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ladies and gentlemen one of the most popular types of content here on the gotham chess youtube channel is one where i hunt chess cheaters chess shooters are pretty easily identifiable the first criteria is that they have a relatively new account the second criteria is that they are winning over 90 of their games usually 95 to 99 when they are playing those games every move generally comes between three and seven seconds and a good chunk of the moves are pretty absurd no human would ever play them now some people think they're smart so they cheat in an intelligent way they try to throw in some of their own moves or maybe they mess up in the beginning part of the game on their own but more likely than not they're gonna get banned they're gonna get exposed they're gonna be turned into content so let's meet today's cheater all right here we go what is going on here this is an account that was made a day ago uh this is a clearly a trial member and uh from albania this person is 65 and seven now the craziest thing about this individual that you're meeting on stream right now is they have multiple other accounts already banned this is an account that was banned this is an account that was banned and this is also an account that was banned they have three accounts with similar usernames that were all banned i don't know why they're so persistent anyway for the next stage of the video we're going to follow a game that they play and i turn on starfish so we track my stockfish versus this individual's moves you're going to see how many moves line up now it's opening stage okay bishop by five is actually not a very accurate move so this individual is is just kind of blitzing opening moves i think yeah now now by the way is this a cheater hope knight d4 okay that's not a cheater [Laughter] oh my god knight d4 is definitely not an engine move uh again so just like we checked if that other person was a cheater um this person's name is mikhail literally their name is mikhail they've played 3000 games they will lose a lot more than they win so this is obviously not a not someone who's uh who's a cheater um queen b3 so now queen d7 protects this apparently yeah okay of course it gets played so i will play a game against this individual and then maybe if they beat me uh i will i will pair them wow i mean this is yeah this is how you know that white is just crazy and not a cheater at all so e5 or e6 now are the top moves knight a6 is knight a6 is so ridiculous yeah e6 is far more human-like so i mean what is white doing come on this is ridiculous what is mikhail doing no i'm just gonna play a normal game okay so now c5 bishop d6 again engine can't really decide what's best it thinks that all three of these moves are basically interchangeable okay there's c5 i think white might try to go forward but actually the best thing to do is just to retreat and try to go here and then in response to knight f3 black should play knight c6 preventing knight e5 so yeah knight c6 uh apparently dc4 is making some case but i yeah okay i mean knight a6 is ridiculous because what are you doing like why are you putting your knight here okay so now both of these are interchangeable as a human i would definitely take with a pawn there you go uh now white should just finish developing in castle before the position gets too bad if white continues to try to play way too steep i mean what is this and the best move is not even to take it oh my god because if you take it you lose this yo black really just played rook d8 are you are you kidding me black really just played rook d8 allowing g5 oh my god white's idea was that if you take this this is lost oh my god now bishop e7 or d4 or h6 to prevent g5 this wasn't even in my engine moves night before but stockfish seems to like it night before wow wow rook d8 incredible 95 apparently now is a good move okay either of these two seems okay this is also okay so they're all sort of okay so now you gotta take that's obviously why you brought the knight here white is playing so weird okay black took that in one second i actually think that black might be not so bad of a player okay one of these to protect uh that's not rook c8 allowing knight a7 no chance oh my god actually no way just obviously go here right no way he actually allowing this to be taken with tempo and then c4 are you kidding me are you kidding me are you kidding me oh my god that's so oh my god that is completely ridiculous [Laughter] i told you in every cheater game c63 allowing this are you are you uh that is absolutely i mean come on ju and and and and and oh my god and white is smart enough to avoid it and black plays the top engine move rook c5 barricading the night oh well now this is hanging okay they played i mean i mean come on i mean come on i mean come on come on come on this is absurd king d8 not even blocking the check candy case oh my god what is this game also what is white doing i swear white is playing uh white is playing some okay please just take this dude a queen f6 is also fine okay there we go black alternates between top engine and like the second engine move knight takes f2 apparently wins just sacrificing the knight i think black will play queen f6 but maybe not maybe oh my black is just this game black is just playing all top stock fish moves absolutely not a care in the world knight takes f2 just sacrificing a full piece white is completely i think white might even know this is a cheater so white is just playing stupid moves sometimes people do that sometimes people play like this so okay please please just take this please sometimes uh okay and now queen f6 and uh wherever you okay how do you win after king e1 where's the win i don't see it okay now queen h4 is the fastest mate apparently rook c1 also wins queen c1 and then queen f3 oh my god queen h4 is the fastest but black could go here and black also could retreat the rook rook c1 is just completely absurd this is the top oh my god oh my god you see black did not want to play the top move so they played the second stockfish move i mean that is just completely absurd okay now you have to lose the queen now black is thinking about what they're gonna play here they're not even taking and after it takes there's queen f3 check you're just gonna lose all your pieces here i mean queen f3 check yep i love i love doing cheater content because we have people in the chat who are like that's an easy move that's an easy move yeah yeah it's an easy move all right all right wrap it up so you have to remember if black is like a 1500 cheating black actually knows how to win this position so maybe that's what black will do right there's always they don't always have to play the i mean in in this game what gave it away was uh first of all just top stockfish moves throughout the opening but rook c8 allowing the tempo and then just bulldozing forward okay fantastic okay now that we observe them destroyed that person it's time for me to challenge the cheater myself and see how quickly they banish me to the shadows my opponent plays d5 uh they've played b5 they've played d5 in previous games uh let's play e takes d5 uh so he's gonna take back right so let's play let's play uh d4 my opponent last game played at 94 accuracy with a brilliant move okay is there a penalty to cheaters i wish there was singaporean style they just came you in front of everybody uh i'm gonna get my rating back but i also don't care it's my rapid rating it's not really a big deal okay knight c3 we're just gonna we're just getting some development here you know was this uh was that a stockfish move that's top engine move what it's just the free bun no way dude i'm i don't what oh my goodness i i guess the idea is to sacrifice a pawn here for like quick development i don't even know uh but we have we have so we have a delivery outside so i'm gonna go quickly grab it yeah i'm cheating uh myself actually um we had a we had a delivery and uh had to put away stuff in the freezer okay so it seems as though my opponent's game plan was to sacrifice a pawn early to win a center pawn back will this be on youtube what do you think of course oh god i just realized that after the move bishop e2 my opponent is going to go here and i cannot castle worth it actually bishop before my no i don't know i go here and then what what's the top stockfish move after this is it bishop d2 to force a trade and get the rook in to try to attack everything i have absolutely no idea what is the next engine move here is it f5 so when i take you take on c4 and get in what is the top computer move here oh my god oh my god huh okay well i'm not gonna get checkmated so i'm gonna play a3 thank i mean i'm not gonna lose all my material so here's a3 okay knight d2 okay yup uh and what if i i don't want to take because if i mean if i move here there's all sorts of if if i take i let the bishop in so what if i play here okay i have a really bad feeling about this if king g1 knight b3 rugby one knight c1 rook c1 bishop d2 then they're gonna take and isolate that weakness and then they're going to bring in the rook this is what i think the top computer move is the the top computer sequence i think it's king g1 knight b3 rook b1 knight c1 rook c1 bishop d2 i move my rook bishop takes pawn takes and then the rook comes into d2 let's see am i as good as stockfish here i have to take because if i take the bishop there's this let's see if i mis oh my opponent is a clown my opponent is playing the top stockfish line because this it says to repeat once and now it's going to repeat and keep playing because sometimes stockfish is stupid so it it repeats the position by accident okay well i guess i get they're not doing that that's really funny all right so i was i don't know okay maybe i was wrong maybe that wasn't the admittedly this looks a lot more annoying um okay i'm gonna play h4 my idea is to get the rook into the game this way because otherwise that was the type of engine move too oh god oh no oh no okay wow giving me the bishop now knight b3 okay they're gonna repeat moves again it's minus four okay i have to take because otherwise i just lose my my bit my my bishop bishop takes uh and what happens when i escape so there's no rook d1 yo i can't move any pieces this is insane i cannot move my bishop at all i cannot move my rook if i cannot move my bishop i'm gonna try to play e4 but then he's gonna take it oh gosh okay rook f1 oh man rookie four okay king h3 i will not allow you to take my stuff no taking of my stuff yeah folks i have no moves stockfish is sucking the soul out of my i have no moves i like legit i cannot move any pieces i can now no longer sacrifice my pawn to activate my bishop this is so nuts i have zero moves i actually can't move anything okay i'm just gonna have to move my king back and forth i guess no rook f4 is fine but then comes rook d1 next i i cannot move my rook off the back rank because rook d1 and i'm going to lose my material this is going to be so wild what if i just play back and forth for the rest of the game how is my opponent going to beat me okay what if i play rook f2 no no no no oh no oh no he realized that i have no moves and now the rooks are gonna stockpile on the c file and i can't protect myself this is so messed up rook d5 rook c5 i can't move and after this my bishop dies is my opponent if my opponent plays rook c2 i'm gonna freak out rook c2 and i can no longer go here this is horrible this is absolutely horrible i mean i i mean this is just and now rook c4 and my bishop is gonna die and with my bishop dies my entire position this is like honestly this is like diving and your oxygen tank is failing yo my opponent is so disrespectful they play b6 my opponent is so disrespectful stockfish is so rude it's not even going here to win my bishop this is insane oh my god the move g4 opened up a check so now my opponent does not even trap my bishop they take my bishop and now it's going to be made over here oh stockfish suffocated me to the point that i made a desperate pawn move and now it's not even winning my bishop it's taking it because the rooks mate me holy crap rookie 3 king h4 rook h2 is made and my opponent has to think about it oh my god that is absolutely nuts king h4 rook h2 is made dudes ladies stockfish is on one this is not okay so i got absolutely destroyed uh and for good measure uh and um i'd like to take you through a little bit of the game because obviously as the game was going on there were some absurdities so my opponent was a skin that was playing the scandinavian in just about every game uh and getting relatively okay positions from the opening although here stockfish does think that with c5 does come in advantage but i'm a human and my opponent is using an engine and therefore would have probably untangled even if i played all the best moves now i've never seen this move in my life i mean this just looks like a pawn blunder of course i cannot take this move with the knight because i lose the queen but black sacrifices upon aka the computer and just gives me an uncomfortable decision to either lose the right to castle or go backwards but this doesn't make any sense i'm still a comfortable pawn up and i thought that here the worst comes to worst i mean i just have the two bishops and i'm simply going to castle but i'm always a move behind the computer bishop before check and this move just comes out of nowhere i mean night sacrifice on c4 oh my goodness and this all goes back to this move e5 i basically have to deal with the center strike and i did it in the completely wrong way i thought i was consolidating my position but because i didn't castle the computer makes me pay immediately and bulldozes me here i cannot take because what would happen at the end is rook down to d1 and i would be losing my rook so i thought okay no problem i'm down upon it's not a big deal let's begin consolidating and here's something funny happens if you observe the engine here it says knight d2 check so this is the top engine move here it's a little hard to see but and then i go here and here the computer has a very close line between bishop here and knight here and sometimes when people are cheating they just read the computer and they end up repeating moves so my opponent actually repeated moves here because that's what the computer wants it attacks the rook and then it's like actually go back in case he takes you i didn't and now he was like well i can't repeat move so i have to go bishop c5 i played h4 with the idea of activating my rook and i completely did not expect like why would you give up the bishop for the night i mean that's not really a good thing to do your bishop is a bit more powerful but the engine has an idea completely suppressing my movement the knights here dominate my bishops my dark squared bishop and my rook are both completely trapped the only way i can activate my dark square bishop is to play e4 and move my bishop and what ends up happening i get absolutely suffocated look at this unbelievable idea rook to e4 giving up these pawns over here because now i can't move and the rest of this game it looked like black was just gonna come over and win my bishop but the engine had no intention of doing that it played a move like this because i'm out of moves i can barely move anything i can only shuffle my rook on the back rank and the second i move the pawn the plan switched to take my bishop and checkmate me i basically cut off my own escape route this was not possible but uh yeah i mean absolutely dominated and black played at 94 only because uh i don't even know actually i don't even know why probably because of the opening so this is sometimes what people do is they will not follow a computer in the opening they'll follow maybe an opening database and stockfish doesn't agree with all these moves because as you can see it does think that in the beginning i have a little bit of an advantage if i played it correctly but yeah i mean absolutely demolished upon sacrifice in the beginning of the game dynamic pieces giving up bishops for nights like no problem uh beautiful tactic by taking on c4 and completely suffocating me to death here just not even close oh my goodness i don't want to play slack fish again it's really not fun but unfortunately all good things have to come to an end and our friend met a familiar fate on their account this is absolutely not okay i just got my soul taken yo oh my goodness oh ladies and gentlemen we have an update folks cheater content baby they have been closed for fair play violations wow i stood in front of a moving freight train oh my goodness cheater content is the best
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 1,257,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: CsuOQFodRrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 31 2022
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