How we Ran the RICHEST Cartel in DayZ...

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Watched this video about a month ago, for anyone wondering, it’s not some random guy posting dayz content, it’s by JLK a popular dayz content creator, it’s a good video I’d check it out

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/brendenkunze πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Not going to lie this video got me into Day Z even more started my own server and everything

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/shogunnza πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Most entertaining DayZ video ever

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Dstew521 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] now this is what i call wealth and believe it there was no ease getting to this point and i'm going to share with you our story of how we run the richest cartel and oh boy is it a long wild ride so make sure to strap in now where do we begin ah yes at the coast and we spawned in for the first time in no other than berezina straight away i began looting some important areas to prepare myself for the big journey once i got myself going i needed to find a location to run this business and because of the big industrial buildings we went with the city novo what's your name sir yo what's up your name's dave yeah what's your name bro um my name's eddie well uh listen good luck man dave and dave guys i'm not dave i'm [Music] eddie oh wow that is lucky [Music] there's already a base now we need a lot more tools i need to be checking more sheds within just the first few hours i'd found seeds i knew this was no coincidence all i needed now was base suppliers we've got a shovel we've got nails we need metal wire pliers we need hatchet that's about it i think cold goddamn [Music] metal wire wow we've got a lot of nails [Music] oh my god holy [ __ ] i'm out there [Music] suddenly i'm i've got a lot of gear wow and with a lucky kale i secured myself a load more base supplies and at that point we had everything we'd need all except a co-lock and storage but not too long later we spotted a raided base that had some storage and loot left over now let's find out without our storage issue and we could go back later now we just needed a code lock so i headed over to the trader at clan going through northeast airfield where i could find some extra weapons to sell but i wasn't alone with that kill and all the loot i'd got myself i took what i could and left the danger made my way into the clan trader to get the final building resource codelock okay all right okay i'm gonna set up the space let's do it let's just do this um okay we're gonna need to cut down some uh you know are there any trees nearby okay there's a tree right there that will work i just don't want to have to do like a long trip okay we don't have enough we don't have enough to get the bottom the next layer down that's fine okay we've done this now we're just going to get the cold lock solid done sorted done our very temporary toilet base where our business would begin was secured okay that's sword sorted let's go an airdrop landed nearby so i went over to see what it contained but there were only base supplies instead of risking my life i went back to that raided base you might remember and we took their storage instead we took two lockers and some planks back to our toilet base yes i guess it could work right there huh yeah like that works [Music] nice we put all of our valuables away and prepared ourselves for our first big loot run far up north for some expensive weapons and black market supplies to sell and after armoring ourselves up a commenced military we entered the tizzy military base mate if someone shoots at me with any gun i'm gonna eat it up like it's for breakfast like it's breakfast man yeah i'm gonna [ __ ] there's a guy over there i think he's gonna go loot this back oh [ __ ] he's he just had shot me he had shot me i cannot believe it we had all that armor and he headshot me well that was some of the worst damn shooting of my life yeah i was gonna need a spare hand straight away i reached out to a friend who might want in on this business i explained the plan and he was in coming i see you until you're behind you you've got a bag in your hands can you see me yep oh it's a different man here how how's that look i've got a suit look at my shoes man look at my shoes they are terrible man okay you look good though but you look good but i think i need to be blinged out now there were two of us we'd be getting twice the work done and i'd have some extra protection we did a bit of looting for guns and ammo to sell on route to the black market trader to really find out what money we could be making with this business and was it even worth it [Music] uh yes or no oh yeah thank you oh damn he was here the whole time so look the skunk is worth 45k if you get star dog 90k bro let's average 65 000 then in that case 90 000 rubles for just one brick of the most expensive weed in the game now let's work this out here say we average 65 000 per brick if we can collect just 10 of those that brings us to half a million rubles i knew without a doubt this was going to make me one of the richest players on the server but then with enough numbers and the right people to help us out we would soon become the richest cartel in dayz with everyone playing their part in production followed by our selling the supplies of the trader we'd be booming me and goofy did a long load trip got incredibly lucky with some raid tools and many other guns which we then took back to the black market to sell and invest into our future business and finally we headed back home now let me tell you by no means was this going to be an easy ride yeah looking back at the time i didn't really know what was around the corner but we were definitely going to cross paths with some enemies but for now everything was chill me and goofy returned to our little toilet base in novo but on my way i'd reached out to some people who'd potentially work with us and they agreed to meet us back at base but i wasn't really confident that they'd show up for sure as hell they did and as a bonus they even brought some extra weed seeds and nails to help fortify i got myself suited up to be looking the smartest cartel leader in the business and we began preparation to fortify the entire industrial building who's this guy what there's a guy right here [Music] what's your name sorry man sorry proof bruce oh bruce okay mate well um we're looking for people that we can maybe employ to provide seeds weed seeds i've got some seeds on me is it are they weed seeds i think so and would you believe it he actually had some we agreed to trade and we exchanged them for some valuable guns thanks no problem man good luck so we continue to cut down the trees in our area and slowly bring back the logs to the industrial building and eventually we started our building [Music] work but not even 10 minutes later the competition began to roll in thinking if i'm gonna take like a one-hour nap [ __ ] oh [ __ ] are you good i'm hit once okay someone's shooting us [ __ ] here shoot him a little bit he seemed to break the ball is that his true i killed one nice i'm coming to you ah you good you good yeah i'm 75 oh there it is was it yet yeah pretty [ __ ] good right there oh i'm just sure i'm here yeah up on the hill up on the hill lars damn he hit me in the pa he ruined my rags [ __ ] man we are sandwiched kill the lar guy nice okay there's one guy down here maybe more i'm not too sure oh he's got a massive bag as well let's go oh sure i'm getting shot and getting drunk yeah he's still just sat there you should be close upon him now he's looking towards me okay he's dead nice all right i'm gonna throw these guns away quickly oh you good got and i guess that was only the first wave of gangs because the attack just continued oh yeah get inside just get inside just get inside we're cool i'm blinking i'm good now if i get i don't know man oh one on me one of me right now i'm here once that bro there's so many of them we were surrounded by so many we used every last round we could to fight them off and we thought we were actually wiping them out we tried so hard to continue building but we were too overwhelmed yeah that death right there really bothered me and i thought my death would be their final message okay hold on are we getting raided right now kevin are you here that person right there called kevin was obviously one of our guys and a very specific moment that you might have missed was him sitting afk just inside our base is this kevin yeah that's kevin okay hold on don't open here i'm gonna eat and that was the indicator to me that we might have been raided they've just killed i don't know they've just killed kevin and he was in the base oh i'm lagging and i'm at base though you're in base yeah it's four or five i think we're getting raided there's a guy right here i'm dead so they're in the base yep we went back to our base and we were certain was completely raided and just to see what damage was done and what was stolen and thankfully they didn't get into our golden loot room now we had to figure out exactly how they got in and we found multiple entrances our decision from that point forward was whether we should remain in the building which would have taken a lot of fortifying or should we just move i could take us through the whole story but to save us some wasted minutes let's go ahead in time just a bit um let me figure it let me get a view from the outside let me just look from the outside [Music] yeah they can get through there as well it's so easy to get through this base oh my god they can get through here as well the point is there's helicopters on the server all they need to do is just land right here and they're in this i don't think this building works look you just prone to i mean this is how they're raided like it's nuts even if you block this off they can just they just charge through that yeah it's just a bunch of waste of time like locking up maybe this building you just can't we can't do it i don't know man i really of know it's a waste of time but we've already done so much ah this is too much it was clear to us that the building we'd occupied just wasn't going to work we had to find a new place of business but just nearby we'd found the perfect building it had multiple floors and long corridors to fit a lot of gates we fortified that office building starting from scratch and we blocked off every entrance or window possible and by the time we were secured we transported our remaining storage and valuables to this new building now that our loot base was completely secure we needed to take control of that warehouse where we would grow our supply so with the loss of our logs planks and nails we fortified the front side of that warehouse and we were back in business and now it was time to actually start this goddamn production and finally get our business established on this server [Music] and all we had to do now is sit tight and wait for the growth to happen [Music] wait who's hitting something one of us come out come on come on come out [Music] don't move dude don't move we're gonna shoot do not move i'm gonna shoot okay well now i'm gonna shoot you man good job on mate on me on me inside inside my right hand outside and outside on the right side [Music] good [ __ ] bro the group that raided us early must have thought they could get some of the last scraps but we certainly put them right in their place and continued where we left off harvesting our supply collecting everything to move on to the next stage of production [Music] okay okay so if you combine two of those together you can make a bag so let's just do that i guess you have to do it and that you have to do it in that order your water first and then fertilize okay there's one brick we've got brick number two now oh are we good oh oh dude it's you can't wallbang he's running away from me oh yeah see him down there somewhere nice well we were fighting off the attackers the other guys in the warehouse harvested yet another brick worth of produce and there was even still more growing once everything was fully grown and compressed we moved what we had to our main base and man just for our first gathering we gathered a lot of bricks and here is where our decisions going forward became very important we were all very eager to do a selling run but fortunately on this occasion we decided to just do a test run with nothing yeah we um i did this before but we didn't have i don't think we had this many people oh oh i got someone i mean i'm dead that was one of you guys that was one of you guys back in uh novo on the way i was looking for apples and i saw somebody and i thought it was oh my goodness all right if you guys see anyone that's not a marker there's a base right there yeah there's a few bases around it there's a few bases there could be one of many yeah we're on your body for anybody just come back man um i think i know where he's at i think he's uh i think he's up here do you guys see that marker oh yeah oh he's uh i can't mark it it's that far building towards like black market there's like a little hole up there oh yeah he's up in the building close to us don't really eat some of us guys yeah oh someone else up on the hill i'm dead there's so many of them this place is so i hate this place man we can't don't push up kevin just like 20 different angles they're holding from they're holding from south as well from behind too we're getting pinched oh i'm dead where'd he get me from up on the stairs we're all dying to this guy there's a bunch i'm the only one left huh yeah i was trapped and completely overwhelmed by enemies but luckily all damage was disabled at this time and i use that to escape there's a gunman there's a gunman he's dead nice oh the fight went on and on and somehow they kept on returning to the fight with more guns we desperately needed to put a stop to it but eventually we found the face that they were getting this loot wrong so we boosted our way up and inside took their best loot from the storage and what actually came in while we were raiding but once we took most of their loot we went back to our base we were getting into some deep stuff right here enemies all around us in big bases with a lot of numbers it was pretty worrying but i was still confident we could run a successful business here and this base truly would survive we just have to be smart and discreet and as long as we play the right cards everything would work just fine day two already we hadn't even made any profits yet well today we could finally begin me and two of our guys richard and dirty stink went north to do a quick loot run to a military cave but we've got lucky finding some rain tools just the other day we found some great guns that would be worth a lot of money and it seemed like we were the only people that were there that was until we were leaving of course [Music] i killed one killed two [Music] we did lose dirty stank but with all the loot we gathered from all three bodies me and richard had to continue to the black market trader we somehow arrived safely and i sold everything of value and with all the money we'd gained i threw it in a bag and gave it to my teammate to return to base i left the trader going my own routes and there were more people going to the trader they must have been loaded and yet another two kills on players filled with loots i took everything they had back to the black market trader yet again and finally i could return home to novo what's the problem boys so we're gonna do a loot run bruh nice we're gonna well we did a selling run i should say i'm just going to get the weed seeds and we can go do this okay are we ready okay fellas let's do this our very first actual selling run which we do on foot running 11 kilometers there was a lot of pressures on this run i mean if we died on this run losing our supply we'd be so discouraged i think we would have just quit yes there's shots up ahead of me and i'm kind of slightly on edge just because we've got to drive through here but it's all right we made it all the way to the black market without dying this couldn't have gone any better or could it there's a car car behind us coming up the road [Music] dude we just [ __ ] them up did i hear you no oh my god i cannot believe that [Music] bro they've got green houses oh storage we need to just turn we need to just turn around we need they got we do they got brick sweet too are you kidding let's just get in we're going to be quick i'll help him cook up and quick they even have any guns or anything yeah they had one gun those poor dudes oh my god good job dude bro i i hit so i must have killed one i must have killed one when they were right in front of you because i saw blood and i thought i've hit you yeah that was that was perfect they went the wrong way though because that was their mistake they screwed up that big turn you did not go that way good [ __ ] man oh i've got so much money oh my god you want to tell me how let me tell you how much i've got i've got 500 000 on me oh my god that's a lot [ __ ] okay i'm gonna look at what we can buy here lockers and ammo crates right four-door military note locker kit fridges i think lockers are our best bet okay you have space to get any more lockers yeah well we saved money on a car the supply was sold money was made and we got into our semi fresh new car and we headed back to base what a success [Music] oh thank god i think we just bailed it dude it's done let me see what this is like yeah it's out to base [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now on to day four and yes we did skip day three just because nothing really happened however day four is where it gets more interesting remember those guys that attacked and raided us on the first day well they came back but this time with more firepower oh what the [ __ ] that's really defined i just can't really define it i just killed the girl and suddenly more people showed up i see h blue marker i've just been shot i've just been shot on the rock [Music] one dead one that one did nice nice i killed the other one i killed the other one we continued to beat these attackers going through many guns and bullets but we'd always end up with more guns that we'd just deposit back in our base and we'd run out again i'm here i'm here from somewhere else daddy go there nice one kill one kill one kill one more man that fight went on for ages and ages i see him [Music] he's dead he said oh what nice [Music] i'm dead kill two there's another somewhere one's dead another one's dead i used to i traded traded envy got my body now eventually i died and i wondered how these enemies got back so quickly then i found out how a huge heli i don't even know what was picking them up and bringing them back no matter how many times we would kill them he's on me now as i come over he's here literally right on top of me but once i got back to base and wiped out the remaining attackers the onslaught finally ended but don't assume this is good news because we had a bad feeling that that only meant one thing potentially a raid on our base it was late at that point and to avoid any possibilities of getting raided while we were sleeping we built some extra gates that i'd have to blow through to get to our main loot [Music] day five this was the day that we would move our earnings up to the big seven digits okay sorted man okay so we need to go to the warehouse and then we can move me and my associates had been busy and along with a load of seeds we've got two more greenhouses to triple the speed of growth okay everyone get in i'm getting them again okay so uh i'm gonna place these two greenhouses [Music] someone if someone can come out with me quickly so i can get all the weed seeds that we come back [Music] so get the bricks wow we have 15 packets boys this is gonna be a big big run okay you've got to shut everything behind you bro shut everything behind you man and we headed to the warehouse with all the seeds followed by our routine of fertilizing and watering and then we begin the growing process with only three greenhouses this is going to take a while but well worth the wait throughout that night we grew so many damn plants we couldn't even keep up with it all we'd just keep fertilizing watering harvesting turning them into bricks and eventually i think we had them all repaired and ready to go [Music] we need to do a quick stop off at our main base and then um and then we're good we're good to uh to go and do this bigger loot run if you guys already [Music] our biggest selling run yet this was gonna be tough but man was it exciting [Applause] okay i've got 12. [Music] all right we're ready to move guys we've got to protect me with this pilli bag and uh the mclovin here [Music] i could see you guys on the roof i think yeah there is a guy he's hit once yeah were even more people up ahead trying to take us out instead of shooting them we decided to back out the fight and continue to the trader once we were far away from danger the server restarted so we all logged off and logged back in after restart oh i'm dead crap i've lost it all we've lost it all he just killed us all neato kurt like who is that are you logging in yet we're gloving oh i just logged in and died straight away i'd say you'll kill me as well because oh i cannot believe this game you killed him i got him no nice you legend how low was he uh he's pretty low i killed him with the mpx dude good [ __ ] bro redemption the shooter was killed and we all returned to our bodies to finish this selling run we grabbed every last brick of weed and ran as fast as we could to the black market we ran into more trouble on the way but ended up with even more loot and arrived at the black market [Music] okay man you sell them and then just drop me the money after if you can just so i can get all together you know and then we'll sort oh my god i know i know how much i've got i want to know how much you've got now 292 boys millionaires bro we're millionaires first proper trip imagine what it'd be like when you've got a full warehouse oh man we're gonna be making so much money um what's got the most slots surely the cargo one right i i think the us with the car hold on okay i got it sorted got it sorted how many slots has it got 450 oh yes we are gonna have to drive out of it now we're gonna have to drive out there now just to hide it somewhere and then we'll log out with everything so we only get two people so me and me and um and jack okay all right we upgraded our transport yet again with so much storage we'd be able to take five times as many bricks and do it ten times faster we parked and locked up in a nearby barn and logged ourselves out for the night so we could return the following morning with less people online to finish this selling run it's locked it's locked so i'm just going to log in here man and then tomorrow we'll log in and we'll drive this back to base hopefully this uh goes smooth and we don't die [Music] and like i said the next morning we got on and drove that car built to the brim back towards novo and picked up our old car on the way with both cars fully working we drove them straight back to our base and it was time to fill up that [Music] [Music] warehouse did you just see the moons on unusually large yeah the moon in this game is massive yeah and sometimes and then sometimes it's just not even there imagine you keep going give it a few months and there'll be a mod to build a spaceship that'll be so good [ __ ] iss on tv tell me i would not be good i just found a helicopter on its side where in uh severograd it's a it's a huey are you are you kidding me no it's on its side what parts do they have it has everything it just needs the battery no it actually needs everything [ __ ] but that's fine oh my god is that it oh bro boys we've got the money we can get all the parts and we can oh my god we can get heli put on it how are we going to flip it though it's easy i know i flip it easy we'll just buy the parts we can flip it i can get and if not we'll just get the car and we'll drive it no problem easy peasy okay you need to cover that dude yeah i'm staying by it if we can get heli here the huey didn't i say that's exactly what we wanted as well if we can get this sword though we'll put it on top of our roof bro it's gonna make everything so easy man i can't even tell you it's gonna make everything so much easier okay i'm heading back the helicopter's got its rotaries and all that it just needs everything else dude it's cool man we just need the the it's fine we should be fine i'm gonna get a 300k because that's what we need i think okay we're gonna get the ad i've got the adder key so let's go get the adder you get some of you're gonna have to get in the back here while one of you who's sitting in the front seat you're only just hopping the back row will bounce okay oh my god please tell me we can get this heli bro oh my lord get away are you ready to top out now hear a new help out the other stay in oh my god oh my god [Music] you don't even have to get out just you know up on getting out i got the heli battery i've got the hydraulic hose i've got everything are we ready okay we're coming back now boys i don't know how long this will take okay cool we've got it sorted we're here i've got all the heli parts let me see can i compare this key cocky no i can't someone else has already paired it up [Music] oh my god i got it i got it i got it okay oh oh oh come on come on make him look here i almost said it even [Music] oh my give him a little love job yeah if you get his car just give me a little boost on the side here look oh see let's go i don't know how we did it before man flips there was a way of doing it and it worked so well yes all right boys [Music] all day [Music] and that day ended there after we blogged off the entire roof to cover us from taking off in the heli but day seven began with a big disappointment well it's always fun setting up an entire roof to protect a helicopter that just waddled off the edge and i went up to that roof we spent ages fortifying to find no helicopter yeah i was pretty mad believe it or not we spent a crazy amount of time fortifying that roof up there but then i found out that an event was taking place in less than one hour at vmc with a prize being a massive helicopter but we didn't go and we logged off instead obviously that was a joke of course we were going through but this wasn't going to be some ordinary task we had to fight off pretty much the whole server for this heli prize we took our best gear possible and headed to the checkpoint set near vmc [Music] oh i see the guy shooting he's dead he's dead i'm sure he's dead one's dead on hate oh yeah i see one well got him got him we spied the helicopter and it had all the parts but the catch was there was no fuel so all we could do for now is fend off the competition stopping them from getting that heli [Music] and i continued to do so while my one other teammate went to the trader nearby at green mountain to buy a jerry can to fuel the heli i got to the heli and it was untouched and my teammate then returned and refueled the heli while i covered him with a smoke grenade i then moved that smoke grenade over to the driver's side so i could safely get in and this was the moment i think this is it yeah i've got it i've got it there's a guy behind us in the field you've got it it's all on you bro all on [Music] you i'm out bro now i'm out well that went smooth than i thought it would cool [Music] we got ourselves sword with another helicopter bigger than we would even need so we went to the black market did some negotiation and got ourselves a smaller more mobile heli to take back to our base we landed the beauty on our roof where it belonged headed to the warehouse with all products and went out to do our biggest run yet oh there we go all right let's do this and from this moment onwards we've become the richest cartel in the server we were finding and growing so much damn supply we couldn't even keep track with so much supply we were gonna need more space so we occupied next door and build it up to its entirety with greenhouses and continue to find grow and sell [Music] trees wow this would have been a great way to end this story huh but nothing lasts forever [Music] day 10 it was quite the journey we've been on but like i said everything comes to an end and this time it wasn't going to be a peaceful or graceful exit on this day we knew that it was going to be rough do you remember that group that had been attacking us from the very beginning but i think they must have got a glimpse of our success and probably still a bit upset about all those times that we beat them in gunfights oh what the [ __ ] that's really fine where's that gear i loaded into the server after a teammate reported that he heard explosions right near our base i ran over there and saw that they'd broken through our front and taken the majority of our building supplies all that was left behind was a warning what was coming next we were isolated we'd spent so much time making money while everyone else would just gather on raid tools these guys were surely going to raid us no matter what there was no avoiding this but let me tell you we should as hell weren't just going to give all of our loot up to these enemies so this left me with one option burn it all every last bullet weapon storage crate we got rid of it all we had achieved what we needed and had a fun time doing so we were not just gonna lose it to some angry group we became rich men and that's exactly what we wanted we didn't need to grind for raid tools and get some epic revenge what better way to end this story for our enemies to raid our base to find nothing inside it was it was a it was a fun ride and we got so much done we made so much money but we've got to do it man it's all gone it's all gone [Music] no okay we ready are we ready rounds on the ground come come come boys we're going we're gone i'm gonna shoot enjoy the shop okay so we're going to survey full squad to make sure these guys would rate us we had to seriously provoke them and a couple of days ago we followed them into severe and they led us right to their base in the church so using those rails we found at the very start we went over to blow into their base we didn't even plan to completely wipe out this base just to really make sure that they'd hit us back oh and do you remember our helicopter that miraculously vanished we'll guess who had it [Music] come on [Music] i'm in i'm in i'm deep [Music] [Applause] [Music] and there you have it we burnt our whole supply along with all of our money and finished by breaking into our enemy's base we never did actually return to our office to find out if it had been raided so we could only hope that the plan was successful we all logged out that night said our farewells and this story finally concluded [Music] i've got that sunshine just like the birds that fly [Music] it don't get better than this no it don't get better than this it don't get better than this no it don't get better it don't get better than this no it don't get better than this it don't get better than this
Channel: JLK
Views: 3,014,264
Rating: 4.943336 out of 5
Keywords: dayz, dayz gameplay, dayz pc, dayz xbox, dayz ps4, dayz base raid, dayz pvp, dayz pvp squad wipe, rust, rust wipe, rust base, dayz guide, dayz 1.09, dayz 1.09 update, dayz base building, dayz series, dayz episode 1, dayz console, dayz new update, dayz battle royal, dayz event
Id: EcNAb-S_Zq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 51sec (3351 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 11 2020
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