Netflix's Awful Christmas Movies

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I don't want to say I caused this but I did DM Drew asking him to watch this so I'm gonna go ahead and take full credit for this video, even though the chances of him seeing my message is minute.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AnnaK22 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 14 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

A good one! Really find his Christmas movie roasts funny. Gotta say I caught a hallmark movie the other week I know he’d love for a video. I think it was called Five Star Christmas

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lookwht23 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 31 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Hey guy, welcome back to NASA Headquarters. Today is December, which means it's time for Christmas movies, almost all of which are bad. Sure, there's a few gems, "Home Alone," "The Santa Clause," "Grumpy Cat's Worst Christmas Ever," these are are critically acclaimed, as they should be, but for every good Christmas movie, I swear there's gotta be, like, 200 bad ones. A lot of that has to do with the Hallmark movie factory where they mass-produce semi-attractive white couples to recreate the same film a hundred thousand times, after which, I assume they put them down and replace them with new actors. That's just the circle of life. But even though Hallmark movies are easy to make fun of for their formulaic simplicity, you gotta admit, their business model works. Their brand is synonymous with the holiday season. On the other hand, you have companies like Netflix, who, this time of year, want to be like Hallmark so bad, but absolutely suck at it. First up, we got "Dolly Parton's Christmas on the Square," a musical starring Dolly Parton as a glowing hobo. Seems like even her biggest fans couldn't find a way to enjoy this mess. The best thing I saw someone say about it is that it's a good movie to watch while you clean your bathroom. β™ͺ Christmas on the Square β™ͺ Looks like I won't be cleaning my bathroom any time soon. - Ow, my eye! - Up next, we've got "A California Christmas." - We have three weeks. If not, the deal falls apart before Christmas. - Hannah, where's the water? - They seem to be going for the reverse-Hallmark here, where a business man falls in love with a small-town woman. And they say Hollywood's not progressive. - I'm sorry. - You've never got your hat. You lied about who you are! - Kelly I had no idea who I was until I met you. - "No, you don't understand, cowgirl, I used to like big city, but now, I meet you, I like small town, small town Christmas fun for me. Horse ate my shirt, let's ride the horse." This one's not out yet, but luckily, I can just click this little button here to be notified when it's time to cancel my subscription. Now I'm gonna list off some other Netflix Christmas movies and you let me know if you notice the theme here. "Christmas With a Prince," "A Christmas Prince," "A Christmas Prince: The Royal Wedding," "A Christmas Prince: The Royal Baby," "The Princess Switch," "A Princess For Christmas," "The Princess Switch: Switched Again Part 2," "The Knight Before Christmas," and "Prince of Peoria: A Christmas Moose Miracle." For some reason, all nine of these movies revolve around a royal family, and almost half of them star Vanessa Hudgens. "The Princess Switch" is probably the most notorious one here. It's your classic "Princess and the Pauper," "Parent Trap" kind of situation where Vanessa Hudgens and her twin, Vanessa Hudgens, no relation, switch places before realizing that maybe the grass isn't greener on the other side. Just kidding, they love it. Nothing goes wrong and now they're both princesses. Also one of them's British. - Keep calm and carry on. - To be clear though, she's not the Princess of Britain, she doesn't live in Britain, she just is British. I know it doesn't make too much sense, but half the people in "Star Wars" were British and they lived in space, so I'll let this one slide. I would say the most annoying part of this movie is how boring the Prince is. I understand why Princess Vanessa didn't want to marry him, so she ran away to Chicago, but American Vanessa fucking loves this dude. - I love you more than I've ever loved anyone in my whole life. - They met three days ago. Maybe she hit her head when she fell off that horse, I don't know, but they don't seem to have anything in common and also he's kind of weird. - You sound like my grandmother. - Meanwhile, British Vanessa, who's pretending to be American Vanessa, falls in love with a guy that the real American Vanessa had been friend-zoning, and they have a pretty decent relationship. He's charismatic, he's, like, a good dad, and she is just mesmerized by his torso. - Have you ever seen Kevin with his shirt off? - Ew, Kevin? No! (sighs) But Edward... - You and Kevin aren't an item? - "Ew, have I ever dated my handsome best friend? No, I like Edward." " But he's like if a blank-" "Like if a blank piece of paper was a person, yeah." - This is crazy! - If you thought that movie was crazy, the real fun begins in "The Princess Switch: Switched Again Part 2," where we're introduced to a third Vanessa Hudgens, only this one is evil. - Off with their heads. - Yeah, people are gonna die. - Minions, I need more champagne. - Is she really related to you? - Yeah, no, I'm pretty sure they're related. - You're yummy. - The next scene looks like one of those infomercials where the actor has to try really hard to spill something on themselves so they can make their product look useful. - There's the sugar behind the flour. - I'll get it. - It's quite all right. - Nah, it'll be easier if I get it. (gasps) - [Narrator] Has this ever happened to you? - You're not just about to become the queen of Montanaro. You've also become the queen of my heart. (laughs) - Somebody wrote that. And then they put it in the movie. You know what, I'm just gonna skip to the end. - To love and support you in everything that you do. And maybe someday teach you how to make a hot chocolate. (laughs) - Crap, I don't understand that reference 'cause I didn't actually watch the movie! Just try and act natural. (laughs unnaturally) - I love you, Margaret. - I'm just excited for the next sequel to come out when they all have kids, who I assume will also be played by Vanessa Hudgens. - What news? - As bad as the "Princess Switch" movies are, I really think they have nothing on this next one. This is the other Netflix movie that also has Vanessa in it and it is so unbelievably dumb. So this movie is set in the 1300's, and also 2019. You see, Sir Cole over here wants to become a knight, but he can't until he completes the quest given to him by this old crone. - Old Crone? - Her name in the movie actually is "Old Crone." What if there was more than one old crone? How would you tell them apart? Also, what is an old crone? Well, in folklore, a crone is an old woman who may be disagreeable, malicious, or sinister in manner, often with magical or supernatural associations that can make her either helpful or obstructing. As a character type, the crone shares characteristics with the hag. What a description. Anyway, the Old Crone sends him on a quest, which is, for some reason, 700 years in the future. - You shall travel to faraway lands, see things undreamed of. - Seems a little random to me. What, did they run out of medieval things to do? "All right, gather 'round, gentlemen, come get your quests. Okay, you, young man, you're going to fetch an enchanted sword for the Prince, and you're gonna scale the highest mountain and slay the dragon who lives on the top, and you're gonna date a middle school teacher." So she sends him to 2019 and he's hella confused, obviously. - Can we take a selfie? (giggles) - Prithee, what might that be, my lady? (phone clicking) (girls giggling) - Thank you! - Did you notice anything about that shot? Well, let's see, her hand moved, he went from being in the middle to being on the end, and where the hell did that merry-go-round come from? Not that continuity is important or anything, we're just making a movie. Also, the Old Crone time traveled here too, I guess to make sure he's doing his job, but she's posing as Mrs. Claus and no one notices. Wouldn't the guy playing Santa be a little confused that she just appeared out of nowhere? Like, "Wait a minute, where did you come from? Get away from those children, you share characteristics with the hag!" It must be, like, the easiest thing in the world to write a Christmas movie because nothing has to make sense. Christmas is a time for magic, and wonder, and plot holes, but- - If you believe, anything's possible. - As a result of that logic, these writers think that they can get away with anything and no one's allowed to question it, but I, I will question it, I am a professional movie nitpicker! I am the second most annoying kind of detective, behind those people who brag about noticing typos in deleted tweets. Anyway, later that night, she runs him over in her car. (gasps) - I hit him with my car. - Which, I gotta say, is one of the more aggressive meet-cutes I've ever seen, but luckily, he's all right because he's wearing a literal suit of armor. - [Brooke] I think he hit his head. - Apparently, Sir Cole believes that he's a 14th century knight. - You are not sleeping under a tree when I have an empty guest house you can stay in. - Vanessa decides at this point that the strange man she just met, who she believes is suffering from a brain injury and is armed with a sword, should stay with her in her home. There's an idea that couldn't end badly! Good thing she has an entire guest house for him to stay in, 'cause, you know, she's a teacher, and we all know how well teachers get paid. - You scared away my supper! - Mmm, skunk. I feel like even a knight from the 1300's wouldn't look at a skunk and think, "I'm gonna eat that," but he's still hungry, so they go to Denny's. - Hot dog. Delicious. Another one, wench! - Whoa! Okay, Sir Cole? That's kind of an offensive term. - "Cole, you're being rude. We prefer to call them 'hags.'" Then he spends all night watching TV and I guess learns some of the modern dialect. - What do you think of these awesome new threads? Modern technology is lit AF. - He doesn't talk like that at all the rest of the movie, it's just for that scene because it's funny. Or, I mean, lit. - We tweeted ours. - [Drew] The next day, he chops down a tree with one swing and then Vanessa lets him drive her car. Yep, the guy who spent the last three days talking like a Shakespeare play, who doesn't have a license and clearly has never been in a car before the night you met him, sure, let him drive your car around by himself! Why stop there? Give him a gun, too! See what more havoc he could wreak. Side note, time moves very fast in this movie. There are entire days that are only three minutes long. On December 19th, they wake up, start watching TV, and then it's night time, and then they fall asleep, and then it's the morning again. December 21st, she sends Cole and her niece outside to hit each other with sticks and they do it until it's dark. - That's called a fist bump. - [Drew] The next morning, Vanessa comes outside to see Cole beating up her lawn ornaments and she's just like, "(chuckles) Oh, you. What a goofball!" And I guess her neighbor was really impressed by his moves because she comes over and starts flirting with him. - Actually just popped by to see if you were free tonight to do some Christmas caroling with friends. - I mean, shit, if I saw a homeless man winning a fight with plastic, I'd probably ask him on a date, too. - Lady Allison seems to have you green with envy. - Okay, first off, she ain't no lady. In high school, she was voted biggest flirt. - "You see, Sir Cole, here in 2019, we don't call women wenches. We merely imply that they are one." I will say Cole is a very nice guy, which is probably why Vanessa and the police let him get away with literally anything. But he teaches the girl about kindness, and then he saves her life when she wanders onto a lake in the middle of a snow storm, and then he and Vanessa share a little Christmas romance. - The dough will fail to rise if you continue to wrest it like a dragon slayer. (soft piano music) - Why can't I get my printer to connect? - Need a hand? - No, I'm good. (shushes) - Don't say a word, you'll ruin the moment. - This isn't helping. - He loves 'em. - Pickpocket! (bodies thudding) Should we let him keep his hands? - Yeah! - Yes? - Well, well, well, you're turning into quite the natural at this game, Cole. You know, you should consider joining the force. - Wait, so this cop is well aware of how insane Cole is, he just watched him use excessive force on a teenager, and so he asks him to join the police force? This movie's more realistic than I thought. (door clattering) They were about to kiss, but they got interrupted. I wonder if that same exact thing is gonna happen again seven minutes from now. (phone vibrating) It did. All right, third time's the charm. But, of course, the Old Crone, whose motives I'm starting to question, is just staring at them creepily in the background. - Cole, your medallion! (gasps) - This thing's glowing! That means he did his quest, they figured it out! The quest was to kiss her! Still kind of weird but they did it! They're in love, it's beautiful, they can finally live happily ever after! Wait, where is he going? Oh, he got sent back to the 1300's. Let me make sure I understand the stakes of this movie. So he was banished to go to the future, which he loves because it's awesome. - Play "Deck the Halls." (music playing) - And if he didn't complete his quest in time, he would've been stuck there forever where he'd be forced to continue living happily with Vanessa Hudgens. But because he did kiss her before Christmas, he completed his quest and his reward is that he gets to go back to his kingdom where he'll probably die in his 30's. Yeah, that makes sense. - Brother? - Geoffrey! - Wait, did they just do a bro hug? He seemed so confused by a fist bump earlier, but I get it, this is ride-or-die right there. Obviously, he wants to go back though, so he's gotta find the Old Crone again. - Crone? Crone! Old Crone! I beg thee, Crone, I will do. - Very well. - That problem resolved itself in, like, a minute and a half. - It's Cole! And he brought his horse! - Delighting in your company. - Cole, I thought you were gone. Like, for good. - "I... (sighs) I found someone else." "I was gone for an hour!" "You have to more on, Cole!" Well, it wouldn't be a rom-com if it didn't end with all the extras clapping for the main characters because they have nothing better to do. (crowd clapping) Oh. Did not expect that. Another thing I didn't expect was a random post-credits scene. (crowd clapping) - You truly are a handsome young knight. - Sir Geoffrey Alexander Edgar Lyons, at your service. - Oh, the Old Crone is at it again! Are they hinting at a sequel? Is there gonna be, like, a whole Marvel universe of knights being sent in the future, only they all go to Vanessa Hudgens and she's just like, "Guys, I'm taken. You should know this, it was your brother." I give this movie a D. (bell ringing) Deez nuts. (airhorn blowing) Before you unsubscribe, I just want to touch on one last movie. It's called "Holidate" starring Emma Watson, it just came out. Amanda and I watched the entire thing, and I don't really have anything funny to say about it, I just need to rant about it for a sec because this movie pissed us the hell off. So the premise is that Emma Watson is tired of her family judging her when she comes home boyfriend-less every Christmas, so she meets this guy who lives at the mall and they decide that he'll pretend to be her boyfriend only on holidays so her mom gets off her back. Here's the thing, though. The mom doesn't like him, she still spends the rest of the movie trying to set her up with someone else. Also, they go on holidates not even in front of her family, which I thought was the whole point. So at this point, they're just friends with benefits except without the benefits and also they're not friends. And I'm sure you can see where this is going. They eventually start to like each other, but they don't want to admit that they like each other and that's, like, the main conflict of the movie. Emma Watson also shits her pants on Halloween because her aunt accidentally gave her laxatives instead of Advil. You know when you bring a giant bottle of laxatives to a Halloween party just in case you decide it's time to go have diarrhea in public? "Shit, I haven't pooped in almost 15 minutes, I must be constipated!" Then on Thanksgiving, this random guy comes over and immediately tries to eat the turkey out of the oven with his hands. The turkey is clearly done already but they put it back in the oven and surprise, surprise, they burn all the food, so Emma has to go to the store, which is open on Thanksgiving, and she's buying, like, waffles for some reason, and Ryan Gosling is there, and then she goes back home and it's dark outside so she's been gone all day while they were all waiting, and they all start to fight, and then this guy has a heart attack, so they go to the hospital where- Sorry, I'm out of breath. Where the aunt tells the doctor that she loves him and then they kiss. (sighs) Also, Emma's sister cheats on her husband with King Bach and they use it as the catalyst to fix their broken relationship. No! This poor guy, who doesn't have any time for her anymore 'cause he's too busy being the only one to take care of their four children, gets cheated on with a Vine star, which yeah, I know that's kind of a self-roast, and she's just like, "Oopsies," and everything's okay. No! Fuck that, these people suck, none of them deserve a happy ending, and why the hell do they spend so much time at the mall? Nobody goes to the mall anymore! I guess what I'm trying to say is, Netflix, try harder. Christmas is good, Christmas movies should be good, too. I know you can make good stuff, I watched the chess show, I liked stranger kids, put some of that effort into a holiday movie that doesn't suck, and then maybe I won't have to go watch Lifetime instead. What are they working on right now? You know, on second thought, I don't think I'm gonna be celebrating Christmas anymore. (rock music) Don't cut back to me, cut to the commercial. Hi, I'm soaking wet, and I want to tell you guys about today's sponsor, ExpressVPN. This holiday season, you deserve to watch a good Christmas movie, and as we talked about, the American Netflix library is just not cutting it. But you don't have to hop in a submarine and escape the country just to be able to watch something else, you can just use a VPN. With ExpressVPN, you can change your computer's location to one of 94 different countries, thereby unlocking content that you thought you might not be able to watch. Wanna watch "Fred Claus?" Switch to Australia. "Christmas With The Kranks?" Switch to The Hague, the Netherlands. Don't settle for "A Go! Go! Cory Carson Christmas," you deserve better than that. ExpressVPN can also help keep your important information safe by encrypting your data every time you connect to the internet. This prevents the websites you visit, and even your internet service provider, from taking that information and selling it off to the highest bidder. Personally, I've tried a few different virtual private networks in the past, and ExpressVPN is the only one that didn't throttle my connection speed. You shouldn't have to sacrifice that just to have a secure connection. And of course, they also come with a 30-day money back guarantee and 24/7 customer support. You can use it on your computer, on your phone, on your Apple TV, you'll be unstoppable! So to find out how you can get three months free of ExpressVPN, click the link in the description, that's Thank you to ExpressVPN for sponsoring my channel. Thank you so much for watching this video, guy. If you want to subscribe to my channel, go to, uh... How do I get to Google? Crap, I think I'm stuck on this page. Search... I guess I'll search YouTube for Google. Maybe they have... Google, take me to Google. Fuck, how do I... How do I get to
Channel: Drew Gooden
Views: 5,059,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: drew gooden, comedy, commentary, reaction, vine, drew gooden vine, road work ahead guy, parody, rant, cringe, christmas movies, netflix, bad movie, movie reaction, movie review, vanessa hudgens, princess switch, christmas prince, knight before christmas, emma roberts, holidate, rotten tomatoes
Id: e0ClxU3uxQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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