Young Magnus Carlsen vs. Garry Kasparov

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how rare is it that the two greatest players of  their respective generations go head-to-head in a   sport for basketball that would be like michael  jordan and kobe bryant or michael jordan and   lebron james for mixed martial arts it would be  something like anderson silva and israel sagna   and for chess that would be magnus carlsen and  gary kasparov but the two of them are 28 years   apart in age and gary retired in 2005 which is  when magnus was about 14 15 years old but they   did have a chance to play against each other  in 2004 in a tournament in reykjavik iceland   a rampant tournament where gary was paid to  participate as well as other top grand masters   in this video i'm going to take you through the  three games they played against each other and   we're also going to look at footage from this  video the day before the rapid tournament began   magnus and kasparov actually played a blitz game  against each other and actually all the players   played some blitz games against each other this  is that blitz game so gary's got the white pieces   and he begins with c4 magnus responds with  knight f6 knight c3 and g6 so he's going for   bishop g7 and he'll probably decide whether or  not he'll move a deep on but when gary plays g3   magnus turns the position into something more or  less completely symmetrical and gary rather than   playing a slow maneuvering game where everything  is completely in the balance chooses to now play   knight to f3 and this move d4 this is one way you  can imbalance a position which looks symmetrical   uh in the early stages of the game you can offer  a trade of pawns in the center and that's exactly   what gary does so we have takes takes and bishop  to d7 reinforcing that knight which now the knight   and the bishop for gary see scary castles magnus  plays bishop g7 looking to finish his development   gary takes magnus takes back and now rather than  trading the bishops because gary wants his bishop   he takes some more central space with the  move e4 magnus castles and gary finishes   this development so so far so good so for you  and i are just on the same page as these two   except now they're going to prove how good they  are you're gonna prove that you're a youtube   viewer and i'm gonna prove that i'm a dude in a  pink hoodie who just makes videos so now we get   a6 from magnus carlson looking to play b5 later  on on the queen side rook c1 by gary gary not   really concerned with this move b5 magnus plays  knight back to d7 the point of this is to activate   the bishop on the diagonal and also to reroute  the knight to this side of the board right not   there that would be illegal but to that square  so we have queen e2 which seemingly prevents   the move b5 and then while magnus just plays b5  all the same because after c takes b5 a takes b5   yes you can take but then after takes takes  you see what you've done to black's position   you've opened it up and magnus's next move would  have been rook takes pawn gary would have maybe   played like b3 or b4 trying to preserve this pawn  and this one's nice and it's also a pass pawn   but gary's like half pawn could be a little bit  of a target you know to be honest i don't really   like the fact that black's position is so open so  instead of that gary just plays b4 himself and now   here for reasons i don't quite understand magnus  didn't take which i thought was the whole point   but maybe he didn't like the fact that queen c4  would come and then gary has something called   a two-on-one which is a queenside majority and  ultimately you know it it's kind of similar to   what we just saw that one pawn will turn into  a pass pawn and uh you know it could be uh   advancing in the in the middle game and could be  a problem for magnus in the end game so instead   magnus played 95 putting some more pressure and  basically forcing gary to take at this point   the thing is if you don't take if you  just push then that knight lands on c4   it's hitting everybody and it's it's guarded  so gary decides to take take take take take and   it's like all right i mean you gotta play rook a2  now kid and for a reason i don't fully understand   magnus carlsen played queen to b8 now i can ju  i can try to explain this move i can't fully   understand it but i can try to explain it magnus's  idea was that after queen takes rook takes look   how brutal it is for white to guard their pawns  now black's sacrifice makes sense he sacrificed   a couple of pawns but he's got open lines the  problem is here gary goes full two birds one stone   he plays a4 so now that pawn is not a target  and his queen is guarded and after queen b5 ab5   uh this pawn is just gonna go up one square and  be guarded and there's nothing you can do about it   in fact after this move rook beast 8 right we got  b6 and now if you drop back to try to stop me um   you're not going to be able to because my bishops  are so strong and here there's this very strong   move e5 which opens up a discovered attack on  that rook facilitates the movement of that pawn   to b7 and now you you just cannot i mean there's  magnus's kind of idea comes back to bite now it is   a blizz game and we get knight to g4 hitting the  bishop and maybe trying to damage the structure   uh but here gary you know says okay well  what's worth more than you targeting my bishop   remember that idea that gotham chess talked about  in his youtube video 17 years later yeah well here   i have b7 which is just a beautiful move because  it attacks the rook if you take i push and i laser   beam you and if you don't take and you play a move  like rook a2 your back rank is a problem and now   my pawn helps my rook escort to the back rank  it's check there's nothing you can do you take i   make a queen and i take your knight but you have  bigger problems than me taking your knight it's   the fact that you're just down a thousand points  of material so after the move b7 magnus carlsen   actually resigned now on record this is the first  ever game these two played against each other   okay um but this is not really covered on  youtube which is funny instead there is the   next game that we're going to look at which is  the official ra first game in a in a tournament   this was kind of that was like that game that we  just looked at was literally the first time they   played against each other so you know you just  witnessed history congratulations and there's not   much on that blitz game on youtube but there  is a lot of video footage of this next game   this is the first round of the rapid tournament  let's take a brief look at how that went down   kosparov is a much feared opponent and the man  magnus will meet next this is an historic moment   cosplato has never played against anyone this  young kasparov has been paid a lot of money   to be at this tournament but he is nowhere to be  found the others have already started their games   and the clocks are ticking so imagine you're a  tournament organizer and you're putting on magnus   carlsen versus gary kasparov and gary kasparov's  not showing up there's camera crew family   spectators and everybody waiting come on gary  come play the kid oh there he is i think i see him so gary's finally arrived uh and the players  begin the game magnus plays d4 we have d5 by   gary and you'll notice from the video that gary  like already looked visibly distraught on move one   to the untrained eye uh that looks like oh my  god this kid is so good you know i don't know   what to do no gary knows so much about chess it  can sometimes be hard to choose what you want to   play at what moment like what gives you the best  practical chance right so c4 c6 this is known   as the slav defense and we have a transposition  to what's known as the semislav like right here   it's up to black to choose whether they want to  play the open slot which is when you take on c4   uh or the semislav magnus responds in very  principled fashion with the move bishop g5   and then e3 so he only activates his light  squad bishop after getting his dark-squared   bishop out this is very common for black to put  the knight on d7 reinforcing the knight on f6   you might notice that black's bishop on c8 is  terrible and you would notice correctly that   bishop has a lifespan to kind of activate itself  later black slowly slowly gain space in this   opening that's just an opening it's a preference  but gary plays a variation with queen to a5 which   already looks a bit weird but it's a it's a very  confrontational move now i've played this myself   so you know gary kasparov and gotham chess two  of the greatest players of all time have played   this with black so it must be pretty good  uh and the queen pins the knight to the king   and you also want to go knight here because  there's no pin there anymore so it's a very   it's a very direct way to play which is actually  why magnus plays this move knight d2 this is the   best move and it's considered the main line  it was considered the best move 17 years ago   uh unless you're watching in like 2027 in which  case it was significantly more than that amount   of years ago but i'm recording this in 2021 that  stops knight e4 and it also unpins like this and   black's idea here is that in many positions black  will take on c4 and attack the bishop on g5 with   the queen board vision is a big thing but gary  plays bishop b4 all the main line we have queen c2   castles bishop e2 and personally here with black i  play c5 gary played in this game e5 both ways like   i said earlier black is going to strike back in  the center later on making it difficult for white   to castle except for the fact that white castles  immediately because there's a tactical way to hold   it all together after pawn takes d4 you don't  just take back you play this move knight to b3   another benefit of moving the knight back and over  because you end up targeting that queen to slow   down its initiative we have queen back takes takes  takes a5 a4 queen c7 and here magnus carlsen plays   the first new move in chess history at that time  rook to e1 this position had been seen before   uh but not a lot h6 bishop back to h4 and here  gary plays bishop to d6 i mean very obvious   threat and very obvious defense pawn is attacked  you push pawn sometimes chest is an easy game   but here gary played the move knight b6 which is  very direct first of all he removes the guard of   that knight but he attacks the bishop now here  magnus took on f6 immediately taking advantage   of the fact that this knight has moved because  if gary were to take back this is game over here   there is a beautiful knockout punch this is why  you always look for checks queen to g6 and you   can't take because of the pin on the pawn and then  you just clean up the pawns and well you win you   probably will bring your rook later on and it will  just be game over or your knight or even bring   your bishop back that is not how the game ended  that would have been crazy instead gary took on c4   but in this position i'm pretty sure that gary  missed the move now i have not spoken to gary and   gary if you ever watch this video in the future  please know that i am not insulting you or your   intelligence if you actually did not miss this  idea but here magnus plays a really cool move   you would think that he has to move his bishop  but magnus finds a nice move knight e4 which   is just brilliant now the knight is hanging  here and if you take me i'm gonna take and   infiltrate with my queen and it's game over check  here check here check here checkmate with a pawn   you can't go to the e file because of my rook now  if that if that was the way the game ended i mean   i don't know that would have been incredible  but you know we're talking about gary kasparov   probably the greatest player of all time if  not the then second although not according to   everybody uh gary played check kh1 and this is  actually what you see on footage in the video   so here gary backs the knight up and that  disconnects the queen from the bishop magnus   takes here and now there is a check and an attack  on the bishop magnus plays here and gary just   immediately jumps the knight back right you see  him just very quickly do it he has to because   this is under attack and so is this and this  is the only way to guard both and then you see   gary kind of you know visibly frustrated so  i'm not sure what he missed in this sequence   but he's clearly worse here the only thing that's  going for him is the fact that magnus doesn't have   a lot of time uh also you know gary is like the  goat so that's also kind of a problem for magnus   why this position is so much better for white well  white's got a really strong initiative white has   another target on a5 a very nagging pin a lot  of black pieces aren't developed and now magnus   just starts throwing it all forward which i love  i love that he's not sitting timid he's trying   to play the best move in the position he's not  playing the man he's playing the position gary   now finds queen d7 very creative defense getting  the queen out of the way of the pin knight to d4   and knight f5 gary is also not playing the man or  in this case the 13 year old kid he's playing the   position he understands that as ugly as it looks  he's got to defend and he's got to be practical   so gary sacrifices his c pawn he just gives it  away why because in doing so he kind of makes   magnus's pieces a little bit tangled this knight  only hits the rook rook moves out of the way   and now after rook d1 you know queen e6 it's it's  now time for gary to start mobilizing the forces   you know a little bit of pressure here bishop  is going to come out maybe rook is going to   come out this way and magnus's time is ticking  right so here we have rook to e1 computer here   suggests a completely absurd move bishop  c7 moving the bishop out of harm's way   and i guess just going for the a pawn so basically  the engine's like yo go get a second pawn i mean   i don't care if he's kasparov but bishop c7 is a  tough move to play and that's all that gary needed   he trades he activates the queen and now once  he's gotten his activity magnus has to play more   defensively they trade queens and uh some moves  later they trade rooks and again gary's not like   i must beat this kid at all costs no he's just  you know he's like i got outplayed there for a   few moves and now i'm i'm not in a great situation  this kid is still you know an international master   grandmaster to be i got to play the position they  trade some pieces and ultimately some moves later   after a little bit more trading and shuffling  there is no way magnus can make progress here   even though he's a pawn up the big problem is  this is an opposite colored bishop end game   and well that should you know give you a hint  one bishop patrols in another scope of the   another half of the board in scope that one of  them can't fight for so ultimately you know they   shuffle a little bit and uh in this position  this is what happens a draw it's a sensation   magnus managed to draw against kasparov kasparov  couldn't beat magnus now if that's the only video   you've ever watched on youtube of this match you  would think wow kasparov couldn't beat magnus what   but that's not really the case because it was a  knockout rapid event that was just the first game   magnus had to come back and play a second game and  as far as i can tell i haven't found any footage   of that one so uh well and we're gonna take a look  at it we're gonna take a look at that game now so   uh the next game gary's got the white pieces again  and he goes back to c4 right because we just saw   that in the blitz game i didn't see no footage of  that of that blitz game or this second rapid game   all right so we get c4 knight to f6 and this time  a king's indian defense by magnus carlsen which is   kind of interesting because gary kasparov himself  played the king's indian defense with the black   pieces for many years so uh kind of interesting  to see that that that from uh from magnus magnus   plays e5 bishop to e3 from gary now here the main  line is considered you know there you can you can   you can castle knight c6 and your pawn goes to d5  but gary plays it in a slightly different way and   magnus plays c6 f3 this kind of pawn structure  by white uh is kind of like the moroxy you   restrict your opponent on the light squares uh  rookie 8 bishop f2 magnus carlsen very principal   plays the move d5 it's a great move you've got  to strike back in the center against this kind   of moroccy setup because white doesn't have enough  time to set it up here we have e takes d5 c takes   d5 and now kasparov plays a nice idea c5 so  rare that like these pawn pushes in the middle   of a position could be uh could be good but they  are because that pawn's not easy to target first   of all this bishop kind of indirectly guards it  because anywhere this knight moves whatever ends   up on that square will be under attack and you've  got the pawns you have a knight and you know   you'll have the whole village pretty soon so we  get knight c6 uh gary castles to get his king out   of the center knight to h5 so again we have bishop  and knight getting all tactical up in here queen   to d2 why queen to d2 well he wants to connect  his rooks he wants a little bit more reinforcement   maybe to fight along the diagonal generally not  a bad move bishop to e5 gary says you know what   i'm i'm not a big fan of getting checkmated so g3  and g3 has another purpose he wants to go f4 make   no mistake he wants to punish magnus for putting  his bishop out there in the center of the board   to be a target so bishop to h3 rookie one it looks  like you know magnus is making progress but gary's   more than equipped you know he's and basically  his point is that you're gonna get overextended   here magnus goes back plays knight back to g7  which is a peculiar move because he didn't have   to do that maybe he was afraid you know he  was afraid of g4 or something like that uh   and f4 for example so he was like you know what  before gary gets all hostile with me i'm gonna   back up but gary plays the very simple rook  d1 that is exactly why he moved his queen up   because now that pawn is a target an isolated pawn  should be blockaded and then captured gary has   completed step one so rook to c8 knight to b5 a6  where is this knight going is it just going back   nah you would have thought it's going to  d6 forcing bishop takes and now pawn takes   justifying that advance a long time ago he makes  that forward progress that the to the uninitiated   queen takes d6 is just a free pun yeah but  remember this pawn that we loaded up all our guns   on yeah big problem here so a couple of couple of  issues number one remember that dark square bishop   you put there a long time ago it's now a horse  i don't know how a bishop became a horse i don't   know how this became a magic show but that is not  the piece that's supposed to be guarding the dark   squares gary's next move is going to be queen to  h6 followed by something targeting that knight and   then mate also queen h6 hits the bishop which you  put there a long time ago so it felt like magnus   played a few disconnected moves a few moves that  looked good but were a little bit disconnected   whereas gary's entire game plan revolved around  transferring that knight through the center of   the board making that correct trade and for that  reason magnus does not take this pawn and tries to   cause some havoc in the center knight e4 bishop f5  and now remember that first game that pawn pushed   to the seventh rank that was decisive you remember  right you were paying attention pay attention okay   don't just watch this in the background d7  if you take with the queen i triple fork you   now if you take with the bishop you lose a guard  of this and i can just take it and you would say   well levy didn't you say you shouldn't get rid  of the dark square bishop i didn't say that   i said that black getting rid of their dark  squared bishop caused some really bad weaknesses   white getting rid of their dark squared  bishop caused some dark square weaknesses   name me one piece for black that can go anywhere  on this diagonal if you said queen to b6 it's   time to take up checkers because that loses  a queen for free queen b6 is quite literally   one of the worst moves on the board right now  so we get knight to f5 but now queen takes d7   queen b6 check king h1 rook d8 but now the only  move otherwise the queen is trapped queen to a4   takes takes takes b2 gary plays queen b1 looking  for a trait of queens and to hit the b7 pawn   and after that happens he transfers the bishop  to c4 guards his only weakness targets this   and here on move 40 uh move 32 magnus carlsen  resigned therefore being eliminated from this   tournament in reykjavik and gary kasparov moved on  gary kasparov also went on to win this tournament   uh but you know he had to get through magnus  carlsen which potentially is the most impressive   about all this but that was the earliest instance  and rivalry of magnus carlson versus gary kasparov   2004 they played three games if you just watch  on youtube it makes it look like they only ever   played one game because it was super hype and  that video has 10 million views and you know   what they say any video with a lot of views has  accurate information no matter what's in the video   i hope i don't get demonetized for making  that joke they played one more time   on record in 2020 they played at the st louis  chess club they've also played i think some blitz   and and things like that but never anything uh  too serious but as far as that 2004 incident goes   uh they did have a positive outcome so i do have  a clip for you at the end of this video also from   that same channel when gary visits magnus in  norway and they talk a little bit about chess   but before i show you that clip thank  you for making it this far in the video   uh i really do appreciate it i hope you enjoyed  this if there's any other kind of footage that   you want to see of a you know two goats going at  it magnus playing someone kasparov playing someone   a video i haven't covered do let me know in the  comments uh and i'll see you in the next video   but here is the clip mangunus has undoubtedly  much he can learn from a man like kasparov   their rivalry from the tournament in iceland is  behind them and they quickly find a good tone shocking but your king is also you know you always  have this problem with bishop city queen e4   and this is made well with bishop here  this threat is is no longer relevant   then this pawn would be in real trouble yeah
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 1,772,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magnus carlsen, magnus carlsen loses, magnus carlsen bill gates, magnus carlsen hikaru nakamura, magnus carlsen interview, magnus carlsen banter blitz, magnus carlsen kasparov, garry kasparov, kasparov, garry kasparov interview, garry kasparov masterclass, garry kasparov vs the world, kasparov carlsen, carlsen kasparov, magnus carlsen vs garry kasparov, 13 year old magnus, 13 year old magnus kasparov, kasparov carlsen 2004, carlsen kasparov 2004, carlsen kasparov agadmator
Id: re6B7ZALyGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 17sec (1337 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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