How to do a reddit video in a god honoring way

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ah a little flick of the mullet to you guys how are you today it we're back on the second channel with another reddit video it's been i mean i haven't done one of these in like four weeks now i i don't think so we can sort by best of month that's what that means folks so get excited and we're gonna do that we're gonna jump into it right before you know right before we you know we do a sponsor just hang hang out for a sec guys i would like to talk to you about current it's a fully mobile bank with a visa debit card it is truly the bank of the future and now what does that mean bank of the future what are you picturing robot atms you know that come to you they come to your house you summon them and they show up at your door and they're like please withdraw cash now no maybe in five to ten years but it does mean that you can use 55 000 atms for free it works with apple pay google pay cash app venmo it has a free overdraft of up to one hundred dollars and it takes two minutes to sign up and then the card ships to you for free it could not be easier to join the bank of the future it's a real bank account with no hidden fees and no minimum balance requirements and it gets you paid up to two days faster meaning if you usually get paid on friday well now you get paid on wednesday and you can do a little thirsty thursday with that new cash so hit the link in the description right now if you want to join the bank of the future thank you current all right you already know what it is and what it does it let's do it slash r slash corbin co pow let's see we got we're at 73 000 showsters i almost just cried i was not expecting to see a seven in that first number there we've broken through we're in the 70s now i feel like [ __ ] this i feel like bitcoin right now that's what i feel like i mean it's unreal how fast this community is growing and uh invest in it now if you'd like to be a millionaire one day that's my advice cody deciding what content to make for his next video cut read it [ __ ] [ __ ] and within 10 seconds we've we've gotten got folks we've been had within 10 seconds i've been called out and it's true it's true because i just posted a cut video today and now i'm filming a reddit video right afterwards and that is sad but dirty's the best man reacting to to cut [ __ ] look as much as i can rip on those videos they're so good because the video is so good in itself right that's the beauty of this genre of content is i don't actually have to be funny i can just watch something that's you know i'm just a reaction youtuber no i try my best to be funny but what i'm saying is you know when when you have a isolated piece of media that's so awkward and funny on its own it's just so much fun to watch to be in to watch that with you you know and so i don't know why i'm holding this but i don't smoke these it's just laying here it's i don't know why it's it comforts me to hold it laughing at cody's haircut realizing that he's probably afraid of going to the barber shop because jake paul might go sick of this [ __ ] bff's podcast we did that noah and i did the bff's podcast which i was excited for and third question was what about this jake paul thing stop stop it's over it's like two years old you know i mean no shade to uh dave or josh you know it seemed like they were just reading off the sheet but um you know i just don't want to talk about it anymore tell me this doesn't look like cody co yeah holy [ __ ] that does what the [ __ ] is freaking me out that looks exactly like me perfect flowing hair hot turns me on a little bit how to storm the capital on god honoring how to absolutely destroy [ __ ] in a god-honoring way how to put your entire net worth into bitcoin in a god-honoring way how to fart directly into someone else's mouth in a god-honoring way how to honor god while watching german fart porn how to honor god while looking at wikifeet these are the the really the videos that we want you know i wanna i wanna i wanna know how i can honor god while i'm doing the most depraved [ __ ] that i do you know percy jackson looks like a mix of kelsey and cody yeah that's that's freaking me out that's what our son is going to look like um again these are like these are it's not even worth it going top by month because it's just like this is old you know this subreddit is so popping now it's moving so fast that this content is stale and it's dated and i hate it so we're going back to this week screenshot of the united version of cody's newest video [Laughter] okay i want to comment on this real fast because this is this is the place to do this so a lot of i got a lot of comments a [ __ ] ton that are that are like dude cody's so bad at realizing that he's these are staged they're not [ __ ] staged the first like eight and i made it i made it a point to watch it as many times as i could to figure out whether or not it was a paid actor or not and you can tell it's real these people are actually reacting to this either that are the best [ __ ] instagram actors in the entire world because you know that kid's not paying well for an actor and that's why you can tell later when he starts faking them you can tell clearly because he's paying these people 100 bucks and they're not good actors to go do the thing right but in the beginning the first however many videos i watched before the obvious fake ones i think those are real i really do and i think if you don't think that then you're then you're the one who's naive and you're you're stupid so the end of that video made the whole cringe of the first part worth it i was laughing so hard at him walking around talking to himself about absolutely wrecking people yeah okay so here's another thing about this it even though i was like not actually pranking people and just talking to them like a normal person would this type of video is still so awkward to film so i don't know how that monyano kid does it i mean i'm not saying it's respectable i'm saying it's hard to just scare people like normal people that aren't doing anything i don't know i felt bad even just saying hi to people i'm like i don't want to bug you sorry hi sorry i know you're just doing your thing i you don't know who i am i'm a stranger sorry everyone please stop posting pictures of any white male ages 20 to 49 with long hair we get it his hair is long now it has been for months we are more creative than coming up with crappy cheap posts like that come on now on the bachelor sub the mods only allow comparison posts on tuesdays at mods maybe implement a similar rule yeah tuesday's what's the shitty meme day for us what's the shitty should we make it sunday the lord's day that's the that's the day that you can post shitty watered down memes sunday because it you know it's it's the day of rest you don't have to think you can just cody looks like that this is what cody this is paint brush that cody looks like i do like that one though i think that'd be good and then we could do like uh we could do a new series on this channel where we just it's called shitty memes and we just look at the worst memes and that's a little beast every sunday we post the absolute least funny worst memes that don't make any sense that we possibly can and then we review them let's start that new series alert but ding if you know you know oh i like this ah this is from that movie that i reacted to what's it called velocipaster right one of the greatest movies of all time hey if you have another really bad movie like this that i should watch and review please leave that in the comments below the video this week was so top tier cringe that i almost had to turn it off in the middle because it was hurting my soul like the pranks were making me legitimately angry the wholesome pranks at the end completely turned it around king cringe at it again yeah no this was this is what i'm saying and i just want to reiterate i do think that the what the [ __ ] the really shitty ones he was doing in the beginning were real and that just makes it so much worse that this dude honestly thinks that that's funny or okay or even the kids at the end just just in a target just being [ __ ] i mean i guess that's part of being like a team but i just it sucks and tick-tock has just ruined society everyone's walking around with [ __ ] cameras now with telephoto lenses watching their friends [ __ ] around with [ __ ] that they don't that they shouldn't be you know i don't know maybe i'm just a boomer got reddit joined the chodesters just to show everyone this accidental screenshot i took the other day of cody being suss what i'm jerking a dick off so what was not accidental at all waiting for cody to post new content like come on do something yeah i know i i don't know first couple weeks of january i was like i'm doing dry january too and so i'm not it's not like i'm doing it bored i'm sober all the time i was bored but i don't know why i didn't post anything i didn't have any ideas i was just like you know i was getting used to my new life as a sober guy you know it's boring staring at things and the days are way longer which is good what is this bethany of girl defined does not care about cody lol thoughts on cody ko i literally don't care lol i've actually met some nice people who found my page through his videos it's the internet anything goes unless you're the president oh my god oh man she had to make that political too right at the end how did i not see this dude nobody tagged me in this wow that's funny damn sucks that she doesn't care though she literally doesn't care too that's like really not caring [ __ ] man damn i thought we had something bethany you know i thought we just memed on each other but if you don't care then maybe i shouldn't care either damn sad i'll never forget this gem yeah here we go this is a good this is a good one for shitty meme sunday you know when my doordash arrives i'd be like what's the shot what's the shot of just my crotch what is this this is just my dick and balls that's all that is how did i why did i green light that yeah get a little closer dude yeah punch in yeah get right here make it a close-up all right boys your time to shine holy [ __ ] hell that's good oh my god damn as sick as f word all right this is a little funny this is a little bit funny all right fine it's a little bit funny i like it the resemblance is without friction save it for sunday bro yeah this i posted this on my story what is this comment that hair is not cute and you aren't even funny you used to be cute and also not funny but now you're neither so you just watched my videos because you thought it was cute i mean i'm gonna take that as a compliment i guess this is nice but it's so funny all right let's go to hot let's go to hot let's see the sexy ass posts i am once again asking you can i quiz you on ocean facts yo can i quiz you on ocean facts that's a good tinder opener you know can i quiz you on ocean facts and then she's like yeah sure you're like and then you're like what's my favorite ocean animal she's like what is it you say manatee man a t-shirt would look good on the ground yours all right blocked cool that's cool too someone exposed cody's secret fins to pics all over twitter this is shocking oh [ __ ] you you don't you don't get this like at the end of the last podcast episode i talked about how much i hate horses and how much they trigger me so this sucks and you got me and you [ __ ] got me god damn it we started the episode getting got and now we just ended it getting got and that's the theme of this one we got got all right reddit got me today you got me you pranked me i'm pr i got pranked so you know i guess that's just the mignano of it all i can't even say that anymore mugnano all right guys that's it for this one um i love you all 72 thousand of you welcome what can i say i'm speechless truly that's the most amount of people that we've ever had subscribe to the subreddit and i'm sure next time there'll be even more which blows my mind and so thank you hop on the train if you want to you know be part of this is basically like crypto right now seriously that's how that's how big of a wave this is you're talking about you hear you know you hear your family members at home chirping about should i buy cryptocurrency you're like no you should join kodiko's subreddit actually because that's rocketing up even faster we're going to the moon and i hope you know that because i do see you next time i love you and see you on sunday for shitty meme sunday alright [Music] bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Cody & Ko
Views: 1,796,778
Rating: 4.978251 out of 5
Id: -33kq_vPpcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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