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oh my god welcome welcome to the madhouse welcome to the vlog guys we've had this crazy little rap thing so on I have today I have an idea sambhar what's up bud okay so you know how you put the hose on this thing here take this for a second I have this idea what is yeah I know okay so you put the hose into here right and then all the water sprays out but what if we pre filled this with dishsoap oh is okay oh yeah oh you guys are about that looking slide with a lifetime you got you in goose yeah oh no it's coming out the top oh yeah no it's working it's going all the way down in there you ready Kayne you look look look look look look look look look you look so fit the bubble that it bounces off the bubble oh bit yeah it's bouncing off bubble bounced pass through this end it's so slick I can't can't get grip okay it's coming on is it's gonna be a soapy mess hopefully it works I think it has to right I know oh there goes see the water coming out gonna hit you boys gonna hit you oh that is awesome it's so woeful then it's working awesome Lila that's using the old brain woody gonna Victrix the cleaning process [Music] see you guys oh my god here use my shirt your shirt [Music] [Music] um one the awesome what you got going on over here buddy what do you got is that a pig what is this don't touch don't get don't take my face go hey go get it I swear it's like a little zoo over here a little zoo so hope you guys are having an awesome day it's kind of laid back today how about wearing these kids out man you got you've got to wear these kids out it's like gland nap fun but meanwhile I'm thinking you're going to sleep tonight it's like a win-win for everybody but at the end of the day you kind of where the kids out man it's like they just it's like anything else just get into craziness if they're too high I want to come out and talk about the school bus because you guys have been sending so many ideas for this bus and there's it's really endless it's almost endless things we can do but a lot of you guys are giving me ideas to destroy the bus I don't want to destroy it I want to like turn it into something like something like super duper cool and I have one idea that I don't think ever been done and that's the goal right now but I don't want to destroy it so don't think about destroying the bus you guys know I say that and I'm going to be the first person destroy it by accident but that's not my goal just like that looks like it's about to rain again if you watch yesterday's vol you guys saw the semi trucks that brought in the production trailers and now I'm not going to go all the way out but look these guys are out here now there's another semi-truck in their building like almost like they're just building stuff I'll show you soon give I can do a handstand and tell you guys there's just so much going on oh hey what's up I love you too I'm so glad you said that yeah I'm so glad you said that how much do you love me oh my gosh you have no idea you just really have no idea put together yeah it's my birthday it's my birthday weekend so I have to build anything I don't have to but I will for you cuz I love you what do you need bill you can start with that and then I just start with that guys we have so many weird things that need built and I'm really bad at that stuff you guys know that you definitely know that she's got like her rocking-chair for baby that came that needs bill we got this little wagon cart for the quad for the dog key stuff this is all kinds of weird stuff for when he wants to just be outside yeah so when you think you can get to that this is 1/2 it's like a little trailer where you want you just drag it with a rope there we go let it try to bolt together is that sprinkles yeah oh I could I could maybe just have to do this later you can put it in the flour sir last night get great away oh it's nice let's not get carried away way too many people mmm 14 and a half hours later I got one side of this thing built it's the first time ever that I might build some that I may be better than the object and so if this thing breaks there's not because of my duel I want everybody know that it's not because of me maybe a little maybe it's a little me piece of cake Liza I need help building this I need your help can you help me Liza you can okay I'm going to show you what to do come here finally someone knows what they're doing okay I need this you think you can lift that up you gotta need both hands you're gonna need two hands put it put the cheez-its down you yes okay can you put that you got it it's heavy can you put it all the way up here you got it you are tough girl I mean what's the call yeah I have a feeling our little girl's gonna be more manly than my boys she does can you grab both of them there's two black ones okay now those have to go in these holes I'm not doing anything anymore like you're doing this whole thing yeah there's one and then this one yeah yeah I just need to leave in there and facial imaging you are awesome good job little hand on her hip is like another 20 20 22 hours later still here no jeez Philippe process has got that rear paws e-track rear ampere ultimate traction control screw these little guys in here I'm sure they won't fall out almost positive they long alright guys so I just about got the trailer bill it's been about what 19 total hours 1920 1921 it on no sleep here we got the trailer almost built and I just came up with uh let me get this thing in focus I was live streaming now I'm in livestream mode today in between the last taking the fake I did a full livestream hopefully some of you saw it but I get into livestream mode where I just don't cut the camera it's like it's like a weird difference between vlogging and livestream anyways while I was live streaming I said look at this trailer look at the tires it's set for offroad right going it's made to go off-road so let's hook it to the quad and pull it through the mud hole to swamp the road means to go I'm like off the road not like fusion water well yeah but it's a good idea right what are you doing he's a rock eater you a rock eater boy maybe it's not a rock into oh my gosh no I wouldn't put your face in his mouth Oh was a rock flash is like see that's why I just staying here I don't I don't I don't participate in that rocky and concept that's where we're at this boring awful trailer bill has now turned into a really bad idea yes dad I didn't spell it wrong G ad GAD is bad good bad idea and even that's bad that's it off-road buggy trailer go right through that mud hole with what are you gonna put in the bottom of it for the kids to sit on won't think they're good yeah water's gonna be able to flow so he's gonna go right back all right now there's how you mount a trailer to a four-wheeler will flat-head screwdriver and some rope I think you go nowhere before you laugh at me this is the pin that came with it he's tiny it doesn't even fit through the hole are you ready to go through you're down you're not backing out I see if I can get any better place you ready I know you're ready hey where you guys that you guys coming let's go let's go well you don't flash you always up to something you always thought you want some water what's the water is it yes some water guessing you're wasting it take my water take my water not watch you don't you want it that's it there you go good boy my mom and dad just Kel your hand come on buddy so I'm kind of going down so we're gonna we're gonna do this quick hey mama hi round I didn't wanting to interrupt you guys but I want to say hi no really oh my gosh thank you yeah this little dudes a champ call is the only one willing to go through the hole of death all aboard ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum it's the mud hole all right final decision boys who's going into the hole with Daddy good news it looks like it's only about ten foot deep right now so we should be able to skim the top okay you guys want me to put the hot dog on there you'll go through mm-hmm a speedo teamwork makes the dream work get back up get back up it's so beautiful out guys it got so close not a cloud in the sky wait there's one wanting to get wet on the hot dogs so I would hop on that calling you're still trailing it boy I don't know why is this thing on my videos it should have like a banjo playing in the back all these skinny boys no t-shirts and a hot dog you know in a muddy lake trashy pies the swamp right now it's a swamp you're gonna see the evolution panda guys [Laughter] their dollars up funny thing of everything you can't even see toes I call it was logging it on water look we're gonna look at gold okay good luck boys hey buddy boy smash you right there you know it Roch siffredi ready grouch are you ready he's backing up there you ready huh you take a ride there's no way oh you bailed on us email are you gonna get on come on huh [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] I smelled it coming I just didn't ring him out they're not even wet ha ha ha ha oh my gosh why can't we fly over here without me falling here it looks like flashes about foot push person in this was one having it it wasn't happening he gets in there all the time I won't get in with me like it's like a wet like I am I got to it I got the worst end of it luckily I don't have my phone in my heart I just want a ride look at him he's getting he's inching closer and closer he wants to get in there he wants to be a human leave a kick off the team and of course it disappears completely can you better hold on boy often shower for me my hair's dry on sisters off in the garage Oh can't walk on the new carpet like that well no it felt so warm exhaust soaked not for me this oh look like so fun look at there's so many it so looks good Taylor's own like oh come on all the girls are home this is still the exact hat I lost in Hawaii this is Daisy I've had it for so long hey guys I'm going to take over my dad's camera and I don't know just the core longer they hide to me yeah what do you want me to do with it just write it I was at the mall all cleaned up feeling better mom and dad are over here just playing games canes on some battleground pinball over here who's winning know what Noah wedge cane Maya he's made it to number six alive dude they have to come to the zone he's tiny zombies on the edge of a cliff we're all just surrounding him like how did you make it this far if you guys play this game and you know what this zone looks like look how tiny the zone is on the edge of this cliff what a good spot to be in though for left came two of them are you for alive for a lot buddy it's my hardened soundings good he just killed a guy running up the legends oh you're out of his own no don't don't run okay this is the end the range shutting completely no more white ring those please out of the ring they're already starting to house yeah okay no more ring that's okay get ready to use your medic kind oh you want winner winner chicken dinner look at that good believe it if I had to hate it oh hey look look Kane hey dude don't be bashful you got number one look at that that's so hard to do we've been watching him for 30 minutes or so I am not only won twice myself total there's a good chance that you're playing this game you could actually lose tilt I'm sure I got so excited that Kane won I forgot I had this dad hat on I'm up on my man out we are going to end the vlog guys um can't I can't believe you just did that like legit and it's not like he was working you two we're like you guys were talking he doesn't talk to those he's playing playing just him in Conrad running around any medic a guy at the end and I think he was the last guy with cane left which is pretty cool anyways that's our vlog for today guys thank you so much for hanging them out being a part of this crazy little family and just watching every day it's crazy we love you you're beautiful you're one of a kind smile [Music] you
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 6,436,333
Rating: 4.9339819 out of 5
Keywords: Roman Atwood, Roman, Atwood, roman atwood vlogs, family vlogs, roman vlogs, atwood vlogs, noah atwood, kane atwood, brittney, roman soldiers, kid-friendly, kid friendly, family-friendly, family friendly, family fun, Vlogs2017, vlog, vlogs, vlogger, vlogging, day, daily, Everyday, Smile more, Roman atwoods, House, Home, Kids, Noah, Kane, donkey, Empire, flash, Husky, Dog, Girlfriend, Britt, pit, mud, run, quad, atv, 4wheeler, pull
Id: t1tbPrgEFsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 12sec (1032 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2017
Reddit Comments

Wow I'm impressed, the best I've done is #3 twice.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/xMcNerdx 📅︎︎ May 29 2017 🗫︎ replies

That is adorable

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/absurdentropy 📅︎︎ May 29 2017 🗫︎ replies

Where does it start

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/scost711 📅︎︎ May 30 2017 🗫︎ replies
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