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[Music] I don't whatever I don't want to raise no no no I don't want I don't I just Han sorry he got this car everybody wants to race guys how are you how are you is a beautiful day it's humid it's hot it kind of coming Jim Jim Jim Jim phone lady formally we gotta we gotta pass them kind of more of a business date a guy for Bob I guess real life day last few days wing fun project days and I think I got a project today but for now a little bit of business got to run out tomorrow we launched a brand new smile more website which is super exciting for us as a family and that just means going and making final approvals and just checking on everything before we go live so that's what I want to do right now thanks for joining us and supporting this channel it's been so much fun lately and let's get this day started thanks for watching ok so meet the team everybody these guys are the ones responsible for this new website and look at the kind of things this will instead of just a flat picture this will actually happen when you take your mouse and you go over say the water bottles it's going to animate like that on the screen I think it's pretty cool I mean definitely above what I could do myself so that's exciting what else you got blow my viewers mind so they were saying like the spinners like when you go over them they'll spin I think that's that awesome this is contextual vessel she's just looking up the whole district okay so we're not the spending done yet but it's something that maybe we'll be able to do for the website so we're just having fun with it trying to make it fun and fresh being the site I'm just going to bring you along on what we're really doing today one thing the site's missing is like the top banner you go to any nice website there's a top banner of some sort we're going to try to create one right now in front of this really cool wall and they're going to basically throw my products at me like that's just like toss them at me we're going to start capturing in the air I don't know you guys can decide if it's cool yes all right Raina's later you know it's gog Shh you're an animal with that an animal with that camera man one of my favorite photographers though for really you need to take such good photos takes me like you make me look better than I actually look cuz means I'm gonna be up till 4:00 a.m. looking haystack is that what I'm supposed to do that's the move this is yours behind the scenes of building one picture for the website and I had a skill look but it it's a good start Thank You clay boy yo this one made it really far I even know what was happening so come to fetch and we all smiled viewers from your last minutes one to one active alright guys so if all goes well the new website will be up by the time you're watching this if you want to take a second check it out tell me if the picture of all the merch coming at me comes out as of now I don't know what it's going to look like but by tomorrow by the time you're watching this closely its up and it it needs cool standards I don't know Eddie Dom I do have a project for today that I want to get done I do want to do this project before it gets too late some headed over now let's do it it can be ridiculous alright back home by the way you did not see yesterday's vlog check it out it's honestly one of my favorite vlogs in a long time I built the RC plane and it was just a blast I love just check it out if you didn't see it and the other cool thing is I bought all these extra plane foam plane because I thought I'd break that one so we got all these cool planes left extras ready aim oh my gosh that came back to me boomerang a boomerang Boeing yeah here's what I'm talking about we got a serious eyesore here at the house I mean a real eyesore but you better watch flash he will snatch that plane up actual respect I suppose I'm not talking about the siding that's popping out of the house like that I'm not talking about the rug that's falling apart I'm talking about under the porch that flashes destroyed these aren't the eyesores I'm talking about the I swear I'm talking about is right here this swing who I've offered to everybody in the family Britney's mom said no don't get rid of it because I want it I'm going to take it this is a year ago and I keep asking and nobody takes the swing so today I I'm going to personally remove this swing what do you think donkey are you in are you in or out in bar come on give me something he's a flying talking donkey I had a lot of thoughts in my head how do I get rid of this swing right because it's oh look the wood is pop it's bowing it's bowing like a quarter pipe come on what you think you enter you out you enter yup I need something something maybe one be broke if you didn't mess around in there huh were you doing anyway what's in it you have to be in there hey just the person I'm looking for welcome welcome I um I need you to help me got a removal issue I got a removable super-good I already know what you're going to say so just need you to help me just agree yes you're going to help me just say yes you're going to help me you're already thinking it you want to say it 1 2 3 yeah yeah perfect so here's the thing here's the deal here's the real issue Brit look she's already distracted you're supposed to be helping me Oh make him talk look at the belly look at the belly do you know you're a witness I've offered this to everybody this chair this has got to go it hurts your mom has been saying she's taking it for a year four times up over plow bumblebees and don't zombies got places to live baby then each day feels good so I've an idea just take apart yeah I'll get some tools in to take up that's probably what I should do with it but I need you to follow me because I need you to hold this camera while I get some things ready know what what now I lost that thing ages ago wait the Bobcat yeah I found the Bobcat not well yes I am identity cuz we need something to move to swing and I can't move it I think you're not flat back backs problems baby ministy MS I will show you but I'll rip my shirt that's a nice shirt you got on there won't worry those if I use that swing to actually hold the trampoline like we have ropes tied to that swing to cut the rope dog already did it without you even knowing with your pink your cake I know I'm not gonna stick in that chef Alina that thing is going to be like a tight old storm spoon so can't you just leave this thing okay [Applause] I'm still pretty muddy okay I think you know I just looked really uses I am at the fork what do you think which have I just pulled out for all the couples markets Johan so this sign was left here when we bought the places and I was really how old it is it is falling apart but therefore it's not too bad let's do one last fling so I'll hit the ground yeah the bumble bees have drilled holes in it so all kinds of the big bumble bee nest seemed upset or the trampoline it's gonna fall apart before he even gets it I don't know if I thought this one through yo I could balance it we could swing on it up in the air wait so what are you doing with it I'm going to hand-deliver it to your mom's house I'm going to take it out there and destroy it you'll enjoy that chair this is probably the first time you sat on that thing forever okay there's some crazy thundering happening over here like it's about the boom well since we're about to get stormed on I got to make this quick here's the idea I want to basically catch this thing on fire burning that's the best way to get rid of old wood right you just catch it on [ __ ] nice camera baby you look good with that camera dang heavy yeah sources must don't worry for sure we're gonna burn this thing and the idea that it goes away forever done nothing changing Oh we'll get to change wait so you're not using the flamethrower i parodied flame throw it yeah it's probably the better idea but I blamed it I want to I want to kind of saturate it in gas and then light it so the whole chair is on fire right but not the not the part you sit on so maybe I get a cool pictures oh that is not what I was thinking you were doing I thought you were literally just lighting it on fire well essentially that's going to happen guys that is that is what's going to happen but maybe get a picture before we call it quits on the old the old chair okay here's my idea [Music] why would you smell that let's ripped up oh my gosh that looks so dangerous just keep standing on that looks dangerous how much gas it's a real problem oh honey you got gas all day the top is really what I'm worried about gotta go up there though but it's going to go on the bottom too I don't think it's gonna like that huh oh yeah maybe it will work oh okay that's cool and I'll sit in it it's hot it's not that cool oh my boyfriend so silly don't lie you're are those your new shoes what do you do baby my happy with that yes I'm embarrassed so that is supposed to be a fire like a like a tote like a big old boom like a little Patek weird like a spray or something like a squirt squirt squirt remember you're helping me here so I can - like a like money places like a mr. that I can literally safely spray it yeah let's go get it pink yes we're gonna win that bottle I got spray all look this one's empty that's at work right if I only had a brain finally thought of this in the first place this would have safely sprayed the place exactly where I wanted it I don't know why I feel like I have to do this but don't try this at home [ __ ] don't try this at all don't try this at anybody's home this is just me being me don't be me this Thunder this under is about to be bad that's why you don't put gas in a plastic cup it just melts it completely that's dink wait is that even going to catch it on fire you ever heard the song can't stuff about a fire without a flame there's no flame just smoke it could be hot I ain't gonna catch on fire yeah this needs to go it looks so innocent don't try this at home without what you're trying to say I said that I already said it but like it looks like so nice for them it's not angry mad at me all that Depok will get all the fall oh wait now I think this is your biggest sale yet I can't even put a chip on fire oh really course oh my gosh you should I like a big pina colada in your hands or something like a big coconut lame Elaine's blames the lame flame are you mad so mad just never seen that never been mad at me ever [Music] thank you not that swing of the swing so up in architecture on par well that was a good time he the timing literally is like Ice Man we're always in a race here I tried my best like I'll have to give them up you're just not a good fire bug boy Firebug yeah a far bad boy he didn't do too good it was the rain normal I was under pressure other times maybe even if I got it with the rain again play about now let's see you what you shoulda done usually I leave it down there said in it was boom just wasn't meant to be you guys I'm gonna you know it may be may be something I was gonna happen if it went up so it's just meant to be i fun with it whoa I'm a great fire guy I'm a great fire guy no party you daughter and Fargo with me I was great for you yeah but not a very good [ __ ] what are you doing I'll show you remember yesterday in the vlog when I was reading off the spinner number and when I was done you were like did you just say 5,000 and I was like and I turned the camera off like no why would I say 5,000 why did I don't even say I read off like five thousand two hundred and five on five thousand she caught that if you watch yesterday's long I said this is number five thousand two hundred five I don't even know why I would say that or what number that would even have been imagine like style number five oh maybe like one I don't gosh I don't know you guys you guys definitely copy you copy there's like a hundred thousand comments like put those two ha ha ha overachiever this is so bad holy moly just like that just like that look like look oh sure weather is so crazy anyways we are headed to some offices I want to bring the giant smile more sign if you have an office you got to have a smile sorry I'm going to actually give them mine because we haven't opened the others in out up on it until I bring a new mom is that your stand haha that's the operation for the night or do Wow 10:30 at night we just burn up so much time in that car all of us I thought once apparently no to fill you guys in we keep you guys up to date we basically just got some new offices that they're not new but their office is and it's a big project that we're working on a whole bunch of people involved can't wait to announce what it is but for now it's a lot of like meeting together and building all this stuff so that when we do announce it's exciting and it's actually happening so we basically just set up some offices so that we have a place to meet and we have a place to call home for a little while and super super pumped about it what do you think we're crazy so excited it's gonna be a while but I promise it's only it's only cool for the chat like it's only cool for you guys so it's all cool stuff but it's a lot of work a lot of time as always but that's what we're doing so when you see me in these weird offices that's what we're doing we're meeting and building this giant project so it's gonna be really cool I'm really pumped about it what's up I'm tired my buddy you got a tennis ball I see one of you found a smaller box way to go who's that flash did you do that did you do that he's like darn right I did that I'm gonna do it again orphan back home getting dunked he came in by himself tonight he didn't even beat flash into the gate which is pretty rare y'all worn out today let's go get a treat come on bud I love this hop watch this watch this that's oh oh oh yeah oh yeah it's really why they come in right here that's that's stop it look at the bugs behind you oh my gosh Oh crazy because that little water hole cousin of you can hear it but that little water hole that we had to dig is full of frogs in there so that's all I hear when I sleep is just frogs like don't talk about my frog habit what's it going to be like when this is all done if you like triple the frogs dude listen to these things you listen to these things listen ready heard me that it's like little laser Gatling guns good news people that live by water is that year-round ORS are like frogs just like mating right now it's like some kind of crazy they get quiet when I talk Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam you better hide boy look at this ah look at I saw how you okay you got a big hole in that rock runs outside early from country without you you're so fast you blow holes in your side hey guys that is gonna do it for our vlog thank you so much I don't know what's about to happen to me I can show them all the screenshot and the faces he makes and people screenshot oh yeah you guys came rapidfire you know maybe over here is a little safer in this vlog I don't know ah thank you guys for hanging out with us so much we will see you tomorrow you're beautiful they're one-of-a-kind smile on ya have to jump and say dad for real we got to go that's our video for today thanks for joining us you're beautiful you're one of our time smile you you
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 3,335,172
Rating: 4.936336 out of 5
Keywords: Roman Atwood, Roman, Atwood, roman atwood vlogs, family vlogs, roman vlogs, atwood vlogs, noah atwood, kane atwood, brittney, roman soldiers, kid-friendly, kid friendly, family-friendly, family friendly, family fun, Vlogs2017, vlog, vlogs, vlogger, vlogging, day, daily, Everyday, Smile more, Roman atwoods, House, Home, Kids, Noah, Kane, donkey, Empire, flash, Husky, Dog, Girlfriend, Britt
Id: hlk_4Ro2NXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2017
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