Top 10 Short Kings

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guys you already know what it is and what it does it all right what's up i want to thank everyone who made a song using my beat a lot of people made songs most of them were awful and um some of them were funny my editor james made one i wanted to show you guys the one uh that i thought was the best because this guy actually is really talented like on romeo but i ain't seen my julie yeah i need my tea filler stones my money's sick polio check out my portfolio what's up with that bro oh no what's good man what's good dude is that a fat joke huh you call me a fat boy okay just because i just because i say i'm a fat man in the song in walkman doesn't mean that i actually think that i'm a fat man doesn't mean you can [ __ ] say it alright bro great song though seriously this guy's name is pm beta and i gotta admit after listening to people's the way people use the beat and also some negative soundcloud comments i think that the beat isn't good anymore and i don't like it anymore i think it's bad but he really made a song out of it and actually he made it sound great so good good on you pm beta i appreciate you thank you for making that and uh go check them out on spotify and soundcloud and everything but um that being said uh this episode is sponsored by honey you already know what honey is it's an online shopping tool that helps you find discounts as you're shopping online you just add it to your browser takes like three clicks anytime you shop online it automatically searches for discount codes for you and basically just gives you free money why would you not want that perfect for the holidays you're searching for a little gift still maybe you're a last-minute gift buyer then you might as well save some money and then you can buy a gift for yourself because that's what the holidays really are about getting gifts not giving them i've used it on plenty of stuff all the gear i buy i save money on it and it's fantastic so if you want to get it just go to codyco or just hit the link in the description all right on to the meat of the episode you know this is a reddit video and so let's just dive right into it by the way can i just say i'm looking at myself right now on the screen and i gotta say people i get a lot of comments about my hair being greasy greasy okay it's most of the time it's wet it's wet now why do i have wet hair well it's because it's wet with grease no i'm kidding it's because i [ __ ] shower right before i take videos and hair long hair takes eons to dry why is that i always used to wonder why did girls come out with a goofy [ __ ] towel thing on their head and now i get it it's for it's because it takes for [ __ ] ever to dry and it just sits there and is and is musty all day not to say your guys's hair is musty if it i don't know if it is or not i don't know if i don't know you but mine is not mine is fresh and it's clean and there's a lot of salt in there from the ocean that's basically it so maybe that is crazy i don't know i don't know i'm not a [ __ ] scientist okay kodiko top by week look at that it's already an autocomplete we're growing up let's see what's good how cody sees himself with long hair it's really creepy man deep fakes [ __ ] me up don't they they're really creepy something about them it's just unnerving it's like it's like not good enough yet but it's better than bad you know not good enough yet but better than bad that's how i would describe everything that i do in life by the way 66 000 showsters just want to say what's up to every single one of you beautiful thick chodes i turned cody and noelle into a pokemon card what would their attacks be that's pretty cool i can't wait to see what these comments say cody's power would be being 58 years old cody's power would be [ __ ] powder composite the first [ __ ] comment come powder blaster i not just call it did i not just call that that's good though dude i don't mean to i don't mean to roast you kiwi brownie that's still funny spitting bars at their enemy you got cancer homie 100 damage what the [ __ ] jesus the goddamn moaning they do on the podcast i gotta give you guys credit there's not one old joke yet so i [ __ ] with this thread they have no attacks only move is struggle that's good too cody's attack could be excessive auto-tune that would actually be fire actually just like it was very effective or super effective or whatever okay that's enough for that that's that's a funny thread though i give you guys credit cody in 20 years there it is i look exactly like this why don't people make fun of matthew mcconaughey i don't see you in his comments blowing him up because he looks like [ __ ] wayne from wayne's world i don't see you in there chirping him huh why not is it because he has a new york times best-selling novel is it because i could have one of those just give me a year i will have that you better hold me to that no this is this is honestly a compliment to me this is a compliment although my hair might be a little bit longer than his now i think it might be it looks pretty sick when i do that okay stop talking about the [ __ ] hair stop it stop it i gotta stop making my identity what what is happening with my hair and i'm just fueling that when his tinder bio says he's six two but you show up and see a five-eight little mousy boy uh that's good no you know what would be here i'll fix this there that's what it would be uh that's what it would actually be by the way um someone linked me the cut the cut the cut the channel i did the whole series the button which i made my own series that channel they definitely know me they did a the cuts top short kings of 2020 on snapchat and i wasn't on it the cut come on how are you not going to include me on that list okay 2020 was a year for short kings paul mezcal from nor from normal people didn't watch that show oh dr anthony fauci cool what did he even do this year huh i'm kidding i'm kidding i'm kidding he's definitely one of the top short kings of 2020. the big absolute unit from tiktok you're gonna the one the baby that freaked the freaked everyone out you're gonna make him one of the top short kings of 2020. the cut i am now beefing with you so just know that cud know that we are beefing and um let's just say when you start making the button again my episodes are going to have a different tone [Music] sparkling water doesn't work chugging that is so hard i designed a sofia poster for the boys oh i like this little graphic design reddit i like it i like a little graphic design i need more of this on the reddit graphic design that's something i really appreciate and something that i'm not very good at so i love when i see good graphic design this is nice i like it i don't know if someone has posted this here but i think it's one of the funniest things cody has ever posted great cool that's awesome one of the funniest things i've ever posted is a 12-second long video where i use a filter that had nothing to do with me where all the filter all the humor came from the filter and not from me and that is one of the funniest things i've ever posted it's good that makes you feel awesome makes you feel great poor guy hey sorry lol oh down cataclysmic what video he's on like four channels yeah i know sorry you know i've been real spread out lately with the content but it's helping me make more of it you know it's helping me stay in the mindset like i can make that for the second channel oh i can just make that for the whatever whatever by the way if you don't know where this is from this is from the last video i did on this channel down bad and i might do a sequel on the main channel just to [ __ ] with people you know yeah look at this this is from where was this this was from like what like eight months ago or something no probably more than that yeah more than that but look at this is addison ray in a tick tock and then and then this guy walks through and then i walk through and then kelsey walks through what the [ __ ] how random is that how random is that made this for while watching the bachelorette this is cool yeah there it is there it is i know it's true although his hair is long mine's approaching that length though should i just [ __ ] keep going keep going till halloween just so i can do this that might be a good look today we're gonna look at some dudes yes today we're gonna look at some dudes uh today we're gonna look at some dudes i'm still [ __ ] up from this [Music] oh it hurts i turned the tiny meat gang logo into a rug wow that's sick i love it how do you make rugs how do you make a rug that's sick though you can just make custom rugs is that hard that feels like that would pop the [ __ ] off on etsy or something am i behind on this do people do this custom rugs that's a dope business can you send me that please how do you how do people get into this [ __ ] you know i wish i had a niche little hobby like that when i was growing up that i could potentially make a business you know i was just too busy you know pounding off and like torrenting things you know piracy that was the hobby that i got into was not paying for things was stealing let's get cody to see this and lump up those numbers baby why do i have a uvula hanging from my nose that's the real question okay so this is a character which means that this is supposed to be really exaggerated is that is this divot that bad why is that the thing i'm in right this looks like a vagina dude oh this kind of looks like or it looks like goatsy that's what this looks like this looks like goatsy did you purposely draw goatsy above my top lip you sick [ __ ] this is good though i like this just made my cyberpunk character what do you guys think ah no the dick shot the dick size should be small that should be extremely small so this is clearly wrong and fake by the way it's been more than a week since i did the last one so the top posts i missed some of the top posts but one of them was someone actually made me out of clay or something and then put me on the top of a tree there it is make it real holy [ __ ] no i love it but i want it to die the shirt even down to the shirt this is incredible you killed this you killed this i don't know what you made this out of but this really is amazing this is like is one of the most impressive things i've seen on this subreddit if cody doesn't put you at the top of his tree you've been robbed i don't have a tree but if i did i would i would sculpt to you and i wouldn't that's weird i would be genuinely afraid of this coming to life in the middle of the night crawling on it arms crawling on it arms up the stairs and the last thing i'd hear before it brutally murders me is what's up guys what's up guys yo so the girl who made it is emily the ghostly girl on tick tock no she wait she was the one who posted it never mind never mind i don't know who's i don't know where the credit goes for this user etch muffs i was dared to get this tattoo i'll die if cody sees it oh my god oh lord why does this look like you just drew it on yourself with pencil it's pretty sick though actually i kind of like sloppy like um like hand handwriting tattoos i like that style so i actually like this it's cool you're crazy for getting it but i'm guessing you're going to get it covered up in a couple years but it's still pretty dope all right guys that's it for this episode i hope my hair wasn't as greasy as it has been in previous episodes and i'll see you next week alright appreciate you and bye [Music] you
Channel: Cody & Ko
Views: 1,316,147
Rating: 4.9767327 out of 5
Id: Wccs6J2eTdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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