Can Gotham beat Vishy Anand Bot?!

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this video will be completely dedicated to  vishwanathan anand who today celebrates his   birthday that is december 11th uh if you're  watching in india you're many hours ahead   so you're either done celebrating or if you're  watching six months ahead we've already celebrated   six months ago but the point is we are going to  play two games against the vishy bot   no time control i'll play a game with white in  a game with black uh and we'll just have some   fun hopefully it will be nice and instructive i  already dedicated one entire video to what i think   is vishi's best game vishi needs no introduction  at all absolute chess legend god level status uh   chess celebrity who has transformed the game in  india internationally former world champion and uh   i don't have enough nice things that i can say  about him so very very happy birthday to him   best of you know wishes to him and his family  health happiness and all that and let's uh   let's get into what vishy does best which is beat  up bad chess players like myself so i've got the   white pieces here in the first game uh i'm going  to start out with d4 i enjoy one d4 these days   vicious goes for d5 which says uh classical and  sound all right let's go for the queen's gambit   now yeah this makes a lot of sense uh the  queen's gambit declined is extremely popular   uh at uh at the super gm level knight c3 knight  f3 are generally oh wow the first casualty of war okay okay that's intense the vichy takes early  which is kind of an interesting move um i'm gonna   go e4 take the full center uh c5 wow okay vishy  is uh not letting me just casually take the center   and go on with my life let's push the pawn to d5  uh dc5 would lead to a pawn trait if i had taken   the pawn gets back here i can take with  the knight or the queen you know if i   take with the queen queen takes knight takes  threatens this i'm gonna take with the queen   i feel like playing the computer and getting the  pieces off okay well cap nope seems like a pretty   good strategy vishy knight takes the position is  simpler without my queen i wonder what vichy's uh   what the wife would have to say about that all  right vichy okay i see you um bishop takes pawn   and we'll play a queenless middle game here  again now in positions like this it's important   uh to know the dynamics of all the pieces so how  everybody's interacting i'm thinking of bishop e3   and long castle with immediate pressure i actually  think that that looks quite promising to stack up   my uh my stuff on the on the okay knight f6 is  not a not a that's not wouldn't play like this   he wouldn't play like this um i'm not so sure  about what's happening so far obviously i can   take which damages the structure there which  i think i'm gonna do do you believe in this   check he smiled at me oh my god he smiled at me  in the middle of the game now i don't really i   don't really want to help him unbalance his uh  to undouble his pawns i can long castle hitting   his bishop then of course my bishop is hanging  so i'm thinking to give him this check on b5 uh   okay i do suppose that that that always  was a thing oh man long castle there's   bishop takes a2 seriously you only notice  these things later once you play computers   maybe just developing is good knight e2 is also  a good move king e7 is actually very strong   rook c1 also possible but again i'm i'm weakening  this it's always important to keep an eye on your   opponent's pieces uh knight e2 or knight f3  really let's go 92. i anticipate a6 yeah and   there it is that that kicks the bishop out and  he can expand now with the pawns uh in queenless   metal games it's important also to kind of pay  attention to to these sorts of like developments   of position how how will one side improve the  position bishop d3 rga makes a lot of sense   uh i think short castle does as well just to guard  my pawn he plays c4 this one i don't have to think   about too much just bring the bishop back the move  c4 has given me access to the d4 square well not   not if mr anand plays knight c6 that is that  is not access to the d4 square that would just   simply be a trade now he's got something called  a majority he's got three pawns versus two   knight has access to the b4 square as well so  i'm considering a3 because knight b4 actually   is terribly annoying knight f4 is an idea bishop  f4 is an idea a3 strikes me as potentially   being too slow but potentially being a necessity  because i really don't want him to go here oh man   bishop e5 is very very good he's starting to  uh starting to go full super gm mode on me   what if i just defend simple chess and  i want to kick this bishop out with f4   okay now's the moment maybe oh but is he trying  to go here is that what vichy's trying to do   he wants to he's okay trading like this because no  but then i play rook d1 and then i think i'm happy let's see what does vichy have in store  knight d4 which is kind of the same thing   i mean if i if i take then so what  exactly is all this about if i take and then i take he hasn't said something in a  while you notice on the right side he hasn't said   anything in a while he must be focusing at least  i'm getting vishy to focus okay rook d1 i mean   again he's got a very active rook right and f5  is a decent looking move to force the bishop back   but i don't really like it because all it does is  it it might route his bishop directly to a better   square his bishop isn't particularly scary on this  square uh so if i trade off the rook i think he'll   double oh interesting he doesn't he takes i don't  agree with that so now bishop h3 i just go here   now in all end games king activity is also  very important so that's the next step here   is to bring the king i think i'm fine i think  i'm surviving vichy for now let's now go g3   because the rook is eyeing that so we push the  pawn up one square now vishi's gonna try to   bring pieces to that side of the board so  king e3 i've brought my king now to the middle   uh important now of course here you don't take  the question is you don't take obviously because   the root comes in and destroys your life unlike  taxes uh b3 or b4 oh oh this is so difficult how can i i mean b3 strikes me as  but b4 also strikes me as okay they   both seem okay i like b4 because b4  prevents a5 which might be better but   god i have no idea uh maybe f5 now is good like is  he really gonna put his bishop on this square well   is the bot really gonna do that because that's i'm  not playing a human being so um but f5 is such a   i don't know rook d4 is another  idea to maybe go king d3 rook d4 and king d3 perhaps and then  somehow try to win this pawn that's   the only way i'm going to win  this game is if i get this pawn oh man not sure also a4 can be possible in some positions  very very strange i can like push different things not sure at all let's play the rook to d4 okay the  bot does go there now bishop d3 here he just takes   and he wins because he pushes so don't do that  this bishop is serving a good defensive role uh   but what if i just do nothing i'll just play rook  d1 i mean it could be okay yeah king d4 bishop e2 white king d4 little confused who's gonna oh i  can't actually take this because it's discover   check oh okay well i'm just stupid then but i  do have rookie one wait a second it's not the   end of the story because don't i oh he's got  this i don't like you robot i don't like you   oh wait a second rookie 3 rook c4 king d3 what bishop h3 bishop can also like this is this is  right here is like the moment   where i can just kick this bishop  out forever i think i'm gonna do it   check to your king i i know i know i know vichy  i know but thank thank you for keeping me posted   on the status of my king uh bishop b3 wait a  second who's guarding who's guarding this pawn   excuse me wait who oh bishop b7 oh how is that  that is i'm reporting this this guy for cheating this is not fair bishop to b7 man okay king d4 king d5 what if i go rook d1 so c2 rook here this might honestly be a draw   this might actually just be a  repetition of moves okay he plays h6 i i mean i don't i don't i don't know  uh h3 to try to go g i don't know   we might just be in an impasse like  no one might be able to move here   i'm i really what is this what let me just go here bishop take what isn't this guarded   am i losing my mind computers make you  doubt everything okay now i'm pinned uh oh oh man g5 though wait g5 i i would look  for some discovered attack but unfortunately   there is none g5 e5 and then trying to advance  somehow in the center of the board as possible um oh man oh man oh man now king e3 is another idea in and  of itself and king d3 and king d2   so king here here king back to d2 check king e3 also bishop b4 there we should be four take take god got totally paralyzed here i'm going  this way it doesn't do anything for me wow let's go for this i don't like this wait a second because now i can  move my rook unless i mean the bot is obviously   far superior to me and capability do you believe  in this check look at him he's completely out   playing me here imagine that uh now my this  guy's hit oh man rook d7 is this anything   he takes wait did vichy just blunder a piece  oh no oh no rookie 4 rook c2 and uh yeah   yeah this is losing because i can't protect  this pawn or this pawn so if i go rook d   yeah i just i don't have any moves i mean he's  gonna win this so rook d4 for example king f5   wow yeah i'll resign this this is um this is  losing because i but just i i just cannot defend   all of my pawns so that was uh that was rough wow  only took vichy like 12 minutes it says i made   zero mistakes in zero blunders what if i hit the  analysis button will we still be able to analyze   oh it's gonna look very ugly i see yeah  this this is this is not really what we want anyway so i i had a decent position  actually in fact apparently i like i was doing quite well but then i then i  took the pawn like right here vish like all of   this like this the all of this if you guys can you  guys can see the board it's very small but uh this   was too dangerous apparently for me and then this  was a terrible move g5 lost the game on the spot   apparently i was supposed to go here here and  i saw this and rookie won oh i missed this   oh i just missed the fact that the king can guard  the bishop and the rook can go here that's all it   takes sometimes just one mistake in the end  game i mean i was outplayed totally by virtue   of uh peace activity like that was actually very  very impressive the way well i mean i want to say   vichy but the uh the robot as well just completely  outplayed me like start to finish there um okay   in this game vichy has the white pieces  the most popular opening movie plays e4   what do we play against vichy it's a good question  um do we go for the karo khan gonna go for the uh let's go for the french defense you play  like the ancestors of gm vishayla grav okay so vichy would yeah vishy would always play  knight c3 this is absolutely his repertoire   uh d takes e4 the first casualty of  war he says let's go to knight f6 so   this is my french defense oh okay he plays  bishop d3 interesting he doesn't even take   knight c6 i want him to take he's not  taking like i really want him to take oh okay like i really want him to oh   am i gonna get destroyed i feel like  that meme where you're like i'm in danger uh oh oh this is not good queen d7 maybe yeah wow  look at that completely not even oh my goodness   shouldn't have messed around with this robot  it's not too late to delete the video maybe i   just don't post this i don't know rook g8 okay i'm  down upon this is much worse than what happened   last game in the opening but at least i'm having  a good time you know that that's worth something   bishop b7 maybe queen h7 okay we're sacking  two puns here we go let's go for the rodeo   here versus vichy um f5 that that's that's  that's a thing which is under attack by the way   uh why can't i just take that actually  confused knight e5 i just take isn't this isn't that a thing that i  could i don't know also f5 by the way   f5 first and then if bishop takes this looks pretty decent for me i i i must say  but let's take on g2 i mean it's a free pawn   i think he's gonna move his bishop and castle  queenside okay but she's greedy he takes my pawn   i mean probably greedy for good reason uh don't  i have rook takes f2 and bishop h4 check wait   rook f2 it's very rare you see you you like have  these tactical opportunities versus computers   bishop c6 he can play but then i take wait  rook takes f2 i'm very scared i think the   computer's about to refute my entire existence  okay i'm gonna do it i mean i don't know i think the comp wait is my rook trapped  oh that's just that's just not fair wait what might my rook my rook wait no no no hold on hold  on vishy let's talk about this let's   vishy vishy vichy listen listen i listen i know you're not happy with  me putting in you and my youtube video   but listen we can talk this out  it doesn't have to be this way it doesn't it so it we shouldn't have played rook takes f2 shouldn't  have played rook takes f2 queen g6 that is   unbelievable what a move getting the ai that's the  last thing that you see when you see rook takes f2   uh i'm starting to think i should just sacrifice  the rook i mean i'm looking for a backup plan but bishop takes f3 makes a lot of sense maybe rook f8 hits the bishop and then  we try somehow to i'm also looking at   different ideas like knight e5 bishop  b7 take here that actually you know 95   knight d4 also looks very interesting just  sacrificing the piece there down the middle   the problem is that i i just don't think  i get enough but we can give it a shot okay so it looks like it looks like  we're actually kind of smart because   machine agreed with us evidently that  taking was just too dangerous there   92 check could lead to something 92 check doesn't  look like the stupidest move i've ever thought of   but then king goes to h1 and  somehow everything is safe um somehow yeah like and also the the  worst thing is this move it hits   the king and his king is completely  safe bishop c5 cd4 queen d4 king h1 nothing maybe just back to f5 maybe just back  to f5 okay so the count right now is we are   down in exchange that is the that is the current  status of the position we have a knight for a rook   wow i don't like that move at all wait what don't  i just have rook g8 did did the botches blunder uh i think the vichy bot just blundered wait a second this might be my  moment i gotta focus now queen to d3 so stopping me from putting my queen there my  bishop's under attack i can give a check that   will force the king to the h file i don't know if  that's what we want bishop d6 also cuts this and   keeps this guy from moving oh man i can  also take this but that will lead to   some trades and i'm not sure like these  bots are just insanely good at end games   so i'm i mean i'm i'm just not sure an endgame  is what i want oh but this look no no no no no   no no no no no no this cam i mean what is that  check here no queen back to f5 looks like it   makes sense but then i can't even take on g5  which is hilarious and also mildly upsetting   but if i go queen b5 to attack the b2 pun  and the g5 pawn so now rook g5 rookie 8. i take he takes queenie three am i  am i gonna beat vichy in a queen and   four versus queen in three end game do  i trust myself to achieve such a thing   rook fade and pushing is also  kind of cool that could work okay that's perfect that's perfect i  just won the pawn in the perfect way   in the perfect way let's give him a check   vishy stop trash talking me worry about the  safety of your king my man man just said you   you think this is a good check or something like  that so i'm keeping the pawn protected okay yeah   that's annoying that's annoying uh queen okay  i'll go back he goes back how we gonna do this how   are we gonna win this end game rook d8 rook f4 no  rook g8 no let's just play a waiting move for now okay the more pawns that get pushed the happier  i am oh queen d5 hangs a queen check and then   discovery be very careful never too late  to throw it all away let me give a check uh queen c6 doesn't hang a queen also doesn't  do anything but it doesn't hang a queen   um i can go for some like  out flank here but i i mean i don't know i don't believe in it a5 a5 take take part of me wants to hang on to this  pawn for dear life so something like queen g5   might be interesting queen f5 but not queen h5  but just putting the piece over there in general oh man oh man million dollar  question is this move good or not of course this is impossible  because i take the queen how does one win this position a6  king a7 also starts coming to mind just to like you know i don't know i thought  you guys would i don't know what what no can't i check you wait sorry   how is this possible i beg your pardon aren't  you losing a second pawn take take there's no   checks queen c6 oh my god there's queen c6  there's queen c6 and i don't have a check i can't i can't throw this game right  like i can't throw a game where i have a   two pawn end game advantage surely  i'm a stronger player than that wow i can also go here here and  then check him and then play that so throw in the in-between move oh the  in-between move could very well save me here   oh it's gonna save me take  and that's it i'm winning i think i'm winning i mean  i this this must be winning i can push the pawn can also just get the king out  because the thing about these sort of end games is maybe even push the king out here   like the pawn activity is good you use the pawn  as a decoy so that if the enemy king ever takes it the enemy king will have to you know trade  the rooks like you'll have to trade the   rooks what about here even in end games  these computers are insanely tricky so   i i just i just want to do this the right  way and set a good example for my audience   let's go here and try to try to play rook  d4 ah but you know king b5 and then rook c8   you know doesn't that just win rook c8 rugby check  there yes king e3 rook c4 yes this should win   because i'm so active i also have check and rook  here by the way that also wins check and rook b2   rook f5 king before so i just i just need  to get to this pawn so check and rook here   and i and i'm picking up the pawn on b4   yeah this should be enough this i think i'm  confident enough to to defeat even the computer   just don't go here because there is  check uh so just push the outside pawn   and uh you give uh you get well  you can check if check here check force the king back you can play rook b3  and then at some point you're gonna you're   gonna need to sidestep with the king and push  your other pawn that's gonna be the only way   you actually have any legitimate  winning chances is by pushing both pawns uh let's play rook c3 so we can play here  okay vishy doesn't want us to go there uh a3   and he's kind of in a box and then  king a4 and b4 also just b4 now that should be good before uh force him down to the back rank don't  stalemate i would that that's kind of my   my million dollar piece of advice just  put the rook on the side let it uh   you know let it do its thing king a4 and then  just b4 b3 should be good and at that point   you can even walk your king away like for example  here there are still plenty of stale matrix if   you play check it's not uh it's not the end  of the story so like king b5 here uh king c6 check king d5 yeah like i said it's still not this is very like the king can get stalemated  in the corner if you're not careful   here here so let's think king c6 i can  play maybe king d5 here king e4 here check bot doesn't want to surrender i play king d5   rook b6 sorry king d5 rook f5 king e6 rook b5  trying to win my pawn i give a check king a1 but then there are some drawing chances   okay i'm gonna go back that's what we'll do  i'm gonna go back i'm gonna go back this way uh we're gonna give a check and then we're  gonna play rook b3 we're gonna play rook uh c3 and then we're gonna sneak in with the king to  b3 like this because before there was there was   flank checks but now there are no flank checks  uh and this should do it this should do it a2   just need to make sure that they're okay just  don't stalemate this king uh let's go rook d3 king here and once this pawn  gets to b3 it is all over it is all over king also there's rook d4 but  before we f1 i want to be as clean as possible   king c3 king c2 oh my god then rook c1 king c2  rook c1 incredible okay how about b2 here king c2 rook there rook d2 rook d1 rook uh the the the  the the the yeah here here here is also funny   okay so i just want to make  sure b2 king king b1 king b3   yes uh b2 king a2 king c2 to  try to promote the pawn um yes i think i think so i'm just very  honestly i'm just very nervous and i   don't want to screw this up i also  yeah king c2 rook c1 is hilarious i don't think there's a stalemate here  i don't think i'm blundering a stalemate that would be completely insane if i were  to blunder a stalemate this far rook c1 is   nothing no i'm i'm convinced ah and now i take  i take with a knight i just don't make a queen   wait can you under promote here oh my  god wait this is so this is terrifying   it's alt right if i if if i hold the alt button this should work because that's how it works in  live chess if it's a queen then it's a draw yes   that's it that's it check uh just  don't stalemate check king here and the fastest i mean we have a few mates but uh what is the fastest one is actually a good  question king c3 knight a55 king a1 there we go   and then this wow that's the  first time i have ever beaten   a bot i think i didn't beat my bot and i i didn't  beat like the beth harmon bot the last one only a   handful of players have defeated me recently maybe  you will become world champion someday oh fishy
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 1,160,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, viswanathan anand, vishy anand, anand aronian, anand kramnik, anand carlsen, anand magnus, chess bot, hikaru bot speedrun, beth harmon bot, viswanathan anand best game, vishy anand best game, viswanathan anand interview, queens gambit, queens gambit declined, vishy anand interview, anand chess
Id: dKoyCciIxe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 13sec (1993 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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