did get the follow-up quest to betray them and then we just like baked them into a pie [Music] in the blood because and now you can butcher the lochtar is doing it but you know you can butcher because you're here excellent um what happened to the human corpse why can't we butcher it is someone hauling it oh yeah it was left there oh luxar was probably setting up to butcher the human corpse which is now gonna happen yeah we don't waste any meat oh my god these grizzly bears i don't like this i don't like this at all using to catch up on bears there's a lot of work to be done it's a point the only problem is feeding these guys although if they're a different religion they could we could feed them plants but right now like they could you know yeah we could use some of them to hunt but there's just not that much to hunt on the map send the guests the bear just like sacrificial meat yeah i don't i don't think we can bring them in i think if we brought them in we would just experience massive amounts of starvation and just accept it i mean i don't know what happens you accept it and then you fail i guess there might be no penalty to that we just make them yellow it let's just do it because it'll be funny then okay there nobody's no penalty for failing well all right that'll work for me all right all you gonna melee attack this bear please trust me this is gonna work fine hang on you're missing a buddy oh they're moving really slow [Music] really slow oh yeah it's seating at the table yeah i just i never built the table i just like grabbed it from one of the um the existing stuff [Music] no what okay i mean i i get it drafted hunt you just attack whatever was nearest but i did not mean the rabbit jesus that worked surprisingly well all right you guys have earned your meal i mean congratulations [Music] i guess if we can keep yellowing them at like animals for their meals that'll work out how do we change oh there we go you uh you don't get medicine and you don't get medicine [Music] okay well we're gonna put a cut in here next live stream is friday night it's gonna be an odd time 8 p.m on friday 8 p.m eastern time on friday is when the new path exile expansion comes out and i will be streaming it it's going to be a sponsor stream it's going to start a new league i'm very excited a bunch of new gems coming out bunch of new balance changes lots of nerfs across the board to try to um bring the game back to a bit of a slower pace because it had gotten a little zoomy zoomy hopefully that'll work out and be fun so yes friday night i love pat vega that's one of the games i know i don't have a lot of it on the channel but that's like one that's my downtime game i have uh hey i have over a thousand hours i have 1035 hours in path of exile i love path of exile so i was more than eager to say yes to uh doing some sponsored content for it because that seemed like a pretty no-brainer um option so that's gonna be friday uh and then theoretically saturday's we're gonna be streaming some more uh might be rim world might be path of exile we'll see how it goes incline streaming board game no plan but you never know we're gonna wrap it up here a kiss for luck has been streaming for the past 40 minutes so we're gonna go and raid her channel uh she's oh she's also playing rimworld she's doing her ideology right now well if you guys want to um influence someone's setup be nice be chill uh it's a smaller channel might get a little overwhelming uh but she's setting up a rim world ideology right this second so we're gonna raid her i'm gonna see you guys on friday or saturday thanks a lot for coming out everyone uh thanks for the subs thanks for the contribution whiskey and chocolate give her some nice love and we'll see you in a couple of days bye you
Channel: quill18
Views: 126,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, rimworld, ideology, idealogy
Id: K2nriqSbn6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 161min 54sec (9714 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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