How I Surprised A Grandmaster On The 2nd Move...

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yesterday i played in the title  tuesday which is a blitz tournament with a   pretty nice prize fund so every week some of the  strongest grandmasters in the world compete in it   i had my best score ever 8 points out of 11  and in the penultimate round i played against   the grand master we all know and love fit it  and that's why i wanted to share this game   with all of you i surprised them early in the  opening and it led to a completely insane battle   you can check the timestamp in the video player  to first take you through my view of the game and   then the analysis afterward and before we jump  into it i just want to say i have a tremendous   amount of respect for vivid and people told me  after that he didn't have the best tournament he   was exhausted and he wasn't in the best spirit  so i didn't make this video to brag i hope you   guys understand that i did it because i want to  take you through my nervousness the emotions and   share the instructive moments of the game so  let's do it what a way to end title tuesday   a date with vidit so much  respect for vidit oh let's go oh my goodness is it i think vivid's  gonna go g6 everybody plays g6 let's see is vita gonna play into prep okay so he's playing d6 go d5 i don't actually  even remember what i'm supposed to play here let's take as much space as possible wow what is that that's so passive a strange move  if knight f6 maybe i just go straight after vidit   it's gonna go like i think he's gonna go  g6 should have maybe even considered c4   yeah no i yeah that it is not i mean this is a  very surprising score for somebody like vidit   he's extremely strong let's go c4 try  to try to jump him with my pawns here and also go here i have some ideas e5 here knight b5   take on e5 a second time if here  here i can also just go knight b5 now i don't know if this is very good but we'll see russia or india maybe it does feel that way  sometimes but that's that's just chess man i mean   nothing anybody can do about that   i'm basically just hoping that  vidit miscalculates something here because it's a it's a really really weird  position after knight b5 okay he plays queen b6   i can just go for it i mean i really like  that move actually it it strikes me as a   very natural move so naichi for threatens  mate which i don't think i'm gonna hang   i i didn't hang it we need to and now  i've got this coming if i want and i'm   gonna go h3 next i think my position here  is very good very interesting system here   um e6 also a consideration obviously the best  move for me right now is ed6 and knight c7 so   he takes but now i have a free move see  now i can go is he gonna go here is that   that vidit's plan also can take the thing is  when you play these gems you get so nervous   you get so damn nervous because they're so good   you don't want to screw up you know nerves are  a real thing man right so he's going for this that's a fascinating idea what if i just take like this and then go bishop to e3 oh my gosh this looks so bad for  him there's no way he can what my rook is just hanging but like oh my god what but the thing is i don't know  what to play it all looks so good knight d6 and bishop b6 doesn't actually  win his queen bishop d4 takes takes   he seems pretty safe what if i just just  for this move don't do anything crazy if castles i think queen h2 is very  strong okay f5 f5 takes g5 let's do   it that looks really nice f5 takes in g5  because that would be really bad for him i feel like this move is good but let's go rook d1 just gonna try to  consolidate in the center of the board here   not really worried about queen a5 i don't  i don't feel like that move is that scary okay king f2 to stop queen g3 now now  is when champions are made or otherwise that might be the biggest bluff ever i don't  actually know if that move is good it just   it looks right but i have no idea maybe queen d2 in bishop h6  was better it's so tough to say i could just scare him wow he takes is he  looking for this what is he looking for here   knight takes g4 king g1 or something  no knight g4 i think i have to take i have no idea absolutely insane position maybe i could have even played bishop g2 king she won takes knight g7 kg7 fg4 oh my god i'm going to beat vidit oh my god i'm  going to beat vidit oh my god we did it we did   it oh my goodness we actually beat vidit oh my god   my heart is pounding i almost didn't play the  move bishop h6 oh holy oh my god that's nuts   oh what a way to end it i mean i have so much  respect for vivid i that like he's so good   oh my god i'm shaking oh my god so as promised now it's time to analyze the game  obviously as you can see from my emotions during   the game i have since calmed down changed  shirts and it's actually wednesday now   so in the game i played e4 and vidit responded  with the sicilian now i played a move which is   on the thumbnail and that move is a3 i like a3  a lot it's a very tricky line it doesn't get   played in classical because black has a few ways  to to equalize and get a totally okay position but   um the benefit of surprising an opponent so early  on look i'll show you if we take a look at vidit's   main account vidit chess he plays 70 games of  the sicilian defense with the black pieces not a   single one of these games features the move a3 and  on the account that i played him on vidit youtube   the same story so it's the only time he's had  to face the move a3 uh and i'm sure it's not   he's he's seen it before but the point that  i'm trying to make is playing these sidelines   against very highly theoretical openings will  serve to your benefit because you will know the   tricks of the position so if it played knight to  c6 um you know the best line is g6 and bishop g7   which is actually what i expected as you saw he  played knight c6 and now this is essentially a   gambit where i take the full center um and these  two pawns are gone and there's a line here which   you saw me pre-move during the video where if  if black plays d5 here black can get in a lot of   trouble after take take and knight to a3 there's  a lot of tactics here with knight b5 knight c7   and this position is already extremely dangerous  for black vidit went a little bit more solidly   with d6 in the game and here normally i just you  know take the full center with four pawns but i   said let me go after him you know i'm gonna start  to push him back with my pawns knight f3 queen c7   and everybody stands very nicely in a in a dream  situation you know i i put all my knights i put   my knights my bishops out and i'm ready to go  and knight f6 but i couldn't resist the urge   to strike and generally when i'm playing  super gm's vidit is number 25 in the world   he's at his highest classical rating ever what  i like to do is i like to i like to attack them   and i try to throw as many punches as possible  because if they if they get to play a long   positional game against me they have the advantage  they also have the advantage in the end game   and that's why i like to come out swinging and  try to take their head off doesn't matter who   i'm playing and sometimes it works and  sometimes it doesn't so i went knight b5   and then just went after him with e5 and  maybe i'm not in a position to be able to   do this but both of us have our kings in the  center and essentially all i'm looking at here   is is my king weak and when he plays knight  g4 i mean he's literally threatening mate now   in the game i played the move queen e2 but  actually i can play a move here queen d4   which is crushing this is a really really really  strong move um and it's actually the same thing   if vidit had taken and then played knight g4 i  have queen d4 and so queen d4 the point is this   if he takes me i take like this and knight  c7 is actually really difficult to stop   like he can play rook b8 but then i'm  going to kick this knight out and then   i'm going to continue to just destroy  the position not to mention that a7 is   a weakness so queen d4 would have been  would have been a very nice move by me i   i didn't even think of it i mean i i saw that  it was possible but i was like no queenie two   defends this and defends this and it must be  the right move um so then this happens and now   i don't just go and take back and and i could have  just taken back but i didn't like the fact that   all of a sudden you know he's swarming me and he's  gonna castle and i figured okay i need to i need   to throw in this move an in-between move and vidit  finds the best move if he just moves his knight   back then i take and he's unhappy so he he uses  the pawn that i didn't take pushing it forward and   counter-attacking me now of course i didn't take  let's not forget about the f2 square right that's   what my queen is trying to guard so i took took  and here again why didn't i take with the queen   i don't know um i honestly thought during  the game the gf3 was better it felt right   and i was correct uh the engine does prefer this  i think i thought that long term if he castles   i'm gonna have queen h2 which i don't have  if i play queen f3 although if i play queen   f3 then i have queen h3 so you know i guess  it was just something about keeping my pawns   together like this and fighting toward this side  of the board i don't know but the engine likes it   so but both are probably okay and here  you know rather than moving my rook out   of danger i counter attack visit with bishop  to e3 i thought that this was the best move   the engine prefers putting the rook on a3 because  it's the computer and frankly speaking it should   drink alcohol less like i don't know man i  don't know why i want so bad to play rook a3   you can't even go over here there's a pawn  in the way so stop it computer lay off the uh   lay off the booze anyway at this point i was i  was blown away because i'm like how do i not have   something like i want to go d6 i want to do all  these things nothing nothing and normally trading   a bishop like this is good for white but i i  couldn't find a way to make it work like i thought   that if i trade i don't know where my attack is i  mean vid is just going to come back with a queen   um all these different considerations so i  decided to play knight d4 knight f6 and then   this move f5 as you saw from the video had he  taken i would have played g5 and i would have   had a very strong attack because now his knight  cannot go here that's actually the main reason   why you don't go g5 because the knight will come  to h5 and you also destabilize your your pawns   if you do that so castles and i just played rip  d1 i mean just getting the bishop out of the way   the engine here really likes queen h2 just  going there immediately and now the only thing   protecting black from dying is the knight on f6  um you can't get rid of it with this because again   there is this move but there is bishop g5 um but  i played rook d1 now better plays queen d6 because   he wants to play bishop to d7 but he doesn't  want to block his queen when he plays queen d6   and again i play king f2 because of this but the  engine does like queen d2 just going for bishop h6   bishop d7 now i didn't know what to do i didn't  know what to do i felt like i had no more moves   i mean if i play g5 he just goes here and  like bishop h6 is a terrible move because   it's a terrible move because this is not the piece  you need on that square you need the queen there   the queen has to be on h6 not the rook i mean if  this then he plays like queen here and he just   gets me out so i didn't know what to do and i just  i just played i said screw it you know c5 let's go   that it took my pawn you know he he took the  right pawn because had he taken here he runs   straight into my bishop 96 hits three pieces  and the bishop hits the queen so he took the   right he took the right way and i played 96.  now 96 is a terrible move apparently here   i'm supposed to again engine is a psycho and  wants me to just go here and set up a new attack   on the piece but you know as you saw i  was very long time i just did this now   the queen is hanging the bishop behind the queen  is going to be in my sights this is going to be   in my sights this is going to be in my sights  and now he played knight takes g4 so first this   is what i missed and this is why i went down  to three seconds i thought here take here here   and i end my thought process as you can see from  the highlights which i prepared before the video   it's not so clear because even though the queen  has hit uh this position is winning for white   except for one move which is winning for black  so it's not winning for white and that's why   you always need to look for checks black plays  this move which a lot of amateur players might   miss here including myself but i did see it at the  end in my defense and now black is out of danger   because black gets to take the knight and once  black takes the knight we get a position where   white just doesn't have enough material and is  just completely lost so i missed that and when he   played knight g4 i was like well i can't take so i  got to move my king where do i move it where do i   move it i finally decided to move it to g1 and my  logic was i protect my rook my rook is protected   now i'm threatening to take the knight to take  the rook to take the bishop and to take the queen   and if he moves his queen and takes my pawn which  is what he did it's by far the most natural move   then i take on g7 and i hit his i hit his queen  and then his knight is still hanging that was my   logic you guys are not ready for this in this  position um there are two moves for black one   of them is so savage but it makes sense in chess  you have something called danger levels and what   it means is that if your piece is under attack  you can ignore it and counter attack the opponent   with attacking a piece that's worth the same or  more if i'm attacking vidit's queen here he can   attack my queen or my king those are the only two  things that he can attack that would make sense   well he only has one way to attack my queen and  that way is bishop to b5 and that way wins that is   apparently the only winning move because if i take  his bishop he goes here and if i take the queen   he now gets my queen that's hanging that's hanging  and you know if i take back like he just goes here   and then this my position falls apart  he is up i don't know a million pawns   so bishop b5 would have just saved the game  um i can probably move my queen like i don't i   actually can't move it anywhere because if i  go here defending my rook then he takes and i'm   dead i'm just dead i mean i he i cannot defend  against all of these threats and the bishop and   you know i can take a rook here but i'm  gonna lose um i didn't see bishop b5   i saw it after when i analyzed and the second  move is queen here just the queen here and as   you can see again from all those arrows i i can  take four different pieces and and it's it's chaos   uh it's chaos it's chaos because if i take his  knight for example uh he has to move bishop to a4   uh which attacks my rook i i i don't know i don't  know okay i hate computers you should hate we all   hate computers anyway queen takes f5 is what he  played in the game and here i thought i was a   genius by uncorking knight takes g7 and then he  played this and i was like whoa what is he doing   and i just took his knight now apparently the  best move is bishop here taking his knight is   apparently a mistake because vidit could have just  taken back which of course i did not see at all   the logic being that if i take here look at this  engine line here take here threatening this h5   rook d5 defending the pawn because if i let him  take the pawn he has six extra pawns for a bishop   which is not good and then something like  this i disregard the attack on the rook   queen h6 and you know rook d7 engine is saying  white is plus point eight or something i don't   know okay i don't know i don't know i don't know  none of us saw that we both had like five seconds   instead i just took and he went here and this  looks like it's all working for black because   i'm gonna struggle to defend here but remember  danger levels i can counter attack his queen   while there is an attack on mine so i move  my queen back here and the logic is that   yes he's got my rook but his queen's in danger  and if he takes now my rook moves out of danger   this queenie one move saves the game  because basically if i play like queen d2   he takes my rook and i can't even take back  because my bishop no longer has a guard now apparently i can play the move rook h3 here  hitting the queen defending this and i mean but   like you get what i'm saying queenie one here  saves the game it keeps everything together   and then luckily on top of that i also have  this that's why you always look for checks   you'll notice i saw that move immediately  when the game is live because i'm it's just   a tactical pattern bishop h6 and then a move i  didn't see here right away was rook h7 because   i was so terrified i was gonna lose on time i  just did this and then i realized i can go here   and now a very common tactical pattern bishop  in a pawn like this will always defeat a rook   because the pawn can just push i can't push it  now because that's not a queen because that's   guarding so what do i do i take the bishop  now he loses the defense of c8 and i play c7   and even if this rook wasn't here this would still  be very strong now if this wasn't here black would   be fine the rook is the difference maker the  point that i'm trying to make is in an end game   the bishop and the pawn like that will promote  against the rook they need to be close together   and vidit resigned here because if he takes i  make a queen and if he goes like here for example   i'm not that good but i'm capable of  winning rook and bishop versus five pawns   um the good thing is in title tuesday that  you have the extra second of bonus time   which allows you to kind of come back from a  time deficit otherwise it would be totally insane   anyway um that was the game that was the game  and then in the last round i played against uh   prodigy like a 18 19 year old grandmaster i mean  not quite a prodigy because a lot of grandmasters   who are like 12 and 13 but uh very strong  player from uh denmark i believe his last name   i believe it's his name is pronounced jonas bier  i hope i'm getting that name correct and i was   just dead i mean that game i was just completely  lost and i got lucky so i feel good about eight of   eight out of 11 but next time i want to get eight  out of 11 deservedly not with some silly you know   swindles um but this is my style when i play super  grand masters and it should inspire some of you if   you play someone three four hundred points higher  than you don't have fear you you will be nervous   but don't let that hinder you from a from from a  playing standpoint go after them try to take their   head off and if you fail at least you tried your  hardest and you have something to learn for next   time so hopefully this taught you a little bit  about opening preparation uh navigating a complex   middle game and you know things of calculation all  that and uh yeah i'll see you in the next video
Channel: GothamChess
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Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, vidit, vidit gujrathi, viditchess, vidit chess, vidit chess stream, vidit samay, samay vidit, vidit chess blitz, vidit vs magnus carlsen, vidit vs magnus, vidit gujrathi vs anand, vidit gujrathi vs hikaru nakamura, vidit gujrathi samay raina, samay raina, vidit gujrathi vs anish giri, anish vidit
Id: yHzgjobAoaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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