RimWorld Ideology TRANSHUMANIST Playthrough (500% Difficulty, No Pause | 01)

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foreign so we are doing a high wealth transhumanist colony uh i will explain more of what's going on as we go in here so we are going to do cassandra so cassandra is harder in a lot of aspects than randy we talked about that a lot yesterday and we lost cassandra yesterday twice so with cassandra you're never gonna get a break uh not for a long period of time basically she's gonna attack you with up to two raids within every eleven and a half day period so unlike randy you're not gonna go a season or multiple seasons or a year without getting hit and it's been a while since i played against this cassandra so we're gonna do uh no pause commitment mode as always and custom or instead of still losing is fun and we're gonna scale that up to 500 percent maximum rare difficulty go from there everything else default so cassandra losing his fun five percent commitment no pause all good stupid cassandra seed is adam all capitalized we're gonna do a crowded planet we're gonna turn one of each of the new factions on so we just have the spread of everything so we turned on an extra pirate faction a cannibal tribe and a nudist tribe in a previous run we only got attacked by the newest tribe once i believe and uh it was it was really funny because the raid points how it works is the storyteller basically has three points they can spin on a raid and the things in the raid are basically a price value right and so a nudist tribe is actually a lot like more bodies than you would think because they don't have the gear and stuff so it was just a bunch of uh melee only naked tribals which was kind of kind of crazy and you know what that can be dangerous like when you only have five people and they come in with like 60 or 80 uh melee only nudist they're going to run over the top of you so yeah one thing we like or used to like to say about cassandra versus randy and i think they're both difficult and easy in different ways like they all they all have their own variants of their difficulty but what used to say is that randy kills you by accident and cassandra kills you on purpose and that's kind of how it works right so it's a very good way to look at it we actually got a pretty good flat seed yesterday so we're going to go with the same seed and we are going to do a bigger map uh due to the nature of this play through in the high wealth and the space requirement of transhumanist so we are going to do this granite and marble right here just a big flat map king loser i think this up to smurf thank you king loser very much appreciate it all right we are going to load the same from yesterday so this is not a very min maxed um one they it does have some very strong points in it i'll go through it really quick we are supremacists this is mainly to get the shooting specialist uh they also don't care about slavery either way we're not putting it as honorable they just don't care either way so this is mainly to get the shooting specialist collectivist is the one that's gonna another one that's gonna hurt us so transhumanists are very needy and collectivist set to intense bigotry if we have anyone in the colony that is from another ideology not only are the social impacts to be very large minus 80. however we're gonna get a debuff for everyone a stacking one starts at minus three for diverse thoughts and that actually carries on to prisoner if they were colonists first and the important thing to note about that is if we get an auto join that is a different ideology and but there they would be a good pawn a lot of times it's best to arrest them break their ideology or convert them and then release them back as a colonist however if they've already been a colonist and you uh you arrest them you still get the diverse thoughts debuff on everyone so it's kind of crazy uh long story short with that or tld l too long didn't listen we need to recruit people through rituals mainly mainly all right uh they are very needy the transgenders are very needy so they're gonna eventually want a biosculptor pod for every single person a neural supercharger for every person a sleeve accelerator for every person everyone's going to want age reversal after they're 25. so very very needy they're going to need lots of electricity they're going to need lots of components lots of steel human privacy i took this is the op one all right so this one i took for production specialist production specialist is amazing you can have more than one production specialist in a colony and they basically have a half inspiration all the time so half inspiration means that everything they make is going to be one quality higher could you add the proselytizer precept increase conversions yeah yeah i could do that in fact it might be worth doing that over collectivist if i was trying to min max some more i'm gonna leave i'm gonna leave it like this um these ones are going to be our you know difficulty type ones and these are going to be the ones to help us achieve the um the defenses that we need hopefully uh we are the collected people are assimilated all right uh we are tribal but we do have the research increased the research still ends up being less than a standard playthrough they want body modification age reversal biosculpting diversity of thought they get really upset they're intensely bigoted neural supercharges and sleep accelerator as mentioned they don't care about cannibalism they don't get a buff from it but they uh they think flesh is weak so they don't care uh we're drive being tripled that is the move from the leader which seems very strong but unfortunately it shares a cooldown with all the others so a lot of times on the leader i'm saving combat command to use to survive so i don't know how often we're going to use work drive it might not end up being used at all uh they don't want to be blind they disapprove body with animals they don't care about corpses execution we do not get a bonus for execution with these guys they fungus they hate insect meats uh i also don't have the buffs from loving like it's not open or free so they have to be married to get it and again that's just i don't want to i don't want to min max these too much this run like we did last run so we'll just deal with the the mood uh they don't mind nutrient pace that's part transhumanist they don't like scars skull spikes uh we'll give them a slight move mood increase they're okay with slavery clothing doesn't matter all that good stuff we have the leader which is uh as you can see those of you that are that are star trek fans it's locutus we have the moral guy the assimilator the production session is the maker and the shooting specialist the destroyer we got three festivals here we have the forging recalibration and weakness of flesh symbol burning social festival and animal sacrifice never done animal sacrifice i did change this back to pew and effigy where we're doing the ones that required cloth um and i might should still do that honestly now that we change this yeah let's just do it it means that we won't be able to get to these as fast but i'm okay with that we haven't done the sheet one before and we've never done the flag so these are gonna require cloth is the main thing that's alright that's right we can get to cloth uh relic is the arco cube we don't care about hair tattoos and we are wearing button-down shirts to start uh do i adjust the faction ideologies or just leave them i leave them as random yeah and in fact the the faction ideology is being random that actually played a big part in our previous run in the arco nexus run that we did that we finished one of the people one of the pirate factions were not pirate but one of the outlander factions were also darkness right and so they were our enemies and then i realized oh god these guys are getting the accuracy buff from the sun blocker also and so i ended up allying them and that's who we called in to help so all right uh those of you that come in recently welcome in i'm just getting started i will try to catch up once we get in but i need to get uh get these rolled and stuff lord more pavilion raven uh toys welcoming playing randy 20 year 220 uh i did randy five percent no pause on um on wealth independent mode it's the expedition 20 i think is the run for that one all right we are doing tribal so tribal start our modest fellowship expands what happened to yesterday's run we lost both of them against cassandra xander's evil uh blood raven think of the twitch prime blood raven very much appreciated um that's the very start i think there's a one that's the whole playlist too but there's episode one all right so we're looking for a few things here uh social is a stacked stat now we need construction plants social and then probably medicine would be a good idea let's see if any of them rolled amazingly right off the bat um that was not too bad tortured artists were crafting so they could eventually get uh get their crafting out masculist is nice um cooking construction so they're a maybe or maybe we'll leave them as uh we'll put them as an m a new subscriber come steal yourself answer ryan i'm building an army brave thing with lurk and toys these are the five dish ups to dis taper infinitive time rift and impregnator impregnator thank you toys very much much love to toys it's hard to find construction ponds yeah and um someone actually went through and saw what the most likely generated pawn types were for each of the factions and construction is one of the lowest if not the lowest especially with like the empire so like if you ever go against the empire or not or you have ponzi from the empire it's very hard to get ones that are good at construction so construction is a premium uh as opposed to like mining mining is very common from tribals so previous run die uh depends on which one you you mean we finished the arctic nexus run two days ago but the two runs yesterday as trans humanist died yeah kind jogger very nice they have a painful head scar which is unfortunate so can't really do much about that um let's just look through some of these again like i said i was going to see if any rolled pretty awesome there's a jogger bisandras with medical and planting so that's also a maybe we'll put them as an end let's check these guys down here that's a hard pass that's miss lawful hard pass beautiful jogger all right so let's reroll we're looking for construction the two runs for yesterday are living upstate that's right so we are mainly uh there's a good planter chemical fast need to know what to deal with social intellect slow learner is really bad as well especially without mods there are mods that rebalances these things but we're not using them aesthetic optimist uh there's cooking plants slow learner again jeez come on come on impressive sanguine jealous and masochist as but i'm gonna do that from the beginning let's go on goose welcome in starring the ugly jogger wimp so sound really ugly causes social issues and then wimp makes them get knocked out right away but otherwise that's good construction and plants fantastic they can shoot this is a maybe we'll put an m on there and let's reroll some other ones cooking animals arts it's with the wimps i want everyone to wimp great memory is really awesome beautiful cause of social issues you can't fix it but cooking isn't quite as important because we're going to try to get to nutrient paste we're going to need cooking in the beginning though um that guy has cancer in his liver construction 6 body monitor is going to be really good mask is fine but man we got some god rolls yesterday win is basically kanji combat or sniper yeah i usually just put them in the fringes to shoot so put them a little bit further behind uh we might take him sloth will i hate i will talk about slowpoke i also just like man we're getting a lot of bad rolls today going to wrath kiwi welcome in uh you know what i'm just gonna roll looking for construction only let's just roll until we get construction there's construction plants careful shooter neurotic erotic is fine overall careful shooter i don't really care for usually but construction and plants again is good uh so that's going to be a maybe also let's do one more roll for construction so we might skip some good pawns here but it's just the nature of being on the stream i don't want to take too long on these [Music] uh construction crafting this might be an ideal one for the uh building specialist so annoying voice teetotaller tough i think that's i think that's the one that's the one for construction specialist right there so that seems pretty good i think i want to keep them you try to run you notice yeah tribal for this one a lunar 36 months whole year stardust et cetera et cetera thank you luna everyone appreciate that's a long time it's a long time all right so that's our primary builder we got some medical implants that's all right so i think i'm going to take that one chemistry neurotic so another plants in construction that's probably good too tortured artists um i think i'm gonna re-roll this one looking for a social pond and then i think we're good to go so let's look for uh someone social here do we have anyone else the social at all so i might reroll these two looking for two social puns oh there's not let's see natural background oh that's true they're so good though i think it's worth so we'll just have the four natural do you basically get double boomers from bionics uh pretty much yeah yeah uh body monitor still gets the buff yeah how social stacked now it's good for recruiting prisoners it's good for trading it's good for slaves and it's good for conversion which is the big one uh it's good for leader speeches and and it's good for all the festivals it's crazy it's crazy all right um yeah i think i'm going to keep them anyway so we're going to reroll this one uh actually let's reroll this first who else do we have that's hmm all right yeah let's look for social here set it careful shooter i don't want all these careful shooters uh nimble kind totaler that's nice right there social and intellect that's that's good we'll take that all right good at shooting nimble is amazing kind awesome t-tiller kind of is whatever stage i'm also not gonna put myself in so when you get through the queue once you search ones yeah yeah i'm gonna reroll this one for social as well for leader and uh and moral guide great memories sickly skip that uh whoa tough optimist hey look another someone's good at cooking planting social into like there we go all right all right and we're going to keep this one yeah it's fine all right t no t totaler let's go bill black horror bloody beats merrick welcome in uh sit welcome all right we're gonna go let's get the names from the queue and then let's start this so we are going to start uh this is gonna be a high wealth playthrough but for the first few hours or so we are going to still maintain the small base and get our um get our initial research done that's going to be the big one okay become a rumor colonists we got sip uh sip you are in misfortune uh miss fortune has such a bad history in our runs uh we got goose welcome in goose j liet [Music] and dominico some people in for their first run ever my condolences uh cassandra is evil and she will probably kill you but let me work these off the list all right here we go so first things first we need to get uh rice set up we need to get our initial little uh barracks no burning passion intellectual tribal yeah yeah no we're adam no i usually only put myself in a naked brutality and then i i started putting myself in a tribal too but no i'm gonna do i'm gonna stay out of them uh to get the cue going first recruiting button will be me no all right here we go why is it start with five this is a tribal start tribal starts at five but much slower uh much slower research leader right aways you can use collectivist or drive maybe yeah maybe it's gonna they'll have two higher tiers of expectations but maybe after we get our first little barrier set up all right here we go friend cancer is professional kill and just kills her money yeah it's basically it randy kills on accident cassandra kills on purpose they're both fun they're both evil in their own demented ways all right we got some uh soil here we are going to go ahead and get rice planted [Music] good song to start with am i saying they're all good socks rimworld really is uh and wants to say it's a story generator no it's a playlist it's a playlist with a colony builder and like behind it somewhere no one cares about that part the world is just a playlist well i forgot to turn it to allow us to have melee weapons i mean we don't get a debuff for having melee weapons but i forgot to uh make it so we start with a normal travel weapon so we actually kind of have worse weapons what we would normally have a tribal but oh well i got an idea for this by the way [Music] all right that's the no build zone no build roof area from there do not build there [Music] okay um [Music] so eventually this growing area will extend up here so it seems like we're a little bit further away i want to take advantage of the closed animatry so we'll do that uh let's go ahead and have them chop the wood in this area welcome back your steadfast loyalty is greatly appreciated who's that that i'm appreciative of uh denise denise thank you for the resub they were coming back even though i can't pronounce your name to save my life you have returned and i appreciate it thank you you always build a base near the imagery if i can yeah especially a tribal start we only have four people that can meditate at the tree this time unfortunately so go ahead and put those down we're gonna start out building it with wood even though i'm not a fan of building with wood just gotta get things up [Music] do two we're gonna reclaim this table throw it in right there okay now while we're working on that stuff let's go get the jobs done we're going to put firefighting and patient all the way up got uh one doctor maybe a second one we'll see about that i'll put him on one for now for minor things better rest when i turn off and deal with that myself basic all the way up we got two wardens very nice handling uh we got domenico on that cooking on misfortune i'm gonna put hunting as a four on everyone just so i can see that they have a range weapon got two people set for construction all right multiple set for planning we got someone that's alright at mining this is uh overall a better spread of skills we had yesterday so feeling all right about this we're gonna put smithing and stuff as a two on this so they'll clean first we're gonna put crafting as a four on them for cutting blocks research is a four on everyone there we go that looks all right another few things we gotta do quests go to reward premises we're gonna turn off uh everything aside from monetary rewards this is a base game thing it's not mod so this will make it so that we don't get quests for goodwill and honor we'll actually get monetary rewards which we want go steven welcome in you can stop by yeah it's good to see you man welcome bipolar peewee welcome in as early as the meditation and amateur penalty it gets to a minus thirty percent maximum minus represent maximum reduction or more content on youtube enjoy the stream that's awesome yeah if you ever let me know and coming in appreciate it all right another thing we want to do is go to a sign we're going to put them down to doctor care but no medicine and we want them to fight back they're attacked uh in addition to that see want to go into their health click on default this again is not a modded thing and i want to make sure that we are not using medicine on just random injuries and stuff points request if you turn that off you still get three rewards per quest they're all monetary yeah yeah i got i think you sit the 30 reduction is worth being i think it is uh so the tree can be destroyed in a couple ways so the being able to protect the tree and not only that being able to protect people that are meditating at the tree and being able to meditate at the tree even when you're locking your base from manhunters all those kind of things i believe make it worth it to build uh at and around the tree yeah you get the minus thirty percent but i i feel it's it's super worth uh all right so who are our social pawns i'm gonna put them at the front here so i can remember we got sip and misfortune okay look at that hair misfortune look at you look at you all right schedule we're gonna go ahead and put uh and who's our natural or we have one that's not natural meditation that's jayliette so with jayliette we're gonna do that oops the wrong button [Music] there we go uh if we get a building set up day one much room around the tree for what you want either too big or not big enough so this time i have an idea i'm actually gonna make the tree area eventually also be our dining and rec room that way it's a beautiful room and they're right by the meditation spot um when they need to eat and then they'll get the beautiful environment spacious environment when they are meditating and when they're eating and stuff so it's something i haven't done before i usually have the tree cordoned off over on its own further away um but i'm going to test it this time see how it works might end up being a really awesome thing might be the central point of our base that everything kind of circles around or it might not work well at all the 30 can in part be uh offset by large nature shrines and anima stones yeah yep all right so our builders i want to put them next to each other too it looks like they already are goose and misfortune okay working on getting things planted nice nice we might actually have a roof overhead on night one also plant a garland to get a summer buff from the boss you can plant it two tiles away from the imagery that's pretty cool yeah i haven't done that one yet uh new run yeah yeah we finished the our uh our connexus run two days ago we won that and then yesterday we lost both of our runs against cassandra so cassandra was like welcome back how'd you been hanging out with randy for the last oh i don't know 20 playthroughs how about i kill you a couple times to remind you who's boss thanks cassandra what's going spartan say welcome in helm open lupo broadway do you guys been here reward option oh yeah i already read that if i lose this one no no well uh i might lose it but if so we're gonna we're gonna go again we'll go again all right we're actually going to be indoors which is nice so furniture uh we're going to get some stools down here one two three four and five times she harder than randy she is consistently harder so you never know randy can be harder but he can also be easier randy can actually be multiple tiers easier than cassandra for multiple reasons one he literally doesn't have to attack you randy might not attack you sometimes for seasons or even an entire year so maybe even an entire year uh the other thing is randy is the only one that can roll a point five month modifier on his points so what that means is randy can attack you with 50 uh raid strength throughout the whole playthrough now usually given a long enough playthrough it ends up kind of averaging out to be about one but yeah they're both very difficult in their own way uh cassandra is consistently difficult randy you don't know when he's gonna be difficult or when he's going to be nice so we used to say that randy kills you on accident and cassandra kills you on a purpose more if she wasn't so hyper predictable yeah so that's the thing right uh so she is predictable randy is not she is hard with her predictability though her raids are hard but you know they're coming so it just depends random let's get away for putting it yeah and so they're both good they're both hard i usually play against randy but we've just done a bunch of wins against randy so it's time to go back and uh and get some some games in against cassandra i mean you can see yesterday she killed us well we beat randy multiple times on five percent no pause right in a row and then cassandra killed us both times yesterday running by kelly xander will kill you why phoebe's so so all right phoebe is the easiest storyteller no matter what the game tells you the game says she can hit as hard as anyone it's true technically her raids can be as big but she can only hit you once every eight to 20 days so that is easier however the the difficulty to phoebe comes from the fact that you might not be ready for the next raid because it's been so long since the previous one your wealth increase between one rage the next might be so high that you're not expecting that big of a jump in raid difficulty so that's basically uh phoebe kills you by boredom so cassandra killed us twice yeah within 30 35 days sanders nuked the colony yesterday a 20-year phoebe play through with a basketball of a 20 or a phoebe play through oh man [Music] all right hold those in please let's go ahead and get all these hauled in all right all right [Music] no uh startup mod allows calling us carry set items t similar to smart medicine you can carry t in the base game so uh you can carry up to 15t on everyone with no mods what you do is you go into a sign you can make your own drug policy or do a new one let's just go with or do an existing one let's go with uh social drugs so in here you can select how much of each they carry per person so for instance your example of t if you want everyone to carry uh 5t you set that as 5 right there when you set them to social drugs they will carry 5 in their inventory you can then also schedule are they going to use it for just recreation only if they're addicted or are you gonna have them take it every two days because t is not addictive at two or more days so you just set this up in here that's in the uh assign manage drug policies and then once you have it set up you just set their drug policy per person uh no mod needed to pretty that tribal start yep yep okay let's get a couple stools done so they're not eating without table any longer and we need to uh this as the home zone [Music] all right [Music] so let's go ahead and deconstruct the steel yeah and then you can also have them carry medicine up to three of a type as well so many things that you've learned already this morning well i'm glad you learned yeah i learned something new almost every playthrough as well even after i think about 2 400 hours which generally the research route that you go rough start the game so it has changed a bit since 1.3 used to i rushed mortars you see it was mortars just get to mortars um but it has changed a little bit right now with tribal i'm gonna get complex furniture and stone cutting first and then my goal my next big step is electricity once i get to electricity it's gonna be heavy smgs and flack once i get that i need to get fabrication so i can make my own components now we're gifted mortars by grades right can you make them carry food there is no menu to set which food they carry they'll just carry a random or they'll carry the best quality meal on them that they're allowed to eat at the moment aside from paste unless you do the trick for pasta all right uh so we are going to make another building back here for our storage also need our recreation set up so we're going to do hoopstone there let's go ahead and uh expand home zone again yeah best quality they can find yeah within they're not gonna go out to the corner of the map hopefully unless they're zoned for there yesterday's calling you die yes we lost two colonies yesterday to cassandra she's evil evil so if you are a follower of this channel you have five rim world emotes that you can use you don't have to be a subscriber to get those five emotes there is one with evil cassandra uh evil randy evil phoebe and then we got uh my room world uh artwork of me and we got a muffalo one which i really like so feel free to use those if you are a follower of course of course those are not btb they're just uh free for anyone that's smaller hey there they are now yeah i talked about that so anyone that doesn't know about the 12 year scaling on 500 so we talked about at length at the beginning of the stream you always check the beginning of the bun how diseases work with cassandra so you got hit with the plague flu and sleepy seamus at the same time um so cassandra does have a cooldown on disease b freak were any of those sick uh sickly pawns and were you on like a tropical map that's what it sounds like to me but cassandra does have a cool down on disease she even has a cooldown on the first disease she can send you randy can hit you with a disease on day one hour one i think cassandra's around nine days before she hit you with a disease something like that you know followers existed yeah yeah use them up they are there for you to use all right so the first cassandra raid is always a single raider and then after that we'll have normal size raids rice is going um so we also want to go ahead and plant some cloth the main reason for this is that we have uh we'll eventually need it for flack but the reason we're planning it so early is we need it for the um the ritual areas since we chose to have ones that require cotton first of all from this retailer with modifier for things like biome and such uh the ones that are modified by biome there's mainly there's two main ones that are i guess three or three main ones that are by biome so one is a caravan ambushes the thing looks like that depending on the biome you're traveling through you can have a higher lesser chance of getting a major minor event in caravanning second is disease so there is a disease modifier or multiplier on the different zones that it tells you in the terrain another one is migration events migration events and alpha beavers can only happen on certain uh biomes as well those are the big ones disease scale would be treats not for numbers uh no diseases do not scale with threat difficulty they do scale with colonist numbers yeah are those still controlled first by the storytellers uh yeah yeah so it's like a combination right so if you have um a jungle or a charcoal swamp or something the percentage of getting so basically how it works is there are different categories of threats in the files and those threats have a weighted value so for instance cassandra has a major threat section she has a minor threat section and when she rolls a major threat it rolls from that group that is allowed on that map based on the weighting of that one and so they all have different weights there's different storytellers especially randy has different weights than the others and the map can't impact that especially with disease and stuff goal this run is to gain uh yeah we're going to make a really big wealthy colony it might be slow getting there we're going to take it easy in the beginning but we will get there all right how's there he's doing uh he's taking a nap right by me right now yeah he's been so sad that my daughter's going back to school how many how close can you be able to anniversary without destroying it you cannot destroy the anime tree by building close to it as long as you don't build a roof over it so just go to zone and remove remove roof area over it and you'll never have to worry about them storing it by building uh not wealth independent for this one no this is standard wealth scaling but we are going to do high wealth the only downside of building to ametry is you get a stacking debuff to a minus 30 maximum minus 30 maximum to reduction in anima grass growth and in sci-focus gain but i i feel it's still worth [Music] um be careful about this but i want to make it inside it's our way without decompiling to see what prerequisites a certain event has many blacker example has a one year cooldown but finding that out was really tedious yeah i don't think there's any in-game goblin yeah there's certain requirements like the man in black is a good one a good example that has interesting requirements the naming of your colony also has random requirements seemingly random so yeah i don't think there is in game as far as i know let's go and luna will come in so people are your family members names aries yeah family member aries yeah good point all right so research bring it complex furniture first so we can get beds we're gonna name pets today um as soon yeah don't forget so what i like to do is as soon as a pet is fully trained then i name it i guess i'm going to name the cat since it's not going to uh have training so let's go and do that from the queue name of pets our cat's name is baldwin named by goose who is also in this run go baldwin go get it yeah look at that good kitty ceramic blacks happened had so many occasions where he hoped one show up but it didn't the main ones is that you have to have a named colony so your colony has already had gotten to the point where you can name it and then there is a cool down of 60 days so 60 days has to have passed um since your previous made in black you have to have a name colony and everyone has to be downed incapable of a movement obtained elephants and named them simple wheels that's true dude uh nick welcome in uh from welcoming so all in bondage not goose should be their master you can't do masters for cats yeah because they can't uh they can't be trained to like go attack all right so let's go ahead and set this up to butcher creature to forever and let's go ahead and set the meals up we're gonna do cook some meal times four see how we have x we're gonna do um let's just go with like 12 for right now i don't want them tied to that forever we'll do eight we're going to do uh meat first so they get through the meat initially meat animal products and those will spoil without a freezer uh and then we're going to do advil quick smell times one do i have x again we're gonna go with a thousand and twelve no twelve and eight and again i'm gonna turn on meat only this is so that uh before we get cooling our freezers or whatnot they're using up the things they're gonna spoil faster first and if we don't have that then they can use vegetables so what this setup is going to do is basically we're going to cook until we have 12 meals of meats um or 12 simple meals we're going to start with meat if there's not enough meat they'll move on to vegetables and this will cook until we have 12 and then it won't restart cooking again until we're at eight dorsi rainly adopt pets it's reversed for cats which can adopt doors instead for name you're calling us it says it doesn't meet the minimum requirements you need one capital letter one lowercase one number one symbol and it cannot be a colony name it's the last six months that's your windows password so luckily it's not like that yeah make me a thousand and twelve simple meals stacked is there a clip about the dangers of pigs uh i don't know i think i feel like there is a clip on the uh the pig civil war but yeah i don't i don't remember where it is i don't have a i don't have a command for it come on doesn't eat meals as cannibal or insect meals i'm sure there is a mod for it yeah i'm sure there's a mod for it um all right so we need to get an initial little trap tunnel set up i'm going to do it out uh probably this way let's see [Music] uh we're gonna put fences there to force the raiders going where we want we're gonna hold that door open now that we got a little storage room for our food how we doing for the rice 54 so we are gonna need to get some berries or some hunting done i think it's a good opportunity to go get a little bit of uh shooting skill i hope so yeah let's go ahead and do that [Music] dude juliet with the buzz cut free trades are way too common i feel that too yeah yeah there i don't know if it's still like that but there for a while it just felt like every single raid was a breech raid every single rain check out our new raid type [Music] we're called breeches thanks time well the door is all set from the track tunnel wouldn't that be a good spot to stand and shoot down the tunnel uh so if you do if you don't offset them what will happen is raiders will shoot from the end so if you just have a straight tunnel like this the raiders will start shooting you from down here and they can outrange us so the initial tunnel i don't like doing that so i like to get a little bit there or else enemies will stand here so that's fine i'll be making turrets at some point in this one yeah especially to dissuade uh zappers on on an open map yeah for sure all right we're gonna go ahead and set up our zones also we have some downtime here so we're gonna do a inside zone for when manhunters are attacking we're gonna do a walls because eventually we'll have an inner wall i do the work zone one of my favorites to do so it's uh ever evolving zone uh animals uh er is not really needed as much anymore but i might use it for something in meat shield doesn't really work anymore but it's old it's old habit traps you're in line side also yeah yeah exactly they will they will stop and attack you from the tunnel yeah let's make it too long so they can't gotcha yeah and eventually we'll have a really long one it's still growing all right it'll get there it's not it's not the length of your trap tunnel it's how you use it or something pretty sure someone told me that once uh let's go ahead and get this butchered so our cook i gotta remember are cooking this is misfortune fellowship expands praise the sub explaining the workzone mechanic sure um slothface killer favorite twitch primer i think it's the lottery which appreciate favorite support so let me go ahead and set these up let's go ahead and put inside literally inside right now so what i do with a work zone is i literally just put it everywhere that i'm okay with them going so they're not traveling all over the freaking map because if you don't do this occasionally especially if you use um the commands and unforbid everything on the map occasionally they'll just run friggin everywhere like over here and they'll have breakdowns or they'll get killed or whatever right so what i like to do is i like to have this work zone to dictate where they can and can't go and then i just schedule them for the work zone and as it changes so here's a good example like uh let's say we want them to go mine god i'll probably never mind there uh let's say we want them to mine this right so what i would do is i would expand the work zone for here that way they can come down in mine and get this and then as soon as they are done with it then i just clear it so they don't go down there anymore that's basically what i use it for found an old run of mine on youtube big fan yeah that's awesome man which uh which one was it at curiosity what's priority focus when starting so the first things i do as soon as i get into a map is i look for fertile soil and then i look for two things fertile soil and animal tree location and then after that depending on if you have hills and mountains and stuff i look for defensive chokes and whatnot but for an open map i look for rich soil and animatry location and try to build my base pretty centrally located so that no matter where enemies spawn they have the longest uh time to get to us so that's for me uh i immediately plant about 15 or so rice um plots in order so if i can per colonist and then i try to get a roof over the head right away um yeah that's the very beginning is x times you on youtube no i didn't save all the vods we did a legendary iron man xcom 2 run uh wore the chosen and the only vibe that's left julia is the final mission we did the final mission on legendary iron man xcom 2 or the chosen with no damage taken that's the only one i have left the zones have to be connected they do not they will move from one zone to the other even if it goes through an area that they're not allowed to stop in [Music] this is still cassandra yeah yeah silk stander watch someone get playing it there may be some on the archive channel julia you can check there let me know if they're on there exclamation uh two and d tribal start yep travel start no this is cassandra she killed us twice yesterday but she won't kill us today right right [Music] heal malaria on solo if you're doing naked brutality the main thing about malaria is it needs so the multipliers on malaria aren't too bad as long as it gets tended right away so attending it every time is almost better than the tin quality within reason but if you're doing naked brutality and you're having to self-tend malaria or anything like that the two big things i would say is make sure you use whatever the best medicine you have is and uh make sure you have them where they're where there's lights they get 10 quality so make sure they're not like turn themselves out somewhere clean room all that kind of stuff the other thing you can do is make sure they're self-tending as soon as it's available um the reason why is as it gets sicker and sicker uh their manipulation is going to go down so if you can get those 10 qualities in while their manipulation is high uh it's a good idea but yeah it's really difficult neighbor brutality one of my favorite things to get earlier to get on a starting pond is super immune for that purpose because randy if you're playing as randy ready can hit you on day one hour one with a disease if that happens um and you don't have super immune a lot of times you are either dead or you're set back so far that you are going to die uh we basically don't play with you much you do exclamation marks but pretty much nothing yeah yes this is with ideology [Music] is it only 10 speed or is it quality as well so the light not sure by the way you do want to continue fast so in light either way but go on nine rafter blackhawk we're going is this this one is 6060 yet yeah so vastly different than our arco nexus win where we could never plan outside ever so that was basically because of the sun blocker we basically played that on tundra but i could subdued which meet the new ending i beat the new ending two days ago yep arco nexus has been defeated as of two streams ago yeah and yesterday we lost two colonies yeah first time we lost in a long time kind of felt good in a weird way uh is there a reason i don't go by facebook from the start in the beginning you have uh initial optimism and very low expectations or even lower than that so i usually don't go by phasic in the start to get extra work done uh i usually switch over to buy phasing before we get to moderate expectations so about 80 000 wealth is what i usually switch [Music] okay no uh no missing eyes or anything from an early rabbit attack and i gotta remember who our doctor is to uh let's have a goose attend to the dog since they have less there we go less skill on it we'll get them uh leveled up from easy things like this some people get sleeping sickness outside of tropical no no so you can see this is a biome specific thing which are for us nate brutality and ready gave you some this on day two man when we were doing the uh this the 20-year run so we were doing five percent no pause randy wealth independent one of the reasons it took 16 times is multiple times he gave us the disease on the first day and one of them we started we were doing random maps too so we ended we were in a borel forest right which has low disease within reason and on the first hour of the day he gave us flu right so we get the flu hour one on hour three we get a um a man hunting timberwolf it's like i guess i should have played better like naked brutality flew on hour one man hunting timberwolf on hour three it's like i guess i just wasn't meant to win that that attempt doctor in this game it's just hall training yeah do you ever bother with quest to start rescuing people usually not usually not right we have an idle person which means we are putting down another research bench so we are going to need uh some steel for that uh this is some easy steel we can just go ahead and deconstruct that that steel also okay how long until the rice comes in another day and a half or something like that so we might go hunt a little bit again you show how you have set up your meditation schedule and how would that change do you switch to sure so right now it's just for meditation at the end of the day when i switch to bypassing i'm gonna do three three six so i'll do three meditation three sleep six anything and then i'll repeat that again exclamation bi if you want to actually see that schedule could use that table for the for a prisoner table ah prisoners playing tropical is crap without penoxylan got that right got that right uh exiting bi bi yeah excuse by if you're curious you could do excavation by bi is this uh three number three i mean yeah killed us twice yesterday sandra killed us all right soon the rice will be in that's gonna help with sun what do we have around here do i have any big animals close by anymore i got the ibex we'll go hunt those [Music] so i went table in the south west ruins as well [Music] uh it looks like a sarcophagus that's not a big deal we got we got plenty of wood there's the table down there if we really wanted to scavenge one but looks like we got an ancient danger over here too and pop that at some point still going yeah same memes see memes as before yep [Music] all right let's go uh pop some of these ibex really quick oh there's a deer this is try number three with this uh ideology in cassandra yeah uh the animal tab will show where they are but you have to click them for it to go to them and then if you hover over it just shows an arrow and a direction so it doesn't really i'm still going to have to go through them to see so zooming out just to see the disease where they were sleeping nearby that's why i was going with that man animals run for friggin ever these days unless you have high stealth they'll eventually die but [Music] there's you must have restart again cass is so hard yeah she she's [Music] like we're saying earlier randy kills you on accident and cassandra kills you on purpose sort of thing they're both hard in their own way randy can be harder but on average cassandra is harder is there a way to rush the ancient danger it depends on what ends up being in it you can build traps outside of it to try to rush it somewhat [Music] why i keep forgetting that miss fortune is the cook [Music] stranger we portray caravan the caravan is there pop it open that can be risky so again on on attempt 15 of that 20-year run i did that we got a trader very early on it was kind of really funny i kind of enjoyed the way we died but we got a traitor on like day three or something some early day and they were right here next to the ancient danger so i went and i popped it open my naked brutality pond he had nothing there was a single uh a single pikeman in there as soon as i popped this open the pikeman shot instantly destroyed my brain dead like there's just nothing you can do about it we even knew what was in there because we hadn't removed the corner it was a single pikeman removed one piece uh very very early on for the traders to kill it instant death i'll be happy you disabled bugs the last round they also run in fear like other animals and they're shot at now bugs running fear that's annoying good old rim world soon 93 percent all right so we have a name bugs are a joke now and part because of that [Music] there's a way to exploit dance mechanics uh in what way isaac yeah i haven't seen that yet [Music] you can slowly kill them off now take no damage to bugs yeah that's crazy [Music] what's the cassandra and work i always get work from her i don't know can you set a spot for passing tribes ago you cannot without a mod the caravan spot is not for that it's for packing your own caravans join the ideology dlc yeah it's really fun all right we're starting to get some rice coming in there we go there we go okay now we just need to bang out some research and chill a little bit i need to extend this a little bit the first raid is only going to be one so i don't need to do it yet you can use prisoner ideology and do a dance ritual and have a chance of someone joining your colony oh so you can just keep doing a ritual it's the part of it right it's pretty interesting there's i mean all the rituals can have a 50 chance of someone auto joining but are you meaning you can do then suit or like it doesn't matter because if it's crap you have three another ideology it doesn't matter if it's crappy for them like they just spam it it's interesting i think that'll be changed yeah yeah yeah we're getting there we're getting there because the party move off yeah that's crazy yellow random ideologies 50 yeah i'm not gonna do that but it's funny that you can do it all right as soon as we get to the next expectations we're gonna need a priest right now though we still have initial optimism we're only on day four only in d4 the only reason i have slaves the good thing about slaves is if they die in combat people don't care but bad side is they still count for population curve for wealth and uprising obviously obviously how do you sell a prisoner to a slave trader the prisoner has to be able to walk as long as you have a prisoner that is able to walk you can just sell them in the normal cell menu uh a gas card think about this he wants thank you car pretty much appreciate it much love to that gas car [Music] what's going on i swear welcome in uh when do you go in for that new job someone has this guy yeah we talked about the beginning of the stream hazardous if you want to go to the vod we talked about it quite a bit at the very beginning on why and what people that mod game found out uh long story short though basically it was hitting maximum raid difficulty on uh in the beginning of the second year the beginning of the second year because of how the scaling works with cassandra and what an independent and 500 percent so you could get 50 centipede raids early into the second year the animatronic is so close to structures can you later on improve it anyway so the animatry gets a maximum minus thirty percent animal grass growth and minus thirty percent side focus gain rate if you build next to it so that's where it tops out it can be offset with animal stones and nature shrines yeah no worries being next month nice sell slaves that can only stand long enough to be sold capture again and keep selling another use for that uh weaponized autobahn system right all right finally getting some food nice first rate it was cassandra's always a single person nimble undergrounder construction cooking animals 42 um we have to convert them and stuff too probably not going to worry about it [Music] at the stage that's where their [Music] cook just eats raw food instead of making food you're a cook make food before you eat it yeah it's frustrating wait for hunters to collect animals straight away after killing them uh not really so they should as long as they they're set for hunting and it's actually a hunting job they should pick them up and bring them back on their own i've seen some people make zones like halfway zones it's kind of i don't really like the micromanagement of it but make these like halfway zones where hunters will go dump them off there and then other people haul it from that building to the other places it's like an in-between but i've never found it super useful music sounds different sounded for me uh we beat the arkhan access run and then we lost the two transfunous runs yesterday all right [Music] [Music] where are you our hunter's able to go work the work zone set up only if the animal is in the work zone but i usually don't worry about hunting too much i also really like to do it manually because i don't like people wondering near the edge of the map most of the time because i've had too many people just die or get kidnapped you know [Music] [Music] all right we beat the arcade axis run and the other two transceivers runs from yesterday died oh yeah no problem beats uh multiplayer run i have not [Music] uh let's finish this research first actually [Music] do we have anyone that's bloodlust this time anyone bloodlusted no no shamans in the raid oh yeah i gotta remember skulls this this group likes skulls their last one did not i'm trying to do differently this time i'm just gonna take it easier in the beginning because basically it easier in the beginning and then ramp up more slowly way to down enemies with low shields without using the lances i know but it's so hard to get it uh not not really yeah lance's i mean heat tunnels you vent the heat like usual but am i saying transfumous because i think it's strong no i'm not actually don't think transunis is strong i'm just doing it for fun i think darkness tunneler is incredibly strong we just did one of those this one is not a run that's been maxed based on uh memes well yeah it does it doesn't matter if you take that quest anyway yoga we some people tested it in discord in the ra in the rim world channel and long story short you hit maximum raid strength not talking about quest you hit maximum rate strength at the beginning or early in year two early in year two you get 50 centipede raids back to back 50 centipede rates are possible in the beginning of year two so yeah that's uh it's not gonna be possible to do that exact challenge without caravanning a lot and going ancient danger diving i just i don't feel like doing one of those runs we did that before and i i will probably get to it eventually but [Music] that's right weaponize the autobombs telling you all right grab their skull i forget about it celsium thrombo would be nice yeah does anyone know if you get less meat from a human if you harvest the skull first how many hours have in this game about 2400 this just gives that you can eat nutrition that booty buff yeah true colony but they need they that seems to be it yeah pretty much i mean you get a little bit faster obviously um biosculpting but they all need biosculptors and they all need a traversal and they all need neurochargers they're very very needy hmm age reversal is a bad one yeah i think it should they should increase the age on it right now they start needing it as soon as they're like 25. [Music] um [Music] what they changed that oh no run juliet no throws like nope i'm sick of this strategy god it's a good thing only one of them went [Music] remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer [Music] so [Music] now you guys are helping yeah we did all the friggin work jerks i was telling the thrombo would down some of them so we would get uh get a weapon from them let's let ryan was talking about uh spheres maybe like topic donors or something like that i don't know yeah i'm not against it yeah maybe i'm not against doing uh some more modern runs like multiplayer why not man i'm really worried doing it this far away ah screw it i'm not anymore counselor's body part missing reduced to meet by about five that's pretty interesting again i thought it might oh man zerg player taren yeah i played tearing competitively in brood war and zurgon at starcraft 2. they didn't come to vince looks like a swing yeah so i think yeah it's crazy all right who do we have that's good at melee superior's nimble and melee all right you're gonna get a thrombohorn my friends could you well we still got thermo fur should be excellent for a duster and uh thermal horn got meat replace your area yeah please try a bit it's been a while though it's a long while first caribbean spot yeah maybe that too there's too much that's awesome thank you angels i appreciate that for the multiplayer run thank you i appreciate the bits i have a zeus hammer sorry brubor are you sure do you love punishment that's right you get you killed nah uh no i still haven't played prison architect really i tried it out just uh just to see what it was like but i never ended up really getting into it i don't know what go over this run it's gonna be eventually a high wealth run so i want to see uh what the like breaches and stuff are like it millions will is it possible to tame and breed uh thrombose yes it's very hard without like a teaming inspiration or an auto team but it is possible they just eat a whole freaking lot alright [Music] a momentous occasion beds looking for just normal or better right now [Music] playing a lot of choosing my single throw yeah they eat like crazy tree a day or something um i think thrumbos ignore fences i think they're still advanced i mentioned two thrombos and two colonies on your archdexes run they're so good man they are very strong fighters very strong fighters [Music] there we go good enough [Music] [Music] so do that well if fully surrounded by melee travels though that's true yeah melee blocks to work well enough thermal are easy to kite yeah 40 pirates not so much juliet dodge yeah i think two thrombose swipes they're tough i thought they were the nimble one because they were dodging but it's gone mantheon welcome back three taxes in that third room yeah is that interesting so apparently the trash isn't completely seed based save on resources early on and work time yeah with the corners you get a little bit of heat loss or cooling loss you also get a little bit less wealth in the room oh they left us four components that's amazing thank you for that gift i mean you could have left it left some smg's but i'll take take that thanks an auto join already kind of don't want that [Music] he's already a member too cable violence [Music] a little early be sacrificing but uh we'll take your cowboy hat before you go and your pants and your mules okay well violence okay we'll join in by colony you can make anything you want from components even smg [Music] looks like a thrombo fighter to me i'd be careful about the wealth from killing those thrombo honestly a generous bestowal [Music] what was that turtles and chill turtles david think with a bit stevie i very much appreciate it noticing me senpai ugly night owl perfect so knowing how to see his face in the lights that's a good point so some people might be like wait why don't you just banish him well because if they have a violent death raids will be easier for about 15 days so this will make cassandra's first big grade against us pretty small and this early on our mood is good enough that it doesn't really matter it was good to know you sacrifice maybe you should ask next time before joining a call anyway he did we accepted him ignore that ignore that what the crap man i did ask you said come on in uh i lied i lied sorry uh yeah we already beat the arkanex run like two days ago two days ago smart rimweldy congrats it was like super cheese yeah cheese cheese did you do until during the nexus run i think it was 20 or 25 of them red pines avoid the fences and walk over the traps yes yep they will oh no not sacrifice here we'll we'll bury them all right don't expect us to bury everyone let's make make people happier [Music] i think someone else might be on their way already no no hey there we go sacrifice was my friend oh i keep getting in uh skulls yeah we should have school for them first i just didn't want them minus 10 from being left i'm buried [Music] skulls skulls skulls for the skull throne etc dig them up and rip it back out or rip it out uh we don't want to be cruel try this in a nice room get a team room and give us move up that's true yeah yep yeah welcome to rimworld's all right we are going to deconstruct this over here so we can use this for some wolves we need to protect our rice thank you for the host not cruel by his definition we just dig them up later after they're completely desiccated let's go on snow blind scooter this morning doing all right how you doing so what uh yeah i'm okay tearing them down though yeah it's all right count how long the path is or do they always choose path least resistance it depends on the type of raid if it's a standard raid they'll just go path of least resistance as far as openings go yeah like an hour would you miss did you get into the game already uh you are not in yet yeah i haven't missed too much i break risk let's get a fancy box bracer's pretty much like a straight line yeah apparently the developers have made a comment in the develop developer discord that they realize that breach raids are currently broken in lots of ways but they think they have a fix internally so the issues with breachers like like we've seen where they just give up and they go like just chill in the middle of the map or in the corner of the map forever um for instance as part of that so hopefully all that gets uh gets fixed sooner than later somebody's best black sabbath song how do you do music man yeah a great annual review so hopefully upcoming shift bids work out well for you that's awesome stuck in the work home cycle try and get some time off gotcha [Music] yeah yeah hopefully you uh that's really nice being it the front of the bidding line shifts for sure so we need to wall this in even if uh we don't we don't want this to burn so even if we just make it better later we'll make it better later but we need to get something here it's actually more than we have but we'll get some more from that also dig the what is that granite slate tile all right uh someone just used it so it's on cooldown if you just came in uh big body boston it's right above you but if you don't if you don't see it it's really cool it's a kind of long message so i had to put a cooldown on it because it was a little spammy sometimes our modest fellowship expands praise the sub crazy sub uh lewis league of the twitch prime very much proceeds which probably counts the same uh we actually had someone ask so this is why i say it some people do ask sometimes it was asked yesterday twitch prime financially is the same as a normal tier one sub for me so it's like you're taking two and a half dollars out of the astronaut jeff bezos pocket and you're just sliding it right into mine so thank something for that he's not an astronaut look at the definition of it i know but that's what i'm going to call them anyway thank you i appreciate rather send me to space where are you sliding you're taking two and a half dollars from jeff bezos and you're sliding it into my pocket you happen to linger for a little while you know no especially local space man would be astronauts space fare sounds cooler anyway you know what it does it does you're right you guys called yo-yo there it is can you lock homer and stop it from spaniard yes i turn that off every time it's in the bottom right the little house toggle uh automatically expanding the home area i turn it off and do it manually so you got that hugo clip all right yesterday every time this song played it got interrupted by the raid music we got attacked so cassandra just let us listen to the whole song just chill all right [Music] already on it sip there's a toggle for that yeah one of the first things i do when i enter the map is i turn on automatic rebuilding in the home zone i turn off automatic spread of home zone this butterfly [Music] uh i don't know i don't know i have two btb btb slots um message me or tell me on discord now look don't like sculptures and stuff flowers for beauty not at this stage of the game flowers don't take any wealth at all no wealth and they are super beautiful [Music] plus we get uh planting experience which is also nice you guys ready for some mismatched walls i know how much you love them that's why you're here [Music] um planting the flowers gives a plant experience as far as i'm aware unless this change recently ah no no we do yeah we are going to keep low wells in the very beginning [Music] guitar time because of the sun i was worried about wealth 500 yeah cargo pods jade is this a sign we got the yayo song we got a drop out of jade is uh is baru here again no he's probably streaming he was here the last two days though i'll leave that down there for now cassandra's like about that low wealth here have some freaking jade make some walls out of this [Music] yesterday yeah yeah he was here at the stream yesterday and the day before actually uh we are not doing that this time hey ramya jade pence's the i'm glad the jade fence trick that i did as soon as 1.3 hit has spread and it could have been discovered obviously independently by lots of people it's it's funny to see it's fun to see low second drone [Music] cassandra hurt is talking about mismatched walls [Music] you tell everyone that fence trick where he got that from looks like jade pinstrick so something i realized ryan is 1.3 hit and you can see my very first tweet to developers about 1.3 was how can i find unintended uses for fences and one of them was fences only take one single material however they retain the beauty as if they took five so what that means for jaden gold is normally a jade wall you know what let me let this play first i'll tell you [Music] so what it means is a jade wall is normally 5 jade for 10 beauty 5 jade 10 beauty but a fence is one jade for 10 beauty same thing with gold like gold is uh you get more beauty out of a fence or you get the same beauty as if you use the entire wall of it so what you can do is you can literally put jade fences as artwork and early on in 1.3 on the stream i was doing stuff like this i would have a bedroom i'd have a bedroom like this and i would put a single bed and just fill the rest in with jade or gold fencing and it was super low wealth and it was extremely beautiful and the people were just happy about it they were in a cramped space so they didn't care they're like man that's not fence that's artwork look at all this friggin artwork i love this place uh so yeah i did that right after 1.3 came out it was it was so silly how did you start today yeah we lost yesterday yeah almost yesterday sure love that fence artwork real nice we're at 60. let me write you have tons of gold fences i'm so happy to appear those pencils really would be pretty in real life yeah so one single resource but you get the beauty as if it was five times that cassandra sitting doomed to kill us yeah she did his fences are better than my therapist all right let's take some tricks to make the best educational stream on twitch experiments and well between raw jade and jade fence glad you asked so we have found something out recently turns out that you can hide raid wealth uh so we have some people that mod the game that are in the discord and they've been posting some stuff in uh we need a simulator now the assimilator is going to be misfortune uh they posted some things from the game that i didn't uh i was aware of and so a few weeks ago i've learned that you can hide wealth in structures how it works is that raid points are not a like linear thing with wealth wealth does increase rate difficulty and rate points that the storyteller can can use against you however that's only part of the part of the equation turns out there are things in the game that only give 50 raid points for the amount of wealth they give including structures structure is one of the big ones so that was rebalanced a couple years ago apparently and then updated throughout the most recently they fixed it with smoothing but long story short again is that if you have jade laying on the ground you might as well turn it into walls or things or sell it because the jade on the ground the raw material ends up being more raid point wealth than it would be if it was a wall or a fence or whatever so we will be using this jade down here i just don't want them to waste time going and getting it right now we're welling this in because raiders will set it on fire if it's out in the open that's why you always lose wealth when you sell as well yes you sell at a lawsuit why do i arrange trash and barricades like this there's a clip of it exclamation trap that explains it more but long story short what this allows is your colonist can repair traps without triggering them by going diagonally but normal raiders will not go over the fences because the fences slow them down and they instead will go through the traps i ruined you you have jade fences in all your bedrooms now going for us here time to use that jade selling at a loss it's gone use it to build something you can recover some or all of it depending on yeah what's going doors will come in you had a lancer away through the traps so there is something i don't know if this is what happened to you but if things drop in here so if you have corpses or you have items drop or things like that they will weave between it and the reason why so how the reason this works the same thing with barricades in sandbags is that when you go over one of these it slows them down and they don't want to be slowed down and so if there are items laying around though if you're already slowed down by something you regain your speed of the ground underneath so for instance if you go over a single tree that tree will slow you down as you go over it but if you go over three trees in a row after you over the first tree you regain speed over the last two so if you have crap in your in your trap tunnel it can throw off which tiles are considered enough speed loss to make them go through a trap so the other thing i would suggest is keep this free of debris he had friends passing him that could have been it too yeah uh if he was in combat he could already be have collision and if he was there were other faster units coming through that weren't technically in combat then they might have went around you can also pay the weight under traffic yeah if you want yeah how do i know all this uh streaming the game for going almost 2500 hours [Music] does concrete or steel floor give a lot of wealth it doesn't get a lot of wealth on 500 you have to be a lot more cautious with things like that but on a normal playthrough even up to losing is fun like baseline losing is fun as long as you don't go overboard you're gonna be alright [Music] so a lot of the wealth management that i do is because of the five percent and even more so because of no pause because i need every little advantage i can get a lot of times without being able to pause the game hopefully get this done before the raiders get here it should be soon i hate to use the marble doors but i don't want it to be a flammable thing right now so i will [Music] all right we can make our own stone which is excellent um let's just be lined to all right let's get complex clothing going slower speed apparently success is dude sources in the trees today is it is it still all the reduction of the first tree came because it wasn't before yeah it's interesting if it's changed since the last time we we tested trees so they go up back up to completely normal speed or like did we get the full reduction [Music] uh this is not really uh you can't get this floor back so flagstone doesn't give you any resources unfortunately you think so yeah i'll have to test it too yeah that's that's really interesting that's the case then i'll be planting trees all right that means they won't be burning that when they come in not really yeah you do actually mods but we have no paws we have something so celsius fahrenheit we have extra music yeah you're playing trees is the thing yeah the same as staggering with like columns like yeah like i don't really do that's interesting only to know wells because it's trees obviously they burn but yeah i'm gonna have to test that out a bit and it's map dependent i suppose but this is uh number three number three what's our barracks at barracks is that very impressive nice blindfold feels like a cop ass uh what's up richie welcome all right so we need to get these walls replaced that's our next order of business here so we're going to go ahead and get a stone cutter table i'm just going to put them in here gun's going to destroy trees now really that's crazy i mean we can test that right now yeah weird hmm interesting do you know if frags or anything i mean obviously fire will but two frags have have you tested that one it was the whole field yeah we'll eventually fix it i just needed that up for the first raid slavis those aren't guns sure it's not good job kitty eating that squirrel look at you [Music] you don't think so yeah yeah i'm gonna have to sit out i'll test it out uh later today i guess it's good to know trees and fences new meta and it worked so why i think was us stopping in while we could have a good shift finding they were the same as barricades they block pathing to that square if the enemy receives damage gets bumped they can stop and shoot while on top of a tree that's multi-tree slow down though so yeah it sounds like they're working the same as uh barricades or columns pretty much madrid's just asked about different variety of trees really works yeah that's interesting yeah chop trees make traps after best traps trees have been watching firsthand how to kill yeah i'm gonna test it out we don't have anything to sell them cargo pods again rice dogs can't haul yet what's going around the research benches those are day lilies daylilies only take 30 light all right our first sidecast sit let's get it we're looking for um stun um word of trust good zone installation uh slavers by jade i think slavers did solar pinhole would actually be all right at the stage we can uh we can test it though i think slavers bought jade burton is good yeah burton's good for early skip yeah but we're skipping this tier four where it's here one how do you use solar pin hole though solar pin hole creates light and heats wherever you use it for five days so it's like a temporary torch and it doesn't cost any wealth or anything like that or material so you throw a solar pinhole in these places like out here where they're walking so they don't get the darkness debuff you can also use it in a pinch to heat uh small areas so i would use solar pin hole here for instance and over here and all the way to it [Music] man it's a it's kind of crazy how much slow this is with four instead of five [Music] all right sip what'd you get where to trust so it'll be much easier to recruit prisoners that's really nice really good first one to get honestly okay we'll check this but i don't think slavers by jade i don't know we'll see not bright enough for growing stuff no it's basically a torch yeah they don't buy jade yeah solar panels basically torch summer playthrough finished we won yeah yeah summer uh playthrough is done we did the arc next i won't spoil the ending for anyone that wants to see it but it's two streams ago if you want to check the vods two streams go [Music] we're gonna start converting this from wood uh when they're up i'm trying yeah yeah i'm worth checking out murder trust is very good word trust drops a prisoner's resistance by 20. [Music] yeah so the game files theoretically the max uh raid of of mex is 50 centipedes right usually you don't have uh all centipede raids so there's other things filling in some of those points but according to the game files it's theoretically possible so if you ever get to the point where you can handle either 50 centipedes 100 explosive pirates or 200 tribal groups pretty much without any losses then you've pretty much beaten the game like we're meeting ash like all right if you're in sellers by making a current spot and after you sell the animal do not let the animal leave the pin your end will wait for it and die for starvation it's not your fault yeah it's crazy you'd have to build the fence around them right because in the base game caravan spot is just where you load a caravan it's not like where traders go but uh they changed that a long time ago they changed that in like alpha homing pigeon stockpiles do not hide wealth or lack thereof so if something's on your map it's counting as wealth whether it's in home zone or not stock zone or not so yeah don't worry about that that was fixed a long time ago thinking like thing like alpha 18 or something it's interesting though that there's things from back then that i still uh i was still doing so that they don't work anywhere like a long time ago accuracy used to be impacted by darkness i don't mean like with the meme currently but a long time ago you wanted the uh your people in the light and enemies in darkness but that's no longer the case too that also changed the beta but i was telling people that even up to like two years ago and they were like adam that was changed back in the alpha beta if you claim it it's yours it's yours as soon as it lands on the map so like uh like the cargo pods as soon as they hit the map that is your wealth as soon as enemies die on the map drop their food medicine weapons etc that is your wealth um in fact someone tested recently and the unclaimed damaged structures on the map do have a wealth uh factor even when you first enter a map so it's not a lot but it is there meteorites count a little bit of wealth when they land not very much at all because they're not processed so it counts like it's a raw stone and as soon as you mine it immediately becomes your wealth yeah still ingraining you will not fight [Music] i don't know if the ancient danger counts as wealth on the inside before you discover it i don't think so great muffalo material drop yeah oh man a long time ago we were using a mod that added additional trader types and there was a um a textile trader and there was like four muffalo and we got a [Music] mech raid or something and they killed the muffalo and they dropped thousands of like hyperweave and stuff and it increased our wealth by something stupid i don't remember we went up like 280 000 wealth as soon as the buffalo died i understand the ancient danger are not worth anything once you open it they immediately count though so as soon as you can see them and ask your wealth that's interesting it's going good yeah yeah i think yeah there was so much crap that fell out of the buffalo that it filled up the area they were in and poured through walls it was just crazy [Music] that's awesome gear the hyperweave i was trying to get rid of it as fast as i could before we got hit really hard that's the same run that i i burned well i turned our mountain base into an oven all right first real standard raid approaching we're going to attack immediately we got four down there seven all right seven all together so a little lower than what we were expecting because of the sacrifice thankfully uh animals get inside so we probably have enough traps if these guys are enemies they might just fight those ones for us hey we had some space crash didn't see that how do you know you're well click on the little book and you click statistics and it'll tell your wealth on your current map i think it was actually hot yeah [Music] they might throw on fire there they go see brick walls as you sell them and traders no longer wait for an animal so you can't trap an animal on an inland blocked by deep water keep traders on the map for instance hey don't let them in during while your wealth is going up it's raider junk you have it cleaned up see how they went that way because of that being slower due to the corpses they had to walk over all right got no prisoners from that well okay rescue them for rent oh no there's a prisoner uh kind of the grounder they're all the sevens good foot i'm probably not gonna worry about it yeah i don't care about his clothing either we didn't see the queue again i'm not sure yeah i didn't check the numbers seven seven seven seven always reminds me of that stupid episode of friends all right a couple of uh upgrades here so we got the recurve okay i should have put these to remake but i forgot so once those back up okay uh those are not quite ready yet keep the cat inside and the dogs can go to work jackpot it's not one more colonist not right now no uh they'd have to be really good to join right now because colonists and population wealth or population curve is one of the main things that increases weight points also and we would have to not only uh feed them we'd also have to break them so this one i'm not gonna take so we're gonna be really particular with them right now there's only 137 in the queue that's not too bad oh crap i forgot you're the one that's thrown bow horn thank you thanks uh actually i want goose doing this thank you skulls great points when they're prisoners or colonists uh if they are colonists or if they are slaves those two count for um for raid points for fully those raid points [Music] [Music] something tells you the price can go up again it very well might where the outcomes for a better animal bestowing ceremony uh the anima ceremony is mainly based on how many people are there so the more people you have there around the tree the um the more uh grass is left over after so that's that's the main one yeah i'm not sure if there's any others that really factor in very much [Music] yeah keep it eight grass yeah it's crazy crazy shooting frenzy on jayliette nice [Music] [Music] four people level six in years pretty soon already assuming it counted as growing while they did the ceremony yeah yeah i think i guess it can kind of be seen that way yeah always building to vanilla uh no they did not replace stuff is not vanilla [Music] you can do like uh doors and coolers in that way but not wall over wall [Music] yeah remind me uh like i said i have two open btv emote slots right now so i don't mind adding those in for those two just remind me i'll do it after the stream in a row because you guys were meditating so long kept so much grass reached ceremony crazy new lovers domenico and goose no double bed needed though they're not allowed to sleep together until they're married [Music] dude i don't want wealth to go up too much higher and we don't need the meat right now so i'm not gonna butcher any humans uh so it's been tested wooden walls are no longer more value than stone walls but it's only by about a one point difference so one point of well difference and basically a half point of raid difficulty difference so wooden walls are a little bit less it's no longer the case that they're a little more appropriate mood buffs until marriage that's right not for this one yeah we talked about that at the beginning of the stream a bit and why long story short on the mode that we were playing you get max raid points early in year two early in year two so the only way to really overcome that is to either caravan a lot uh literally don't have a permanent base for quite a while until you get you know stacked with ancient danger loots and i didn't i i want to do a play through where we just do a single flat map so that's where we are we're gonna see from human supremacy which is good had so much legendary stuff before yeah the uh the production specialist is still crazy the really crazy thing is you have multiple of those other specialists unlike with the uh the guide and the uh leader or colony no no this is gonna be a high wealth colony we just in the beginning we're just we're gonna evolve naturally but it's gonna be a high wealth colony yeah we're very early on we're still in our we're still in our first season you have multiple colonies yeah you have up to five with no mods five colonies at once i usually do more than one right what i mean is we're just going to stay in this one tile for our main calling oh you're talking about specialist role no you have more than one specialist of everyone aside from the leader and of the uh the guide and once i mean what's really crazy is when we were doing the arco nexus ending right before we went to the arco nexus because i didn't know what to expect i turned everyone into a shooting specialist and we just wrecked just absolutely wrecked everything what happened to me i usually only put myself in naked brutality and i figured i should probably keep doing that especially because uh the q needs to move and i'm taking up a spot in the queue so i'm not in i'll come back and do one of those we've already beaten randy on five percent no pause wealth independent so we'll uh we'll definitely be back and doing the cassandra one but right now i want to see the really high wealth transhumanists we ate them i've been eating move it after the raid and the only downside is minus five move for ten days it's pretty crazy yeah yeah i wouldn't doubt if they change how many specialists you can have those roles also [Music] [Music] go to him for giving his pawn all the best gear and stuff all the time that's true i always say to like when i'm using my phone like no bias but i'm going to take this legendary the first legendary rifle it's mine but adam shouldn't you put that on the strongest pond i am the strongest pond [Music] so i'm just going a little bit at a time you can go up to six without it collapsing i don't have to worry about it collapsing really but the reason i'm doing just a little at a time is because of fear of roof collapses even though this is overkill uh and the other thing is i don't want to build too much at the same time because if we have a raid right now i don't want this back end open so i'm trying to just do a little at a time the colony will decide your fate i am the colony yeah i like that whirling trees they've been buffed a little bit since the last time i tried them out so they're a little better already but the problem is the dryads themselves aren't very good so the combat dryads are are all right early on but they even the tanky one just dies so fast it has 100 hp um the the damage dealing one actually has more dps output because of its armor penetration than a thrumbo but it only has 100 hp so it dies if something looks at it so early game or in certain scenarios the combat ones can be fine to get started um the production ones are kind of whatever the hauling one like why not just have an animal tamer tame animals that can haul like yeah you have to feed those animals you don't have to feed the dryads but it seems like the dryads need a little bit more love at the moment still they uh they're not they're not too great they fall off pretty hard it worked you feel like you'd be better if they scaled yeah yeah even if you could do something like once you so right now once you get four of the guarans that um can produce another tree if you are the tree loving ones they can bind to form a tree right what if you did that with the other ones what if it's if you have someone that gets four of the um the claws but the claw is combined and they make an actual beefier uh you know dps one that would be awesome if they would actually combine and meld like the four do that make the tree so something like that i think i feel like needs done like merge four level one melees until level two melee so yeah a mega claw uh yeah this is gonna be the high wealth high population run yet we're gonna get some research done first then we're gonna scale when i set my traps like that you go to exhibition traps for a full explanation long story short though colonists can re-arm the traps without triggering themselves and enemies run over the traps instead of the offense but there there's a short twitch clip if you want a better explanation of it all right so we need to start thinking about outer walls outer walls so an initial outer wall we can always make them better later but i would like to get something done um initially so we'll just run this over this way [Music] i really hate that water right there i mean eventually we can get rid of it but it's gonna be it's gonna be quite a while [Music] [Music] it's the most colonists i've ever had 70 70. like a dryad centipede yeah scale dry ads uh side link level of the tinder or something too yeah that would be difficult ending been watching for two weeks now but not able to chat cute awesome work that's awesome please stand yeah i'm glad you enjoyed the archer next playthrough go to work at night if they are night owls or do people get debuffs uh you can but they will get a d off in the dark so as long as you keep the area lit where they're going you'll be fine i love the swamp biome yeah we're gonna be doing one of those too uh i'll be right back i'll check on my wife really quick she's not been feeling well last couple days so i'm gonna check on her while they're sleeping i'm not going to pause it you guys keep an eye on the colony for me sure it's awesome i did yeah i think you sit did you have you seen you playing things out on this map again all right cassandra can send two raids eight seven six five four three two one yeah she's all right thanks for asking yeah she's not just not feeling 100 last couple days so um she can send two raids back to back within like a day's span but um only within her window let's see 13. so we had a rate at day 13 so the next possible raid was by around day 18-ish so yeah we could actually get a raid in the next like day or two guard it for me thank you guys taking care of this pursuit [Music] uh meditation does count as recreation needs yep [Music] it's my favorite track from p music maybe in all of rimworld's base game man on you know i'm using unlinked dryads to farm meat uh i mean i'm not gonna do it i don't mind do whatever you want if you wanna do that um by all means but yeah it's an interesting uh cheesy thing to do though for me especially if you are a um a group that only eats meats [Music] let me guess your retirement medicine though every day they only like five percent recreation i don't think so yeah i've never noticed that but i mean we do have the other things set up as well so that we have a variety so we have soup stone that's social spot all that kind of stuff how do you get your colonists meditate every day in the schedule there's this meditate button just schedule them for it ama means ask me anything ama means ask me anything [Music] try i think it'd be really inefficient it all adds up yeah get enough seeds and stuff it's not a lot so we're getting our outer wall done and then we're gonna bang out some electricity [Music] [Music] uh chase recruit quest pop up with 28 man hunting awards how do you pull that off so it depends on how far behind them you are tonight so man hunter events will actually not break down doors if they haven't seen or heard someone go through it so you can if you can get the person inside your walls and just shut all the doors um you just wait them out they'll eventually leave i usually swatch the my face schedule around 80 000 wealth right before we hit moderate expectations so that the mooding at that point the mood increase is needed more areas are still napping you uh ama in portuguese means that you love someone oh yeah amaze is an acronym for ask me anything a cereal soup uh yeah it's a good gazpacho a nice cold soup yeah cereals gazpacho all right create walls a nice gazpacho cereal gazpacho 81 000 will be where they want neural chargers yet i don't remember the biosculpture uh threshold but neurochargers are at 81 000 moderate expectations cereal is a corn and dairy soup it's nicely southern room worlds after we played 18 years with a sunblocker yeah that's true favorite treat in a pond not strong is my favorite my favorite trait on a pawn is probably industrious and yes industrious is one of the best traits so that is definitely part of it but one of the big things is just how industrious stacks with other things so for instance an industrious pawn with double uh drill arms just stupidly good at mining we had someone in our 20-year run set up like that and they had 1800 mine speed eighteen hundred percent mine speed and that was before ideology it could get even crazier now so yeah industries is probably probably my my favorites and it's a very good one obviously he was just like walking through mountains it was stupid it was it was pond scum yeah pond scum [Music] top is very good yeah there's a lot of really good ones why did rocket launcher raiders show up so early last run can you even fight that so early so we did some testing i talked about in the beginning of the stream but long story short with the exact setup we had yesterday raids reach maximum difficulty early in year two so apparently 500 uh scales with the time rather than how we were thinking it was and so when you set it to 12 12 years it means raids are at max difficulty by early year two and so yeah that was kind of a typical raid for being at the 35 to 40 um day mark the only way to overcome that with cassandra is going to be caravanning a lot and getting things from ancient dangers uh i don't really want to do a caravan run so probably gonna wait on that wealth independent cassandra run until i'm ready for uh one of those and i won't be doing transfers for that good having friendly visitors if they're great ponds absolutely yeah especially if they're tribal i like angering all the tribals anyway 12 years sales completely yeah well it's supposed to scale completely in 12 years at a hundred percent and so when you do that 500 it scales completely in 2.4 years [Music] yeah this is uh we're gonna do a high wealth uh eventually on this that's what we're gonna get to so yeah 2.4 years is crazy for a maximum raid point [Music] it should be a fun run though looking forward to it uh transformation is going to be very hard to keep happy as they [Music] as against their moods are excuse me as our wealth goes up bigger mint is awesome fighting coupons too no downside to borrowing them yeah yeah i've noticed that too so not affiliated with factions [Music] many friends two star [Music] uh i'm not gonna take that clear the pet naming queue by naming those self tames yeah i'm making corners this time we're going a little bit borrowing collecting there we go like seeing those e-boats being used they're so stupid those emotes the btv ones and the uh the tier two i'm an imposter or maybe [Music] yeah there we go shirts are extensive in power they do actually give a little boost of issue to the colonists yeah the the neuro chargers aren't bad and uh it increases their consciousness which is nice but it also increases their learning speed so you can get people really good at things really quickly [Music] uh those are yaks yep colorblind i know worse those [Music] [Music] all right initial wall this challenge on the slow or neutral research speed preset instead of the fast one yeah i mean i've done fibers at no pause with tribal and the normal research it's just slower paced so [Music] in the beginning i mean i don't mind it i'm not sure how fun it is for stream to watch a lot of times where they were it's like all right so here's what we're going to do for the next year in the game we're going to stay the exact same wealth and colonist account and we're just going to research that's it a smart way to play but it's not not super entertaining doing well in extremely easy settings just getting into the game oh yeah no worries uh so cat i'm big with whatever you have fun with with room worlds rimworld is such an open game and experience that whatever i mean and there are elitist in like gatekeepers even in room worlds of course um yeah screw those people play however you want you want to play on super hard difficulty or you want to play on builder and literally just see you know whatever awesome bass you can build or stories you can develop or anywhere in between so no uh oh muscle parasites it's gonna go and sip uh yeah absolutely no shame in playing on the easy difficulties last stream was just a big waste unfortunately they get moving for aging just get worse and worse the longer you ignore it too oh yeah yeah no worries i didn't take it that way the huskies are taints alright so let's see what their real names are so once an animal is fully tamed we name it from the animal naming queue this is using channel points i can't put i'll put plus threes it it's plus three the whole name was plus three from ranged weapons let's go plus three op there we go all right we got plus three op and then we got uh peanuts peanut from aram all right worth of hard easy runs er these are unlocked it's fine do you maxed out rainy when you're in pain for randy stop back again yeah it's going walk wins in torment welcome in doing all right all right i think we're asking at least the um sickness we got wasn't one that is fatal [Music] we're gonna have steel for right now [Music] adventure god mode downloaded so many furniture building mods let's go queen warrior welcome back zam welcome in it's like having a multiplier and that multiple by one is not a real number way better than you at the game not even close so oh yeah yeah thank you isaac yeah man as long as you're having fun did you get your funded at the end of the month i think 20 percent is fair yeah unfortunately i can't do that they don't let me just give them out believe it or not [Music] thanks karen [Music] i like twice as good as pineapple this [Music] thanks pineapple how's it going pineapple hey when's the uh how far along are you on the next uh iteration of the flask by the way until i asked you that last time [Music] because i am uh i'm interested in especially now that i've been doing so much more biking and stuff you know let's go see him we'll come in arrive next week that's awesome yeah let's wave man right around the corner so right now our goal is to get this outer wall done [Music] let's see i'm doing all right all right quote number 1228 do to do i'm a god from smite i don't remember playing smite modest fellowship expands praise the self jeff praise the jeff uh jeff thank you for the subscription i appreciate jeff thank you for the support helps me to keep doing this full time much love to jiff all right uh we're going to bang out electricity now the game designer of room world talking at games quick talks about the way he designs room world to be storage related rather than calling it a game yes yeah absolutely yeah tater's rescue they call me tater salad my god i haven't thought about that ron white comedian forever splash one drug addicted planter took your legs and mocked you i'm sorry just luck of the draw immediately multiple angles um okay how big are they now we're at nine so [Music] you got a prison set up what's gold used for uh mainly advanced combo components oh are they going to destroy that mainly advanced components in the ship i'm a guy must be nimble no they're not oh that's interesting i wonder why they did that not all of them did but that one they destroy the skull spike interesting [Music] i killed the cat and that held the door open [Music] sorry kitty that means you're gonna set the crops on fire [Music] what are these guys doing sip you got downs freaking cat forgot i forgot to put the cat inside again it's my fault the rains have come whoops hmm nimble we weren't so nimble that time all right uh so we have another raid almost immediately we gotta get those traps back up uh that's gonna be the most important thing my goose is working on that it's interesting that they went for that i guess i need to uh just destroy that for now so we don't have that happen again anyone wants some superheated rice rain have a high percent chance to happen there's a fire in the map there is a code in the game where when a certain of percentage of tiles are on fire it it keeps increasing the chance that they're being arraigned so yeah it'll eventually force a rain with a big enough fire yeah that's how you make fried rice let it burn more chainsaw your lydia stream kim cam happy birthday you wanna have your day from lydia oh my god cam happy birthday welcome back i feel bad i've feels wrong switching to that voice changer i don't know why granny no problem devil absolutely lydia or somebody just it's not not right there uh yeah muscle parasites and heat strokes that's why you went down like a sack of potatoes thanks lydia uh seriously i hadn't birthday cam glad you're still here it is hot we can use uh passive coolers kind of don't want to but it might have too all right let's do it save ideology somewhere uh i have not yeah that's a good idea i can just do it at the moment i wish you could do like you do with scenarios where you can just share them just get them from the steam workshop i can get some uh some of them together that we've used and maybe just a screenshot maybe early research for tribal i go complex furniture stone cutting clothing electricity basically what i'm trying to get to after stone cutting and furniture is heavy smgs and um and flack heaviest using flack and then after that um you know get to the point where you can make your own components you can share them from your safe folder you can add them as a steam option it's option save data folder ideologies folder i'll check that out thank you sir thank you thank you welcome back your steadfast loyalty is greatly appreciated i think we're using the twitch prime here two months everybody have time to watch live but take your prime sub see you on the vods gg uh thank you very much appreciate it you're watching the bonds thank you switch prime calcium is the tier one very much appreciated i will take uh is the let's see your reduction well she's got supposed to understand with a really low well they see it as not playing real properly because of some reason managing wealth in a managing game makes no sense excuses of cheating in grand theft auto she got five start go to the stanfield safe house in front of the train station use the safe spot to stop aggro from the cops and get into the tank tank in the garage save again to police side mission yeah i know nothing about gta though any mods not really you actually should mods but no pause celsius and fahrenheit display extra music uh tour tour thank you for the twitchcraft also thank you tour very much appreciated like i said counseling was a tier one financially support stream thank you tour is the outside wall worth it you're not pouring better against marie trades it is worth it because it's it's gonna be pivotal against everything other than breach raids so for instance if we have a met cluster and we pull the mechs in they will go through a normal kill box uh i don't i do not want to fight a big group of mechs from that cluster just out in the open hi welshman's united raids i'll keep wealth low for a while so don't die to raids what you're cheating how dare you play the game with the mechanics that it gives you you know why i play without bridges i should be the base game bridge what do you think i think people that can learn how to make spaceships and go into space and figure out how to make a refrigerator that just doesn't make any sense paused i would call it playing it wrong yeah it's a single-player game do whatever you want i don't care people are crazy people crazy it's about me uh we need to get mass up it's one thing i forgot to do so uh not right there that's not lit enough for the production to go fast uh let's just throw them in here so these masks uh protect the face including the eyes and they increase our shock threshold by ten percent yeah how do you even play a single player game wrong it's like whatever it's mod preparing the game by default you can turn on fahrenheit so you go into the options and you can choose that you can choose to either show fahrenheit celsius or kelvin my mod shows fahrenheit and celsius both at the same time that's it you wish that you have said that i don't operate on a bypass schedule irl i had a managed thrombo this early on i attacked it with four people and i kited it with a jogger pawn [Music] starting burl play through any steps on food so on a board playthrough immediately as soon as you land plants like over plant if you are lucky enough to have a big section of rich soil plant it with rice plant more than you'll need uh the other thing i would suggest is as soon as it starts getting cold not like super cold but when it gets cold enough to where the outside is considered refrigerated uh just start hunting and pouring meat into a room that is uh you know the room itself is gonna be refrigerated as long as don't put things in there that can heat it like torches and stuff i always have like an extra room that i just shoved tons of animal corpses in for the winter before they start wandering off the map with all the crop all the vegetation dying so yeah over plant and then make a room when it starts getting uh towards refrigeration like when the room can be in like the low 30s mid to low 30s fahrenheit or maybe like single digits or low teens uh celsius start hunting and throwing crap in that room for later and the other uh yeah eventually you'll get to the point where you have like hydroponic stuff or you'll have your own heated grow rooms uh even without hydroponics but in the first like year or two it's usually what i do like tundra and stuff wrath rumbos uh we do not want to kill those ones because i don't want to get more wealth from the bench to outside works great too see what else is yeah yeah you can change it in the base game you know options all right back reach rage you're tired of them could reach the guy the rest of them start to randomly shoot walls yeah yeah i wish if you killed the breachers they would start acting as normal raids but they just keep breaching it is not sam no we stopped we stopped that i built corners i know crazy crazy [Music] oh yeah no worries stories without doing caravanning and stuff the cassandra 5 12 years gets to max raid difficulty in 2.4 years so it ends up being ungodly unless we want to be a caravan group which we don't really feel like doing one of those right now we'll probably get back to it though [Music] yeah yeah we had it happened a lot where the mech breach reads just they're like oh we're done we destroyed a single wall or something now we're just going to chill out so we're on the map it's a question so what it means just doesn't make sense to you how people ask questions are using it uh i don't know it's not always needed when uh when the chat's not super busy but that's what it's mainly for [Music] super high wealth this one yeah yeah just slower inquisition of it but still super high wealth yeah muscle parasite yeah i like the message for you lots of parasites kind of suck so at least it happened where low wealth and uh expectations are low uh yeah i'll show you there's actually a set of clips i need to make the link smaller excavation doors i believe but i will i'll explain it again as i'm uh as i'm getting it set up all right this is gonna let some escape but uh i need to leave that door open you know what i think i'm just gonna put this on the outside like we normally do from here just gotta be careful doing it this early on we only have five people no i'll i'll do it here it's fine yeah the tree translating is interesting i'm going to have to try that out in here tree transplanting our modest fellowship expands praise the sun uh eo eoz with the subscription i don't know if that's how your name is pronounced yo neri or yo nori well thank you i do appreciate it much love to you favor the support track down also just walls get around easier yeah i'll put one once this is done one set i guess i should say i'll just throw it there all right that should be good yep no problem no problem animatry linking well that's all going to burn one two three four five loop well we wanted to switch that over to granite uh all right ah we almost went so that counts as a major event so that could have been a raid and it wasn't so overall good for us uh let's take a look here okay i'm going to split this recording for youtube stream is going to continue but i don't want these getting too long i want to be easier to upload in the future so let me go ahead and split this
Channel: Adam Vs Everything
Views: 411,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld ideology, rimworld 1.3, rimworld let's play, rimworld playthrough, rimworld ideology playthrough, rimworld transhumanist, rimworld transhumanist ideology, rimworld ideology let's play, let's play rimworld, let's play rimworld ideology, rimworld 2021, transhumanist rimworld, rimworld transhumanist guide, rimworld ideology gameplay
Id: 5Xq_wA9cKig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 28sec (9088 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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