Penultimate Neckbeardia | Neckbeardism: Mole People Rimworld Ideology #4

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welcome back to the neck beard mold people colony today we are uh i'm just gonna catch everybody up on the ideology itself the one thing that we haven't really capitalized on is the insect meat so maybe we'll get an infestation today not that i really am wishing for one because all my colonists are pretty stable right now but i just again i want to try hard this colony it's taking about 10 hours to get to this point so if you made it here in the vods uh congratulations this is really quite honestly the amount of work it takes a rimworld colony just to get set up uh without taking any overpowered colonists and i think my colonists were fairly decent this time around they weren't so overpowered maybe they had a few traits that weren't like outright rejects but for today i want to really buff up our defenses i'm going to go ahead and just build a lot of spike traps i can't guarantee that we'll get to the mono sword quest but i want to because now we have some colonists that are good in melee um we've got trenchacam who joined us and is now of our ideology she is a brawler and double passion in melee so she's really good in melee melee hit chance plus four and then the shady doctor named bourbon was decent in melee we might use him for that um but i was thinking more along the uh our main starting colonists won't really become fighters except for spoon spoon we are gonna have to do some surgery on though uh hippopotamus is gonna be a shooter as well it's good to have all that fabio and winters will probably just stand back and watch uh for the most part though they'll probably shoot just because we want to keep them away from the combat for the most part um i want to keep at least two good melee fighters here in case if we do get infested at any point in time so if we could pick up another colonist today that'd be nice uh but if not we could always send out a few of our shooters someone like uh you know bourbon uh and maybe hippopotamus although hippopotamus is a really important labor colonist just to stay here at the colony might send out actually fabio and winters might not be bad to send out if they do a little bit more hunting or maybe spoon once we've got done with some mining i've got some yeah i'm sorry i got a call how did i set up the ocean block i was running did i just use a terraform yeah i used a terraform mod to get the uh the c block mod running if you guys have any questions on any like future play-throughs or suggestions feel free to send them or just uh rather send them in as messages and i'll read them um sometimes doing this streaming does kind of help me reflect on the whole uh challenge process that i create that's part of the reason i stream is just to kind of get to know you guys a little bit better and just kind of uh steal your ideas um for lack for lack of a better way of saying it now uh i i used to find that streaming was just like very uh i mean if you go for like five hours your brain is kind of fried at the end but on the other hand i get a lot of really good ideas from it so um we'll say borrow your ideas we'll see we'll we'll call it that my first time being here after seeing the channel a couple days ago make some great hey thank you very much taco so let's uh just set off a couple of basic tasks for our colonists to do we've got hippopotamus cleaning now and we've got decent meal storage i'm just gonna allow this to happen because it's a sign of a well-run colony that we have somebody cleaning somebody researching the mining i'm not really crazy about but we have enough food all the time we got an eclipse that's fine nobody's worried about that we've got all of our power running it's taken a really really long time to get all this to happen which is why i'm kind of ecstatic trench cam is gonna oh wait trencher cam is a miner hang on a second does she even like mining she's more of our researcher really is there anything that we can repurpose bourbon on because bourbon might be bourbon is like a doctor but he's not very good at anything else okay trencher chem can do a little bit of mining i just don't really want to assign anyone to mining except spoon because he's so damn good at mining uh but she's good at what art let's just see oh she can cook actually that might not be a bad job for her okay she does have the single passion in cooking and i know that she's not great at it uh i don't want to micro it too hard and just have her butcher so i'll risk a little bit of food poisoning just to have her grind that skill that'd be nice because then that way we do want to separate out the cooking job and the planting job and if we could get hippopotamus to just be our planter and cleaner like owl from my uh what was it uh my you remember that that other colony we had uh the the arctic colony do i like the new religion aspect of ideology a lot of folks have pointed out they'd like to see ideologies developed i kind of was expecting it because of the way that royalty was set up so i i think a couple of days in i'm like yeah that wouldn't hurt um or just maybe me trying out more variety but again i think that more mods will kind of make this more of an impactful dlc what do you have right now solar flare we just kind of got screwed somebody had mentioned in one of the comments that i should save a normal stove which i don't think is a bad idea um and in fact i think i'm just going to have them build the back uh yeah backup stove for solar flare purposes this isn't bad because you could always just power one of these things with wood if you do get some kind of extended solar flare i'm just trying to see if there's a way to make them not default to using this otherwise i'm just gonna uninstall it and only if i'm like wow we're really screwed then i'll then i'll end up using that what about for another run i max out all the storyteller settings and ones that help the ones that hurt like oh uh 500 difficulty yeah i think they've added a lot of good difficulty options i the one i'd be curious on is i mean losing is fun i kind of feel like i i should be able to play now because i'm almost at 600 hours in the game i feel like i should be good enough now to do that but i'm still not i think the answer is like i said last time just a lot of penox is silling easiest way i've found to have a dedicated cleaner was having an assigned cleaning zone where i wanted clean and making to where they wouldn't get up anywhere else that the mods oh yeah that works too or if you put a columnist in a room and you forbid the door that'll make sure that they clean it there are good ways to do that solar tears flares tend to last more than 48 hours you know most of my solar flares tend to be short really 48 hours that's the one there are some things about vanilla that i think they could improve on like that like uh somebody made a mod to block solar flares but in so many cases if you get hit with a solar flare at the wrong time you you really are just kind of screwed and they seem to happen quite often but you know we live in a society hey spaunacus spaunachus thanks very much for the sub yeah the main thing is that losing is fun like you're gonna lose some of your colonists probably because they just get hit with a plague which never feels too particularly good i'm gonna go ahead and i'm gonna start doing something just for visual purposes at this point we can start to make the colony uh more beautiful i don't see any issue with doing that obviously quest available the towering construction is this going to give us any of the just trying to see where would i be happy with this colony we're going to go ahead and research flak armor i think that was the next major thing i wanted to do because at this phase of the game we're still not really ready for advanced power armor nor do i want to go about making them plate armor because they're just not that good group of poor travelers that are looking for help oh wow this is neat are these guys all just kind of like beggars are they all from the same faction they are ethical ethics is there i did not see this ideology this ideology it's just what is it like pure collectivism what do you follow ethical ethics we read our bible moral morals well i use the amogus mod for remember there isn't a mogus mod i've not even seen that yet i mean we could arrest some let's see if any of them are decent we could i mean i don't mind making an enemy of another colony what do we really need only because there's a lot of them here there's many different skill sets we might utilize dweeb is a decent doctor we might want it for bourbon but i don't know if it's worth it great memory is good cannibal is good nudist is terrible for here actually though i don't know if we can live with that and i'm very picky shooting but this guy is incapable of so much i don't really want him but he is a decent crafter um do we have that psychopath bod they're the body purist i don't really like either i think i can get a better crafter at this point i'm looking for somebody with a double passion in crafting probably i can take on whatever other emotional baggage they bring i make a video about these streams or not pancakes lover 333 says uh a lot of these streams i just kind of let be themselves i might do like a community stream event like we did a kahoot about uh i i really i did enjoy doing the hoot oh i see something else too that we gotta do we have to shrink down this zone because they don't know to not plant right by the heater because it's lighter i think it has about that radius yeah this one's dying so it has like a what appears to be a two-tile radius around it okay you could game that if you wanted to i probably should have put the heater in a corner so that i had more room or i could even put it over here and that'd be kind of far from my wiring never mind am i okay with cannibal doctors well in this game yes oh wait uh no i don't want to give you silver i thought that was a trade war option never mind nope i did not do that i didn't yeah nah we won't we won't mess with the beggars we'll just because they are in a faction you know until i find somebody else i i don't want to make all enemies you know what i mean you gotta have you got to have some friends in rim world otherwise you have no one to trade with um i'm gonna go ahead and say this machining t this machining table would go nicely here let's go ahead and just make our workshop really large i'm pretty sure that we can have this all just be one room go ahead and smooth the surface over here and maybe even make it uh longer go ahead make yeah make that workshop make it work yeah like that something like this uh hang on a second no let's build it over here hey what is this a rye proc thanks very much for the sub well i st stream project zomboid in the near future probably i want to give ideology a full go and then i'm gonna uh probably try some other stuff again could i potentially put an air conditioner into the fungus walls and reverse for heat production oh i hadn't really thought of that huh yeah you could do that you could run the uh the fridge heat into the ac room into the uh fungus room i don't know how good i would be at controlling the temperature that way it might just get really hot but that could be more efficient maybe i would do that next time i didn't really design it with that in mind that you are an idea guy though i might i might use that came from youtube to say that my voice or at least my manner is similar to patrick warburton i don't know who that is but thank you hmm no arch plays stuff thanks very much for the sub appreciate it would it be easier to mine out rough stone and build brick walls instead of smoothing them plus more stone and mining stuff eventually it is faster the grinding it could ah that's true i hadn't really thought of that but this is another reason i stream is because just you folks think of stuff that i would never have done uh done myself i i kind of want the construction stats and so simply because we're so good at mining and we do so much of it that it's like you know i want to give them some opportunity to construct smoothing walls is a very good task for grinding their construction because they can't really mess it up unlike many other things but now what i'm beginning to notice is that we just have a lot of stuff to haul that isn't really getting hauled uh spoon is spoon is responsible for all of this but he's not really doing a particularly good job at it so we might have to fire him this is what i've been waiting for though machining table molotov cocktails would be useful so we will make them simple helmets too and here's what i want to i want these things to last for a while yes they might not be as happy without their ideology clothing on i just didn't really think through the ideology clothing very well making simple helmets we want to make sure that they have how can we make sure that they are oh wait a minute we need to do until we have x and we need to make sure that these things are at least decent quality so i'll say normal the legendary quality um oh master work is beneath legendary i got that mixed up all right we're going to go ahead and say let's make sure that they have um i don't know the tick i'm ashamed to say make me wonder how long i could live with no exploits in zomboid with a character based off of himself well like a character based on my me that can be good for rp in games get you more into the game hey volkeg thanks for the hundred bits is that nothing for ideology clothing easier that way yeah you know we we wanted them all to look kind of uniform in some way but i gave them two clothing items which i think limited them the one drawback is that you can't really change your ideology at any point later on in time so that is uh you know somebody pointed out for example that what if a colony had to resort to cannibalism or something like that at some date and then they had to commemorate that date as like uh maybe they all were changed by it perhaps or maybe they uh regretted it like whatever it whatever it is in your colony for your story whatever that thing might be would be neat if there were some allowance for that in the code of ideology all right what are we doing here we're adding in all of the fungus ah so he's bringing the fungus from over there um i don't know what i think of this fungus movement i mean do i really want this well whatever yeah let's go ahead we're going to make the helmet molokov [ __ ] i can't say molotov cocktails molotov cocktails we'll make there and we also want mechanoids shredded forever in case if they do find any and we'll put that even higher up in the bills we're gonna go ahead and say just drop that on the floor we will let them bring them to stockpiles for other items though i can change my algae just use dev ah i had not thought of using dev mode for it generally i suppose i mean in the main game just without that but yeah if i wanted to take off like the debuff for hats i might end up doing that otherwise i'm i'm pretty much determined to not go into dev mode at all for this playthrough but yeah that's a pretty good idea might use that to be honest with you um let's go ahead over here and do this okay trencher chem is doing i guess trencher chem really just doesn't have anything else to do in which case we might even want to take spoon off of mining for a little bit and just put him onto hauling and i regret this because he is the main miner in our colony but at the same time it's like maybe trencher cam is just not very good or we could just make another research table get done with other stuff and then set her off to that yeah maybe that'll work better a lot of people don't know it but you can have two colonists uh research simultaneously a lot of people have been living in a lie i'm gonna just chop those down because i don't want them there because i hate trees [Music] do i have any trap mods installed like the one where i can put oil around my entrance i have not tried that but that sounds really neat i'd like a moat to be honest with you i like to pretend that we live in medieval times i'm not the only one a lot of people pretend um let's just see our entrance there's so much to view in a kill box i'm thinking this they could easily breach into the side i think it's worth it to just fill this entire area with spike traps and with all of these new breech raids there's no telling what could happen we're gonna get all of this done spoon we'll finish this spoon why don't you go ahead and turn on your mining improvement thing winters is bringing that back there good i want them to get done with this mining and then kind of get onto their other tasks in there and after that uh how are we going to make the flak jackets we've got to research the yeah once we research flat armor and then once i get flak armor i think i'm going to go ahead and try to try to move out a couple of the colonists to go on one of these quests two of them that are decent in range combat maybe spoon and somebody else maybe even three because i don't know if i trust two for a quest yeah i think that that'll work what do we have here let's delete this zone and then we could keep two inside now that we have molotov cocktails too we'll have some safety in case if insects infest us at any point in time yeah i think i trust that still 23 days these mushrooms have plenty of time we should really get to hauling more of this stuff yeah good trencher chem is we'll never do hauling but ironically she'll haul things to the kitchen you know i just find that odd they could just have them all do that at once how is our dining room too simply because this is giving them all that buff extremely impressive okay i i mean i think for the most part we're pretty well set up as far as i can tell what is the colony wealth at the moment is good point and we should check that we got only one raid we're due for another raid at any given point in time which is why i'm stacking up all of these granite spike traps but still if anyone has a very good long range weapon i do fear for us bourbon has only this uh steel spear which i was going to make another thing wasn't i didn't i say this so now have i have i shirked my responsibilities hang on a second smithy yeah an electric smithy would be the next thing now we have all of this plasteel and it was it was confided to me the other day that in actuality place steel spears are stronger than uranium maces at least as far as armor piercing goes so i think we'll do that uh no one terraforming mod because it cheats and doesn't use it we could pump out this marsh water if that's what you're talking about oh one other thing was that uh unofficially mod manager has been updated it wasn't by fluffy it was by somebody else who was just working on updating the mods ah this is great we're gonna get this done fast i don't think that we need two researchers for the most part but once they get finished with this we'll have two laborers back online um but yeah it also does load up all of your other old saved mod lists which i'm thankful for i need to give it some time for the official mod mod authors mod authors to actually update everything to the new game version though have i dealt with any insects yet i deal with insects a lot um research screen uh here we go i'm gonna go ahead and do one other thing that's gonna make us safe from insects though because i'll i'll go over a little bit of how to deal with insects or at least how i deal with them when i make a base like this i'm gonna go ahead and build a bunch of random granite spike traps now i'll put some of them outside but i think it's also good to just have a bunch uninstalled and i'm gonna put them let's say like right here and i'll just uninstall them as soon as we build them simply because it's a good idea to have seven or so of them seven to ten spike traps just so that you can lay them out if you ever see a threat like a bunch of insects spawned in here what would i do um another thing i would kind of debate on simply because insect spawns can happen at any given time you might consider closing some doors although it would slow down colony growth uh actually come to think of it that is why we have auto doors which are really cheap to research so let's do that instead we'll put auto doors only on the doors that we currently have all uh held open maybe on the fridge as well because it is starting to get a little bit warm in there 35 degrees fahrenheit yeah we've got only refrigeration going on in here and look we got the dog coming in for meals he's taking handouts if i have corpse rooms stockpile for corpses i should throw some molotovs in there oh no i like to keep the corpses in there so that it uh gets the infestation to hopefully spawn there i know it makes it look cleaner but it it does improve the chances that the insects will spawn in there because it's dirty but thank you thank you ah you have the stone doors too though i might end up replacing the doors on that room only because it's so likely that insects will spawn in there with stone doors but now we need to give them a lot of time to just make tons of granite are we done with the marble at least we are not we're not done with anything let's just give them some time to craft a bunch of those stone cutting mods got updated to bulk stone cutting but i do just kind of like to experience the game as it is uh with all of that auto doors yeah just locking down your base insulating it and really making sure that you have tight control over things like temperature infestation possibilities anything of that nature does take a while so that's my next task before i really start working on the outside defenses because i think that that's more urgent right now if there were a threat from within or if for example mechanoids decided to land here we'd be in trouble um out of doors in an underground base good because you're gonna need a vacuum yeah um we can make stronger doors that are made of stone that open quickly have we noticed any difference in the kill box functionality with the new ideology expansion i've not gotten any of the breach raids yet to be honest with you but uh i'm thinking that'll be the the thing that like if somebody were to spawn over here i don't see what would prevent them from just coming straight through this breach the other one that we should be afraid of too would be the mechanoid uh breach raid where they shoot your walls from long range because mechanoid weapons are known to be quite long range we do have emp grenades but emp grenades have also been nerfed they used to be really overpowered against mechanoids but now they stun them like once some wooden chairs in the dirty room ah i did not know that infestations are more likely to spawn in rooms with furniture in which case let's yes let's put a lot of wooden chairs in there that is a good idea is that really i did not know that are infestations more likely to spawn in rooms with furniture in them i mean that would be a great thing to put in a room that you wanted to get infested then just put a lot of wooden chairs in there you could even up the amount of furniture in the room so you could guarantee that is just like the spare chair room yeah no it's good to use wood so that you can just burn them one technique i've seen people use when an infestation gets really out of hand and they can't deal with it is to just build chairs every night when the insects are sleeping and then later on throw a molotov in there but you're better off just going at it right away and not letting it build up you're better off losing one colonist and dealing with the thing and you are letting them go on and reproduce because it gets like exponentially worse breacher's tail tear through walls in like two hats i think that's a good thing though what we should do is just get a lot of um a lot more spike traps anywhere we think that anyone might outrange us and also too i think we're going to start to dig away at these other cliffs just to keep it as open as possible once they get in here uh we'll leave this i just want to make it so that it fans out so that they can't really get cover we'll mine out that and that and that and probably some of that and maybe like that this makes it pretty unlikely that they'd run for cover hippopotamus i wonder what went wrong with her she's led by a neckbeard mole person what we might go ahead and try to do is just convert her to our ideal legend uh she's mentally broken so we can't do it hey socal swede thanks very much yeah the c block was nice for just learning the game i actually found it to be a very peaceful way to play the game the only thing that is that it's modded so there is terraforming but a fun way to try it nonetheless you know whether or not you you subscribe to the idea of doing a c block whether you think that's silly and like minecrafty or whatever um not that there's anything wrong with that or just that it's too pop i think it's a neat idea and maybe it's been overdone a bit but nobody's ever done it with rimworld at least that i've seen at least that i've seen i i don't know maybe somebody else has though people can't stand on top of sandbox so they won't take in cover inside of the hallway yeah so they're gonna walk through here unless if for some reason they take down these things they could make cover for themselves if they explode everything so we just want to kind of keep that in mind one defense i'd be really curious about is just like a marsh on all sides of the base but as far as i know in vanilla rimmer you can only drain water you can't put it back which is kind of unfortunate oh we got a bulk kids trainer hey coyo uh teaster thanks very much for the sub could dig holes in the walls of the insect room and have them protected by a sandbag or two then attack them all to a power oh oh wow wait what do you mean i do with the power switch in the infestation room i'm gonna go ahead and i'm just gonna build a lot of furniture in this room because i think that this would be a really neat thing to experiment with like and if i do get infest infested infested in there we'll pretty much know that fire foam might not be a bad thing to invest in here as well again i'm i'm kind of in this play through to live i i don't want this one to just die out smoke pop belts prosthetics gunsmithing gunsmithing might be neat incendiary launcher partly because of the i i really like the chain shotgun as a weapon i just find it really effective let's just give them a bit of time to kind of catch up here i'm not gonna assign any research projects for a while nope just do constructing because i think at this point in time they aren't gonna hit a power spike for a little while uh they need some time winters is gonna go trade nice i like this place that the traders come into as well because there's a good chance that a trader might defend us um the way that it's kind of set up here now we can start to see well what do we have to sell um we have a lot of steel we want to kind of keep our wealth a little bit down as well um there's a lot of stuff in here i probably shouldn't have bought um 260 it's just such low quality i don't think that we want that should i sell the gold only because we don't really need it right now uh we'll need it for a multi-analyzer though later on yeah i think that's close enough that i i want that to happen chairs can't be built since the doors i i i allowed the doors again i believe i think i did thank you for looking out for me um bears we just haven't really had much time to use this panther fur i believe is good at insulating from heat right yeah but not as much with cold and it's also pretty valuable i think the main thing that we're we just need cloth tooks is fine i i don't want to get these textiles i don't want to get too many or whatever it is leathers textiles we just haven't been using so much of it and i can't think of much of a use for it for now it is a good way to make money but it also is a big time hole as well let's sell all of that for 1123 and we have only 25 components right now i don't know if that seems like a lot but it it doesn't to me um i think i'm gonna just buy a bunch of components is usually the bottleneck here let's go ahead and do this 36 but we get 27 components mighty pepper thanks very much for the sub hmm i also think i want some cloth just to have it like we just haven't been growing enough here we aren't going to have hydroponics for a while let's get 200 of it and then we'll sell we really don't need quite this much fungus uh let's sell about a thousand fungus because we have 2068 that's way too much as far as i'm concerned we have enough steel so i'm not going to worry about that except cloth and where are my com there are the components good 27 components we got a uh relations improvement last dose who is uh who are the last docian people whoops i did not mean to press worlds do you ever do that wish they'd lower the dlc prices so dlc's don't cost more than the game itself for less content than the game itself fair point i i could see that that was something that i had expressed earlier was that it might put off new players when they see that there's a lot of dlc i mean again i i'm gonna immediately counter that with i've gotten way more hours out of rimworld and enjoyment than that is justified by the price so um i i suppose i see why that is but uh i still feel like is it just me or is it i mean back when i was a kid when a game was released like that was it there was no such thing as early access you never got updates it was just a cartridge you put it into your game boy and you like a lot of games weren't good but now it just seems like it's kind of like maybe it'll get better there's this whole phase which is kind of funny and kind of nice for me because i always feel like i'm getting more i suppose a bunch of people would disagree with that sentiment but if i want to raise animals ducks reproduce eggs at a crazy rate they're great for i have not actually checked out the duck meta huh but maybe maybe it do be that way with ducks hang on a second let's see if we have any ducks around ducks hello ducks stallions we have stallions damn red foxes turkeys turkeys may have been a decent food source i still i'm going for the chicken the chicken cow meta that's the thing i saw somebody with a ridiculous chicken farm this morning on my discord that would be nice ducks are like chickens in 1.3 oh if they're that good i mean let's let's get there uh what is the duck ducks have uh cloacas right isn't that there they're all about cloacas yeah let's get their cloacas in here make plate armor uh simple helmet wait we could make a simple helmet here or at the machining table this i did not know this i did not know hang on a second let's go see why doesn't it tell you the base stats of general items now can anyone confirm or deny this wait a minute breach x mace gladius club equa is it iqua i think it's iqua or is it equa i used to say pila as pila i've learned a lot of pronunciation since i first began this just mostly from angry commenters like you idiot but i i do appreciate it when it when they when they are accurate sometimes they're inaccurate though which is kind of funny because it's like ah joke's on you but uh we're gonna need long blades researched that would make sense though if spears were better do i use horses for hauling or is the upkeep too much i don't really find that i ever need them for it okay this is a very primitive raid this guy looks like the warlord ooh warlord he is extremely good in melee combat oh wow these people are really good i hope that they do not get here i hope that they all perish before they get to our these people are fantastic in combat if we could recruit some of these they're all double passion in like both shooting and except this guy yep this could be the this could be the day hmm what can i do to coerce them more over here you see what i'm doing right now i'm an idea guy and a second not not bill murray i i do like bill murray thank you thank you very much for the sub not bill murray eeka equal equal these nuts i'm pretty sure that's not how it's pronounced pila is latin and it's the plural of pilum uh yeah i had heard that i never encountered this word in my studies of latin in high school i took latin in high school it was a good choice a lot of crazy stuff happening in that language i got a second do we really want to make this this long nah i don't really care for all that but it looks like they're gonna attack all the traders are here everyone happens to be awake right now let's draft everyone simply for the shooting experience and and so on and so forth you are a decent melee combatant i was just gonna make you a weapon but it looks like i might not have time oh but she's a brawler yeah take the plastiel knife for now you have the spear you have a revolver you have a heavy smg you have a pump shotgun we still have sort of uh hodgepod a hodgepodge of weapons don't you like that word hodgepodge or is that two no i'm pretty sure that's one word and not two ah all right trencher chem is there we need we do need to kidnap these people if we can hmm i hope that they don't die though for the record because they are too good to justify being that one is dead and i don't want to hurt these traitors we're going to get a lot of fire apparently this is another reason why um concrete is good concrete is love concrete is life uh okay let's see if we can capture the chief hang on a second uh cheetah are you worth saving most certainly except for the pessimist but i think that we can deal with that at this point um prisoner bed we ran out of prisoner beds okay no more infirmity of infirmity that sounds like a like a knock off of germany let's just forbid that well we're going to be using that room quite a lot now so let's uh actually leave that open um we're going to go ahead and just build one dresser so that they don't both go crazy and maybe some of these things yep that's fine do we need two night stands or can they share a nightstand like roomies you know oh god too smart i don't really ooh but this one's a cook though but i don't know if i can justify having that many colonists can i i can capture you while you're on fire and save you from the fire that is good okay fabio is capturing fabio would be good to get back there because he's the doctor let's head back with these people meerkat i don't think is worth saving let's see if we can get uh who else is there you're dead that was a pretty good chieftain wait mink mink was the guy oh he it turns out he wasn't the chief this guy isn't really worth saving he's good might want to save him but i just have too many duplicates of this misogynist gorman sickly i really want him for the sickly the melee 13 might be worth it though uh otherwise we'll just go after them for the shooting experience i mean i doubt that we'll even catch up to them hey zweihander zero god bless thanks for the follow rawr g wait ragu is on the ground oh i missed raghu what i am blind iron willed pyromaniac uh tough one incapable of social and fire fighting we're getting fire foam soon okay um yeah you know i i haven't taken on a pyromaniac in a while winters go ahead and capture him let's see if we can just catch up with the other ones and maybe shoot them spoon has the heavy smg i doubt that we'll catch them in time let's see if we could just shoot down task a cam spoon is barely entering uh we'll give him just a little bit more time get him up to the rocks maybe and try it see if we can stop him oh you two are melee just go back yep we killed him okay and mink we're i thought he would leave the map right then he is fleeing in panic okay main curt i don't think that he was yeah i just don't really want the sickly otherwise he's really good and that's kind of a tough decision you are beating out a fire on a person meerkat or do you have any gear worth taking sin threat drive that's not bad but do i want do i want to keep you uh too smart too smart and beautiful he doesn't have any cable gloves hey you know i'll capture uh we're gonna need another bed yeah let's do it all right i'm capturing you uh raju got put down whoops and spoon is gonna go back and uh care for everybody fabio is hopefully gonna do some doctoring and gonna die in three hours okay let's see how many of them we could save who is probably the most important of these ones to save pyromaniac surgeon yep i will just light a fire near you [Music] reserved by spoon are you gonna die they both might die crap uh all right cross your fingers cross your fingers is anybody else nearby fabio can preach health but that's only to faction members spoon is there bourbon is there you're capturing somebody else okay i hope that we get them in time that's all i can really do and say these would be really decent last colonists simply because you want to get doctors in the end as your your thing isn't as urgent as the other guys so i'm going to go ahead and send you to 10 to him and then trenchacam can tend to meerkat all right i think we did a good job um i mean you know if not we could use them for other things other things of course yes another back-to-back raid coming do i think uh we would not be bad off if we had another raid now we can actually manage oh look at the dead ducks damn we could have saved them oh we did get molotov cocktails from these people so we don't have to make molotov cocktails anymore i'd just like to have one of those things let's suspend that let's save it in case if we need it later on uh hippopotamus why don't you just bring those in right now i don't want those deteriorating out here and did any of our none of our colonists took any damage they didn't even take on any of the traps out there we do want to bring back in that cloth hauling the duck bring over the cloth i'm even more worried about the cloth than the components though too how many doctors do i usually keep in my colonies as many as possible uh doesn't you need like one really good doctor ultimately that's like a mid-level slash late game type of thing to get but having a bunch of people even if they don't have passion in it at just like a decent level is is probably the most important thing um partly because you need somebody to care for the doctor himself you know or what happens when the doctor is down stuff like that okay you have death in 10 hours you have cheetah is the only one i'm a little bit worried about may or may not have just found my through binging the torso squad playlist and click ah the torso squad torso squad might have been my favorite series ever to make this is so much like epic poetry it might have been too much for for the general public it has like a very niche audience but if you like it it means a lot to me stick with two but when [ __ ] goes south there yeah the thing is that you can never have enough you're you can never have too many doctors that's not to say that you need everybody to have a double passion in it just you know the one thing that you got to sub it out with though is having a lot of glitter world medicine at least i understand the only medical system in rimworld though that it really benefits you to understand is the infection because i didn't under infection in rim world is a little or just the way that disease progresses is a little funny oh god wait why is winter's so slow we might need to get somebody else on him though hang on a second who is a he's just so slow because he's got the uh the lord moving into manipulation hang on a second he's about to tend this one okay two hours why don't you tend to him instead i might take winters off of doctoring simply because he's so slow at it because he's just turned 77 and he is frail he's losing his hearing he's really taken a hit uh i might need to give him new ears i mean he's just like a he's a math doctor let's take him off of it i just don't think it's a good idea oh i had everybody on doctor wow okay uh hippopotamus will be a three fi now we can start to lighten up on non-doctors the one good thing is that we don't have people who are incapable of it because it is good to have them be able to do it t-docs 47 thanks very much for the sub philosophical [ __ ] posts i love a good philosophical [ __ ] post but i can't do them all the time because it's like you know then it becomes less special it's it's most fun when philosophical look change desire trench cam wishes to change her look as it no longer matches what she believes ah very wow yeah we made her into a neckbeard right didn't we yep she's a neckbeard so we need to give them a styling station now i actually got the name of that right i did not expect i would do that uh where would we put this i don't think it really matters what room we put in let's just put it in the middle of the hall you'll change in the hall and you'll like it disease infection honor argue all right we might give him better medicine on his torso hmm he's not a neckbeard mole person is he unfortunately not old archism it seems everybody i meet is a member of old archism more cooking spots yeah we could do with some by i mean the thing is we'll go slow my technologies still have yet to advance a lot uh we're gonna have to let's just build him a bed i think we need that like asap spoon hippopotamus bourbon trench of chem i think winters is gonna be our best constructor right here let's go do that the rest of this i don't want to get them out of bed though and then we can make s somebody give him decent medicine we got nine medicine left we might as well keep him alive he's a good colonist pyromaniac iron move it's that double melee passion that i want we'll just give somebody else some natural amount of time to do it is cheetah gonna make it i think cheetah might even be better yeah super immune the pessimist isn't fantastic but we'll take it we'll just lower all of their resistances to recruitment meerkat's stew keeper is no longer incapable of walking and we should also probably clean that room lots to do here but the good news is that our colony is now functional enough that we could take on three prisoners this would be probably end game if we got to it uh that's six that would be nine colonists if we did manage to convert them all winters are you bringing the bed stuff good i just want to get him in here at asap because he has been tended what 10 quality we get on that 63 so that's not bad let's deconstruct that capture him and now he's in a better bed uh he's not from medical prisoners oh oops you fell out of bed okay that's much better that is much better smashing 77 is a liability now hey caco thanks for the raid what are you guys up to appreciate it caco guys if you don't know kako kak dyson cacophony dyson cacophony made the uh made this spectacular emoji for the channel they are amazing how are you on zomboid oh what were you doing on zomboid zomboid is a banger man i really want to i really want to do some more where was it like a challenge what was it oh [ __ ] crap i gotta set up my shout out that was what i did for the last thing can i just say right now guys go out to caco because she does games and art and i like it uh i embarrassingly don't have my shoutout feature on but uh yeah distant cacophony if you're watching the pod uh youtube well you have your twitter either way thank you very much for the raid caco people i i am familiar with and i like they're very they're very fun [Music] let me just write this down and parent i have to put this on my to-do list shout out feature twitch do it shia ella buff how was it how did it go was attempting to survive was it chat selected game been a while since i've played it's the game that keeps kind of coming back you know i feel that though i feel that i just have the vod youtube channel why do i have traps inside oh whoops i forgot to uninstall these um the reason i have traps inside is so that if anything ever happens on the inside because we're living in an under mountain base i can just move the traps to the most appropriate location to deal with the infestation uh we also want to open that because unfortunately they have cleaned the corpse room we're leaving the corpses all over the corpse room and we built a bunch of furniture in there to hopefully get infestations spawning it i'm trying desperately at a lot of things that i want to make happen he's brandishing a knife he's shia labeouf [Music] oh god i'm thinking our arnor colonists having to do a lot of walking i have not used this fence at all it's so far it's been a waste let's just get rid of that they can deconstruct that is there going to be a faster way through well we're doing the auto doors the auto doors and the uh we're researching spears so that we can hopefully get better melee colonists but at this rate we won't even ever have to see another enemy again how has the ideology dlc been so far it's been good you know it seems to affect us at the outset and then after that much as i predicted it's not that invasive but i think that that's actually a move in the right direction dare i say because royalty was kind of like a an alternate game mode in the game you know what i mean or like a whole bunch of things that some people didn't like stuff like that but or that people liked you know but it did kind of add flavor and theme to the rimworld experience which not a lot of which a lot of people didn't desire that i suppose but ideology is kind of like you know i could i could [ __ ] with that but i don't have to the one thing i'd like to see though is being able to create a colony where there's just no ideology you know like to just have the option that there is ideology out in the world but that you don't really particularly believe in anything i think that that would be a welcome thing to have oh we already have auto doors fantastic no research for now let's be dumb for a few weeks supposedly infestations spawn in the dirtiest darkest space in the spawnable air exactly they always just spawn in the most inconvenient place oh god i don't know necessarily i've always found that infestations spawn in an enclosed room beneath a mountain well not always but quite often when it's available they'll do that the auto doors now have a new look this is interesting very interest we could go with plasteel but i think i'm just gonna go with granite because we have a lot of it let's go ahead and deconstruct these two and then we're going to start to deconstruct other rooms doorways we'll start with the dining room first because this seems like a terrible place to have them infest and i would be extremely depressed if they did spawn in here i'm gonna spam i'm gonna be a big spin thrift right here i'm gonna go ahead and uh install a lot of auto doors in here granite auto doors simply because the material nobody gives a [ __ ] what it's made of and uh that's just safe they're hard doors very hard doors and most importantly granite does not burn i don't believe that granite auto doors burn of course you know ply steel or can you do uranium yeah you could do a uranium auto door that would be very alarming wow the new look is based on the iconography of your ideology ah is that so about the auto doors i suppose that makes sense they do look cooler though i like it the one thing that i can't understand is why do we have this one chair that's just like a turd chair six desperate refugees are approaching their their leader is called ericus they say crop blight starve them out of the village uh we got six people coming in to live okay this we may want to take up on because we now have a lot of food and this would be an opportunity to grow and expand our colony and they don't count toward our colonist amount i think we could do this to bring our colony into end game and just give them tons and tons of labor uh do we really need auto doors on the burning room you're right i think i could have just gone with regular granite doors right yeah actually thank you you saved me four components i don't know why i was doing that yeah regular wait a second am i sure about this ah might want to do the outer one as it simply because i like to be able to get in and out of this room really quickly i am going to go through with it only because i'm curious what it'll look like i might be wrong here but there's an important you got to be able to create an airlock from the bugs because you got to be able to quickly go in throw in a molotov and then run the hell out without letting them get over to you it's a very sticky situation what would be a good mod if i kind of want to be able to get the mood up more easily uh there's a lot of them that you could do to make your pawns more happy i would just pick colonists with sanguine traits sanguine optimist uh learn a little bit more about the trait system because there are a lot of really overpowered traits like iron willed so you could use uh character editor or edb pair prepare carefully because that'll make your colonists um uh less prone to mood breaks that's probably the most annoying thing about rimworld when you first start is that in most colonies sims your colonists will just always be perfectly obedient but in rim world um your colonists will break and and disobey you yeah um chair because somebody of other ideology i'm trying to think of a mob that would do that same thing though because there probably are a bunch out there and i'm just i don't know why i'm blanking color-coded mood bars can be helpful too auto jars that tend to break from time to time consuming ah that's true though ah yeah you know what i forgot about that because they are expensive it might not be worth it for the time what we might just be better off doing is building a third door and i know that seems like a lot but at the same time it's it's a lot quite a lot to deal with when you have an infestation i might also lengthen out this room a bit too uh one just to accommodate more corpses because it seems we're getting so many corpses but then also too just because uh i need a deeper room so that the infestation hopefully spawns farther back in the room if we do get it that would be another way to game it because you do want to send in one pawn to light the room of blaze is a very good idea oh yeah the uh whoops i almost forgot about the incoming laborers expires in 5.6 days so we do have a little bit of time to prepare for these people i think i'm going to make them one large barracks uh where am i uh how about here in this dark dungeon in the back i think that'd be fine yeah let's just do that because we have nothing else to do with them um i can't really see any drawbacks to that what do i actually want developed though hmm yeah i'll sleep him back in the dungeon over here that's fine that's fine yeah i hadn't really thought about the granite auto doors double consuming the electricity i might maybe i shouldn't have made these double doors but it's kind of cool i want to experiment with it it's always worth it even if you waste your time a little bit just to try something new we're gonna go ahead and let's make six copies what is it six colonists two three i should probably space them out more so that they have room for comfort uh two [Music] i'm trying to think of how i'm gonna do the night stand three four five six i think that works i think that works hey choker new apartment's coming along pretty well i'm going to be moving in in about a month a little bit less than a month actually or the labor request part of the dlc they might be i lose track of it though at this point corn dog and french thanks very much for coming out [Music] prefer the infection only spawn in the darkness mod it makes it one more ah the uh the infestation yeah it'd be nice to control infestations a little bit more but you know i mean part of it's got to be random you can't always keep all your colonists alive and at this point in time you know we should be getting onto flak armor speaking of which let's go ahead and tell them to make some flack armor and hopefully these people will be able to craft us some armor as well we're going to go ahead and tell them to make six flak jackets we're just going to put everyone into one of them uh let's do it until we have oops until we have six there's better ways to automate clothing i know i'm messing some stuff up uh let's do until we have six of let's say like 80 to 100 hit points can we do non-tainted as well a loud crafting skill we could also up the allowed craft ah we won't do that because we might need them to grind on it simple helmet do six and let's say that they need to be of a decent hit point range okay i think we're pretty much ready now our laborers i'm just going to tell them to go and chop some wood on their way in but laborers can be really good for getting a lot of stuff done and just kind of uh going going into maximum overdrive for a few minutes in the words of plankton i just like auto jars because if they break they need a component to fix them i agree i just think that eventually in the game you pretty much have to set off one colonist to permanently crafting components i did i lost my hatred for that when i started making more component mining camps stuff like that uh and i just started making more use of bulk traders though so i i don't know i i just i'm sort of the mindset uh spare no expense at whatever will keep you safest that's my uh that's my sort of mantra now for the game now are these people going to like dark lights or are they going to want a regular lamp let's go ahead and give them our colonists don't like uh we'll kind of optimize it for our own colonists because they won't be here forever they might not even be here tomorrow actually they will be here tomorrow i don't know why i did that weird voice kind of scared me i won't do that again is it late at night it's 17 hours okay let's wait until the night passes just because if they get here now then they're gonna want to go to sleep so accept them in the morning they can just kind of hang out and stay at like a motel six somewhere nearby for right now uh we should be bringing these things in not leaving them out there let's go ahead and just we'll never do hauling we just have so many incapable gloves like we had just a few more things this colony would be an endgame flak also eats components uh flak jackets flak jackets ah it does eat components but the thing is that i mean you just you know it's like just keep buying components that's why whenever a trader has come for the first half of the game i've bought components from them i don't know why i'll say i don't want to just live without components otherwise you just find yourself building granite traps for everything now right now i have 62 that's a pretty good amount but yeah it does eat through them but we'll soon we'll be able to craft them and that's another reason why i think the mountain colony is pretty strong because uh look at all the elements you know earth water fire these that the fire nation attacked we have all of these things um i was about to suggest component mining camps from there's a lot of ways to do it yeah you know i mean there's even subsurface stuff the thing is that a lot of people will cut off one method like i'm not going to build a drill miner because i uh you know i'm i think winters is just a good warden that's what we need him to do very slow moving but a good he's like a polite old man now that kind of uh takes down people's defenses you know like and he changes them he changes them sometimes he smooths out the world like he's talking to the wall right now all right i'm getting a little bit fanciful now let's go let's go on and uh let's accept these people now it's the morning i really do like taking in uh refugees though because sometimes they can be very strong let's see what kinds of people we got they are ah good they love ethical ethics if they're collectivist does it mean that they don't mind no they do they don't like underground well we could have them do non-underground stuff psychopath pretty psychopath nimble they are not that bad some of them might even do you are very good at a lot of things trigger happy sanguine and kind trip is fantastic wow but good at a lot of things that we already have chemical interests super immune they all have some s t or trait pretty much psychically sensitive pyromanic you are a bit more of a liability but you can do some hauling i'm just going to leave them on most of their default tasks because i figure it doesn't make much of a difference except why are you on construction we had you do that you don't do that i'm just trying to make sure that we get rid of all the things that would be major liabilities if we had them do them okay that seems fine to me uh now the main thing about visitors is they're going to eat a lot of food we're pretty much going to need to sign one permanent cook now but this is fantastic though really like having this many colonists um really it's why i like vanilla faction expanded mechanoids you can auto make components arch playsteph says yeah or a long-range scanner i don't really use long-range scanners that much but i kind of under use them i mean you know even after 600 hours there's still plenty to do ethical ethics since there's now three harmonists in your faction they will demand that rituals of ethical ethics be carried out philosopher role oh wow okay so you can have two factions going on at the same time that's amazing who would be the best among them we do need to assign some of these roles let's go ahead and see who is good at what i think mainly the social role is the most important for these europe so far it's trip nope it's that person's name is literally anarchist uh let's see ethical ethics ethical ethics have joined us moral spiritual leader who heads rituals and personally counselors believe this role becomes active when your faction is three uh we don't really want him to do a lot of conversion rich uh i really want this this is kind of a liability of having guests i mean they aren't getting any of the faction-specific stuff i think i'm just gonna have them not uh they are getting the no philosopher debuff uh i don't really like hosting other factions as much as i thought i would see this is where i i would like to just like deactivate ideology a little bit but okay but okay cape and a visage mask okay so this gentleman insists on wearing a cape uh i'll allow it uh where is the visage mask cape cape tail cap why am i oh there it is cape okay make a cape and where would we where do we actually create a visage mask i've never crafted one of these things does anyone know give their worst social guy the moral guide role now do we need to craft them another room for their rituals bits for the well-read frog hey damn holy cow unit three unit how are you my friend how are you happy to see you thank you very much for the thousand bits that's a very unmerited and welcome surprise god bless thank you i don't know what i've done to meredith small nature okay we gotta get this goddamn nature shrine crying for honoring spiritual beings okay we're gonna put this out here where we don't want it what is oh they don't like to see combat stuff ah these people like trees that is true i think small nature shrine let's give them a no we want to give them a large wooden nature shrine all right right there i suppose i don't know anything about this faction down three from the cape thank you i've missed that oh thank you very much unit tailoring bench i just missed that okay go easy on me ah thank you thank you my eyes aren't what they used to be i'm 77 now yeah these tree people right caco i don't know what do you think of these three people are you like like i was a vegan once when i was when i was 20 i was a vegan and then i got so hungry that was my only thing i was like i just had to have something else i was subsisting off of coffee and lettuce for like a month it was black coffee too i i couldn't because i was all in i was like you know i don't want to hurt the animals and i still think it's wrong but i still think that it just feels right something feels right about eating a hamburger and i know it's wrong and i know i shouldn't but it's like it's i feel so full when i'm done but i am weak that's the truth that's the truth no the hamburgers call okay yeah all right fantastic all right i mean like that kind of permits me to eat more meat i just ate all of this tortellini a few hours ago i'm starting to feel it starting to feel that yeah that was the thing is you know it was but i really should become a vegan again one day they'll look back at us and they'll say like why were they doing all of that to the animals we don't like it so much the one thing is we might not want to can uh recruit all three of these guys if they're all anarchists or archism old archism because then that means that there's going to be a new faction in our midst so we might actually have to convert one of them otherwise it's going to be rather sticky situation prisoner social what about cheetah actually cheetah looks weak i'm gonna get you ha ha got him okay cheetah is gonna be the one that we just focus on converting for a while now i think winters is becoming an even better uh shall we call him a socialist no a social light social guy that's what he is um remember all of the wild birds and rodents and stuff are poison protect plant fields though oh irl i think you've been in the game no i didn't know that is that true hey random how are you lentils and mushrooms yeah lentils are actually lentils are a rather filling food what i did find was that there are certain foods that vegans eat that are more filling and i do i have incorporated those into my diet more things like uh hey it's it's sock thanks very much for the uh for the 300 bits hummus is very filling uh i didn't really get much further than that i know that hummus is very filling because it was mostly what i ate when i was uh when i when i was in that phase of life it was a good phase of life though i was thinking more about values than material objects and things that i owned uh it was actually probably one of my favorite times i was alive um i still am alive i have remained alive and i am right now it's great to be alive but um man that is a lot of converting going on right now it's a good way to live your life now everybody's got on these oh these steel helmets make them look like the dough boys jesus from world war one huh that is kind of neat kind of kind of no i i actually i do give a crap about how this room looks now do we have colonists idle we have two colonist idols so we're going to assign everybody just a bunch of menial tasks that we've avoided for a long time we'll have rooms for future visitors meerkat why why do you be sleeping why are you lying prostrate i won't allow it what armor is winter's wearing winters is wearing some spiky parka that somebody left here i might not necessarily need him to have on a parka anymore but he just kept falling down from hypothermia because he's getting kind of uh as they say old and in the way um the muscles oh all of my visitors just got sick almost all of them why cassandra why cass ant cut ass andra why do you do this muscle parasites isn't even the good one is it that is like i gave up so much to have these visitors they were gonna help they were gonna have a good time if we were gonna have cocktails we were gonna you know uh rub each other's backs maybe but no no in fact ah it's not the end of the world though it's not a plague yeah we'll live hey man average thanks for coming out appreciate the uh appreciate coming out appreciate proud of you how do i spread muscle pair i don't want to spread muscle parasites well the thing is that there are uh what is it mechanical parasites or whatever they are there is something that makes you in pain but you're faster because of it that's the good one that you want but muscle parasites which does sound quite disgusting um but also kind of awesome like i remember when they sold those weight loss pills that as it turned out it was just a big scam and they were this is actually probably one of the most disgusting scams and shady things i've ever heard of but did you hear about the person who they were selling uh tape worm weight loss pills it was like a very well-known scam um i i'm sorry i should probably should not have said that because now you can't unhear it just think about ethical ethics for a few minutes you know i think you'll be happier when you think about ethical ethics and you're actually happier in pink okay i'm glad that they added some functionality to colors into the game because before this colors were pretty much useless yeah i know it's it was it was a terrible memory i'll try not to ever do that again but maybe that's what muscle parasites are but look at this ah jesus uh fabio can't really even preach health to most of these people because they're not well but fortunately this isn't a disease that prevents them from doing anything are you a practicer of ethical ethics hang on a second aha so bourbon is actually a member of ethical ethics we're going to want to try to convert him anyway cheetah is the other one we're trying to convert and we are going to need yes that's right more beds we're just going to put an ass load of beds in here [ __ ] anyone who uh yeah where am i going with this uh let's see end table dresser do i really even need this many i'm just going to do it for good measure dresser dresser this might be an excessive number of dressers it looks even to me though and even if it's too much i feel good about it inspired surgery on hippopotamus uh ooh actually that might be a good opportunity might use this inspiration to do surgery why do you wake up just like i'm gonna do surgery today that's a weird well i suppose unless if you're a surgeon in which case it is kind of like an art form to you ethical ethics people might be uh they might try to convert our people too that would be terrible if they tried to convert us can you imagine having two factions and just watching them fight it out that's like turning on the heat and the ac at once and then opening all the windows in your house just uh blasphemous blasphemous i say food binge on zach yeah these people are just garbage and we really should but they also have a garbage bedroom man nah they're okay they're okay just of all the luck though we'll have a couple of catharsis but at this point we can manage it certainty 55 to 49 let's get fabio in there for another round of conversion are you ever gonna convert yeah i'll convert eventually okay let's have another conversion public execution that sounds like fun um oh boy jubilee of stone oh hang on a second oh we could commence the jubilee of stone again wait a second it's the seventh of jugas i almost forgot about the jubilee of stone yes we have been upset the jubilee of stone has been delayed let's have one begin if it's unforgettable yes unforgettable then they'll have a great work bonus for the next few days yes disco say that you what do they listen to uh what what kind of music did neckbeards listen to this sounds kind of like uh like a big room a little not really big room big room would have like a much more brassy lead i think i don't know why so many hexagons though tynan what is i guess hexagons are kind of like a futuristic shape fun jubilee of stone that's pretty good uh it's better than we had a miserable speech recently before eurotechno tribal techno yeah yeah it does kind of sound like euro techno i suppose every time someone goes on a daze we hit him until the alms down like oh wow a monk colony that'd be neat jubilee of stone was fun everyone agreed everyone enjoyed the break from everyday life and got some good dancing together everyone participating in the ritual gains plus eight mood for six days i like how your ideology does kind of strengthen as you convert more people to it though it's like a it's like a crowd effect i i suppose that's a way that an ideology kind of displays some dynamism over time which many folks had uh including me had a bit of a gripe with um so it's fair it's fair now why this why this shrine though hang on a second anarchist is his name i [ __ ] you not is he oh crap we accidentally gave tripp the roll whoops i picked the wrong cop are you oh no we just have more rolls that we have to but now can you do anything the funny part is that since he's not part of our colony i'm not sure if i can convert everyone everyone to my non-ideal legend that didn't make any sense your ideology must have tech as its leftmost style is that what it uh oh maybe that's what we picked let me go check on my ideal legend tech is ah style category i think i chose this as the style that i wanted to see you can customize it even if it doesn't naturally line up with the original ideal legend that you pick i thought we would have converted more of these guys by now though wouldn't we uh resistance 8.9 resistance 7.9 cheetah was quite close to being converted and then we switched him to faction conversion over let's see if fabio can now we can't really convert him what i want to do though is uh another conversion ritual and then keep on prime is basically free for your favorite streamer you heard it here first hey thanks very much for the sub spleens appreciate it uh yeah yeah i suppose so suppose so so everything uh mentioned worms is actually still used medically it is potentially oh really i don't know what do i know god bless ravi michael thanks very much for the prime dr spleens maybe i i'm gonna need you as like my agent or something in the future i don't have one of those i always feel kind of insecure when i get an email like is this ambiguous amphibians agent i'm like no it's me i don't have anyone i'm just i'm alone here at my email address you know but it it feels uh oh wait a second trench cam tried to convert bourbon why did that message fade away well let's check out bourbon he's chemical star oh yes i forgot that we hang on a second he has a chemical fascination but in our ideal legend they say that you can't have it i want to try converting him and see if this is effectively like an like a 12-step program for him getting out of his chemical starvation at least he's not addicted to anything i mean otherwise i could give him like a beer or something like that to just keep him preoccupied do we have any access to anything easily and also will be he'd be happy with pennoxicillin i doubt it [Music] wasn't cheetah already a neck beard org hunting fabio wait was cheetah already a neckbeard give me a second nah cheetah subscribes to old archism there's a warg hunting fabio but fabio is safely far away but my god that warg is fast get in the door fabio no don't i don't don't do that don't do that ah you had to put down the wood that's because of course i told him to attack it was a good instinct fabio but yeah you win some you lose some hang on a second this work look at it stepping so carefully i really enjoy the warg sprite in rim world it is one of my favorite sprites this my god this borg is dodging left and right it's going like uh serpentine serpentine hang on a second whoa this war knows where all of the traps are this is some [ __ ] well wow that was a that was a damn good shot i did not realize that wargs had telepathy you think we could tame it no it's too dangerous kill it that was an incredible shot what did she do to the work shot in the head permanent gunshot injury in the brain she shot this thing in the brain hippopotamus is a legend saved me from wargs yet had trap since animals will always avoid traps i could have sworn it was the other way around but look at that dwarg was like he should have been in the nba not a war or uh the nfl you know juking left and right that was like southern football right there you ever watch southern football and then they play against a northern team and there's just like it's like watching an nfl team play against an ncaa team that's one of the reasons i'm really excited to uh to be in this state now i want to i want to go see some really good professional college football we have killed a work sorry i get i get very easily distracted okay we have a lot of granite we should probably get some of that marble but this room is okay probably because of its spaciousness right is it still awful because of this no the spaciousness is certainly certainly should do something for it well regardless let's expand the home zone so that they clean this garbage off of the floor aren't wargs supposed to be intelligent i don't know what what is a work isn't it like a fantasy animal the first time i ever familiarized myself with wargs was from lord of the rings when the isengard attacks rohan right don't they send wargs those wargs were quite badass gotta say uh combat command let's give work drive to we always like to cast that on hippopotamus let's just get hippopotamus out of bed and bring winters over to her nice part though is that now almost nobody is going crazy at any given time are you you've got work drive now you do you have work drive good very good we're also gonna go ahead and just make sure that everybody's carrying some medicine on them except for our visitors because then they might actually take it with them and i don't want that [Music] i'm surprised we haven't had more raids this is getting a little making me kind of uneasy probably because i've managed the wealth and tried to keep it down how much for your my voice what are you ursula from the little mermaid no i i don't accept it i'm sorry i i have never been able to make a little mermaid joke on this channel yet i just really wanted that uh opportunity what for like a recording thing oh if you're gonna record something uh just send me an email and then for the most case i'd probably be happy to wait a minute why are you conv why are you oh you're not trying to convert them you're just trying to bring them in now hang on a second trip i don't know if i want you wardening all right okay it'll probably be winter's that converts him i'm gonna get an a mega raid leaving the dirty room open and then click uh keep ah crap yeah you're right let's uh nope don't do that there we go okay the dirty room is now closed for good we've got some dirt in the floor so that's fine bourbon has given up okay this is actually as it turns out a fairly easy one to remedy we just have to arrest him immediately uh hang on a second uh put him in there in the dungeon i rather like how this works but it's a little bit of an overpowered way to take a colonist back after they give up but it just kind of begs the question like why do they give up days on erica's hide and room gnug for that's uh definitely a name okay uh always find the one who has the best chance of arresting them although winters is slow bourbon is also slow so put down your medicine and your spear and then we can immediately release him wait is he still on a like a prison break why is his name a slightly different color we're gonna go ahead and just uh be careful not to execute him accidentally go ahead and release him and he should be back in our faction i don't know why that happens does he get the catharsis buff too unfortunately he doesn't get the catharsis pop when this happens but you know i'll take it all right other things that i want to do uh in real world words are genetically engineered war beasts oh that's kind of neat and very sci-fi oh they're from norse mythology i did not know that their original origin huh cool i like that me thinks do this one two three four i'm gonna go ahead and steal your guys ideas uh i think that this was a very good idea i will probably drain my i don't know why i didn't think of this before probably gonna drain the heat from the kitsch from what is it from the fridge into more growth zone for these mushrooms and then make more air locks for the mushrooms use the cool for the fridge use the heat for the mushrooms that's actually a fantastic idea i wish i had thought of that myself i love my youtube count just join my twitch project zomboid postal option oh thank you very much yes one it means a lot appreciate it my mushroom farm scares you my mushroom farm is i don't need to defend my mushroom farms they're pretty great i don't know i'm feeling so defensive about them suddenly now i'm going to try to separate more of the kitchen off from the rest of the colony what we might end up doing is meals here and then raw foods over here so we could just do this like let's say clear awl or no rather just allow meals here but then we'll make a second fridge area we could shrink this zone down expand out our normal zone over here we might want to separate these two off and then we'll do an area for raw food and this is just like only raw food storage clear all just raw food and we don't really need to refrigerate our we've been refrigerating our normal stockpile for hours just kind of it's been redundant didn't really mean to do it but then let's do something like that and then that okay that seems pretty good that way this isn't refrigerator we kind of cut off the refrigerator's refrigeration i mean it's not perfect but it's okay um why is there one wall between my prison beds and the outside because i'm a poor planter i don't know i mean i could do two actually that's not a bad thing to pick up on if i do that it prevents enemies from getting cover and it gives me a little bit more room but i don't really it's uh they probably won't break out like that i mean look at all the spike traps they'd have to get over too yeah i'm not too particularly worried it could lead to do it to a disaster later but let's just ignore that and uh ultimately we would want it to look like that though yeah i'm glad we're getting down to like little subtleties in the defense now though it's it's taken me long enough okay i'm gonna go ahead and see if this doesn't overheat our entire colony what we'll eventually want to do is get two walls in here or also we gotta be careful because we're containing a lot of heat underground we're just gonna wanna keep checking in on the mushroom room i'd like to see if this eventually does just completely overheat it all right we've got a number of these things on the side now are these all the for some reason everybody who has visited us insists on hunting so i'm just going to tell them no no hunting for you because i don't really care for them to have weapons need warm clothes uh need is a strong word is it just these people zach the only one i'm really worried about is trench again but that's because she's wearing a flak flak jacket our colonists are mostly getting flak jackets on let's just let the other colonists be cold i don't know why it just seems like a big liability to think about how warm they are all the time we'll build another one of these things though nearer to them just because i believe in treating people who is on a why is bourbon now on a murderous rage hang on a second hang on a minute fortunately he did not have a weapon on him hey fred the win god bless thanks very much for the sup hmm if a president has not walked out of the door open it mine always escaped i didn't leave the door open for very long hang on a second we need to go after this man let's use our visitors with literally with clubs all of them this is actually a great weapon set no you don't go after him because you have a knife uh yep you three go after uh bourbon the worst thing that could happen is he murders one of the prisoners look he's dodging it he's getting some combat skills and they're leveling up in melee ah fantastic our doctor is getting uh even more um ah crap please don't destroy any of his fingers he needs those for surgery all right all right and he only minimally harmed cheetah fantastic let's go ahead and set off fabio to try to conv ah damn it we gotta give him a little bit of time oh we should be able to convert him pretty soon um yeah bourbon maybe maybe that's what he secretly wanted he's like some sort of uh what is it uh uh what was that movie citizen kane no citizen kane is the one where he's clapping like really uh in an anti-social manner and hope you're doing well and nobody expects i thank you very much appreciate it leonard meager god bless thanks for the sub i was wondering i forgot what the nobody expects is yeah that's the emoji or emoticon emoji now i'm splitting hairs here for twitch what even is it yeah what is the guy uh what are those two movies the guy about the uh the guy with rosebud what was that movie again it's been a while is he awake can we convert him now aft all after somebody uh did try to murder him maybe i always find murderous rage to just be one of the most like uh flippant colonist mood breaks it's so silly like why would he suddenly decide uh i i've always wanted to just citizen kane oh it was citizen kane so that i was right the first i time about that yes i i forgot even what my reference was um extreme break risk man all of these colonists have just been such a liability since they first came in it's a shame a real shame look at this thing done because it is now getting too warm in our fridge looks like we're getting done with that uh let's haul in these making more granite we're just using up so much granite at such a fast rate it's wild we might want to do a second stone cutting uh winter certainty it's falling from 100 ah so faction ideology leaders will try to convert one another that is interesting or rather pretty bad actually i don't know how you could have two i suppose that they're supposed to be at stake though like you could have two conflicting lines of thought you know like the like i think we should just make socrates as an ideal legend socrates was like the first troll of greece you know trying to con [Music] mess with the youth what was the exact charge that they gave to socrates yeah but socrates was a bit of a troll i think it's fair to say malnourished in serious pain but there's so much food why would you yeah just go eat need warm clothes starve just starvation okay they have they should be warm now stop complaining tattered apparel these visitors really done more i kind of question that i think it's mostly our colonists but at a certain point your colonists become so experienced that it really does hurt to uh excuse me to take on more people i've just got to bring in here uh go there i just gotta keep this door come on go over here there we go all right that's better just in case of the emergency yeah corrupting the youth socrates what a sad strange little man the steel small altar this is the dimmidome i had a good time with the dimidone before join out for gnegfer uh okay nug for might join us let me go see gnegfur i don't think that i really was like uh crazy about him psychopath and pretty though and it honestly a really good melee skill and he's a decent cook too it doesn't really matter if they get so much higher beyond level 12 doesn't really have anything else going for him but he is a good hauler just can't do any medicine but we've got enough of that covered i think chat what do you think i'm saying yes does anyone have any reservations and he's yeah he's only 23 so we won't have that frail debuff we've been aging are we all are we all in agreement yep all right i'm getting i'm getting unanimous pretty much unanimous yeses uh one second he is part of ethical ethics do i want to bring that in right now ethical ethics is strong in this colony but we're gonna weaken it by getting rid of some of these people or he'll still be in ethical ethics all right yeah i'm gonna go ahead and say accept gnug fur welcome in [Music] hmm trencher cam tragicam is now idle trencher chem me thinks you need to work look you were you've turned into a slob trencher cam can you do any crafting oh you can craft oh very wow hang on a second treasure chest go ahead and do some crafting i don't know why i didn't have you doing this before good okay so she can be a crafter of just like menial tasks you know things like biofuel refining stone cutting we can have trench of chem do there are some tasks that just take time i think we'll get that out of the way with her um trip resist good we want him to do the basic recruitment into the faction wait a minute why are they oh i didn't realize that we held that open whoops i was like why did you say that before yeah that was kind of ignorant of me i apologize sometimes i just do stuff like that um i i don't do everything that i do just to spite you but sometimes it does seem that way doesn't it during these streams i swear i think the the streamer blindness is extremely strong with me it's all this is because i was very good at avoiding dead air i'm pretty good at talking constantly just from my previous uh previous resume and job experience that was pretty much my my function i always had to have something to say to anyone and if i didn't have anything to say uh it would be bad in a job before that i had to be in constant motion that was a job when i was a teenager but no one respected you if you weren't in constant motion you know you got to get out of a job like that if you have to always be in constant motion at work for anyone to you know approve of what you're doing that was uh actually i did i did like that job that was a job in a restaurant ahead that was a fun job okay we've got him on the ropes now only two more days for the conversion all right spite against meerkat for not setting the medical bed to regular oh whoops thank you i yep that must be why he's sleeping on the floor thank you that did help okay good all of our colonists are now actually contributing more or less i didn't honestly care if we got any of these colonists but i think we're now going to have a full full colony how long before i send you folks away guests depart in 1.3 days good off to uh off to timbuktu with them yeah am i going to play kenshi again yeah absolutely just uh not right now i feel like so many of my kenshi things have just been torsos i gotta find some some new niche that i like i tried crabs i've tried the animal root we'll find something else maybe like uh pacifism that could be the next thing i could get into like a real uh vegan play-through i think a vegan play-through actually you could be a vegan and kenshi that would be an interesting can she play through they have one rock roof there what is what is happening with this space no there's nothing wrong with it conversion winters tried to convert cheetah to his own ideologies cheetah was convinced and changed his ideal legend he is now a neckbeard mole person fantastic okay cheetah is now one of us one of us one of us uh we will recruit him and he has only 0.7 resistance man these people have taken a while but they've been very peaceful while they're in here op zoomer thanks very much for the sub ah being a security guard you don't yes that's a job where you don't need to be in constant motion that is true ah now now now i want to be one yes i can stay complete i can stay perfectly still in this job maybe not necessarily it depends uh unless if like you're a security guard at a place where everyone is constantly breaking in and trying and you gotta chase a lot of people but i suppose if you're really good at it yeah maybe you could just remain uh stationary for most of work now this is nice we have a lot of uh turnover in our fungus growth on the seasons sad wander on zach but he's just all of these things are just visitors though i haven't cared to keep them happy and now we can even manage colonists with mood breaks um other stuff unfinished flak jacket we might even want to start doubling up on these benches the one thing that we haven't invested in would be a mad muffalo not what i was thinking oh you guys are just actually i would like you all to die i know that sounds a little bit offensive but i i would i would like them to die because not really even offensive just like bad yeah i just i have bad thoughts about my visitors because they mixed up our ideology and i want them out of here making my life harder real world combat music plays every time my colonists don't eat with a table good one oh well they won oops took me a second there i was spacing out zach is no longer wandering in sadness i find this actually to be quite an entertaining show these people just kind of they're experiencing all of this mental trauma maybe we could make stoicism as an actual ideal legend i think our colonists have become more or less stoic they are free of the demands and uh craziness in the normal world you know they don't really care about uh what uh what what how what comes their way now this is good trencher kim what is wearing she is not actually wearing any neck beard mold person's uh clothing but she doesn't feel upset about this but why doesn't she feel upset because normally aren't they upset if they don't have it maybe it can be only a g ah you know i think that we set the clothing restriction to relaxed so they aren't forced to wear it all the time but they are definitely happier if they are wearing okay that's good i gave myself an out when i did create this colony i forgot about that that is a little box that you can take with ideology whether they're ha like unhappy if they aren't wearing some clothing okay uh we ought to make more chairs as well now at least eight i think that seems pretty legit uh we don't actually need a big table i think we could do all of these places at the table with two two by one tables that might be better what's the purpose of the rotten corpse room we don't talk about the rotten corpse room so much anymore but uh i'll talk about it for you uh we hope that an infestation if it should spawn would spawn in there what is this gentleman doing he's stressed serious pain entombed underground okay so he's not part of our ideology and he is therefore unhappy uh being in this place are you gonna convert him now hang on a second he's down to zero resistance okay cheetah may be joining us in just a few minutes nug fur though we may need actually you do you for a bit you do you zach could oh yeah we could have had these people doing crafting let's have them do crafting instead for now just throw yourselves at crafting tasks for the last couple of days because we're not good at it um convert to ideology in 0.2 days and we've got fabio is about to uh cool down on his power good good i think we're nearing it i mean this base is looking really defensible i think the one thing that's starting to like stand out to me is just that we're really vulnerable to a mechanoid drop pot attack from right here if it happened over here i'd be somewhat ready i'm gonna improve this hallway ethical ethics rituals deactivated good refugees are leaving good good and all that they got from us was a cape uh zach was on this one so we need to take that one off and all right good they are gone and we should be getting cheetah now as well and that's just in time for us to get a lot of new beds ready for them and we got cheetah good nice smooth transition here i was hoping that those visitors would help us uh kind of smooth over that time when we were trying to convert those guys chili pessimist my friend green died pessimist is gonna give him a permanent negative six but i think that we can do okay without that his friend green died that debuff will be gone in just a couple of days and he has a he has a majestic beard look at that jesus only a one stab scar on a finger does he have a weapon because this guy is probably better than most of my colonists uh in in any melee combat uh and let's also go ahead and we're gonna make plastial spears uh spear of until we have well let's just make sure that we always have a few of these things because if they're so good uh we are being raided i like a good raid now i'm re now i'm bring on the big raids i say now uh let's just say clear all we're gonna do only from plasteel requires 75 ingredients so these are expensive but they're really good weapons and we'll try to get normal the legendary quality and will allow only decent crafting skill let's say 8 to 20. do we have a crafter at skill eight i'm just gonna go ahead and check before we fend off this raid two four whoops four zero four uh yeah crafting is not our strong suit so let's say four or higher we just want to make sure that somebody who's decent gets this thing done um that really stinks because crafting is a one overpowered skill and if we could get it i don't think that we have anybody who can do it right now yep we are so far just garbage and crafting are there any mods in the playthrough right now we're just playing vanilla for more or less this entire campaign um but mod manager is back on so might give it a shot i'm surprised we're still getting raided by tribals i did activate all the other factions didn't i yeah we've got we've got every one at least one of every single faction activated in this game i suppose we've just managed our wealth pretty well okay smashing all right what is smashing on a doctor you have to yield your life is two year two year from now from today to two year up one year in six months to heal your life after this one you will pass away that is a little threatening that is a little threatening but i like the word yield i mean thanks for the five dollars vic sauce i appreciate it what is what is yield is that like a is that like a the year of the uh okay wait a second hang on we're getting some these visitors have been so useful to me i just got to say uh let's see cheetah nug for are you our melee combatant too you are good in melee i will have you use the steel spear in fact use this one is there any quality difference in these 7.35 38 okay so they're more or less identical it's just that one has more or less condition than the other you guys all get out of the house everyone out of the house i'm saying it hey preston ater hey thank you very much for the sub appreciate it my friend happy to see you back i've never seen the vid no i've never seen the vid with the yell sorry i that reference just went right over my head i'm feeling like a slob right now but i kind of am so it's all right yeah i kind of get that the yield means use nah i just feel like much less gangster after hearing you say that though because i i thought i knew all the memes you know i just kind of feel like less of a person yeah sad very sad now these aren't the perfect positions i'd like to have everybody behind a wall but it it kind of works bourbon you go back to sleep you just you went crazy a few minutes ago you need some time you'll get back in there though i'll forgive you eventually for trying to murder everyone um bourbon what are you good at though in fact i've got so many melee colonists i might want to start getting some ranged ones look at zach just a goddamn trooper maria is going out there too is it mariah or is it maria that's the question refugees from fleeing toward the enemy ah so amazing i love it when that happens yeah in fact i have too many melee colonists but i figure you know that gives us something to use in case if they ever get over here you go over there you go over there uh spoon you now we really just got to open up these walls back here because look at these guys look what they're doing how do they get through that door hang on a second who opened the door kung pao thanks very much for the 100 uh bits appreciate it [Music] thank you vic yeah feel free send me a video or something ah let's get out our melee fighters to the front line cheetah you hang out over here trencher chem you come back up to the front what we want is just that our range fighters can stay there we just gotta get everybody into better armor i don't like having meat shields and i think you're gonna need a longer range weapon too you go ahead and take that revolver because it's useless if i can't even get them to fire it at once i'm not sure if i can take on any more colonists but let's see if they have a crafter and we could even take back on our refugees if we needed crafting no crafting yes but very far away and in good health artistic no okay kevin bowaben this is a great name and if we get this man i my god he is so fast no we'll never get kamen boaven unless if cheetah who is is cheetah actually fast no kamen bowan no stay kamen bohaben i really want an excuse to just keep saying cam and bowabin should i devmode him am i going to cheat no i'm not going to cheat but i would though i would he just he is a jeep this man cam and moab and everybody there he goes on to greener fields and pastures new goodbye cam and boabin you have a great life doing whatever you do with that name my god oh he had to wait for the other ones i could have gotten him probably wait a minute can i still get him it's worth it i'm sending out he's okay he's dead i couldn't have caught him anyway these turns out to have been the uh the refugees do i want the refugees around or am i just going to let them die do we lose their relationship with the ethical ethics people came and boy i think i'm just going to rename one of my colonists kamen bolaven no which wouldn't be the same it wouldn't be the same cabin boaven i'm gonna write it down for another play through though i'm gonna use that at some point at some point in time cam and blabbin i think that was probably a requested name by someone very very fast he was a very fast man i like a very fast man it sounds like an olympic runner you know the olympics have been on ah damn i just haven't been watching that much tv i've been like shopping at target like a [Music] homeowner or whatever whatever kind of thing shops at target that i now am okay bur uh fabio why are you standing in there go ahead and ex equip that steel spear actually fabio do i want you doing this you know go ahead and convert bourbon because i think we're gonna try to bring him over to our faction x because i want to see what happens to his chemical fascination he was upset but his certainty fell from 75 to 57 that's fantastic uh let's get him again hippopotamus has been doing just fine on her own and she's also good with plants so i don't know if i really even want her to convert bourbon oh this guy would make the ultimate neck but this guy has the thickest most luscious beard he would he would raise the baseline of nick beardia once i realized i can double up the ritual with the personal power for conversion i can grind a single person's conviction down pretty well has he been converted ineffective so did it just not do anything to him we just got unlucky 75 out of 120 so we need more participants and fabio's social impact also uh impacted it ah so this actually converted him back to ethical ethics that kind of sucks so in which case in order to make the conversions more likely to work let's go ahead and make this room larger but not so large because we have the infestation room right behind it and then we're going to build a bunch of art in there i forgot to bring the yard in that was what i did the last time that made the uh conversion ritual work better and refugee died oh crap i forgot that there was a quest associated with the all right we might as well just let all the rest of the refugees die then if we i mean that's pretty bad if somebody stays over and then they die but they kind of brought it upon themselves so i don't feel that bad philosopher roles are not filled look change desired cheetah he can go to the vanity himself if he wants but let's go ahead and just see if is he going to do anything that's fine hmm did i see the video the pulp fiction one i think so all right i've definitely seen pulp fiction i'm trying to remember if i saw this vid i think so and i i remember i liked it but i don't remember what it was this is bad [Music] pulp fiction though came back up into my life recently and it's because of going medieval i think i told this story a little while back but when going medieval came up i searched the key word going medieval because i was like what else is up and suddenly i got this scene from pulp fiction that is just one of the most uh grotesque scenes in cinema it's like uh quentin tarantino at his at his finest or should i say his worst it's uh it's pretty pretty right in your face pretty raw scene it was about i don't think it was that one though it's been a while make the room more impressive so we're gonna go ahead yeah we are gonna make the room more impressive we have all of this marble in here that we don't know what to do with why do we have this problem my god look at just the number of yes cheetah is throwing i knew cheetah was the right colonist to bring in here i'm liking cheetah despite the fact that he is a pessimist you know i find that the more i play the more i can deal with these mood debuffs and that they're just fine they're just something else to look at how are we doing on these meals though 33 out of 40 ready to harvest now we should start to specialize people on more jobs let's go ahead and say that hippopotamus doesn't do cooking first i want her doing yes plants and then cleaning and then cook good cheetah what are you gonna do cheetah you can do some crafting too that would be perfectly fine with me if you did that and nug fur you too can do some crafting if you wish but i want them to mainly stick to the jobs that are kind of menial like stone cutting major break risk we'll get this done soon enough oh you know what it might be is that i just haven't had any of this stuff refrigerated which was particularly stupid of me yeah cheetah is quite fast i think i'm gonna feel safe going on the monosword quests in a bit i want to get a little bit more done i want to get a little bit more conversion because i don't quite feel it the funny thing is that once you get your colony stable it's almost like there's nothing left to do but our colony is just so close to that point where it's like fully automated the golden ah yes this was it i did see the gold watch scene thank you yeah i do remember that when he like is hesitating whether to stay or leave i wish i could maybe because i just like bruce willis bruce willis is very badass is infest the infestation is not disabled i don't know why it is why it is not happening we have one of each of the factions i think we've just gotten lucky or maybe they lowered the game's difficulty like i don't know blood and dust i'm still on blood and dust let me just double check and make sure storyteller settings blood and dust maybe we should up it to losing his fun losing his fun does kind of kill your whole colony though take the main pawn of each playthrough from my youtube channel make it into spain that'd be kind of fun to bring back the characters the one thing that i've noticed is that project zomboid and can she lend themselves better to characterization because in real world it's hard to breed character from a 2d colony management game i suppose this guy is significantly faster than winters and what is he good at he is good with medicine this guy is going to be our hauler i think i think we're now ready for a specialized hauler rargu is gonna take a spear i can take anything else but i'm just going to assign rargu simply to don't even do this don't even yeah you could do plant cutting if you want don't do construction don't do hunting because you don't have a uh actually cheetah i don't want doing this please read us a short essay from holy cow that is quite a lot of money i'm going to need to read a short essay from gk chesterton jesus christ mr mack thank you very much for the 60s the the ideal money amount i'm gonna give you the citizen kane lap here thank you very much jesus christ i'm gonna reinvest that into the channel thank you very much got gk chesterton hang on a second i'm gonna say this because this is the neckbeard colony like you must be a man of culture jesus christ i was gonna say i thought you were going to say uh friends not friends kafka i used to read a lot of the essays of uh who was it david foster wallace he was a big influence on me unfortunately he had just a very sad end but uh but yeah franz kafka and his essays were very good yeah i would do that i would do that i love man you are either like that or uh like some kind of um maybe like uh something for a community stream i could feel that would you would you s would you ping me on the discord with which essay you like because i've been trying to get back into reading too and i like that kind of stuff merely uh let's see hey snow dog tw thank you very much for the sub yeah five months god bless yeah franz kafka there's uh a couple of i didn't really get the metamorphosis i think because i read it on my own i just it's a story about a guy who turns into a bug and my take away from the story was just like well that kind of sucks and that's because i didn't read it in a course or anything like that i had a bunch of friends who had to read it for a course but none of my professors ever assigned it so i read it when i was in college i was just into reading like classics because i thought it would make me smarter um in some ways it does in other ways it's just kind of like a vanity metric like how many classic essays have you or whatever it is classical works have you yeah there's value in it there's value in it don't get me wrong but i think i was just reading for the wrong reasons back then philosopher role is unfulfilled have i tried pie laugh it's a pretty good meal for v p laugh in the game or irl that might have solved my veganism problems whichever i feel is appropriate for the times thanks for reading my donation god bless hey thank you very much old archim rituals activated oh wait a second oh no we brought in a new crap we brought in a new idea legend with meerkat i didn't realize this but at least they're getting a lot of this crap done now are you at least a level four in this i mean my way of looking at it is nobody's dying so occasionally they'll snap but nobody's getting into grotesque social fights where they rip each other's hands off or anything like that because your colonists do this stuff in this game it's disturbing hmm my online philosophy no go pay attention here for now you're you're fine yeah you know sometimes philosophy class isn't uh well i'll say this when i was in high school i had a bunch of theology courses which kind of gave us a chance to you know do reading and philosophy before i was in college or anything like that and i just had good good knowledgeable committed teachers i had very good teachers back then uh who just exposed me to really good writings even the thing i took a course on like uh the history of the catholic church which is very interesting a lot of a lot of conflict a lot of conflict very interesting but gk chesterton damn i don't really know if i've read much or any of gk chesterton but like the fact that there's two initials before the last name i'm feeling like he had something to hide you know or she i don't even know because sometimes they take on these pseudonyms to hide what they are you know behind the mask uh you know one thing that we also forgot was do we still have that inspired surgery i forgot to do this with trenchachem yeah i should have done that when it was time but now we have so many people do we have one decent doctor because i do want to install that neuro uh thing cordial prisoner two mech clusters no way hang on a second ah was he with tolkien jesus i really like reading tolkien okay hang on a second rargu could be the one hang on a second who is who is decent in actually bourbon when he comes out of his mental break could do a neuro focuser thing on trenchachem yeah let me give trenchikam that operation install where is it uh now what is that thing did we lose it in storage did it rot away what was that brain upgrade that i bought if probably like six hours ago worth of play time it's been so long i bought that thing yeah didn't we buy like some neuro i could have sworn we add something and it's just gone now did somebody take it yeah the neuro calculator where did that thing go ah no where is my neuro calculator we had gotten one and it's now just gone hang on a second we got to make more helmets for these people oh we still got only three out of six uh let's make just a lot of them we're gonna need them tattered apparel oh now we gotta go ahead and because we did we did not do this outfits uh what is everything the one thing we need to do is say to them all of their outfits just make sure you're wearing at least normal quality clothing i don't like to get too micro managing with it but everything needs to be non-tainted and 51-100 that's my main requirement now we should see a lot of people changing their clothes or in a few minutes anyway they probably will would you need to make a surplus of cool yeah like look he just took off his shirt some of them will they'll be upset we might get a break it's fine i don't like to get too micro managing with the game otherwise it just becomes boring should be able you should be able to weather a couple of mood breaks every here and there the uk chesterton had a pretty good essay on cheese that reminds me of the lemony snicket essay from this is from a series of unfortunate events which i read as a kid about gorgonzola cheese which is actually a very witty essay or uh what was it it was an introduction to a chapter i've been reading lately though i've been reading a lot of bill bryson i really enjoy reading bill bryce and it's just funny he's uh he's a smart dude but uh he just has like a very quirky way of writing and i enjoy it low medicine the hunter lacks ranged weapon okay you don't need to hunt anymore because i don't think i want you doing that go back down there bourbon yeah stop that minor breakers colonists needs treatment gnug fur it's just his muscle parasites he'll be okay colonists needs treatment bourbon is also going back on that yeah look cheetah just took off everything now blinding light my friend green died i like how these people can just god everyone is just taking off everything everyone took off their shirts but it is julius so that's okay we can uh we can live without clothing for a little while me thinks um it's in my storage wait is my is my neuro calculator where is my neuro i swear to god what did i do with that unless if i'm just getting streamer blindness right now i don't see it it's gonna turn up at some point and it's just right in front of me does anyone see it no i don't think that it's there anymore alas well now what do we have plastial spears do we have them anywhere we still need 357 work it is quite a lot of work to make one of these plastial spears but they're going to be worth it when they're done because they're supposed to be like the ultimate melee weapon and we don't actually need these anymore we'll leave them for our prisoners just in case i think that this can accommodate all three of them uh what other kinds of things do we need to do let's just let them catch up on some tasks now everything looks clean they have some food they have a lot they have 28 meals that's pretty good we're gonna try to keep this place cool and let's also just lower this desired temperature this took me long enough to do this uh to negative two degrees there we are i just like to keep it simple uh now we're going to go ahead and build the power lines think that this room is safe now let's go ahead and we don't really need this here i don't see why i did this let's put the light in there we'll move this one over here just to give it a little bit more uh even lighting throughout the entire room now i think that the next thing to do is just make sure that we have a surplus of food forever because now we have quite a lot more colonists than we started with and we should be able to grow neutral fungus year round we've also we're also filtering heat into here now it's 86 degrees in this room as well and it is significantly cooler outside we just have to keep an eye on this and make sure that it doesn't become some kind of me uh crazy positive feedback loop i'm hmm trying to think of how i would cool this room down if that doesn't work then i'll probably just take off those coolers because for right now this is just quite a large space to be cooling and we have enough power as well yeah we're fine on power we haven't really had to worry about that let's go ahead and mine out some more like this i would ask that i read one or more of these famous excerpts from his essays i mean feel free to ping me with it i uh normally i haven't done it in the past but i feel like it might be fun for a community stream one day my thing is i've been waiting on any kind of like community events until i actually have a stabilized internet connection again because right now uh actually the couple the first couple days where i was at this address it was just kind of chopping up so i i've been very careful with that disgusting corpse room reminds me of dwarf fortress oh yeah what was the uh what is the purple stuff in dwarf fortress that always spreads what do they call that the thing where they they think that like dead bodies cause some sort of plague but they actually put it in the game i i did like that a lot miasma yeah or miasma whatever it is ah yes making the prison back into a hospital thank you oops uh that's for colonists medical there we are we don't actually have a prison now we're gonna have to convert more bedrooms maybe along here but i don't know how many more prisoners we really want to take on we might not even want to take on any more colonists we'll just have this for visitors as well as for some of our colonists we'll have them sleep in a barracks for now yeah i too do kind of like the miasma in that game um okay we've brought in almost all of the corpses we've got this too are we burning down all of the steel weapons that we find this is a sandstone club but unfortunately there's not really much you could do with that and we have a blasteel spear of normal quality good now we gotta go find our best melee fighter whom i think is i think i'm gonna give this to cheetah just because of the devil passion and then gnug fur now this is also going to give them a major buff because it's a sharp weapon too so i believe that'll happen you have a spear you have a spear meerkat you go ahead and take these the moles they're tunneling they continue to tunnel thank you very much for the sub quick sparse no they're uh i'm actually pretty happy with where we are in the game now i can kind of what are we 12 hours into this yeah we're like 12 hours into this playthrough we can finally do what we want to do which means probably no one will ever make it here to the vods on or very few people a select few individuals will make it here to the vods on youtube but it does make for more interesting twitch viewership i suppose because that's what i've always thought about it it's like youtube it kind of makes more sense with the progression but on twitch you know having cool action happening at any given moment it's kind of a different value it's kind of fun to try to work those two things together though i always like to make sure that anytime anybody sees the video there's come some kind of like uh something interesting going on on screen we've done remarkably well with the chem fuel what we should also do is store the chem fuel somewhere near this but we also don't want the chem fuel to explode because like i said i tried to build these things underneath the mountain because if you do get mortared at your chem fuel generators which are usually near your batteries uh you're dead you are very dead so i think that this is safe-ish mostly safe we just don't want a chain reaction to happen so what i might end up doing is something like this yeah you see what i'm doing here uh a lot of this kind of thing will this actually defend them i'm not 100 sure but it makes me feel safe and that counts for something if these ones blow up you know i'm i'm not chancing it even if it takes him a little bit longer i don't want those things blowing up on each other because if it does cause a chain reaction you're dead add some extra walls at the back maybe something like that it's always exciting though for like a spectacle when they do blow up but it's a very easy way to lose your entire colony boredom okay we've got boredom now we'll cheer up stop moping uh they do kind of deserve a billiards table though all right i suppose let's extend out our rec room um go ahead and mine more of this out uh is this enough room that should be enough room for the infestation shoot frenzy on hippopotamus work frenzy on spoon good uh let's go ahead and see we can get convert where's bourbon all right i'm gonna bring fabio over to him and try to convert him amazon is being a real pain hey a lot cool thanks very much for the uh thanks for the resub appreciate it my friend god bless god bless why is amazon being a pain is it because jeff bezos is in space i didn't really understand the cowboy hat was it like he's exploring a did you you i'm sure you saw all of the things who was the other guy the branson guy i didn't even know him he had a fabulous accent but is he what is it uh they were like racing each other into space or something i don't understand this like why go to space though like why would you spend all that money to go to space maybe i just didn't hear the explanation for it like uh yeah like does like was there a i know it's like exploration [Music] and that's good but it's also like yep went to space then we went to cancun was there a reasoning behind it because they can yeah i suppose so but at the same time it's like you know if you if you made that big a business it's like yeah you're probably gonna go to space i suppose a lot a lot of critics i i heard that remember we're on amazon's platform i didn't mean any of that i didn't mean any of that of course no no absolutely not amazon warehouse on the moon the one cool thing i did here was uh i think it'd be interesting if they had blimps that they could just send drones down to your house to deliver anything within like five minutes i think that would be cool whatever you think of the company whatever you think of of all their stuff i think it would be pretty cool if that could happen if that were possible we are out of food why why is there no food hang on a second we're gonna need to hunt down all of the remaining wildlife in the next few minutes i don't know why i just lost track of all of that very quickly uh caribou as well we have caribous stallions mayors just hunt everything for god's sake uh is everyone assigned to hunting [Music] i'm gonna go ahead and just tell everybody to go out on the hunt we need to do the hunt right now because we are somehow i just totally neglected to see that we were running out of food i suppose that this farm needed to be even larger in the meantime tantrum okay this is not good i don't like that i don't like that at all um we could do something like this we've made good use of space i think it's expanded pretty well so i think i did a good job hmm hey turtle hat was trying to save this uh yeah i suppose i'd go to space too if i had the money yeah but i'd also be kind of scared like i'm i'm scared of heights but it's also rational to be scared of heights because you could actually die from heights you know the sky has taken many lives hippopotamus hippopotamus i know why everyone is upset it's because there's no food and i'm i'm writing this wrong there we go okay good let me now go go cook there we go cook man cook there today okay good thank god thank god all right we need a place for the meat hmm it's fine it's fine yeah we'll live we'll be fine okay i just needed to make sure that that was happening let's have winter's snap because everyone hates him malnourished okay go eat something all right okay whatever yeah i don't care just go ahead and eat it i just don't like to manage that kind of stuff i i get easily upset with it okay i think 10 percent is a passable chance we're gonna just take it and we're going to hunt these caribou partly because it's kind of bad ass to hunt caribou hopefully they'll do it in a group and hopefully it won't be spooned but i'm not going to micromanage because i don't like micromanaging i'm saying a lot of things to get myself killed pretty easily but we're also going to go ahead and i might manually hunt down one of these grizzly bears because like i said grizzly bears they just come in and eat everything we got another one of these things here maybe we'll give it a little bit more time actually on second thought cooking bigger batches i know we've got what is it i think we set up 40 meals but now we might need even more let's say 60 meals i know there's a lot of philanthropy too i know there is that's true ah 27 meals fantastic okay we needed that very badly um who is fast raagu hall uh cheetah you're fast because your name is cheetah good okay on to art greener fields and pastures new i think that this is acceptable and we're gonna go ahead and just give them some more good no one's bored because everyone's starving to death that took out one of their problems uh whoops well all right reinstall this here not exactly my favorite spot but at least it'll make room for them to play billiards reinstall this one here we just have too many speakers for all of our music if we move that there yeah we should have enough room for a poker table we might even be able to have poker and billiards poker strains strategic skills but billiards trains uh shooting i believe so we're gonna go ahead and caribou revenge good i've been waiting for this i love caribou revenge it's such an exciting moment will he live will he die uh that should have been death oh god spoon you might want to get away man hang on a second fortunately hippopotamus was right there i knew they'd be near each other if i sent them off you go right over there shoot that thing great this is why we hunt in packs my god she is such a she is a 360 no-scope sniper christ tame the bears so that everything that they eat is my enemies i see what you're saying there do we have anyone who's capable of taming a bear hang on a second what royal tribute collector i have half a mind to just kill these people they have such great oh wait a minute are these bio-coated weapons hang on a second i don't really like the empire to be honest with you uh hang on a second they look pretty weak here these guys have power armor uh we're probably gonna get our asses kicked though if we get them like right on top of all the granite chunks what are my thoughts on taming obviously not uh sometimes it's worth it to tame a predator if you have somebody who's really good with animals very situational um are they a tribal empire i'm scared of them i'm scared of what'll happen if i could save and reload i would do it but i can't so i won't can't just go like oh that went wrong yeah i i do think we'd win but i think we'd lose a colonist and i don't really want to lose one of my colonists so i'm just going to leave it at that i don't think we really need this much room for meals though either go ahead and move that over there and we're going to expand this zone over here and i think we'll also create i'll micromanage that later it's just kind of a little bit all over the place right now hmm they do get higher walk speed on smooth floors i didn't notice that till just now let's go ahead and just smooth out all the rest of the floors around here just because it's going to up the overall colony efficiency now we want to start to think about things like uh getting every single floor to 100 walk speed just because it's going to make the colony run way faster let's smooth out our main entrance because they're always going and coming from that we'll smooth out over here okay now they're running with decent efficiency now we gotta think about things like snow plowing i've got a big mental checklist here we go marble uh marble chunks cheating way of restarting a commitment is to close the game before the next save if something goes terribly wrong yeah no i'm getting some gratification out of just doing a colony where it's like if something goes wrong that's too bad you just gotta learn to deal with it so feeling pretty good about that seems like since this colony is so cold for most of the year this room just isn't ever gonna get very overheated but we'll check that again later on when they all die wouldn't concrete be faster to place down it would um but i don't want to place concrete inside of my home i keep forgetting to do this there it is okay this room is pretty dirty now though concrete how much steel do we have too or we could do pave tile as well pave tile works decently well does smooth floor actually increase the value of the colony though [Music] part of me wants to say it does part of me wants to say it doesn't i it's been a while because we don't really want the colony to increase in value this much but it would also be nice if their surroundings were just always good i think we'll leave it there hypothermia on meerkat well that's cause he's nude he wasn't a nudist was he okay when you come back and put on this barca i don't care if it's not perfect condition just do it yeah even if it's tainted even if not in perfect condition we just i'd rather have you cold and upset right i mean uh warm and upset rather than cold and happy spoon is getting the rest of this my god he is a unit fabio is almost there with that a couple more days on the conversion ritual we're also going to go ahead and [Music] we have a new sculpture yet and we're still waiting on that all right we'll just kind of let him grind away at some of these skills uh wow construction 17 on winters he should go through these very fast that is very good i'm also going to give another work drive to hippopotamus uh hang on a second let's give a work drive to hippopotamus and good hippopotamus is a really good colonist so she'll keep on doing stuff uh oh gold in the mountain that is quite a lot of gold nice hmm all the youtube videos quality content hey thanks very much gamer kid appreciate it colony design kind of reminds me yeah we're kind of going for a dwarf fortress vibe hung fungal growing now we have a lot of meat we have food back on the menu again because we didn't have any food before so that was a worry conversion is continuing they're getting better weapons we got a good quality on the next plastial spear let's give this one to nug fur because snug fur although he's not double passionate actually i'm going to give it to rarugu i think rargu will be better with it no fur can take the i think he i think he's got a normal seven whatever the percentage doesn't really matter but that's good so we've got two palastial spears and we've got more spiel we're yes spear wielders i think at this point in time i feel pretty much safe except for the fact that they don't have flack armor shredding mechanoids i'm also going to just down that to three plastial spears maybe make one more that way we can have three plastial spears on anybody in a doorway that gives us really superior melee combat we just need flak jackets now armor and then i feel like i can go ahead and pursue quests or anything i want after that and let's get the rest of this good that should be enough mushrooms to get us through the winter i'm thinking do my miners have pickaxes it makes mining easier uh wait a second food prep times four i've never actually used is this a better bill does this mean that they prepare four meals at a time because it this is just now that you mentioned it i am just completely like dumbfounded on this it does oh wow i should have been doing that for a while i did not know that it was a thing okay yeah let's get that totally that saves us a lot of time oh wow thank you that is something that i did not know about the game fantastic now pixar yes pickaxes are from a mob that's true um but we do have the what is it the pickaxe uh power on him or whatever it is the mining production hmm thank you soquel i have never i did not know that about the game i feel stupid and yet knowledge reinstall this here now we're gonna reinstall this here good okay and then we are going to get the billiards table i don't really care for any more than that is it because the stone chunk is there ah come on all that chunk and there we go okay can we make this out of something nicer yeah but let's just use wood because i just want it up right now all right that room isn't exactly easy to walk through but whatever we're kind of working with limited space and i did what i could cut down some more trees and then i think this colony is almost done it's really just a matter of quests let's mine out a bunch more uh rock as well and chris aka jimmy what a confusing name why chris though or why not just well whatever i'll allow it thanks very much for the sub this is going to make meal prep a lot faster forever wow i can't believe i didn't ever do that before masterwork billiards t i knew it was a good idea to make it out of wood which is why i did that yes very well make it out of gold yeah gold billiards table now when rimworld first got released it just had this cool vibe like this kind of uh cowboys space sci-fi and yet also kind of like uh very seedy in one hand 100 gift subs in the other 500 in your pocket make your choice amphibian neo oh jeez please please don't no no no no no no that's way too much save it for yourself thank you god bless totem thank you though but if anyone ever gives anything i would just say uh four streamers in general only because my friend jared was going over this on his channel and do not give me do not give me that amount of money that's way too much please put it to something to something better um but what was i gonna say um in general cheers are better than gift subs only because streamers do get more of it so if anyone ever does think of doing stuff like that i would i do love it when you guys sub personally because it does improve my chances at improving the sub split or at least i think that's how twitch works but uh but thank you for anything regardless but please that's that's far too much um spoon has a drill arm because wow [Music] yeah he does have a drill arm hey nostra thanks for the prime thanks for the prime guys appreciate it cool friend billy okay let's go ahead and just finish off these farms [Music] there we go okay fantastic good this is really coming along we'll let them finish that but i think that this colony is pretty much there subs also protect your community from ad bullets ah that's true too but at the same time it's like you know it's i'm still at the point where it makes a big enough of a difference you know because i could still use it for stuff spoon tried to convert meerkat to his ideal legend well the main thing is i think it's am i am i supposed to talk about this i i mean it's unless if you have a split i've heard that you can't talk about it if you have a split but yeah if you have uh normal paid subs i think uh i think it's like 500 or something like that then it gives you an opportunity to renegotiate with twitch on the contract or something but yeah that's just the way you know that's the meta that's the twitch that's uh youtube twitch all that stuff they're kind of going on with that big stream stream uh uh war right now oh god he's on another murderous rage this man just won't stop and now he has a spear in his hands actually uh hang on a second one of my favorite content creators arrests you deserve all the subs you get hey thank you very much god bless yukaro thank you thank you very much appreciate that and and mystic b uh mystic b thank you very much sorry i got that messed up there we go happy happy you've enjoyed though i like how you can just walk up to him though and like look at this he's just gonna take him like raghu is just going to walk up to jesus christ no don't get anywhere near fabio fabio is just going to walk up to him and he's just going to take him look he just took him right there oh yeah he just grabbed him by the hand it was like he's like paul and god or who when he was saul you know god just like got saw like i love that story the story of saul becoming paul because god was just like oh wait a minute why are you why did he strip him hang on a second no [Music] is is that a is that a bad comparison i feel like it somewhat fits it somewhat fits it's just like it's that instantaneous thing he just got him by the chinny chin chin there we go okay at least he gets to you know uh get back into fashion there we go okay so what kinds of things do we need them to wear what is this everything is just kind of in bad quality i think we just need to focus on making more meow meow meow meow meow meow i mean yeah yeah that's true yeah thank you joe uh thank you for the sup i suppose i suppose don't need to bring the rest sell arrest now take him because i know i shouldn't have uh taken off his stuff i think park is there pretty much the thing that's in demand in this colony go ahead just make a bunch of that they could do that out of anything and they have a lot of fur now but the other thing too is that we never got hydroponics let's go ahead and research that right now because it's not hard to get it's not hard it's not hard at all but where are we gonna have that room because i'm more comfortable with these underground farms this colony is like it's perfect perfect detected is steel mining works oh we don't have to we don't have to care about them [Music] where do plant where do you plant me thinks something like this that's pretty good that's pretty good right don't need to bring to a cell there just take him and they become prisoners oh really wait a minute i misread that before then i suppose i've just ballsed everything up then but why do you why do they not like why doesn't he go right away to get this parka is it just that he's more comfortable naked isn't he upset with that oh or is he in pants no he is wearing a helmet just wear the parka god damn it all right good whatever he's happy be very happy now maybe it's because he's not in his stockpile reserved oh oh that's true yeah well i should have done something i don't know sometimes there's stuff like this though that bothers me about this game like why if it's right there why doesn't he just pick it up you know a little a little bit much micro management in my personal opinion would also be nice to just have a stockpile of clothes over here too so let's go ahead and it makes sense to have it near the vanity let's put it over here go ahead and do walls now i think we'll do yeah we'll stick with marble over here we'll do that and we'll do yeah let's do another double door because why not um spoon has been a major asset to this colony and look at how large the place is too let's go ahead and make this uh we should get a prisoner again a prison again soon for colonists and medical medical medical there we go hmm all i need now is a gaming pc in every room yeah that'd probably finish off the ideal legend right that would be a pretty fitting end like everybody is playing uh you know some mmo i think that's kind of like my own irl colony and let's go order zone we're gonna go ahead and make an area for just clothing right here because now i like to get really organized i like to see everything visually because that does help me if we clear all and we just do apparel but we have to be careful with this let's say no tainted apparel uh yeah no tainted apparel just clean apparel uh non-bio-coated apparel non-burnable or burnable headgear armor pretty much anything and will make this a preferred priority zone that way they put most of the normal new clothing in here that way we can just see how much clothing we have at a glance i'm also going to go ahead and ah steal steel sometimes it's a good idea to just make stockpiles of resources just so you can see how much of it you have left um hmm weapons we could make a weapon stockpile too so i guess you have to take them now oh jesus christ if you have friends you want to spread the love to ah goddamn whoever you like modern totem that is quite a lot of money that you have just given me wowzers can we get some can we get some can i get some water hang on a second i'm gonna drink us some water someone mentioned money also i am officially starting my campaign to become a mod i kyr underscore socal swedes solemnly swear to uphold the honor and quality of ambiguous amphibians twitch channel and make sure that all are treated fair and equally yepcock what holy jesus modern totem if you have any if you have any requests on a stream or anything i don't i don't want to name names but uh whoever you like damn can you ping me on the discord of something you want to see and i'll try to make it happen because that is quite a lot and i am very humbled i campbell thanks very much for the sub god bless yes yes so carol on that topic thank you for the three dollars damn on that topic and speaking of the stream i will say this there will come a time when we will need moderation because this stream is now over the last couple week has been pushing a thousand people and i can't moderate that many or stop things um i will say that i am right now not like very well equipped to [Music] handle the whole situation only because i've done the discord moderation and our discord moderators are wonderful are wonderful but it is also very hard to begin moderation on discord um because there is before before we add that our server was just kind of like uh like anything goes a little bit more so it's always hard to bring it in so i would want to make sure i could support people but thank you very much big bean and miner minericht god bless thanks for the subs yeah but damn damn i mean damn no but really though like that that was very generous if you have any if you have any requests i will be going back with some community streams over the next month when my internet connection stabilizes so i would really appreciate it also gives me more ideas because like i said at the beginning i use you for your ideas selfishly selfishly hmm oh no there's some pretty sketchy uh no mine was okay but you know there's some there's some pretty sketchy ones out there gravel for growing fungal crops underground so can this be for only fungus there is a fungus among us you feel me you feel me um methinks hang on a moment [Music] here we are i'm going to create a lamp mr sun sun are you winning son hmm here we are this was the room to which i had aspired for many a day ah you guys know that with twitch prime you can subscribe to your favorite streamer for free each month oh damn if you aren't using it you're losing money for ambig so what are you waiting for this is this has taken some money and made it into this is i mean it was already holy cow jesus christ modern totem please say i if not a can you at me on discord i i need to properly thank you that is that is very very excite and very well i i would i would like to make the stream it better in some way if i can thank you very much it all goes to it all goes to making the channel a little bit better i have been putting some things back in but now now i'm getting a little bit defensive because that is quite a lot of money that i i do not even i do not even really feel comfortable with but if if you can tell me what you would like to see i i would put it toward that that'd make me feel a little bit better can you if you are on the discord can you ping me god bless you thank you and negative lizard and max c fur god bless thanks and eyeball as well as god car icg thank you hydroponics ah fantastic hydropon i need to thank you in some way if if he would allow it couldn't happen to a nicer water slash land animal ah thank you speaking of water slash land animals now that i've been living here in florida there's a lot of in uh not well there are a lot of insects probably two probably more than anyone would be comfortable with one flew into my eye the other day while i was on a jog uh but then there's all these lizards just running around on the ground like and i'm worried that i'm gonna step on one of them but i feel like i'll have killed a person when i kill a lizard and i know it's probably gonna happen at some point because i'm very agile you know i like to stay agile in case if i ever have to get away from anything um but i was thinking that this could be a drawback because it might mean that i kill a lizard at some point in the near future in which case there's definitely going to be like a little existential crisis attached to that you know what i mean yeah no but i'm i'm liking it though i'm identifying all of the trees i'm like a biologist here it's nice yeah don't don't question no don't quit i live here by choice it's nice it's uh it's far away from from where i grew up it's an adventure so uh i'm liking that [Music] here we go i join people like uh moist critical and gray still plays they're from here right that makes me feel better knowing that good guys like them are are in this state you know as an erotic software engineer who works in spurts of 36ish hours and sleeps like six hours in between sessions i have many uh well still you know it's it's it's far more than i can justify and i've been getting a couple of ideas for community streams but alas i've been having to delay them for various reasons so if there's any if there's anything you'd like to see or even if it's just more of something in general i'd be happy to hear it make a second twitch channel called just pure poetry on that channel well i'll tell you a fun little story about the channel since we're uh since we're in this area originally i did want the channel name to be frumious vandersnatch after the uh lewis carroll jabberwocky but i felt like that was already taken so maybe that'll be a secret side project or something at some point um here we are okay that wasn't really a story just kind of a tidbit yeah i'll i'll think when i have a better story but i'm glad that it has somehow immortalized the phrase kalu kalei and frabjous day on this channel i i do value those phrases philosopher rolled deactivated good good let's go ahead and convert this slob and we're also going to see if we can keep everyone awake at night um convert bourbon there we go bourbon no that is it a raw erotic software engineer i am an erotic super engineer that would also be a great job to have on your resume um bourbon ah well now that where is it fabio his conversion attempts have been improving has his his social skill is at only one convert though it's this negotiation you'd probably be able to convert people more effectively if we had started with people who are actually good and i kind of regret not doing that from the beginning but here we go now with the hydroponics basins i like to have a lot of these you can really do enough to justify having this many of these things and we're gonna go ahead and just i'm going to go ahead and duplicate this entire setup here because me thinks that it should be like three more there and then god this is turning into a really good colony damn hang on a second no rice no soup for you um fibre corn heel root we want one heel root we want one cloth yeah or one cotton whatever it is um yep so oh god okay great mech hive mechi varade i've wanted this for a while just because i want to see how we do with something and this is going to be a very difficult raid i feel like that this could be the ultimate thing yeah we got a termite is that what this thing is called this is my first encounter with one of these termites they have what they call thump cannons that seems a little bit provocative kind of edgy but okay tyne and sylvester um breaching explosive launch used by mechanized supposedly this thing could take it out in like two shots but what else do they have we gotta analyze the different mechanoids pikemen are good from long range this is a very long range rate we're not very well suited to this there are no scythers in this raid though and scythers are probably the thing that i most fear because scythers are like instant death i would not be surprised if they came to our colony from this spot uh fear is gripping me right now but they're still pretty far away as well so i'm not so afraid of that no they won't win i don't even think one of our colonists will die it's probably gonna jinx me pretty bad but i'm pretty sure we'll be fine let's go ahead and place down another two of these things here and i just don't want to forget this while i'm over here while we're in this area um smooth the surfaces here we are good good are we actually connected yeah those are connected we should smooth the rest of those surfaces yeah they're gonna thump me but hang on a second this is one of the reasons why we get these uh temporary installation traps let's go ahead and put some of these over here but they're also probably going to just come onto our wall from literally anywhere so let's put them all along the wall because that thumb cannon means that they could just be wherever they want i'm gonna put one there because a granite spike trap has a decent chance of getting through a max armor we'll also put one here i actually know that's going to block their path hmm let's say like here there is once i missed the scyther okay scythers are risky because they could just cut your head off it could be instant death for a colonist at any second it's a very at least as i have experienced it is jarring because colonists will be alive one second dead the next it doesn't look like these guys are waiting around so they're just gonna come right in and kill us uh it's one reason why we have colonists up all day and all night i'm gonna go ahead and cancel these ones stop that good okay now let's go ahead and say uh we'll do more cotton there yeah yeah cotton what are they going to do is everyone armed we still don't have those flak jackets that i was hoping for how many hours do i have in room world it's nearing 600 yeah i got to be careful yeah the wall is what i'm nervous about what i don't want right here is for them to get through the wall here and then use the wall as cover to shoot me from long range that's my fear so i think we're better off just installing traps staying in the base and seeing if we could lure them over to this hallway even if it means that they get a bit of cover or i'm just i'm kind of focused on observing before i actually react is there anything that we can't come back from if we do this i'm just gonna focus everybody on this thing uh you deliver that there you deliver that there and you deliver that there we have any more of these things that we have to get let's get meerkat to deliver this one i'm just kind of putting them in random places right now actually you know i think this is stupid i think i'm just doing it to make it look like i'm doing something and i'm actually gonna be better off just telling everybody to go to sleep i don't want them to go on mood breaks because they are kind of stressed right now uh partly because they've i've entombed them underground uh that is not particularly great where are they they are right over there i want to observe them i want to install traps wherever i see fit wherever it looks like that they're coming through and if not then we'll just fight them a little bit okay this thing is starting to breach it went through that that is quite a good weapon um all right so he's just taking down anything that goes in the way of them coming through directly in this fashion it seems to me so i'm gonna go ahead and just install traps along here i think if i do this this is gonna be the best way to save us because clearly they're coming in through the front door let's just make sure we get one on each line and then we'll tell everybody and install one of them and pray to god that we do live through this because this is not a particularly good situation this is probably one of the most difficult raids right now but it's not many of them so we're okay one two three four five six seven we don't have a place for this one so let's put this one over i think like right here that still lets them walk through the hallway and be okay the thumb cannon is stupid strong i believe it uh let's see bourbon who is not about to have a mood break spoon fabio go ahead and deliver their winters deliver there you deliver uh fine you just stay with doing what you're doing you do there you do there and you do as soon as you get your muscle parasites tended there we go okay everybody is going over there to the defense and then after we deliver these spike traps i'm just gonna run back inside um good this is what i wanted uh you've stopped doing that luciferian is i don't think luciferian always makes me feel worried that i'll run out of luciferium to be honest with you okay let's let i'm just going to let these max in because i think they're probably going some of them are gonna get themselves killed on our traps except this guy might go straight through to the bedrooms ooh that would be pretty mean hang on a second i'm gonna wait till they're in range so let's just hang everybody out over here okay moment of truth million colonists run and stream the explosion of my computer you might be able to now with the clothing better optimized ah no don't destroy my mountain i kind of like this raid though they just draw a line i've seen how these raids work in the debug mode they're kind of neat to watch but if they come in through there and we just surprise them here's my options and this is what i'm trying to get through twisty drift thanks for the sub so here's the thing they just bypassed all of our traps i was thinking that they would then come for the entrance but i was stupid i was wrong uh i'm gonna hang everybody out here see if they come this way and i think i'm gonna be better off just going into this room and fighting them at close quarters if they do manage to come in yep okay so what i'm thinking is that we should ambush them when they get outside of this room because they're gonna go for the bedrooms which is just kind of strange uh okay bourbon is over there bourbon come over here and fight with us yeah let's just wait for them to destroy the wall this way they come in i don't care how much they destroy really as long as they don't kill any of us because we got one scyther is just waiting to cut into us but which way are they gonna go i think i'm gonna send him that way let's just what are they gonna do what they're just trying to destroy our bedrooms that's pretty much what i'm gathering from this um is octoung now in vanilla yeah uh i mean essentially yeah they that was a good move on their part i think okay you've gotten into our bedrooms good for you you've destroyed our you've almost destroyed our masterwork marble bed but i still don't really care about that that much compared to my life ah i'd like to get right up next to them because here's my thing is that most of these mechs are long range and if we can just get right up next to them we will be safe if i can just somehow get that thing to fire right here that would be good can we do that i don't want to rush them though because the my bedrooms are awkwardly long but they're just like programmed to just keep destroying my bedrooms maybe they'll just go away after a little while no no not my bed you've destroyed my bed shame on you i won't be able to sleep no no no god oh god no please please please okay i is the time right is the time right hang on a second can we just get please you're too kind mind no more no more this is gonna have hostile i'm thinking this is like extreme home makeover except that they break into your house like the kool-aid guy essentially with these mechanoids should we i'm just thinking like it might be smarter to just stay in here and wait for them to break down the door okay now i think i'm gonna go in but let's go intact fully shall we you go right after him you will stand there and that actually no we'll hold that doorway open then you run over there like han solo you run over there hold this door open you stay right where you are you go over there uh you two are literally on top of each other right now trencher chem will go in that way meerkat is my god i left these three asleep senior moment uh i apologize for that those were the guys with the plastial spears i might lose a guy hang on a second uh melee people don't quite go in yet hang on i am afraid i am afraid yeah extreme home makeover we're just gonna destroy everything in your house give them a second because we gotta these mechs are pretty dumb fortunately the raiders in this game are not so they are mostly just okay oh that was what i didn't want to happen uh uh that looks like a door sort of right there yeah just stand there spoon actually i don't want spoon to die spoon you stand there you know you go in trencher chem you go in bourbon you go in and then the other guys are just gonna have to catch up in a second three two one i don't want him to die so just go in uh i don't want you going against that scyther alone uh is this the blind people run these people can see normally no charborg is now doing the blind people run um which i which i really want to try um okay crap they are shooting explosives at me uh this guy may die no not the bad ah damn it which one is ty pennington all of them oh crap i forgot the emp grenades i was forgetting something oh that is quite sad though i actually uh am better with mechanoids than i am with bugs rargu go in go in on him unless if this well we're going to learn a lot about this weapon who come on you people are supposed to be good what are we body muscles parasites you're not really badly hurt you're not really badly hurt it's just a charge lance after all my god what is this thing though okay good the lancer is dead let's just melee the rest of them you just gotta bum rush him this is the best way to deal with uh maxes to just rush them whatever you can do we should have got the emp you're right uh we should probably dedicate one colonist to that bourbon is down hang on a second nungfer go against him uh i actually want you guys up here so that you aren't friendly firing rargu is going against this one trench cam is going after that one i'm not really gonna look at anybody's injuries until it's all over good we've tied him up uh go over there you go over on this one you fire at that one you fire at this one you just gotta make sure that they don't friendly fire each other okay no we're actually doing really well in this raid we so far nobody has died and hey stop being a coward hang on a second we almost won yeah see you don't really need emp grenades you're fine yeah i mean the thing is that everybody's gonna get kind of cut up if you're dealing with mechs but nobody got anything cut uh maybe may have lost one toe that's really not that bad fortunately the thump cannon does not seem to be really overpowered that was my fear yeah look almost all dead i mean mostly them most of us aren't dead but you just gotta be careful that nobody here we go everybody melee attack this thing good beat him up there we go victory screech fantastic ra that's how you deal with the mechanoid raid uh if you're stupid like me cheetah hippopotamus go save your friend here we go is anybody else down trenchachem is being carried bourbon is being carried is ragu gonna die ah no immediate danger all right yeah so that's a mechanoid raid as long as you can get up to them in close quarters combat and not be fighting a bunch of scythers if you have emp grenades you're fine um it would have been nice to have one emp blast before that whole thing or ideally an emp mortar is a way more accurate spread out blast but we didn't have one so you know we'll live we just might have to expand our infirmary unfortunately um but yeah um yeah uh what is it extreme but they gave us kind of an extreme home makeover i think a lot of people are like oh i gotta defend my home like don't try to defend your home try to defend your colonists because your colonists are way more important than your house you can always just rebuild the house pretty quickly but it's way harder to get back a colonist um see we got everything on rebuild mode i don't know why i didn't have them rebuilt though oh because we mined out those walls that's why but is there anything else that we could have done i think you just need a full perimeter of spike traps that's the only thing that could have thinned them out before they got here because of those breach raids but that makes sense to me we could yeah we could have hit him actually what we could have done would have been to line up against the wall and then that's true flank them when they come in just because you want to be getting them in close quarters combat that's the best way to fight mechanoids but what we did there to rush them all with the melee colonists was the best thing so if if you can in any way get melee colonists to attack mechanoids that's the best bat against raids yeah that's the thing that i don't really agree with in some of the i suppose that's coded in for how they raid they just kind of go straight for the bedrooms like haha they won't be able to sleep tonight they're gonna need an airbnb friendly dave thanks for the sub um but yeah that's just kind of the way that it excuse me that the cookie crumbles in that type of fight um let's see we'll up this we'll finish off these now we just survived a mecha mechanoid raid with a breach i think that was the main type of raid i was worried about and it seems as if the breeches just make one bee line for your wall even with a big mistake we had all those other guys in bed is anybody in any immediate danger of death death in 21 hours that seems pretty good meerkat you're okay major break risk raju is anybody tending everybody though that's my one uh that is my one fear that everyone just stops tending everyone because everyone's hurt no immediate danger spoon is okay okay i'm pretty sure everyone's gonna live fabio go over 10 to him that's good and i think we're safe now uh we should turn them off from this type of medicine though there we go yeah you could use a little bit more of it and ah and uh set self tending for who for th trench chem i'm not sure who yeah some of them i should probably micro the self tending a little bit more and we also need to get this power running major break risk we'll have a couple of breaks after the combat but that's you know to be expected somebody's actually we had two bedrooms get destroyed so that was not particularly good gas station boxers thanks very much for the sub gotta start a colony man's loss to toe yeah like you got to be ready to give everybody an arco tech eye archotec leg whatever their whatever they're waiting for god no don't give up we will force you to not give up or else uh oh somebody who's hang on a second whom do you like always have somebody that they like arrest them winters winters and you are on pretty good terms uh we got a yeah go ahead and arrest him the good news is that they're usually very slow when you try to do that arrest him no on reserve prison or bed okay we gotta make these into prisoner beds ah crap here we go prisoners yeah it would not hurt to get a an actual prison too at some point in time hopefully um there we are good go to bed bourbon our one doctor is i will say a very unstable person but we kind of knew that he was a very sketchy doctor when he came into this colony that was actually in his bio that was like on his resume keep him in prison until actually that might have been smarter uh looks like one of them just released him is fabio on that no fabio is on some kind of insulting spree right now but soon we will convert him because conversion and this expansion is not what i expected it to be um let's see prisoners make that medical again for colonists yeah there it is don't rescue him we just want him we just want him to be back to normal did he ever get that jaw remember how his jaw like evaporated at one point because somebody destroyed it with a club he's not had an easy life yep he did get the denture though so he's been chewing better now fabio is down all of our colonists are going down rescue him uh we'll get better medicines soon and then it all will be well all will be remedied uh the good news is that we have a lot more what is it steel or components whatever we harvest from these dead mechanoids what's my overall opinion on the expansion i don't know after 10 hours i like it um i wish i had a few more options to play without it or to see it develop a little bit more over time um but overall i think it's better than royalty and i still think i've only seen a little bit of what it has to offer okay now you are gonna be damn it i am arresting you really this time and i mean it yeah that's a great idea actually to convert him to our ideal legend while he's in prison only because he's been very upset about this chemical interest or what does he have he has chemical fascination so it's really been holding him back but we have enough colonists that we could probably do without him now but i i'm attached to him you know i don't want him to just go away let's convert him yeah i just think that's a good idea imprisoning one of your own colleagues it's kind of like making two colonists who hate each other want to uh a warden for one another that does bring them together good ah no he is actually converted to yet another idealigen okay uh it puts him about the same distance as he was before but he's just kind of crazy so we'll leave him in there for a little while compared to royalty this is so much more worth it but i still bought royalty because yeah i know i royalty is still good just because i get my bed doesn't mean i can murder your yeah but i still think that he is like the chattest of the neckbeards because look at how much thicker his neck beard is except meerkat well meerkat is more of a full beard guy like he maintains his beard did cheetah change his cheetah did he changed his facial hair when he came in i did it took me a while to notice that but yes unfortunately all of them are bound to have the same neck beard because i that was what we planned in our bounds when we first set out with this colony like lewis and clark i'm thinking let's go ahead and just start to build up a prison because i'm tired of not having a prison and having to think about how some things are supposed to be a prison and just switching back over and over again it does make your life significantly less complicated s monthly resub oh thank you very much i will i will uh i will rebuild my father's house god i gotta maybe it'll be like during the fall months you know my one regret about living in florida palnick thank you for the sub is that i won't feel like the cold enter my bones and that was kind of what made me want to play as gerald williams i might have to travel to like a colder state to channel like robert frost that kind of sadistic why are all of these rages no it kind of goes what goes around comes around with this why can't you arrest him because he's such a bad person hang on a second you'll go into prison with him then and you'll like it this is kind of ironic he's been trying to kill him and i'm going to put him into prison with him oh isn't that a funny happenstance now you're together uncovered groin i shouldn't have this this is a belief i have not seen this one yet [Laughter] oh god not only is he wait a second oh i see i see i shouldn't have my private parts hanging out just hanging out oh jesus is anyone gonna die 22 hours left big toe lost a frostbite wait a second i've not been prepared for this there is much to do that's the main problem with um i'm gonna i'm gonna vent here a little bit about a system i don't like in rim world i wish it were easy for them to switch into combat attire from like living attire there is a mob that does this really well but i've been trying to play mindlessly it's gonna be one of the first ones i put back on and i will be very happy to as well because there is one where you could just click a button and they all change into pre-assigned combat clothing tiny pickled pepper thanks very much for the sub yeah there's uh well let's go ahead we're going to just convert him as well convert everybody to neck periodism or is it really worth it now we're not going to be able to in time let's just release him there we go be free just don't hurt anyone equip the auto pistol good don't hurt anyone and then immediately get a pistol three seconds later uh i will admit that my good the old arcism rituals are deactivated maybe they had some kind of crisis when their belief system was like made more of a minority um perhaps we can only speculate though armor racks is nice for that yeah i do like the armor locker all of those types of mods anything with storage because this is ridiculous look at this can we do something about this it just it makes me upset and i shouldn't do it to myself so what we're gonna go do is go ahead and add in all of these sculptures into this room because this room is currently extremely impressive but we need to keep on improving this room's impressiveness um we might even install more pews there i say it wait who's dying in his room who's dying in his room trencher chem is fine oh because it's cold in there hang on a second yeah right yeah she's getting serious hypothermia uh uh you know what happened is that we got exposed to the cold from this yeah i should have seen that we let in the cold too much too quickly hang on a second ah should we go deeper into the cave yeah let's just reassign character chem to one of these beds for a second uh trigger kim come over here uh get out of that bed don't die in that bed winters you can keep on constructing because you're in a parka rescue trench again good call good call yeah stuff like that will sneak up on you hmm goodnight are we converting him good good who else has hypothermia just no don't bring her in there don't bring her in there [Music] good bring her to her own bedroom this will be much safer uh it's good to have multiple different ins differently insulated areas it's only the big after this we'll all have archotec legs and arco tech eyes by the time we're done or bionic eyes or whatever they are i just keep saying that for everything that goes wrong in the colony uh it'll that excuse will not last forever though but it is a good one it is a very good one it's like the darth vader excuse i could replace that tried to do a run where you make an empire hate you only eat plants and cutting trees is blasphemy wait was this with ideology already modern totem me thinks like has there been enough time i suppose there has been enough time for everybody i feel so behind because i've been doing only one colony maybe i should just try starting up a bunch of other ones but personally i think that the groin message was my favorite of them all so far that was quite funny groin [Music] uh travelers are passing by um maybe this is gonna be the prison let's give them a little bit more time to catch up shall we then we'll also just try to improve this ventilation i hadn't really accounted for that i admit if they came in with a raid like that but i didn't expect them to go all the way over to the bedrooms but it seems that those breacher raiders still target the bedrooms which is just kind of a case for put your bedrooms somewhere where you're okay with raiders coming into you know because they always go straight for the bedrooms i've even seen it in the dev mode the way that breach raiders will actually draw a line across the map to your bedroom you know how royalty is much expecting ah the call of cthulhu mod will be one of the most interesting ones yeah yeah i don't know if ideology was particularly based on any one mod i imagine it's a lot of them together because when you think about it like one of the most old popular ones was the star wars ideology mod that one was a big hit that was one of the first ones that got me interested in this game or just learning it anyway i was interested in the game but i didn't really get into the lore that was kind of like sci-cast before cycasts a very good mod too but i definitely think that a jedi ideology would be very neat and it would have made more sense with a lot of the colonies that i was doing before i had a very old series on youtube not sure if i even have that one out anymore i might have privated that one because it was just so old and so in my opinion so bad didn't like it i didn't like it anymore it was fun at the time but i was very bad at the game all right enough excuses now i don't want rice here actually hmm i think more heel root and then we'll just keep kind of keep on going on from there how what are we at in terms of components now 63 components so they just need to catch up with their work this colony is now what i would consider an intermediate like an intermediate colony what are we at now 12 hours running the colony i've been streaming for about four hours now i think we are gonna i think we're gonna put in a bookmark in it right about there um still waiting for going medieval to flush out a little bit more yeah probably um i think uh although i didn't get all of the flak jackets done that i was hoping for we are well on our way to that we're just kind of fighting the insulation in the winter and fall so i think that's a pretty reasonable note to end on but we vastly expanded the number of colonists we got i did not expect that we would have this many colonists the one thing that we still need is a crafter and we're at nine so the game might be a little bit aggressive to try to take us down one colonist or more and usually i find that it's more than one colonist but if we weren't ready before i definitely say that we're uh much more ready right now it looks like we are killing this plant here we gotta be very careful with that light just be very careful don't let it touch it but uh damn thanks for coming out
Channel: ambiguousamphibian VODs
Views: 49,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld gameplay, rimworld mods, rimworld game, rimworld 1.3, rimworld ideology, rimworld ideology playthrough, rimworld ideology gameplay, rimworld royalty, rimworld ep 4
Id: HC7-g4vR6qI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 212min 13sec (12733 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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