The Ultimate Heist

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ladies and gents welcome back to oblivion we are here in the elders garden district to do this building re where am i this it is ok so do the ultimate high skies to do the end quest for the gray fox we're going to find out what all this hype has been about and all this preparation has been for a fox who's working inside Thank You author us why are you so scared relax I guess because there's a [ __ ] guard right there ok hopefully he's upstairs or downstairs this time it's just ridiculous that he's sitting anyone could walk through that door you [ __ ] it I've been waiting for you have a seat ok let me just do a little save yep yeah here we go son are you ready for one last great ice [ __ ] yeah and like I've been saying guys the question oblivion especially the endgame quests are [ __ ] amazing the last heist this is the big one this is the heist that will be written about and talked about for decades to come holy [ __ ] we are going to steal one of the Elder Scrolls from the Imperial Palace but are you ready for this challenge oh you're not gonna help me I want you to die bang there is no buyer this is for glory not for money our names will become legend I also have a personal need for this particular scroll as for your compensation I ask you to trust me if my plan works we'll get a reward with far more than mere money will you do it [Music] capital when do we start yeah I don't know what that rewards going to be hopefully it's just like [ __ ] mosque or something or he sucks me off my big Wonka Jade dick out in our capital capital I worked for eleven years planning this heist Christ and Villas stone provided the last bit of information I needed okay what's the plan Berg I don't have one any ideas the elder scrolls are kept in the Imperial Palace behind a door that cannot be breached huh Sevilla's stone has revealed a path around this door great you will have to travel the old way once used as an escape route for Imperial Emperor's has been forgotten for centuries - until the entrance you must sneak into the basement of the palace and activate the glass of time whatever that is okay I think that's an allusion to a dagger foal I think jaga Thawne I don't know whatever uses the old way where is the actual entrance in the Imperial sewers here is the key for the gate to that section of the sewers I picked the pocket of okata himself to get it Wow what is this old way mice crying with Sevilla's stone is providing clues but not the details I know the tools you will need there but not the obstacles themselves okay the boots of spring-heeled Jack will allow you to leap to an unreachable place they will also protect you from a long fall the arrow of extrication is the only way to unlock the final door take them both cool so these are all things that I've been stealing in preparation for this [ __ ] big heist is that all you know I did once you're inside the palace itself you need to find the reading-room the blind priests will deliver a scroll to you there how did you manage that I arranged for the notable Celia Cameron to want to read a particular elder scroll don't ask how however she will be unavoidably detained you will take her place do not speak to the priests and her blindfolded and will not realize it isn't her unless you speak as the guild master I am waiving blood price for anyone you killed during this ice however I can't stop the watch from putting a price on your head hey I can be ready I wish it down for you in this book you get it chosen indicas you were the best thank you good luck what about you and you're just gonna sit here and ain't [ __ ] tomatoes and and Charon threat Taurus little filcher how dare you steal from me all I did was pick up a character Jill you treacherous treacherous little filcher playing with carrots oh you're [ __ ] stealing Elder Scrolls [ __ ] off okay let's uh let's do it guys I'm excited we're gonna be fine oh I violated the law what's my [ __ ] what's my fanny one oh I think I'll resist arrest I think I'll [ __ ] resist arrest sigh cat stuff okay what's what's my thing still one that's two okay [ __ ] did I pick up that carrot okay guys might use your hand man laughter you need me what yes masca you need me the [ __ ] are those dick suckers okay well all right guys let's [ __ ] do this so like I've been alluding to in the last episodes I've been playing a little bit we've done a few things here we have got the Rinka GT chameleon 35% which is going to be really really health we've got this ring in the mirror which is [ __ ] incredible we're going to unequip that for now because we won't need it guys we're going to do this undetectable and we're just going to go ahead and make ourselves [ __ ] invisible here and we're going to cancer - chameleon which is cloak sorry 75% I'm just going to sneak on in here see if we can do a little savory alright guys this is it I wonder if we can steal like a god key that might be helpful no okay we should have kind of nervous but we should be okay as long as we monitor the cloak and just make sure that we're continuously cloaked we should be okay okay what's getting here oh [ __ ] that's good timing he just didn't notice that door [ __ ] opening so this is um where the Emperor like Anna's meetings with his [ __ ] Roman senators I don't know [ __ ] where [ __ ] will [ __ ] this guy excuse me the Empire doesn't run itself you now submit a complaint to the usual you're not doing anything you're just sitting there [ __ ] scared added to nothing I'm kind of nervous this is a shitty good we'll see how fast we can do this see if we can do this in like record time that'd be [ __ ] swell okay so we're not trying to [ __ ] beta yet what what the [ __ ] who sits on that can I sit on it mark and here uses this club okay this is just ridiculous how am I able to lift that but I've been I've been doing some weights guys cause she's been doing some weights like oh this must be the hourglass of time the MacGuffin of time the glass of MacGuffin what perfected for class of time huh okay well that doesn't make sense don't ask me to explain that okay so now I'm going to go into the sewers and we're going to make our way through the old way so that we can get to this elder scroll I'm so [ __ ] sick dude I'm so sick of these locked doors let's draw out the gameplay that'd be really fun throw out the [ __ ] gameplay excellent oh sweet okay that's it um geez guys geez Oh God this is so complicated please let me be here oh [ __ ] guys okay it's getting hectic now register prayer press that block so I think we needed the boots of spring-heeled Jack to get up here and press these blocks pots um I mean [ __ ] autism cap we don't need that [ __ ] I know you guys are screaming do we decide Joanna T you're fighting no okay max difficulty full level okay the enemies are [ __ ] impossible they'll be plenty of fight and soon especially with the major skill don't you worry all of their box here we go guys what am i [ __ ] these are invaluable if I can take these like give you a full magical recharge which is broken borrow consult icons thank you very much sorry gloom rate excuse me okay this is so cool how do you guys reckon that some kind of shaker way up in this door who are these comes they look like a live keyhole pilla Amira it's hot it guys like I don't remember this at all it's cuz like you know this is the lost quest and you only like do this once in a playthrough so I probably probably done this a couple of times take those welcome stones that's for sure do we fire the arrow into her vag what do you think what do you reckon okay uh practice the error I would only get one try holy [ __ ] oh my god okay well let's practice with a normal arrow see what we can through here okay that seems pretty spot-on yeah that's wack here we go come on no thank you there's no telling where I might end up okay well cool let's [ __ ] murder everybody here if we can probably not I knew they'd appear gee I knew they'd come to life Christ okay okay what I can only shoot him in the dick apparently Oh and he's dead any holiday armor or anything I can get there nothing all I've contracted astral vapors that's excellent what's that like my fifth disease of the day shoot him in the dick i Elliott long-sought Oh weapon crumbles to dust in my head sweet no worries with passage there it is okay [ __ ] this place let's just make ourselves invisible and disappear my god oh I don't know when that musics going to stomp apparently never that's okay it's not an epic don't worry about Nate Megas you just keep sleeping don't worry about autism cat and doing your dreams okay [ __ ] hell old have you sing if you like a monsters just going to like appear in the gods chamber they'll be like what da [ __ ] it'll just like a skeleton or a zombie will just fly down the fireplace I suppose like that would be more picking up the lid up picking out the trash this is the illustrious job of the palace gone just picking up trash it's quite a lot of littering down here for a place that's restricted to really only palace guards but that's this guy's job should we steal a key from him why sake little Pete how dare you touch me what do you mean I didn't touch you hmm well that [ __ ] okay let's just load here oh no no I didn't save why am I so [ __ ] but I'm but um but um but um but um but um but um but um you didn't say anything guys and his body can just you know he's in the doctor's there don't worry [ __ ] this has been really on guys this max difficulty out of there I don't know what I think about it oh [ __ ] how can they see me how how how how stop I'm completely invisible wall actually hey Gordo hey miss Jam your scent [ __ ] resist arrest [ __ ] you [ __ ] off God so angry mob but up bump up okay sorry about that don't know [ __ ] so much forgot about my chameleon there can't let that run out Jesus thank your new mirror thank you skeleton key I mean whoever gave me this gun can and [ __ ] no nocturnal oh hey hey [ __ ] fifty guards hanging out at this door what are you all doing Oh [Music] looks like I don't need a key what the [ __ ] okay how about we actually save this time and then we can have infinite attempts I mean I would pickpocket one of those guards but they all happen to [ __ ] walk into that door hopefully there's one here picking up trash again yeah but what do you think Don is pretty epic quest pretty cool [ __ ] definitely dwarf some Skyrim oh no I was supposed to go to the library this is where we're supposed to be walks never minds um yeah scars like oh you need to go in a dungeon and kill some druggers and I mean you're like I'm sorry I thought this was the Thieves Guild you pick up that trash and they feel like nada but the druggers have something that we can steal it's [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] thank God for oblivion thank God for autism cat where we home what's need to pay attention you must love life palace guard okay huh huh I got this [ __ ] don't you worry yeah hmm okay so these are these moth dudes can't can't see us so we need to be quiet we can't reveal our us because sheet voice otherwise they'll know that I'm not some Ultima girl or Imperial girl whoever she wants some highborn um hello I'm here for the shits the Month priests are on to me I'll [ __ ] hell it's sure he won't hear this someone who has heightened senses that's odd we don't seem to remember pulling that lever [Music] okay a little safer Rennie him okay heartfully um this guy assumes that I'm a mere too welcome to this holy library maybe camera shop but he just like dad what was that welcome to this holy library lady come on what the [ __ ] dude hello he's be really quiet shut up immersed in heavy RP what if there's someone who's not blind up here what the [ __ ] I didn't say anything I actually hate this game I [ __ ] hate this game dude I'm supposed to sit on the reading chair i've seated myself in the reading chair okay be quiet be quiet everyone Celia Tamara I present to you the eldest role you requested uh like island not for us to look at it or I'll go blind whatever take it I have the eldest girl holy [ __ ] was nothing get it read a key key key let's get out of here oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] when we go through the top okay Celia has to go down ah oh dear Oh Celia you seem to have bumped me with your huge tail on your way out yes I I do that sometimes don't mind my very deep voice don't worry about us okay we get it guys this final stretch now we're gonna use these boots of spring-heeled shock we're gonna get out of here okay I think that's like old a haunted sort of a I'm pretty sure or is it going to be like Ocean's eleven like the escaping is like the hard bit [ __ ] he's going to [ __ ] saw it dude how does he swing it he's blind that is some Batman [ __ ] [Music] awesome op that guy and the snow is film whatever whatever Justin we need a good yes oh what's up he's just stretching yep that's lucky okay hmm we could steal all this [ __ ] we could redo it it's not go ahead [ __ ] barn SIA who would put silver [ __ ] in a display case everyone in the game is wandering around with like Daedric the old Wayne I ever escaped from the Imperial yes down the fireplace up this must be very different to spring hills a call to spot those on quickly thing blame [ __ ] that'll do okay what what did they just explode like when I hit the ground what the [ __ ] well I can get them back to the console anyway don't worry about it guys oh don't worry about it palaces I guess that kind of makes sense like um we couldn't just go that way but why didn't I just bring some like wrote and some like climbing tools and I could have just going up that way would have been so much easier than [ __ ] battling like pension alien gaudy alien alien Guardians but whatever a little less dramatic maybe did you raid that guy's something about how if I don't take a cure immediately for my vampire disease I'll become a [ __ ] vampire you guys let me know if you want my Kashyyyk to become a vampire I kind of wanted to be a good guy maybe this is like the beginning of the end maybe this is like my steady decline into villainy coming like a super evil villain the best of bench basement not a very good defense from the best defense guys I think we [ __ ] done it how many [ __ ] doors that I have to open in that quest did someone camp it's like a thousand [ __ ] goes what I'm invisible why are they all looking at me okay nice hair and now we just put that on and wait for a cloak to go away and just pretend like nothing's nothing's up well look at that huh oh oh no faith no shoes better put some shoes on that's the dead giveaway you must use the spring here boots Froyo Jack huh hey I'm just I'm just buying something at the flash and smash this is going to be my Alan alibi I was in here for like three hours talking they're herbal grog what a [ __ ] the herbal grow or chol knows you need axes and blunt weapon yeah big ones so he makes them and sells them here thank you slash and smash the bigger weapon shop big weapon our big heroes Thank You Orville well that'll be a good enough alibi we did maybe after you maybe I'll buy it may I interest you in some of my fine really low weight item from him what can we buy one steal our that'll do thank you I appreciate your business I appreciate you it'll take care Jonnie aft okay where where we where's the graphics well well well well well we did it guys how insane is that third you should sit in here with your [ __ ] carrots okay so that took me like a [ __ ] day and a nightmare back have a seat and tell me everything is so giddy you have the scroll I can hardly believe it the artwork clearly against you capital job capital capital in day I've spent seven years learning how to translate this scroll even so I will need a while to decipher what I've sought so desperately okay um what happens now man you're gonna pay me in some way please just like yes let me just get the money it's in my car and we hear like a car drive away ah still thinking about your reward a yes I have not forgotten you or your loyal service to his gift you just have to trust me give this ring to count his Umbra knocks in anvil say nothing about me to her I need to know how she reacts to it it may provoke anger or tears if she asks just tell her a stranger wanted her to have it then report back to me on her reaction okay well it's been a pleasure gray fox um let me just play with one of these treacherous little filter how dare you steal from me what's happening oh it's all over law breaker it's all oh why because I can shut up yes master who are these people who are these people [ __ ] alright where am I going a count of anvil this is interesting I'm not sure what this is about but maybe it's alluding to something in the gray foxes past perhaps he's wrapping things up for himself neatly in a little bow so that he can live a normal life maybe who knows we will save them you know make a habitat [ __ ] okay what's the time by the way 10 p.m. okay maybe we should wait until tomorrow morning it's a little bit weird that that guy sitting there is just going to see me waiting there for like 10 see if he's still there that'd be [ __ ] up at least he sat down in a seat oh my god he is he's still the stranger huh huh your eyes and your mouth look very familiar but I'm sure that signo of no significance hello countess yes um I got this ring dude this ring belonged to my husband he's been missing for over 10 years some reason his name and face escaped me at the moment how did you get it do you know his whereabouts why are you showing it to me take it to give from a stranger my husband's wedding ring I never thought to see it again what I wouldn't give to see him once more what's happening [Music] are the power of the elderscrolls I named emer Darrell as the true thief Nocturnals cow you're the great books I've been betrayed I am the gray fox but you have not been betrayed but I am also your missing husband Corvus course it's really you ten years I've waited for word from you why did you hide from me ten years ago I inherited this cow from the former guild master of the Thieves Guild I became the new guild master but I also received its curse whoever wears Nocturnals cow shall have his name stricken from history once I donned the cow no one in all of Tamriel could recognize me [ __ ] with the cow I became the gray fox without it I was a stranger you mean you are unable to return I've stood right next to you and you didn't even know it I cried out you Here I am it's me Corvus I just looked so sorry guys to break the immersion here I've really just Nina you were broken my heart for a second time I cannot let the infamous criminal mastermind the gray fox become the count of anvil if you try to announce yourself as Corvis i will deny you I will deny you before the Emperor if I have to I guess you would say these terrible things to me that is why I brought my friend along from this moment forward I renounce my life of crime forever passing the gray cowl of the Thieves Guild to its new guild master well who will that be the gray cowl is now yours you are the new guild master of the Thieves Guild you will find that history has been altered tonight such is the power of Nocturnals curse that lifting it can alter time itself oh well that's lucky for any plot holes um so what's different men if a murder law had not stolen Nocturnals cow the Thieves Guild would never fall on such hard times because of the curse he was unable to operate in the normal world of business and society he could only act as the guilds figurehead that has been undone if you go to the Imperial City you will find that the Thieves Guild as a guild hall on the site of the ruins of derelict holy [ __ ] out okay wonder what will happen if we just chuck this town the perfect fit ah
Channel: Wilburgur
Views: 1,178,452
Rating: 4.9244761 out of 5
Keywords: insane, funny, wilburgur, wilburger, willburger, gaming, gamer, commentary, playthrough, walkthrough, pewdiepie, edited, glitch, glitches, funniest, best, Oblivion, Oblivion meme, Oblivion memes, meme, memes, trending, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Oblivion NPC Dialogue, Thieves Guild, The Heist, Gray Fox, Elder Scroll, highlights, gameplay, NPC Dialogue, Khajiit, Dunkey, OneyPlays
Id: eMuwcX5QzTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 54sec (1794 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2017
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