My funniest video in a while.

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im going to be heartbroken when cody cuts his hair ngl

👍︎︎ 38 👤︎︎ u/chodychodster 📅︎︎ Dec 07 2020 🗫︎ replies

i think this video was funnier than the cringe fam video, i laughed my ass off with this one

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/acefalone 📅︎︎ Dec 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

this video was so cool. Cody being proactive is so infectious .

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/chulbulmemeboy 📅︎︎ Dec 07 2020 🗫︎ replies

Hi guys :) Here is my remix to the Dog Diss Beat!!! Had to shout out the Queen Kelsey

instagram: deeganreeves

Spotify: DEEGAN (just hit 1 mil streams check me out :)

twitter: deeganreeves

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/billyswagman 📅︎︎ Dec 07 2020 🗫︎ replies

Day 15 of telling Cody I like his hair until he responds

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/MAS0NART 📅︎︎ Dec 07 2020 🗫︎ replies

cyclops noel had me in shambles

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/shorbutera 📅︎︎ Dec 07 2020 🗫︎ replies

Cody blushing emoji

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/MonsterEnergyLover 📅︎︎ Dec 07 2020 🗫︎ replies

Shave your head. Not that I dont like the hair. Just fucking shave it. because.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/zwel8606 📅︎︎ Dec 08 2020 🗫︎ replies

Poop Scale: 3/10 pretty good vid, not a lot of poop

Edit: change that to 5/10 on the poop scale, didn’t change the view to posts of the week, big poopy moment right there

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Arthurc7799 📅︎︎ Dec 08 2020 🗫︎ replies
what's up guys we're back uh welcome to my second channel cody and company so if you didn't see i made a diss track against kit killi no that's a real rapper that would that would not be a good idea i made a diss track against chile and i like [ __ ] took him to the farm i feel felt bad making that joke no i i killed this [ __ ] i mean come on i absolutely ruined him he's in shambles and um but i like the beat that i made for that so i'm gonna upload the beat to uh some soundcloud but check the description if you're interested in rapping over the beat i would like to hear that so and maybe we i'll put it in the next video [ __ ] it if you rap over that [ __ ] if you spit some um g some bearded dragon flames over it then i'll then i'll stick it in the next video um so check the description that'll be the link for that will be in the description anyways let's get it let's get it moving and let's get it popping and let's go to a website that i am all too familiar with at this point and that's reddit.comcodyco and uh very close you can see the autocomplete there said r slash cryptocurrency because now i'm super into bitcoin again as it's at its as everyone is because it's at its new highest point so that's the point where you know um people that kind of just go with the crowd you know sheep sort of that can't think for themselves like me uh that's this is the moment where they all get back into bitcoin so now i'm i'm back into it i'm super into it and i like reading about it and stuff like that and that's because again i do not have a single original thought in my brain and so let's just get it popping with this uh we're on the reddit and um let's see what people are saying about the newest video here i feel like cody overcame his dry spell with this one yes [ __ ] that hurt oh yes i'm sorry but that made me really happy he's back this one was hilarious let's go funny as cody coven in months let's [ __ ] go [ __ ] what's up what's up what's up best video in a while let's go oh man it's like i just i just talk [ __ ] about the cringe fan being loud and that's it and here i am just screaming that's all i'm doing but screaming is funny that's the thing so when you go like what's up guys today we're gonna and you're just like loud like that that's not funny but if you're loud in short bursts that's hilarious like that's so funny [ __ ] okay moving on spotify spotify wrapped did noelle dirty oh boy a cyclops is so funny that's so funny look at his [ __ ] forehead is this big oh man that's good that's really good by the way i just want to say thank you for all the support this year um it's pretty [ __ ] cool that what's cool is like we got our spotify wrapped for music and then we got our spotify wrapped for podcasts and that's really they're both really good on their own we did 100 million streams on spotify with two songs dropped this year that's incredible thank you so much for that and then we were the seventh most popular comedy podcast which is again by itself [ __ ] incredible but the fact that we can say we got both of those we got two different spotify wraps for two different things i mean i'm not flexing here but i just think that's really [ __ ] cool i really do and i think we're really lucky and i think we're very fortunate to have people like you guys that that uh listen to us on different platforms and different mediums and everything so thank you i appreciate it and uh happy spotify wrapped why does trader joe's sell plan b [ __ ] man my twitter used to be so much funnier i used to actually be funny on twitter in my opinion in my opinion now in my opinion i'm not funny on twitter because i just you i just use it like a promotional thing but twitter also is just a cesspool now it sucks in general but i definitely could put more effort into it i think because there's still a lot of funny [ __ ] on twitter i still follow a lot of funny people like drill is the funniest in my opinion wait a minute [ __ ] i forgot to sort by top of the week people are gonna kill me mom can no else please sleep over what why did we do that oh man i gotta say though the tweed pants go hard i'm sorry part three yep no i'm gonna go ahead and have you delete this please delete it this is illegal it's illegal and it against the law and it doesn't exist actually i don't even think this exists i think it's so bad that it doesn't even it's not doesn't exist i didn't see it so weird blank post the real reason why cody hasn't made it that's cringe in the wild man i had a dream oh first panel is me with jake paul second panel is nay robinson on the ground yeah i'm happy that that wasn't me i really am but um i had a dream i had a dream last night that i went back on jeff's barbershop i think i want to make that happen i think i want to do a part two i don't know i'm thinking about it cody please react to your dad's old blog ah [ __ ] you for finding these this is illegal as well this is illegal i like these shoes though those are kind of fly the nikes and like the damn the kind of stoner shorts too and i got an element t-shirt on i'm kind of kind of killing it okay stickers on the helmet too i mean that's bad ass yeah it's like yeah i'm being safe but in a cool way and like a little skater away yeah i'm being safe but i'm gonna vandalize it at the same time if cody wore that outfit today he would be dripped out that's what i'm saying i'm absolutely soaking wet in this picture how do you not see that i'm like a sponge soaking wet you squeeze me i would leak that didn't sound right oh my god you do this to me and i squirt okay let's just say that yo yo boy clean up nice good boy clean up nice dude [Music] by the way the hoodie the hoodie is looking super clean today i want to shout out greg sulkin and his company for sending me this for one of these i just want to i mean i appreciate the boy sending me this it's a whole track suit too i mean you saw it over there when i was [ __ ] running train on that i wasn't running train on it hmm donald john trump jr god damn it god damn it this is illegal why does it say stank what is that one of his names oh that's his nickname stank the stank i mean with this haircut yeah i'm not surprised that yeah that's this guy's stanky snone with snon yo snon yes none yes none yes it sounds like a dutch nickname or like a dutch name of some sort yes none do you want to come to the park now you are at the top this does not count that's stupid and it doesn't oh wait that's real that's not photoshopped they real they just printed out a picture of me and pasted it no i meant like have me sculpted out of some sort of you know ceramic or or plastic and put that on top of the tree i didn't mean this [ __ ] this is low effort low effort for what a couple of votes you proud of yourself pathetic cody's wish is my command what is this [ __ ] this is so sad do it for real come on old man put my art in your reddit video okay there you go there you go it's good i like it tell me why this guy looks and sounds like cody koh what's with this is the second time someone has posted a pornhub comment with me in the comment of them saying somebody looks like me why are you thinking about me when you're watching porn i guess i should be thanking you that's kind of a compliment is it is it i don't know actually not really sure who knows i don't i don't know what to feel about this and i also want to see the video because i want to know if he actually looks like me you know and maybe i want to compare strokes ow damn i just made myself laugh really hard on that it's sad also it's 1 49 p.m dude what are you doing what are you doing you on lunch break at your work you're in the bathroom cranking one off why don't you why don't you do the belt back up okay go do your job and then when you're home that's when you can spank off okay 1 49 p.m jesus that's depraved come closer i need i need more love island episodes [ __ ] you off best screen oh man this is ugly i hate this this is illegal nope that's illegal put it in jail it's illegal cody looks like my aunt that lives with her roommate dude i got a lot of hate about this sweater you guys are all [ __ ] wrong okay everyone that hates this sweater is wrong and your opinion sucks and it's also bad because this sweater is awesome it looks like i was a target for multiple paintballers it looks like i went paintballing in the fashion district okay that's what it looks like it's cool as [ __ ] and also i love brain dead it's my favorite brand by far you probably already know that look at that as evidenced by the giant rug that i have behind me i drew cody as an anime character wow that's that's really good [ __ ] that's sick cody literally was a professional athlete who got a scholarship to duke and now he's making tearless videos on his youtube channel so what dawg have you tried making a tearless video it's really fun my little sister spent two hours drawing chili it's cool but is it blurry did you blur it on purpose maybe it's just moving so fast you know oh you never know where that little bugger's going you know cody's been looking really good lately that's this is legal this is legal and this should exist i like this and that's funny all right that's it for top of the week let's go back to hot this clip out of context is the best thing cody ever made he should delete his entire channel at this point it won't get any better what's up guys what's up guys [Music] yeah big shout out to james on that one that one's that one's really funny my mom says i need a girlfriend better version of codyco think you're a better version of me dude actually probably you know you probably are ah what's the hoodie what is that what is that i would never wear that your top podcast was mark zuckerberg smoking a brisket and ribs in his backyard we just watched this video yesterday on the podcast we just watched this because i got a meat smoker and i've also been smoking some meats myself and so we watched this video because it's just it's one of the best videos on the internet period and uh you know that and it's just and it's the best and it's the best and i love it and uh i'm just out here smoking these meats some brisket maybe some sausages did anyone else think that the boss in the background was gonna clobber them yeah by the way guys kelsey is doing vlogmas this year she's vlogging every single damn day of december and uh so go check those out they're very funny uh this is from an [ __ ] this is from an elk video that i was in look at this shot oh not even close not even [ __ ] close about five feet away so i think i was doing that on purpose maybe who knows all right guys that's it for this week thank you for watching again if if you want to if you want to spit um absolute smoked meats over the beat that i made then i'm gonna put that in the description okay and god bless and stay safe and everything else in the world i love you and do i and that's good and good stuff all right later guys take care bye [Music] you
Channel: Cody & Ko
Views: 1,964,319
Rating: 4.9751601 out of 5
Id: OmIIb5jLN3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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