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what is up guys welcome to the vlog a beautiful sunny rainy stormy Dexter it's like ten minutes son ten minute storm you will see a storm in this log although it's sunny right now I was on my way to do something to pick something up and then Noah called me and he said hey do you want to go get a milkshake and I was like perfect timing let's go get a milkshake so we want to pick up my boy Noah we're going to have a little milkshake together and then I'm going to go pick up something that was sent to me all right where is he this is like his spot somewhere around here sleeps right about I don't know oh there he is Hey so dude up in how your phone got in here already but here is my dude that's my little man sleeping good out there here and it's warm out and I need a window AC our bucket and we can sit there and then we can work that out so no one I decided to make this pickup before we go get milkshakes and this is really cool you guys remember I went out to the SHOT Show in Las Vegas the big gun show there and Venus was a firearm company that made these really cool guns and I really wanted them so they've sent me some and it's taken month like this has been a big like figuring out how to get these things here and look in the front of my car like I don't want to show you this believe this look Noah how much to just lick from one side to the other 100 500 I would probably raise that type of money to see that that's disgusting let's move on did I say what did I say we would see a storm in this vlog you know it's funny because it was sunny and I said it's storming like every other every other ten minutes and there it is all right man what's up G y'all formas if you some pretty ones today oh my land v of z r5 and of course a beautiful 1911 right over here holy moly are you ready for this shoot no no this is life you are ge across like T we should have brought the canoe whoo wow you're like a rosewood yeah we have to hey let me unlock it I got like pop the trunk and everything getting this thing we're just going for doing we're getting wet we're getting wet I think I'm gonna pop the trunk and come back are you gonna help me alright ready I don't know if it's popping I don't know Christian top Singh Bedi they're really doing we're going to the trunk okay hey they go yes runway you're on the wrong way oh that was fun Ohio what are you doing I try to be sunny in like four minutes you does like so you're super super cold you know we're going a milkshake maybe we should get some hot chocolate thank you no it makes me laugh though so worth it so worth it you going vanilla yeah me too dude I can taste it I can take it like a mile off man I crazy you forget well you're about to remember I think we're going to come join you it is crazy out here you ready you ready are you look as if I cheated here we go yeah I got carried away look at the ice look at the ice you see it this hail help we made a run for her on the move you know it's funny it's like the middle of the day and it looks like it's like Knights I like you start it's just been so gloomy you built the sunshine in this it is look at okay let me show you the road real quick this is just pouring like a little river there's doing the rain challenge the rain shot who can make it the further okay since we are kind of ending our milkshake Meetup we are talking about stories and no one asked me if I passed my driver's test the first time and I did I passed it on my first attempt and I passed with a hundred percent like I did a perfect score and then she was like well go ahead and pull into our parking spot after the test right it's over I pull into our parking spot everything as well and then she docks me five points because I didn't use my turn signal to pull into the parking spot so I didn't get a perfect score it was a lot like I thought that test was over dick I didn't know but my brother Dale he took multiple attends I feel like I should call him right now yes I remember him coming home and just being crushed that he failed his driver's test I'm a sea lion call let's see if he answers they're gonna be the weirdest question yeah hey hey I got a question for you I'm blow I'm vlogging vlogging and Noah had a question he asked me if I passed my driver's test on the first try and then I and then I started thinking about your driver test did you pass you I remember you coming all really bummed I number one at the second one okay trust negligence on driver schools I went to it was their fault it was there for ten points on his steering wheel and his windshield to hug internet anyway I didn't have to talk not do it I like there you have it and I know my brother's gonna be excited that I should destroy it you guys Wow this vlog should be the car ride floor he's like the whole things in the car last minute Noah gets to stay with Daddy tonight I'm so excited right now it was just supposed to be a milkshake Meetup and then he gets to stay with Daddy Oh actually I just keep yours nice to me in all would you don't sleep outside at night we are just moments away from possible sunshine hey you guys stand dry up here huh you see him knock knock knock knock who's here who's in my house me real quick I can show you something come here come here low rabbit come here hey you know what'd be cool tonight is it me and you had fun play games with your not I mean yeah that'd be cool we had somebody yeah just more than me and you she has included no I got to come on that now you do the hog this is like clip everything I had planned today revolves around this stinking nasty weather and it's just not clearing up hopefully soon it will was just raining what is going on in here oh do you have enough so what are you guys thinking Friday game night tonight whoa is that all you got yeah I'm probably something wrong oh I love that such a nice massage well are you ready are you prepared now what times this all start Oh one Brittney's um hour but yours baby showers tomorrow for the baby it's Bridget Keene new diapers because you do you've been wearing the same one for like three years it's fall so I saw these chairs in the guards garage is like bullet chairs and all kinds of stuff no idea what I mean like they haven't told me anything so you don't know what's happening that doesn't help that's the only thing so you just know that there's a baby shower for you but you don't know what is going to happen they didn't tell you about the elephant that we're going to be here it's nice family thing for the baby diaper party whatever right like immediate and Brittany brought me tacos oh look at my little helpers look at my little helpers the Easter Bunny basket pastel cooler I love it oh no Chantell looks white on camera really yes actually taking umbrella today ah it's a best time to sell umbrellas during a storm you can go down on High Street is a ton brother salesman today and he'll and I was like I can't run the car too boring you got a game I don't think that's one side oh good work kiddo there's been crappy today at all be cool plan maybe tomorrow maybe tomorrow the day's like empty and it's so heavy alright so Jenny kind of took a poop on us weather-wise and mean the kids really want to play some games tonight so we thought we'd do something right now and show you guys something that I don't think ever been seen and also not a part of our vlog yet has it happened before we started vlogging which is Britney's first pregnancy with King this little month we weren't filming at all yet I was filming for YouTube but I wasn't blogging so in this wasn't documented on video I don't think at all so we're going to show you some pictures of her first baby shower this is probably more for the mushy mushy viewership the real the real atwood family stuff right here so what you got what you got here's britt uh what they were measuring your belly yeah so you take like yarn and everyone gets how big I am which I hope not to do tomorrow is that is the curry is a picture of my mom with Conrad okay you guys not big Conrad is now check this out that is my mom and that is kleiner it dude it's totally Conrad what is we even getting it a little book or something little little toy rattle can you remember that rattle he doesn't believe me you don't believe me that you in mommy's belly you know you do we had this whole argument off-camera that took him inside that that's you did you right there not that watermelon basket so this gift Jessa's mom got me and I remember thinking I would never get that because it was $50 just so expensive I'm so shocked and then she got it and she got it froggy bought pants that was my favors no yeah me neither a boss baby right there look at I'm coming to take over the world dun dun dun so there you have it guys a little fun look back a little memory to put inside the vlogs because we didn't vlog it it was before our vlogging time we did start shortly after I think we started when Kane was about 1/3 oh it was done was walking so we start walking it Wow third birthday I think oh I feel like we started vlogging way before that we started what when we start vlogging when we start vlogging that's it I feel like Cain was like 2 or maybe he's 5 now I said he was almost 3 yeah but we were wrong in 4 easily 3 years so yeah it would be like to argue started vlogging on August 13 2013 Cain was born on October 23rd now 2011 yeah you were right I was dry like a little Noah I know crazy memory all this parts Alaric's okay this is the first log and look watch this he's peeing behind you okay so this is what you got today right yeah and I didn't get that like I want to do a bunch of cool I had this idea today but we required sunshine so we'll do it we'll do it soon but these are the veena mp5 basically is there it is well that is killed it cute that's cute I laid I think it's cute oh wow I cannot wait you guys know I have a lot of gum and we do a lot of things with them but this one excited this is like something I've always wanted this is a real lady for me yeah but here's my question to you got you you've done you gun got it right or gal is it illegal for me to shoulder mount shoot this gun this is that illegal to shoot everybody says I have to just cheek it going cheap oh my god I would never hold that's my face like that it doesn't it's not like come on a shot well it's just so much white you don't even feel it so what do you mean it legal like you could get arrested if you shoot it from your shoulder you know I don't know it just start in the barrel length and everything it's it's a weird it's a weird thing so I'm pretty sure this why shoot this gun at my house like this it's even legal this is even legal I just want I just want to go outside right now papa pop a few caps in that mountain so yeah guys these are you know huge out Venus first of all because this took a long time this is like money you guys know when I went to the shot show it's been a long time and they just came today so they did a lot to get me these guys and these are like just on top of my gun collection these are right there so I'm just so excited about them and I really hope to just go out playing around and set up some targets and some fruits or something and really just test these guys out that didn't get to happen today but it's going to happen always gonna happen yeah that's that and I need that I need to figure out all the all the lulls on that gun with that stock so that's a real thing it's crazy but it's true so I want to make sure I'm good on that I need you get hungry while I was over there Apple isn't hot change just attack the bagel bag are you ready for game night uh-oh that's not good that's not good you yep you're out so as promised to the kids we're going to play some games tonight that's been the whole goal all day is how do we get the placing game already so late I really got a hold of us and that's our vlog guys thanks so much for hanging out the last four have been twenty minutes long so I hope you have been liking that and enjoying that today's been a very weird vlog um definitely I don't thinks 20 minutes at all but it's been very laid-back and more just deeper than a deeper floor whatever that I love you guys so much can't wait for this baby a long your manly yes I consider a bee a little game so we love you guys thank you thank you for everything we will see you tomorrow you're beautiful you're one of a kind say it with me smile Mon whoa you
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 4,047,598
Rating: 4.9339991 out of 5
Keywords: Roman Atwood, Roman, Atwood, roman atwood vlogs, family vlogs, roman vlogs, atwood vlogs, noah atwood, kane atwood, brittney, roman soldiers, kid-friendly, kid friendly, family-friendly, family friendly, family fun, Vlogs2017, vlog, vlogs, vlogger, vlogging, day, daily, Everyday, Smile more, Roman atwoods, House, Home, Kids, Noah, Kane, donkey, Empire, flash, Husky, Dog, Girlfriend, Britt
Id: oCUd7cbgmqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2017
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