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welcome to the blog guys hope you're having a great day we're just getting our day started actually look at this look at me he's like no there's one there's one there it is how you feeling Zeus last night in the middle of the night Zeus threw up this giant pile into our closet of our bedroom it's really nice you buddy so Oh can't let them out are we doing the fence this I don't know if you guys can see it but these guys are putting in a whole new fence that's gonna run up into these woods our donkey comes in what two days it just so happens that the donkeys coming on Britney's birthday so they're finishing this fence out so the donkey can't get out why see yeah that's gonna be done it's gonna be weird seeing a fence back here too but we can't have a random donkey walking around the neighborhood so he doesn't own it flash do you want the donkey oh is that a yes or no I have no idea anyways we're getting ready to walk out the door I need to getting a lot of requests to actually do my hair instead of wearing a hat all the time I started wearing a hat when I got my head shaved on tour almost ever since then I wear a hat it's just a habit now I just put on that and then I've fallen in love with the Hat because I don't have to do my hair it takes so much time to do this hair and then and then if I don't wash it out every single night it gets on my pillow and then I get pimples and zits all over my face and I can already fight with that anyway this hair or hat today hair or hat today ah ah come on camera focus baby focus you can do this oh it's focused right there this is the worst man when you're trying to leave the house you gotta be somewhere but you can't find something right now it's my wallet I've searched everywhere I cannot find my wallet nobody can find it everybody's help me look for it you haven't will help me Lyde everybody bikinis help me look for it Zeus where's my wallet buddy huh do you know where my wallet is there know where my tennis ball is see the keys or the wallets that get me every time I can't just put things in the same place every single day I can't it's really bad right here so I was like farts oh it's these old flowers okay Adam dog food and flowers on the counter it's gotta be it oh I can see me two of me I'm not gonna lie you look like a wild cat Wow Wow leaving the house without my wallet I feel like like I'm missing something major I think we're gonna pick it up huh think you found it hmm I don't think you know where my wallet is you got my wallet I knew my wallet she's shopping yeah I went shopping mom wasn't shopping yesterday yesterday's vlog already as you know went up either didn't go up or it went up really late because every time I go to post it I get this crazy error code I cannot post the vlog and it's the worst feeling when you guys are tweeting me where's the fog where's the vlog where's the vlog and I'm genuinely trying to post it but I can't it's not in my hands it's really scary that my whole career is in another company's hands and that is freaky and that's why you got to build things outside of YouTube you have to always think about the future that being said I'm sure it's up by now and I'm sure you've seen it but if you did it yesterday's vlog or maybe there's Tootie I don't know we're out and about Britney is going to we're doing something weird today you're gonna hit the grocery store fruits veggies good stuff Cain and I mommy's birthday is in two days one day as the blogs going up so kina are gonna run out and maybe get mommy some look at this face right here this is this is Brittany losing the sugar battle I may beat you at the actually already did yeah ice cream yesterday the whole way up here she's like can we just stop so I'm working I'm like I can't really eat anything at restaurants see cane in our set like we're didn't we know what having a dinner tonight we're having people come over for dinner tonight and you're like you're losing it hey good food only good food only hey by the way happy Valentine's Day we'll see in a minute it's just me and you you better get in your seat since it's Britney's birthday in two days one day if yeah from the vlog yeah she's getting grocery stuff and done the real fun so she's doing the fun stuff we're gonna go look for a little birthday gift but we can't vlog it she would know where we went so there is one place we can go on the vlog if you want to wear it backwards you can wear it backwards I'm all about it you goofball dude and you go let me see this is the best part of my life right here those are Legos that is cool we need lego people in our house you know daddy's been in that fountain before I did a front flip into it I did I swear you go make a wish wait are you listen these are serious wishes man these are serious wishes a magical dragon shows up at our house tomorrow you really mad you get some good stuff mommy so sweet guy was behind me in line and like I got a lot me only like two things my last thing up there was canes flowers and he's like oh you shouldn't have to buy those for yourself hey no one got a couple people coming over for dinner tonight and you know kind of sitting in half traffic this is Ohio traffic like this is as bad about as it gets there's other lanes that we could you could jump into a different land if you really wanted to go home gotta get aggressive on these roads girl you watching yesterday's vlog okay so we're back home and I kind of feel bad because I got my candy man here what's up buddy how you doing very good but I feel bad because I I'm at my 8 days no sugar so candy kind of kind of comes in - well I got you something would you would you get got you this right here but this is also this is a package this is not only for you this is also for the bosses so no boss not some grapes cards this is this is how bad it is it's a Christmas card what I swear you bet my kept telling you I was like I got the Christmas card then whoa this is like look at that all right I know he's still killing it right he's still killing it too much too much country got King 50.50 Hot Wheels car that's like 50 burgers from McDonald's that's like what else is that's like 50 crop you can get 50 what else what is this a dollar you could buy 50 things from the dollar store dude you don't understand money yes wait this is Keynes money Keynes money he's had six dollars now he has 56 dude okay what is it dude are you kidding me right now do you need a break purposely brought a bag of sugar this is good for you come on dude come on oh it's hard on me I'm gonna make you eat this whole bag for that that's a good stuff at night what's up buddy we are about to feast on some homemade check this out hi Veronica Britt is home making some serious wings these are all what is all this well I can show you I can show you it's a mix of all natural stuff black peppers and pepper Iike oregano Himalayan salt garlic powder real chicken nothing added to it it's real and it's really gross looking country filled the bag now coin you gotta wear this this is for you this baby ow you nailed it and it's you know what it's never been right since the ball pit prank we had we had to take this door off for the ball pit prank to get the bags in I didn't sound good no it's good oh jeez alright some flash paper to my face but let me fix your door first oh you took the whole thing on let me correct you it hasn't been right since little Dale busted through your metal screen door that's true he walked right through my screen he was the beginning through it to look at this my mouth is watering take a voyage how you gonna do this um wait is it dry is it ready I don't know I'd hate to catch your carpet on fire I'll be alright throw it on the tile what you know if that was like the most flammable carpet ever know there's nothing there let's cover your floor with paper first and then we'll throw Oh about idea oh my gosh camera fogged up case you guys want a hot sauce that has a only natural stuff in you know ten out of ten on the wings seriously good what do you think of the wings I should give 11 out of 10 country good Dale food's ready come eat your food come on put your toys away come eat you asked for this no wait it's gonna go where I got to get my muscle memory right alright flash paper uh-huh we got Nerf dart Megan nerve is put them together make a nerf flash paper Dart oh here's our attempt at the Nerf dart flamethrower lamp that's the wick again well I didn't shoot it it's solid it's gold to shoot me in the chest dude I'll do it yes hear me out a mini cardboard village at the end where the darts gonna land and burn the village down I am all about that okay I'm gonna try to shoot this in slow-mo too what mission flaming nerf gonna shoot the dart to test it no guys we know this is bulletproof but is it yeah I'm pretty sure that nylon is flameproof kids do not try this at home already ready someone's gonna count it down it burnt the dart yeah it'll still shoot try to shoot it let's try to shoot it oh we ran out of the big nerf grudge - Dale got something smallest gun he could find my god that's a mosquito shooter huh what's it called and minibike the oh yeah bed four little monsters everybody's leaving we've had our fun hey you have fun tonight little man that was a lot of fun okay so it's just about the in the vlog and I was like crap I didn't do my push-ups so I'm gonna stick to this I'm gonna do it today is 16 we've added one each day we started at 10 tomorrow will be 17 and then 18 and I hope you guys will join me in doing this so here we go yesterday I fast forwarded through this because I thought it was really freaking boring for you guys and then I saw tons of comments is like please don't fast forward it because we do it with you so I'm not gonna fast for it today if you want to skip it skip past it if you want to do it with me here we go alright ready set go 1 2 6 7 we're halfway there 13 14 15 16 where are you at the whole thing is Zeus plowing his tennis ball haha if you're doing the push-ups with us good job I know we're only at 16 but it's adding up quick we were just only at 10 soon we're gonna be in the and it's gonna actually start getting really difficult so now I'm gonna end the vlog guys thank you so much for hanging out with us today thank you for being here being a part of this family we will see you tomorrow in fact a lot is going on to my holy smokes I am gonna you know what I'm not even gonna say anything because sometimes things fall through and then I look like an idiot so we love you you're beautiful you're one of a kind smile more you
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 3,210,761
Rating: 4.9538589 out of 5
Keywords: family-friendly, youtube pranks, vlogger, everyday, ohio, toy, home, Vlogs2017, kid friendly, vlog, atwood vlogs, pranks, roman soldiers, backyard, roman atwood vlogs, roman vlogs, Natural Born Pranksters, daily, Roman Atwood, toys, brittney, family vlogs, noah, kids, Atwood, vlogging, kane, darts, Roman, family fun, best pranks, best, roman atwoods, family friendly, noah atwood, Nerf, kane atwood, kid-friendly, day, house
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2017
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