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yeah over here little man I was a little baby hug bye hey have fun okay have fun above us you got so many people here to play with all week honey gotta miss our flight you ready ready oh yeah right hey I'll be back I'll be back flash I see you used to love me when I leaves just get so upset I'm sorry Zeus give me five buddy come on as my man yeah I didn't wallet I have everything a hundred percent two hundred percent laptops go charter just got vlog cameras got batteries got everything flash I got it yeah underwear I got socks it's a little hectic here the swanee oh how much is it I said 49 49 let me let me feel Oh feels like 52 to me I'm balling for humans no let it go to you sister stop it all right baby I love you do this thing just went right off the steps I feel like I'm forgetting everything like I feel like I'm not taking anything bye buddy I love you you're the best dude I'll see you soon all right guys we are leaving the beautiful Ohio today and I know we've been just just we've been hanging out at home a lot we've been doing a lot of home things and really doing family vlogs which I love they're my favorite but this week Brittany and I are headed out for some very special guests and some very wild vlogs like you like exciting if you like maybe blowing things up shooting maybe a little bit this is gonna be yeah and family but our kids aren't coming on this trip we wanted to bring them but with school and everything it's just getting really complicated right now so we're just gonna head out hopefully you guys have a blast with us so here we go we're headed the airport right now back to where we go on start we're going I should it maybe they'll figure it out if I tell them where we're going you know what I just realized forget about all that we have no kids for a few days like what is that gonna be like I'm happy your hammies are tight what does it even mean my hand my hamstrings right here ready I see oh geez you supported seven what did I say Oh what did I oh I broke the ice and 48 I think don't add weight this is what happens when everyone gets TSA PreCheck then the lines are longer than this the regular standard passenger me and you I'm excited to get away with you I am so excited get away with grit for a little bit we used to take little trips all the time remember especially for the vlogs we just go and we just look wait do you mean were the last ones at the gate what hi good last ones as always we were waiting when AMA here I can't hey check it but I can't okay off to Georgia we go off to Georgia we go or why did you do that whoo we have a layover in Georgia it's not our final destination but that's where we have to go first I apologize for my hairs your hair looks awesome look like a jungle cat [Music] we made it where we headed we are headed to the airport auditors yeah but you know what I feel like it's just the thing here in Georgia I'm getting excited to get to our final destination where I got the itch I'm ready Mackel is a sweater for you thing lose a sweater hoody a vest some is for d8d epidemis V gate we're headed for the deep all right so we had about an hour and a half we grabbed a little snacks quesadillas chips and salsa guac in yesterday's ball I told you guys about the drag racing this Saturday with my dad and everything's awesome thank you told you guys that me and my dad will finally be drag racing Saturday it's going to happen at 12 noon like lunchtime 12:00 Eastern Time 9 a.m. west coast like California time last stream was late this one's gonna be early I mean Nunes good for me but it's early west coast so please please come to the live stream I'm putting the link in the top of this description click it join me on live got me come crush it we are um we're really trying to make big fun live streams if you guys have tuned in to my last couple they have been really fun and they're like they're basically extremely raw of logs that's what it is just a raw blog so if you like the lengthy vlogs come watch a live stream plus we're going to be drag racing and we have dragsters on top thank you so much after we race our cars we're gonna race dragsters come join me join me on live got me it's the app I know it's available almost everywhere now they keep adding new countries to check again click my link in the top of the description to come join me in passing car one more flight then you Thanks we made it actually fell asleep I took a nap which mess me up yeah but now I'm like I gotta wake up yeah I got a restart guy every start my engine oh all right guys we have made it to our destination and I've been trying to think of this really cool way to intro who were staying with this week and I haven't been no no no no who is that who's that am I gonna show your face yet we're gonna start with this quick clip then you're gonna know exactly who we're with great idea Bobby I'm a doctor yes Matt from demolition rash she was wrecked vet ranch you've got a vlog channel Meredith his wife what is this is that your sidearm welcome to Texas guys we are about to have a really fun week I've been talking about how we've been at home and doing the family stuff but this week it's time to blow some stuff up have some fun and just uh I don't know so before we do anything we got to do something not that exciting we got to eat but while we eat we're going to figure out exactly what we're doing this week because we flew all the way down here without any plan whatsoever kind of our style honestly like that's what we do a little taco door soon as we sit down I'm already being made fun I never had ever and Britney hasn't either this seems impossible to me but Matt looked at me I can't believe it it is hard to believe we've never so we in Our Lives had a margarita and you put salt around the room we have a margarita like once a week good for you guys that's what you have it on them babies a hat man hey I might rub it out the soul yes good much better without good time I throw a couple ideas out here and you just you just shoot them down what if we get like an old semi-truck and do some with that I'd blow down so much yeah let's say negative on that one oh if we did I did just talk to somebody they're shipping over some grenades a grenade launcher you're me you're not like legit grenades they're like you have to have like special licenses but there's no fire out of a gun and pop and it's basically a big snap pop I think Joe wouldn't we get hit by one but I've never shot it I just got a grenade launcher so what of course you did by a good timing good done that's why we need two semi truck no I think that's one thing I don't think I could do how about this how about this idea how about this you've seen the movies like westerns right can we reenact a Western can we get somebody with forces trained horses to let us shoot guns off the horses our neighbor has a horse we can just go take it deal she's a horse girl she can ride horses you can get the horse can you ride a horse good I've done it I wouldn't say I'm good at it I would I'm scared of death horses like they dirt there how do I explain it's like driving a nice car that can explode at any minute right we still be in the car and you ride in it but in any minute that karmic splode that's my thought on horses because they can just kick you off at any minute and you stomp on you to get I have never ever in my life been to a posse oh you haven't either that's the Costco card I have one with my name on it but I've never been here Brittany got it for me oh gosh Brittany how y'all a few days ago I came up with this crazy crazy idea I don't know if it's actually crazy but I've never seen it done before and I thought Matt would be just over got to do it with so if Costco has what we need we're gonna do this are you doing how is there already Christmas trees oh it's not even Halloween it's not a month ago Walmart had a mare a month ago are you serious hates that that is a pet peeve of hers it's not even Thanksgiving it Thanksgivings your favorite Halloween yet it's not even all the way it's not even my kid's birthday here all right it's the first thing you need with every Roman Atwood vlog fire extinguishers man gonna have to have them we have any in our house so this is I would like to supply you with some of these and then if we don't use them you got fire extinguishers you can't even lift it I'm gonna get it yeah you can't even get in the car to get it off if they call an uber just for that no that is that's insane that's pretty awesome dude Nile I know put him in here I'm gonna I'm gonna Stone Cold Steve Austin I'm ready all right we're moving on I actually failed with my little project limit failed we're actually gonna figure this out hopefully tonight not with the order the stuff but we want to wha I'm Matt Meredith you're gonna show us how to get texif ID thanks texif um check hot Texan bud sexified hats see my problem with that hat how do I get at home yeah you can't carry actually wear it I don't know is this what I'm gonna look like is that Bret I think you can pull that off look that is Brit yo this is legit I like that I think that works wait is that it really do you put a top on that is that for real no that's it there's no top yeah I kind of like it golfing days even my voice changes when I walk in here hey you should get these jeans are became look like yellow you fight even know I didn't cuz you've been hiding on these my pants are designed to go inside the boot well you can do that too look man you can't pick the boot boot has to pick you you have to feel you have to size you want the boot but what is it the hard whoa oh I actually like your mod oh yeah yeah hey look at that see what do you think I like knees another hair tight not you're tight too tight first no stretch out but not too tight yeah but I've already lost all feeling in my toes what do you mean they look funky with the skinny jeans bro come on man sure you do Brit yo these are pretty mean I think I'll have fan of the other ones honestly um we're just trying to let the boot pick its pick it down or you don't think what's your honest what do you do about those boots they're piece of work you didn't like it you don't like him I want like a boot I could like stomp a fire out if I got a fire I gotta stomp it out I need a boot is it easy I can pull those long see when you wear jeans over him no one even know yeah what's the point of the design if you cover them up well if your skinny jeans on no problem I'm actually I figured it out this is like a commitment when you buy a boot the very expensive they're very unique man it's an investment you want to kick out a fire you need the right boot oh let me see where is it I need to pick out mine bread baby we can match it means when we go to the honky-tonk I'm cheaper too we can we can honky-tonk it up what are you thinking right now I like we're foreign boots you're in the kids Department I know that it's this shelf that's all you can choose they don't make Brittany sighs apparently um tiny person sighs I like that I'm dick oh my god girl you look good pointy it's meant to be it's religious so I got the boots guys these are M these are now mine oh I think they're pretty cool and she's stretching them get that leather stretchy you stick the whole boot in a bucket of water of water and they don't stay up of course they stink if you've been warrior wearing them but you wear it soaking wet you wear in a form your foot and then how do you get this thing to go with that doesn't stink what wet leather no it doesn't stink you're fine I love Texas well I learned a lot tonight guys I really did I got some new boots shout out the billy's western wear for hooking it up charge us full price but still my first pair of official boots you know they're really slick does that wear off for now okay well this is a good start actually look oh my gosh oh no no this isn't a bad price dude that's pretty good but they only have a thousand I want a thousand lighters these are buck apiece those are expensive ones all right here's my crazy idea we need 1,000 lighter technically we don't need a thousand lighters we technically need one I hate a thousand - sure I'm gonna do it do it right yeah so they have packs but it's bulk and we could order these online but they won't get here until Thursday and I kind of really want to do it today don't you do that tonight yeah yeah I think it so the goal the goal is this girl just took a pack she was like I'll be back she took it and she left and we're hoping that she went to the back and maybe they have cases of these lighters Cora awesome man by the way you found him you got him yes okay so we need how many 24 24 boxes of six six packages the you have seven liners so glad you went to school okay all right so you just want to walk home with a thousand lighters wait wait is that really felt decimals in there I have never seen so many people trying to help us get lighters and this is awesome the struggle is real they do not have 1,000 ladders and I really thought they had on but everybody helped us out big time all right guys this has been a serious challenge night we just left with 750 lighters 750 lighters bags and bags of lighters I want a thousand there's something about that number I want you know thousand one last story I promise and we will go back and we will do this experiment we need 50 pass 50 more packs of five yeah that's good math dude how are we doing how many things I've got five three 28 28 okay all right one at a time I just want to say we've got it 1000 total lighters and we're getting ready to do this and we're finally going back to Matt's to see his house we've never been there I'm excited for this week this is a good start dude this is a good start for this week I'm tellin ya all right so we just got to get this fire started should be pretty easy we can do that all right the girls are shelling over a thousand lot I think we're just over a thousand lighters Matt stoking the fire we're doing it now and I think you're gonna light it right now get back some bad girls won't even like do something lighter boys do you got the wrong lighter fluid I'm guessing by now you guys can figure out what my idea is and that is lighters verse fire yo that's high flame dude that trees gone coughing good bro we didn't prepare so hot this is probably good time to tell you guys do not ever try this let us do it this is uh this is going to be insane honestly and then as you can tell probably by this video we're gonna dump all 1,000 lighters into that fire this fight took a while but look at this thing it is nasty no matter how this bucket goes in its going so just me and you huh just me and you mayor Wright we'll hear some hear she's not there anymore all right guys we've got 1,000 thick and mixed lighters we are going into that fire I think we should go now all right I got an extra camera here I have a feeling my camera's gonna get hit all right you ready this is so dumb what do you mean oh there's 100 it's almost done it's like The Wizard of Oz dude I can hear hitting the barn oh look they're flying at us that was beautiful it was amazing oh geez you know that was magical dude this oh no way I can't believe they're stolen some that have it pop it's amazing it's been going for five minutes the only thing we can do is just sit here I'm crying dude I was like I was just dying it's still going we're going on over three minutes here I'm gonna get a selfie with one of the back that was awesome dude Oh everywhere are you glad I came second I was like I totally regret this is such a bad idea but it was so good lighters everywhere yeah they're all I'm pretty sure we're good would you think of that you loved it I loved it but I was a little can't even plan it better than for long it just keeps going at least 15 minutes later I'm sure I did look at that this is only the start of our technically today wasn't even supposed to be a film day like we don't even start film until tomorrow so today this is just extras this is just bonus this is one of a bad idea look at that wait is this one still on at all bottoms on you're gonna have so many lighters in your yard so these are went flying let me see that one oh yeah so the back spot they turn into Rockets lighter rocket oh oh right guys we are working to that time where we say goodbye for the day thank you little yani tired thank you guys for coming to Texas with us um it's already off to a great start if you liked today's vlog give it a thumbs up please share this vlog share it with some friends and family we are on that road to 10 million guys so every single thing helps from you guys you're everything to us thanks for watching we're gonna have more fun tomorrow and the next day and it's just going to be a really fun week so thank you thank you thank you for being here if you have any ideas throw it in the comments section would love to hear it we are still open on Thursday we have some free time that we have no plan so please give us some ideas let's make them happen we will see you tomorrow I'm so tired right now and I stopped to edit all this thank you guys for everything we love you you are beautiful you're one of a kind smile more I think you went a little flat baby haha two ways you didn't get any air let me try again happened he's just really in my way again let me try him he blows up as soon as I stop or as soon as I start riding all the air goes out these goobie
Channel: Roman Atwood Vlogs
Views: 5,506,987
Rating: 4.9287872 out of 5
Keywords: family fun, roman vlogs, atwood vlogs, Roman Atwood, Roman, pranks, matt, Natural Born Pranksters, smile more, noah, kid friendly, family friendly, vlog, youtube pranks, kids, vlogging, daily vlogs 2016, brittney, demolision ranch, roman atwood vlogs, family vlogs, daliy, ohio, fire, kane atwood, vlogger, family-friendly, kid-friendly, home, Roman Atwoods, girlfriend, house, kane, roman soldiers, crazy, Atwood, everyday, noah atwood, best pranks
Id: a8kGe3EOjWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 47sec (1487 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2016
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