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hey hey hey hey hey guys hey hey trying to wake up I'm trying to wake up I'm really asleep right now I'm actually completely sleepwalking we'll get this nastiness but what's up guys welcome welcome today is a very big weird strange day good morning body Kane and I are still asleep I swear Britney's the only one awake she's killing coffee and anyway today's a big day Britney is going to finally go do her hair you're getting your hair done is it are you getting color what blonde you're going blonde you're not going blonde oh my gosh you don't look like a ship rag but not only is Britney going to get her hair done I am going to get the lizard shaved into my hand I am nervous about that I have no idea what to expect Kane I won't put a lizard in my head smell crazy or what just in case I put a vlog camera in your purse you're all set to vlog I'm gonna vlog we are going to make this day extra long for you because yesterday we didn't upload a video all right so let's do it for them let's do it for them the shower wake up for you guys get lit the get pump get pumped with me I'm sure so you feeling like me right now now what am I gonna do what am I gonna do is that him puking my legs out no no no you can't eat him how am I gonna make you breakfast ah Mina's dinosaur on the planet and he's so cute and blue he's so cute oh he pets the camera he pets the camera he doesn't mean it though he wants to eat you guys you need help get it get out of that nasty rain come on Kings please pretty evil little blue dinosaur in here so beware yeah Cain how long should we leave this dummy up here should we take him down yeah okay we're gonna take him down today so believe it or not a lot of you guys asked me how it you guys know I've been starting to drink coffee like I never I used to like would have a coffee somewhere throughout the month or the year I would have a coffee or something but I've recently just started drinking I mean some of you guys best how do you make your coffee because I always say there's hardly any coffee in it so I'm gonna show you this is something I've done for a long time I showed you in the blogs probably year or two ago I use hot chocolate it doesn't matter what kind this is double cocoa hot chocolate so it's like super super chocolate and I just pour it in a cup probably way too much put the hot chocolate in a cup maybe a little more or less doesn't matter it all tastes the same not fill it up look look look look oh there's that little fight face you got oh he's happy he's a happy little bird huh I think he wants to fight me I think he wants to anyone good yeah I thought it was I thought everything was good everything is good uh uh Cana I thought we worked it we did all right he distracted me now my cups completely full and then I usually put a little splash of milk in here but I'm kind of running out of space watch watch the milk ready it's like magic see how awesomely boring that was yeah and there you have it guys hot chocolate coffee and milk that's pretty much how I drink it's delicious really good after a big snowy day how about some sausage daddy would you like some sausage well you don't like my dummy you want me to take him down we were just talking about we were gonna take him down today so many rules cain't Kane and I eat our sausage with syrup and mom all just said she's never heard of that yeah maybe in the 1800's mothers every city out there eats their meat with syrup I do it with my bacon with my sausage no it turns it into candy so when I leave in 10 minutes to go do my stuff you're gonna be stuck with our fruit Jane you'll be good for Mama right no I mean big hug love you dinosaur living in your house hey give me five that was weak come on come on I love you I'll see you soon okay I miss my boy there's my little city Columbus Ohio guys covered in clouds as usual coming downtown real quick to do a bunch of paperwork crap I'm not gonna put it in the vlog but uh afterwards I'm going to do the lizard guys I'm doing it I'm cutting the lizard into my head I figured it's a good time Brittany and I are going to New York City tomorrow for streamcon excited for that and I just thought it'd be a good time to be fun be something fun to do so I can't wait to see Kane's face this is right where I shot a lot of my videos I did for the homeless where I was like change would be falling out of my shirts and just fun jackpot videos that we did right here on these streets right here did film I did do a lot of blogging so I'm going to show you that now here is a little bit of yesterday if you need a new mop or hat I know what they're gonna say but I don't like them ups you get hey hey guys what is up welcome to our house today it is a madhouse and I mean madhouse I mean everyone's mad at each other like create I create a company called smile more and everyone's yelling sounds like a movie she likes old-fashioned mechanics she wants to do it herself hey I got a toothbrush in there we can just do the floor with that sink and you can spend all night knowing these little tiny cries we're trying to help relax okay there's a lot to do guys we are you got it dude look Kane's got it you see what do you feed again hold on Oh for a split second we had yeah we should print out a cane face and just stick it on there everybody was spinning right look I'm gonna start fresh with this ball right now you guys want raw this is as wrong as it gets this is our real life a very very chaotic day and I would be lying to you guys if I didn't tell you that we're getting a very late start I don't know what to say like some days are hot some days they're not we just are doing a bunch of crap getting ready to leave we you guys know we have to go to New York on Thursday I just had this giant dumpster delivered because we're about to do a lot of cleaning and I definitely got the wrong size because that would hold everything that I own there you go you got it perfect straighten out straighten out straighten out keep going Gaines driving us if you guys decide to start a business or you open a business one day you're gonna learn that you accumulate a lot of friggin trash a lot of it so that's why I got this giant dumpster in my yard and it is official clean-up day man I got so much to throw this is the fun part so that's a little bit about what yesterday was like it was it was chaotic it was just business man I was cleaning working on the store working just things I don't want to put on camera some days I just get in this mood where I'm like high quality I'm gonna put up some quality not quantity and I don't know it's just me making excuses guys I apologize I'm gonna make it up today we're gonna do an extra long blog for you I also sent Brittany with her own camera today so let's see what she's up to and then it's lizard time hey guys I just made it to the hair place um it's so nasty rainy out you're just gonna get this taken care of it's kind of a kind of a wreck I sent a tweet out for purple or blonde and the purple went crazy so I have to get some purple put it in there for you guys she knows purple right oh yeah blonde yes and some black fur oh I'm excited I think you have been wanting me to do this long that I've been wanted it frickin mouse on your it's a windscreen everybody asked me what's a little foot preacher man you wanna you could cut it out your hairs all right so here we go guys we're doing the lizard do I have enough hair oh yeah yeah they got ornery you live you're in heaven right now how long is the lizard tape minutes should I dye it like after I'm done no I think I'll stand out stand out anyway oh whoa that's my head that's your head hi just freaking did it guys I did it it's hard let me see if I can show you I might need Brittany to fill it but check it out he did an excellent job I mean it is what it is it's a lizard on my head you know he's gonna love this my kids I bet Kane flips like how cool I can't look with this haircut it only lasts like two days three days max my hair starts growing up I am so happy that I went through with this haircut not just because I lost a bet to you guys if you've been watching this channel for over two years then you know I've been talking about doing this but I needed that extra push to do it and I'm glad I did because this is really Who I am I like to be different I like to stand out I like to make people look I like I don't want to be the same guy that comes out of a manufactured human that just comes same haircut same jeans same like I like to look a little different I think if you've gotten anything from this channel it is to be different it is to be you like don't be them be you and I always you know I fight pretty tough to be my son it's hard you know there's so many influences nowadays there's so many there's so many cool people that you want to try to imitate or there's so many you know there's so many reasons to want to be somebody else but at the end of the day you are amazing and wanna be you so I always want you to watch these vlogs and leave with one thing and that is that you can do it you really can I promise you but yeah there is always risk in it and if you fail you're not failing you just learning how not to do it you keep going no matter what I promise you'll do it all this because of my haircut gosh I'm sorry I just started venting on her but now I want you guys to take away something from these vlogs I want you to take something you watched me every day if you watch me every day I want I want it to be beneficial I want you to feel good and know that you're better than the person you're trying to be just be you telling you man it's hard to be you understand it is it's hard I couldn't be you so that's it let's let's continue the vlog it's sorry for the vent but I hope that you guys take something from it I really do like I'm not on here to bring you guys down ever or you know it's always to lift you I hope you feel great after you watch these logs and if you don't I'm working on it I'm still I'm a work in progress baby I'm always trying better to create better for you listen to me okay everyone I just got home mom oh you like my hair yes I do did you miss me oh okay so my grandma's just got a call from my aunt which is duck and she was in a car accident so we're gonna go make sure she's okay and go pick her up I guess her car's totaled so okay I gotta get Kane dressed we're gonna go um get my aunt hopefully she's okay we were on our way to the clerks and they amulets picked her up and it's taking her to the hospital she said she's okay but they're just gonna check everything out and make sure she is okay so I'm taking Kane a meeting Roman dropping Kane off with him mean grandmas gonna go in and pick her up and then probably go and see about her car yes she's gonna need to get some stuff out of it sorry guys a little scatterbrained right now unless you everything's what's going on I don't know okay we just made it hey grandma right here hopefully names it okay it feels like it took forever to get here so let's go see if we can find her yeah you really love it yeah you want to do it no I think you would look ten times cooler than me yeah you would steal the show with the Terra Cotta steal the show with that shirt that's for sure just I just went and actually met Brittany picked up cane Rhonda duck in the vlogs um got into a car accident and I believe everything's fine Brittany's born at the hospital with Grandma moan now I think it's more of a checkup than an emergency so we're gonna find out what's going on but I brought Cain home didn't wanted one of the hospital so can i our home and we're we're gonna hang out until bringing gets better I hear an update he was gonna you were gonna give me that weren't you he tried to surprise me he was gonna spray me a silly string ah it honestly looks so crit cane look at it outside it's like sunny and rainy so we are just going to hang out yeah I know wait okay no more look at me it looks like swamp day I think it's out oh yes dirty town how are you okay so they're gonna take her back fur and that come back x-ray just make sure nothing's fracture or anything she's already and quite a bit of pain but you're okay right I'm okay I think you scared everyone okay oh really okay so she just left to go get x-rays we're just gonna wait for her gessie we just have to wait until they come back hopefully everything's okay and we can take her to she wants to go see your car and get some stuff out of this we're gonna go look at that I'm bored we're just waiting on these x-rays Graham I made you balloon they can't wait they give you medicine right now okay so the verdict is most likely just whiplash on the neck her next really really stiff x-rays came that good no broken fractured no crazy bones so all good so we're gonna take our home friends here to get her stuff out of the car that she needs and take her home and get pictures of my car insurance pictures of her car it's really even Rhonda's walking out we are she's gonna get a prescription we're gonna take her home and try and go look at her car hopefully it's light enough we can see it and she's Jessie it oh man okay okay so this place is closed we don't see your car here and no one's here so we're trying to call and see you make sure it got here and if we can get something out of it okay they are dropping me off grandma's gonna take aunt back home and probably go to bed alright some mommy just got home not just in that thing how she's good she's just really sore so what a better car is pretty damaged is it destroy it as a toy or what I think so I think so but the airbag didn't go off oh so I'm banging into faulty airbag and they're gonna do it anyway well they total like everything nowadays like add a door they're like totaled especially if it's an older car yeah yeah I see that I can see a little purple in there purple purple this kid is so every time I film you can you a different outfit on he just runs and changes everything alright it's that fun time again red or black no we got red red or black let's do red we got a pack we're gonna just share bag right I'm gonna hop in take a ride ready you'll be like this he's got one sock on no he's this is like his third or fourth outfit since we got home well I don't think this is an outfit yeah dude you're so awesome Oh everywhere okay we got a pack we got a pack take it like it's hot no it's just blowing crap everywhere that is shattering is it just it yucky you guys want some food real quick yup look at that that's a yes face right is it here we go you guys ready watch them boom look at them they're so fast what do you think of that cane you want to get in there and eat with them all right hold on is it book time it's at night night time what are you doing what you're in all right guys straight up it is packing time we have to pack clothes underwear poopy butts all right you guys say goodbye we gotta go bye bye we got a pack and do our duties guys we are leaving for New York City tomorrow I hope to see you there will be a streamcon and that's it for today I hope you guys had a wonderful day look at that not every page is like that is it anyways guys we do got a run get some work done we should be completely back on track starting well today but tomorrow for us we'll see you guys tomorrow remember be you you're awesome smaller need a hoodie and pants pants and a hoodie I had to tape his arms on I didn't realize if the arms are straight up they don't stay on they actually unhook so to tape his arms on because I'm gonna show ya
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 7,661,069
Rating: 4.9281707 out of 5
Keywords: Natural, THE, vlogs, roman atwood vlogs, family fun, family friendly, atwood, pranks, Prankster, roman, craziest, day, daily, prank, vlogging, vlog, vlogger, pranking, GREATEST, crazy, kid friendly, family-friendly, BEST, ohio, kid-friendly, movie, LA, making, columbus, family vlogs, Romans, RomanAtwood, more, prankster, smile, everyday, Born, new
Id: W2aUIe9a-eM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 5sec (1565 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2015
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