Hobo Inventory Simulator: NEO Scavenger #1

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neo scavenger it's one of the most requested games ever on my channel uh everyone likes this game it's very esoteric for the people who like it we're gonna die a lot um i've got twitch chat here to give me some tips because i'm gonna need a lot of back seating it's been a few years they even recommend zomboid on the main menu an amazing game you can fight people with a piece of glass you sometimes have to kill a man for a plastic bag that he's holding that you want we've got our characters set up here i want to play as somewhat exciting i think i'm going to take as my last trait here i've got strong tough in melee because we're probably gonna have to beat a bunch of people up um we'll also take electrician because this opens up some of the fur or is it trapping oh it might be trapping the um in fact no i'm gonna get rid of melee and i'm going to take trapping yeah did someone say bits happily hopping sacred toad sage art i am now a sage toad pog congrats for being amazing sage toad blessings on you too so kel sweet thank you for the bits appreciate it this will be a good omen because most things that we encounter in the game will be very bad what are we at amount left you have one unspent points for abilities if we want so we've got to do electrician where is electrician electrician there it is they change order okay now this game has great like sound effects and ambiance nice pixel art it's a good game if you have patience um it's one of those games where your options actually do matter well i'll kind of go through the beginning part you wake up disoriented slumped over from the base of an empty cryo sleep uh pot still damp from cryofluid yuck the thick dust from the floor clings to your skin leaving a clean spot on the ground where a large five is painted across the room there is an open door to the hallway and a broken window leading outside just as you gather your wits an unearthly scream erupts from down the hall beyond the doorway something is coming fast okay we're gonna um we're gonna take we know we have many different options we could either jump out the window or we could take uh oh jesus christ hey socal sweet thank you for the five gift subs jesus christ my friend on a very good day to you too my friend now i'm going to use this as an opportunity to use my electrician because you can fight this guy this is like a wolf man outside um i do believe though oh actually we can win this fight i believe that we can we need to kill the wolf because we can get the wolf man's pelt by skinning him we steal our nerves and decide to take this thing down whatever it is as i assume a defensive stance it bursts into the room the beast stands on its hind legs like a man but as the appearance of a ragged predatory dog it looks right at me shrieks and lunges it connects with a force that jars us both and the dogman has to step back to keep its balance taking advantage of his distraction you knock him to the ground and grab his throat his claws tear onto your flesh as you can crush your windpipe on every ounce of strength you have um moments later he stops moving you realize it costs you some nasty wounds but at least you so this is a fight that we'll be fined for um yes he does give us really good clothes to start we get that dog man pelt um a journal painting attention phase back to the strange room you should probably finish up here in case that's uh okay so we are in the facility um i can't remember whether this does anything yeah i don't remember what this does but we're going to jump out the window which is usually the best thing and we enter civilization um or should i say what's left of civilization you would go outside and see if you can figure out where you are now one of my favorite things about this game is just the ambiance like if you listen closely i'll shut up for a second you can hear the woods isn't that nice like it has very good ambiance i don't know if you could really hear it very well with my mic compression the way it is um but if you get the game it's it's just a very relaxing experience f dog thank you for the sub my friend appreciate it avoid avoiding the broken glass you step on the hill as uh sill oh the windowsill rustling some plants that have grown wild in the area it's cool outside and damp probably florida the distant report of a gun catches your attention you your head listening but it get uh it's over as quickly as it started obviously you're not alone out here okay so we're um we're at the gaiji's cryo facility this is everyone's favorite place in the game and the game takes place in these hexagons all right now um it's going to take me a little bit to uh to get used to the ui again it's been a while i don't have any of the um of the keys memory uh keys yet okay let's um we're going to so basically neo scavenger like i said is a hobo simulator you know you have your uh left hand and your right hand you have your body um you have your eyes and your talisman don't take this uh there's something very bad that happens you have to take off this talisman i can't remember some murderer tries to kill you if you uh if you mess this up but um where is our inventory camp screen player condition screen we can see our bruises and things like this and it's really a game of kind of like minut management um by vehicle they don't really mean vehicle they mean like um like a shopping cart sometimes you could find a shopping cart in the game to bring around with you so um again if anyone has anything to back seat for the game um just let me know as we go throughout because i'm going to need it zoomed out mini map is a pretty large map in the game though and we do have like a distant glow that will appear over here that's um i believe detroit so we have our skills and abilities i don't think that there is any leveling up in this game but now we've got uh this garbage and we could take what is it the shard of glass and uh we could do this but uh why is it that i i don't want to do this we can make a pelt out of the wolfman clothing oh yeah we need to put our trapping skill in there uh so if we put our trapping skill in there god damn it yeah let's put that uh god damn it [Music] put that there put that there and suddenly we could make a dog man for a coat uh i know this isn't the uh most humane thing to do to it but at least this will give us a lot of meat and other garbage like that um so yeah we could make like a pelt that's going to keep us warm at the beginning and this is a major disadvantage so this is usually what people cite as the first um kind of known known item about the game um i believe that's it we'll just put that away put away our trapping skill it's kind of a weird crafting system right so there we go we've got the on the dog man fur coat and we're almost ready to make a weapon too um it's kind of like playing fallout for people who don't have a real computer you know but rimworld after bringing your videos 200 hours during my first two weeks while sick from work hey best 200 hours i ever spent oh hell yeah hey parent off thank you very much for the 300 bits happy and uh happy to help you discover rimworld um i feel as though whoops uh got my computers here we go options yeah sometimes i accidentally hit escape and that takes me out of full screen okay uh resume you got to be careful not to quit accidentally as well apparently okay so our next thing to do is to scavenge the area i believe that we can do this not in the woods uh we'll we'll scour the gaichi's cryo facility and we can actually use the cryo facility as a um as like a resting place as a base camp for right now um hey stoppable ambiguous kawaii hey thank you very much for the sub my friend appreciate it i mean we can fight the dog man oh wait can we get footage of us fighting the dog man we have to go back inside of this place there's all these secrets in this game i'm going to go ahead and go to the woods first because i want to find a stick um i don't think that strong is really going to help us much here it might bring up our loot but we get loot safety and sneak and you can have other people be attracted to you um the game does take place in turns so we'll end our turn right there um why am i getting an adobe flash message yeah uh this game was created a long time ago too it's what was it like 2011 or something like that hey plebeian thank you for this for the prime my friend appreciate it um so we're going gonna go around to civilization um beautiful art in this game i believe that dan feeder was or feder feeder i believe that he was like a web designer before he did this i think all of the pixel art is his if i'm not mistaken um but yeah we find civilization beautiful scenes absolutely breathtaking now i really do admire this game for its pixel art it's one of my favorite things in it um now could we did we scavenge this did we scavenge this there's there are some place yeah like see okay here it is disposable shopping bag put that in my hand now i'm collecting pebbles you could take everything from around the world with you in this game now we're gonna have to go back to that gaiji's cryo facility because we just found us a plastic bag son uh we're gonna close the item screen i still don't have a stick though so my life still is kind of ass we're gonna scavenge the woods oh whoops not that they will go through the forest and use our strong to go through i believe though that even if we don't find anything in the forest we could still keep searching the no no we've already exhausted it i suppose so rock collecting you can throw rocks at people in this game not really like the nicest thing to do but pretty smart if you ask me um no useful items my ass oh wait a minute ah yes i forgot about this okay um i knew i was being stupid so what you can do is if you go into the crafting screen um where is my crafting screen skills and abilities here it is crafting screen so we can use the forest to craft a big stick i knew i was being stupid about this um but we unfortunately don't have enough moves left this turn so we're gonna have to end this uh and just end our turn and unfortunately as it is raining we're gonna go up on the hill to see if we can see the area around us um uh but yeah it's a very bad time in the woods all right we're gonna go back into the crafting just because we need a weapon right away we'll confirm this give me those tree branches and stuff and okay this is nice now so i'm going to bring this log in my hand and then what else can i carry i can't actually carry these things i don't remember how to rotate in the menu does anybody remember how to rotate the items because you can rotate them and i should be able to fit some of these sticks into my inventory like this is the level that this game gets to i'm stacking pebbles one on top of the other ah q and e thank you appreciate that uh they're not oh mouse wheel that's working for me okay mouse wheel is working all right let's see if we can stack a bunch of these sticks on each other and apparently we can't we want to bring around a variety of resources with us though so i'm just going to leave that as such we've got a big stick in one of my hands um which hand is which give me a moment a moment of your time here we are okay this is my i don't remember which hand is which oh right well i don't as far as i remember i don't think we have a primary we could also wear this plastic bag around our neck though as a as a cape so i'm just going to wear the plastic bag as a cape around with me i'm also bleeding and barefoot so we've got to get that fixed up before too long um oh yeah i forgot about that and we're gonna have to go back into that facility now the facility does make a good camping site um okay let's close the item screen now there's some guy with a sweatshirt over there i might want to fight this guy i think i could win once i get back to the gaiji's cryo facility because i just got to get some glass shards uh here we go i've got what is it one thing left so now i'm gonna take my big stick and i'm gonna take my glass shards great now i can create the sharpened spear now does trapping give me anything for that no why does the stick look like a big long poop i don't know because you're dirty it's because it's dirty yeah something like that i don't know treasure top hand is right and bottom is left ah thank you okay so let's go back into our inventory so i obviously don't need these sticks in this hand oh we've got a lot of um chunks of meat here too so we can use that uh we're also barefoot and blue now how do we stop that bleeding i don't think that we actually have anything with us to get that uh taken care of i may be mistaken otherwise i'm gonna go back to the woods and i'm gonna fight this guy and then tonight i'm gonna sleep in the gaiji's cryo facility all right uh let's see how many moves do we have left i i do want to see how he moves about though okay what the hell is that is that a helicopter no that's a drone i swear to god i i've never even seen this that is somewhat jarring okay stranger leader woke up okay so he's a stranger leader um i mean i gotta fight this guy because i gotta bandage myself i want that sweatshirt i mean i could probably rip it up for some bandages can i rip my gown now i have the cape for string to improve the spear that's true i might be able to um take off my hospital gown but at the same time like maybe i want to keep my hospital gown let's just see hospital gown what would happen if i were to craft with this i could get some dirty rags i think they need to be clean though for me to i may extend corrected on that but i think we're gonna fight this guy see if we could use his clothes to help us because i don't want to be nude that you don't just run up to a stranger with your wang here we are okay um all right let's go back out into the world map i think i'm okay keep an eye on these things because they can kind of sneak up on you all right least to the stranger okay um now this drone tore open straight oh great so the drone has been shooting the hell out of this guy um so we actually happened upon something that is uh quite lucky i'm going to oh this is i forgot to mention so this is the the combat encounter screen um i guess i need to search the area for a target okay so this stranger leader is 28 away from us he's pretty far away but he's kind of effed up because he's also barefoot and bleeding but he's also tough but i'm strong so i'm stronger than i'm better than him at combat you know a dutiful cow thank you for the bits my friend everyone works in the bartering system fight i mean basically if if i can chase this guy down i'll be all right so i'm going to advance on him uh who is bad mother oh that's that's the stranger leader okay so he's been dubbed bad mother um let's see what he's doing oh he's charging at me so i don't really need to i really need to charge him he might know something that i don't but it doesn't look like that he's got oh he does have a meat cleaver all right so he is he is aggressive he is aggressive we're just going to keep advancing on him 20 now we're 20 away he but he's bleeding he keeps charging at us though so he's very exposed to attack but once we get close enough see how this range number is going down then he'll ah did we trip oh i fell to the ground okay so now we need to get up but he's just close enough he's just close enough i think i'm just going to stand still now how do i stand i'm go actually i'll demand his surrender this is always nice uh he keeps charging at me okay so he's not very communicative he's um he's a bad person hey og the trog thank you for the bits and the gecko gecko appreciate it stay awake yeah we gotta keep you know farther away from we don't want to let him within like what is it range one because he's at the end he is going to kick my ass uh i'm gonna threaten him you know so we're just gonna wait i wanna make sure that he gets into like range three of me though i'm just gonna dodge just standing here okay so now we're three away um bed mother's bleeding he's charging at me all right so now i'm going to do melee attack uh the attacks we get are melee surge lots of flurry of melee attacks uh one to three times but we can also really mess ourselves up this way so i'm just gonna try one attack and see if we can get him bleeding um all right so we have to kind of keep going back down through the combat text he's powering the next attack make him hard okay but i s lacerated his upper chest with a sharpened spear stab that sounds pretty bad but don't forget to i've got only one spear on this thing could be destroyed okay he's stunned and he's unable to move i'm just gonna attack him again okay we're still at range three uh okay now i gotta let's see i missed a man who is literally stunned all right that's kind of sad we're going to melee attack him again he's probably going to try to get closer to me um he threatened me for some reason and i attacked him in the left leg he's coughing blood this guy's pretty effed up now though he's still at range three so i'm just going to attack him again uh severe pain having trouble okay we have we've won this i think we just keep attacking this man um yeah he's falling okay this guy is totally dead so yeah uh we killed some guy with a sweatshirt for his sweatshirt um so that's pretty much neo scavenger like in a nutshell um does anyone have any questions it's like it it did this kind of stuff before a lot of other games did but now the wonderful news is this we get his khaki shorts uh and we he has a small cook chunk of meat in his uh pants um he also had a sweatshirt and look at this his sweatshirt has a pocket in it and we could put more stuff in there he also had a handful of jelly beans or jelly bears or whatever it is he had a patchwork hide glove which i could put on my own hand and then i could take oh god damn it why can't i wear this oh cause i gotta put it on the hand slot wrong thing okay there's little obscure stuff like this we have cornucola an item that is infamous and keeps making its way throughout the game and then we have him so we could probably uh eat him um we might eat this meat should we do this should we do this we could use it now how is my hunger also too okay our hunger is sated we don't really need it right now we'll save it for for later maybe the meat was inside [Laughter] jesus christ um let's just see what we can do with this i mean you know you got to make the best use of everything in the game so we'll oh there's an ass load of recipes in this game too hang on a second let's just go back into my inventory apparently i need this here can i do this all right i can totally do that um i mean it doesn't say that it's people's meat but um okay but i have a better idea there's gonna be a lot to carry back you know we need a lot of food uh i don't question any of the things in this game all right now i'm gonna put him in one of my hands and i'm gonna put already this game is just turning into uh it says human oh what does do i get some kind of negative thing okay we'll leave him there uh you know i'm bringing him with me just in case just in case if i change my mind all right uh headed back home had a good day today uh we gotta end the term we will have to sleep soon what is this struggling yeah i've got a big a big strong man with me all right we're gonna go ahead now to the inventory here we're gonna take that and put that back there all right now don't be alarmed this is the dog meat okay um so we need to make a fire let's go around the surrounding area now we don't have any woods around here but we are going to need to go back to the woods uh if we want to create a fire here so let's um let's uh end our turn because we're out of movement points there we are okay now um oh did i have some i think i had some of it with me well let's get more wood we we do need another weapon because we used up our last one um just gonna fill the entire area with wood stuff yeah that's great okay so now we go back out into this menu um obviously i've got this weapon but i would kind of prefer to make a sharpened spear just because it has better range and reach uh great okay so now we have another one of those i don't want to use this uh other garbage let's go back to my inventory now i can put this here now this cleaver might seem like a good weapon you it's it's okay at best i'm like wilson from the castaway i mean you know and insert any number of whatever you know tom hanks films something we have old newspaper too trying to remember what we use to make a fire um let's just go build one right here just to be sure on the camp screen right how do we build a fire this is what i have to remember now meet from a large food medic um let's see campfire okay campfire lit uh we need flame source kindling and fire fuel can we make a smaller one i believe that we can make a smaller one though right but there's so much that you can make in this game it's crazy crude torch oh yeah here we go well we could make a crude torch i guess we would need to light it we are going to need a um oh what is it we need a lighter right well we could do a we could do a uh uh oh yes sling too this is so much jesus christ oh yes sling that would be that would be safe too where is my sling okay uh three rags boiled nah medic clean rags boiled sterilized water yeah there's just so many different crafting recipes meet and hide from hmm just like woody from toy story at this moment geez i feel like that's something with trapping that we can do let's do i'm just going to put a lot of different stuff in this medium broken branch reversed and then once we start to put in more items into the crafting screen we can see the different types of things that we can make so scrap of paper if we do all that you do this make more branches what can i do with my pebbles if i add the pebbles to the mix does that give me any new recipe options what about the stones surely the stones must add something okay maybe the stones don't a sling we could make medium thread okay here we go now a rough splint i could use this if i need it for something so maybe i'll craft it but let's just keep examining the rest of these options that i have in the woods i'm also going to take my uh hospital gown because maybe i could make something else with that can i make bandages maybe dirty rags but we'll need to clean those but a dirty rag is better than no rag right lighter in water is top priorities three i mean we we are gonna have to fight another guy oh yeah the trapping skill too we'll add that in there uh yes here we are okay a tiny lit campfire um so this will keep me safe and warm but all i need is a medium-sized branch from a tree uh i think i have most of these things with me i'll just bring these with me because i do want to go back to the main camp um because i have the meat back there so let's go back out into our inventory we'll bring might even have more room for this let's put this pebble from my pocket into my inventory right like that good and then what was the last thing okay i'll put the newspaper in my pocket and see this is the joy of neo scavenging like you know just to have pebble it's like being a little kid again and picking up everything that you find it's the feeling that i get from it we also need to find shoes soon end turn i plan on sleeping here tonight oh god damn it it started raining okay me thinks trapping this stones what else do we need okay campfire all right here we go uh let's set up a little campfire here and just see what we can do with that tiny lit campfire now we add that into the mix and we can make a slightly larger campfire okay i can't remember exactly what that does but now we add in all of these chunks of meat ah there we go okay so now i can cook the meat i don't remember how the meat goes bad we're just gonna yeah let's just cook all of it assuming that it's fine small chunk of meat raw yeah hell yeah give me all the meat yeah i'll put it in my pockets and run around the rest of the world with it okay let's just keep on making me and this is how neo scavenger is played of course we'll be moving around in a few more seconds once we have all of this meat we go it's raining meat hallelujah it's raining meat i don't have any moves left to craft though so let's just end the turn yeah and it is going to be nightfall again soon i can cure the meat for longer except i've distinguished the fire for oh really so do i need to use oh would i use would i use like salt or something like that hmm yeah how would i cure the meat large fire lasts longer in ash prison oh the ash can be used jesus christ you can use ash to i don't even know some of this all right well then let's let the fire go out we'll use the um let's just cook the last of our meat here we go what do i need a stick or something like that take our fire take some wood good okay now we have the rest of the meat and now we have ash so can we use that to cure the meat that's crazy if i use more ash what can i do do i need my trapping in this do i need bark do i need how do you trap how do you how do you do that that's crazy i didn't even know oh it has to be raw to oh idiot all right well now i know for next time yeah the good news is that generally speaking we don't die of this in in our neo scavenger life so we're going to eat the meat it's all right um we'll have that'll be our breakfast tomorrow i know it's a lot but i'm a hungry guy all right i think we're topped out now um now we can use the gaiji's cryo facility as a campsite i think we can also climb back in the window there too cap screen um okay i'm gonna re-enter the gaiji's cr uh whoops here we go re-enter the guy juice cryo facility explore to um search the console for records um explore down the hall there should be like a vent that we can sleep in here or something this is like one of the test chambers examine the electrical panel um okay we got something from that and the vent i believe that we can sleep in the vent if i'm not mistaken too um anyway more flavor text there but let's go see what we found in the place okay scrap of paper tool cryo lighting pliers sharp edge mechanical parts electro paint all right um you know i'm pretty satisfied with this i think that we should start circling out from the facility now um where did i get that meat was from the wolf man um yeah not that not the hue man all right so let's uh yeah it's still raining look there's a dog over there i don't really want to fight a dog because the dog isn't gonna have any gear for me uh when we find people we'll fight them let's just end our turn all right so nothing there we have like a small house over here i don't really want to fight the dog but let's scavenge this area hence this is where the scavenging comes in okay it looks like that we found some decent stuff in here so we've got digital water tester uh this can be pretty good we still don't really have a place to store all of our garbage so i'm just gonna put this in my pocket we're playing pocket simulator for a while we do have a small chunk of hide we have some bullets here bullets aren't going to be that useful until later but they're pretty valuable so we'll um we'll put away our we'll exchange these pebbles for some bullets hmm right again the stones probably aren't that valuable to me yet either um mushrooms we can eat i don't have botanists can somebody confirm with me are these mushrooms safe to eat i believe that they are but there are some foods that are poison broken bottles good but not that good it can break pretty easily ah yes my hoodie also has pockets i forgot about this i've got some string in there um you know i'm gonna put the stones next to the string only one way to find out some things do have delayed effects in neo so you know you have to wait a few days and then you find out later on oh those berries were poisoned whoops wish i hadn't done that okay we've got two dogs now this is they mean business uh we've got a break line of sight from them i'm just going to keep going over these mountains oh oh they're chasing me oh there's another dog here i don't want to fight this dog but it's at range three from me so i don't really have much choice here i might end up having to fight three dogs um hang on a moment this dog has the condition of frail dog probably needs to be right next to me to bite me yeah there are certain colors of belly berries that are always safe um brown mushrooms and berries have a risk okay so we won't eat it we have plenty of other food i'm going to attack this dog okay i shred his upper left leg with sharpens to your it's stunned and unable to move we've gotten pretty good luck with this combat now it's at range two and it passed out from unbearable pain i don't even really want to fight this dog um but i don't want to bother me more so i'm just going to keep doing that uh we could search through this area pile of rubble from what was the city so i'm going to wait there uh i'm tired now getting tired but we still really aren't at the end of this bar and i'm gonna head back to the gaiji's cryo facility tonight let's scavenge this area just to see if we can come up with anything now there is a risk searching through these places but i'm gonna keep using strong see if you can help me out and boom we found some crap uh we're going to put the water into the water bottle and then we're going to put the water bottle into the pocket let's take the mushrooms out we've got enough that the mushrooms you find yourself with like 40 water bottles by the time you're done with this game okay a boon for us we found another plastic bag oh this one's only at 9.2 percent quality but this one's at 7.2 percent now we're going to do my favorite thing in neo scavenger we're going to put a plastic bag into our other plastic bag isn't that so much oh god it's such a great game now we're going to that's why i like this game i legit love it for that reason there's no other game that lets you do like this okay now we're going to move the plastic bag into an even smaller pocket can you believe that so great i'm going to keep bringing around things with me that are slightly sharp and threatening all right i'm satisfied with this let's scavenge again see if we find anything better we're looking for a shopping cart or something like that um that's uh that's not that's just okay i think that this water is safe leave that there we got some dirty rags okay can we put on rag shoes we can make rag shoes of foil i can't remember what to do got it now it really occurs to me how much there is in this game now to be nice if we find the cart we'll also need some wheels for it plastic bag filled with plastic bags i'm gonna teach you something i really like about this game you can make uh is it rag shoes i believe we need trapping or is it does anyone remember how to make rag shoes does anyone know how to do this i'm just gonna keep putting random garbage into the crafting screen until i figure out how to make rag shoes we could make a shiv that's crazy we could do this does that give us rag shoes now there's something like maybe it's like a soul that i need yeah i think it's like a shoe sole that i need i love the rag be the rag rag shoes oh they really they make your worse your feet worse off than no shoes all right i stand corrected then there's just so many interesting things that you can do in this game though okay let's head it back out here um then we'll want to start heading back to gaiji's after we do the last scavenging here because when it is evening that's like your warning like go home now because it is hard to move around or at least to see at night which can be very dangerous you want to stay put at night because there is some bad around we got strong okay great a massive boon now these cargo you find yourself comparing your shorts with other shorts okay now this is fantastic look our shorts are in such great condition and these blue jeans are also in good condition these might be safer for me i'm going to put the cargo shorts into one of my plastic bags i can get twigs anywhere i can't get bullets anywhere we'll put the bullets in my pocket and i'll put the jelly bears in my pocket i'll take the pebbles and put them there i'll put this cornucolo water bottle in here i don't need these pebbles okay there we makeshift rag are you kidding me do they really make your feet worse off i find that hard to believe what are you at like a risk for infection or something otherwise look i've got one shoe i'm a high roller now look into the known recipes tab oh i need some string to make the makeshift shoe well now we have some string okay let's see if we can make that other shoe just make it happen here we go rags string makes more of that sling okay sling why was the sling useful though someone was saying the sling before zom zombs oh god can i put some item inside item with inventory then store it in my but yes you can do that then you find yourself going through all sorts of inventories for a while now i've never actually used a sling in this so i feel uh i feel like a noob there but i'm sure there will be any many instances of this and there is my sling i'll bring this with me i'll take your word for it take my pebbles there and i'll take some more small pebbles in my other pocket that's good i don't want to be a perfectionist but i think i've uh i think i've made my point here could i wear the dirty rags as a mask now you do have some areas where uh breathing the air makes you worse off i think having dirty rags is actually worse than no rags if i'm not mistaken so i'm just gonna keep going all right ender turn oh god okay there is a man wielding an arrow who is coming up to us i've been pretty much obsessed with the youtube videos amazing ah thank you very much appreciate it crocs no sucks uh join us for some neo scavenger sling is one of the oh really oh like a sling like david killed goliath with i see what you mean big rocks in a sling can seriously wound a man well if i had taken range and if i had even known about that strategy i would have done this now this guy has what appears to be a paper i mean a plastic bag around his neck he's got uh he's using that as some sort of cape he's got on a sweatshirt also i i don't really see this guy as being very helpful to us he's barefoot too but i might be able to rip up his cloths [Music] and you know what no i'm just gonna see if i can get away from this guy i don't even like him oh god damn it there's somebody in the city too i can't even see them now these are dangerous fights um actually i'm gonna go with blind retreat here okay it's the same guy great thing that we got out of there this guy's an uh ah and here's my favorite thing in the game now you see a distant light um when it's night okay now i'm getting blisters on one of my feet uh we gotta go check out our um character status screen now we've got all these scratches and things like that on us um i think we do have medic so we'll see if we can make use of that which foot would be nice to know which foot it was we're just going to keep making our way over the gaijis we just don't want anyone to come up to us at night now i will show you if we go far off in this direction on the map we should be able to find the distant light is it on here [Music] ah here it is glow in the distance so now if i do that yeah here it is so there's a distant city on the map um so we want to get here because we can do trading at detroit and all other good kind of stuff it's kind of like um what is it uh uh what is that game deus ex yeah it's a great game hey simon city how are you detroit become whole yeah detroit become a hobo something that's a beautiful way to phrase it um can we just quickly zoom back here but we've explored only this much of the map and there's much more to behold all right we're going to rest and heal um i think we can hang out in the vent currently used campsite yeah so we're going to stay here in this shelter we have a lot of shelter here this is pretty good um oh man all this meat is spoiled damn it well we might as well eat before we go to bed eat the rest of that wolf man there we go love it great and that's even fulfilling my thirst too it's quenching my thirst let's see what rest in heel does for us yeah i'm gonna stay awake a little while okay into the morning into the morning now this is far longer than i meant to rest for and this is one of the things where i take issue with this game because i did not mean to rest for that long now i'm tired for this entire day and now my wake sleep cycle is off i thought i was going to be resting for a couple minutes uh minutes bulk up well the unfortunate the one thing i don't like about this game is that you can't level up you just have money um that's it but we're pretty safe over here we do want to get uh east of the gaiachi's cryo facility though um me thinks me thinks we stay near the gaiji's cryo facility one more day only because i'm i'm not that much of an i know how to play this game somewhat and not get my ass kicked okay another feral dog i'm gonna yell at this dog see if it goes away great the dog left but now it's got another dog all right we've found a lake this is more like it we can use or a river rather we can use the river to get some water um i don't believe that this water is clean though we are going to need some sort of cooking pot or something like that to boil the water if i'm not mistaken let's go back to our inventory screen oh did i accidentally get rid of my water bottles that's not good i must have accidentally thrown out my water bottles oh that's quite quite embarrassing um am i ever gonna i yes uh think of doing something with the channel point rewards no i think we want to use them for events stuff like that can we do spearfishing i don't believe that we can do spear fishing at least that i know of but there's stuff that i find out about this game every day too not really anything right here that's kind of unfortunate we could scavenge but i'm going to go to these civilized area see if we can find anything all right let's try this uh mix of houses here abandoned mobile home maybe we'll find some pee in here or something like that oh look okay fantastic a lighter very small and very good at starting fires so we no longer need to worry about that um we might be able to make another rag shoe here too okay let's go trap uh tr is it traffic sling not still no shoe i feel like that you need to try a bunch of other stuff try the glass no unfortunately still no shoe right uh we'll we'll just keep scavenging the storage now we can use strong we can use our light or two to give us light uh if we could find a crowbar or something like that that would be majestic hmm ah the patriot no no absolutely no the sage toad is always watching smashing my friend hey van lords thank you for the raid how was your stream what were you playing my friends one of the guys i spear could be i mean yeah i could like call one of the people i kill a fish that would be very rude after killing him i'm just killing the other people because i want their things i feel like that's oh jesus christ there are three dogs uh desperate retreat desperate retreat oh jesus oh god they're getting closer okay there's three feral dogs a pack of dogs has tried this is probably gonna be how i die um i'm only two spaces away from these dogs so i'm going to just fight fight for my life okay this dog is coughing blood it's stunned this is just a terrible dog and now can i fight the other dogs okay this is the dog leader let's try to get it down to just the one liter we'll get this other dog this dog okay great these dogs really just having a hard time right here the dog leader is also frail and vulnerable though did they get me no they're all just stunned that sucks for them sucks to suck recently changed attack modes feral dogs bleeding so i have a spear oh crap my sharpened spear just fell apart okay i'm going to need to change my attack mode i use my knife yes good okay so that's going to cost me a little bit having to switch out to my cleaver and it has less range i'm going to need to get closer to these dogs but these dogs look pretty effed up now don't you think there's an early game dog pack that spawns and is attracted to my floor meat i don't even know that man i feel kind of bad now okay i'm gonna need to advance on these dogs uh all right these yeah good get away dogs uh okay let's go and search another building god damn it we didn't find anything okay i'm you know i'm i'm moving toward these dogs now then we get some kind of swamp here hard to see well in these conditions because it's raining now we're still a ways away from the gaiji's cryo facility i'm gonna use every opportunity to just say gaiji's cryo facility probably my favorite location in the game this has always bothered me how i can't see into the very next hex nearby me sometimes okay this is kind of ass i didn't know it was that late but i guess it's because i was just being kind of a jackass before not the greatest way to play this game i'm not trying to brag or anything red berries are dangerous i'm pretty sure those are going to kill me so i'm not going to eat them we got a squirrel corpse we could eat that but i'm not really hungry or thirsty i think i'm just gonna be satisfied grabbing another plastic bag off of the ground yeah but let's switch this into this and now how is this thing 58.9 this thing is going to hold up let's uh let's craft another spear from the woods there we go all right we got the tree we got this spear uh confidence is a slow and insidious killer i uh that is somewhat ominous but i agree rowan yeah probably gonna get my ass kicked this run um but i should really have more spears with me and like a shopping cart to carry around that said spears with me no i i'm i'm really worried about losing this meat cleaver see like could you have imagined yourselves at the beginning of this stream if you didn't know what this game was like having strong feelings about plastic bags and that's why i appreciate neo scavenger because it makes me appreciate the little things in life we're just gonna sleep here because this is was not my best decision i hope i don't get murdered in the night because that can't happen i'm we i'm not that weak with thirst shut up game um i don't know where the time is though that's my one issue stone spear is basically meta oh what if we like fast in this i felt like that i could have fastened the glass shard to it and i still think i can did i uh did i leave that out when i was crafting get a spoiled chunk of meat man now i got spoiled meat in my pocket too damn it sucks the thing is that you can't carry that much stuff around with you hmm top right but i don't have a watch so i'm guessing oh so i'm just guessing by the moon wow so you actually can get the time if you do that that's neat the more you know rage is better than melee in your opinion unless the enemy has a gunner but yeah i mean i pick melee so that we could have a nice early game i usually don't get to the range part of the game usually i'm dead by then okay but i'm parched i'm just gonna rest see how long this takes me for please don't take me through the entire day okay we got an enemy somewhere near here i'm gonna look around for this is this goddamn dog again um [Music] uh what happened okay so the dog has tackled me but it's still slightly far away from me um i waited i got up i could roll dodge away from the dog but i'm two away i think i'm going to get up because i got to regain my footing now this feral dog is attacking me it's charging at me but it's exposed to attack i'm going to i'm blinded though because i guess i'm in the woods yeah let's use a melee attack god damn it it scratched me it bit me um but i'm not stunned and i need to get farther away from this thing so i'm going to run away now i'm four away ah damn it it hit me okay i'm going to lure the dog to see if i can get it to make a mistake now we're two away and i think i'm out of the dogs what is the dog's range because it's using bite it needs to be really close to me so i'm just going to stab it from afar again see we're at two range you gotta manipulate this number great okay the feral dog is really after up again now we did fine there we did fine let's just check in on our character's status okay it's just a minor groin scratch am i interested in chivalry too at all started playing yesterday it's really fun silver saw a lot of people playing street double ritu i honestly never played the chivalry games they look good it's not really any particular version i just um yeah i don't think i'm gonna scavenge you this the loot is not that good there's basically free damage always yeah you know but these dogs like these dogs have been trying to kill me so i stand justified in this oh my god look at there's even more dogs now there are weirder enemies in this too i don't want you to think it's just dogs that you spend the whole game fighting um i think we're out of moves for this turn so we'll wait till next turn to scavenge let's look around us we have water but it doesn't appear to be very safe we always have these other water sources though i'm just looking for something to boil the water in it'd be better if we could find that let's try this uh yeah let's try the office tower we don't have any crowbar or anything so we can't get into a locked storage shed all right what did we find there another water bottle amazing live in the high roller life i'll take this foil with me too hey let's go again keep using all of my uh i still have plenty of condition in the lighter oh looks like we found some soup wowzers uh we have this is going to kind of gross you out empty out and now we could eat this condensed soup wasn't that nice now we could eat these crackers i shouldn't have done that now we could eat these two things of ketchup isn't that fantastic we're just eating packets of ketchup now literally 11 packets of ketchup all for me look it's only just barely taken up my hunger satiation this this is the full on neo scavenger experience we need the clown head einfeld's oh yeah the south is uh there are certain areas of the map where you do get more enemy encounters and there's one random encounter that really does eff me up a lot i think we're good here hey fineness or fightness thank you for the sub my friend appreciate it 11 pack i mean you know you'd probably eat 11 packets of ketchup because of how much ketchup they already give to you and the thing okay this one is a locked storage shed so we can't do anything with it uh we need a crowbar we need better items that's why i keep searching these ruins you can't really do that much until you find stuff but look at all this wonderful hexagonal land we have you know been through i think i'm just gonna keep on searching we'll be mobile all right we've got news structures new areas to loot surprised i haven't found another shoe or anything yet ah a croc gator elegans shoes this is getting a little bit loud there we go all right i think that was a bit loud is the music okay boyle oh i should have gotten the cam back there god damn it yeah might have to go back to that last site to get that can back you're right i think you're right damn it i forgot about yeah there's all kinds of weird recipes that you could use okay that's a little bit more pleasing i'm gonna keep these cargo shorts with me in case if someone steals my pants but at the same time i think i'm gonna want to keep this yeah you know these cargo shorts nah i don't need these cargo shorts jeans are probably going to be better for me here because they're going to keep me warm yeah i like these jeans let's stay with these jeans banana t-shirt now we've got on two t-shirts but we gotta decide between our t-shirts another fascinating task of uh neo scavenger so this one's at 27.3 this one's at 24.7 this one is about to go though so obviously we want this shirt um thinking that's good let's leave it at that scavenge again destroyed office building so and so our lives will kind of continue i'm going to just keep on kind of speeding through and scavenging every area we can because until we find either some storage uh like a like a nice shopping cart or something like that or um it looks like we found okay a rifle scope we did find we can do something with that i found a multi-tool okay that's good as well put that in my pocket probably better than glass shorts we found half a pair of binoculars as well um now i can do this i forget that sunlight is a resource too jesus there's so much in this game we can create a rifle scope with strap we can tie this around our neck and we can take the binoculars i can make the binoculars into a rifle scope all right i part of that i knew part of that i didn't um we're going to wear both of these around our neck and i think we could just yeah we could just drape two of these things on our neck so now we could see a little bit farther magnifying optic optics equipped uh we're parched and we've got blisters on our feet though don't really want to trust this water for a while um but remember we could always go back here you know let's grab that can because it's probably going to be safer are we i'm surprised there's 400 of us here i didn't think neo scavenger was that interesting did i abandon cataclysm dark days ahead i'm just giving it time before i like set in with it again um mainly because i get fatigued when i'm learning a new game because i'm just like i'm not having as much fun but um no i i have not abandoned it i'm just kind of giving it a break for a little while i've you know i forgot about a a great plastic bag cape oh damn it maybe i can't have that around my oh no i already have one on my bed whoops-a-daisy no cdda is actually one i'd really like to do another day um i was talking to vorum about possibly doing it together even if neil scavenger isn't ah thank you very much i mean at the same time it's like this game is just ah this game is just the creme i love this game i mean if you're into pixel art okay now we've got one of these uh melon heads these guys aren't that dangerous but sometimes there's swarms of like 20 of them all together um one thing i'll kind of draw your attention to is doesn't it seem i could see a little bit farther now i could see farther out onto the plains um and so actually should i just stop for water can i make a fire i'm gonna need the woods i'm gonna need a water source yeah you know i'm gonna what do i have my inventory it pains me to say it oh no i have an idea okay give it a minute maybe one of these guys will attack me no neither of one of them is interested now i find this a little crazy that it says that i'm dying of thirst because still look i still have that much but you know you do you game oh some blueberries okay blueberries are always safe and totally fine to use regardless of whether or not you have that trait um we're going to use this to add water to our inventory then we're going to put the water into our water bottles red berries are usually going to kill me as i recall store stuff in the can and put the can in the bag did i i've got the can do i can i put water in the can i could put something into the can that's true but i can't fit water into the can i could put some bullets into the can let's leave the can because the can's fine uh thinking what i'm going to do next is just end my turn here it's going to be nightfall soon oh god damn it my makeshift rag shoe fell apart i hate it when that happens okay but now we're going to go into the woods we're going to make a fire hmm what do i need for a fire again it's adding these pebbles into the mix the wood loves oh i don't have enough moves left to craft all right let's enter turn perfect timing sort of now we do the wood crafting trap trapping woods uh pebbles uh pebbles please make something work i think i need to do this okay uh wait a minute oh where's the goddamn fire i'll just throw that into the mix why am i not allowed to tree bark okay there we go tree bark so now i have a fire excellent maybe i shouldn't run with four jerk it's uh i mean he sweating a lot but i mean the thing is that you die of cold too i don't want to die of cold yeah i don't think we actually need the lighter for this though let's save the lighter condition because we've been using that to search let's add this in can we make a yes we can make an even bigger fire so we add that in now we have not one but look two fires wowsers we're gonna add in this can and then the water and can we get boiled water oh jesus christ that does work that is amazing okay we've sterilized water now and my head exploded that's great okay we'll add in these and now we gotta keep scrolling over this part of the screen but we got three sterilized water that's so nice we don't have enough moves left to craft but it's all right we're just gonna drink all of this sterilized water and for god's sake that really didn't do that much to my thirst okay it looks like that our other shoe has fallen apart so both of our shoes are gone but we have a shoe sold now which we'll bring with us do i really have enough room for this i don't feel as though i trust that shoe sole and i fit that into my pocket uh you know these pebbles uh maybe no i always it's always good to have some pebbles with you yeah you know i'm gonna keep these pebbles with me leave them in there and this game man bringing back memories all right let's just go to the fire again my god i didn't even know that you could cook in a can this is great fun fire water air wind all right let's uh drink that last water now and then we'll head off to sleep believe that's it and we'll just go over to the lake while we still can okay wait for this dog let me just end my turn yeah good go away dog no one likes you um back out in here and yeah we can add this water to our water bottles ah i guess we could also use the pouatronix digital water tester to see if that would uh help us anymore but you know we've got a rest now because we've got blisters on our feet we're not dying of thirst i'm pretty satisfied with how this has ended let's just uh how much cover do we have we'll go into the city and then we'll sleep because i need to rest now we'll uh currently these camps say yeah we'll live in a storage facility that seems fine hoarding anxiety you're gonna get some hoarding anxiety in this game want to know the water exploiter now is there a cheesy water exploit i don't know that thank you for the bits gecko gecko feral dogs are the fire nation of this universe everything changed when the feral dogs attack okay this dog has attacked me like you kind of got to read into the range in this game so zero range this means that a dog was just right on top of me when i woke up like this dog snuck up to me in my sleep this dog went for a low blow um i don't know exactly how dogs work he grazed my lower right leg with a bite um i'm going to drag this dog down yes got revenge on this dog uh feral dog's head was whipped exposed to attack for a moment ah yeah this dog really messed my day up i'm at three range now i'm getting up i'm hitting the dog with a spear these dogs in this universe just don't know when to stop my sharpened spear fell apart god damn it okay i don't have anything other than my punch do i still have my um do i still have my i'm not using up action points here am i whoa wait a minute everything changed when the fire nation attacked this is a this is i mean no the thing is that i'm gonna have to get close to the dog i don't want to get close to this dog all right i'm gonna wait i'm gonna see if this dog good this dog is god damn it this dog i'm not gonna get any sleep from this dog i'm gonna need to fight this dog oh damn it i got too close okay it charged at me but it's exposed to attack for a moment probably right no it isn't okay then you know what i'm gonna i'm just gonna attack this dog with my knife great yeah dog you got nothing it was stunned oh i'm doing great in this fight now you know i haven't had enough sleep today i'm just gonna keep going up to this dog and i fell to the ground it's not really clear why i was just an idiot i mean i wasn't even running it that's why i don't run in this game is because you get yourself killed um the feral dog gets up let's keep going come on keep fighting the dog keep fighting that just keep hacking away at that dog i think since i'm at range one i'm in range of it but it might not necessarily okay great this dog is no dog you're not getting away you've already committed all of these heinous crimes against me i need to sleep then you do wind up in a lot of these situations okay uh the dog is dead look there it is right great um not that great but just enough to get us through the night i think i'll take this plastic bag should we celebrate uh yeah let's do something like this that would be food i mean it would be food and drink too but should i yeah well wait a minute i'll leave the corpse there just because something uh something nice might happen oh hello to you the joke is dead appreciate the uh four months yep uh thank you very much my friend the joke is very much alive little known fact the protagonist of this game is mr bean and that's why so many comedic falls happen in combat oh jesus oh god i mean it is just a big allegory for rat race num well rested unburned i'm pretty well rested you know i'm gonna get my full rest in i'll sleep i think i've got decent cover i'm surprised that that dog came to get me but hopefully that's the end of our dog troubles i'm to go again into the woods i'm going to boil some water and i'm going to make another spirit you spend a lot of time making like spears in boiling water at the beginning but before i understood how to craft in this game my life was just ass so it's helpful if you know how to do that god damn it another dog what is with this these dogs who let the dogs out man uh knife yeah the the reason why the spear is my favorite weapon though is because it's three range for a melee guy you know you get good melee skills uh the fact that i've made it through so many combats like uh without being mauled is generally a good sign let's see i use this and this and this do we come on don't we have enough for fire come on come on fire start hmm i'm gonna have to bring my lighter into the mix now the even the lighter oh it's the tree bark because i was i always forget about the tree bark might agree with rush detroit so i can play the hobo market and live in a sweet car now i have never done the full like hobo market but i i feel like i don't know how to game that enough and i should learn i should learn that tell me your secrets i've just always gotten a lot of uh goddammit i can't keep crafting i've always got a lot of gratification out of god damn it look at these dogs it's four away okay i'm gonna win this though i know it's these dogs got nothing i'm gonna wait yeah run away dog give me my fire give me my water me my middle yeah who's drinking sterilized water out of a suspiciously looking like campbell's soup uh can tonight this guy uh damn it man that can is so i'm never gonna look at a can with any suspicion again that was such a great can okay that seems good in terms of thirst to me now let's put my spear back in my hand put my knife back in that yeah i'd say that we're ready to go back out again we're high rollers all right make it oh god okay now a minute wait a minute i know what you're thinking he's doomed he's dead i'm not necessarily um um i see playing homeless a homeless simulator yes now if we go west i don't know what happens but this guy has a gun it probably doesn't have any ammo in it um this guy is probably just going to die when we encounter him because usually these guys don't have guns and he's also got a backpack on i could wait but i'm willing to risk being shot we're at 25 range i'm just going to take cover stranger is supposed to easy attack okay he's charging at me clearly this guy probably has no ammo so i'm just gonna walk toward him um if i do get shot then it's probably just game over but it can be like a warning mechanism if you have a gun people will run away from you sometimes hacking and lock picks in the safest looting booth i'm just playing kind of a um a brawler build right now yeah so this guy is charging at me with a really not a smart way to hold a gun yeah he's charging this guy is pretty dumb okay we'll just keep advancing slowly i don't know why everyone in this game is a maniac and i've fallen down at a pretty good distance from i'm just going to wait because i don't want to fall down again he was getting up he's going to charge at me i'm just going to keep waiting because i have the advantage of not having to uh do any of this now he's also i've got a crowbar with a strap but he's got a gun in his other hand this guy is a maniac could run away because i could still shoot him or hit him from farther away but we're going to shoot uh hit him sweetie i stunned him again this is why i took strong tough strong and tough because i i want to be able to tank hits and go in for hits harden my spear with the fire oh damn i don't even know that i could do that yeah i'll do that the next time like i said there's a lot i don't know about this game um okay i missed i'm exposed to easy attack but he's bleeding now i'm bleeding okay so what happened just there between that turn and the last turn wow jesus christ um oh he tried to attack me with a flurry of blows he went desperate i hit him he's stunned and then he needs a moment to recover we both needed one he demolished my upper left leg with the crowbar i can't run i am on the ground now okay i'm pretty effed up i'm stunned and unable to move he smacked my stomach with the okay this guy's winning now um he's hitting me with a crowbar and i'm stunned on the ground i'm falling i'm gonna see if i can drag him down okay he's two away though so i can't really do much here um that's not great i'm gonna have to get up okay but he missed me though and this is why you have tough because you need to be able to tank a few hits if you're gonna take melee now he took a big risk there i'm surprised that he did flurry of blows i don't do that because it can really eff up your day see he keeps missing me okay i lacerated his lower right arm he is bleeding and he's stunned but i'm on i'm really in a worse position now keep going just keep hitting him with normal attacks ah great he's having okay i think we've won this fight recently oh god damn it my thing fell apart okay let's go back into my player screen so that i can kill this man no that's not it hey uh hey baldpork thank you for the sub my friend should pull out my squidward on him yeah i mean he would never expect that that's that's the good news no one ever expects you to take out your squidward in the combat hmm all right i'm just gonna punch him now cause like at this point i can't even i don't even seem to be able to take out my knife i don't know why maybe it's because it's in my plastic bag um yeah i still can't do it for some reason okay let's just keep uh he's threatening me i'm just gonna keep punching him in the face and no there he goes all right now i can't hit him my left leg is crippled the thing is that ah god damn it ah yep okay he's dodging i gotta get up i gotta i gotta kill this guy i can't i can't lose a fight i can't lose a fight guys damn it come on ah he got away this guy hang on a second i'm grabbing out i'm grabbing my meat cleaver again uh this guy really effed me up so i don't really know what else to do at this point coughing blood though this guy really messed up my day i'm gonna go in again for him 23 away keep advancing come on man either finish me off or i'm finishing you off it's survival of the fittest here he's also vulnerable though he's in severe pain all we need to do is get up close next to this guy and slash him but he does have better range than me just gonna keep advancing keep advancing he's trying to retreat i'm gonna do melee surge man ah damn it he desperately retreated from me no going to chase this man 16 14 11 9 6. oh this guy is desperate he's he's trying to get away from me now okay i'm gonna tackle him so that he can't get away i'm down too though it's too bad i can't slash him i'm getting up i'm gonna pull him down i'm gonna get up and then i'm gonna hit him with my melee surge damn it try it again i'm going for all in yes i got him with a traumatic brain injury ah yeah maybe this is why i should do the sling start next time i'll try a range character i don't even know about this sling trick before all right let's see how we did in this combat so this guy had a hunting rifle on him this thing i mean it it's good we might be able to use it to bluff i'm just gonna have to recover from all these wounds um he's also got an actual backpack so this guy was a very valuable kill uh i don't really need those twigs he had a shoe one shoe he had a hoodie he had some cargo pants with a flashlight in him um we're gonna empty those out let's take the flashlight we might be able to use this for uh you know hunting around for stuff later on we're also going to empty out this bag because i probably won't be using this bag again for a while multi-tool see like we're moving up in the world now for some reason he was collecting poison berries this guy was an idiot we got him out of his misery um emptied this out too now we can start to actually have a surplus of water bottles assuming that i live again assuming that i live i'm probably going to bleed out after this fight because that did not go particularly well i'll take my can with me nothing like a clear victory i think i'll put my bullets into this other pocket there we go four bullets yeah seven bullets there this is different oh these are different types of bullets how what if an ignoramus i've been to have missed that okay well let's uh put this in here this is what you gotta love this kind of stuff otherwise you won't like this game uh it's just it won't work out for you hey about silence thank you for the sub my friend i feel like this could be a solid mobile game have they tried it actually is on mobile yeah um i can't remember when he ported it it was a while back i think we've got another shirt pocket we could use i don't know how it would work on mobile though with like uh inventory management but i mean it's good game design i like it for that oh jesus christ that was an exhilarating fight let's check on our oh my god we are really effed up we might die look at all the status conditions i mean i'm coughing blood i might like the game under rail under rail looks fantastic i've never actually played it i do own it one of those ones you know like oh i think i'm gonna like this i haven't gotten to try it yet okay uh i would like some clean rags might need to clean off some rags yeah coughing blood is no bueno how are we gonna make it out of this oh we ate some berries maybe those berries will have like internal bleeding stopping i lost a lot of blood okay this is really bad look at all the blood that i'm losing how am i gonna fix internal bleeding oh jesus uh i'm gonna have to bandage yeah that might have gotten me killed right there okay mr monica thank you for the sub before i'm about to die all right let's try the meat cleaver and these uh khaki cargo shorts make some dirty rags see if i can put those on my aching body uh better than nothing better than nothing do i have head trauma i have some kind of head trauma going on here too that's not too good i'm going to need to clean these off rna see if this sweatshirt yields anything better hmm nah can i use water on no i can't do that damn it i'm gonna die do i have water in my water bottles i've got some twigs could use that man it's terrible you know i just found bullet not necessarily the bullets for this gun but i was finally doing well ui centric games like this do well on ipad yeah heal internal bleeding i need to go to the hospital in the city i'm dead then ma'am that seems like a long ways away uh i i do i think i'm dead let's just see if i end the external bleeding external bleeding is that going to be enough so we'll take this water and put it into our water bottles great job water bottles holding all of that water everyone loves you water bottles thank you for doing your jobs okay let's uh i might even just am i gonna drink this yeah let's go it doesn't show me losing blood anymore okay the the blood is improving all right you know i might make it through this i've given up a lot of hope there thought it was over you know i had one of those near-death experiences that they talk about let's i add the woods into the yeah here we go let's get more tree bark i gotta wait to craft and turn okay hey look whose blood is going up yeah oh god damn it now we've got more strangers hopefully these two are in pursuit of one another because this guy is ranged um now you do have like um clans and stuff like that in this game your next build should be a range lock picking medic i mean i'd like to learn another build mostly i've done melee all right let's uh let's do our crafting though i could keep myself alive a little bit longer here to be optimistic there we go add in the trapping and we got a fire ba bing bada boom big fire now we will be making let's add that in i would always want to keep a weapon on me and now supposedly i can harden this spear in the fire okay great those two are duking it out i'm not involved fantastic god damn it get away from me hate these people what do i have on me do i i didn't even equip that spear did i i still have a uh crowbar whatever that means as long as i don't attack the dude uh in brownies chill okay so yeah it's just like the hobos that want to kill me i will attempt to stop the external bleeding sounds like something mustafa from often austin powers would say good go away dog no one likes you all right so now we've got uh this hardened spear i don't really want to give up the hunting rifle though so maybe this isn't even really worth it we can if we get like a sling or what is it not a sling there is a way that we can attach this hunting rifle to our i mean correct me if i'm wrong can't i hold the crowbar on my body like i can attach to myself or maybe it's the rifle that i could sling to my back i might need to do that in the crafting screen though i don't have any string on me either well regardless the hunting rifle is not a bad weapon to have on me hmm okay i'm gonna go back over to my rags take these off see if i can clean them off or something go to crafting fire water can sterilized water man look at all this great water we've got us on us uh the glory of holding so many water bottles at once put that there great now we got two for one like a big sail or something put that in there and we're out of crafting moves okay uh i've got the rifle in my hand i don't want to forget it so let's just leave it there stay away dogs stay away dogs shoulder the crowbar with a string but hovering over my shoulder oh oh so i'm gonna need some string for this well then let's go back into that crafting screen just give me a moment and i'll make it happen do that and that oh come on can't that make something well at the same time how much do we really need pants you know if we question this yet everyone's just kind of taking this for granted let's get that string baby let's get that medium thread baby that seems pretty good to me put that on and then do this i've already got okay so i just need to hold it over it in the inventory well nonetheless here we've got more water do this put this on here and great clean rags okay so now we could make some clean rags i could wear one of these on my face i could wear one of these on my ah goddammit i didn't mean to make a squirrel snare all right let's go back into our inventory um body meat clean rags where do i need these most i don't need to clean all of them just some of them it's enough for me you know we've stopped the bleeding our blood is going back up and we are still thirsty i want to end that let's do that nice nice making progress okay now let's take this what happened to my crowbar where's my crowbar did you see that my crowbar just like apparated away hey ah god damn it i just turned the crowbar into a squirrel trap ah that was a big mistake all right well at least it makes my decisions less vague i can just carry this gun in this spear well let's see if we can harden the spear now by putting it in the fire spear meet fire how do we do this sharpen spear hardens beer it's going to be something sharp that we could attach to the end of this or maybe i already got rid of it with the crowbar all right trapping all right okay well you know i've got my spear i've got my rifle i've got enough of the garbage on me that i think we could potentially make a run for the city now oh grand nah i don't need string uh what time is it it's about midday let's uh make our way back out i don't want to encounter these dogs i want a new area tonight onto greener fields and pastures new good or should i say um a city not greener fields necessarily uh we do need some water from this lake so we'll put that in our water bottles keep using that good the nice part about these natural resources is they are like unlimited so anything that increases your use of the natural world at least in the early game will help you a lot and there's something about the rain in this game that's just hypnotic you know it's beautiful rain all right let's try scavenging now now it is night how will we do here we should wait till morning i've got loot i don't really have that much time to spare though okay looks like we found something wowzers a box for me another can a makeshift sack all right this is great um can we fit the rifle into the not the storage box oh this is my favorite kind of thing to do i kind of want to keep the rifle because it's a rifle you know it's worth a lot of money the makeshift sack isn't worth that much money and it loses condition pretty fast but i do want this sleeping bag but f me i can't hold it anywhere i gotta keep a weapon on me now it does improve your quality of sleep in every way that i can think of but i just think it's not not worth it until we find a shopping cart this is why you spend so much time trying to uh hello oh hello back to you hakik akikaro appreciate the sub my friend thank you i'm thinking like this hiya poopy children's backpack is gonna stay with me for a while worth 700 clearly this world has got some kind of inflation problem um storage shed strong lighter i hope we find something in here that looks like cargo pants this is much better than what we have right now because it covers the whole leg and it has more storage room think about it we could put our flashlight in there too now we're gonna need batteries to put into the flash yes this game does get that detailed but clean rags we could actually carry on our face end of the turn yeah oh it's taking the bags conte yeah you're right i i was thinking that sounds crazy when i said it yeah so it's whatever's in the hi you poopy children's backpack that's what we're talking about okay i'm weak with hunger this ah i've not really been paying much attention to hunger actually i am just slightly malnourished malnourishment just means like the wrong nourishment right like bad nourishment but you're nourished so stop complaining all right let's uh go through the office building something tells me that in the day you get better i don't know why it's been a while i swear to god i haven't played this game in like four years okay look at that there was a shoe in there did you see that now i'm gonna make a point right here what is the right shoe when you could wear it on your left foot see what i did there yeah okay let's put this it's like resident evil with the uh inventory management though that's nice okay patchwork hide tunic is not actually as good as the dogman fur coat so we're gonna leave that on the ground unfortunately we can't carry that with us um thinking that's pretty much it here uh is there any is probably gonna hurt myself how am i gonna i mean it's i could hurt myself but it's like isn't shu better than no shoe basically a bit like doctor who could have been cured in fighting a demon time to kill someone severe blood loss wearing crude i just try to keep an eye on all these things so this does filter my uh you can't get sick from stuff in the air or whatever it is there are some places like if you goddamn like clean rags fell apart so yeah my rags on my face fell apart honestly i don't know if it's better to wear no rags or dirty rags on your face it just seems like it's better to wear nail rags so let's end our next turn okay these guys are strong but i don't think that they're aggressive with me might be mistaken there but i'm gonna move a little bit further away basically avoid everyone at the beginning of the game see if you can you know uh be a scavenger hence neo scavenger new scavenger in latin um you know for any enemies that you encounter in the game hmm okay there we are shoes on the it's my shoes no you know i have two left feet i have two left feet i'm having a great time in these shoes don't draw any more attention to it please i appreciate that all right and and in my turn i did good today did oh god damn it there's another man i always got to check out the pixel art sprite on these guys not you know like because i'm attracted to them you know physically but because i want to uh see what gear they have sometimes you can see that from far away but sometimes you can't this guy's just standing here because he's an idiot keep going through take his oh does he have on shoes i don't even notice yes look he has two shoes great he has but he might be doing the same thing as me look he's got on the same arrangement is it worth it two to kill this man for his shoes i mean has anyone ever played a morally sound version of neo scavenger i just feel like that it's oh great look we found the correct shoe for this foot fantastic 23.7 these are great shoes personally i don't want to wear crocs around in the apocalypse it's the acrylics oh god that was a great joke oh what am i even gonna do when i what are you going to do without me uh roads and roofs i feel like we can do something with roads and roots of michigan am i wearing additional rag on my face for free oh really damn i feel like i should be making better use of this rag game we've got hunting arrows but i won't uh i won't do much there how are my blisters blisters on feet that's because we've been walking around all the time without shoes on let's just end our turn we're gonna sleep tonight but god damn it we've got a moderate load now this isn't that moderate this is just not that moderate i swear to god you try to you try to make something happen and then reality starts to kick in armor oh my arm is getting scratched from looting sometimes this happens too are my shoes not fixed no i think my shoes are okay i think that those um oh wait can you fix your shoes can you fix the condition yeah well we had makeshift shoes and wrong feet for a while you know if you haven't been here for this whole stream we we came up by the bootstraps we had a pretty hard time getting here with the uh with these shoes but can we fix our shoes and what if we have like uh no these are look this is a right oh god damn it oh you're right that is the wrong shoe i'm sorry that i doubted you for a second oh thank you for saying that you saved my life god what a fool i've been almost wearing the wrong shoes around oh thank you thank you chad absolutely backseat all you want all right dying of thirst i don't really like the sound of that let's go to the woods and make another fire i don't need to fight this man for his shoes anymore but it looks like that guy's got some good but i probably won't be able to carry it around with me we're looking around for a shopping cart now um don't have we won't be searching the woods what i do want to do is this woods wood i get it see what i did there oh god that was great trapping fire always takes a lot of moves to get here but once we get it going it's you know okay water and can and all that gives us more water but better water like poland's spring water or something like that there we go if only there were some way that you could get more action points per turn but alas no it was not meant to be now we can't also find water in the woods forgot to say that you can sometimes find weird things when you're scavenging like you know despite the fact that there's not necessarily any marked water in these woods we could do it don't you doubt it for a second and we might have to oh we don't need this here we go water uh that water's already sterilized more water more water i think we're good now drink all of that great look look at my thirst going away oh yeah i might need to eat a guy three teeth oh are we going for the teeth running can she oh the blister is taking away action points yes that's uh that is true i forgot about that uh we're gonna wait we're gonna maybe we'll let this guy live let's scavenge the forest uh take the forest yeah just take the forest see look found more water in the forest amazing right thinking i'm going to boil the rest of this water while i get some thyme here and you know i'll carry the water inside of my of my body there we go okay craft a little bit more water fast it would be oh god damn it now you know i'm not going to waste my time with this i've already got enough water in me i'm gonna be pissing all night now let's go there's a man here now what are you you know what you could live i'm just gonna leave he wants to fight oh god damn it why would he do this though i mean he's tough but look at all of the stuff that i'm carrying with me humans are the most optimized water bottle except well i guess you could drink from someone why would you though i'm gonna run away great oh he battered my left leg with the stones he doesn't have a stone oh he has some stones on him my bad stunned great okay bad mother meat spear now he is tough terrain is difficult but he's bleeding i gotta get away because i'm more worried about like what is he gonna do to me than what am i gonna do to him he's parrying my next attack i'm tired though i'm tired he smashed my spear is gone okay i've got a shotgun in my hand or a hunting rifle in my hands he's gonna regret the day he was born just look dude get out great he got away from me but i lost my weapon um i'm going to sleep you know i've got a weapon on me i could hit a guy with it oh god look he left a pair of binoculars on the ground this is fantastic let's uh wow what amazing luck i'm gonna need some string ah not enough moves off the craft all right i'm just gonna end my turn i'll go to sleep next turn uh let's see crafting yeah you know i think binoculars are a little bit better than the single hunting rifle scope that says only 322 but i mean it's like it's two eyes i figure two eyes are better than one you know all right great got that now and put that around my neck i'm going to sleep i'm i deserve a rest yeah all right look at that blood i'm real juicy now juicy with blood why stop at two eyes when you can have three i mean yeah that's you could open your third eye that's true i hadn't even thought of that god you've i've reached zen enlightenment thank you thank you appreciate that thunder i'm not starving i have a few more days come on all right you know hopefully there will be some like cheez-its in one of these pl don't you think when you really ha god i could really use some cheese i had a great day i mean i had a great night did plenty of sleeping plenty of uh drinking and thirsting so now we're good all right look a water bottle wow oh we found some cornucola oh we could totally drink that that's actually going to improve our malnourishment wow amazing and our turn uh has lost blood i mean it's ruining our lives the fact that i have all this internal bleeding but at the same time it's improving so yeah all right look at all these cheetos we found or whatever they are uh everything is kind of like non-rip off versions of whatever it is in real life let's put this gun into our hand we don't want that to break down but i doubt we'll even find bullets for it somehow um wabs yeah the scope is still on my neck i'm just holding it with my chin rolls i mean it's too bad that you go or get stopped at like two necklaces because i think it should be three isn't this your favorite thing how it shrinks in the inventory when you use it up i do like that a lot now we found a first aid kit now let's examine what's actually in here i've got some clean rags i am gonna wear some of those on my face because i love it uh we get some cl uh great our clean rags didn't wear out here are we uh great i'm just bruised on my arm now there's a one oh jesus what is that what's happening over there keep on putting on these clean rags to a certain extent i don't honestly know what we need to put rags on for like do you need to rag bruises something i don't know about this can we'll leave the clean rags on our mouth because sometimes when you're searching that can uh turn south and mess you up okay we've got pharmicon amoxicillin and cavillo painkiller okay don't need those right now but might need them in the future impasse we might reach so we'll keep that on us it seems valuable to prevent infections ah okay excellent i mean if neo scavenger had a it's too bad it doesn't have a more content that's the one thing it it would really benefit from mods you're right i don't know how the game is set up like that crashing after i have caffeine high i guess from the cornucola um now i'm shivering outdoor temperature is okay but i'm uh i'm all right my temperature isn't really bad you can die of temperature though what did he die of he died of temperature had too much temperature that's annoying why can't we uh let's just look at our status effects blisters on our feet mild blood loss malnourished uh okay now we're just looking for food pretty much i could stop in these woods hell you know what let's stop in the woods yeah why not don't have trap i should have brought that squirrel trap with me god damn it there are a couple yeah there are some mods i've heard of i've never tried them though overdosed on yeah temperature ain't that a bee okay this is interesting and how far are we from the uh from the glow okay we've made it about halfway to the glow and we'll be better at moving soon i'm great at moving do it all the time uh clean rags have fallen apart where i was at still on my body somehow i feel like that no i mean this is bruising ah but this is a cut yeah i'll put that on my shoulder okay well at least we've got all the open wounds covered that seems like the most important thing uh shaq in the forest can sometimes can have really good stuff in them so i'm gonna just keep searching sleeping bag okay we found one before but is it better than our first aid kit hmm i mean we'd have to do like you know what i have an idea empty out do this i'm actually going to just take all of the painkillers am i going to remember that this is amoxicillin all right you remind me later on that this is amoxicillin i have some doubts that i'm going to need to use amoxicillin for this playthrough but we're going to take the sleeping bag in our other hand just so that we have a decent campsite wherever we wind up i was hoping for something a little bit better there though still need that shopping cart if we if we get lucky we'll find a guy with a shopping cart who's very weak very specific need i know but it's what we would i would need right this uh meat cleaver is in better condition than us i think it's worth it to have only one meat cleaver so i'm just gonna leave this one goodbye meat cleaver everyone say goodbye to the meat cleaver we had a great time with the meat cleaver let's go to this next city take it now so my blisters don't get infected honestly oh what mike amoxicillin well what are these and moxal salon was like an anti-i mean in real life i'm allergic to amoxicillin so i'm like fearful of it um we've had it it's actually it's been pretty cool oh god damn it there we go strong no although i am kind of like encumbered with all the oh god it's another melon head you know i need some food i need a shopping cart and some food all right what do we think what do we pick up there okay a boot a boot that's in great condition i'd prefer that yes absolutely sign me up khaki cargo shorts all right yeah just keep keep looking around we have one more storage shed not locked uh god bless my missing uh uh what is it what did i lose okay noise trap nah again not really feeling it we could put this in here though and do this then we could empty this out and put that in there still has 75 okay that's fantastic very nice burdened why am i i guess because i'm carrying all this on me the end return okay there is a wolf man i think that he wants me i'm pretty sure and i'm pretty sure that he's a fast guy so i'm going to just run and yet i can't run that fast uh yeah we are really walking slow now i don't want to fight another wolf man though that event at the beginning of the game is it actually makes the wolf man a far easier fight than it often is um okay we're on a hilltop and we've got a few options around us i don't want to go much further south so let's keep heading over to these cities could probably stay here for the night but i do need to find some food soon or i'll die goodbye thank you for saying such a nice goodbye to the meat cleaver okay look a deer we're going to see oh god damn it their deer ran away i'm so weak this does happen that you get like overencumbered and weak i might need to put some stuff down oh god the music is coming back that means i might die all right is there anything to scavenge again i don't want to [Music] waste it ah good okay i found another one of these crowbars ah here it is okay that was the spot i was looking for so we can hold the crowbar on our shoulder without a or as long as it has the strap on it there we are okay um let's we could probably put another one of these rags on my face can i do that no i can't do that very sad well then let's put this on my body i guess you could just carry rags on your body if you wanted to like i could just put them all over myself as long as i were bruised enough how do you carry her rags i literally just wear them on my body ah that's weird see what is going on right here this is like that's just weird all right come on steady it's like playing operation remember that kids game ah all right you know i'd say that we're like i stand justified this has been good dying of thirst dying of her there's smiling of thirst look now we've got this crowbar we're finding more from all of these locations we found water in something vaguely uh safe god damn it dawg i've got my rifle butt i'm just gonna yell at him though i don't want to fight you oh wait a minute no i do want to fight you because this time i could use you for food i do ah damn it might need that dog to come back but i can't really chase that thing in the night because i just don't know where it is put that in our other water boat all right uh go to sleep we're gonna have like one more day to find some food i think we'll be fine though that's just neo scavenger's jankiness yeah it can be a little bit janky i've never had too many problems with it though i'm struggling i'm struggling maybe i should put some of this stuff down because i could get myself killed i don't think that having a good night's sleep is nearly as important as being alive so let's just take all of this could i maybe take the rifle scope and leave that on the ground the talisman i don't want to take off of me because bad happens to you if you take off your talisman before the before the right time comes okay now we're just burdened regularly now i know we love this sleeping bag but everybody i'm gonna die if i keep the sleeping bag on me probably so say goodbye to the sleeping bag i apologize for this the bag in the camp for ah that's true you know i didn't even use the bag i feel stupid yeah there's all kinds of other stuff you have to do like that like you have to put the bag into the cap if you want it to work great this dog might attack me oh god damn it the one time i want the dog to attack me smashing oh what is smashing oh hey alex's game board 534 thank you for the rate hey what are we playing my friend hope your stream on well yeah i mean we could we could set up the camp for later uh great but look this dog just wants to be eaten this dog is just desperate um hang on a second let's advance i have a rifle i could probably take this damn it come on dog this dog keeps trying to get away it's playing hard to get look this deer it's like there's a bunch of animals surrounding me and i can't even eat them i'm just gonna search the city i mean i might live a little bit longer i'm gonna end my turn i i thought i would have found some like more chips and stuff like that look great hang on is there a locked storage shed yeah there it is locked storage we've got the crowbar so we can get inside we'll use strong fire and trapping not quite the stuff i need this is better condition damn well keep looking we still have more things such god these animals are just waiting for me to die now come on get some cheez-its in a storage okay we found the mummy sleeping bag this one is a little bit easier to carry around as it stands i'm not dying of thirst this sling i haven't really used so i'm gonna leave behind i did find a rifle shoulder strap so i will put that onto my uh rifle that seems to make sense and let's put the mummy sleeping bag on okay let's get into our crafting god damn it i don't have enough turns left i can throw spears at the dead i could throw anything at the dead too would be weird to keep food in the storage i know but it's now i'm getting kind of desperate uh oops um i don't think i used up any ap there right let's just attach this onto here so maybe this will take off more of my encumbrance oh really hmm what is the recipe here hmm tools make have a tool weapon sharp crowbar with scrub or with strap oh i guess we might need like a medium thread for this to happen okay well then let's make medium thread can we make me more medium thread uh let's go do weapon yeah it's that medium that's weird am i doing something oh try the multi-tool yeah let's give it a shot see if we do that no not working the arrow under confirmed no let's try making a lot of medium thread maybe that'll help us nah i can't seem to do it that's weird i don't know the recipe by heart here bun i think we'll just leave that metal bits something made of metal let's try a bunch of stuff maybe i'll try bullets meat cleaver i'm just trying to imagine it's like the most minecraft way of crafting things we got some options but we couldn't make work i'm just gonna leave that one for now uh more important that i scavenge these two abandoned mobile homes nothing a lot of the games do end like this like i've had some end in starvation usually it's like temperature when you're asleep okay that was a lot still no food though damn it that's crazy i'm gonna die of foodlessness i think i can do this i could try like painkillers you know i'm just to take the painkillers just to not be in pain when i'm dying 21.3 it's just it gets sad after a while neo scavenger because it's just like watching a guy you know he's gonna die in the end i'm not honestly even sure how the game ends or if there's any way to beat it if you're just constantly there are like some bits of story uh what is going to get me food fastest i could go to these ruins but it looks pretty iffy i think we're gonna have to do it anyway i bet you some evil stuff is gonna come out of this swamp and try to kill me in the night do i even have my crow do i do i have my crowbar i think it got worn out sad my painkillers are wearing off too i won't even be able to i'll be able to feel my own death right i'm gonna have to start drinking water that's not safe soon this is getting bad i'm not even gonna have time to make a fire tonight it's just i feel so vulnerable i can't help it it's like okay no that's something okay hunting rifle with strap god damn it wish i'd found that earlier i have some rags you want that more of these too okay that's nice all right now we're talking i mean if i could have found that deer now that would have been nice let's just keep that uh let's keep that hunting rifle in my hand though because i might need it i need to shoot somebody with this thing all right you know i would be remiss if i died without shooting this guy oh i mean not myself whoever dares try to fight me clean rags hey i'll just combine this rag with my other rags think i'm good oh here oh good a man i might have to eat this man hunting rifle is crap condition ah damn i mean you know this guy he could get killed by me though old water yeah i might be able to get some sterilized water from there but as it stands i'm gonna starve i won't uh die of thirst though okay let's look for this man he's five away he's got some kind of stick uh he's this is a medium-sized branch let's try a ranged attack i don't i'm probably going to miss but i've got a lot of bullets and i want to make this happen okay oh great it looks like i did hit him um okay i attacked him and hit i shredded his lower left leg with the oh god he can't run he fell to the ground oh this guy is effed up his left leg is crippled can he even get up he can't run away let's just keep shoot i'm just going to shoot him again i right great job we have just shot a man to death uh oh and he had some berries look wowzers uh yellow berries can be okay for you you might live from them empty out this water we just got some regular water in here what other kinds of water we have okay i'm gonna drink this water okay i'm gonna pull you right now should i eat this man should i eat this man chad i'm gonna let you decide it's a crime but might be necessary uh actually no sorry stop end the vote right now end the vote um oh yeah i've got the scrap the scope too thank you for that i will combine that with this all right uh hang on a second eat the man or eat the five berries man or berries the choice is yours i take i'm gonna wash my hands of this i'm not gonna take responsibility i'm just gonna do what you say to do why can't i combine these two i feel like i i should be able [Music] to right i'm just going to finish crafting this garbage and then i'm going to look back over and i will know whether i'm eating a man or berries barry the man that was the an amazing pun all right we're gonna eat this guy you know what your wish is not mine your wishes not mine uh hang on a second though but now we gotta it's it's like work to eat a guy okay uh get him there with that well that was very easy all right we're gonna wait a little bit longer hopefully this will improve my hydration flesh will lead the way so any of the mechanical parts and we'll install this oh i need mechanical parts with me to install the multi-tool and trap thank you i appreciate that forest ass can i show the map hell yeah i'm about halfway to the glow i haven't made it there yet we're trying to stay alive uh now let's see we've got we're starving to death but we've got something to look forward to here look at this guy i'm gonna make a fire hmm trapping lighter do i have any tree bark on me or anything to start this fire because i perhaps yeah i could use a plastic bag okay great plastic bag make yourself useful um we will make an even bigger fire and now we will cook this uh man's flesh um sorry i apologize do we have some stuff in our can we're also going to be sterilizing the water too okay so we're going to be eating human flesh and drinking water great activities for neo scavenger i mean this is pretty much what your life consists of in your scavenger and the turn please nobody i also don't have anything in my hands i've got to put this hunting rifle back in my hands um do i keep this strap on me you know let's uh let's do this ah damn it it won't perfectly fit my backpack i'm like an ocd serial killer in this game that's kind of that's kind of the simulation that's taking place here let's eat these jelly beans and uh got just the sentences that come out of my mouth when i play neoskav they would make my mother upset they would that they would let's uh add this god damn it why can't we put these oh because these aren't the same bullets eating people why is eating people so bad in neoskat why oh is it going to i haven't eaten them yet why is it bad though in neo i mean if you have the option of it why give it at all what is what is the oh doesn't somebody want to kill you if you eat human flesh in this game maybe i'll have like one berry it's like role playing is hannibal lecter ah you know it's been a while let's we're just gonna we're just gonna have it happen all right ah damn it i forget what happens you're right though something bad does happen to you i can't i can't honestly remember what it is um uh why can't i do this multi-tool stones uh more of this okay here we go great uh loving it and stick uh this bass bad it might die from withdrawal if i do really yeah let's just do it it's been so long since i last played this game i'm feeling nostalgic feeling nostalgic all right okay this meat uh it's good fully developed field in it oh god damn it yeah i forgot about this yeah you get like a need for but at least at the same time you know at least my hunger is taken care of but it's an act of desperation i'm not thirsty i'll be fine all right i'm gonna sleep in a field i feel like i'm getting a little overconfident now now there is one thing that you could do in the game that means instant death i feel like it would be great to just do a neo scavenger run just like overly relying on that [Music] we're going through the woods i don't know what song this is oh you can just double click on it that's great um thank you we're good yeah let's keep going on uh i want to make it to the next city i want to find nice stuff oh hi hi um he's far away but i have a gun i've never been able to fight one of these guys i'm going to first back away is he showing any signs okay uh yeah he offers these people aren't um usually bad is one of the dmc guards he just listens to a lot of run dmc all day and he's trying to guard their uh you know their record label he's a good guy you know he sticks up for artists um small parts now with this along with this okay i could be able to do this here now let's do this rifle scope small mechanical part oh what was the other thing that i'm missing hmm there's one other thing right lure him to a dog man to get his oh that would be nice yeah that seems to be some of the best armor that you can find in the game right oh no here uh oh we could dismantle it but oh this is it okay awesome hey thank you for that i did not know that trick okay so that's how we get the gun as it stands right now i still have these in my hand see if i can do anything different with these i think i'm okay the ammo back oh did i ah right you are i did lose the ammo from the gun i would have missed that i don't know why the ammo left the gun i guess because i was crafting that let's do sticks sometimes this game gets like weirdly quiet but it's it's also partly just ambiance like i kind of i respect it for that you know i'm gonna need another plastic bag to start this fire can i do this yeah all right i just need that um why did i make this again oh yeah i wanted this thing water water oops uh well at least i cleaned the rag good person seems like a very morally pure task to clean rags you know all right now i'm just i'm getting really sidetracked here what did that even have to do with anything all right let's uh think i'm good don't really need those i'm just gonna drink this water my god though it takes a lot of water drinking to save your thirst scavenge we've found some decent stuff the one thing that we're missing now is just like storage uh more potato chips not my favorite meal but yeah yeah have that uh more water testing is fine always a good thing especially since the incident we won't be speaking of that all right ah please leave me alone i don't trust anyone now we just need one of those crowbars back i'm surprised for the record that i've lived this long in this game usually this is not an occurrence a laptop close okay worth 75 dollars there but does it have batteries in it these binoculars are right about to go okay i'm gonna take this with me am i gonna take this with me yeah i don't need two of these things let's just empty this out we'll put more of these double-a batteries into the flashlight which we'll put into this hand and then we'll put the batteries into the flashlight maybe that'll somehow help and then we'll put these rags into our pocket and put this here and then we'll put the flashlight back into our pocket and then we'll put the laptop in my other hand my god that was a lot of crap to do why is there just blankness over here laptop battery all right well not questioning that let's keep on going and get away from these suspicious looking guards who keep you know moving around near me am i doing i'm doing pretty well i just now i that i've done this well it makes me wish i had had different traits let's see if we can at least get to the mysterious glow which isn't i which ironically is not that much of a mystery to me um hey look another guy showing off his gun hey stranger want to touch guns uh let's see okay my ah dammit wait a minute do i not have my gun loaded offer to talk i don't want to fight this guy okay um okay his gun is not loaded is the good news um damn that was not smart of me yeah npcs are all crazy um oh he's what the f god these people in this game can't make up their minds this guy just charged at me and then ran away my oh my ammo was sp oh you're right okay hang on a second yes he deserves to die and i hope he burns in hell uh give me a second now this i'm just gonna uh you know walk toward him i'll walk toward him and then i'm gonna shoot him and i hit him uh lower chest i hit him uh shoot him again yeah i just want this guy dead and he's just desperately trying to retreat okay we're just gonna change out our gun mode uh to the rifle but we uh yeah but but all right we're going to charge it this man yeah keep charging at him yeah i don't know why i've just kind of decided for myself with damn it my rifle fell apart you know i shouldn't have done that bad person all right well we're just gonna punch this man to i mean this is the way that neo scavenger works this is like every single playthrough of course you can play like in a you know pacifist way but what fun is that you know these combat menu screens are just such a thrill to navigate god damn it i fell down no i'm not gonna let him get away you know he used up my last two bullets i have eaten the forbidden fruit it's there's a lot has happened right now that there's no going back really yeah keep going at him just go at him hey hurt my dog hey thank you thank you for the sub my friend thank you herp hmm all right now we've just how many kills is that this has been crazy a crazy game oh we found another hunting rifle with exactly the same setup on this man this one might even be in better condition i didn't check out the last one yeah i mean you know it's no yeah no problem whatsoever pacifist lock picking men yeah i well picking locks is pretty useful in this it is that it is oh great lock picking tools that's fantastic um can we store these away in any of our i guess we could you know we don't need five water bottles yeah that's fine let's get rid of that um i'll leave these bullets on me because i want to sell them when i get to the city everybody's buying bullets in the city uh and then we'll put lock pick here now that seems fantastic what is the condition 96.1 condition this thing is worth a whole 10 dollars strong i can't use lock picking all right well whatever fantastic look crowbars and crowbars and crowbars for days all right uh now we gotta take the this i always found this kind of needlessly complex like why give somebody all of this small string just that they can make medium string like why not just add one string item to the game it's a little overly complex how now which one of these is better condition 99.4 obviously this one's better great okay so now we have another crowbar for searching oh this is amazing look at how well i'm outfitted though all we need is like the clown mask or the helmet or something yes there is a clown mask it looks suspiciously like ronald mcdonald i think we're good i'm going to keep the laptop just because it seems good for us for resale value right i mean what should i eat no i'm i could have him you know what i mean when i say have him look this guy's running around the apocalypse with some kind of jesus all right you know i bet you will find better stuff in these buildings though than with that guy you know though maybe i'm wrong should we fight him fight or search yeah you let me know what you want let me know what you want to see let me just see if i have any bullets in here i don't have any bullets unfortunately so it is going to be harder uh actually no i'm not i'm not giving you this i'm not giving you this decision yeah we're saying search anyway let me just fill up these water bottles i'm gonna need to find some more bullets before i fight anybody again surprisingly we managed to make all of our shots so i'm i did not expect that to happen for the record image multiple okay our current multi-tool is better but i do often find myself just like comparing item qualities once i get this far in the game i even want ketchup all right here i'll have some more ketchup yeah love ketchup hmm okay we've got two strangers i'm thirsty another thing about this game is that i wish there were more oh great we found whiskey was exactly what i was about to say you can really remember what happens when you just drink all of the whiskey why is my blood going down when i drink do we just run out of blood when we drink whiskey this is not how life works imagine if i look at how much blood i lost right there i'm gonna die from drinking a half a bottle of whiskey alcohol is a blood thinner but i mean like would it cause me to like i'm bleeding again oh god damn it sunday monday happy days tuesday wednesday happy days thursday friday happy day saturday what a day groovin all week with you sunday monday happy days tuesday wednesday happy days thursday friday happy days saturday this is the greatest pts go it goes thank you for the 300 bits i i mean that's how i'm feeling right now happy day you know now i know that drinking whiskey can kill you a neo scavenger that's bananas i was just trying to have a you know i was trying to get lit have a good time um all right well you know i'm gonna be paying for that for a while let's keep drinking this cornucola damn it why do i make these decisions yeah we're okay we're okay all right uh continuing along now shall we let's see if we could at least get to detroit before i'm dead look at the cards they're effing that guy up they're all sleeping together eat my brut my boots like a proper cowboy only a proper cowboy would eat his i'll eat my hat i thought that cowboys ate their hats now i gotta go to sleep this character is just very tired hungover now oh great his blood is getting back though it seems awfully fast to lose all of your blood and then get it back out is he just like throwing up blood or something oh well uh i am gonna sleep in the woods he's just really tired might get attacked tonight and what do you know didn't get attacked all right just keep going for some reason you oh god damn it diarrhea stomach pain is dying of thirst was this all because i drank some whiskey i didn't drink oh maybe i did drink some bad water but the whiskey had to be clean right you know ethanol and all of that wait a minute let's just check on my medical history diarrhea poison 2 blind mild blood loss abdominal i must have done something wrong okay it's time for some amoxicillin oh was it the it might be the white berries i ate one thing of white berries before ah that's true i mean would the amoxicillin kill me from having well it's an antibiotic it's not like a painkiller so it wouldn't combine badly with you i'm not a pharmacist but that's true that's true uh blindness isn't you know it's not that bad all right i'm dehydrated though you know i'm worried about that i don't want to rest in the heel sometimes i can mean that you die but it's bad when your stats just start mysteriously going down this isn't clean water is it no man no i don't want to do this i hope i don't just die i might end up dying one of those mysterious like diseased neo-scavenger deaths could be anti-you know after all of that we did so much like good no okay scavenging see if we can find any strong enough antibiotics to get me through this i just found a dvd no not what i was looking for keep going through might need some firewood might need some firewood no not what i was looking for again all right scavenge uh so many houses in this neighborhood so many opportunities at clean water i think this kind of became my complaint about neo scavenger though is because you know unless if you really knew a lot of stuff about the game it just kind of felt like you know like uh goddammit oh this is one of those blue guys oh what are these these guys if you fight one of them you get on their bad side and they all they all try to kill you right no longer blind to the lies of the jedi yeah these people are really bad because they'll come around with like 500 of them and try to sell you something i gotta get away from this guy i can't remember there's just so many like bad memories i have of this game retreat desperate retreat try to get the hell away from this guy okay you know what he asked for it the blue frog cult is full of bad people he's strong tough concussion and stunned i have f this guy's day up though but i'm coughing blood as it stands too hmm i'm thinking i'm winning here missed never go in for those flurries of blows okay i'm just gonna no i don't want him to be able to tell his cult no you get back here you take your beating because you were the one who attacked me except for if you're one of those crazy people who comes up to people and then runs away for no reason gonna keep charging you're not getting away man i don't know if you're well they'll probably find your dead body unless if i you know yeah we'll just leave it at that [Music] um charging at him okay come on blue frog it's kind of appropriate that it would be the blue frog and given much i i forgot about that god damn it this guy he's got he's got to be coughing now he's got to be coughing uh he passed out from unbearable pain okay great um well we don't want to leave him there let's just uh check the body for loot okay great uh now beat him great awesome all right you know what happens next uh we can't let anyone find out about this so we need to you know yep all right there we are good um oh wow yeah we keep messing up these rifles so we'll take his i think that's about it i'll put on his hash yeah now they won't they won't mix us up anymore all right and now we can have some well-earned cornucola and look he has a smartphone too goddamn it's so much useless garbage in this game too oh damn it that was a real waste now at least we can get this um dehydrated pill organizer all right so much put on another one of these all right whatever take that painkillers man just no i don't have too many of those all right i think we're good um yeah i don't really need to eat either i'm fine he had string in the bottle yeah it looks like cornucolo but it's actually string secretly i mean he asked for it i was just searching this house everybody in this universe seems to you know bother you for no reason don't trust those berries i don't know you think the blue frog cult will find out about me or you think that they'll just think that i'm his twin it's like you know you could you could be a good person but you probably won't be able to in this game that's the irony hacker in the smartphone i could be looking at pictures of cats while starving to death i've never gotten much use out of like the smartphone technology in this game that you always seem to see it i don't really know what it does i'm weary now i'm very badly dehydrated and i'm fight ooh i'm fighting off an infection why don't i should go check that pill box pill bottle hang on a second we need to eat these berries uh emptied these out okay oh god why did i get a red pill and a blue pill oh jesus oh morpheus save me i don't know why but i'm gonna take both of them and hope that something works this is a bad idea for the record and i'm also just drinking the oh i had the woods here too damn it okay becoming delirious irl don't die please don't die um hang on a second okay go to the crafting we gotta boil some water for my life save me use all of this and get that these and these and this it surprises me that you can't make a fire if you don't have trapping you know i'm gonna have a great time some of those pills are probably warfarin oh god warfarin warfarin yeah hey candy rain thank you for the sub appreciate it or if i use string oh i have not got string with me it seems like the trapping is pretty op let's go with this then we'll make a big fire good holy cow jesus christ candy rain thank you very much for the 20 gift subs jesus christ guys can we get some smashings for candy rain thank you very much we're actually getting new emotes made for the channel right now so i uh they're well timed or i i will i will uh you'll have good use of those thank you very much i appreciate that so what do i owe this honor it's raining candy oh hell yeah oh hell yeah hey candy rain if you have any game requests or anything let me know i uh i do appreciate it damn damn i mean i know what if i mean what if morpheus offered neil the red pill and the blue pill and then he just took both of them and then morpheus was like hey everybody gets only one pill jackass and then he got out of the matrix and he avoided having to go through the movie stuff anyway what if that happened to what do i owe this pleasure thank you very much candy rain i appreciate that ghost thank you for the 300 bits too the the matrix but neo is a drug addict in the wasteland oh jesus well you know at least we don't have any external conditions but now our we had die at least the diarrhea went away weakened immune system jesus i think i'm going to go to sleep in a minute either that or i'll just pass out this is not the way to treat your character in neo-scab but it's it's kind of what happens okay rags rags may need these lighter lighter hmm and then i yeah i know well i mean that's often how it ends you just pass out and die and you don't really get to see what happens but i'm so weary though i'm like what's even gonna be the point i'm gonna drink this bad water no actually i'm not hey let's just go to sleep yeah i'll be fine just hope that the dehydration oh great the dehydration didn't kick in all right i'm surprised i lived through all of that because usually that doesn't work out hmm [Music] hey officer jenkins thank you for the sub my friend appreciate it poison 2 why is poison 2 so much worse than poison one i thought it meant like you know you leveled up i'm surprised that we made it to poisons too i mean and this also is there anything that we need to do to get out of poisons too because i mean that would really it would suck to die of poison i was hoping i would get mauled by a wolf or something like that usually that's the way damn all right let's just keep making our way to detroit though maybe someone will have something in detroit hey ace winters thank you for uh thank you for gifting the subs appreciate it we're almost to the glo yeah we're almost there let's just get to the glow you know can't see in these well in these conditions just keep looking at this minor okay the pain is going up the dehydration probably isn't helping but now we're getting closer to detroit where is detroit um ah there it is we're almost at the glow now this isn't the end of the game like the game you still have to go all the way back from the glow and then there's some like cannibal maniac who tries to kill you in a house uh and you can get killed at like zomzoms or there's there's a rather a lot of places that are just god-awful in this okay i'm gonna rest and heal see if this helps me at all right blood is going up that's probably a good sign and it okay i've got poison three does this mean that it's getting worse i mean i am the maniac in this too to be fair to be fair candy rain oh wait i didn't see it candy rain candy rain ah candy rain i'm from detroit don't go there ah jesus i'm scat man ski by deep id dude the tts just kind of like skated through that entire thing that was impressive jesus okay it could be somebody who's gonna kill me as soon as i oh uh rev uh this guy probably won't want to kill me um stranger leader flees blindly okay offer cease fire yeah these guys are fine oh he has a drone too that's a nice drone is the drone i've never been killed by a drone with this um the drone runs away from me okay i'm just gonna wait and wait and wait there we go okay so the drone is gone haven't been killed by a drone yet though it would be a thrill i need water didn't find anything all right let's just end our turn let's see if we can find water in the city now we are in the outdoor slums of the city um there's a bunch of people in these places it's kind of like a hooverville outside of the glow uh thinking we're gonna go into the city we don't have any money but we can sell stuff once we get into the city um yes we should be okay now we don't need to take off the blue frog cult sash do we we're doing some i'm doing a sky block in room world um we'll be doing c block soon too hospital might save me if i got the cash yeah otherwise i think i'm gonna die of the poison there's a bunch of events there's a mysterious man in the city um uh this guy used me a job that i have to do somewhere else on the map i can't remember where it is i don't really want to take you through all of that you can look for some of that stuff for yourself consume use this to re-enter hatter's office um detroit mega city tracking bracelet put that on this wrist yeah keep my hospital bracelet on the other wrist um [Music] uh see if powder is available damn it okay detroit mega city gates okay we can get into the detroit mega city now um savings bank red gnome ah so then i had this messed up it does look nicer than i remember it being i like this place um [Music] now there's all kinds of garbage in here my favorite is zom zom's it's not in this city but it's far away i can die to an infection later let's go back out because we do need to sell some stuff this is the reason why i've been carrying a laptop with me for all this way um now we can add charges to things do we have that for our batteries i empty out these batteries yeah um you can freely charge stuff up at the detroit mega city so i'm going to empty that out we're going to charge up our batteries can we do that with this too laptop battery i don't really know about this let's try putting the laptop battery into our hands and just yeah all right give me more charges i'll take that great i don't know if that really did anything but let's just put the flashlight back in and now we could use this for searching and you know all that good stuff keep that there i miss them but it's all right i've got plenty um i think we're good but i've got to go i think it's either down south or up north to trade so i'm going to try north and it was not north it is south just keep moving around uh these guys don't want to fight me so i'm just going to reveal myself and wait go to the mega city again ceasefire these guys are fine okay great this is the market um laptop battery works great as a compact portable power bank yeah we could use it for that that would be nice let's see if we can sell stuff though because i am i'm probably gonna die um start shopping am i gonna die right here oh jesus hang on a second okay uh they don't have any god damn it they don't have water oh these are uh these are the shop items i forgot about this well i'm gonna use my own water f me i'm probably gonna die of being poisoned anyway um but i'm thinking we're gonna sell the laptop we're gonna buy the chunk of meat and then we're gonna eat the chunk of meat because i just don't want to die of starvation i think that would be kind of lame uh yeah i'll buy some chips i got to eat man's got to eat all right that's good you take that bag back uh what else do i want to sell to this guy i feel like that the water tester we don't really need we haven't made much use of it so i think that's fine um and this pill organizer we don't need either so now we have 82.63 cents metal sauce pan we've already got a can so i mean i think this can has served this purpose for long enough i don't think we really need that become a vampire and drink people's blood i don't know does that work in this uh type of game i think that this would make sense you know what let's uh let's grab this book a boot whoops sell them my shoe for a boot that way we've got two matching boots i just feel like that uh that feels nice could sell them the sleeping bag if we want i haven't really even been using my sleeping bag come to think of it stupid of me i should have done that before um but we don't have bullets for these guns so i want to be a rich man and i don't even have the gun that could use this so i'm just going to sell these besides we might be able to go to the hospital and save our lives if we do this now we have 696 dollars uh you know screw it i'm gonna sell them my sleeping bag too and then if i need to i'll come back out and i'll see if i can get an op need a surgery or something for this hagerty health clinic all right uh i'm here for the free uh healthcare how do we uh save our asses there's a food store in the north part of the sprawl if i really need water and have a service oh very nice to know thank you if i want to eat oh yes i forgot about the canteen too nice every shoe in the game yes all shoes are the same size in this game now body count uh micro nutrition and rehydration full diagnostic workup cleaning and dressing of wounds how they uh bro suspension treatment we can afford all of these things but what do we what is going to get rid of our poison nano machines nano robotics i mean is this what i need i have the money it's only 363 dollars it seems like health care in this universe is very good i certainly i don't need wound dressing but i do have some health conditions the food descriptions at red gnome always make me hungry this game does have good writing upstairs to prosthetic and augmentation procedures that sounds exciting and i have a lot of money now oh is it nano machines okay so then let's do let's do that nano robotic suspension treatment it doesn't quite say nano machines but all right better health care than the current i mean to be honest with you i would rather be a poor person alive in a future time than a rich person alive now because they'll probably just have better stuff full diagnostic will tell us nutrition and nano machines yeah probably i wonder if i can can i afford it all right we can always sell more stuff i want to learn about health care anyway so let's do diagnostic workup into the nano machines tell me what's up doc patient will receive a battery test including blood testing imaging full physical and toxicology screen uh yeah hell yeah i got the money i'm like the diagnostic prostate the practices of old modern diagnostics can largely perform without change rooms setups improvements and imaging okay it's the future everything is better oh it's like a cat scan and they're going to tell me what's wrong with me poison well i knew that okay so in conclusion this thing is almost completely useless um let's do nano robots because we have the money again uh combat several known illusions and poisons bolsters the bodies of music okay that's exactly what we need great what do they do to me iv is inserted to my arm the suspension takes a while to be absorbed but once done technicians okay so that's all i needed um now i could also afford the uh hydration and migrant i guess this just fulfills all of your other needs great seems a bit pricey but i mean these people cleared me up i'm feeling great now let's see what the augmentations we can get are eye augmentation night vision telescopic upgrade and eye surgery i guess to get rid of your nearsightedness now this is very exciting i'd like to have some eye upgrades um it's only two hundred dollars that seems pretty cheap look i gotta leave right now because i just don't have the money but i'll be right back in a minute um hang on a moment we're going to leave the clinic and now i got to get augmented vision this is deus ex yeah it would be nice for another playthrough i was rich a minute ago but now i'm poor again okay let's uh let's see what's in our inventory well we could sell this rifle it's worth 302. i'm probably not even gonna be able to do much with it anyway um will i be better off with the money i could get an eyesight upgrade i feel like um i'm gonna sit on it wait for free for a little while hmm damn like now that i know that you can do this much with the mega city i'm actually quite enthused to come back here i'm going to sell my gun because a gun without bullets is pretty useless um still have weakened immune system though that's weird you know maybe i should sue that health clinic because they didn't really do their job damn you know you try to get a better immune system the savings bank what can i leave my money with them oh i can use my electrician skill here keep trying to use electrician sure enough a spot a stainless pipe someone on the right oh damn i could hack the bank so login screen appears the teller rattles us and it's almost too quick to discern however you think you have a couple of possible oh damn i might have hacked the bank that's crazy i could leave myself at the bank oh this is really nice i don't remember this even being in the game i mean i i just tried to i just i didn't try to rob the bank and what are you talking about uh seems to be metal oh i have to pretend here we go is there anything it's about the gaiji's cryo facility ah damn wait a minute i missed out on that conversation triggered the power cycle again oh i can hack the bank yeah great moving outside catches your eye and it appears multiple witnesses are gathering around exchanging expressions of shock i gotta search this terminal fast um you find a query to an unlocated account id recalling the id from the cryo computer you key in the digits and enter hazard to look outside the bystanders continue their visual why would people do this come on help me get away with this wait for search results ah i found somebody's results from some relation to the cryo facility okay so i found out about the guy who's responsible for this or something like that pretend to be a twitter user uh uh they're coming after me now it takes two to make a thing go right it takes two to make it out of sight i want to rock right i'm gonna die and i came to get down i'm not international oh god but i have been known to rock the microphone i'm thinking electrician stupid i mean outrageous are these all made that's crazy damn this is like art now have i heard of liberal crimes cardboard is there anyone okay uh i'm being chased by the police now because i broke into the bank see what obama up against hovering jesus christ there's like a flying car after me run underneath uh i'm not gonna and you know what i uh i get a lot of money i'm gonna do my time what do they do to me okay so they brought me you've been charged to follow first degree criminal trespassing failure disclosures uh i think they escorted me out of the city here i discharged from ah god damn it i'm one year exiled ah because i broke into the bank but at least i found out the quest information maybe i could get out is there even a year in the game i think that just means that you're gone from the place i think hatter might be able to get me back in there right all right well at least i could you know like i could eat chicken tenders outside wait for a year i've got enough money to last me for a year i think this will work all right that's the canteen damn it there's probably you know there's gonna be a way to sneak back into the city though there's always a way to sneak back into the city i've got all my energy back sucks that i couldn't get the better eyesight well it's all right that city wasn't cool enough to hang anyway just keep on searching around god damn it at least this is our body we still have this weekend i mean ah the shopping cart okay i've waited a really long time for this thing i've wanted this for so long now we have it yes i can push my shopping cart around the apocalypse it was worth being kicked out of the city to have found this um i am quite sad about that though all right so um unfortunately it does not animate with you but there is a shopping cart in my hands uh the one thing is that this does become a liability because i i can get my ass kicked if i have to jump away if i have to run away from the shopping cart it does expire oh in it can't back until it says wow so one year actually can pass see that seems kind of crazy to me like but one year in game could even pass well the good news is that now we're in better condition and we can search i think that's the main kind of rub of this you know i'm i'm really surprised usually i get poisoned by this point in the game like i actually you know aside from the quests i i find it difficult to uh establish motivation for what to do next because i'm usually either really powerful with some weapon by now or like uh like i died of like a berry those are usually the two outcomes and once you can identify the berries though without the berry trait there's certain traits that would have been better for this like that myopia didn't even know that we could get uh the ah here we go damn it that was a terrible square the one thing about neo is that the loot is pretty bad uh what did i do i took a prescription anticoagulant discomfort i've got allergies now there's so many mysterious anticoagulants so what i can't coagulate unable to run and weakened immune system god damn it i know i have no weapon too let's see if i can make another tree branch hmm oh damn there we are outside of the detroit mega city i don't even really even know where i should go to now it just seems like i've i've done so much i've got 320 dollars i'm feeling like a pretty rich man we've explored a lot of the map there's still more to go to there is like a creepy house we could get to be able to get back into that city with hatter you know when we do his task i have a feeling that he could uh sneak us back into the city we could put onto the skies or something maybe i could even get like plastic surgery or something like that too
Channel: ambiguousamphibian VODs
Views: 354,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: neo scavenger, ambiguousamphibian, ambiguous amphibian, ambiguousamphibian neo scavenger, neo scavenger game, neo scavenger gameplay, neo scavenger gameplay pc, neo scavenger part 1, neo scavenger ep 1, let's play neo scavenger
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 169min 28sec (10168 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 13 2021
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