WIN IN 8 MOVES | The Fried Liver Attack

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in this video i'm going to show you one of the  most dangerous openings that exists in chess   one where you can potentially checkmate your  opponent in just eight moves the video will be   split into three parts in the first part we'll  look at it from white's perspective then we're   going to take a look at it from the other side  with black to show you what to do against it and   in the final part of this video i'm going to talk  about the best way to learn all of these moves and   i've put all of the moves in the description all  right let's go so this is the fried liver and it   begins after the moves e4 e5 which is already  very standard knight f3 knight c6 now if black   plays knight f6 you can't quite fry delivered  them uh you can play a bit more standard uh but   knight c6 bishop c4 so far so good nothing  special black now plays the move knight f6   just getting the second night out and now we get  the picture on the thumbnail knight g5 you cannot   fried liver someone unless they play the move  knight f6 if they play bishop c5 you might need   to incorporate something else because the point is  that knight g5 is met with the queen so knight on   g5 is only possible if black develops the knight  to f6 and you are now threatening the pawn on   f7 with the knight and the bishop this isn't  some sort of genius trap white isn't completely   winning here but there are a lot of things that  black can do wrong and first i will show you how   black can lose immediately so this attack can only  be blocked if black pushes this pawn two squares   to d5 okay if this happens you will take with the  pawn like this now the move that black can play   here which causes so much trouble is the extremely  natural recapture with the knight which just seems   blatantly logical because if you take i just take  and i'm and i'm fine and i reopen the attack here   but here white detonates an explosive knight f7  kaboom hitting both the queen and the rook this   is a huge problem now black takes because  if black doesn't take you get huge material   and when you see this and this you bring  out the queen with check on f3 the queen   attacks the king and a double attack with the  bishop on the night and now the very first game   i ever played in a chess tournament went like  this my opponent hit on g8 bishop takes knight   ism is a mate i mean it's black has one way to get  out of it they can sacrifice the queen uh and then   black has one more way to get out of it and that's  just to bring the bishop so officially it'll take   you ten moves but it's made on the eighth move if  king to g8 happens now the best move after queen   to f3 is not for this to happen i mean i wish i  could end the video there but i'm gonna give you   all of the secrets of course if black moves the  king anywhere you just take the knight if it's   free if black blocks on f6 you can take like  this and that's a completely winning position   uh but if black plays the move king e6 this is  the most challenging thing this brings the king to   defend the knight on d5 and now rather than taking  it because that would result in a trade you add   pressure to this pin with the move knight c3 now  three things attack this and for example in this   position if black plays like knight d4 attacking  our queen we will take with the bishop check move   the queen out of the way and get on with life  by castling but if black defends this knight   with a move like knight b4 which is considered the  main line actually this position has been reached   what i recommend for you to do here is to  not get so worried about defending this pawn   and just castle and what this is doing is it's red  it's readying a rook to enter and join in on the   attack black in this position cannot take because  the bishop needs to i mean the knight needs to   maintain the guard of this knight from the bishop  so black will have to play c6 this nothing else   literally there is nothing else that black can do  black has to over protect and now i really like   the move pawn to d4 shattering the defenses in the  center if black takes this black immediately loses   uh it looks like rookie one is extremely strong  actually the best move here i believe uh is   uh knight to e4 and what this move does is it just  wins the the g5 square uh for both of your pieces   with bishop on g5 and brings the rooks to the  middle now i can safely promise you that if you   reach this position you will win 90 of the time  maybe i'll leave 10 for nonsense um it would by   the way be a miracle if you already reached this  position that black found everything black has one   more move here which is going back to e7 but this  is too passive you block out both of your pieces   now even d4 right away is extremely strong if pawn  takes d4 there is uh knight takes d5 so you you   just you you have this and now queen e4 check and  now you're just guaranteed to win back this knight   if king here check here and bishop g5 buh-bye good  night auvoir take care you win congratulations so   the landmine of traps that can happen after knight  takes f7 and frankly after knight takes d5 is is   insanely high right the main line after d5 pawn  takes d5 is the move knight a5 okay knight to a5   is considered like even gm's are playing these  positions and now what's considered the main line   for white is to give a check here with the bishop  on b5 i can also recommend for you if you don't   want to study so much the move pawn to d3 which  the engine doesn't prefer as the main line here   but the point is that if you take so quickly  i mean i just kind of get my pawns together   and black is considered totally fine here uh  the main line is to actually attack the knight   and now the knight cannot take because it's  blocked so something like this push on e4 so if of   course we take we lose our bishop like queenie two  and then something like this where we've pinned   the pawn to the king it cannot castle oh sorry it  cannot capture but of course black can just castle   on the next move and be completely fine um d3  is actually a pretty practical weapon if you're   potentially like 15 1400 1300 above that people  actually are studying this stuff like in dense   theory uh and i said at the end i will show you  all the dense theory and how to study it so the   main line here is to give this check on b5 uh  black blocks with the pawn sacrificing a pawn and   now white has a plethora of options which i'm just  going to show you as an introduction uh the main   more trendy move is bishop back to d3 the other  line is bishop back to e2 that's considered the   massive main line and there's also one tricky  line queen f3 and the point is that if c takes   b5 uh you take on on a8 and you win the rook and  okay i mean i'm not saying you are completely   winning but you know black plays bishop b7 for  example you can take take and win another rook   so look i 12 moves into the game black doesn't  have a queen and two rooks anymore i mean i   look i don't know how much better i can give  it to you right like i'm sorry i'm trying okay   if you're not happy with this plus nine on move  12 or made on move eight look i'm doing my best   now this is the main line and and is considered  so and you you know you feel free to study it   um but there are other things that black can  do even if black makes it into this position   d5 is the only move okay according to mainline  cutting edge engine theory one nasty counter   attack is bishop c5 this is known as the traxler  and if you've made it this far in the video   seven minutes is a lot of dedication you should  know that tomorrow i will launch a video which is   going to be the sequel to this video okay and i'm  going to do a full deep dive on the traxler it is   so poisonous this very well could be the  most dangerous counter attack in all of chess   the traxler's point is that if you lazily take on  f7 forking the queen and the rook there is bishop   takes f2 dynamite check and if you take again  there is night takes check and the queen is coming   what i recommend is to not get into any of  this and simply take the pawn with the bishop   the opponent will move the king and now you just  slide back and what's happened you have a pawn   up they cannot castle you'll calmly continue to  threaten this stabilize your king by castling   knight c3 d3 life is good and you're fine  if they try to go for this of course i   will show you in the section with the black  pieces the nastiest things that we can do um   as well if they play into the traxler um but  that's basically the the only thing i mean for   example some people when they get hit with this  we'll go here uh we just take on f7 we win the   rook and then we move on with life i mean what  does that look like d3 knight c3 if we can get   out with the knight that would be fantastic  but of course there is something like this   and here if you rush to simplify you will lose  the knight i mean that knight is a is a goner   in many positions but you again d3 knight c3 here  here here again you're up a ton of material there   is one tricky line which is knight takes e4 trying  to bait you into playing knight takes f7 and then   there is queen h4 so generally you will play  knight takes here most of the time when this   queen cannot get out if the queen can get out and  this bishop is out as well it's better to just go   check force the king up and here the winning move  is d4 and it's d4 because if knight takes you have   bishop takes knight with a disc with a x-ray on  the queen and for example if d4 pawn takes d4   uh you just bring back the bishop and you attack  the knight which we know cannot take your knight   you if knight f6 there is queen e2 check king  to d6 and now we fork the king and the queen so   that's also very nice uh but the main line will  be d5 you're free to explore deeper i'm actually   there's there's one line i will show you in d5  with the black pieces uh which the section we will   go to now which is actually kind of interesting  and again you can explore with both sides so   uh for the next one we're actually  going to switch it around so that   we will be the gotham viewer with the black pieces  and they will be nubovich with the white pieces so   the first thing is you don't have to  play e5 right you can avoid all of this   again against knight f3 you can play  the stafford gambit but if you want   to play into the fried liver and even here  you can play just bishop c5 you can play g6   bishop g7 just for those of you that don't  want to get hit with the fried liver anymore   but there's also just playing into the fried liver  and then turning the whole thing they're gonna   think that they won already number one is bishop  c5 right so the traxler counter attack i said i'm   going to make a video on it tomorrow this is why  you should watch both of them together um if they   play knight takes f7 bishop takes f2 king takes  f2 knight takes e4 check and the queen comes out   terrifying terrifying line just an example i can  show you if the king goes to f3 for example there   is queen f6 check king takes knight and here we  have a mate in a few with queen f4 check king d3   and the beautiful move pawn to d5 and what pawn  d5 does is it sacrifices the rook but hits the   bishop so if the bishop were to take uh we can  hunt these uh these two down with something like   check king e2 here here and check and we win again  analyze this with the database and with an engine   if you haven't seen my video on how to do that  do that literally posted it yesterday on how to   study chess openings the traxler is absolutely  terrifying for the uninitiated the best thing to   do is again to take with the bishop but i highly  recommend investigating the traxler if you're   watching this the day before that video comes out  i'm sorry but you'll have to wait until tomorrow   now there also is the move d5 and d5 after pawn  takes all right you got to go knight a5 if you   want to play the main line but there is some  venom here in one other line i have not shown you   and that line is the line b5 now this is one  of the trappiest craziest lines that you will   probably experience um if black sorry if white  just takes this pawn white is already in trouble   because you will play queen takes d5 that hits  this and this pawn in the corner this leaves white   with a very unpleasant choice taking your knight  and losing the bishop completely or retreating all   the way back to f1 retreating back to f1 actually  isn't a completely terrible move but you just play   bishop c5 you will castle and for the cost of one  pawn you have every single piece nearly developed   i think it's worth it of course white can't attack  your queen but you have this and you threaten   checkmate and then again bishop b7 castle and  bring your rooks to the middle of the board so b5   bishop b5 is terrible actually the best move after  b5 is also not even to take the knight because   then you take here and the position is wacky but  you will win this pawn back you will do everything   i just described the bishop will get active here  to g4 white's position is not so simple to play   the best thing is to play bishop back to f1  voluntarily it's like why well for example after   something like h6 this knight should move uh and  it will take on f7 that's one option so here for   example king takes f7 d takes c6 and bishop e6  this is the engine doesn't love this variation   but it is playable and it's playable because  if white gets greedy taking all these pawns   again queen d5 bishop c5 and the rooks come to  the middle of the board but the main line it goes   after knight d4 okay the main line here uh after  bishop to f1 is not to play h6 it's to play knight   to d4 that defends the pawn on b5 okay and many  people here already will not know what to do   there's only one move for white and that move  is pawn c3 which attacks our knight which looks   natural but let me just show you what can happen  if white plays something bad let's say white plays   knight c3 if white plays knight c3 we play bishop  g4 okay this is the point we attack the queen   now if bishop to e2 which again looks natural  we go take take now this is very passive and h6   who's whose mans is this on g5 so the knights  gotta go if the knight goes here we can take on f3   this is awful and queen takes d5 we are no longer  down upon white's position is awful and we are   just much better here on move 11 with the black  pieces so the only move for white after knight d4   is the move c3 and here what i recommend is going  knight takes d5 creating the attack on the knight   c takes d4 queen g5 allowing the bishop to return  with the check on b5 and if white doesn't see that   if white for example just takes the pawn on e5  then after check something like this uh we have   this this and we defend the pawn and  again black is just doing very well here   in flat in in flack in fact black is uh better  here black is just better why we have three pawns   and three pawns together and they have a weak  pawn on d2 like white like like black is just   better here a little bit but black is doing  very well in reality if they play bishop b5   we just slide our king over to d8 and now  white taking on e5 can lead to a catastrophe   because we would just take on g2 number one and  there's other lines so for example if queen to f3   which pins the knight like this we have the move  pawn takes d4 so there's this and if bishop c6   which looks very natural oh wow a fork we have  knight to f4 and believe it or not taking this   rook is losing for white bishop takes a a  we have bishop to g4 attacking the queen   if queen to e4 we have bishop d6 gluing the  position together this is no longer a check   how do you stop rookie 8 how do you stop rookie  eight let's say you play back to c6 preventing f5   attacking the queen where's the queen gonna go if  the queen goes here right because that's the only   look at this rookie eight anyway what why i'll  show you if bishop takes e8 we have queen e7 check   if king goes to f1 it's mate so the queen has to  block we go check king to f1 and we win the queen   and it's not just winning the queen after queen to  e4 it's made in seven white played natural moves   and on the 19th move of the game is getting  checkmated immediately how do you remember all   of this you might not it's 19 moves however  you take it on a move by move basis right   first you have to play into the fried liver you'd  be surprised how easy it is to memorize all of   this okay they take my pawn okay boom i hit them  with b5 if they somehow find the best move uh then   okay great then i play knight to d4 if they attack  my knight i have to remember to take here right   and that is how you do it that is how you study i  personally think this is one of the most venomous   traps we have i say that word a lot but i mean it  because do you see how natural all of that looked   right and if all of this were to happen and  white finds the best move which is to castle in   this position still it's a game because we play  something like bishop b7 or rook b8 and we try   to line up pressure on this g2 pawn i mean it's  never too late to throw the game away you know   something like d3 happens with the discovered  attack on the queen knight to f4 and it's mate   g3 knight h3 mate mate on move 12. i mean the  amount of ways you can win here if white plays   totally naturally looking moves is amazing truly  truly amazing uh so that's it i mean that's   everything that i wanted to show with the white  and the black pieces and the fried liver right   with black you can avoid it by not playing into it  you can also play into it and slap your opponent   in the face not physically please don't do it  physically gotham chess does not condone violence   uh to opponents but uh that is how you would  study this and i said that at the end i would   tell you the best way to study right because  i've put the moves in the description i want to   give that to you before you go if you've made  it this far you're amazing thank you so much   um you get the moves right put those moves first  of all watch my video how to learn and study chess   openings if you haven't already put the moves  into a reader play them out on a physical board   print them out if you have to that is the best way  to do it play them out against a friend but you   have to remember for white and for black how to do  this and the best ways to go about these systems   when you play a game let's say you lose let's  say you play prep and you lose go analyze it with   the computer be like okay i followed all my notes  until this move when my opponent played something   levy didn't cover why did levy not cover that  oh because of this and you have a win and you   didn't see it okay great you're gonna know it for  the next game that is how you go and learn your   openings you use a computer and it shows you  exactly like if i i can't possibly cover every   move because some just lose but some just lose  because there's one move for you so if there's   maiden four in the forest but it falls and nobody  hears it does it make a sound that was a terrible   analogy what i'm trying to say is if you make  it that far in your prep and you have one move   that checkmate's the opponent you don't see it we  learn for the next game that we play right so that   is how you would study all of these systems i try  to keep the video short and informative tomorrow   we will cover the traxler and hopefully we keep  learning and growing as chess players leave a   comment like the video share it with a friend  if they have a struggle with the fried liver or   want an opening to beat people quickly with much  love take care i will see you in the next video
Channel: GothamChess
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Keywords: Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, chess openings, chess openings for beginners, chess opening tier list, chess tier list, chess lessons for beginners, how to play chess, how to be good at chess, how to win at chess, beginner chess strategy, chess strategy for beginners, beginner chess, fried liver, fried liver chess, fried liver attack, fried liver attack chess
Id: hLFSufXxtuI
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Length: 20min 31sec (1231 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 18 2020
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