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let me see it whoa he did an unbelievable job no wow in Rupp the ears around the wrists and everything Kagura how do you feel I've never I woke up with the biggest smile on my yes happy yeah I feel like an absolute zombie right now Lucy what time did you get done with that tattoo just took us all night man you were like you text me like two sup in the morning and said I'm done DJ's like let's go let's go he's a walking DJ's when we call him DJ look haha I am gonna miss Toronto guys we have had a wonderful time you're absolutely perfect time Bob Lowe my man you ready get out of here man good merica I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready Pablo Berger welcome here we go guys we are out of here Britney actually left back home this morning at like 9 a.m. or something so she's already out of country good morning my man Britney flew home back to the family today I'm extremely excited for her to get home and the hug the boys and the dogs and just we're packing up and now the Toronto like I said we are heading to Orlando Florida today for we don't have a show tonight do it it's a lot tomorrow night Orlando by the time you're watching this it's tonight so let's do it there we go guys we're out of here thank you sir but so much check out these rocks over here what is this like rock people that's pretty cool it's this one it is our big rock people we're leaving guys Thank You Toronto and for everybody's Hospitality's I am I'm gonna miss this place man I really am no doubt in my mind I will be back like I had so much fun here and I didn't get to do enough there's just so much to do but let's go Orlando baby Florida back to the States no rollerblading they don't allow okay hey you got it security sir it's just police's after 7lc you're not telling me to stop give me five girl yeah probably gonna get told to get off this thing but for now I'm gonna use except no idea where I'm going it's quicker where did they go I lost my groove so you guys thought I lost you guys man I starting to panic yeah I never seen your eyes so big probably just said where's my passport stop I have mine now I got mine I started getting nickname passport but I have mine oh my god Pablo where would it be if you leave in the safe it looks like Pablo staying in Canada with you guys oh you found it got it moral of the story is always put it back where you're used to having it scared redid your your face is the color your hat right now we're all going home guys we're all going mosted Wars boosted Wars I like are you laughing you said boosted wars he's right to protect like that oh well thanks dude DJ just got us all right through Global Entry I've never been in this line look that's what we would have been in DJ aka the man just got us in this long I have no idea if we're allowed to take these booster bores through here either we might lose them right now big global he did he did Wow look at the line we just I know I almost feel it's such a big line I feel guilty when I was right right huh put your boosting board remote in the tray cuz last time it look like a detonator and she looked at me I swear she was like seen your backpack she was like what is that don't do it alright you know me and my boy Noah collect magnets we're in to run up and get one in every city although I have been on tow before and I have brought them back at magnet I'm just gonna keep doing it if I'm in the city I'm gonna get one this one's kind of cool if I get one for Kane - yeah I'll do that one for Kane ha ha so here we go this is officially goodbye to Toronto hello to Orlando we are off excuse me sir I think you're in my seat on 3a are you in I think you're in my Sun hot in your seat dude man man he's in the wrong seat I'm an exposure no no everybody's gonna know you don't know you know this is my scene what seat is you this one which one I don't I don't want to say the wrong thing do you know this man there yeah he's my cousin Oh see you taking his side Hey Dude what's up guys no I miss you so bad - I want you met only a few more days man I'm gonna be home yeah are you happy mommy's home oh I'm not gonna lie I'm a little jealous of mommy right now a lot of jealous love you guys I'll see you soon I love you so much ah all right here we go we made it to our land Oh guys Hecky and I got some plans I got some things that are gonna be fun for this vlog we only have a few hours for gets dark we're gonna make the best of it most of it I'm ready is that us follow right there boost in war boost again headed off gonna drop a bunch of stuff off at the hotel and then we're gonna go play alright guys just dropping my bag and head out hope you are having a wonderful day the best day man I hope you're being positive and staying positive I say this so much I feel like it's so repetitious but I feel like part of my job is to remind you of what you already can do every day you can already do when I'm asking you to do but you need a little reminder a little push we all need reminders we all need push from behind a little bit get up Go Go so if I'm repetitive it's because I want to remind you every day to stay positive I know that the negativity is heavy it's thick it's everywhere it surrounds us you got to push it away man you got to turn anything negative into a positive and keep pushing forward let's go have some fun I'm in Orlando just got my room let's go so our only real issue right now is the Sun light is going down and we need sunlight we're losing light it's already about 7:30 I think we got about a half hour light ah yeah right where those cars are okay we're gonna do something like a legal transaction real quick is that cool yeah it won't it won't take long man we just get the bag and get back in your car is that cool I'm messing with you man I'm messing what up dude yo okay you guys been hit me up for a while to meet up with Adam LZ what's up man hey really awesome meet you what's up guys Congrats on the the marriage that's amazing how was your trip it was really stood at BMX bikes on cruise ship like everything I saw those pictures I'm like you good what now super sleaze are your Drifters yes how does this work this is mine this is Nicole's this is yours yeah but uh I don't trip to it that's my friend Taylor he like got me into drifting it so man in case you guys don't know who Adam is he's like phenomenal BMX like when I see his videos I'm like I want to hang out with this dude buddy also drifts cars like this right here uh so I think we're gonna do a little bit of both yeah I'm soaked yeah I'm excited man like this is look at this drift car phone would be a maxilla it's like a toy machine this is it yeah well we're gonna we've never drifted this back before this will be the first time I love it let's do it his car's broken oh my gosh this is awesome here we go it's gonna be real comfy what size waist are you it's a 32 seat you look like a 32 yeah I'm like a 30 30 okay sorry then my pants are 30s right I'm grown I'm still growing if you want to use the lap belt you can you probably should yo I'm a painter just get any comfortable I'm comfortable there it's nice to meet you and I like surreal this is like super we're trying to everything really quick before it gets dark yes I already pre one time we run out of light so oh yeah we're totally gonna get kicked out of here like this is like I would go in the middle I would go in the middle Nicole oh he's totally dude he's good give me five okay I don't even know what just happened I tell you do a 360 of n but it never works I wonder your tires last uh not very long these are like new tires will probably get like a cup but right - are you kidding me that was the first time my friend Taylor and I've ever done doing it together here's always you guys make it look easy do this so fun you guys you know you want to learn right now but I don't understand it I mean like I'm like ah I'm steve-o oh my god did her quarters are black from the tires woo is Lightning McQueen yo you guys are maniacs you guys are add fire okay what I got all the way down there I secured he's competent I know it would happens so fast that was absolutely ridiculous now that was insane I'm gonna keep it red I'll see you in a minute I'll see you in a minute okay they have to get out of here because the police are definitely coming they are crazy adrenaline like my reaction I don't know if you can see it but it was so genuinely shocked I never done that before ever that was amazing it's unbelievable he's not happy until I do this so I'm not either I'm excited yeah a little bit a little bit okay so if you crash it I don't care okay so basically I'm just gonna try to do it done that very simple is just drop the flood turn the wheel and go and then next time we'll work out a little bit more aggressive okay you want to take this if you want to get in with me get in with me get in with me you want to try to capture this I'm gonna try my first donut you ready no oh no that was an amazing doughnut you hahahaha Oh yeah let's get out of here oh yeah so now that was freaking amazing guys like straight-up amazing Thank You Adam for letting me do that we are headed now we're headed to the skate park there's a lit State Park for another couple hours we're gonna go get some shot to him killing it on a BMX bike you guys know I like bike stuff so this is going to be a real treat - so although we have run out of light there's a skate park that's open till 11:00 that has lights it is only for skateboards but Adam called the places and you can come in get some shots super ups on those guys and we're headed there right now let's do that whatever you want to do and whatever you want to do this one's for you all right now to the quarter wall ride off that wall yeah I'll go off the corner to the wall and then like do chickens border all right let's see it and then you're calling out the next thing I don't know I don't know you know bike you don't can we goes do we do some kind of crazy wall run Oh but you make it look so easy look like you did that with no effort at all I can't breathe ha ha ha I have never fully understood the whole skate only thing like I did look how beautiful this Park is it's technically for skateboards and they're letting him ride his bike tonight but like I know everyone's really cool but I think part of in Florida just like they've had separate sessions for so long that there's a lot of animosity between everyone and until I ruins a lot together just no one's going to get along it's crazy it's like you're all doing the same thing everybody wants to have fun it's tough to if you're like working or if you're in school and only sessions when you're busy yeah you do a 360 of this I got you off this yeah I'm gonna throw a song a little special for you okay cuz that's not enough the 367 on I won't do what you did when you went in the pool okay I'm still the head face the head sweat I didn't know you rode until I saw that oh really yeah well I don't like compared to you I don't ride I goof on I goof on oh nice now this isn't like an edit where I'm only showing you his good stuff I've showed you everything he's done like you have not ready to actually land so everybody wrecks dude I get it but you haven't yet you're gonna take it's gonna be bad Pez de pez dog dude I'm Jin genuinely impressed it was great man I love it woo beautiful dude get it back-to-back killing it killing it hahahaha yeah he's doing he's doing so good it's crazy alright guys don't forget how amazing you are you were beautiful you're one of a kind smile more oh you were up there alright we're headed to dinner we are how are you sure your goodness oh my god did you guys do it to people back there before it's average there I want to thank you guys for hanging out man having fun maybe for Nsight you can see you're enjoying it so we're gonna go get some dinner umm place we go to all the time smoky bones and just leave this thing yo country do you care if I have some of your wings we ordered so much Bo order actually you guys were pretty modest you want to come no fries coming oh I did order run Emma nachos and we already had an entire plate of nachos thank you guys thank you so much man thank you screaming it's for all the fun uh you guys are awesome where do they check you out at youtube.com for /lz BMX there it is awesome why do you guys have been requesting the Hangout so uh there we go we did it there's definitely gonna be more videos for sure we got he's got to teach me how to do the cool stuff now I did the little donut guys guys it is it's currently 421 in the morning 421 a.m. I'm coming to you very embarrassed I'm coming to you I feel like just an idiot and I'm gonna share this story with you I could easily have just hid it from you and not told you but I feel like there's a big lesson here and maybe it'll help even just one person so here we go um it's 4:20 in the morning we just got back from the hospital about three nights ago this is where the stupidity comes in I punched uh something that looks like that right there very similar to that I punched it boom stupid bad idea um it's dumb don't don't don't do that don't do what I just told you about don't do it I didn't think anything of it I was like oh it hurts but it's fine the next day um it was sore but I'm like of course it's sore I just punched like a wooden cabinet the second day I was tender but I'm like you know it's probably in that like stubbing phase where like I stub something today it was like day three and I'm like um it's getting tight it's getting sore it's hard to move um let's check it out so we've been at the hospital and Pablo have you ever broken a bone I broke my thumb in sixth grade what'd you do how'd you do it I was running around in my friends basement and I tripped and fell like oh then my parents for three days didn't believe it was broken right finally went to the doctor exactly what just happened to me you ever broken a bone have you ever broken your bones that's what I should ask yes yes I have broken many bones in my hands as you can see trying to get the x-rays I did the x-rays I actually got an IV because they're going to rebrand it is broken un-frickin'-believable that my hand is broken it took me three days to realize it uh-huh so here's the thing long story short they will not they won't be break-in and put it in a cast because I told them I they told me I won't be able to edit my videos with this hand I told my half to edit so they told me they can't read break it if I won't allow them to put it in a splint or a cast so we are going rogue tonight I am probably going to go to the doctors when I get back to Ohio and we'll just see what happens that's literally the only thing I can do right now because I have to edit actually been laying you're editing the vlog trying to get it done because they said they're gonna put me under Tory break up my hand Oh Oh God the doctors here oh my god get away from me dude so long story short guys I went to the hospital we spent many many hours at the hospital and they told me that they were gonna re break my hand this hand right here they have to rewrite this bone or pop it back into place I'm completely confused on what they said but they said it's broke there's a fracture the bone is 35 percent sideways which is crazy man what the heck but here's the thing I told them I can't be in a cast I can't be explained I'm still on tour and I have to edit they told me the way the splint is there's no way to edit this fan would be like this my wrists would be up and my fingers straight up so I'd have to somehow edit like a DJ or something like there's no way basically they said they won't rebake it until it goes into a cast so because I wouldn't put in a cast they won't read break it so we let even had the IV we were all ready to go like so basically as soon as I get back to Ohio I have to go get this repo c'n and put on a cast which is terrible news and I feel like the biggest idiot on the planet I'm sharing you this story very embarrassed I'm a completely ashamed of myself to do something so stupid I'm really sharing this story to it maybe just help even one of you guys don't punch things don't like punch up be a pillow punch or punch pillows like that's punch a pillow man so yeah instead of hiding this stupidity I figured I would share it with you maybe it'll help one of you guys man I got to tell you man like you guys hear me preach positivity every day I push you to be positive I push you to smile more I push you guys to be motivated and and tell you the truth even I have to live by these I'm truly living by what I talk to you guys about every day I fight just like you do against negativity I work every day on it somedays Manny gets the best of me man I made a mistake I got angry anger is so powerful and I just punched a stupid wooden cabinet guess my best advice about anger right now because we all fight with a and there's natural we're humans like it's okay to get angry but to handle it is something else don't let it don't let it win man don't let it win now I gotta get my hand we broke it's just so embarrassing man I hate even sharing the story I hate sharing the story for two reasons one I only like to share positive things with you guys so at the end of these vlogs you feel so lifted and ready to take on the world - I hate sharing the story because I'm embarrassed because everything that I teach you guys I messed up and I went I went backwards I want to talk about that's embarrassing to me so um if you're wondering what I was angry about is all business stuff man is it's there's a lot of things going on I'll be able to share with you guys soon it wasn't nothing to punch a cabinet about I'll tell you that it was very stupid on my part so a lot of business things going on that uh frustrating man they just pile up one thing leads to another I get angry and I don't always get it just it got me that time so thank you guys for hearing me out man don't do that don't do it be happy baby there's so many great things uh I just you know we all slip up we're humans I love you guys you're beautiful keep your head up man stay positive thanks for hearing me I know this part is so different than anything I've ever done but I was either just gonna hide it from you guys not include it my vlog which I easily could I still could I love you guys more than you ever know man like honestly um that's the only reason I'm really shyness so thank you guys I'm gonna isolate up this ice pack I'm gonna lay on ice I'm gonna somehow edit this vlog and it's Showtime I literally have a live show in 12 hours so I'm gonna sleep for a few hours and head to my show the show must go on if you have made it through this entire vlog hit the thumbs up button I know it's it's a little different the block was going so good until this it was so fun the drifting the bikes it was so good and now this tell me in the comments day right now tell me in the comments what have you broke have you ever broke a bone I have currently broken both bones in both arms a thumb and now my hand so tell me your stories I'd love to hear them we've all done stupid things uh to hurt ourselves on accident I love you guys you are beautiful you are one of a kind smile more oh you okay are you alright
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 7,502,576
Rating: 4.9369149 out of 5
Keywords: everyday, broken, fails, daily vlogs 2016, brittney, Roman Atwoods, noah atwood, lz, best pranks, family vlogs, fail, adam LZ, Natural Born Pranksters, kane atwood, Roman Atwood, Roman, hand, roman vlogs, family-friendly, painful, Drifting, Atwood, ohio, nissan 240, live, BMX, injury, kid friendly, atwood vlogs, daily, family fun, roman atwood vlogs, stunts, roman soldiers, kid-friendly, pranks, youtube pranks, family friendly
Id: k-DM_jPLZg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 44sec (1604 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 20 2016
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