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what's up guys we are getting a crazy weird starts today's vlog it is uh it's New Years Eve happy freaking New Year's because by the time you're watching this it's 2016 it's New Year don't be embarrassed of me don't we are hosting a little family get-together tonight you guys know I got a bunch of fireworks we got tons of junk paper plates oh this is real like real are we gonna pop champagne waiting shake it let's get a couple in case we mess up I have never seen this store this busy in my life I guarantee we've been in here two hours not yet it is for these guys Roman don't you dare throw that all right you just did no I do that the chips are on the bottom or chromey there's it summer 2016 guys it's here it is here I'm talking into the future because they watch this a day later please try to understand tonight we're hosting a little family thing like we always do mom dad brother kids of some close relatives we're gonna come over I got we got snacks are you ready I don't know how much pizza eat that's what you're trying to figure out I mean you should always have too much okay how many 20 people total probably why my vlogging this this is super rock actually I was trying to order pizza there's not that many people I would say five large pizzas would be more than people with extras so get like wings pizza five large five large pizzas I lost like wings look this major Ohio snowfall guys hey are you ready to party are you ready to party party cups gonna be party in oh yeah guys look what I got Zeus what are these these things are crazy party cups what do you do at midnight Cheers Happy New Year's juice here you wouldn't throw it he wasn't through it I thought it was gonna be louder I thought it's gonna be loud okay I want to get P buddy with that tonight like one of those things you're leaving I thought your party with us nope mom's not a party without you poor people start getting here we're trying to organize the house get some decorations out I need to do something with that Britney's trying to hang out you see we got some fun little cups for the fam we've got some sodas and different mixing drinks this will be full of ice we got the adult section is this far enough from the kids most of them have little hands but they may try to make their way up chips snacks popcorn from fans actually sent that to us so yeah just trying to really show you what we're doing today it's been a little hectic start to the day but don't you plan buddy hey you want to show him some of your pictures you've been doing before everyone gets in here this kid has mastered the selfie let's show what you've been doing you've already taken 252 photos since Christmas and here will you just scroll through I forgot this morning when we woke up Cain was snapping shots of me your little selfie man he loves you stunts yeah this is is this why you were on the toilet today big old blue eyes this kid is killing the self like me and brittle just be sitting here watching him he's just run around with his little camera oh did you put a head on Zeus mommy did yeah you're making videos now sir awesome hey I got a go get know okay let me see let me see hey what was that there are two signs today they have told me that I'm getting older number one I considered buying a trimmer for nose hairs that is number one number two I'm driving with windshield wipers on and it is not raining guys it is 2016 for me I have a few hours left I'm going to get Noah right now I'm gonna celebrate it with my entire family the best possible place that I can think of to celebrate right now with my family my kids Brittany my parents my brother is to everybody that is my idea of the perfect celebration this year it's been a big year for all of us we have done a lot we've accomplished a lot of goals that we wanted to accomplish there is no part of me that wants to slow down whatsoever if I miss a vlog it's either I needed to miss a vlog or I had to mess up log it's just that that being said it is time to kick it in guys not just me all of us we got to team up this year 2016 let's talk to each other let's help each other let's turn this comment section that we have we have built together into a place where we can help each other for real like we have such a powerful community guys it's it's I think we have one of the greatest comment sections ever other than all the spam guys pls know that any spam in the comments is not me please look at the way it's spelled I have a checkmark beside my name don't fall for it do not click on any links in that comment section a little bit about I don't want to get too off-track right now I'm going to get Noah we're about to start some festivities have some fun hang out as a family and of course you're invited please the girl just getting back my mom was just saying how good of a job I did hang in the curtains you like it or you hate it I'm speechless in case you missed the vlog I had to duct tape the whole thing because it broke I just do what I got to do the party's starting pinball machines stealing the show Dale is trying to hook up I mean I can do it myself well Goldman I got it we have never ever had cable ever I know that's hard to believe we don't watch TV so for new years we've been paying apparently paying for cable for months and we've had this cable box today's the first day we've ever open it up and we're trying to install it and we've been paying for it so we might as well I mean not because as I new things I don't know we're suffering over here guys we cannot get our cable to work we can't figure it out I wouldn't do it either way we need professionals minutes oh we can't get the internet to work but I'm on fire Dale has found the internet game you know high scores oh they almost got me with the double they'd you going for high score yeah no one's got oh it's a 20 Turnitin is funny while your hair product what you do have to move alright guys it's time to pop the bottle wait in my camera all right you want all this I've only done this one time just kidding so even though it's like five degrees outside you guys like the little fire nice glasses girl alright guys it's about time for me to do what I do best I don't know what it is about these things but I love a man good clean fun it's freezing I'm not dressed for this either I gotta find all the fuses for all of these let's give them a free a pre-party launch come on Zeus yeah alright there we go we got all the fuses ready oh my gosh looks like everyone's ready for some fireworks that was just the tease guys they got you out here everybody come for and out for one firework look at my camera phone smells eggy in here we cheers in this is alcohol non alcohol non alcohol it feels like wait what non alcohol it's for the kids thirty seconds I also want to give a big THANK YOU to you guys we hit five million subscribers tonight on the vlog Channel just before the New Year's that is amazing amazing what a good milestone to hit right at New Year's got a lot of pressure on me now for 2016 like you're gonna be you got to at one minute I just come here a little Brit 41 then you do run she poison it guys this is it for him where's my boys Blair Kane come here come here come here we're gonna Noah we're all gonna Cheers no I love you buddy game cane Cheers so this is a semi-auto saga shotgun as fast as you can pull the trigger it shoots a shotgun shell dang fireworks here we go I think that's about it that's gonna wrap it up happy new year what'd you think buddy it looks crazy out here dude Lisa's not dry out I think we did it somehow this doesn't look that bad I mean consider this are you having fun what are you tired boy he's got time to catch balls this is the fiery ER I don't think I don't know what so somehow we've turned the whole night into throwing magic fire paper maybe step back back here yeah right what are we doing here he's gonna catch this okay hang on watch the little watch he's got a fart really bad has a heavy dumpling this is how you drove this year oh my gosh anybody wants bright bugs at 3:00 in the morning well just delivered I don't know how many there we go guys we got some bugs now baby look at that if you want it you guys know how these things work they sell out so fast if you want a pair of the bright bugs with the Holograms these are the full ones from a blog you guys watched a while back just order them because they do sell out quick you guys know that like last time it took 40 minutes to sell all of them so we are man I smashed my lens tonight I don't know sorry guys it always happens with it rough baby this is the aftermath the aftermath no this is this is unbelievable for having a full night that was a full it's 3:00 in the morning yeah guys it's 3:00 in the morning happy New Year to you we love you so much what's your new year's resolution like what do you want to accomplish that's a good that's a good question you guys know I was pushing you guys to do this before the New Year's but it is kind of a good day to just like it is a fresh start like no matter how much you argue it it is a fresh start so is your year yeah baby yeah baby she pointed right at me you see that mine I'm gonna tell you what mine is and this is gonna be a lot of pressure because I've kind of been slipping up but I want to I want to miss way less vlogs it really is I really want to get back you guys know I did 550 days in a row that was awesome I love doing it and now I'm looking at like how did I ever do that so I really want to get back to that I want to try to I know I'm gonna still miss this yeah I just want to feel better like mentally physically just all the crap we eat and drink I just just healthier I know if I like eat healthy I feel healthy and strong and mentally I don't I don't think you're in the dark on that one eating better is on probably 90% of everybody feeling better which is eating better and like just being active it's a good one it's a tough one too that's almost as hard as blowing I know guys we love you tell us what your resolution is for 2016 you can do it that's the cool thing I love you we love in the New Year you'll see you tomorrow smile more how communit wear your snow shoveling gear you're gonna win up
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 3,608,882
Rating: 4.9420881 out of 5
Keywords: kid friendly, best pranks, vlogs, noah atwood, roman vlogs, atwood vlogs, family vlogs, Natural Born Pranksters, youtube pranks, family fun, roman atwood vlogs, family friendly, kane atwood, pranks, roman, Roman, kid-friendly, family-friendly, Roman Atwood, roman soldiers, atwood, ohio, brittney, Atwood
Id: Due7W7dlCRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 45sec (1365 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2016
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