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hey guys what is up if you're wondering why I'm sitting in this box truck we're being evicted from our house and we have to move try to rent a truck I mean look at this it's huge had to rent a truck so we could pack all our crap we have one day to get out on Thanksgiving we have to move out of our house and it's just crazy I can't get over it so here I am about to get this truck and I'm totally kidding I get about how many of you were like oh my god are you serious no I had to get this yesterday Brittany and I had to go up to watch yesterday's vlog we had to go up and get a bunch of merchant crap so we're not moving guys it was a really bad joke so yeah I'm actually just returning this coming back to get our car Happy Thanksgiving by the way I know it's Wednesday for me but I imagine most of you are watching some Thanksgiving so Happy Thanksgiving moving right along hear me out I gotta say something real fast please don't let Thanksgiving be the only day you sit back and realize how thankful you are please use every day you have know that you know how good you got it man I don't want to rat here I don't want to use this as a ramp but I want you guys to realize how good you have it how many people love and care about you how awesome you are do not let today be the only day that you're thankful please you be thankful every day it's good to be here hey hey hey what's up at the atwood house today I'm loving this shirt I can't see this the Sun is so bright look at you golly Miss Molly ready for Thanksgiving or what bond are you ready you ready to rock it out what's going on in here what do you mean his little cowlick he's been blessed with daddy's terrible thing you look good dude wait wait you're not allowed to do that because now you look cooler than daddy huh boy oh that hurts so bad you're too strong no I falling for that you give me kiss so we have a lot to do today and something I'm very very excited to announce in today's vlog they're all watching the vlog from yesterday where we dropped the this is your favorite blog yeah if you guys didn't see yesterday's vlog go check it out it's really ridiculous oh my god all right guys delivering a bunch of mail we are we're in a wicked rush we're delivering mail the last day before the holidays so this is the last shipment till Friday I think so we're trying to get everybody's orders out for the holidays we're hustling and we got to run I'm about to tell you guys what we're doing today it's gonna be really fun what's up guys whoo Oh God so we got a bunch of friends over at coghlan that's where we actually bought our truck from and every year they do a toy drive it's like a really big local event where people come and they can donate toys new toys for kids that maybe can't get toys or where does it actually go to Salvation Army yes Salvation Army takes the toys and it gives them out to people in need and I think it's amazing so this year Brittany and I and our family and a bunch of our friends are teaming up to make this the biggest toy drive they have ever had so we're driving there right now one explained as much as possible to you guys but if you want them to be involved you guys can help with their charity mission here basically with the help of you guys it will be the biggest toy drive this town has ever seen by far it's super cool I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna show you exactly what we're doing but just right off the bat this is where we're going right now to like kind of announce this on vlogs it's gonna be a lot of fun and we're doing a big meet-up as well so we will actually be there yeah we have a whole bunch of prizes for everyone the donates it should be cool yeah we should get that guard on the front of arch looks like a big toy I love it dude I love that can do you like that this in that loss and it's got a big light I want that what do you guys think that's way cooler than our bumper it looks like you could ramp things with that hoodie come on I'll go with you climb climb climb climb you just drop it in the hatch put it in there you got it can't you just put a whole penny in there what what are you talking about but why - I'd shot Gary who put this sticker on who blindfolded Lee put this sticker on him anybody under the bus so we're here guys were at Coghlan they do this toy drive every year like I just said they want to fill what that truck these two trucks this truck both trucks with toys and usually fill 1 or 2 by yourself usually fill one so guys here's what we're gonna do we want to make this the biggest toy drive ever all the toys are being donated where Salvation Army they're gonna take them and give them to kids that don't get toys or have toys and the underprivileged and somebody's getting financed so we're here they have set up an entire website just for this you can be how's that work what do they have to do they can go to smile more to your website and click the link or they can go to our website which is called and twitter.com and click the link I think what he means is both links will be in the description of this everybody that donates do they get do they get one ticket per toy one ticket one entry per toy okay so if you go to the website I'm trying to make this really easy for you guys if you go to their website which is in the description you get like a ticket per toy you send right there's a registration form the registration will actually be your entry into the drawing two toys equals two tickets correct size every single ticket is going in the massive pile and then Brittany and I are giving away a whole bunch of whole stuff well five hundred dollar gift card a couple hundred dollar gift cards and Apple watch iPod iPad iPad and we're gonna keep adding to that list so everybody that donates through their website is gonna get that ticket you can still donate a toy these have to be new toys whether your toys out on open toy so you cannot send anything from your toy box it has to be brand new unopened so it can be at any size it can be just a little toy can be a big toy and if you don't want to if you don't want to go through their website you can just send it to this address you don't have to go through the website their address is in the description as well if it's easier you can still send a toy without using the website you can simply just send it to this address which I'll put it in there if it's too calm later you can't figure it out but you won't be a part of the raffle but it's cool you're still donating a toy so it's all available you can literally come to location and bring your toys guys everything is super super awesome little big everything so let's fill some friggin trucks let's make this the biggest toy drive these guys have ever seen okay we will be here on the night thank you this is December 19th Brittany and I will be doing a meet-up to deliver all the toys that are donated so you can come here come smash this place bring your donation and will be doing the raffles so this isn't just for local locals you guys can send this from anywhere anywhere you can send your mail so yeah I think that's about it take that sticker off that truck so this is this is what you're giving away right here that's Brittany that's Brittany she wishes that was her oh you remember the toy room for me to play how about we go get some food no we can play for a minute come on look at this funny hippo he just strut his stuff so I am so so so excited this isn't like I don't want to over complicate it it is what it is like you can just send a toy in here to donate and we're gonna make this a huge toy drive you can use their website you can just send it to this address you can drive your and drop off a toy and then December 18th December 19th and we'll keep you posted on the vlogs we're gonna be here big meetup bring toys we're gonna bring tons of toys and it should be really fun so pump I'm so glad we're doing this we are going right now to actually get all the giveaways for this cow she is driving he's not watching where he's going look gain slit up he see him he's read and she's smoking a cigarette that is impressive right there she might as well be talking on the phone too anyways we are going we're start we're gonna grab something real fast and then we're actually going to get all the giveaways for this thing we thought it would be cool like not only are you guys donating I know most of you are just happy with that but Brittany I want to step it up and actually give the donators you guys a chance to win something to the song I don't know I want to make this really fun and I want to I'm gonna keep this going and I want to make this like huge we could do it every year and raise so many toys that would be amazing hey you know you're my best friend right what you don't want me to look look okay Rudy ah I'm just gonna set it right there okay all right and I'm just gonna watch his TV what we're going to go let me see this okay you guys ever used to do this it's floppy wait is it working Ellen over the business the Bennifer yeah new truck floppy there you go running and real quick to eat a little bit a little lip Nesta for yourself real quick I don't want to put too much food blogging in here but just tomorrow is gonna be a huge food blog Thanksgiving very good tomorrow is gonna be tomorrow's gonna be tons of food Thanksgiving at our house Brittany's got a prepare a whole turkey tonight that's gonna be funny well I'm never ever ever gonna get used to it being dark at five o'clock it is terrible it really messes with my energy yeah my mood everything it's like I have to keep reminding myself it's not late hey booger Oh gonna run over and get our giveaway stuff we got to get a bunch of giveaway stuff cool stuff and I don't my sleeve up whoa come on little troublemaker I love that hat ready little a little Viking so many amazing options for a giveaway I think we're gonna do an Apple watch and iPad mini mini the mini winning good doing all kinds of stuff plus gift cards $500 gift card - $100 gift cards and I don't know what kind of just browse them I think this is a really cool idea though I'm very firmly behind it all right guys I'm sorry we're just jumping around a little bit today I'm trying to evolve log but it's the story was crazy last I just didn't film in there hey we got to get our little hooks for our bulbs you guys know it's been about three for today's the fourth day since we set up our tree our bulbs still are on the tree what is that put a little wood in there and make a fire you got it oh you got it you got it nice to have a whole bunch of family coming over tomorrow last year we had to borrow chairs this year we're gonna buy our own do we have a knob canes are like he just does everything well you know you got it you need help with that part you sure be wearing out or what there's just so much to prepare for when you have family coming over it's a lot hey this is good let's just go with that any tables I'm confused okay we can do 10 canes been trying to hook this for five minutes you can do it just push it on there okay we got hooks for Christmas ornaments chairs for the family to sit on it's beginning to look a lot like Chris cane talked us into look at this stay with me okay that big blue bulb right there one giant Christmas ball what are we gonna do with that Christmas wreath I got cool that is man how can you not like that somebody made that yeah these little hooks up here that's a good spot for it you can just keep it there for the holidays yeah decorate Clifford decorate the trucks already red we just need a big Santa hat on top alright last thing we gotta get more thing oh my gosh did Danny go forward right now I know we'd have to get gift cards well let's party man have fun right now I know but we should get on anyways we gonna get salt for us often there's the last thing today geez there's people everywhere look at this holiday package last thing I need to get guys salt was just gonna open yes this is the stuff you have to have if you have a water softener if you live out in the country you put this in your water basically it takes out the rust in the iron okay we didn't get everything tonight but we got a lot done we still have to get the gift cards we have the Apple watch the iPad Mini and we just need to get three different gift cards and what else do we have to do tonight we actually have to do like work was not play clean the turkey what does that even mean I don't know if I've ever heard someone say I gotta clean the turkey hey what are you doing man naj I gotta clean the turkey bro that means you got the feathers I didn't even realize till we got home that these wreaths we got take batteries and they light up I didn't see no lights on there right there wait no the flat side always goes on the spring there's one how's that cane we gotta do that one too all right guys is much this is the time where I feel like it's best that I shut off the vlog camera and get some stuff done um check this out we have hallways now a freaking Murch I've never seen this before this is crazy I've been a little off today I haven't been vlogging the way I like to vlog where I it's been really gapped out and weird and and I just feel like we have so much to do to get the stuff ready for family tomorrow and I'm just making excuses to not vlog so I think what I really need to do is just pick this up tomorrow I don't want to end the vlog yet I don't feel like I've left you guys on that energy that I want to leave you on so I'm gonna pick it up get some sleep get some stuff that we just kind of do to prepare for Thanksgiving and we'll be back in like one second it's not even a second don't even know why I don't just pick it up tomorrow I'll see you guys in a second you're not up cuz you're laying down I bet you how to I am not fully awake my sinuses are crazy Brittney's clean and is this what it's called ever how do people do this though it's so I'll just listen to it why isn't this coming out shall I leave the plastic in it yeah that's a frickin bird no you can't leave the plastic in it mmm tastes like Legos what was that shoot to the ceiling I'm not kidding look oh that is freakin turkey on the ceiling I already know what Turkey does the ceilings and there's multiple pieces only have to shimmy up there yeah here let me get that off guys we are way way out of our league here you've done this before just here's how you pick it up Bret you shove your hand in like that and then you pick it up so what's up guys I know this is part of the same vlog but I feel like I'm starting a new vlog here so I want to say Happy Thanksgiving it's officially Thanksgiving for us is currently what did you just pull out of there yeah this is this gusting I don't even want Turkey anymore I've seen this what but how many cookie you've done this to every year why is it so gross this time it's always so gross maybe it's just not early in the morning this is my first time by myself like no one's helping me I'll clean the ceiling seriously put your fist in the hole and then pick it up like a glove like a boxing glove anyway yes happy Thanksgiving guys I hope you are gonna have a wonderful day or have already had a wonderful day this is the worst thing I've ever seen in my life Oh Britt's been in here work and cut in little veggie where's all this just for the inside of that I don't like stuffing in the turkey you don't will you put it in after no usually instead of oh we're just getting our stuff I'm just getting my stuff she got it before me I got up a little later I have some things to do I just need to clean up my little areas got the whole family coming over it should be just a great friggin day like these are my favourite days all the family the house it's beautiful it's sunny we should get some outdoor activities done okay we just learned that you actually can keep that little plastic thing on there unless you're cooking it and I hide in the Georgian now what's high though what is this that little popper it pops out when it's done oh my gosh putting parsley in the neck I think I need to turn him over though how do you know it's a boy Mama's here you need some help Happy Thanksgiving how you feeling I feel great oh you brought the good stuff what is all this I thought we had everything I'm supposed to bring certain slowed me up we're gonna do the old fashioned arm trick when we were kids me and my brother would have a competition every time my mom went to the store who could put the most bags on their arm we got serious numbers grandma you don't even know serious numbers yeah see we're only at four but this arm is probably good for two-three hundred more bags oh did you make that yes what is it jello what pretty good putting in cream cheese yeah I don't know if you know what jello is but he came over cook the turkey yeah we ate I call professional she's she's coming to save the day you didn't wear your cape okay do you know where the little hooks went for the Christmas tree I'm gonna try to just really give you guys raw for Thanksgiving but I don't want to put too much in this board so I'm gonna probably wrap this one up I need them little cookies from the store last night what do we do a for hey there she is or he top jerky this way or this way doesn't matter it does not matter what did you do if I just drop that I would have to clean it off yep that timer for five hours xico uh-huh holy cow no no no no don't touch that cook time Roman yeah see what I deal with around dude do you see we got turkey on the ceiling she's already she's already making jokes you guys if you guys remember that year I blew up a turkey and it went into the ceiling it forever stained the ceiling you could never get the oil or the grease want a turkey off so I'm gonna get this off right now there's two pieces up there where look whoa all giggle it how I just smashed it in honey why did you get Turkey up there it just flown up well I took the plastic thing off I know what poof yeah it's like super turkeys dude it's already cooking can I open this I can't open it a shawl oh and we're cooking a hand this is my baby I could I could go completely without Turkey to be honest but the ham when did a hamster coming in boxes look at this I've never seen anything like this that suckers already chopped for me it's already cooked to start a microwave 30 minutes done so carefully we it's already cooked this thing's done yeah you just warm that's way better than the turkey oh my god okay guys turkey or ham that's a serious question what about you like Turkey I love her I love that's why she gets a ham on Thanksgiving because I just want him probably gonna kill me but I like to dip my turkey and ranch dressing really you dip everything in the ranch so nicely dip can mash it just like I do love pizza - that's my favorite all right let's see this thing so how how are we gonna cook it well so just heat it throw it in like a open see if we got that popcorn maker I want it I just set it in there I can't believe we didn't get a popcorn maker guys I got a little hot dog maker up here way over here all the way up candy that is smuggling candy wait what's it all from that pinata oh there's way more than pinata oh this is where oh I didn't know it was open the whole thing's empty now cool I'm excited because now we can do the store didn't have this we can do that's it why are you eating that right now oh my breakfast you know yes stir your coffee with it oh oh you could bite off each side and then suck your coffee out probably really gross you're not gonna taste the twizzler there's even flour on this all the way back it's forever in our house guys case you don't know we had a big flower fight in this house a while back months and months ago everything every day is a surprise how much flour we just saw I just washed the ceiling there's flour all over my hands there's like ham from last year we do with this oh my god everything all that that's why I where's my gun Rambo mother not on Thanksgiving but my house a lot dad good job give grandma a chocolate-covered fly I could never do that pain is still out like completely out alright guys I don't want to go too much further in this vlog because I have to actually start with Thanksgiving value and I don't want to show too much of it now I want to show on tomorrow which should be a really long blog you doing Black Friday are you really yeah so that that's gonna go in the blog tomorrow's - holy cow suit alright tell me today guys do we want to go super raw for Thanksgiving here we kind of want to take a day make it light and just hang out I think I'm gonna film it all cuz I want to remember that I want to see what we were all doing okay guys that's gonna bout do it for this vlog I need to remind you that this toy drive Brittany and I are doing is is so awesome and I'm really excited about we want to make it the biggest ever so please check out it's super easy and if you don't want to go to the website you don't have to I'll put their address in the description you can literally get a toy it doesn't have to be a new toy though it cannot be used but it can be any $1.00 toy it doesn't matter like you don't have to spin much on this just throw it in a package and send it to the address in the description below not RPO box please please it will get lost please send it to their address which I will put in the description and let's make this so big you're just gonna see on December 19 how much power you guys and us have we want to we want to turn this into like the biggest toy drive they've ever seen so please send something into that address that being said if you want to enter into the raffle you have to go through their little website which takes no time it just gives you a number so if we pull your number you win anyways I'm gonna end this vlog I gotta edit and then start Thanksgiving so I love you guys so much thanks for all the love the support I'm finally waking up starting to feel better I know I had a little coffee yeah so thanks for hanging out we will see you tomorrow happy friggin Thanksgiving be thankful not just today but tomorrow too we will see you tomorrow don't forget awesome small more three two one what
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 1,991,945
Rating: 4.9464431 out of 5
Keywords: THE, kid-friendly, vlogs, family-friendly, roman atwood vlogs, Prankster, GREATEST, making, LA, roman, craziest, Romans, prank, vlogging, kid friendly, Natural, more, daily, family vlogs, family friendly, crazy, movie, pranking, atwood, ohio, Born, everyday, RomanAtwood, family fun, smile, vlog, columbus, day, prankster, vlogger, pranks, new, BEST
Id: pIlSKai8Wkg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 17sec (1937 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2015
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