Abs of Steel | Kenshi - The Training of One Punch Man #3

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the training of one punch man continues today with some massive plastic surgery because we're ugly but there is hope because one punch man lost his own anime hair when he whom he did his training so now I figured that ceremonially if we want to follow canon we need to make ourselves look slightly more like one punch man so many hairs to choose from but we're gonna go with there we go but he still he's too sombre we need him to look more joyous I think a nice wide head would work head shouldn't be too big or a normal-sized head his neck could be slightly larger but not by to much he could get all brolic but I like him with a thin neck better that's perfect one punch man at a slightly wider jaw will give him completely nude we need to make him look as completely neutral as possible except not I've lips that big not too much but that's somewhat better that's better okay no he's starting to look more normal no it's weird because anime characters don't have noses but he's I don't I'll give him an unsexy nose he still looks weird he needs that's better okay yes no yes terrified I like that though that's kind of funny perfect no no he looks like he belongs in the elder scrolls I have like this thing though he definitely looks like the elder scrolls now holy [ __ ] this looks normal actually I need to make it in some way abnormal though that actually looks a lot more like the real one punch man I mean like there's something off but this I hit randomize and it just all of a sudden became I mean he needs to be slightly darker though I think I think one punch man was holy crap look at how much stronger we got we are way stronger we didn't have abs and chest muscles like that before the biceps on this guy he's way stronger now okay he just needs some silly eyes now you know it one smaller Nick and that works for me he is actually he's he's not that bad-looking he's he's pretty good looking he's not as Mimi as you but we can always get plastic surgery again I'm satisfied I think that this looks like a better one punch man okay we are now born as the real one punch man if he were not looking like anime at holy crap he got way stronger let's check out our stats so I've done some [ __ ] - pretty much now our stats are 50 to strength 75 toughness I mean Jesus Christ if there was ever a good toughness it would be that 42 dexterities who were attacking fast enough the main limiter is just the mechanics of how martial arts works he needs to it martial arts 40 and then I think more [ __ ] will open up for him athletics is great all of his stats are great it's just a matter of the fact that he's alone in combat so we're getting him some decent gear I mean I don't have any super cape or anything like that for one punch man but today we want to go on an Avengers quest because we lost the torso in the lion in the fog lands and we're gonna head over there because I have a fee I have a few things set up I'll just show you really quick on my base if we can just speed over I did buy one small house in the hub and its purpose was only to hold iron I have backpacks of iron I need to hold on me but I won't bring these with me to the fog because it's gonna get me killed I need to be very very careful and we're going to avenge the torso now by training on fog men I just want to get a lot of kills I want to see what this character is capable of against a lot of numbers of foes and then oh we are out of money we'll need to fix that in some way I don't need to mine a little bit more we'll head over to the fog lands and we'll just kill as many fog men as we can - the fog away actually right before we go I just want to get a little bit of basic lock-picking training because if we should get tied up by the fog men a little bit of training here may go a long way for us it can vastly increase your toughness to get slowly eaten away by these people but I don't want it to come to that and we got 12 lock-picking that's enough for me to feel justified I'm going to the fog to avenge the torso now to give you a sense of how fast and strong we are we're running at 24 miles per hour are those no those aren't hungry bandits we're not gonna go back for them but we're very fast we're fast enough to escape from the fog I think you need about 20 to 22 miles per hour to be able to reliably escape from them so no matter what Oh be Kings [ __ ] are they gonna kill me I might have to go on a detour right here stop with the hives nope it looks like they didn't catch up to him he's fast enough he's good now today my friends were on a quest for vengeance from true evil although it's a natural evil it is evil cannibalism fog men are here now we don't want to go to any of the death yards but it will be a death sentence if we end up in the death yards we'll need to pick the lock well we would get out you might even gain toughness but it's not a risk I want to take so we're just gonna see if we could find some fog man on a patrol distract them fight them until we gain a little bit of experience and then slowly pick off their numbers if we can get to the center of this we might make it to mongrel and then I'll take beep I will take beep as a companion okay we've got some fog men right here surprisingly they're not attacking fog princes I'll attack them anyway these are probably way stronger than the rest of the fog men but I still want to see if they're a match for me cuz fog men are notoriously weak it'd be good training targets for this guy now as long as more don't join in should be alright but I have to be careful not to get knocked out around these guys or they will eat me okay I'm taking hits these are probably the strongest among the fog men not exactly the photos I wanted to go against but we're winning we're winning the fight I've never even looted these guys because I've always been swarmed by more as soon as I've killed some of them and our left arm has been incapacity they managed to do a lot to me there some of them had blades but most of these guys have blunts fog heavies I think I ever went against these guys oh no that's their arms my pet my arms are completely fine I don't know why I said that do we not we knocked off a guy's arm in the middle of this combat - where is it where is your arm I cannot find his arm what is the other one going to contact the others I have not seen out of this dynamic works he might be going to the death yards to go get more help all right well we did discover monk where are you going one punch man what the hell are you going okaywell mongrel is back there in the distance problem about this area is that I can't okay there we are kill that fog Prince and let's see what is loot is fog Prince head wow that's worth six thousand cats I'll take that these guys loot is really good I must have picked up a decent bounty on one of these guys okay we'll grab that and everything else okay we're gonna have to start dealing with more patrols are these fog heavies okay you know what I'm gonna let these ones pass if I can it sounds like though they're cannibalizing somebody else I was hoping to find one of their patrols in here but I'm finding mostly heavies and I do not want to go down in there that's one of the death yards now I don't want to have to babysit beep while I'm down here but I do want to leave here with beep he would be a good companion I've been getting a lot of requests to do a robot companion or beep as a companion I would gladly take beep along for another trip maybe even a mechanized beep in fact you know what let's go to mongrel or stay near mongrel just in case because we want to have somewhere where we can rest up while we're fighting these fragment I'll fight these heavies - whoops I don't actually need that I don't actually even want this in combat let's take these things down uh you don't know use your fists goddesu oh [ __ ] look at that look at all the enemies there Christ we do not want to pass out around these guys would not be safe ok to mongrel let's fight them with the guards not away from the guards that's too many at once hard to believe that someone would build the city right in the middle of all of these fog people how they how do they trade how do they import goods without people getting cannibalized on their way and well let's sell this fog prince's head and then buy us some slightly better martial arts gear I think this will do the trick alright we're gonna pick up a decent bounty for this fog Prince head and unfortunately I think that's about all that I want from this guy I need martial arts rags and he has ninja stuff for a stealth effect so not exactly what I was looking for I will take a head wrap because I could use this we're gonna need to find something else though because it just doesn't fit this it doesn't fit the one punch man vibe he needs to have his bald head showing gloriously in the Sun and we'll just have a rest here tonight we need to rest up fight fog men rest up more eventually recruit beep and then repeat this seems like an awesome way to Train we've got fog men right here who are constantly at war with the shinobi guarding the city we're gonna get a lot of experience and we are one shotting fog man here so all it takes is one hit to kill them or take them down we just destroyed that guy's left arm with one punch crap this is exactly the type of enemy we need is he gaining decent experience though with it I know he's gonna gain at a slower rate because he's in good gear but if he can get through these combats without getting hurt that's what I'm looking for he's still getting hurt but I mean you know he has the town guard nearby well see if we could recruit beep to just be back up here I don't know maybe we need to seek out tougher enemies it seems like I accidentally committed a crime in towns to the shinobi guard or actually after me which is okay because they're decent worthwhile no no no don't let the fog man take me though okay good the shinobi guard are probably gonna arrest me which is fine because I can get more oh [ __ ] no no don't leave me out here don't leave me out here I've got second [ __ ] open by the fog man this is where beep would come in handy but we don't have beep all right let's just get back to town they're gonna beat me up but it's fine honestly maybe I should just start fighting this shinobi guard cuz they're stronger we it's the only way to get strong enough to be able to take on any evil no to me this is weird if you commit a crime they'll beat you up but then they'll consider that you are like fighting the guards anytime you try to defend yourself even if they knock you out and they don't take you to jail so the bounty on your head just keeps going up and up and then they get more and more pissed at you so I guess I need to leave mongrel now until the bounty is cleared expires in 79 hours so I think I just need to escape the sea cuz otherwise there's no real I mean I'm committing a crime just by standing up now it's am i committing a crime yeah they're gonna want me they're gonna want to take me in and they're gonna say that I'm committing okay so I need to get out of mongrel this is very bad I need to just escape for a few days I think I need to seek out stronger opponents not these fog men I think the the revenge is futile we're going north and east unfortunately we are fast enough to escape all of the fog men now without any problem and that's it we leave the fog lands behind it looks like this Holy outpost was overtaken by fog men but we've got a holy paladin or High paladin fending them off right here don't know who will win this fight but there's a lot of fog men over here and I'm hoping that they take down the holy paladin or I can kidnap him because he actually serves as one of the best martial arts training dummies in the game if I could get this guy down I'd be in real luck like if we kidnap this guy we could get the highest level of martial arts easily well we've managed to face off the hunger event it's the fog men and the holy nation all against one another while staying alive with a negative negative 38 on our stomach all right the High paladin is so close to being knocked out we got a kidnap this guy though I hope he gets a hit and yes he's been taken down okay we're going to kidnap him because he's gonna be such a high priority target okay I'm kidnapping the high paladin there he goes flying through the air let's take off all of his stuff so that he doesn't get back up and kill me because he is a fairly strong enemy yeah we just have to avoid all these holy nation outposts cuz they won't be too happy that I kidnapped a high paladin and avoid the holy military base and the holy farm none of those would be good all right we've managed to kidnap this guy back to the hub I'm just gonna put him down and he's gonna Oh didn't expect that now we need to make sure that he stays alive so that I can train my martial arts on him but he's we don't want him to be doing well in any way shape or form at all he is gonna be is he playing dead right now I'd be playing dead if I were him now he's probably gonna want to escape from us my job is gonna be to find a guard list katana to cut off his limbs because that's really all that we can do with him I'm gonna kidnap him but I don't want him to get too much stronger and I want to make sure that I get stronger before he does right now he's actually resting so I don't really like this I could sleep next to him but I'm gonna need to have eyes on this guy for a long time let's see if we can get rid of his stuff - I'm just gonna delude him he simply does not have the energy to can keep moving we are gonna farm this guy though for a lot of experience because that's what you do with the holy nation hi paladins there's some of the strongest enemies really it's mainly just the legs so we'll give him anything that covers the arms but not the legs now the problem with this guy is that he's gonna keep on wanting to try to escape until until we take out everything from him so we'll just keep on first dating him and not his legs we want his legs to give out yeah this is what I'm talking about every single time that they put him down he wants to escape what he can't it's so sad but it's so righteous for how evil these people are not that I'm much better this is actually perfect because his right leg is going down so he's gonna lose his right leg but the rest of his body will be okay we'll make our house private we'll put him in a bed in it and I'm just gonna start punching his body to train my martial arts set dismemberment too frequent okay he lost the leg I don't know what happened but I think when I threw him out of the home he lost his leg so we now need to patch him up let's just put him down for a sec oh we know go back in my house my house is private no one come in here please give me some privacy this feels like the mr. moon playthrough with the white with the candle man Jesus Christ I love mr. moon the next stop is squint to get a bed to keep him healing in okay I don't seem to be doing it right because the Pala didn't got out of the bed but we've got him in a sleeping bag maybe if I put him in a real bed he'll then get away better but this guy is gonna be a punching bag yeah we can totally hit him while he's asleep so then all we need to do is this and then I guess we'll first date him and we'll just keep on using this Wow he's a literal punching bag now this is cool this is [ __ ] up this is so [ __ ] up but like I said ignore morality play kenchi okay for this exact method I used a video by garite cuz it looked awesome I'll link it below it's the coolest tack I've ever seen in the game we're just gonna dismantle this and we'll try to get a house in a bed so that we can hopefully keep this guy's slightly more securely locked up just want to say hi paladin you have made the best friend and prisoner this is kind of [ __ ] up but like he's you know it's - but we can't figure out what his toughness is cuz it's gonna be rising a lot very soon when I get you home when I get you home tonight I'm gonna make love - yeah Oh night long yeah hi paladin okay I'm gonna put you down in my camp bed this is like a scene out of Reservoir Dogs Christ's love yeah oh wait not with that sword don't use that no that's too much we don't really need all that I'm gonna make love - yeah I'm gonna [ __ ] your stomach let's see how much more no stop training on him now we do want to first aid him we want to make sure that his stomach and chest don't give that right arm we could keep his arms maybe well we don't want him to lose his limbs when we're fighting at some so will not heal any of his limbs let's let him stay like that and we'll wait until he gets better see if he gets up and I want to see if he leaves the house at home I'm gonna make love to my crippled kidnappee this is a little [ __ ] up except it's a video game ignore morality play kenchi who gives a [ __ ] it's a video game you look so good somehow it's so romantic I'm going to farm him for XP and he'll be the reason I become the true one-punch man now I'm gonna make love to you and I should get a lot of experience for this now every single time he hits him he's getting yeah that's an ass ton of experience and he's wow it's really on the martial-arts okay so we'll keep him around like this for a while we got to make sure that he doesn't die though we got to give him first aid cuz you don't want your guy to die on you in this kind of situation we might take off another leg I don't think it really makes a difference anymore here he's correct okay so we'll just let him recover and we'll slowly like research let him recover and then as he gains toughness it should be harder to kill him and I should get higher strength you know maybe we'll even do something nice for him at the end I'm gonna give it to you real good and yet at the same time it feels empty you know this is everything that we need for our grind but it just it's not coming is it's not coming as sweetly it's not coming as quickly I think we might take out some like don't get me wrong this guy's [ __ ] up an evil like the things that the holy nation does they're screwed up anyway so it's a taste of their own medicine but I think we need to do more good we need to be a hero for fun so let's put away our fucked-up evil ways and let's see if we can take out some bosses we're gonna look for the dust king boss because I've been looking for this guy and he's supposed to be in the border zone and he's supposed to be located right around here in this unknown tower so I think we're gonna just head over there and see if we have the martial arts prowess yet to take out a few of his guys so supposedly they're in this tower it's incredibly suspicious I don't know why you would go to all of this effort to wall in a tower or what good a wall would do you but I do know that we're pretty decent against dust bandits so this guy shouldn't be too bad because he's like early to mid-game boss so I think our stats are there we don't have any other people but can we can we come in we need to pick the lock really all right we'll pick the lock to this giant gate because there is a lock to be picked and it wouldn't just be Unruh motely located on the inside that makes perfect sense okay and we picked the lock okay that is my favorite thing who's this guy I'm one punch man oh [ __ ] I just got hit in the chest with his sword all right let's take out the ranged guy first and let's just check on him oh yeah that's a lot of you I didn't expect you all to come out right at first you must be the desk boss well it just heard the dust king he's big Christ this is a perfect enemy for saya Tama we're gonna spend the entire fight dodging but if we somehow manage to get through that we might be able to get a hit I wonder what happens if they kill me let's just see how he does he is in good gear now so he should be he should last a while in this fight I don't think he'll win it somehow I think he'll do okay though and if nothing else it'll train our other stats to get into this boss fight Wow look at everything that he's dodged he must have dodged hundreds of attacks by now great okay he's got a few of them wing gates in one hit he's like done with the fight he got three people with that last hit holy cow and he's hitting like over a hundred on some of these guys 128 60 I'll slow it down because I want to see what he's doing exactly the dust King what is the dust king got thirty five thousand cat bounty now whoa we've hardly taken any damage he gets in like one hit every few seconds Christ look at this he spends ten minutes dodging then he gets one hit knocking out like five guys just wait till their dexterity goes up this was a way better way to train stats than what we were doing before I like this I like this even toughness is going up to okay he is starting to take a lot of hits and remember as he takes hits he gets worse in gamma because the injuries tend to slow him down but it looks like we got the dust King oh [ __ ] we did he's dead he's dead what that well is he dead he might not be dead let's loot him okay we're gonna take all of his [ __ ] because I guess he's got good gear it's decent this is really really really valuable model number mark three okay he's got a nice ass all right we're gonna grab him look I mean just a you know a man appreciating another man it's fine you see all right let's uh let's go into the tail [ __ ] well you know what I bet you could kill him with the desk hanging out of your back that's [ __ ] bad-ass take his sword oh oh gangster Jesus that is really cool I'm gonna sleep in the dust Kings bed just to piss him off holy cow bossing is way fun well that's like runescape Christ all right let's go up the stairs find out if there's anybody else or these might be better training dummies - mmm maximum of 15 is still not that great well what else do they if they have other prisoners here I could beat up I think one of those people we might even be able to recruit what is your name cat oh hey new guy yeah you looks like a hippie wanna chat I just get so excited when I see visitors dog me Mom not much to see here so does that like to count flies yeah oh yeah yeah that you're not as interesting as beep that's great but ok I just let me see if I can get him out of here what happened to the desk King I just put him down Christ's sake oh he's of course that makes sense he went through the floor okay cat just joined our party because cat didn't enjoy being imprisoned so I'm gonna grab the dead actually no you know what cat you grab the desk King cat you can grab the desk King let one punch man do all of the fighting and we'll see on the way out damn this badass I'm gonna keep his sword for a second daddy's cool I like bossing go do it yeah man oh it looks like cat fell down immediately cat I'm gonna make you into a robot all the dust bandits are left in the dust because they're dust bed it's there they go down with bad people okay we're gonna leave cat here and we're gonna bring back the dust King the police station because he's wanted cat we'll just have to find his own way out because he's pretty irrelevant to the story and I think it's mainly about one punch man now finally ridding the world of evil I just want to say that the physics are on point really on point oh it looks like that we lost the holy nation palette you know what it doesn't matter because bossing is way more interesting and cool way to level our stats Oh screw it we're done cheesing stats we're just gonna go through boss Rush mode now okay I got my reward for the desk King we brought him back alive so now his thick ass this guy is really really [ __ ] built I can't believe that we beat him but I kind of like beating him as a skinny dude so like we've come we've come really far in just 57 short days it seems like they've flown by but I think we're gonna continue going through the bosses now I may as well just continue up the boss tree let's get rid of all of his [ __ ] because it's very expensive we got bounties for the red bandit and shade we'll go after them next day cat can just take care of himself however he wants I'm going to worry more about one bunch man I'm going after shade who's the leader of this swamp ninja people or something like that and he seems to reside around about here so we're gonna head over to their base and see if one bunch man is strong enough shade is a female scorched Lander soft and floppy a dagger wielding ninja trash wanted for acts of theft in general deviousness please put her general deviousness please put her out of her pitiful existence perhaps she might be reunited with her spine in the rotten maggot eating depths of the cow reserve who writes these things well has seen cowering in a raptor hole in the swamps okay we're gonna go kill her and it seems the she's wanted dead or alive so I don't think it really matters I'm a cowboy on a steel horse I ride long-haired it did alive okay the swamp is really really shitty whoo we got a swim we got to learn to swim at long last discovered village oh holy cow can she is beautiful I can't believe I never came here before really the you know the villages are pretty varied just I didn't give him enough credit I think when I first laid my hands on the game I don't think we're gonna be spending a lot of time in these swamp lands nor do they look that safe just judging by the escape routes but we're gonna go right in for the shade and then get out of here I think but a little further off but we'll get to her soon Oh cats getting attacked at home I can't imagine well I guess because we killed the desk King I'm just gonna let him fight it off on his own cuz he's uh he's a mature adult he can fight his own battles there's some physical battles okay we're in the South wetlands and this should be the location of shade the Scorch lander ninja evil thief lady well here we go we're at the swamp ninja base and obviously this reminds me of Mass Effect er like Knights of the Old Republic thank you suppose knock on the door no we don't even need to knock we'll just open the door oh there's a lot of them here and from Naruto I know that Chunin are more than getting that's shade right there we pause shade you are one ugly son of a [ __ ] I know she's a woman but she is now let's attack everyone let's go for the weak ones first beginning are probably weaker from Naruto great job great job okay yeah that works fly [ __ ] move use the flying [ __ ] okay great and great time to first aid yourself okay for some reason they don't know that I want to kill them all well I'm gonna attack all of them anyway and you you totally look like somebody from coder don't know who it is now let's speed through see if he does oh damn damn look at him jump fortunately they are not all attacking me at once because they are fairly strong it does seem like they have decent [ __ ] on him I'm not gonna go through and like loot all of them but yeah we're gonna win cuz they're just really [ __ ] dumb they are just so dumb that is historical dumbness wow they are individually fighting me this is the stupidest group of ninja I've ever seen either that or they all are just really really honorable that they don't want to fight me in like a 20 on one fight but I just killed their entire what is your training even bin for if you can't beat one guy who kicks you all in the face can have the ultimate test can I be Jade she is not and she wasn't even that strong there is a giant mushroom elephant in the room I just noticed as well called a swamp turtle is that thing sentient can we fight that we could bodyguard it I don't know if I want to attack it but a little bit I do but I also remember the last time I was eaten by wild animals it was not very nice okay is that [ __ ] no where is shade let's just grab her and get out okay and I'll be taking your leader and all of her [ __ ] and goodbye let's grab her goodbye didn't like this place don't like your home let's beat up everybody here okay we're going we're going home now great place had a good time give me money great ok they will take her alive and then I get the money I did get the money ok let's get uh oh maybe he's got more ah confiscated books I'm a bounty hunter I'm Finn hunt for it hunter check the wanted put oh man come on dude you're if you're taking in the bounties he it's like you it's you're like you're playing a guessing game with your justice system with me do you have any confiscated goods all just that is great I have no use for that for whatsoever let's just sell off all the rest of this stuff cuz none of her gear was useful we've had all these stealth items okay the next two bounties that we have are for the red bandit and ghost hang in there cat I think you might lose your leg don't I can't I can't understand why the shopkeeper did not come back with his medicine in fact you know what let me just take a detour to make sure that cat does not lose his leg look at cat just for some reason the floor is all black and the limbs and the flies are the only things that have rendered in but I find that oddly satisfying we're gonna save cats oh no cat lost his well like secretly wanted that to happen and I sort of planned it because we need our second person to be a robot as an OMA as as an homage how come you pay homage but it's a no Maj either way whatever that is to one punch man so now we have a robot friend as soon as we get him some robot things and I think we're gonna go after ghosts since he seems a bit closer than this red bandit guy I just gotta say damn we were not this strong in the first video look at how much more toned than muscular I am and I have a normal head now to actually I'm not hideous anymore but it says that Ghost is a war monger err known to be camped in the spider plains as leader so he's just a war monger what is he well he's just mongering over that but he's so remote from everyone else there's no way he could be causing this much trouble well let's attack his village nonetheless and just see who is inside here bad people bad people okay bruiser ker I guess I might as well fight them one on one let's attack you unprovoked Lee who you have a big weapon I have a big hand bill Wow so I guess the dodge does it mm-hmm so satisfying well that looks kind of cool but ignoring it is this better than mine nope that's worse than mine okay we're gonna leave that there then another day of individually attacking everyone in the camp ooh more berserkers well they seem very well armed I guess they do well in war but they're not doing too well because they're red communicators where is this ghost guy maybe he's not even gonna show up if he doesn't that would be a real bummer that's all I gotta say if he just never showed up what we killed everybody else in the camp hey I would just go for the other bandit then oh there he is I found him ghost just sitting all nonchalant right out here it's unfortunate that he doesn't have anything to say for himself before he dies oh he's really rather strong hang on one second I might not win this fight wow he is rather strong well no we just got one massive hit on him let's get out the other guy first though attack this Berserker and then Oh No mmm I just took a big hit I just got my ass beat I'll play dead for a bit I'll take out the other one and then I'll fight him off because we should be able to win still and we got the other guy I'm down but it's just me and ghost now is ghost gonna be able to kill me I'm playing dead ghost is probably like touching my butt or something will I'm down what will he do can my chest get better yeah we're good we're gonna be able to beat this guy right Christ he's pretty strong actually maybe I underestimated him okay keep keep spanking me whenever I get up so I gotta wait here for a while just in this awkward position until eventually I get stronger again and then I will kill him I think Kat might have died I honestly didn't I have no idea what happened I think it's dead though this is kind of twisted I can't I can't move if I move at all he's gonna spank me I need to wait till I get up to like fifty fifty chest health he's totally fine with me just leaving for a little while I think I'm gonna put down my sleeping bag just have a nap and then kill him here we go putting the camp bed down just all nonchalant right nearby I'm gonna go take a nap I can't believe that my only friend died in the world I'll find beep at some point or ask it really I needed somebody was a skeleton that was my that was my true vision I didn't like that guy that much I gotta say I don't know how this guy is a war monger it says that his current goal is staying home and he just sits there he's so goddamn peaceful I tried to kill him and then he lets me live that's like the that's like the ultimate taoist Chinese philosopher right there this guy is not a war monger I think they got it messed up I'm the one who cut off a guy's leg and then beat him in his bed to get stronger so for our last act in our boss run we're going to take this completely innocent man and just mercilessly beat him okay and attack this innocent man again how are we how I'm surprised that we lost this fight the first time but now it looks like I guess we just got unlucky because it looks like no contest now that was kind of scaring me at first to be honest fragment acts this looks very good I'm just gonna grab all of his stuff and sell it uh this stuff isn't so worthwhile but I'll take it anyway okay now that he's naked let's pick him up and bring him back for looting okay and we just made it back and do squid we're gonna return him here hopefully I didn't pick the wrong town did I think the wrong town please don't tell me I picked that talk to and we got the band of bounty why are you so lazy officer and he's not gonna help me out with anything so we got our other bounty we have 64 thousand cats this is by far the best way to make money I'm starting to think we're gonna finish off our house since Quinn maybe we'll find a skeleton companion to join us I don't know I'll see if it comes about naturally other [ __ ] I didn't mean to intrude there let's get a little bit more building materials finish off our house and whoops I didn't need that I'll sell you these and give me one of those and wanted oops that's everything okay we will finish off this house now do we have enough we've almost enough okay so that's fine we have a house since Quinn going up which is great because we're collecting bounties there we finally have more bounties that we can collect and I think we're gonna go rid the world of evil by just running through the bosses now I think he has enough strength that he can snowball his way through we're at martial arts 39 going on 40 I want to see what happens at 40 and we can go all the way up to who is the highest boss the highest boss is Tim fist Tim fist in the anti-slavery okay so if we if we if we get up to that it would be crazy we'll see if we can get through all of it with just one character I want to see how old piece item I can get Saitama saya saya Tama whatever he is he's one punch man I hope you enjoyed as always my name is ambiguous amphibian thanks for watching and as always I'll see you guys in the next video bye bye
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 294,051
Rating: 4.9127021 out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, kenshi gameplay, kenshi game, kenshi let's play, let's play kenshi, kenshi letsplay, kenshi lets play, kenshi one punch man, one punch man, kenshi challenge, kenshi torso, kenshi challenges, kenshi martial arts, kenshi martial arts master, kenshi martial arts training, kenshi martial arts character, kenshi grinding, kenshi training, kenshi game training, anime fight club, kenshi fight club, anime kenshi, kenshi anime, kenshi one punch, kenshi abs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 23sec (2303 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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